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Wikipedia:Confessed wikipediholics

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please note: This page is intended as a bit of light relief for devotees of the Wikipedia. It is in no way intended to show disrespect for 12-step programs or to those people genuinely suffering from addictions who have found solace and recovery in such programmes.


[edit] Confirmed wikipediholics

Hey Wikiholics try something new Wikifun.

Wikipediholics Anonymous (WA) is a program created to help Wikipediholics to come to terms with who they truly are, for recognition of Wikipediholism in oneself can be quite healthy.

Those who have confessed publicly to WA are:

  • Hello, my name is max, and im a wikipediholic. i uesd to be a mod on a prominent forum, but i got kicked for not being on in 4 MONTHS! all time spent here...i need help.
  • I'm not so much a wikipediholic, but definitely a wikipediac.
  • I am such a total wikipediholic although I have barely came here for a month... However, I already scored 4000 over in the Wikipediholic test. But I forgot to add my score... Boohoo... Now I have forgotten it...anyway, my name is User:littleghostboo
  • Hello, my name Tom. I have made only 34 edits, but I use wikipedia for at least three hours every day. I am a wikipediholic.
  • Hello my name is Pete, and I'm a wikipediaholic. Ever since I made the mistake of searching "Government," I've been frantically learning everything there is to know about every single government that ever took place. I evven know that Jesus was a Utopian Socialist! Help!
  • Hello, my name is Erik and I'm a wikipediholic. It has been 3 minutes since my last edit. Since I started three weeks ago, I cannot stop. I find obscure items of my youth and create and edit articles for them. I find obscure music I listen to and create and edit articles for them. I wiki at work at home, it has taken over my life.
  • I'm very scared. Help. I just came to wikipedia 12 hours ago. I have yet to stop. I could lose my job.
  • Hello, mon nom est 896, et je suis un wikipediholique. I redirected "fun" to "wikipedia" within a week of getting here, and when someone redirected it to "recreation" I realized my conception of "fun" had been somewhat damaged.
  • Helloo, my name is Greg, and I am an IRCaholic... whoops, wrong room.
  • Hello, my name is Manning and I am a wikipediholic. Proof? I'm jetlagged, it's 3AM, I'm not even awake but I'm sitting here typing away... *sad*
  • Hello, my name Bryan, and I am a wikipediholic.
  • Hello, my name is Bignose, and I have undiagnosed wikipediholism, even more tragic because I was suspected of it after less than 24 hours here. I agonise over the correct way to represent dates in articles. ( "Undiagnosed"??? Hmmmm... MB)
  • Okay, I confess... my name is Simon and I am a wikipediholic.
  • Hello, my name is Larry, and I...OK, gosh...golly, OK here goes. I am a...a...wikipediholic. (See, I just made that word bold.) I admit it, I know...copyedit. I also redirect pages. Sometimes I even...write content. (a startled murmur from the crowd, audible whispers of "we understand, Larry, it's OK, Larry, be strong, Larry...")
  • Hello, my name is R.J., and I am a wikipediholic. I find myself trying to wikify all my word-processing and email, and crying out in frustration when it's not possible.
  • Hello, my name is Lee, and I have an insatiable compulsion to change "/talk" into "/Talk", to add spaces to initials and periods to U.S., and take commas outside of quotation marks when they don't belong. I shake visibly upon seeing "more then..." or an incorrect "it's". At last, there's a place where my condition can find a healthy outlet and practical use. (Their, their, its OK... )
  • My name is Michel, but I don't belong here. I am not a wikipediholic. I can stop any time I want to...
  • I'm WP and I can't help checking Recent Changes 30 times a day
  • Hello, my name is The Cunctator, and I'm a wikipediholic. And people seem to hate me.
  • Hello, my name is Jimbo Wales, and I'm a wikipediholic. And I'm one of the people who seems to hate Cunctator, but I don't really.  :-)
  • I quit smoking so I could spend more time here Unelmankutoja
  • My name is Taw and I'm a wikipediholic. (If somebody thinks that I'm cured, because I contribute less than before - I mostly abuse the Polish Wikipedia now :))
