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[編集] アプローチ


  • Dynamic equivalence translation
  • Formal equivalence translation (similar to literal translation)
  • Meaning-Based translation
  • Mother tongue translator
  • Idiomatic, or Paraphrastic translation, as used by late Kenneth Livingston
  • Paraphrase

多くのテーマを抱える諸言語に翻訳された聖書の伝える文面に対して、できうる限り各々の原語に接しようと試みるものである。Despite these debates, however, many who study the Bible intellectually or devotionally find that selecting more than one translation approach is useful in interpreting and applying what they read. For example, a very literal translation may be useful for individual word or topical study, while a paraphrase may be employed for grasping initial meaning of a passage.

[編集] 歴史

[編集] 古代


エジプトの人工が集中・拡大し、アレクサンドロス3世前356年 - 前323年)は自らを称える名の都市、アレクサンドリアを創設した。この都市の人口の多くはユダヤ人であり、3番目に多い民族であった。ユダヤ教聖書、すなわち旧約聖書であるタナハの大半はヘブライ語によって書かれていたが、ユダヤ人の多くはアラム語を使用していたことなどからギリシア語への翻訳は殆ど行われることは無かった。しかし、ときの王プトレマイオス2世前308年 - 前246年)はコイネー(ギリシア方言)とヘブライ語の両方に流暢な者を雇い入れ、翻訳作業に掛からせた。こうして雇われ人ら作り上げた翻訳が、今日よく知られている七十人訳聖書セプトゥアギンタ訳とも)である。

オリゲネス182年 - 251年)の六欄対照旧約聖書(Hexapla、ギリシャ語:sixfold)には2世紀のギリシャ語訳であるシノペのアキラ(アキューラスとも)とSymmachus the Ebioniteが含まれる。350年教会法に基づくキリスト教聖書 was formally established by Bishop Cyril of Jerusalem in 350 (although it had been generally accepted by the church previously), 363年、the Council of Laodiceaにより「ヨハネの黙示録」の欠如が確認され、その後367年アタナシオス298年 - 373年)によって追加された。 The canon was not made “official” until 692 with the Trullan Synod, which essentially put its stamp of approval on the decisions of Laodicea and Athanasius (even though they differed concerning the book of 啓示)., また382年から420年の間にヒエロニムス340年頃 - 420年)によるウルガタ(標準ラテン語訳聖書)が訳された。なお、このヒエロニムスよりも以前のラテン語訳聖書は一括りに古ラテン語聖書と呼ばれる。 ヒエロニムス began by revising the earlier Latin translations, but ended by going back to the original Greek, bypassing all translations, and going back to the original Hebrew wherever he could instead of 七十人訳聖書. 新約聖書は4世紀、ウルフィラス(311年? - 382年)によってゴート語に翻訳。続いて5世紀にはメスロプ・マシュトツ361年 - 440年)によりアルメニア語訳の聖書が成立。またシリア語訳、コプト・エジプト語訳、ゲエズ語訳(古典エチオピア語訳)、グルジア語訳も同じ頃に成立した。

[編集] 中世

中世においては、特に旧約聖書の翻訳作業は衰退傾向にあったが、それにもかかわらず there are some fragmentary Old English Bible translations, notably a lost translation of the 「ヨハネによる福音書」 into Old English by the Venerable Bede, which he is said to have prepared shortly before his death around the year 735. An Old High German version of the 「マタイによる福音書」 dates to 748. カール大帝742年 - 814年) in ca. 800 charged アルクィン735年? - 804年) with a revision of the Latin Vulgate. The translation into 古代教会スラヴ語 dates to the late 9th century.

900年頃になるとアルフレッド大王849年 - 899年)は had a number of passages of the Bible circulated in the vernacular . These included passages from the モーセの十戒 and the Pentateuch, which he prefixed to a code of laws he promulgated around this time. 990年頃、 a full and freestanding version of the four Gospels in idiomatic Old English appeared, in the 西サクソン dialect; these are known as the ウェセックス Gospels.

ときのローマ教皇インノケンティウス3世1161年 - 1216年)は1199年カタリ派およびワルドー派を異教とし、聖書を読むことを禁止し、1234年にはトゥールーズフランス)およびタラゴナスペイン)の教会会議は翻訳された聖書の所持を禁じた。

The most notable Middle English Bible translation, Wyclif's Bible (1383), based on the Vulgate, was banned by the Oxford Synod in 1408. 15世紀半ばの1478年、A Hungarian フス派 Bible appeared, a Spanish translation in the dialect of スペインのバレンシア.

[編集] 宗教改革 と Early Modern period

ティンダル訳聖書(1526年)は厳しい矢面に立たされ、その翻訳者ウィリアム・ティンダル1494年または1495年? - 1536年)は旧約聖書翻訳のかとで1535年に身柄を拘束される。The Froschauer Bible of 1531 and the ルター聖書 of 1534 (both appearing in portions throughout the 1520年代) were an important part of the 宗教改革. The 1530 Catholic translation of ルフェーヴル・デタープル1450年? - 1536年) even predates the completion of these Protestant translations.

The missionary activity of the イエズス会 order led to a large number of 17世紀 translation into languages of the New World.

[編集] Modern translation efforts

国際聖書協会、 聖書協会、および Wycliffe Bible Translatorsも参照。

The Bible continues to be the most translated book in the world. The following numbers are approximations. As of 2005, at least one book of the bible has been translated into 2,400 of the 6,900 languages listed by SIL,[1] including 680 languages in Africa, followed by 590 in Asia, 420 in Oceania, 420 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 210 in Europe, and 75 in North America. The United Bible Societies are presently assisting in over 600 Bible translation projects. The Bible is available in whole or in part to some 98 percent of the world's population in a language in which they are fluent.

[編集] National Missionary Movement

While Wycliffe and SIL continue their translation work around the globe, a new paradigm in both Bible translation and missions has been growing in acceptance. Many are now seeing the importance and necessity of training and supporting national missionaries to work among their own people and cultures. There are many reasons why this model is preferred to older missions models:

  • National Missionaries are already living with or near the people they hope to reach.
  • National Missionaries already know the customs of the people.
  • National Missionaries cost a fraction of what it costs to transport and maintain western missionaries in the field.
  • National Missionaries cannot be kicked out of their countries in times of war or unrest because they are citizens.

