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ICD-10 C 61
ICD-9 185
OMIM 176807
MedlinePlus 000380
eMedicine radio/574
DiseasesDB 10780




前列腺癌大多是在例行的健康檢查或抽血(如PSA)篩檢發現的。有關前列腺特異抗原(即 PSA )的準確性和效果目前仍有一些疑慮,不過它仍是現今最廣泛廣用的前列腺癌篩選工具。發現疑似前列腺癌的個案時,應做切片檢查(取一小片前列腺組織,處理後用顯微鏡檢查)才能確立診斷。其他進一步檢查如X光電腦斷層掃描和骨骼掃瞄等,有助於了解前列腺癌是有否有外擴散。



[编辑] 前列腺


前列腺屬於男性生殖系統,主要功能是製造與貯存前列腺液,並在射精時成為精液的一部份。成年男子的前列腺約有3厘米長,重約20公克。它位於骨盆腔,膀胱之下,直腸之前。尿道出膀胱後穿過前列腺,射精時,精液也同樣從尿道射出體外。前列腺由許多小腺體構成,它們分泌的前列腺液佔精液的20-30%體積。前列腺細胞的增殖要靠各種男性荷爾蒙來調節,包括產自睾丸睾固酮(testosterone)、來自腎上腺的 脱氢表雄酮DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)和前列腺本身製造的二氫睾固酮 (DHT,dihydrotestosterone)。男性荷爾蒙也掌管第二性徵的表現,如臉部的鬍鬚和多於女性的肌肉量。

[编辑] 症狀

早期的前列腺癌大多沒有症狀。往往是在例行健康檢查發現 PSA 值升高,進一步追查才發現[3]。然而有時前列腺癌也會引起症狀,而且和良性前列腺增生症的症狀很類似,包括頻尿、夜間多尿、排尿困難、尿流細小、血尿、排尿痛等。前列腺癌也可能造成性功能障礙,例如勃起困難、射精疼痛難耐。


[编辑] 疾病生理學


[编辑] 流行病學

造成前列腺癌的原因迄今未知。[7] 男性的致病危險因子包括了年齡遺傳種族、節食、生活習慣、藥物等等。主要的因子在於年齡。前列腺癌在四十五歲以下是少見的,危險性隨著年齡而增加。而平均被檢測出來的年齡是七十歲。[8] 不過,很多人終其一生不知道自己有前列腺癌。对中国、德国、以色列、牙买加、瑞典以及乌干达的其他死因男性进行尸检发现,50岁以上男性中30%前列腺内存在癌细胞,而70岁以上者,此比率甚至高达80%[9]。 美国2005年预计将新确诊前列腺癌患者230,000例,并且将有30,000人死于前列腺癌[10]。

[编辑] 篩檢

[编辑] 肛門指檢


[编辑] 前列腺特異抗原 PSA

[编辑] 確立診斷


[编辑] 分期

[编辑] 治療

前列腺癌的治療包括观察等待、手術、放射治療、化學治療、荷爾蒙治療,或以上幾種療法合併運用。哪種療法較適合,要看腫瘤侵犯的範圍 (稱為分期)、癌細胞惡性程度 (依葛里森評分法 Gleason score)、血中PSA濃度等因素一起考慮。當然也要顧及患者的年齡、體能,並尊重患者的選擇。由於部份療法可能伴隨著嚴重的副作用,如勃起功能失調、尿失禁等,選擇治療方法時要在療效與生活品質間求取平衡。

[编辑] 观察等待

Watchful waiting

[编辑] 手術

前列腺切除術常用於早期前列腺癌,或放射治療效果不佳的患者。最常用的術式是恥骨後前列腺根除術,醫師從下腹部的切口切除前列腺、精囊和鄰近組織。另一種方式是經會陰前列腺根除術,傷口位於會陰,也就是陰囊和肛門之間。約有 70% 的患者可藉手術將前列腺癌治癒。

