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Battle droid

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Battle Droids shooting at Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn.
Battle Droids shooting at Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn.

In the Star Wars fictional universe, battle droids are droids designed for combat, especially the ones used by the Trade Federation and Confederacy of Independent Systems in the prequel trilogy.

Battle droids are designed to win through numbers, even though a swarm of battle droids can be cut down by only two Jedi Knights. Battle droids are relatively mindless and, while apparently capable of some independent behaviour, are usually slaved to a central control mainframe, disallowing them to think on their own. While this rigid command structure does have serious drawbacks, it also ensures that the battle droids will follow instructions precisely and unquestioningly. It should be noted that in Episode III, pilot droids aboard Grievous' ship can be seen running from Anakin Skywalker when he cut down droids in the control room. It's possible that droids assigned to pilot duty were ordered to avoid the Jedi (or any intruder, for that matter) or that they were programmed to seek weaponry to fight back.

Battle droids are frequently controlled by outside devices, which can be located on starships or in other well-defended facilities. The control system is a central point-of-failure: if it is destroyed, the battle droids it controls become inactive. This occurred during the Battle of Naboo, in which Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Droid Control Ship. The monumental defeat spurred interest in independent droids, and this technique gained ground following the battle.

Battle droids have speech abilities and can be programmed to have male or female voices. They often acknowledge their orders with the words "Roger, roger."


[edit] History

There are battle droid foundries on the planet Geonosis, where Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala got caught during Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. It is possible that Battle droids are modeled after the Geonosians, although other sources state they are based on Neimoidian skeletons. There was also a Battle droid factory on the planet Mustafar, at least during the second Separtist uprising.

Super battle droids were created for the Battle of Geonosis. Droidekas are another type of battle droid seen in the films. In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, all battle droid units were ordered to be deactivated by Emperor Palpatine, to be replaced by his army of clone troopers, who in turn are replaced by Stormtroopers. Gizor Delso, a Geonosian Separatist who survived Darth Vader's slaughter of the Separatist Leaders designed a third kind of battle droid during his Separatist uprising on Mustafar, but the plans were destroyed by Stormtroopers of the 501st. None were ever produced.

[edit] Droid types

There are several battle droid types for different tasks, mostly of which are characterized by a color worn on the droid's head, shoulders and/or chest or by other differences from others in physical appearance.

B-1 (Standard) battle droids tall, skeletal, armed with blaster rifles combat infantry
Pilot droid, Engineer droid as standard battle droid, with blue shoulders and chest operates starships and mans vehicles
Security battle droid as standard battle droid, with maroon shoulders and crest patrols in squads to eliminate intruders and guards captives
Battle droid commander as standard battle droid, with yellow forehead and shoulders; circular symbol on chest receives orders from controlships and in turn commands infantry and security battle droids
Assault droid as standard battle droid, with Blue shoulders uses missile launchers
Droid Sniper (also known as assassin droids) red shoulders uses sniper rifles
B-2 Super battle droid (also known as super battle droids) broad-chested, sand blue, metallic bodies advanced combat infantry, built-in wrist blasters and wrist rocket launcher
Geonosis battle droid same build as standard battle droid, with reddish body combat infantry for desert terrain; used only during Battle of Geonosis
Droideka Cobra on a three legged gait with two arms; with blasters, metallic body; transforms heavy infantry with twin-cannons and deflector shield; rolls into wheel for swift travel
IG Lancer droid tall, black and lanky, pointed cylindrical head cut through heavy armor with lances; and pilot Speeder bikes (Close resembelences to IG88 from Empire strikes back and Starwars droids :The Lost Prince)

[edit] Pilot droids

Pilot droids, also known as Engineer droids, distinguish themselves from their battle droid brethren simply because they are not designed for combat duty. While at a first glance one cannot determine any difference between this class of droid and any other, like most of the Confederacy's droid designs the difference lies within the programming. The Pilot Droid is designed to simply pilot the vehicles and craft of the Confederacy. If they need to protect themselves, they essentially take it upon themselves to attack. They can also provide minor repair capabilities to droid forces on the battle field. With blue shoulder markings, they stand out for their duties. When Pilot droids simply have to fight, they use powerful shotguns. Pilot droids are in Star Wars: Battlefront II.