A few organizations that support National Missions and Bible Translation: Gospel for Asia World Mission International The Seed Company

According to their website SIL work with a number of organizations consisting of National Missionaries [2]:

  • Association Centrafricaine pour la Traduction de la Bible et l'Alphabétisation (ACATBA) (Central African Association for the Translation of the Bible and Literacy)
  • Assoc Linguistica Evangelica Missionaria (ALEM), Brazil
  • Bible Translation Association (BTA), Papua New Guinea
  • Bible Translation and Literacy (East Africa) (BTL), Kenya
  • Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation [3]
  • Indian Institute for Cross Cultural Communications (IICCC)
  • Nigeria Bible Translation Trust (NBTT)
  • Translation Association of the Philippines (TAP)
  • Vanuatu Christian Council, Translation and Literacy Program

[編集] 翻訳の一覧

This list gives information about Bible translations in various languages, in alphabetical order by language. At the end of some of the sections you will find tables comparing the same verses in various translations.

[編集] アフリカーンス語

南アフリカの聖書協会であるBybelgenootskap van Suid Afrikaによって1933年、聖書のアフリカーンス語訳が行われ、更に1953年に翻訳修正が施された。

Gen 1:1-3 in Afrikaans
アフリカーンス語訳 Gen. 1:1-3
旧約聖書 In die begin het God die hemel en die aarde geskape. En die aarde was woes en leeg, en duisternis was op die wêreldvloed, en die Gees van God het gesweef op die waters. En God het gesê: Laat daar lig wees! En daar was lig.

[編集] アラビア語

10世紀、Saadia ha Gaon produced a now mostly lost translation of the タナハ.

1671年カトリック教会は聖書全巻の出版を行った。この翻訳には done under the direction of Sergius Risi, the Catholic Archbishop of Damascus. Francis Britius aided the translation.

もっともよく知られる翻訳としては、シリアの後押しによってアメリカ聖書協会が行った「ヴァン・ダイク版(Van Dyck Version)」が挙げられる。これはエリ・スミス(1801年 - 1857年)の企画に基づくもので1847年ベイルートを中心として始められた。エリ・スミスの死後、it was completed under the direction of Cornelius Van Allen Van Dyck. Others involved included Nasif al Yaziji and Boutros al Bustani. こうして新約聖書は1860年3月9日に完成を迎え、5年後の1865年3月10日金曜日タナハすなわち旧約聖書もこれに続いた。この年からおよそ一千万部にも及ぶ聖書が配られ、コプト教会およびプロテスタントで使われていった。

1973年、国際聖書協会は began to work on a new translation, この計画は「the Arabic Life Application Bible」と名付けられた。 The Injil was released in 1982年, and the whole Bible was completed in 1988年.

1992年、聖書協会により今日のアラビア語版が発表され、 an Dynamic equivalence translation designed to be as easy to understand as possible. It is the Arabic equivilent of the English Good News Translation.

The Old Testament, Van Dyck Version

The Injil (New Testament), Van Dyck Version

Arabic Life Application Bible

[編集] アゼルバイジャン語

アゼルバイジャン語による初の翻訳は1842年に出版されたもので、これは複数に及ぶ。新約聖書として完成されたものは1878年に出版され、1891年になり漸く新旧含めた全体の翻訳が日の目を見ることとなった。1982年ロシアのInstitute for Bible Translation released a revised アゼルバイジャン語訳, which is presently used in アゼルバイジャン. Azeris in イラン follow a slightly different translation.

A Comparison of Matthew 6:9-13 in Azeri Translations
Translation Mt 6:9-13
Institute for Bible Translation, 1982 (commonly used in Azerbaijan) Ey göylərdə olan Atamız! Adın müqəddəs tutulsun. Səltənətin gəlsin. Göydə olduğu kimi, Yerdə də Sənin iradən olsun. Gündəlik çörəyimizi bizə bu gün ver; Və bizə borclu olanları bağışladığımız kimi, Bizim borclarımızı da bağışla; Və bizi imtahana çəkmə, Lakin bizi şərdən xilas et. Çünki səltənət, qüdrət və izzə Əbədi olaraq Sənindir. Amin.
Unknown translation (commonly used in Iran) Ey göylərdə olan Atamız! Sənin adın müqəddəs olsun. Səltənətin gəlsin. Sənin iradən Göydə olduğu kimi, Yerdə də olsun. Gündəlik çörəyimizi bu gün bizə ver; Və bizim borclarımızı bizə bağışla, Necə ki, biz də bizə borclu olanları bağışlayırıq; Bizi imtahana çəkmə, Lakin şərdən xilas et. Çünki səltənət, qüdrət və izzə Əbədə kimi Sənindir. Amin.

外部リンク: (Sound Bible)

[編集] カタロニア語

Middle Ages to the XIXth century

The first translation of the whole Bible into Catalan was produced between 1287 and 1290. It was entrusted to Jaume de Montjuich by Alfons II of Aragon. Remains of this version can be found in Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale). Also, in the same French library, we can find another translation into Catalan, which Jaume II of Aragon received on November 23rd, 1319.

In the early fifteenth century appeared another whole Bible translation by Bonifaci Ferrer. In 1490 a psalter by Joan Roís de Corella came to light in Venice. The Catalan Bible by Bonifaci Ferrer was printed before any Bible was printed in English or Spanish, in 1478.

The prohibition, in Spain and other Catholic countries, of vernacular translations, along with the decadence of the Catalan language until its renaissance in the nineteenth century, explain why there were no translations into Catalan from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century.[1]

1832年、a Catalan exiled in London, J.M. Prat Colom, sponsored by the イギリス聖書協会, translated the New Testament (Lo Nou Testament de nostre Senyor Jesu-Christ), which was published afterwards in Barcelona (1836) and Madrid (1888).

XXth century and forward

In the twentieth century many new translations flourished, both Catholic and Protestant.

Catholic Translations

  • 1948 Bíblia de Cambó, by Fundació Bíblica Catalana, started in 1927.
  • 1968 Bíblia de Cambó, 2nd Edition.
  • 1970 Bíblia dels Monjos de Montserrat, by the Monks of Montserrat.

Protestant Translations

  • 1988 Nou Testament, New Testament by Institució Bíblica Evangèlica de Catalunya, with the help of the 国際聖書協会.
  • 2000 Bíblia Evangèlica Catalana (aka La Bíblia del 2000), by Institució Bíblica Evangèlica de Catalunya. Translators: Pau Sais and Samuel Sais. BEC

An Ecumenical Translation

Something very unusual happened with this translation: Catholic and Protestant translators worked together and produced a Bible. Nevertheless, there are two editions: a Catholic edition with the deuterocanonical books (Apocrypha for the Protestant) and a Protestant edition, without the aforementioned books.

