创价学会(創価学会,Soka Gakkai),是日本的宗教法人,也是一个世界性的佛教团体。以日莲大圣人佛法和生命哲学为基础,宗旨推进和平、文化及教育,祈愿人类幸福,世界和平。
国际创价学会(日语:創価学会インターナショナル;英语:SOKA GAKKAI INTERNATIONAL,简称SGI)為创价学会成立的国际性伞性组织,于1975年成立,目前拥有超过一千二百万会员,分布于全球190个国家和地区。国际创价学会的日本总部—创价学会于1930年成立,并与日本執政政党之一的公明党紧密联系。
目录 |
[编辑] 三色旗
[编辑] 构成
- 壮年部 40岁以上男性
- 妇女部 已婚或40岁以上的女性
- 多宝会 65岁以上男女
- 男子部 40岁未满男性
- 创价班 停车场整理
- 牙城会 会馆警备
- 女子部 未婚且40岁未满女性
- 白莲会 馆招待系
- 学生部 大学(院)生·专业学校学生
- 未来部 高中生·初中生·小学生
[编辑] 2005年现在的主要干事
- 名誉会长:池田大作
- 会长:秋谷栄之助
- 理事长:青木亨
- 副理事长: 山崎尚见、西口良三、大野和郎、原田稔、大场好孝、山本武
[编辑] 集会
- 本部干部会同时中转(月1回)
- 合同法要(月1回)
- 地区座谈会(月1回)
- 唱题会(任意)
- 另外也有干部会和指导会。
[编辑] 历史与发展
[编辑] 基本教义及活动
创价学会是以日莲大圣人所图写的「御本尊」(曼荼罗-即根本尊敬的对象)作为信仰的根本对象。创价学会会员是以「信、行、学」 为基本修行。
「行」 有「自行」与「化他」的两种。「自行」是每天早晚向「御本尊」唱诵「南无妙法莲华经」(Nam-Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo)的题目 (即唱题)以及法华经的方便品与寿量品 (即勤行) ,透过「唱题」和「勤行」的修行,涌现丰富的智慧与生命力。「化他」是实践此佛法,宣扬其伟大,造福人群。
[编辑] 批评
他们宣言:“为了和平,文化和教育”是他们的任务,这同时也是SGI和创价学会批评和争论的焦点。 在创价学会的组织里,有关于日本政界的的各种评价。
In spite of their declared mission for peace, culture and education, the SGI and Soka Gakkai are also a focus of criticism and controversy. Soka Gakkai, the Japanese organization, has a reputation for involvement in Japan's political arena. Though officially the two are separate, it is closely affiliated with the New Clean Government Party (also known as the New Komeito Party), a major political party in Japan. Though SGI and New Komeito both publicly deny any relationship, and declare that they are separate organizations[1], accusations that Soka Gakkai in effect controls New Komeito persist and the public perception remains strong.
Soka Gakkai and Soka Gakkai International are perceived by some critics to be a cult or a cult-like group. Their concerns are that Soka Gakkai places an emphasis on recruitment, that it demonizes perceived opponents, and that it uses phobia indoctrination and peer pressure. Some critics also assert that the organization emphasizes dependence on the organization for spiritual advancement. Another point of contention concerns SGI's application of the mentor–disciple concept.
According to SGI, the mentor-and-disciple relationship is a very important aspect of living a full life, for every human being; detractors see SGI's version of the mentor–disciple relationship as a cult of personality for its intense focus on SGI President Ikeda. SGI defenders argue that in most cultures, and for most human beings, the idea of looking to those who have come before us, and finding a person who one can feel a kinship with, that one may look to as an example for how to live one's life, for guidance, encouragement, and support, is a common part of human development, and that there establishing a lasting relationship with such an individual is an important part of life.
SGI members attribute this view to the mentor–disciple relationship of Nichiren Buddhism, which they describe as the central pillar upon which the practice and the organization have developed: Shakyamuni was the mentor to Nichiren; Nichiren, the mentor to his disciples; and they, mentors to future practitioners. Makiguchi took Nichiren as a mentor in his life, while Toda took Makiguchi as his. Ikeda continued the tradition with Toda as his mentor, and now members throughout the world have chosen Ikeda, along with Toda, Makiguchi, Nichiren, and Shakyamuni, to be their mentors.