[edit] Battle droid commanders

Battle droid commanders are droids in the Droid Army that function as the officer class. Battle droid commanders are seen in the prequel trilogy.

Battle droid commanders distinguish themselves by having yellow markings on their head and abdomen; otherwise they are superficially identical to standard battle droids. They have greater autonomy and strategic skills when compared to standard battle droids, although they are still ultimately subservient to the Droid Control Ships. They were used by the Trade Federation during the occupation and the Battle of Naboo and, presumably, by the Confederacy of Independent Systems after the Trade Federation lent their support to the CIS during the Clone Wars. An example of a battle droid commander is Commander OOM-9, who is seen giving the order to a unit of AATs to open fire on the Gungan shield in The Phantom Menace prequel movie. In the novelization of The Phantom Menace, OOM-9, the commander battle droid, is leader of the droid armies during the invasion of Naboo. He reports and responds directly to Nute Gunray and the leaders of the Trade Federation.

[edit] Assault droids

The Assault droid is a member of the Confederacy Droid Army, uses missile launchers to destroy the Clone Army's various vehicles such as the AT-TE, LAAT gunships, or the Republic IFT-X Hover Tank. The BAW E-60R is the common weapon used by the Assault Droids. Although not as powerful as the ARC Trooper of the Galactic Republic, the droids are still a threat to the Galactic Republic. Clone Engineers of the Republic learned to stay away and fear its presence on the battlefield. Assault Droids are also equipped with Conner Ship Systems HX2 Mines.

[edit] Super battle droids

Four super battle droids opening fire
Four super battle droids opening fire

Super battle droids are upgraded battle droids used by the Techno Union. They were first unleashed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the Battle Of Geonosis. Super battle droids are not allowed in the galaxy because of their deadly rapid-fire blasters on their wrist. (According to the galactic senate). By now their numbers and power can easily be comparable to a droideka's numbers and power when used correctly.

One of the main design flaws of the standard B-1 battle droid was its reliance on a Droid Control Ship to provide a signal; if the ship is disabled, the battle droids would become utterly useless. The super battle droid (or B-2) does not rely on such a signal and has a greater capacity for independence, as well as much more aggressive combat intelligence. In the Battle of Geonosis, Super Battle Droids were known to mow down older-model B-1s in order to get a better shot at the enemy (as seen in Attack of the Clones, a Super Battle Droid shoved a damaged battle droid out of the way) , and could sometimes go berserk by simply shooting its blaster arm faster than a Droideka's. Their frames are larger and more heavily armored (to that of a droideka in certain parts) but remain skeletal to emphasize intimidation. Blasters are mounted on their arms, but they are capable of using certain external weapons, though their large hands make it difficult for them to use smaller blasters. Due to the high cost of manufacturing a new droid, the super battle droid uses some of the same parts as the standard B-1.

Though more advanced than standard battle droids, super battle droids are still no match for the creative intelligence of clone troopers, but they were physically far superior to clones--a swat from a super battle droid could smash the skull of a clone without headgear, whereas a clone could hope to do nothing other than hurt his fist should he try the same thing on a super battle droid. Both super battle droids and clone troopers first saw combat at the Battle of Geonosis, and the new B-2 designs proved formidable but ultimately inferior. All of this is mainly due to the CIS giving little effort for its lack of a secondary blaster arm and possibly a wrist rocket launcher.

A second type of super battle droid was produced, the B-2A, which was used for clearing Republic starships and protecting vital assets. These droids were often encountered by Clone Commandos. These droid replaced one arm, with a huge cannon, which was strong enough to cause damage to Katarn armour. These droids were able to utilize an energy shield to protect themselves from Grenade blasts and had more advanced armour which was able to take damage from a DC-17m assault repeater. These droid however had deadly weaknesses, which were exploited by Clone Commandos. They often wore darker armour than the battlefield configuration of the B-2 series.