  • 1993 Bíblia Catalana Interconfessional , by Associació Bíblica de Catalunya, Editorial Claret and Societats Bíbliques Unides. BCI

Catalan Translation Biblical Text in Catalan
Gen 1:1-3 (BCI) Al principi, Déu va crear el cel i la terra. La terra era caòtica i desolada, les tenebres cobrien la superfície de l'oceà, i l'Esperit de Déu planava sobre les aigües. Déu digué: -Que existeixi la llum. I la llum va existir.
Gen 1:1-3 (BEC) En el principi, Déu va crear el cel i la terra. La terra era caòtica i desolada, les te­nebres cobrien la superfície de l’abis­me i l’esperit de Déu planava per da­munt les aigües. I Déu digué: “Que hi hagi llum”; i hi hagué llum.
John 3:16 (BCI) Déu ha estimat tant el món que ha donat el seu Fill únic perquè no es perdi cap dels qui creuen en ell, sinó que tinguin vida eterna.
John 3:16 (BEC) Ja que Déu ha estimat tant el món, que ha donat el seu Fill únic perquè tot el qui creu en ell no es perdi, sinó que tingui vida eterna.

[編集] 中国語

中国初のカトリックの聖書翻訳は、当時まだ若かったフランシスコ会の修道士ガブリエル・アレグラによって1935年に開始された。彼はヘブライ語およびアラム語による原典から旧約聖書の翻訳を開始し、それから10年経過した頃、北京において Frs Solanus Lee OFM, Antonius Lee OFM, Frs Bernardinus Lee OFM and Ludovicus Liu OFMの募集を行った。その後、中国は国共内戦が勃発。このため1948年、修道士は香港のStudium Biblicumを動かすこととなる。こうして20年の努力を経て1954年にようやく初の旧約聖書が出版された。また、1968年には旧約と新約を1冊にまとめた聖書が出版された。

一方、中国のプロテスタント教会でもっとも普及している版は和合本と呼ばれる翻訳である。Although this version has been translated for nearly a century and the 中国語 has changed a lot, 和合本 is still widely used.


[編集] クロアチア語

初の完成された翻訳はイエズス会 Kasićによる稿であった。しかしこの翻訳原稿は1622年から1637年にかけて行われたものであったが2000年になるまで出版されることはなかった。出版物として最初のクロアチア語訳聖書とされるものはフランシスコ会 Matija Petar Katančićによって1831年に発表されたものとなる。その後、いくつかの翻訳本が出され、もっとも広く受け入れられるようになったものが1968年に出されたいわゆる現代クロアチア語訳である。これは「ザグレブ聖書」(英語:Zagreb Bible)と呼ばれ、「エルサレム聖書」(英語:Jerusalem Bible)を部分的に下地として作られたものである。


[編集] チェコ語

1360年、The first translation of the whole Bible into チェコ語, based on the Latin Vulgate, was done. The Bible is called the "Bible of ドレスデン". This manuscript was lost during 第一次世界大戦. Many other translations followed this Bible of ドレスデン, and from the linguistic point of view they can be divided in four different redactions. The last one was finally printed.

1487年、The first printed Czech New Testament is the "New Testament of Dlabač", printed. The first printed complete Bible is the "Bible of プラハ" from 1488年. Another Czech Bible printed before the year 1501年 is the "Bible of Kutná Hora" (printed in 1489年).

All these texts were translated from the Vulgate.

The first translation from the original languages into チェコ語 was the Bible of Kralice, first published in years 1579年1593年. The translation was done by the Unity of the Brethren. The third edition from 1613年 is considered classical and is one of the most used チェコ語訳聖書.

[編集] オランダ語

The first translation into オランダ語 directly from Greek and Hebrew sources was the Statenvertaling. It was ordered by the States-General at the Synod of Dordrecht in 1618/19, and first published in 1637. It soon became the generally accepted translation for Reformed churches in the Netherlands and remained so well into the 20th century. It was supplanted to a large extent in 1951 by the NBG (Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap) translation, which still uses relatively old-fashioned language.

Modern language translations are Groot Nieuws Bijbel, Het Boek, the Roman Catholic Willibrordvertaling. 2004年、the NBV (Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling) translation appeared, which was produced by an ecumenical translation team, and is intended as an all-purpose translation for pulpit and home use; however, there has been much criticism on its accuracy.

Around the same time, there has also been much work on very literal, idiolect translations, such as the Naarden translation of 2004, Albert Koster's translation of the 旧約聖書, a work in progress since 1991, and the Torah translation of the Societas Hebraica Amstelodamensis.


[編集] 英語


[編集] エスペラント

The initiator of エスペラント, L. L. Zamenhof translated the entire Old Testament into Esperanto. A monograph by D. B. Gregor, La Esperanta traduko de la Malnova Testamento, compares Zamenhof's translation in some detail with a wide variety of major versions in other languages. A committee, consisting primarily of British clergy and scholars, was formed to translate the New Testament and review Zamenhof's translation for eventual publication by the イギリス聖書協会. The New Testament was published in 1910. A translation of the entire Bible, often referred to in Esperanto as the "Londona Biblio", was published in 1926. The most recent printing of the "Londona Biblio", issued in 2003, includes the Berveling translation of the Roman Catholic Deuterocanonical Books (see next paragraph).

An Esperanto organization devoted to Biblical and Oriental Studies, the Internacia Asocio de Bibliistoj kaj Orientalistoj, beginning in the 1960s, attempted to organize the translation of a new, ecumenical Esperanto Bible version, but this project eventually lapsed, with only Gerrit Berveling's translation of Numbers (Nombroj, 1999) published. Dr. Berveling (a Dutch Free Church theologian and classical linguist) has, however, translated most of a new version of the New Testament, eschewing the syntactically overliteral tendencies of the B&FBS version, which is perhaps most akin among English versions to the Revised Version of 1881. His gospels have been published as La bona mesaĝo de Jesuo: laŭ X [X = Mateo, Marko, Luko, Johano, all 1992], and the first volume of his projected New Testament has appeared as Leteroj de Paŭlo kaj lia skolo (2004). He has also published a three-volume edition of the Deuterocanonical Books (La duakanonaj libroj), the first two of which (those included in the Roman Catholic Canon) are incorporated in the latest printing of the Londona Biblio.

There have also been other translations of specific books of the Bible and of shorter portions.

