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United Federation of Planets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United Federation of Planets

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The Emblem of The United Federation of Planets
President: Jaresh-Inyo (last canonically-known, left office before 2375); Nanietta Bacco (2379-?, non-canonical)
Capital: Paris (Administrative); San Francisco (Legislative), Earth (as travel to any point on the planet can be accomplished in a matter of minutes via Transporter, there is no one "capital city" but important offices are distributed in several cities across the planet)
Language: Federation Standard (actual equivalent unknown, though heavy use is made of the universal translator)
Founded: 8 May 2161 or 11 October 2161 (both dates non-canonical)
Flagship: USS Enterprise-E
Currency: Federation credit (Seldom used, money is not used in everyday life)
Anthem: MIDI Available Here

The United Federation of Planets, UFP, or "The Federation" is a fictional government depicted in Star Trek television series and motion pictures. In those episodes and films, the Federation is described as an interstellar federal state with more than 150 member planets and thousands of colonies. The Federation also maintains its own military and exploratory agency, Starfleet.


[edit] Overview

"The United Federation of Planets is the most remarkable institution ever conceived."
—Judge Aaron Satie - quoted in "The Drumhead" (TNG)

The United Federation of Planets has existed as part of the Star Trek universe since the first season of the original series.

In the movie Star Trek: First Contact the United Federation of Planets is described as covering a substantial territory in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants of the Milky Way Galaxy and spanning some 8,000 light years . In "The Outcast", an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, we learn that the Federation was founded in 2161.

Subsequent episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise (particularly "Azati Prime") reveal that the founding members were the Andorians, Humans, Tellarites, and Vulcans from the respective worlds of Andor, Earth, Tellar, and Vulcan.

The Federation is described in (episode reference needed [citation needed]) as stressing, at least nominally, the values of universal liberty, equality, peace, and cooperation. In Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and in the TV show Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II") the legislature of the Federation Council is depicted as being headquartered in a building located in San Francisco. Several other bodies of the Federation have been depicted. There is an executive branch headed by a Federation President (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), who keeps offices in the Palais de la Concorde, Paris[citation needed]. To handle judicial matters there is a Federation Supreme Court[citation needed]. And there is Starfleet, depicted as being headquartered at the Presidio in San Francisco[citation needed], the primary defense and exploration arm of the Federation.

The Federation is founded under a document known as the Charter of the United Federation of Planets, which is occasionally referred to informally as the "Constitution". It draws text and inspiration from the United Nations Charter and other sources. An important guiding principle - indeed, it is listed as General Order One in the list of Starfleet general orders - is the Prime Directive, which forbids any interference in the natural development of any pre-warp civilization. This is intended to prevent even well-intentioned Federation personnel from introducing changes which could destabilize or even destroy other cultures through interference. (In practice, however, the Federation does not always abide strictly by the Prime Directive, such as when it attempted to strongarm the Organians into forming an alliance with it in "Errand of Mercy" (TOS), or when it approved the forced relocation of the Ba'ku from their adopted homeworld in the film Star Trek: Insurrection). Other aspects of the Articles provide for rule of law, equality among individuals and protection of civil and creative liberties, which appears to be based on principles found in contemporary political theory. It includes a set of guarantees of civil rights, the "Seventh Guarantee" being analogous to the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution and its protection against self-incrimination.

The Federation has exacting requirements for prospective member worlds that wish to join. Caste-based discrimination is forbidden ("Accession (DS9 episode)"), and major violations of sentient rights such as the unjust peacetime imprisonment of specially modified soldiers on the planet Angosia are also deemed major impediments for acceptance ("The Hunted (TNG episode)"). Furthermore, a member world must have a single, unified world government ("Attached (TNG episode)").

