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Coming of Age (TNG episode)

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Star Trek: TNG episode
"Coming of Age"

Wesley at the Relva testing facility, in "Coming of Age".
Episode no. 19
Prod. code 119
Airdate March 14, 1988
Writer(s) Sandy Fries
Director Mike Vejar
Guest star(s) Tasia Valenza,
Ward Costello,
Robert Schenkkan,
Robert Ito,
Stephen Gregory,
John Putch
Year 2364
Stardate 41461.2
Episode chronology
Previous "Home Soil"
Next "Heart of Glory"

"Coming of Age" is a first season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, first broadcast March 14, 1988. It is episode #19, production #119, teleplay written by Sandy Fries, and directed by Mike Vejar.

Quick Overview: While Wesley takes a Starfleet Academy entrance exam, the senior staff of the Enterprise are placed under investigation.

On stardate 41461.2, the USS Enterprise arrives at Relva VII to drop off Acting Ensign Wesley Crusher for his entrance exam into Starfleet Academy. Just before leaving, Wesley meets his friend, Jake Kurland, who, unlike Wes, has been turned down for final testing. Meanwhile, Captain Picard is notified of a surprise visit from Admiral Gregory Quinn, an old colleague of his. As Wesley beams down, Quinn is brought aboard along with Lt. Commander Dexter Remmick from the Inspector General's office. Remmick will be conducting a classified investigation aboard the Enterprise. Quinn feels there is "something wrong" aboard the ship, but will not give any further details. He simply asks for Picard's cooperation in the matter. Remmick will observe the crew and report back to Quinn when he is done.

Down on the planet, Wesley goes to the test center where he meets Oliana Mirren, a young female student who instantly mesmerizes him. Others show up; T'Shanik, a Vulcan, and Mordock, an aquatic Benzite humanoid who uses a chest mounted breather apparatus. Wesley remembers Mordock is a legend among young computer programmers for developing the "Mordock Strategy" at Benzite chess. Tac Officer Chang welcomes them, and explains preliminary testing has shown they are the top candidates, but only one Relva graduate will be accepted into Starfleet Academy. Chang states they are looking for the person who combines all the qualities necessary to be part of Starfleet's future: Integrity, intelligence, courage, imagination, and of course, leadership. This may be the most difficult, exhausting experience of their lives, and also the most exciting. Chang begins the testing.

Back on the Enterprise, Remmick observes Lt. Commander Data and Lt. La Forge. Commander Riker watches Remmick curiously. Remmick stands entering something in his data pad, then moves off to observe Lt. Worf. Geordi asks Riker what Remmick is after. Riker doesn't have a clue, but is determined to find out. He marches into Picard's ready room. Riker wonders if he is under investigation, but Picard tells him he doesn't know, and even if he did, he's under orders not to discuss it. Riker insists that the whole situation is unnerving, but Picard indicates he has given Admiral Quinn his full cooperation and expects Riker to do the same. Later, Remmick asks Riker if he has time to answer a few questions. Remmick brings up a list of the Captain's logs, and indicates there are few discrepancies he's uncovered. He asks Riker, to the best of his knowledge, has the Captain ever falsified a log entry? Riker believes any questions about the Captain should be asked in his presence, but Remmick becomes annoyed, reminding Riker he is under orders to cooperate. Any deviation may cause suspicion that he is trying to cover up something.

Later, Remmick questions Counselor Troi, asking her about the Captain's emotional and psychological history. Has Picard had any "mental lapses?" Deanna assures him that the Captain is completely fit for duty, but Remmick brings up the USS Stargazer incident with the Ferengi. She indicates he was under control by a mind altering device without his knowledge. He later questions Geordi about the incident with The Traveler, where an alien had taken control of the ship and brought it outside the universe. Geordi indicates Picard was acting under orders to allow Mr. Kozinski and his alien assistant to improve the drive systems of the ship.

Meanwhile, Wesley has returned to the Enterprise. He's on break from testing until tomorrow. In the meantime, he stands in an empty holodeck. Worf enters and sees the boy leaning against a wall thinking. Wesley says he's getting ready for the next phase of testing. The so called "psych test". He thinks about all the things that scare him, but can only wonder what Starfleet has in mind. Worf indicates the psych test is no less important than the other testing, but spending time thinking about what you can't control just wastes energy, and creates its own fear. Wesley wonders how they'll even know his deepest fear if he doesn't. Worf says they analyze your psychological profile. They were right about everyone he tested with, including himself. Wesley doesn't see how a Klingon could fear anything, to which Worf replies; "Only fools have no fear."