前列腺根除術對於癌細胞侷限於前列腺內的患者相當有效。但是手術過程中難免會傷到一些神經,而影響到患者的生活品質,最常見的併發症是尿失禁和陽萎。約有 40% 的患者手術後有尿失禁的狀況,大多是在打噴嚏、咳嗽或大笑的時候。陽萎是指患者陰莖無法勃起,或無法維持足夠的硬度,以致無法進行性生活。患者陰莖的知覺大致正常,受到刺激也能達到高潮,但是勃起和射精的功能卻很不理想。服用一些藥物如威而鋼(Viagra)、犀利士(Cialis)、樂威壯(Levitra)可使患者的性功能恢復一些。若是患者非常在乎勃起功能,也可以考慮植入陰莖假體(俗稱人工陰莖),以維持性生活的品質。如果患者癌細胞侵犯的範圍很小,也可以用較小規模的手術,設法減少神經的傷害,以避免尿失禁和陽萎。

[编辑] 放射治療


外部照射是用輻射源(如鈷-60)或直線加速器產生的輻射線對準前列腺,並採用多個不同的入射角,以減少對皮膚和週邊組織的傷害。一般多將總輻射劑量計算好之後,分為 30-40 個療程,每天到治療室照射一段時間。

近接治療是將放射源的針或顆粒依矩陣方式排列,置入前列腺內,在體內持續發揮治癌效果。所用的放射源最早是用,現今則多使用碘-125鈀-133,用管狀針經由會陰推入前列腺,在超音波監視下推到定位,並永久留在體內。新式放射源的半衰期約 60 天,釋出伽馬射線(γ-ray),穿透性低,所以家屬不用耽心被輻射線傷害。患者可以自由行動,不必天天上醫院報到。

[编辑] 冷凍治療


[编辑] 荷爾蒙治療

Hormonal therapy in prostate cancer. Diagram shows the different organs (purple text), hormones (black text and arrows), and treatments (red text and arrows) important in hormonal therapy.

Hormonal therapy uses medications or surgery to block prostate cancer cells from getting dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone produced in the prostate and required for the growth and spread of most prostate cancer cells. Blocking DHT often causes prostate cancer to stop growing and even shrink. However, hormonal therapy rarely cures prostate cancer because cancers which initially respond to hormonal therapy typically become resistant after one to two years. Hormonal therapy is therefore usually used when cancer has spread from the prostate. It may also be given to certain men undergoing radiation therapy or surgery to help prevent return of their cancer.[8]

Hormonal therapy for prostate cancer targets the pathways the body uses to produce DHT. A feedback loop involving the testicles, the hypothalamus, and the pituitary, adrenal, and prostate glands controls the blood levels of DHT. First, low blood levels of DHT stimulate the hypothalamus to produce gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH then stimulates the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH), and LH stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone. Finally, testosterone from the testicles and dehydroepiandrosterone from the adrenal glands stimulate the prostate to produce more DHT. Hormonal therapy can decrease levels of DHT by interrupting this pathway at any point.

There are several forms of hormonal therapy:

  • Orchiectomy is surgery to remove the testicles. Because the testicles make most of the body's testosterone, after orchiectomy testosterone levels drop. Now the prostate not only lacks the testosterone stimulus to produce DHT, but also it does not have enough testosterone to transform into DHT.
  • Antiandrogens are medications such as flutamide, bicalutamide, nilutamide, and cyproterone acetate which directly block the actions of testosterone and DHT within prostate cancer cells.
  • Medications which block the production of adrenal androgens such as DHEA include ketoconazole and aminoglutethimide. Because the adrenal glands only make about 5% of the body's androgens, these medications are generally used only in combination with other methods that can block the 95% of androgens made by the testicles. These combined methods are called total androgen blockade (TAB). TAB can also be achieved using antiandrogens.
  • GnRH action can be interrupted in one of two ways. GnRH antagonists suppress the production of GnRH directly, while GnRH agonists suppress GnRH through the process of downregulation after an initial stimulation effect. Abarelix is an example of a GnRH antagonist, while the GnRH agonists include leuprolide, goserelin, triptorelin, and buserelin. Initially, these medications increase the production of LH. However, because the constant supply of the medication does not match the body's natural production rhythm, production of both LH and GnRH decreases after a few weeks.[9]

As of 2005 the most successful hormonal treatments are orchiectomy and GnRH agonists. Despite their higher cost, GnRH agonists are often chosen over orchiectomy for cosmetic and emotional reasons. Eventually, total androgen blockade may prove to be better than orchiectomy or GnRH agonists used alone.

[编辑] 姑息性照護

Palliative care

[编辑] 預後

[编辑] 預防


[编辑] References

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