The Federation has been opposed at various times by the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Tholian Assembly, the Cardassian Union, the Tzenkethi, the Borg Collective, the Dominion, the Breen Confederacy, and the Sphere Builders; hostility has also existed with the Ferengi Alliance, the Sheliak Corporate, and the Talarian Republic, but it is unrevealed if any actual state of war with these species occurred. It seems, in fact, that the Federation has at one time or another been under hostile conditions with virtually every other major power in their vicinity.

[edit] Non-canon

In many non-canon sources like The Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual and Worlds of the Federation, as well as the FASA and Last Unicorn Games Star Trek role-playing games, the five founding worlds of the United Federation of Planets were Earth, Vulcan, Tellar, Andoria, and Alpha Centauri. Alpha Centauri being a founding world of the Federation and even having a humanlike native race called Centaurans became a popular fan theory. Later, in Star Trek: Enterprise when we actually see the founding of the Federation in the episode "These Are the Voyages..." and the negotiations that lead to it in "Demons" and "Terra Prime", Alpha Centauri is not mentioned as part of the founding, which is explicitly said to be between Earth, Vulcan, Andor and Tellar. Alpha Centauri is only ever mentioned in passing as an Earth colony on screen.

In the novels A Time to Kill, A Time to Heal, A Time For War, A Time For Peace, Errand of Vengeance: Seeds of Rage, and Articles of the Federation, the Federation Council was shown occupying the floors below the President's office in the Palais de la Concorde. This seems to contradict elements of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and Star Trek: Voyager.

In some non-canonical works like The Star Trek Star Fleet Technical Manual and the novel Articles of Federation, the document is called the Articles of Federation, which has been popular fan tradition. However, in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "The Void", the text of the founding document is shown on screen (the preamble is a slightly reworded version of the UN Charter), and it is clearly called the "Charter of the United Federation of Planets", canonically establishing that as the name of the founding document. The term "Charter" is also used in Star Trek: Enterprise when the signing of the founding document is actually shown in "These Are the Voyages..." and in the DS9 episode "Accession" when discussing membership requirements for the Federation. In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Drumhead" Captain Picard refers to the founding document in passing as "the Constitution", establishing that it is also known by that name.

[edit] Federation members

While canon states the the Federation has over 150 member worlds, (Star Trek: First Contact) it also names planets which can be numbered closer to 180. The Federation also has thousands of colonies, usually considered to be part of the origin populations' governments.

1. Aaamazzarites 13. Arkenites 39. Kasheeta 53. Selay
2. Andorians[^] 16. Bandi 29. Deians 42. Medusans 56. Tessens
14. Atreans 27. Coridanites 40. Kazarites 54. Shamin Priests
15. Bajorans 28. Cygnetians 41. Klaestron 55. Tellarites[^]
3. Androsans 17. Benzites 30. Deltans 43. Megarites 57. Tiburites
4. Antedeans 18. Berellians 31. Denobulans 44. Mynieni 58. Trill
5. Anticans 19. Berengarians 32. Efrosians 45. Napeans 59. Ullians
6. Antosians 20. Betazoids 33. El Gatarkans 46. Orions 60. Vulcans[^]
7. Arbazan 21. Betelgeusians 34. Elaysians 47. Peliar Zellians 61. Xelatians
8. Arcadians 22. Bolians 35. Grazerites 48. Prellarians 62. Zakdorn
9. Arcturians 23. Brecons 36. Halii 49. Ramatians 63. Zaldans
10. Ardanans 24. Bynars 37. Humans/Terrans[^] 50. Rhaandarites 64. Zaranites
11. Argelians 25. Bzzit Khaht 38. K'normians 51. Rigellians
12. Ariolo 26. Caitians 52. Saurians

[edit] Federation history

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[edit] 21st century

After Earth fought the disastrous World War III, scientist Zefram Cochrane built the first warp-capable vessel, the Phoenix. He launched it in the year 2063. The warp-testing of this vessel would garner the attention of a Vulcan science ship operating just outside of the Sol System. Vulcans had not previously considered the Sol System or Earth worthy of their attention before this time. However, the science ship lands on Earth, and makes first-contact with Zefram Cochrane and the inhabitants of Bozeman, Montana, United States. This contact would be the first time that Earth joins the interstellar community, and begins the road toward the foundation of the United Federation of Planets.

