Diwar Wikipedia, an holloueziadur digor
Skrivet eo ar pennad-mañ e Peurunvan
Setu amañ ur roll eus an elfennoù kimiek renket hervez o simboloù, ennañ ar simboloù boas implijet evit envel an elfennoù kimiek hag anavezet gant Unaniezh Etrevroadel ar Gimiezh Pur hag Arveret. Evit pep elfenn e vez roet ivez e niver atomek, e vas atomek (pe niver mas e izotop stabilañ), niveroù e strollad hag e beriodenn en daolenn beriodek hag orin ar simbol ma n'eo ket anat diwar anv boas an elfenn.
Rummadoù kimiek an daolenn beriodek |
Metaloù alkalin |
Metaloù alkalinodouar |
Lantanidoù |
Aktinidoù |
Metaloù tranzitadur |
Metaloù paour |
Metaloidoù |
Nann-metaloù |
Halogenoù |
Gazoù nobl |
[kemmañ] Arouezioù boas
Arouez kimiek |
Anv an elfenn |
Niver atomek |
Mas atomek |
Strollad |
Periodenn |
Orin an Arouez |
Douester e 20°C |
Poent teuziñ °C |
Poent birviñ °C |
Bloavezh dizoloadenn |
Dizoloer |
Ac |
Actiniom |
89 |
[227]1 |
7 |
10,07 g/cm3 |
1047 °C |
3197 °C |
1899 |
Debierne |
Ag |
Arc'hant |
Latin Argentum |
47 |
107.8682(2)2 |
11 |
5 |
10,49 g/cm3 |
961,9 °C |
2212 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Al |
Aluminiom (Aluminum) |
13 |
26.9815386(8) |
13 |
3 |
2,70 g/cm3 |
660,5 °C |
2467 °C |
1825 |
Oersted |
Am |
Americiom |
95 |
[243]1 |
7 |
13,67 g/cm3 |
994 °C |
2607 °C |
1944 |
Seaborg |
Ar |
Argon |
18 |
39.948(1)2 4 |
18 |
3 |
1,66 g/l |
-189,4 °C |
-185,9 °C |
1894 |
Ramsay and Rayleigh |
As |
Arsenik |
33 |
74.92160(2) |
15 |
4 |
5,72 g/cm3 |
613 °C |
613 (sublimines) °C |
approx. 1250 |
Albertus Magnus |
At |
Astatin |
85 |
[210]1 |
17 |
6 |
302 °C |
337 °C |
1940 |
Corson and MacKenzie |
Au |
Aour |
Latin Aurum |
79 |
196.966569(4) |
11 |
6 |
19,32 g/cm3 |
1064,4 °C |
2940 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
B |
Boron |
5 |
10.811(7)2 3 4 |
13 |
2 |
2,46 g/cm3 |
2300 °C |
2550 °C |
1808 |
Davy and Gay-Lussac |
Ba |
Bariom |
56 |
137.327(7) |
2 |
6 |
3,65 g/cm3 |
725 °C |
1640 °C |
1808 |
Davy |
Be |
Berylliom |
4 |
9.012182(3) |
2 |
2 |
1,85 g/cm3 |
1278 °C |
2970 °C |
1797 |
Vauquelin |
Bh |
Bohriom |
107 |
[264]1 |
7 |
7 |
1976 |
Oganessian |
Bi |
Bismuth |
83 |
208.98040(1) |
15 |
6 |
9,80 g/cm3 |
271,4 °C |
1560 °C |
1540 |
Agricola |
Bk |
Berkeliom |
97 |
[247]1 |
7 |
13,25 g/cm3 |
986 °C |
1949 |
Seaborg |
Br |
Brome |
35 |
79.904(1) |
17 |
4 |
3,14 g/cm3 |
-7,3 °C |
58,8 °C |
1826 |
Balard |
C |
Karbon |
6 |
12.0107(8)2 4 |
14 |
2 |
3,51 g/cm3 |
3550 °C |
4827 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Ca |
Kalsiom |
20 |
40.078(4)2 |
2 |
4 |
1,54 g/cm3 |
839 °C |
1487 °C |
1808 |
Davy |
Cd |
Kadmiom |
48 |
112.411(8)2 |
12 |
5 |
8,64 g/cm3 |
321 °C |
765 °C |
1817 |
Stromeyer and Hermann |
Ce |
Seriom |
58 |
140.116(1)2 |
6 |
6,77 g/cm3 |
798 °C |
3257 °C |
1803 |
von Hisinger and Berzelius |
Cf |
Kaliforniom |
98 |
[251]1 |
7 |
15,1 g/cm3 |
900 °C |
1950 |
Seaborg |
Cl |
Klor |
17 |
35.453(2)2 3 4 |
17 |
3 |
2,95 g/l |
-34,6 °C |
-101 °C |
1774 |
Scheele |
Cm |
Curiom |
96 |
[247]1 |
7 |
13,51 g/cm3 |
1340 °C |
1944 |
Seaborg |
Co |
Kobalt |
27 |
58.933195(5) |
9 |
4 |
8,89 g/cm3 |
1495 °C |