Brita kaj Alilanda Biblia Societo
Genezo 1:1-3 En la komenco kreis Dio la ĉielon kaj la teron. Kaj la tero estis senforma kaj dezerta, kaj mallumo estis super la abismo; kaj la spirito de Dio ŝvebis super la akvo. Kaj Dio diris: Estu lumo; kaj fariĝis lumo.
Johano 3:16 Ĉar Dio tiel amis la mondon, ke Li donis Sian solenaskitan Filon, por ke ĉiu, kiu fidas al li, ne pereu, sed havu eternan vivon.


[編集] フィンランド語

初めて完成された新約聖書の翻訳はミカエル・アグリコラ1510年 - 1557年)の Se Wsi Testamenti Somexi (The New Testament in Finnish)であり、ギリシャ語による聖書をもと行われ、1548年に完成した。アグリコラはtoday considered the father of the Finnish written language.

The first translation of the whole Bible was the so-called Vanha kirkkoraamattu (Old Church Bible), titled Biblia, Se on: Coco Pyhä Ramattu Suomexi. This edition was translated by committee led by Bishop Erik Rothovius 1638-1641, and published 1642. It was revised 1683-1685 (Florinus).

As the Finnish written and spoken language evolved during the centuries and literacy became commonplace also amongst the laypeople, need for a new edition arose. The so-called Biiblia or Vuoden 1776 raamattu(1776年聖書)was published in 1776. It was the first edition meant not only to ecclestical but also to domestic use, and first written in Modern Finnish. It was revised 1859年. 「1776年聖書」はthe version in use by certain sects even today.

Again a new translation was needed in the early 20th century, and a committee for translation was set 1911. It had its work ready 1933. Full edition of Bible was published in 1938年. This edition is often referred as Vuoden 1938 kirkkoraamattu (year 1938 Church Bible). It was translated by the Finnish Lutheran Church, and intended to Lutheran use. As the translationary principle was "one source language word - one Finnish word", its text is very archaizing, and it uses dialectal terms obsolete even during the era. The 1938 edition consisted of 旧約聖書, deuterocanonicals and 新約聖書.

The latest official Finnish translation dates to 1992年, the so-called Uusi kirkkoraamattu (New Church Bible). It is the first Finnish ecumenical edition; the translation committee consisted not only of the representants of the Finnish Lutheran Church, but also of academics and representants of Finnish Orthodox Church and Finnish Catholic Church, and is intended to use of all Christian denominations. the principle of 1992年 edition is contextual translation; instead of verbatim translation, translation in context has been attempted as accurately as possible. The initial edition consisted of only 旧約と新約の両聖書: the translation of 旧約聖書 deuterocanonicals were finished only 2004年.

Of the non-official Finnish translations the most important is Uuden Maailman käännös (新世界訳) used by Jehovah's Witnesses. The principle in translation of this edition has been same as on 1938 edition: as verbatim translation as possible. Unfortunately the translation of the "Uuden Maailman käännös" has been done from English instead of アラム語及びギリシャ語による原典, making the edition somewhat inaccurate. It should be noted that 新世界訳 is considered by experts[4] [5] [6] [7] to be a "heretical" version containing obvious faults in translation primarily of an eisegetical nature due to their rejection of many of the central doctrines of Christianity, such as the deity of Christ.

Johanneksen evankeliumi 3:16
フィンランド語訳 Johannes 3:16
1776 Sillä niin on Jumala maailmaa rakastanut, että hän antoi ainoan Poikansa, että jokainen, joka uskoo hänen päällensä, ei pidä hukkuman, mutta ijankaikkisen elämän saaman.
1938 Sillä niin on Jumala maailmaa rakastanut, että hän antoi ainokaisen Poikansa, ettei yksikään, joka häneen uskoo, hukkuisi, vaan hänellä olisi iankaikkinen elämä.
1992 Jumala on rakastanut maailmaa niin paljon, että antoi ainoan Poikansa, jottei yksikään, joka häneen uskoo, joutuisi kadotukseen, vaan saisi iankaikkisen elämän.

[編集] フランス語

1530年ベルギーアントワープにおいてルフェーヴル・デタープル1450年? - 1536年)が行ったものが印刷物として最初のフランス語訳聖書とされる。これはwas substantially revised and improved in 1535年 by Pierre Robert Olivétan. This bible, in turn, became the basis of the first French カトリック教会 bible, published at ルーヴェン in 1550年, the work of Nicholas de Leuze and François de Larben. Finally, the Port-Royal version, prepared by Antoine Lemaistre and his brother Louis Isaac Lemaistre, 1695年に完了, achieved broad acceptance among both Roman Catholics and プロテスタント. ジェーン・フレデリック・オスターヴァルド1663年 - 1747年)の version (1724年) also enjoyed widespread popularity.

Many Francophone Protestants now use the Louis Segond version, which was finished in 1880年, and revised substantially between 1975年 and 1978年. The Revised Louis Segond Bible is published by the アメリカ聖書協会.

2000年、Another modern French Bible is the Bible du Semeur finished. This is a more thought-for-thought translation than Segond's, and it uses more contemporary language. It is published by the 国際聖書協会.

Among Roman Catholics, the most notable contemporary French translation is La Bible de Jérusalem, available in English as The Jerusalem Bible, which appeared first in French in 1954年 and was revised in 1973年. Its copious but concise footnotes and apparatus have won respect among both Protestant and Catholic readers. This translation has served as the basis for versions in many other languages besides French.

The chief Jewish version of the Hebrew Scriptures in French is La Bible du rabbinat français, which was finished in 1906年 and was revised in 1966年.

More information on French translations is available on's French article. (English readers can use a free translation tool to read further.)