[edit] 22nd–23rd centuries

In the year 2119, an aging Zefram Cochrane opens the Warp 5 Complex on Earth, in the hope of building a vessel that would be the fastest human starship at the time. Eventually this project would yield the NX-01 Enterprise, Earth's first deep-space exploration vessel.

Although no single individual is responsible for the foundation of the United Federation of Planets, the exploratory vessel Enterprise NX-01 was a major catalyst. Under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer, it helped forge an alliance between the formerly belligerent Vulcan, Andorian, and Tellarite states, and forged a spirit of unity and cooperation in the Alpha Quadrant, culminating in a formal union in 2161. The Federation was formed largely out of the ashes of the Earth-Romulan War of the late 2150s ending in 2160, when the founding members saw the need for interstellar unity to prevent the horror of further war. Archer was one of the individuals who signed the Federation Charter, after giving a historic speech that was still being studied two centuries later. According to information seen on a viewscreen in a late episode of Star Trek: Enterprise, Jonathan Archer later became the Federation ambassador to Andoria, a Federation Councillor, and President of the United Federation of Planets from 2184 to 2192.

Around 2223, tensions thickened between the UFP and the Klingon Empire. In 2267 the Organian Peace Treaty was signed which ended major engagements, but the two interstellar powers remained in a state of cold war with occasional skirmishes over the next couple of decades. In 2293 the Khitomer Accords were signed, effectively ending the war and ushering in seven decades of relative peace.

During the era of the original series, Captain James Kirk once noted (in the episode Metamorphosis) that humanity was on "a thousand planets and spreading out"; however, this number apparently encompasses Earth's many off-Earth colonies and the various alien worlds on which humans can be found (just as non-humans have been depicted as residing on Earth) and should not be taken to mean that the Federation itself had a thousand members at that time. Considering that many of the Federation's other members have several interplanetary colonies just as Earth does, the full number of planets which the Federation encompasses may be impossible to determine; it is presumed that colony worlds are directly subsidiary to the planetary governments of their homeworlds (much like individual states/provinces in a nation), but this has never been clearly established.

[edit] Early 24th century

In 2311, the Tomed Incident occurred in which thousands of Federation civilians and Starfleet personnel died and Romulan outposts disappeared. The unrest was ended by the Treaty of Algeron which re-affirmed the Neutral Zone and prohibited Federation development of cloaking technology.

In 2344, the Romulan Star Empire launched an assault on the Klingon outpost at Narendra III, but the attack was thwarted by the USS Enterprise-C under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett (in an alternate timeline none of this happened and this had unforeseen consequences). Although the Enterprise-C was destroyed, the Klingons viewed the destruction of the Enterprise in defence of a Klingon Outpost as honorable, which allowed the two powers to take the first steps toward a formal alliance.

Exploration and expansion in the 2340's and 2350's brought the Federation into conflict with several minor and major powers including the Talarians, the Sheliak and eventually the Cardassians.

[edit] Cardassian War

Federation contact with a race called the Cardassians resulted in an extended conflict. One incident in this conflict was the massacre of Federation civilians on Setlik III in 2347. A truce was reached and a Demilitarized Zone was formed in 2370. A number of Federation and Cardassian colonies found themselves situated within the other’s territory; an agreement was reached for the transfer of those colonies. However, some Federation colonists were opposed to the agreement and formed the Maquis, a rebel movement who resisted the Cardassians. (see below)

[edit] Mid-24th century

In 2365, the Federation had first formal contact with the Borg Collective, who threatened the existence of the Federation at the Battle of Wolf 359. Other events of this era include the Klingon Civil War, first contact with the Q, and various time travel incidents.