To those suspicious of Ikeda and SGI, this relationship is viewed as symptomatic of a cult of personality. Critics also question the authority and authenticity of Ikeda's writings. The use of the familial term sensei ("teacher") to refer to Ikeda is looked upon with suspicion and considered to be symbolic and further evidence of a cult of personality focused on Ikeda. Many Nichiren Buddhists, SGI members, and non-practicing people around the world view Ikeda and his life as a great example of how to use the practice in their own lives. He is viewed as an inspiration and an example of the power of one person to have a substantial positive effect on our world. For many members, Ikeda, as well as Shakyamuni, Nichiren, Makiguchi, Toda, and a host of other like minded philosophers, and thinkers around the world, are taken as models for how one may build their own lives around ideas of peace, culture, and education, and within all levels of their lives—family, work, friends, and society at large.
Critics of SGI and Ikeda are suspicious of the way he is considered by members to be a living embodiment of the power of the practice of SGI Buddhism. They assert that members are pressured to view Ikeda as their mentor in life. They are also suspicious and distrustful of the idea of mentor-disciple relationships, and question the motivation behind SGI's application of the concept.
There is controversy about the degree of religious tolerance practiced by Soka Gakkai members. Official materials state all other religions, including other Buddhist denominations, are viewed as valuable in as much as they are able to support the happiness, empowerment, and development of all people. Religious tolerance and a deep respect for culture are strongly emphasized in the organization. (See the SGI Charter.)
Furthermore, the Soka Gakkai has maintained a position in support of religious freedom, based on the firm understanding that it is absolutely necessary for each individual to have the freedom and the ability to engage in his or her own spiritual quest in order to develop spiritual maturity—both within the individual, and within society. Without religious freedom, human beings—and consequently the religious institutions that serve them—are denied and restricted in their own spiritual development. For example, one may point to the evolution in thinking within various religious institutions as indicative of spiritual evolution at the societal level. Nichiren Buddhism is a humanistic religion, based on Lotus Sutra, which espouses that every human being has the potential for enlightenment, regardless of race, ethnicity, social or economic status, sexual orientation, gender, or any other distinction. Over the years, in pluralistic societies with religious freedom, we can see that other religions have grown to become more humanistic in their approach as well.
On the other hand, in nations in which there is little religious freedom, one can see stagnation in individual spiritual development, as well as the stifling of religious institutional development. This leads to a spiritual stagnation of the society as a whole. Clearly, religious freedom is a necessary condition for spiritual evolution. While Nichiren Buddhists and SGI maintain that the end result of such a spiritual quest will eventually lead to spiritual practices which are in accord with the Lotus Sutra, they are not in favor of forcing the religion on anyone.
SGI members attribute the criticism of intolerance to a misunderstanding of one of Nichiren Daishonin's most important treatises, the Rissho Ankoku Ron ("On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land").
Written by Nichiren Daishonin in 13th-century Japan, the document argued doctrine with other Buddhist leaders of the time. His thesis was that if they professed to follow the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, they must also consider and adhere to his admonitions from his ultimate teaching, the Lotus Sutra. He called their attention to Shakyamuni's admonitions and remonstrated with them, pleading that they consider the teaching and reform their way of practice to reflect Shakyamuni's original intent. Contrary to the perception of many critics, Nichiren did not call for an end to other religions with the replacement of his own; he sought for other schools to re-examine their own practices in light of Shakyamuni's the Lotus Sutra and to bring their practices into accord with it.
In this treatise, Nichiren Daishonin argues that the government and religious institutions of the day had become corrupt and were failing to uphold the essential teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha through their failure to support the development of the people. In this way they were, in Buddhist terms, creating bad karma that was causing the country and the people to suffer. Observing the conditions of his day, a time in medieval Japan filled with all manner of environmental disasters, war, and disease—conditions described in the Lotus Sutra—he concluded that unless these institutions reformed, they and the country would continue to endure all manner of calamity and suffering.
