目录 |
[编辑] 定義
一於體K上的結合代數A的定義為一於K上的向量空量,其K-雙線性映射A x A → A 具有結合律:
- 對任何於A內的x、y和z,(x y) z = x (y z)。
- 對任何於A內的x、y和z,满足结合率: (x + y) z = x z + y z;
- 對任何於A內的x、y及於K的a,满足分配率: x (y + z) = x y + x z;
- 對任何於A內的x、y及於K內的a,满足结合率 a (x y) = (a x) y = x (a y)。
當A含有單位元,即元素1使得對任一於A內的x,1x = x1 = x,則稱A為具一的結合代數或單作結合代數。 此一代數為一個環,且包含所以體K內的元素a,由a1相連接。
上述的定義沒有任何改變地廣義化成了於可交換環K上的代數(除了K-線性空間被稱做模而非向量空間之外)。詳述請見代數 (環論)。
[编辑] 例子
- 其元素為體K的n×n方陣形成了一於K上的單作結合代數。
- 複數形成了於實數上的二維單作結合代數。
- 四元數形成了於實數上的四維單作結合代數(但不為一複數上的代數,因為複數和四元數不可交換)。
- 實係數多項式形成了一於實數上的單作結合代數。
- 給定一巴拿赫空間X,其連續線性算子 A : n → X形成了一單作結合代數(以算子複合做為乘法);事實上,這是一個巴拿赫代數。
- 給定一拓撲空間X,於X上的連續實(複)值函數形成了一單作結合代數;這裡,加法和乘法是對函數的各點相加和相乘。
- 一非單作的結合代數為所有x趨向無限時的極限為零的函數f: R → R所組成的集合。
- 克理福代數也是結合代數的一種,在幾何和物理上都很有用。
- 局部有限偏序集合的相交代數為一組合數學內的單作結合代數。
[编辑] 代數同態
若A和B為體K上的結合代數,代數同態 h: A → B則是一K-線性映射,其對任何於A內的x、y,會有h(xy) = h(x) h(y)的關係。加上態射的概念,於K上的結合代數組成的類便成了一範疇。
舉個例子,設A為所有實值連續函數R → R所組成的代數,及B=R,這兩者都是於R上的代數,且其每一連續函數f指定至數字f(0)的映射會是個由A至B的代數同態。
[编辑] 免指標標記法
前面所述之結合代數的定義,其結合律的定義是對A的所有元素而定的。但有時不涉及A內元素的結合律定義會較方便。 這可以由下列方法作到。一定義成在一向量空間A內映射M的代數:
其中,符號表示函數的複合,而Id則為恆等函數:對所有於A內的x,Id(x) = x。要了解其定義是等價的,只需要知道上述式子的兩邊都是三個引數的函數。例如,式子左邊為
[编辑] 廣義化
One may consider associative algebras over a commutative ring R: these are modules over R together with a R-bilinear map which yields an associative multiplication. In this case, a unital R-algebra A can equivalently be defined as a ring A with a ring homomorphism R→A.
The n-by-n matrices with integer entries form an associative algebra over the integers and the polynomials with coefficients in the ring Z/nZ (see modular arithmetic) form an associative algebra over Z/nZ.
[编辑] 共代數
An associative unitary algebra over K is based on a morphism A×A→A having 2 inputs (multiplicator and multiplicand) and one output (product), as well as a morphism K→A identifying the scalar multiples of the multiplicative identity. These two morphisms can be dualized using categorial duality by reversing all arrows in the commutative diagrams which describe the algebra axioms; this defines the structure of a coalgebra.
There is also an abstract notion of F-coalgebra.
[编辑] 表示
A representation of an algebra is a linear map from A to the general linear algebra of some vector space (or module) V that preserves the multiplicative operation: that is, ρ(xy) = ρ(x)ρ(y).
Note, however, that there is no natural way of defining a tensor product of representations of associative algebras, without somehow imposing additional conditions. Here, by tensor product of representations, the usual meaning is intended: the result should be a linear representation on the product vector space. Imposing such additional structure typically leads to the idea of a Hopf algebra or a Lie algebra, as demonstrated below.
[编辑] Motivation for a Hopf algebra
Consider, for example, two representations and
. One might try to form a tensor product representation
according to how it acts on the product vector space, so that
However, such a map would not be linear, since one would have
for . One can rescue this attempt and restore linearity by imposing additional structure, by defining a map
, and defining the tensor product representation as
Here, Δ is a comultiplication. The resulting structure is called a bialgebra. To be consistent with the definitions of the associative algebra, the coalgebra must be co-associative, and, if the algebra is unital, then the co-algebra must be unital as well. Note that bialgebras leave multiplication and co-multiplication unrelated; thus it is common to relate the two (by defining an antipode), thus creating a Hopf algebra.
[编辑] Motivation for a Lie algebra
One can try to be more clever in defining a tensor product. Consider, for example,
so that the action on the tensor product space is given by
This map is clearly linear in x, and so it does not have the problem of the earlier definition. However, it fails to preserve multiplication:
But, in general, this does not equal
Equality would hold if the product xy were antisymmetric (if the product were the Lie bracket, that is, ), thus turning the associative algebra into a Lie algebra.
[编辑] 參考
- Ross Street, Quantum Groups: an entrée to modern algebra (1998). (Provides a good overview of index-free notation)