From 2363 to 2370 the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) served as the Federation's flagship.

From 2373 to 2375, the Federation fought the Dominion War. This was by far the largest conflict the Federation had ever been involved in, allying with the Klingons and Romulans against the combined forces of the Jem'Hadar, the Cardassians, and Breen. The Federation/Klingon/Romulan alliance was victorious, but with substantial casualties on both sides.

In 2379, a Reman Praetor named Shinzon seized control of the Romulan Star Empire. The coup was defeated by the crew of the USS Enterprise-E with assistance from dissidents within the Romulan fleet, opening up the possibility of improved UFP/Romulan relations after over two centuries of tension. Though, this improved relationship came at a cost, the death of Shinzon may have created a power vacuum.

[edit] Possible future

Prominent in some timelines is the Temporal Cold War, waged on a number of fronts throughout time including the 28th and 31st centuries.

By the 2550s, the Klingons and possibly the Xindi join the Federation.

By the 29th Century, the Federation explores time as it once did space.

By the 31st Century, indications are that the Federation no longer exists in its current form, possibly having extended to include even more races.

A full-fledged deciding conflict between the Federation and the Borg is possible at some point in the future, due to the nature of the Borg and the importance of the Federation. The Borg have yet to be depicted attacking in large fleets, normally employing just one cube which is capable of matching the combined navies of multiple powers. (However this is unlikely because of what appeared to be the near if not the total destruction of the Borg in the last episode of Voyager 'End Game'. However it is possible that this is simply a setback.)

[edit] Economics

The Federation has largely been portrayed as a utopia, a condition enabled by a state of abundance, most likely due to replicator technology which means everyone can generate their own resources and scarcity is virtually nonexistent. On Earth, war and poverty have been eliminated. Individuals strive for self-betterment rather than fiscal remuneration. This condition probably doesn’t extend to the outer reaches of the Federation, where substances such as latinum are used as currency on a somewhat ad hoc basis, and for the purpose of trade with other cultures, although there have been persistent references to a "credit" unit of currency used at least occasionally in the Federation.

In the Star Trek: Voyager episode Dark Frontier, Tom Paris describes it as the "New World Economy" which began in the late 22nd century and eventually made money obsolete.

However, this appears to be either a retcon, or a change in the Federation that occurred over the course of the 23rd century, as apparently for at least the first century or more of the life of the Federation they had a monetary unit known as the "credit" in fairly common use. At the Federation space station K-7 in the original series episode The Trouble with Tribbles, set in 2267, Uhura offers to buy a Tribble for 10 credits. In the episode "Errand of Mercy", also set in 2267, Spock estimates that Starfleet has invested over 122,200 credits in his training as a Starfleet officer. In Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, in 2285, while on Earth, McCoy attempts to hire a ship to take him to the Genesis Planet, and is warned it would be expensive and cost many credits, we do not know if McCoy could have afforded this or how much it would cost, since he was taken into custody for breaching the secrecy of the Genesis Project immediately afterwards.

The first mention of the Federation not using money came in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, where Kirk (coming from 2286) is suddenly unfamiliar with the idea of using money in the 20th century (whereas only a few months ago McCoy was on Earth trying to spend large amounts of money). Also, while entering the meeting room in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Scotty states that he had just purchased a boat. By the time of the Next Generation, money was considered abhorrent to many members of Starfleet, although in "Encounter at Farpoint", set in 2364, Beverly Crusher buys a bolt of fabric and requests that it be charged to her account on the Enterprise, while later that year in "The Neutral Zone", Picard tries to explain to cryogenically preserved people from the late 20th century that 24th century economics are quite different and money as they know it is not used or needed in the Federation, much as he would later in 2373 to Lily Sloane in Star Trek: First Contact. Two years later, in 2366, in The Price, the Federation is willing to pay millions of credits for access to a stable wormhole. In the Deep Space Nine episode Explorers, Benjamin Sisko says that when he first entered Starfleet Academy, he rapidly spent an entire months allotment of transporter credits on transporting back and forth to his home in New Orleans.