Tens of thousands of super battle droids saw use throughout The Clone Wars as "marines" for the Confederacy along with its smaller cousins and the dreaded Droideka. Though the first Super Battle Droids seen on Geonosis wore an unpainted dull silver tone, many of the droids used in later battles of the Clone Wars were painted a metallic blue, likely to help them stand out from the red coloration the Confederacy used for its standard battle droids.

It is unclear who invented the B-2 battle droid; the Geonosians designed the standard B-1 and even modeled it after themselves. It is believed that the B-2 upgrade (which had some design elements of the B-1) was produced following a deal between Count Dooku and Poggle the Lesser, but other sources claim that the Techno Union foreman Wat Tambor took the existing design and upgraded it. The Techno Union and its member world of Geonosis are the chief suppliers of both kinds of droids for the Confederacy.

In the PC game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds the super battle droids in the Clone Campaigns expansion pack have robotic voices similar to the older battle droids but much deeper. In Battlefront 2, Super Battle Droids are currently assigned as soldiers although this is pretty debatable when Standard Battle Droids are considered the primary class.

[edit] Droid Sniper

Also known as Assassin droids these droids featured red shoulder markings or camo markings. It is programmed to use the sniper rifle and hunt the enemy's commanders or leaders. It has superb skills and can also is programmed to infiltrate the enemy's defenses and command stations. The Droid Sniper is very weak and it can usually be taken out with a few shots from a clone blaster rifle.

[edit] Droidekas

The Droideka, or Destroyer Droid heavy infantry unit are seen in the prequel films. These droids can transform, appearing first in a "wheel" state allowing rapid movements and easy storage, then unfold into insect-like attack-robots with a slow three-legged gait. In their walking state, Droidekas have powerful twin blasters on each of their arms, extremely accurate in close range and a personal shield generator. The Droidekas used their shield generators in the prequel movies The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith to protect themselves. These shields make the Droidekas very valuable assets on the battlefield, as they are somewhat impervious to small arms fire (although not strong enough to resist vehicle- or starfighter-mounted cannons). Due to their built-in shields and the strength of their blasters, the Droidekas give some Jedi Knights pause. The Droidekas sometimes have limited speech abilities(as seen in Episode III, when they said to Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi on the Invisible Hand: 'Nobodymovenobodymove;' in the script and novel-version of Episode I, the Destroyer Droids that attack Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi inside the Droid Control Ship are shown to have spoken as well, although this is not evident during the actual movie) and their gender would be male or female depending on their programmings, which is similar to the battle droids, but those droids speak in Droid language. They were deployed at Naboo, and Geonosis, and Coruscant, and are mainly the property of the Trade Federation and the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Destroyer Droids actually come in two series: Heavy Units (shielded) and Infantry Units. Infantry Units are not produced with shields because tactically their shields can be of hindrance to their own infantry trying to fire at the enemy, and also to drastically reduce cost. 40 Infantry Type Droidekas can be transported in the Open Chamber type MTT. The Droideka can fire upto 240 dual blasts a minute (unless their system for their blaster arms features overheating) making it virtually impossible for enemy infantry to defeat a squad of them in good time (even if they aren't shielded). However, it's recommended that the droidekas' opponents "circle" around them or go directly close to them and between their twin blasters; they can't hit their foes. In The Phantom Manace, when the droids are first seen, they drop their shields as they pursue the fleeing Jedi. This was either because the shield was a hindrance to movement, or because they were attacking a fleeing enemy with no way of attack.