[編集] ドイツ語

ドイツ語への聖書翻訳においてもっとも大きな重要度と影響を持ったのは『ルター聖書』であった。マルティン・ルター1483年 - 1546年)の翻訳がドイツ語の発展に与えた影響は、しばしば、KJV(『ジェイムズ王欽定訳聖書』)が英語に対し与えた影響と比較される。ルター訳聖書は現在、1986年以来、改訂版の形で使用されている。翻訳改訂があったにも拘わらず、使われているドイツ語はなおどこか古風であり、それ故、ドイツ語翻訳聖書を使ってドイツ語を学ぼうと企図するネイティブ・スピーカーでない人にとっては、適切なテキストではない。


A modern version is the Neue Evangelische Übertragung (New Evangelical Version). This translation project is an initiative of Karl-Heinz Vanheiden, who releases each of his translations of a new book of the Bible on his website in MS Word format, and welcomes corrections and suggestions for changes from the public. This particular version seeks to make the Bible understandable to non-Christians as well, and places great weight in clarity of language. So far, the New Testament has been completed, and the 旧約聖書 is being translated. [1]

Johannes 3:16
ドイツ語訳 Johannes 3:16
Luther Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, daß er seinen eingeborenen Sohn gab, auf daß alle, die an ihn glauben, nicht verloren werden, sondern das ewige Leben haben.
Einheitsübersetzung Denn Gott hat die Welt so sehr geliebt, daß er seinen einzigen Sohn hingab, damit jeder, der an ihn glaubt, nicht zugrunde geht, sondern das ewige Leben hat.
Neue Evangelische Übertragung Denn so hat Gott der Welt seine Liebe gezeigt: Er gab seinen einzigen Sohn dafür, dass jeder, der an ihn glaubt, nicht zugrunde geht, sondern ewiges Leben hat.
Gute Nachricht Bibel Gott hat die Menschen so sehr geliebt, dass er seinen einzigen Sohn hergab. Nun werden alle, die sich auf den Sohn Gottes verlassen, nicht zugrunde gehen, sondern ewig leben.

Other well known German language Bible versions are: Zürcher Bibel, Elberfelder, Schlachter, Buber-Rosenzweig (OT only), Pattloch, Herder, Hoffnung für Alle (Hope for All), Die Gute Nachricht (The Good News), Gute Nachricht Bibel (Good News Bible, revision of "Gute Nachricht").

[編集] ゴート語

The only translation of the Bible into the extinct ゴート語 was made by the bishop Ulfilas and is preserved in one hand-written copy, known as the Codex Argenteus.

[編集] ギリシャ語 (現代)

1901年、Alexandros Pallis translated the Gospels in Modern Greek. The publishing of the translation in a newspaper caused riots in Athens, known as Evangelika (Ευαγγελικά).

[編集] ガラ英語方言

Main article: Gullah

There has been a translation of Bible into Gullah, a creole language spoken by residents of the Sea Islands. The effort began in 1979 with a team of Gullah speakers from the Penn Center with the assistance of Pat and Claude Sharpe, translation consultants for Wycliffe Bible Translators. Pat Sharpe died in 2002, and that person was replaced by David and Lynn Frank. The Gospels of 「ルカによる福音書」と「ヨハネによる福音書」 were released in 1995 and 2003, respectively. The New Testament was released in 2005.

John 3:16 in Gullah
翻訳 John 3:16
De Nyew Testament Cause God lobe all de people een de wol so much dat e gii we e onliest Son. God sen we um so dat ebrybody wa bleebe on um ain gwine ded. Dey gwine libe fa true faeba mo.


[編集] ハワイ語

1800年代初頭、A ハワイ語 translation was done by New England Christian missionaries and the Reverend Hiram Bingham. 福音書(「マタイ」、「マルコ」、「ルカ」、「ヨハネ」)が1828年に翻訳され、残りの新約聖書1832年に、旧約聖書1839年に翻訳された。また、1868年にはそれらの翻訳修正が行われた。A new translation of the New Testament in Hawaiian Pidgin, titled Da Jesus Book, was published in 2000 by Wycliffe Bible Translators.



2004年1月14日Most of the information in this section comes from Jacquelyn Sapiie, Supervisor of Library Services at the アメリカ聖書協会.

[編集] ハンガリー語

The first significant Bible translations into ハンガリー語 are as follows:

  • Hussite Bible (probably 1436–1439, only fragments remained)
  • 新約聖書((1541年, János Sylvester): 初のハンガリー語版新約聖書全巻
  • Gáspár Károlyi's translation (also known as Vizsolyi Biblia and its translator as Károli, 1590, Protestant): the first complete version in Hungarian, which gained wide popularity and is occasionally used even today as the "classic" translation (similarly to the KJV in English)
    • Revised last time in 2003
  • György Káldi's translation (1626, the first full Catholic version)

John 3:16 in Hungarian

ハンガリー語訳 János 3,16
Károli's translation Mert úgy szerette Isten e világot, hogy az ő egyszülött Fiát adta, hogy valaki hiszen ő benne, el ne vesszen, hanem örök élete legyen.
Magyar Bibliatársulat új fordítású Bibliája
New translation Bible of the Hungarian Bible Society (Protestant)
Mert úgy szerette Isten a világot, hogy egyszülött Fiát adta, hogy aki hisz őbenne, el ne vesszen, hanem örök élete legyen.
Szent István Társulati Biblia
Saint Stephen Society Bible (Catholic)
Mert úgy szerette Isten a világot, hogy egyszülött Fiát adta oda, hogy aki hisz benne, az el ne vesszen, hanem örökké éljen.
Szent Jeromos Bibliatársulat
Saint Jerome Bible Society (Catholic, based on Káldi's translation and the Nova Vulgata)
Mert úgy szerette Isten a világot, hogy egyszülött Fiát adta, hogy mindaz, aki őbenne hisz, el ne vesszen, hanem örök élete legyen.


[編集] アイスランド語

1540年、The New Testament was the first book printed in Icelandic. It was translated by Oddur Gottskálksson (whose father was Norwegian) and published. 44 years later the whole Bible was printed in Icelandic thanks to Guðbrandur Þorláksson, a Protestant bishop at Hólar. The current publisher of the Icelandic Bible is Hið íslenska Biblíufélag (アイスランド聖書協会).

An example from the Icelandic Bible
翻訳 John 3:16
Hið ísl. Biblíufélag, 1981 Því svo elskaði Guð heiminn, að hann gaf son sinn eingetinn, til þess að hver sem á hann trúir glatist ekki, heldur hafi eilíft líf.

[編集] アイルランド語

The first アイルランド語 translation of the 新約聖書 was begun by Nicholas Walsh, Bishop of Ossory, who worked on it until his untimely death in 1585. The work was continued by John Kearny, his assistant, and Dr. Nehemiah Donellan, Archbishop of Tuam, and it was finally completed by William O'Domhnuill (William Daniell, Archbishop of Tuam in succession to Donellan). Their work was printed in 1602.

The work of translating the Old Testament was undertaken by(1571年 - 1642年), Bishop of Kilmore, who completed his translation within the reign of Charles the First, however it was not published until 1680, in a revised version by Narcissus Marsh (1638-1713), Archbishop of Dublin.

[編集] イタリア語

The first printed translation of the Bible into Italian was the Malermi Bible in 1471.

[編集] ノルマン語ジャージー方言

The Bible has not yet been translated into ジャージー島ノルマン語, but several Biblical passages have been translated.