From this evidence, it is clear that by the late 24th century, money in the modern sense is very seldom used in the Federation, and not needed for the life of a typical Federation citizen, as replicators make the need for almost all material goods filled and a pervasive altruistic philosophy of self improvement and helping others provides for most labor, although a monetary unit called the "Credit" exists for some purposes, such as dealing with foreign governments, allotting government budgets, and access to limited resources. Money began to fade from everyday use in the late 22nd century, although it was still in fairly common use by the mid to late 23rd century.

Some people claim that the creators of Star Trek were inspired by the social design known as Technocracy which is advocated by the Technocratic movement.

[edit] Criticism

Although Star Trek is famed for its use of science fiction to criticize the human condition, the Federation, as the cultural backdrop of the Series' protagonists, has been largely exempt from this.

[edit] Maquis

Later seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation introduced the Maquis, a group of disaffected Federation colonists whose planets had been bartered to the Cardassian government in an armistice to redesign the demilitarized zone between the two powers (Several Cardassian colony planets were, in turn, ceded to the Federation, but the issue of Cardassians coming under Federation rule was never really addressed.). Their planets now part of the Cardassian Union, the Maquis felt they had been abandoned to a totalitarian state by the Federation, and carried out guerrilla actions ostensibly in their self-defense. In an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space 9 entitled, "For the Cause", Michael Eddington, a member of the Maquis, provides a particularly scathing critique of the Federation's policies:

"Why is the Federation so obsessed about the Maquis? We've never harmed you. And yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism, starships chase us through the Badlands, and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you can't accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everyone should want to be in the Federation. Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You're only sending them replicators so that one day they can take their "rightful place" on the Federation Council. You know, in some ways you're worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You're more insidious. You assimilate people and they don't even know it."

To be fair, it should be noted that, as part of the treaty with the Cardassians, the Federation was quite willing to relocate the colonists to worlds still under Federation rule, but the Maquis remained on the ceded planets of their own free will, placing their loyalty to their home colonies above their loyalty to the Federation. The Federation in turn viewed the Maquis as terrorists against the peace between themselves and the Cardassians, and while not attacking them as pro-actively as the Cardassians, they often skirmished until the Dominion eventually wiped out the entire organization except those on the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant. Also, contrary to Eddington's claims, there is no evidence that the Federation directly or even covertly forces a member world to join (in fact, there are stringent requirements for Federation membership, and prospective worlds are often rejected).

[edit] Human prominence

During peace talks with the Klingons in the 2290s, the Federation was accused of being a "Homo sapiens-only club". This was a reference to Earth's prominence and that of humans in the organization, even though it is comprised of over 180 planetary governments. Presumably this was due to the fact that, for whatever reasons, the ranks of Starfleet were predominantly Human.

[edit] Section 31

Section 31 is a super secret, covert organization that was founded at the inception of the Federation. It's first mention in the Star Trek Universe was when they captured Julian Bashir and tried to recruit him into the organization. Their questionable tactics such as assasination are illegal in the Federation. Many of Starfleet's higher-ups, such as Vice-Admiral Ross, know about the organization and turn a blind eye to it in order to ensure the security of the Federation. This can be seen as hypocritical on the part of the Federation by many, which prides itself on being strong advocates of human rights and fair play. Dr. Bashir in fact claims that the Federation does not set itself apart from other governments because of Section 31.

[edit] See also

Main Star Trek nations
United Federation of Planets  · Humans
Romulans  · Klingons  · Tholians
Gorn · Q  · Ferengi  · Borg  · Kazon
Cardassians  · Bajorans  · Trill  · Hirogen
Dominion  · Breen  · Xindi  · Vulcans

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