On the bridge, Lt. Yar gets an unauthorized shuttle craft departure. A shuttle is being stolen by Jake Kurland, the boy who was turned down for testing. Remmick wonders how someone could get past security so easily. Picard calls to the shuttle, where Jake apologizes for his actions, but he can't face his father. He's taking the shuttle to Beltane IX and signing onto a freighter. Suddenly, the shuttle loses power, and Jake, not being the greatest pilot, is in trouble. Data informs the gravity of Relva is pulling the ship into the atmosphere. He is too far away for a transporter or tractor beam lock. If Jake doesn't regain control, he'll burn up. Picard thinks of options while Remmick notes the situation in his pad. He tells Picard he is responsible for the boy's life, but Picard tells him to stand out of his way or he'll be removed from the bridge. Picard tells Jake to maneuver into a risky nose dive toward the planet, but the boy panics at the idea. Picard tells Jake to trust him and follow his instructions exactly. The boy nervously points the shuttle toward the planet where on Picard's mark, he makes a force restart of the engines. Jake makes a hard pull up on the controls, and the shuttle bounces off the atmosphere and safely back into space. Cheers fill the bridge, as Picard orders the boy to return to the Enterprise. Remmick commends Picard, but still questions how a child was able to access the shuttle bay. Picard explains that Jake is fully trained in many areas, including shuttle crafts, but young adults sometimes make rash decisions. He assures Jake will receive a refresher course in discipline.

Back on the planet, Wesley has just finished up more testing and prepares for lunch. He meets up with Mordock. A large intimidating courier enters the corridor carrying a package and plows right into Wesley. Wesley apologizes but the man turns in anger calling him a little Bulgallian sludge rat. Tac Officer Chang witnesses the commotion. The man becomes belligerent and threatens to get physical. Wesley suddenly returns the hostility, standing his ground, and asking the man if he'd like this to become violent? The man grins, and changes attitude, admiring Wesley for getting in his face. The courier walks off as Mordock stands bewildered. Wesley indicates that when the man raised his hand, he saw that he had webbed fingers; the sign of a Zaldan. Chang wonders how that matters, where Wesley replies Zaldans are infuriated by courtesy. They see it as phony social behavior designed to hide real feelings. Chang is impressed. Wesley handled the situation incredibly well. Mordock wonders if the encounter was deliberate. Chang indicates that it is important to know how candidates deal with other species. Tests can be spontaneous and unannounced. Be ready for anything.

Back on the Enterprise, Remmick questions Mr. Data. He knows the android is programmed to tell the truth. He asks Data to help him find evidence of log tampering, but Data is certain there is no problem with the Captain or the logs. The only "problem" Data finds is Remmick's original assumption that the Captain is guilty of something. He assures he is not. Afterward, Remmick asks personal questions of Beverly, like how she feels about serving with a man responsible for her husband's death. She angrily states it is none of his business. Eventually, he confronts Picard, asking him to verify his recorded actions during the incident with the Edo, and his willing violation of the Prime Directive in that matter. Picard stands by everything as it was logged. His reasons are fully explained there. Picard knows Remmick is just fishing for dirt on him. Surely he has had enough time to find what whatever it is he's looking for. Picard marches down to Admiral Quinn's quarters to demand an end to this charade. Quinn apologizes that has put undue strain on their friendship, but claims it is necessary for the time being. Remmick's investigation is nearly ready and Picard expects to be present when he gives it, to which Quinn assures has been his intention all along.

Down on the planet, Wesley and the other students take their final computer evaluation; a grueling speed test to which Mordock nearly loses it. Wesley encourages his alien friend to finish, and walks him through the complex organizing of Platonic solids. The test ends and Chang commends Mordock for finishing with the second fastest recorded time. Mordock credits Wesley for helping him. Chang informs the computer tests are over. The final psych test will commence after a break. This is the part Wesley is nervous about most.

Back on the Enterprise, Remmick reports to Admiral Quinn. He enters to find Picard waiting intently. Remmick states he has failed to find what the Admiral is looking for. He has questioned all commanding officers in all departments, went over every log entry, and found nothing wrong. Before Remmick leaves, he informs Picard that his duty with the Inspector General's office expires in six months. After that, he'd like to serve aboard the Enterprise. Picard silently nods while Remmick departs. Quinn tells Picard to not judge him harshly, he's a good officer, to which Picard says, "it's not Remmick I'm judging". Quinn frowns, but explains he had to be sure of Picard. He indicates top officers in Starfleet Command have become suspicious of problems within the Federation. Someone, or something, is trying to destroy the fabric of everything they've worked for in the past 200 years. He doesn't know if the threat is coming from within the Federation or outside of it. There are so many involved, he needs to find people in strong positions that he can trust. Quinn tells Picard he'd like to promote him to Admiral, and give him command of Starfleet Academy. Picard is stunned, but indicates the problem sounds political. He isn't good with politics. Surely there are others more qualified. Quinn understands Picard has doubts. He knows it could be the paranoia of an old man, and he hopes he's wrong, but regardless, he feels Picard is the right man for the job. Picard says it's not something he can decide on quickly, but the Admiral requires an answer soon.