  • Hi all, my name is Mathijs, I'm 35 yrs, married, three kids, I've got a good job in the Dutch National Health Service, with a permanent connection, I've twice had a row with LMS, I've been denounced as a troll and a bigot, but I can't help being a wikipediholic.
  • Hi, my name is David, and I'm a wikipediholic. I scored 54 on the test, which means you should all be afraid. :-)
  • Now I'm worried. I started the wikipediholics page, but I wasn't convinced I was one until last night when I dreamt of talking with Larry in person about the Wikipedia...--AstroNomer
  • user:Chuck Smith - anyone who starts a Wikipedia in a language that is not his native deserves to be here... and I called Jimbo today... 'nuff said!
  • user:Anthere - "Mais que diable allait-elle faire dans cette galère?"
  • Hi, my name is A.D.Danilecki and I am a wikipediholic.
  • Hi, my name is Ed and I'm a Wikipediholic. I tried to stay away, I deleted my bookmarks, but the thoughts kept coming back. I would wake up at night, thinking of phrases to insert into articles. I even started doing off-line edits. I admit that I was powerless over my addiction and I pray to my Higher Power for deliverance, but not yet, please!. -- Ed Poor
  • You know you are a wikipediholic when you fall asleep at your keyboard and the first thing you do upon waking is check that damn "Recent Changes" page. It just won't go away! maveric149 (his other claim to fame is he has the only user page to make the most popular page list! - today, July 8, 2002, he's just above Linda Lovelace and just below Clitoris.)
  • My name is Calypso and me too I confess I am a wikipediholic. I was a bit worried, but now that I see that I am in good company I feel much better. In Spanish there is a proverb that says "Mal de muchos, consuelo de tontos", which translates loosely into "It is foolish to be consoled upon seeing that many others share your woes".
  • User:sodium is trying to wean himself off with drugs and alcohol...
  • matusz
  • I'm Eclecticology and I'm a wikipediholic. To make it worse I can't stick to just one subject area at a time.
  • Yes, I admit. I have a bad case of Wikipediholism. I might well average over 100 edits a day (although to my defense I would like to say that most are just the cleaning up of redirects to disambiguation pages - check out Wikipedia:Disambiguation pages with links, more help is much appreciated) Andre Engels
  • My name is Ram-Man and I am a Wikipediholic. I've created approximately 35,000 articles on counties and cities. I feel an uncany urge to make more articles.
  • Finally, a forum where I can share my shameful and embarrassing addiction. --Dante Alighieri
  • Hi, my name is Qaz. I am a little scared to be here or to say anything. I am just repeating to myself what Stuart Smiley said, "Fear is a darkroom where negatives are developed." I know I need help. Whenever I hear something particularly witty, insightful or profound I immediately wonder if it is in the public domain, and if it is not, I think of ways to get it to be. I hope I can be as strong as some of the people I have seen here tonight. (Sits back down nervously)
  • Hi I am Youssefsan. Does shiné help ? Yes it is a short introduction, but I will update it. 68 points (15 feb 2003). Did I cheat or need I to recount again ?
  • Hi, my name is Montréalais, and I am a wikipediholic. I have been known to surf from article to article, clicking the first unused link in each article, seeing how far I get. I have written articles on Canadian provinces, constellations, and Queer culture. I have a Talk archive and a list of my articles. When I went to New York and Toronto on vacation, one of my main thoughts (immediately below "Take pictures for my website!") was "Take pictures for Wikipedia!" Now I know I need help.
  • I'm Tannin and I'm taking the Fifth!
  • Hi, my name is Arwel, and I'm a wikipediholic.... but I can stop anytime, honest -- there are 51 denominations of pre-decimal British coinage and I've only written articles on 21 of them (so far!). What self-control!!
  • Hello, my name is Geoffrey, and I am a Wikipediholic. I got a 74/261 on the test, as stated on my user page. No, I can't quit anytime I like...unless the entire Wikipedia degenerates into arguments and metadiscussions and I find another website to be addicted to...
  • Hi, my name is Stan, and I am a Wikipediholic - yesterday I bought a cover mailed from the USS Seattle in 1923, for the sole purpose of adding a scan of it to the article. I think about downloading the whole database so I can do analysis of its structure.
