E Vicipaedia
Proprietates Dei:
- this should not be capitatlized.
- This seems only to be the attributes of the christian god. Most other gods are neither omnipotent, omnipresent, or omniscient.
Whole article needs a rewrite, mea sententia... --Ioshus (disp) 13:07, 28 Novembris 2006 (UTC)
- And again, blatant christian influence in that, under omniscentia, it lists sinners, wicked men, and sluts as to what god sees. What about, like, you know, normal stuff? I assume dude can see that, too? I don't know, you know, not being omniscient, and hardly believe in it as a possibility for anyone, man or immortal, but I'm pretty sure someone omniscient doesn't just see sinners and whores.--Ioshus (disp) 13:11, 28 Novembris 2006 (UTC)