《共產主義黑皮書:罪行、恐怖、鎮壓》(-{The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression}-),是一本由多名歐洲學者、法國國家科學研究中心資深研究員共同編寫的具爭議性書籍,由Stéphane Courtois博士負責編輯。這本書列舉了實行共產主義所干犯的罪行(死亡、酷刑、放逐等),1997年以法語首度出版,並由美國哈佛大學出版社推出英文版。
目录 |
[编辑] 目錄
編者Stéphane Courtois在這本書的序言中提及「……共產政權……把集體罪行變為一個陳腐的政府系統」,根據非正式統計,共產政權中的死亡人數約為9,400萬,其中蘇聯佔2,000萬人;中華人民共和國佔6,500萬人;越南佔100萬人;北韓佔200萬人;柬埔寨佔200萬人;東歐的共產政權佔100萬人;拉丁美洲佔15萬人;非洲佔170萬人;阿富汗佔150萬人,另有10,000人是因「共產主義組織發起的運動和在野的共產黨」而死亡。
- 蘇聯: 從1918年到1922年間,處決人質、囚犯及反革命工農;1922年出現的饑荒;1920年放逐哥薩克;1918年到1930年間使用的古拉格系統;大清洗;1930年到1932年間放逐富農;1932年到1933年間的饑荒導致600萬人死亡,包括400萬烏克蘭人。
- 柬埔寨: 把城市人口放逐及滅絕。
- 中華人民共和國: 摧毀西藏文化。
[编辑] 爭議
西維吉尼亞大學歷史系的Mark Tauger稱,《黑皮書》有不少錯誤信息,曾批評該書有關烏克蘭大飢荒部份[1]。
Critics of the Black Book have alleged that it uses the umbrella term "communism" to refer to a wide variety of different systems, and that it "arbitrarily throws together completely different historical phenomena such as the civil war of 1918-21, the forced collectivisation and the Great Terror in the Soviet Union, the rule of Mao in China and Pol Pot in Cambodia, the military government of Ethiopia as well as various Latin American political movements, from the Sandinistas in Nicaragua to the 'Shining Path' in Peru."While not necessarily disputing the communist nature of the aforementioned countries, the French newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique has argued that local history and traditions played a role at least as important as the role of communism in each case.
A number of critics argue that some or all of the regimes mentioned in the book were not, in fact, "communist". This is not a new idea: the question of whether the historical communist states represented an accurate implementation of communist ideas into practice has been open since the 1930s. In the introduction to the Black Book, Stéphane Courtois claims that "there will always be some nitpickers who maintain that actual communism has nothing in common with theoretical communism."(p. 2) He does not elaborate on this point, and, for the purpose of the book, a communist state is defined as a one-party state where the ruling party openly proclaims its adherence to Marxism-Leninism. The Black Book does not attempt to judge whether such ruling parties were honest in their self-description as "communist".
[编辑] 相關書籍
- 《The Black Book of Communism》 ISBN 0674076087