This was a bold statement that earned him the wrath of many religious and governmental authorities. SGI argues that his goal was not the abolishment of other religions, but rather an urgent appeal for religious and governmental authorities to "clean up their act."
590-590-破门 临时立法transh]] 国际创价学会的基本实践和SGI成员来自日莲正宗立佛NichirenShoshu],Nichiren佛教形式. 然而,由于一些问题和纠纷不断,关系着当前高僧的领导和国际创价学会,日莲正宗的高僧开除教籍国际创价学会及SGI,后来SGI池田勇先生于1992年. 当时,国际创价学会是一个紧密联系的组织,奠日莲正宗. 冲突,因为此举增加了整个八十年代,特别是在1990年,而其根源可以追溯到两国关系开始的,在1930年代. 转折点似乎围绕1970年代初时Shōhondō("大大厅"),建立了日莲正宗头宫[大石峙])大院,正在兴建的要求当时的国际创价学会主席池田行,并资助国际创价学会及SGI会员. 在佛教认为,国际创价学会开始偏离日莲正宗开始告诫其教义和领袖坚持学校的理论和实践问题的信心. <佛教认为国际创价学会是为了获得有效控制佛教、摩擦和怨恨上升到了双方在1970年代末期的高峰. 对某些人来说,这是即将分裂. 从<佛教及其支持者,看来大部分国际创价学会会员愿意同方的神父,并把他们以这首创领导的最终退出,道歉的神父,后来发誓永不再离开日莲正宗教诲. 本次会议的领导人举行了Taiseki-11月7日JI,1978. 对[April24]、[1979]、官下台,国际创价学会主席负责,高峰(66Nittatsu高峰)决定将组织一个悔过自新的机会. 自那时以来,国际创价学会支持的正式承诺,但有消息说,在私下讨论成员国之间不断. 有评论说,频繁的佛教信徒和佛教的人表示不愿意说已经与寺庙. 从佛教的观点,1990年底,国际创价学会的领导再次公开展示的敌视佛教. 据说,这导致了激烈的交换文件,要求澄清对方的意图. 1990年底,从1991年1月1日,是佛教最高领袖剥夺一切,包括官,其直接领导职务奠定日莲正宗等级; 此举似乎是为了警告日莲正宗严重. 佛教的国际创价学会经常提醒自己以前的领导人承诺,并敦促它们停止挑战神父的角色,但据报道日莲正宗、国际创价学会领导人继续降自己的言论,在佛教的回应. 每一方都指责对方发起攻击的. 最后警告1991年10月由神父来,但遭到拒绝. 其次是公开的文件,敦促国际创价学会于十一月七日至自动解散. 终于在11月28日,1979年N日莲正宗宣布脱了与国际创价学会SGISGI组织成员从未明确开除教籍,只有组织. 成员只在开除教籍Shoshu有效改变规则的人说,宣布自己是组织成员无关***Shoshu将不再被视为信徒*excommunicating有效的国际创价学会及SGI. 国际创价学会名誉会长池田先生首次亲自SGI和开除教籍(NichirenShoshu脱离信徒名册)1992年8月11日. 随后年代的努力说服国内国际创价学会会员参加寺庙,企图诱使国际创价学会会员参加寺庙、反试图获得那些曾离开. 已提出许多诉讼费由双方从诽谤的不正当性和艰巨性,从回归前捐赠了歉意. 截至2005年11月,172关闭,官司仍在法院5. 1999年,高闵博士曾Shōhondō("大大厅"),拆毁其理由是,它已经建成并捐出他所称的不可告人的目的,而不是作为表达信仰,他如果代之以[TAISEKI-JI#hōandō立大厦],佛教认为这样更符合其解释其意义. 其他寺庙建筑钢筋已全部或部分建成的国际创价学会捐赠,其中最隆重的接待大厅,也改为较传统的设计. 一大批布」树」(樱花)、国际创价学会会员也捐赠了,也降低,让开放广场. 国际创价学会及SGI现在单独组织,完全独立NichirenShoshu .