  • Hello, my name is Astudent, and I am a Wikipediholic... not that there's anything wrong with that (Seinfeld).
  • Hello, my name is Nanobug, and I only scored 40 on the test, so I'm not really a Wikipediholic, no, really, I'm not. I have an irresistible urge to put all the documents in my office in to an office-wide Wiki but I'm worried that none of my colleagues would ever edit them there. I have a bookmark folder of all the other Wikis (e.g. WikiWiki), and all the Wiki engines I can find. I can't understand why all my friends and workmates, whom I have told about Wikipedia, don't start editing the Wikipedia also. What possible reason could they have?
  • Hi, my name is Jim, and I'm a wikipediholic. 4000 plus edits between Feb 27 and June 12 2003, and I have a job and I'm married. Sad or what?
  • Yep, Ilyanep is a wikipediholic! (Me). With almost 100-200 edits after one month (And now I'm almost a year running!), plus 102 on the wikipediholic test...I'm a wikipediholic! I have to take 2 month break periods to get sleep, Hibernation
  • I, uh, am Menchi. I knew that WP is an attractive place at the beginning and have semi-privately noted that I have Wikipediholism after the test. But, I just don't want to confess publically and officially here until now, I didn't want to become one of you! But alas, I am! I am! Well, at least I've been for half a year. Maybe my Wikipediholism will stop, and maybe it will tomorrow! Yep, I dream weird stuff. Until then, I am one of you. --Menchi 02:39 1 Jul 2003 (UTC)
  • Even though I only discovered this site last week, I am quick on the way to becoming a Wikipediholic, so I might as well mention myself here. Quick, pass the coffee, I'm having withdrawls. I just made an amusing post at Recovering Wikipediholics, making note that there was a reason it hasn't been created yet. Lypheklub 06:11, 25 Aug 2003 (UTC)
  • Hmm. I suppose the cat is pretty much out of the bag. Number 144 on Wikipedia:Most active Wikipedians. Doesn't really leave much room for interpretations. I've even started to mix wikipedias (wikiquote and the Finnish Wikipedia) a sure sign of a progressing addiction. -- Cimon Avaro on a pogo stick
  • Hi, my name's Mark, and I'm a Wikipediholic. I prefer the company of my watchlist to that of real people. My social life is suffering. Hang on, I don't have one any more... - Mark 04:37, 8 Jan 2004 (UTC)
  • Tim Starling -- I was listed on Wikipediholics in denial for quite some time, but since then the problem has increased. Sure, I'm addicted, but I don't want to stop yet.
  • Omegatron - I am addicted, or becoming addicted. 129 on the test. I will try to cut back...
  • Mikez - has had the idea of physically unplug every pice of wire between the different parts of the computer to be able to get rid of this *@!% sv:wikipedia/wiktionary-dependency - but then I realize that I *do* use it to write other stuff also, and as a CD player... so I need it in a working condition - but then I'm stuck with... well, you know what! (test gave 122 if I was able to calculate it correctly - it is 3.45 am right now, and I've been alternately studying (as I should!) and writing (on wikipedia) since about 9 am yesterday.) (I made a bad choice of a word last time, so when I now remember to correct it... well.)
  • Antonio The Infection Martin. Im a sexaholic and also a wikiholic and an attention-holic. You cant get worse than that! My score in the wiki test was 77, at the sex and attention test, 150 out of 100 I guess!. After my with some married Black hot woman, I wake up thinking wikipedoia.
  • Hello, I'm Litefantastic and I'm a wikiholic. It really began quite innocently. I'd always wondered: Is there, somewhere, a list of fictional countries? It was an innocent curiosity, and to be delight we had one. From there, I wondered if we had a list of fictional chemical subsatnces (like Kryptonite). We did not. So I made one. From there on out it was an ever-downward path of obscure list making in regards to works of fiction. List of fictional people who smoke, List of fictional people who were cremated, and, perhaps my greatest work, the Archive of fictional things. It got out of control. Today, I created the list of fictional Elvis impersonators, and I decided it had to stop. And it will. Just as soon as I finish organizing everything that ever existed into some sort of list.