Back on Relva, Wesley waits nervously for his dreaded "psych test". A door opens nearby, and Mordock steps out. The alien is sweating, and obviously shaken. Wesley asks him if he is all right, to which he replies he will be, and walks away. Chang calls Wesley in next. He enters finding no one inside except a set of empty chairs. He waits, pacing nervously, and wondering what is in store for him. Suddenly, Wesley hears a muffled explosion outside of the room. He races to the hallway hearing an alarm coming from inside an environmental maintenance lab. Wesley knows something is wrong, and shouts for help, but no one is around. He hears cries beyond the door, indicating someone is trapped inside. Wesley gets the hatch open, finding a pressure tank has ruptured, and is filling the room with flammable hydrogen gas. The vapors create a super-cooled curtain between him and a pair of injured technicians. A computer voice warns to evacuate the facility within 45 seconds. Wesley has to reach the men before the seal activates or they'll all be trapped inside. Wesley braves the cold gas, and lifts a fallen beam off the unconscious tech, while the other man cowers fearfully in the corner. Wesley tells the man to help him, but the man is frozen in terror, and refuses to move. Wesley drags the unconscious man toward the doorway telling the other he's sorry, but there is no time left to help him. The containment seal activates, and the door closes shut leaving the other tech to his fate.

Chang walks up, and Wesley excitedly shouts that there is another man trapped inside. Chang tells Wesley everything is all right. It's over. The injured tech suddenly springs to his feet, and thanks Wesley for saving him. The door opens, and the cowering tech walks out with a smile. Wesley stands bewildered, but then realizes this was his psych test, and Chang says he has done very well. Wesley mentions the other man, technically, was killed. Chang agrees. Theoretically yes, a man died, but he had to make a choice. Save one man, and let another die, or save them both and be killed himself. There is no right or wrong decision. It was a test to see how he would handle it. His greatest fear is thinking he couldn't make a decision like that. Wesley understands. It was the same thing Captain Picard had to decide when his father was killed. Let one man die to save several others.

Afterward, the candidates assemble to hear Chang's decision of which student from Relva will be accepted to Starfleet Academy. All are tense, except of course, the emotionless Vulcan. The decision was difficult. All the candidate's scores were exemplary, however Chang has decided to pick Mordock, and congratulates him for being the first Benzite in Starfleet Academy. The alien disputes the choice however, stating Wesley should have been accepted since he helped him on one of the tests. Chang indicates that was noted; however he was picked for other qualities. He thanks the other candidates for attending the testing, and hopes they'll return next year to try again.

Back on the Enterprise, Picard explains the results of Admiral Quinn's investigation to Riker, and his subsequent request for Picard to promote to Admiral, and take command of Starfleet Academy. Riker condones the request, stating the Captain is an excellent choice. Picard heads off to give Quinn his decision. As he strolls the ship, he encounters Jake Kurland along the way. Jake thanks the Captain for saving his life, and says he will be spending his time fixing the damaged shuttle as part of his disciplinary action. Picard just hopes the boy has learned that running away never solves anything. Picard then meets Wesley, who sadly informs him he has failed the Academy exam. Picard isn't disappointed though. To Wesley's surprise, he admits that he failed the first time he took the exam. Of course, he's not permitted to tell anyone else about it. Now, Picard has to disappoint an old friend. He tells Admiral Quinn he has turned down the promotion. He believes he can better serve him aboard the Enterprise. Quinn accepts the decision thinking that perhaps Picard is right. Quinn departs, and the Enterprise heads for Algeron IV for its next assignment.

[edit] Trivia

  • This episode links the events of several other previously aired episodes of the first season together, and begins a story that concludes in "Conspiracy", which was aired a few weeks later.
  • There is a discrepancy in "Coming of Age." The stardate is 41461.2, however the episode mentions events that took place on or about stardate 41723.9 (see "The Battle"), which events could not have yet happened. This episode should have been stardated some time between 41723.9 and 41775.5 (which the events in "Conspiracy" take place) and probably should be stardate 41761.2, and not 41461.2. This is apparently a continuity error, one of several stardate oddities from this season. As Remmick himself observes, there are "several discrepancies in the Captain's log"!
Preceded by:
"Home Soil"
Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes Followed by:
"Heart of Glory"

[edit] External links


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