John 3:16 in Jèrriais
Jèrriais Translation Jean 3:16
Lé Nouvieau Testament Car Dgieu aimait tant l'monde qu'i' donnit san seul Fis, à seule fîn qu'touos les cheins tchi craient en li n'péthissent pon, mais qu'il aient la vie êtèrnelle.

[編集] クリンゴン語


ヨハネ 3:16: toH qo' muSHa'pu'qu'mo' JoH'a', wa' puqloDDaj nobpu' ghaH 'ej ghaHbaq Harchugh vay', vaj not Hegh ghaH, 'ach yIn jub ghajbeH ghaH.


[編集] 韓国語朝鮮語

  • Korean Living New Testament
  • Korean Common Language Bible. 1977
  • Pyongyang Bible. 1984

1866年、an American merchant ship, the General Sherman, was sunk as it tried to enter Pyongyang along the Daedong river. All on board were killed in the ensuing battle, including Protestant missionary from the British Congregation Church to Korea – a young man called Robert Thomas. He had managed to get to shore, holding a copy of 中国語に翻訳された聖書, which he gave to one of the Korean soldiers before he died.[8]

[編集] ラテン語

There were a number of piecework translations into ラテン語 during the period of the early Church. Collectively, these versions are known as the Vetus Latina. In the 旧約聖書, they follow the Greek 七十人訳聖書 closely, it being their usual source, and reproduce its variations from the Hebrew Masoretic Text. They were never rendered independently from the Hebrew or Greek; they vary widely in readability and quality, and contain many solecisms in idiom, some by the translators themselves, others from literally translating Greek language idioms into Latin.

初期教会の時代にあっては、断片的なラテン語翻訳が多数存在した。これらの断片訳は総称的に「古ラテン語版?(Vetus Latina)」として知られる。旧約聖書においては、人々はギリシア語訳『セプトゥアギンタ』を親しく使っており、この訳が日常的な典拠であった。そのため、ヘブライ語「マソラ本文(Masoretic Text)」からセプトゥアギンタの類似訳文(variations)を作成した。この訳文は、ヘブライ語あるいはギリシア語の文章構造から独立して、ラテン語文として翻訳されなかった。訳文は可読性や翻訳質において均一ではなく、慣用表現において文法的な間違いが多数あった。翻訳者自身がラテン語で間違いを犯し、またギリシア語の慣用表現をラテン語に直訳した為、誤謬が起こった。

All of these translations were made obsolete by St. Jerome's Vulgate version of the Bible. Jerome knew Hebrew, and revised and unified the Latin Bibles of the time to bring them into conformity with the Hebrew as he understood it. The liturgical Psalms, however, are often taken from the older Latin bibles.

これらの古い訳本はすべて、聖ヒエロニュムスの『ウルガータ』版聖書の登場と共に廃れていった。ヒエロニュムスはヘブライ語を知っており、当時のラテン語聖書の訳文を、原文のヘブライ語を理解して行くと共に、原文に適合する形に改訂し纏め上げて行った。しかし、礼拝用(or 典礼用 liturgical)の『詩篇』は、しばしば古いラテン語訳聖書のものを使った。

As discussed in the Vulgate article, there are several different versions of the Vulgate: the Clementine Vulgate, the Stuggart Vulgate, the Nova Vulgata. These represent various attempts to either revise or modernise the Vulgate, or to recover Jerome's original text.

『ウルガータ』の項目で議論されている通り、ウルガータには幾つかの異なる翻訳版がある。クレメンスのウルガータ、シュトゥットガルトのウルガータ、新ウルガータ(Nova Vulgata)である。このように複数の版があるのは、ウルガータを改訂し現代化しようとする、あるいはヒエロニュムスの本来のウルガータを復元しようとする、様々な試みの存在を示している。

In the Protestant Reformation, Theodore Beza produced a new Latin version of the Old Testament, the Apocrypha and the New Testament. Demand for a Latin Bible among Protestants declined steadily, and Beza's translation never achieved wide circulation. However, Beza's Latin translation, with its many exegetical margin notes, influenced the translation of the famous Geneva Bible.

プロテスタントによる宗教改革において、テオドーレ・ベツァ(シオドア・ビーザ ? Theodore Beza)は、旧約聖書、アポクリファ(聖書外典)、新約聖書の新たなラテン語訳を生み出した。プロテスタントのあいだでのラテン語訳聖書への需要はしかし着実に減少して行き、ベツァの翻訳が広く流通することは一度もなかった。とはいえ、多数の聖書解釈学的脚注のあるベツァの訳本は、著名なジュネーヴ聖書(Geneva Bible)の翻訳に影響を与えた。

Secundum Ioannem 3:16 Latine
ラテン語訳 ヨハネ福音書 3:16
ウルガータ Sic enim dilexit Deus mundum, ut Filium suum unigenitum daret, ut omnis qui credit in eum non pereat, sed habeat vitam æternam.
テオドーレ・ベツァ版 Ita enim Deus dilexit mundum, ut Filium suum unigenitum illum dederit, ut quisquis credit in eum, non pereat, sed habeat vitam æternam.

[編集] マン島語

The Bible was translated into the マン島語, a dialect of ゲール語, by a committee of clergy from the マン島. The 新約聖書 appeared in 1767年, and the complete Bible in 1772年.

The Bible in Manx Gaelic
British Bible Society text, 1819
Genesis 1:1-3 Ayns y toshiaght chroo Jee niau as thalloo. As va'n thalloo gyn cummey, as feayn; as va dorraghys er eaghtyr y diunid: as ren spyrryd Yee gleashagh er eaghtyr ny ushtaghyn. As dooyrt Jee, Lhig da soilshey 've ayn; as va soilshey ayn.
Ean 3:16 Son lheid y ghraih shen hug Jee d'an theihll, dy dug eh e ynyrcan Vac v'er ny gheddyn, nagh jinnagh quoi-erbee chredjagh aynsyn cherraghtyn, agh yn vea ta dy bragh farraghtyn y chosney.

[編集] ポラリ(イギリス英語スラング

The King James Bible has been translated, or adapted, into the gay slang Polari by the Manchester branch of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The opening verses of Genesis read like this:

1:1 In the beginning Gloria created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was nanti form, and void; and munge was upon the eke of the deep. And the nanti lucoddy of Gloria trolled upon the eke of the aquas. 3 And Gloria cackled, Let there be sparkle: and there was sparkle. 4 And Gloria vardad the sparkle, that it was bona: and Gloria medzered the sparkle from the munge. 5 And Gloria screeched the sparkle Day, and the munge he screeched nochy. And the bijou nochy and the morning were the una day.

