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David Carradine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Carradine

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David Carradine in April, 2005
David Carradine in April, 2005

David Carradine (born John Arthur Carradine on December 8, 1936 in Hollywood, California) is an American actor.


[edit] Career

The Warrior & the Sorceress - video cover - Vestron Video International
The Warrior & the Sorceress - video cover - Vestron Video International

Carradine is best known for his roles as Kwai Chang Caine in the 1970s television series Kung Fu (as well as the sequels in the 1980s and 1990s), 'Big' Bill Shelly in Martin Scorsese's Boxcar Bertha (1972), folksinger Woody Guthrie in Bound for Glory (1976), Abel Rosenberg in Ingmar Bergman's The Serpent's Egg (1977), and as Bill in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Vol. I (2003) and Vol. II (2004).

Other notable roles include the lead in Shane (the 1966 television series based upon the 1949 novel of the same name) and a gunslinger in Taggart, a 1964 western film based on a novel by Louis L'Amour. More recently, he portrayed Tempus on the television series Charmed and Conrad in the television series Alias. He currently appears as the host of Wild West Tech on the History Channel, taking over the duties from his brother Keith. Carradine is also known for producing and starring in several exercise videos teaching the martial arts of Tai chi and Qi Gong exercises. Carradine actually had no knowledge of martial arts prior to starring in the series Kung Fu, but developed an interest in it after this experience and has since become an avid practitioner.

[edit] Background and family

Carradine is the son of noted American actor John Carradine. Born of Irish, English, Scottish, Welsh, German, Spanish, Ukrainian, Cherokee and Italian descent, he is the half-brother of Keith Carradine, Robert Carradine, Bruce Carradine, and Michael Bowen. He is also the uncle of Ever Carradine and Martha Plimpton.

He studied drama at San Francisco State University before working as an actor on stage as well as in television and cinema.

[edit] Selected filmography

Year Title Role Other notes
2006 Richard III Buckingham
2004 Kill Bill: Vol. II Bill
2004 Danny Phantom Clockwork (starting in 2005). Television
2003 Kill Bill: Vol. I Bill
2001 Alias Conrad Television
2001 Lizzie McGuire Himself Television
1999 Charmed Tempus Television
1993-1997 Kung Fu: The Legend Continues Kwai Chang Caine Television
1991 Karate Cop "Dad"
1991 Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat Jozek Mardulak/Count Dracula
1990 Bird On A Wire Sorenson
1986 Kung Fu:The Movie Kwai Chang Caine Television
1986 Behind Enemy Lines Col.James Cooper
1985 North and South Justin LaMotte Television
1984 The Warrior and the Sorceress Kain
1983 Lone Wolf McQuade Rawley Wilkes
1983 Americana The American Soldier
1980 The Long Riders Cole Younger
1979 Mr. Horn Tom Horn Television
1978 Gray Lady Down Capt. Gates
1978 Circle of Iron The Blind Man/Monkeyman/Death/Changsha
1977 The Serpent's Egg Abel Rosenberg
1976 Bound for Glory Woody Guthrie
1976 Cannonball Coy 'Cannonball' Buckman
1975 Death Race 2000 Frankenstein
1973 Mean Streets Drunk
1972-1975 Kung Fu Kwai Chang Caine Television
1972 Boxcar Bertha 'Big' Bill Shelly
1967 The Violent Ones Lucas Barnes
1967 Johnny Belinda Locky Television
1966 Shane Shane Television
1964 Taggart Cal Dodge

[edit] Awards



[edit] Trivia

  • Carradine appears in an episode of Disney's Lizzie McGuire. In this episode, an upcoming Jet Li film is auditioning boys the age of Lizzie's brother Matt for the role of the sidekick. Carradine plays an old friend of Lizzie's father, Sam McGuire, who teaches Matt a few Kung fu moves for his audition tape. When asked how he knows Carradine's character, Mr. McGuire replies cryptically, "He's like a brother to me." This is an in-joke as the actor who portrays Sam, Robert Carradine, is David Carradine's actual (half-) brother. Additionally, a large portion of the episode is spent in parody of Kung Fu, one of Carradine's most famous projects.
  • He has also provided his voice for episodes of King of the Hill where he voiced the character of Hank's Japanese half brother who lives in Japan.
  • He provided the voice for Lo Pei, the ancient warrior who was responsible for Shendu's petrification in the animated series: Jackie Chan Adventures.
  • He has twice played a supernatural being with the power to control time: Tempus on Charmed and Clockwork on Danny Phantom.
  • In 2006, he became the spokesman in the commercial for the YELLOW BOOK
  • Provided the voice for Sharp, leader of the Westside Rollerz gang, on the video game Saint's Row.
  • He also had an unusual guest appearance in an episode of Medium: he played the spirit of a murdered mentally disturbed mathematician whose constant fantasies of being a hero caused him to believe he looked like David Carradine (which reflected in the appearance of his spirit). In the end of the episode, after his murderer is caught, he seems to improve and tells Allison that next time they meet he will "look more like [himself]".

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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