  • Hello. I'm not a Wikipediholic. *hears snickers around the room*. Oh yeah? Well, I'll have you know, Wikipedia has nothing to do with me staying up until 1:00 AM due to a lack of free time to do homework... wait, I have plenty of free time I just spend on here... !*&% ugen64 03:55, Sep 21, 2004 (UTC)
  • Hello. I scored 600 at the test and when my girlfriend sleeps I get up and go fix articles. --Sam Hocevar 17:52, 15 Oct 2004 (UTC)
  • omg i don't know what i would do at work if i didn't have Wikipedia. there are restrictions to web sites i can visit and so when i found it was my day of enlightenment. i think i read the whole thing the first week and so i've had to create some new stuff one being Wikifun i hope others follow in my footsteps!--Larsie 18:48, 19 Oct 2004 (UTC)
  • Hello, I'm *drew and a wikipediholic too. I cannot resist surfing to Wikipedia everytime I'm on the net. --*drew 13:19, 27 Oct 2004 (UTC)
  • I think I've permanently damaged my eyes. 182.14 on the test. -- BRIAN0918  20:14, 15 Dec 2004 (UTC)
  • The only time I visit "the rest of the web" is when I'm checking for copyvio or verifying something that was added to an article. Even then, when I see a word spelled incorrectly I impulsively look for the "edit this page" link. My e-mail filters block all mail except from Wikipedia e-mail and the wikien-l mailing list. No clue what I would score on the test -- I'm too busy refreshing anon RC. Oooh, speaking of that... <<click>> SWAdair | Talk 01:19, 2 Jan 2005 (UTC)
  • Hi, I'm Get_It and I'm a Wikipediholic, I'm allways refreshing the Recent Changes page of the WP:PT wikipedia and Commons. -- Get It 02:44, 10 Feb 2005 (UTC)
  • Hello........... My name is Steven... *pause* ... and I have a Wikipedi'ing problem. *sniffle*. I have no life outside Wikipedia. I live, eat, drink, smell Wikipedia, and other things such as classes and a social life have seriously lacked. My score is 180. I must get help somehow... I'm also a Wookieepediholic. -- Riffsyphon1024 06:54, Mar 29, 2005 (UTC)
  • Hi there, my name is Greg, and I am a Wikipediholic. **small round of applause from group** — I specialise in standardisation, categorisation and general grunt work. Greg Robson 10:08, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)
  • Hello, My name is Beta_M and right now i am suppost to be preparing for exams. I have in the past restructured my University coursework, so that i could be used later on to help me with editing and adding to Wikipedia. And i do not want to stop... q;-) Beta_M talk, |contrib (Ë-Mail)
  • Hi ... I'm alerante, and I scored a 347 on the test. I'm scared.... « alerante   » 21:53, 8 Jun 2005 (UTC)
  • Hi, I am User:Idont havaname, and I got a 208 on the automated version today. --Idont Havaname 01:46, 12 July 2005 (UTC)
    I retook the test today and got 1512.4656020000002. --Idont Havaname (Talk) 20:16, 29 August 2006 (UTC)
  • Well, since confessing Wikipediholism back in December 2004 with a score of 182.14, I'm now up to 400. — BRIAN0918 • 2005-08-12 21:53
  • Hi, I just took the test & scored 331.86 (manual); avoided taking it for the last one month but thought I shd chk it out today. The score is in the range given as fatal. I'm a wee bit (probably more) worried. --Gurubrahma 11:14, 22 October 2005 (UTC)
  • Hi, my wikiname is Revolución, and I can NOT stop checking my watchlist every 30 seconds. --Revolución (talk) 01:57, 1 January 2006 (UTC)
  • Time to confess. Got 600+ in the test. DaGizzaChat © 08:22, 19 February 2006 (UTC)
  • Hello, my name is Nathan and I'm a wikipediholic.
  • Hi, I'm Perl and I'm a wikipediaholic.
  • Hello. My name is Ben, and I am a Wikiholic. Every time I have free time on a computer, I find myself (without even realizing it) typing in '' in the address bar. I just can't stop. Somebody please help me.
  • I'm Ghelæ, and I'm a Wikipediholic. I think I'll stop now for a bit and edit Uncyclopedia instead...
  • Damn it, I hate sleeping at 3:30AM on school days because I'm looking up stupid things like Beer Nuts. 06:39, 11 June 2006 (UTC)
  • I love Wikipedia and knowledge, and often get diverted from homework to edit Wikipedia (which is what I'm doing now). Occasionally, I get massive headaches and need to take a break. My friends all think I'm crazy, and that I need to go on MySpace or Maple Story. Little do they know they're the crazy ones, I'M THE ONLY SANE ONE!