国际创价学会的基本实践和SGI成员来自[NichirenShoshu立佛NichirenShoshu],Nichiren佛教形式. 然而,由于一些问题和纠纷不断,关系着当前高僧的领导和国际创价学会,NichirenShoshu的高僧开除教籍国际创价学会及SGI,后来SGI池田勇先生于1992年. 当时,国际创价学会是一个紧密联系的组织,奠定NichirenShoshu. 冲突,因为此举增加了整个八十年代,特别是在1990年,而其根源可以追溯到两国关系开始的,在1930年代. 转折点似乎围绕1970年代初时Shōhondō("大大厅"),建立了NichirenShoshu头宫[TAISEKI-JI])大院,正在兴建的要求当时的国际创价学会主席池田行,并资助国际创价学会及SGI会员. 在佛教认为,国际创价学会开始偏离NichirenShoshu开始告诫其教义和领袖坚持学校的理论和实践问题的信心. <佛教认为国际创价学会是为了获得有效控制佛教、摩擦和怨恨上升到了双方在1970年代末期的高峰. 对某些人来说,这是即将分裂. 从<佛教及其支持者,看来大部分国际创价学会会员愿意同方的神父,并把他们以这首创领导的最终退出,道歉的神父,后来发誓永不再离开NichirenShoshu教诲. 本次会议的领导人举行了Taiseki-11月7日JI,1978. 对[April24]、[1979]、官下台,国际创价学会主席负责,高峰(66Nittatsu高峰)决定将组织一个悔过自新的机会. 自那时以来,国际创价学会支持的正式承诺,但有消息说,在私下讨论成员国之间不断. 有评论说,频繁的佛教信徒和佛教的人表示不愿意说已经与寺庙. 从佛教的观点,1990年底,国际创价学会的领导再次公开展示的敌视佛教. 据说,这导致了激烈的交换文件,要求澄清对方的意图. 1990年底,从1991年1月1日,是佛教最高领袖剥夺一切,包括官,其直接领导职务奠定NichirenShoshu等级; 此举似乎是为了警告NichirenShoshu严重. 佛教的国际创价学会经常提醒自己以前的领导人承诺,并敦促它们停止挑战神父的角色,但据报道NichirenShoshu、国际创价学会领导人继续降自己的言论,在佛教的回应. 每一方都指责对方发起攻击的. 最后警告1991年10月由神父来,但遭到拒绝. 其次是公开的文件,敦促国际创价学会于十一月七日至自动解散. 终于在11月28日,1979年NichirenShoshu宣布脱了与国际创价学会SGISGI组织成员从未明确开除教籍,只有组织. 成员只在开除教籍Shoshu有效改变规则的人说,宣布自己是组织成员无关***Shoshu将不再被视为信徒*excommunicating有效的国际创价学会及SGI. 国际创价学会名誉会长池田先生首次亲自SGI和开除教籍(NichirenShoshu脱离信徒名册)1992年8月11日. 随后年代的努力说服国内国际创价学会会员参加寺庙,企图诱使国际创价学会会员参加寺庙、反试图获得那些曾离开. 已提出许多诉讼费由双方从诽谤的不正当性和艰巨性,从回归前捐赠了歉意. 截至2005年11月,172关闭,官司仍在法院5. 1999年,高闵博士曾Shōhondō("大大厅"),拆毁其理由是,它已经建成并捐出他所称的不可告人的目的,而不是作为表达信仰,他如果代之以[TAISEKI-JI#hōandō立大厦],佛教认为这样更符合其解释其意义. 其他寺庙建筑钢筋已全部或部分建成的国际创价学会捐赠,其中最隆重的接待大厅,也改为较传统的设计. 一大批布」树」(樱花)、国际创价学会会员也捐赠了,也降低,让开放广场. 国际创价学会及SGI现在单独组织,完全独立NichirenShoshu. 临时立法transf]]