[編集] ポーランド語

詳細はSlavic translations of the Bible#Polish versionsを参照。

An early and influential ポーランド語 translation of the Bible was made by the Polish Jesuit, Jakub Wujek (1541-97). This translation shaped the style of Polish Biblical language.

[編集] ルーマニア語

1688年、The first complete translation to ルーマニア語 was done (called "Biblia de la Bucureşti") by Radu and Şerban Greceanu with the help of Şerban Cantacuzino and Constantin Brâncoveanu.

Before the Greceanu brothers, have been other partial translation like the Slave-Roman Gospel (1551), Coresi's Gospel (1561), The Braşov Psalm Book (1570), Palia from Orăştie (1582), The New Testament of Alba Iulia (1648) and others.

Two main translations are currently used in Romanian. The Orthodox church uses the "Biblia Sinodală" (Bible of the Holy Synod) version, the standard Romanian Orthodox Bible translation, published with the blessings of Patriarch Teoctist, whereas Protestant denominations mainly use the more widespread translation of Dumitru Cornilescu, first published in 1928. In 1989 "Biblia Cornilescu Revizuită" (Revised Cornilescu Version) appeared; it tried to get the existing translation closer to the original manuscripts, in a form grammatically corrected and adapted according to the evolution of the modern Romanian language.

John 3:16 in Romanian
Romanian translations Ioan 3:16
Cornilescu (reprint with 1928 text) Fiindcă atît de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, că a dat pe singurul Lui Fiu, pentruca oricine crede în El, să nu piară, ci să aibă viaţă vecinică.
Biblia Cornilescu Revizuită (1990 reprint of the 1989 edition) Fiindcă atît de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, că a dat pe singurul Său Fiu, pentru ca oricine crede în El să nu piară, ci să aibă viaţă veşnică.
Biblia Sinodală (as published on Biblia Ortodoxă Online) Căci Dumnezeu aşa a iubit lumea, încât pe Fiul Său Cel Unul-Născut L-a dat ca oricine crede în El să nu piară, ci să aibă viaţă veşnică.
Traducerea lumii noi (Romanian edition of the New World Translation, 2000) Fiindcă atât de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, încât l-a dat pe Fiul său unic-născut, pentru ca oricine exercită credinţă în el să nu fie distrus, ci să aibă viaţă veşnică.

[編集] セルビア語

1830年、Atanasije Stojkovićにより新約聖書セルビア語に翻訳される。更に1847年にはVuk Karadžićによって出版され、1865年にĐuro Daničićの手により旧約聖書が翻訳され、完成を迎えた。

More recent translations are the following:

  • Lujo Bakotić 1933, complete Bible,
  • Dimitrije Stefanović 1934, NT,
  • Emilijan Čarnić 1973, NT,
  • the Synod with the Bible Society 1984, complete Bible
  • Aleksandar Birviš 1987, four Gospels.
Translation John 1:1-1:5
Aleksandar Birviš 1987

1) У почетку беше он, Реч,
и Реч беше код Бога
и Он, Реч, беше Бог.
2) Он, Реч, беше у почетку код Бога.
3) Дејством његовим све је постало
и без њега ништа није постало
што је постало.
4) У њему је био живот
и живот је био светлост људима.
5) И светлост светли у тами
и тама је не обузе.


[編集] スペイン語

1569年、The first complete translation from the originals into スペイン語 was published (called "Biblia del Oso") by Casiodoro de Reina.

  • Biblia Alfonsina, 1280.
  • Biblia del Duque de Alba, 1430.
  • Antiguo Testamento del rabino Salomón, 1420.
  • Antiguo Testamento de traductor anónimo, 1420.
  • Nuevo Testamento de Francisco de Enzinas, 1543.
  • Nuevo Testamento de Juan Pérez de Pineda, 1556.
  • Reina o "Biblia del Oso" (RV), 1569, reviewed in 1602 by Cipriano de Valera.
  • Biblia del padre Scío de San Miguel, 1793.
  • Versión Moderna, 1893.
  • Biblia de Petisco y Torres Amat, 1825.
  • Nuevo Testamento versión hispanoamericana, 1916.
  • Biblia Nácar-Colunga, 1944.
  • Biblia Bóver-Cantera, 1947.
  • Nuevo Testamento de monseñor Straubinger, 1948.
  • Nuevo Testamento traducción del Nuevo Mundo, 1963. Translation from English.
  • Biblia de Jerusalén, 1966.
  • Biblia traducción del Nuevo Mundo, 1967. Translation from English.
  • Biblia de Editorial Labor, 1968.
  • Biblia edición pastoral para Latinoamérica, 1972.
  • La Biblia de editorial Herder, 1975.
  • Nueva Biblia Española, 1976.
  • Biblia Interconfesional, 1978.
  • Dios Habla Hoy o Versión Popular (DHH), 1979.
  • La Biblia al Día, 1979.
  • Biblia el libro del pueblo de Dios, 1980.
  • Nuevo Testamento de la Universidad de Navarra, 1983.
  • Biblia de las Américas (BLA), 1986.
  • Biblia, versión revisada por un equipo de traductores dirigido por Evaristo Martín Nieto. 1989.
  • Biblia Casa de la Biblia, 1992.
  • Biblia del Peregrino, 1993.
  • Nuevo Testamento versión Recobro, 1994.
  • Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI), 1999.
  • Nuevo Testamento traducción de Pedro Ortiz, 2000.
  • Nuevo Testamento la Palabra de Dios para Todos (PDT), 2000.
  • Biblia traducción en lenguaje actual (TLA), 2003.
  • Biblia la Palabra de Dios para Todos (PDT), 2005.
John 3:16 in Spanish
Translation Juan 3:16
La Palabra de Dios para Todos (PDT Version) 2005 Dios amó tanto al mundo que dio a su Hijo único para que todo el que crea en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.
Reina-Valera 1960 Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
Nueva Versión Internacional Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo, que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.
Dios Habla Hoy Pues Dios amó tanto al mundo, que dio a su Hijo único, para que todo aquel que cree en él no muera, sino que tenga vida eterna.
La Biblia de las Américas Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que cree en Él, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.