Sciencia est vox.

  • Hello, my name is Evan and I am a Wikiholic. Here I am again browsing Wikipedia at 3:16 AM, but that's alright because even though I've got work in the morning at 9:30 AM I work best with little sleep. Me being sleep deprived is the least of my worries as I've still got to research insomnia before I go to sleep. -- (十八|talk) 10:22, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
  • Hi, my name is Ben, and I spend so much time on Wikipedia that it's created a considerable backlog on my own Web site. SchuminWeb (Talk) 05:51, 25 August 2006 (UTC)
  • Good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night/technically-morning-but-before-sleep-time. My alias is Dr. Sunglasses and I'm (happily) addicted. Dr. Sunglasses 00:27, 25 September 2006 (UTC)
  • I'm Dfrg.msc and I'm hooked. Wikipedia is the cost of my disire and Fire Fox is the tool of my destruction. This short film will explain better my situation: education!. Dfrg.msc 1 . 2 . 3 23:06, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
  • Tchnically I'm a Wikipediholic even though I score a 400 on a test. I spend more than 4 hours on this site and spend 95% of my internet time with this website. This website is addictive!! PrestonH 04:38, 11 October 2006 (UTC)
  • H-hell-lo, I-I'm An-donic-c-O. I - am - add-icte-d. (collapses). (crowd starts murmuring). (AndonicO jumps up, and starts saying "muhhahaw, MORE WIKIPEDIA, hahahaha"). (kids start crying). (AndonicO calms down, and sits down). Sorry, I have Wikispasms. First time on the test: 850. Kept incresing every week by 1000 for the next few weeks, and I'm now at about 4600. Everyone I know is starting to call me "Wikiwiki, Mr. Wikipedia, AndonicO," or just "Wikipedia". I shouldn't be on right now, I'm breaking all the rules. Can't leave, my watchlist is calling... Maybe I should go somewhere else <http://en.wik>. Oops, sorry, I forget. My life is ruined, what should I do, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Dear me, everytime I do something on Google (which is rare), I get a link to Wikipedia! I can't resist! I AM A WIKIPEDIHOLIC, HAHAHAHAHAHA! WIKIPEDIA! JIMBO! WATCHLIST! WIKIPEDIA! Sorry, one of my neighbors came to knock on my door (I wonder why they complain?). Wait! Someone's coming! I have to leave, but I can't! Help! SAVE ME WIKIPEDIA! (starts shaking the computer violently, kids start crying again, adults start crying too, ambulance arrives to take AndonicO to asylum, curtain drops). | AndonicO Talk 10:31, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Suspected wikipediholics

