Пабло Неруда
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
Пабло Неруда (псевдоним, наст. имя Нефтали Рикардо Рейес Басуальто, исп. Reyes Basualto) (1904—1973) — чилийский поэт. Лауреат Нобелевской премии (1971). Лауреат Международной Сталинской премии «За укрепление мира между народами» (1953)
[править] Библиография
- Adam Feinstein, Pablo Neruda: A Passion for Life, Bloomsbury, 2004. (ISBN 1582344108)
- Pablo Neruda, Confieso que he vivido: Memorias, translated by Hardie St. Martin, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1977. (ISBN 9374206600)
[править] Ссылки
- Nobel Prize bio page
- Neruda Foundation
- Universidad de Chile: Neruda
- Nobel Prize Internet Archive: Neruda
- Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda
- A&E life story of Neruda
- Works of Neruda (some translated into English)
- «True Stone and Epitaph: the Poetry of Pablo Neruda» by Gilbert Wesley Purdy. A full-length book review/essay which includes a biography of Neruda.
- La Sebastiana — one of the homes of Neruda.
- «Celebrating Chilean Poet Pablo Neruda», Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviews Martín Espada, poet and professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
- «The poet conqueror», by Kelly Grovier, The Guardian, July 25, 2004 — A review of Neruda: A Passion for Life
- «Pablo Neruda, His works and some poetry recited by himself»