Shielded Droidekas
Shielded Droidekas

According to the expanded universe, the original design was developed by the insectoid people of Colla IV, who were displeased by the limitations of Baktoid Combat Automata's basic battle droids, and chiefly manufactured there. The Trade Federation, and presumably the Confederacy, used trading in rare meats as a way to ease bargaining with the ravenously carnivorous Colicoids, and were able to get special rates on these special infantry droids. Before the Federation's defeat at Battle of Naboo, these droids were usually slaved to a central computer, although this technique fell out of favor in the aftermath of this battle. Although a lot of Droidekas were not shown in multiple numbers in the movies (mainly Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith), they were still mass-produced (in comparable numbers to Super Battle Droids) with full specifications. A Droideka made a rare post-prequel era appearance in Survivor's Quest, where it proved a formidable opponent for Luke Skywalker and his wife, Mara Jade.

[edit] IG Lancer droids

An IG Lancer droid as seen on the Star Wars: Clone Wars micro-series.
An IG Lancer droid as seen on the Star Wars: Clone Wars micro-series.

The IG Lancer droid is tall (1.96 meters), black, and lanky in appearance, with numerous red optics on its pointed cylindrical head and having pointed shoulders, giving it a medieval look. The IG Lancer Droid, mounted on a speeder bike, uses molecularly sharpened lances to cut through heavy armor, such as that found on the AT-TE. During the Battle of Muunilinst, the Gen'Dai bounty hunter, Durge, deployed a battalion of IG lancers to destroy the Republic's SPHA-T walkers. Their appearance foreshadows the IG-88 bounty hunter seen in The Empire Strikes Back.

As an InterGalactic Banking Clan asset, the tall, thin assassin droids were created in the image of the gaunt Muuns that developed them. They had quicker response time and were considered to be more lethal than the standard Baktoid droids, and possibly Super Battle Droids and Droidekas, which were used by the Trade Federation. Working with the military advice of bounty hunter Durge, the Banking Clan armed the droids with power lances and anti-vehicle mines, and deployed them on speeder bikes as homeworld security around the commerce citadels of Muunilinst.

[edit] History

As moneylenders to many of the most advanced technology firms in the galaxy, the InterGalactic Banking Clan had at its disposal the latest high-tech weapons to turn against the Republic during the Clone Wars. Phlut Design Systems, a Muunilinst-based weapons development firm, took out a sizable capital investment loan from the IBC to fund a secret battle droid program that it hoped to sell to the Trade Federation. When PDS was unable to make payments on the loan, the IBC responded by seizing the assets of the company, and, ironically, added the IG-series droids to the new Confederacy of Independent Systems army.

[edit] MagnaGuards

Main article: IG-100 MagnaGuards

The elite MagnaGuard is a droid built to specifications provided by General Grievous. They wield electrostaffs, which cannot be cut through with a lightsaber, have reflexes "operating at almost the speed of light" and shoot electricity or mini-missiles out of both ends. Nute Gunray, the head of the Trade Federation claims that these droids cost a fortune to make unlike any droid created from the past. These droids were used during the end of the Clone Wars. In Kashyyyk, Delta Squad had to battle these droids, underestimating that they had unbelievable acrobatics and superb stamina.

MagnaGuards were also are seen in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and during the Battle of Courscant, they fought Obi-Wan and Anakin on the bridge of the Invisible Hand. Later on, four of them fought Obi-Wan at Utapau but lost because they didn't realize Obi-Wan used the force to drop part of the roof on them. Throughout the Clone Wars, one can conclude that MagnaGuards were superior to any infantry droid ever made because of their superior duranium armor, their ability to "feel" what surrounded them, backup processors, and their ability to wield a variety of deadly weapons as well as fight like the Jedi.

[edit] External links

Droids of Star Wars
Astromech droid | Battle droid | Buzz droid | Tri-Fighter | Pit droid | Probe droid | Protocol droid
8t88 | Bollux | C-3PO | EV-9D9 | G0-T0 | HK-47 | HK-50 | MagnaGuards | IG-88 | R2-D2 | T3-M4 | YVH 1
List of minor Star Wars droids

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