Sadly, the WA programme has yet not managed to help a number of victims.

Suspected, but not admitted, Wikipediholics include:

  • Tim -- I merely have a higher tolerance for editing than most people. (But thanks for your concern. :-)
  • Pinkunicorn (I can quit anytime I like)
  • Stephen Gilbert - "I don't have a problem, and there's nothing you sick rat bastards can say to change that!"
  • GWO - I took a break recently due to work commitments, but I appear to have relapsed...
  • AxelBoldt - People keep telling me about these self help groups, but I don't have time for stuff like that.
  • Koyaanis Qatsi - "My Wikipediaholism was at its worse in June and July, but lately--with grad school and two jobs--I just haven't had the time...." (various murmurs) "....Still, I think about steering my work towards subjects that can make wikipedia entries." (gasps, "oh no"s, "be strong")
  • sjc - "It's just that I prefer it to drink, drugs, vice and gambling. I just don't have time for any of those anymore."
  • mike dill - "I actually stayed away from the changes page for a day this week, I'm probably not a Wikipediholic."
  • --Kpjas here 'holic of Wikipedia kind.
  • Malcolm Farmer - "I just do a few pages now and then, just to relax"
  • Karen Johnson - I'm not addicted! I can give it up any time I like... honest I can... after I finish the complete listing of cat pages AND the complete catalogue of South American bumblebees AND crosslink every reference to 'recipe' in the entire wikipedia and... oh no! My ISP says I've been online for the last 48 hours straight and connected to the 'pedia for the whole time... they're threatening to cut off my access if I don't give them a special credit on my userpage :)
  • Daniel MacKay writes: what Karen said.
  • I...I...>sobs<
  • Jim Regan I'd say I'm a functional Wikipediholic.
  • My name is Stevertigo and I'm *not an alcoholic. I may have an occasional martini for breakfast, but...
  • Hi, I'm Noel and if I keep going at my current rate I'll have to switch sections. Also, I'm wondering - do we have any verified cases yet of divorces caused by Wikipedia ... and how many points will that be worth on the Are You a Wikipediholic Test?
  • KirbyMeister Um... is this the lucid dreaming page? Wait.. I AM NOT A WIKIPEDIHOLIC! DONT TAKE ME AWAY! I DIDNT MEAN TO PUT DOUBLEBRACKETS AROUND lucid dreaming!!! I only submitted a couple changes and images!
  • Rafał Pocztarski – Wikipediholic? What a nonsense! I just happen to— Will you excuse me, I have something important to do...
  • Nuno Tavares 01:37, 28 Apr 2005 (UTC) (I'm not sure if you are making fun of all this. This got serious.)
  • My name is Anna Burke, and I simply use this for school. School only. That's it. The fact that I'm at home and could be watching the Simpsons is completely besides the point. Im doing . . . um . . . homwork . . . yeah . . . that'll do <looks around shiftily and sits down>
  • My Name is Fahiym Richards, and well what else can I say . . . I'm too damned addicted!!! Every knight it comes down to two things: a cup of coffee and my Firefox pointed at My guess as to why I'm so addicted is the easy access to knowledge which is otherwise more difficult to find considering the expansiveness of the internet as a whole. Anyway, blessings Wikipedia. Keep strong!!!

[edit] Other suspects

And many more... perhaps all those on the list of Wikipedia:Most active Wikipedians. But that's merely a suspicion, not witch-hunt, for all those suspected and confessed are not considered to have employed black magic or have it employed onto them to create Wikipediholism.

There are also those who refuse to be Wikipediholics: Wikipedia:Wikipediholics in denial. WA has not given its hope on those yet. There are also Recovering Wikipediholics.

[edit] See also

In other languages

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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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