[編集] スラヴ語

詳細はSlavic translations of the Bibleを参照。

862年、a pair of monks named Saints Cyril and Methodius were commissioned by Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, to take the Gospel to Great Moravia. They translated the Bible and many liturgical service books into スラヴ語, which was spoken in various dialects throughout much of Eastern Europe. Their translation was later used to evangelize Bulgaria and Kievan Rus in the tenth century. As there was no written form of Slavonic prior to their translation, they created what became known as the Glagolitic alphabet, loosely based on Greek, and their disciples derived from it the Cyrillic alphabet, which is used by ロシア語 and other East European languages. The Slavonic used in their translation is now known as 古代教会スラヴ語 and its later version as the Church Slavonic still used in liturgical services in Russian Orthodox and several other Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Rite Catholic churches.

[編集] スロベニア語

旧約・新約ともに、初の スロベニア語翻訳に臨んだのはProtestant writer and theologian Jurij Dalmatin. The translation was printed in Wittenberg, Germany in 1584 and was smuggled back to Slovenia hidden in barrels so that Catholic authorities could not discover it. The Slovenes thus became the 12th nation in the world with a complete Bible in their language, overtaking many much larger European nations. The Bible translation was the major achievement of Slovene Protestant literature.

Slovene Biblical Society

[編集] スワヒリ語

The first translation of parts of the Bible into スワヒリ語 was accomplished by 1868, with a complete New Testament translation following in 1879 and a translation of the whole Bible in 1890. Since that time, there have been several translations into different dialects of Swahili as spoken in different regions of East Africa; these include the Union translation published by the タンザニア聖書協会 in 1950 and the Swahili Common Language version.

John 3:16 in Swahili Translations
Translation Yohana 3:16
Union Translation Kwa maana jinsi hii Mungu aliupenda ulimwengu, hata akamtoa Mwanawe pekee, ili kila mtu amwaminiye asipotee, bali awe na uzima wa milele.

[編集] スウェーデン語

Several translations to Swedish have been performed over the years. Until the reformation, a ラテン語 Bible was used, but Gustav Vasa who converted Sweden to protestantism ordered the first translation into the Swedish tongue.

Several translations has been made since then, including:

  • Gustav Vasas bibel - the original ordered by Gustav Vasa
  • Karl XIIs bibel - ordered by Charles XII of Sweden
  • Normalupplagan
  • Helge Åkessons översättning
  • 1917 års bibelöversättning - used in official churches until 2000
  • Nya Världens bibelöversättning - by Jehovah's Witnesses
  • David Hedegårds översättning - includes only the New Testament
  • Bo Giertz översättning - includes only the New Testament
  • Svenska folkbibeln
  • Bibel 2000 - the latest official translation, including the Apocrypha of the Old Testament
  • Reformationsbibeln - includes only the New Testament
Translation Första Mosebok 1:1-1:4
1917 translation I begynnelsen skapade Gud himmel och jord.
Och jorden var öde och tom, och mörker var över djupet, och Guds Ande svävade över vattnet.
Och Gud sade: "Varde ljus"; och det vart ljus.
Och Gud såg att ljuset var gott; och Gud skilde ljuset från mörkret.
Bibel 2000 I begynnelsen skapade Gud himmel och jord.
Jorden var öde och tom, djupet täcktes av mörker och en gudsvind svepte fram över vattnet.
Gud sade: ”Ljus, bli till!” Och ljuset blev till.
Gud såg att ljuset var gott, och han skilde ljuset från mörkret.
Svenska Folkbibeln I begynnelsen skapade Gud himmel och jord.
Jorden var öde och tom, och mörker var över djupet. Och Guds Ande svävade över vattnet.
Gud sade: "Varde ljus!" Och det blev ljus. Gud såg att ljuset var gott, och han skilde ljuset från mörkret.


[編集] タガログ語

  • Ang Dating Biblia (1905).
  • Ang Salita ng Diyos 1998. Produced by Bibles International.

[編集] ベトナム語

  • 1926 Vietnamese Translation (VT), (Cadman)
  • 1934 Vietnamese Bible
  • 1995 Republication of the 1926 VT

Although, the Chu Quoc Ngu had been written in the 17th century, it took more than 250 years (1872) for Vietnamese Bibles to be translated for common teaching use in Vietnam. And in 1963 the Catholic officials published Vietnamese Bibles for the Vietnamese people's use.

A group of pastors are working to translate the Bible to Vietnamese using the English New International Version (NIV).

[編集] ウェールズ語


ウェールズ語による最初の聖書翻訳は、ウィリアム・サラスバリー(William Salesbury)(1520年 - 1584年)による1567年の新約聖書で、1588年の「ウィリアム・モルガン訳聖書(William Morgan's )」へと受継がれてゆく。これは英訳聖書として名高い欽定訳聖書との双璧をなすものである。 A new translation, y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd was published in 1988年 and has largely replaced the William Morgan translation, although there is some disagreement as to the accuracy of the translation. Both versions are in very literary Welsh and there is still a need for a translation in a more colloquial register.

A revision of y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd (Revised New Welsh Bible) was released in 2004年3月.

A Comparison of John 3:16 in Welsh Translations
Translation Ioan 3:16
Beibl William Morgan, 1588 Canys felly y carodd Duw y byd fel y rhoddodd efe ei unig-anedig Fab, fel na choller pwy bynnag a gredo ynddo ef, ond caffael ohono fywyd tragwyddol.
Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd, 1988 Do, carodd Duw y byd gymaint nes iddo roi ei unig Fab, er mwyn i bob un sy'n credu ynddo ef beidio â mynd i ddistryw ond cael bywyd tragwyddol.

[編集] ズールー語

1917年、The entire Bible was first translated into ズールー語. It was updated in 1957 but it was still considered quite difficult to understand for the average Zulu person. ズールー語の新約聖書 that is easier to understand was completed in 1986 but no 旧約聖書 is currently available (as at 2006) but a project is open (by the 南アフリカ聖書協会) to complete this 旧約聖書.


[編集] 参照

  1. 1.0 1.1 "The Bible in the Renaissance - William Tyndale", Dom Henry Wansbrough.
  2. National Bible Translations organisations
  3. Literacy Builds Hope
  4. Robert H. Countess, The Jehovah's Witnesses' New Testament: a Critical Analysis of the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures (2nd ed. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co., 1987)
  5. Bruce M. Metzger, "The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures." The Bible Translator 15/3 (July 1964), pp. 150-153
  6. Bruce M. Metzger, "The Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus Christ: A Biblical and Theological Appraisal." Theology Today 10 (1953): 65-85
  7. Raymond V. Franz, Crisis of Conscience (Atlanta: Commentary Press, 1983). Contains a number of interesting remarks on the New World Translation

[編集] 外部リンク


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