2870 °C |
1735 |
Brandt |
Cr |
Krom |
24 |
51.9961(6) |
6 |
4 |
7,14 g/cm3 |
1857 °C |
2482 °C |
1797 |
Vauquelin |
Cs |
Seziom |
55 |
132.9054519(2) |
1 |
6 |
1,90 g/cm3 |
28,4 °C |
690 °C |
1860 |
Kirchhoff and Bunsen |
Cu |
Kouevr |
Latin Cuprum |
29 |
63.546(3)4 |
11 |
4 |
8,92 g/cm3 |
1083,5 °C |
2595 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Db |
Dubniom |
105 |
[262]1 |
5 |
7 |
1967/70 |
Flerow oder Ghiorso |
Ds |
Darmstadtiom |
110 |
[271]1 |
10 |
7 |
1994 |
Society for Heavy Ion Research |
Dy |
Dysprosiom |
66 |
162.500(1)2 |
6 |
8,56 g/cm3 |
1409 °C |
2335 °C |
1886 |
Lecoq de Boisbaudran |
Er |
Erbiom |
68 |
167.259(3)2 |
6 |
9,05 g/cm3 |
1522 °C |
2510 °C |
1842 |
Mosander |
Es |
Einsteiniom |
99 |
[252]1 |
7 |
860 °C |
1952 |
Seaborg |
Eu |
Europiom |
63 |
151.964(1)2 |
6 |
5,25 g/cm3 |
822 °C |
1597 °C |
1901 |
Demaçay |
F |
Fluorine |
9 |
18.9984032(5) |
17 |
2 |
1,58 g/l |
-219,6 °C |
-188,1 °C |
1886 |
Moissan |
Fe |
Houarn |
Latin Ferrum |
26 |
55.845(2) |
8 |
4 |
7,87 g/cm3 |
1535 °C |
2750 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Fm |
Fermiom |
100 |
[257]1 |
7 |
1952 |
Seaborg |
Fr |
Frañsiom |
87 |
[223]1 |
1 |
7 |
27 °C |
677 °C |
1939 |
Perey |
Ga |
Galliom |
31 |
69.723(1) |
13 |
4 |
5,91 g/cm3 |
29,8 °C |
2403 °C |
1875 |
Lecoq de Boiskaudran |
Gd |
Gadoliniom |
64 |
157.25(3)2 |
6 |
7,89 g/cm3 |
1311 °C |
3233 °C |
1880 |
de Marignac |
Ge |
Germaniom |
32 |
72.64(1) |
14 |
4 |
5,32 g/cm3 |
937,4 °C |
2830 °C |
1886 |
Winkler |
H |
Hidrogen |
1 |
1.00794(7)2 3 4 |
1 |
1 |
0,084 g/l |
-259,1 °C |
-252,9 °C |
1766 |
Cavendish |
He |
Heliom |
2 |
4.002602(2)2 4 |
18 |
1 |
0,17 g/l |
-272,2 °C |
-268,9 °C |
1895 |
Ramsay and Cleve |
Hf |
Hafniom |
72 |
178.49(2) |
4 |
6 |
13,31 g/cm3 |
2150 °C |
5400 °C |
1923 |
Coster and vón Hevesy |
Hg |
Merkur |
Latin Hydrargyrum |
80 |
200.59(2) |
12 |
6 |
13,55 g/cm3 |
-38,9 °C |
356,6 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Ho |
Holmiom |
67 |
164.930 32(2) |
6 |
8,78 g/cm3 |
1470 °C |
2720 °C |
1878 |
Soret |
Hs |
Hassiom |
108 |
[277]1 |
8 |
7 |
1984 |
Society for Heavy Ion Research |
I |
Iod |
53 |
126.904 47(3) |
17 |
5 |
4,94 g/cm3 |
113,5 °C |
184,4 °C |
1811 |
Courtois |
In |
Indiom |
49 |
114.818(3) |
13 |
5 |
7,31 g/cm3 |
156,2 °C |
2080 °C |
1863 |
Reich and Richter |
Ir |
Iridiom |
77 |
192.217(3) |
9 |
6 |
22,65 g/cm3 |
2410 °C |
4130 °C |
1803 |
Tenant and others |
K |
Potasiom |
German Kalium |
19 |
39.0983(1) |
1 |
4 |
0,86 g/cm3 |
63,7 °C |
774 °C |
1807 |
Davy |
Kr |
Krypton |
36 |
83.798(2)2 3 |
18 |
4 |
3,48 g/l |
-156,6 °C |
-152,3 °C |
1898 |
Ramsay and Travers |
La |
Lanthanum |
57 |
138.90547(7)2 |
6 |
6,16 g/cm3 |
920 °C |
3454 °C |
1839 |
Mosander |
Li |
Litiom |
3 |
6.941(2)2 3 4 5 |
1 |
2 |
0,53 g/cm3 |
180,5 °C |
1317 °C |
1817 |
Arfvedson |
Lr |
Laorensiom |
103 |
[262]1 |
3 |
7 |
1961 |
Ghiorso |
Lu |
Lutesiom |
71 |
174.967(1)2 |
3 |
6 |
9,84 g/cm3 |
1656 °C |
3315 °C |
1907 |
Urbain |
Md |
Mendeleviom |
101 |
[258]1 |
7 |
1955 |
Seaborg |
Mg |
Magneziom |
12 |
24.3050(6) |
2 |
3 |
1,74 g/cm3 |
648,8 °C |
1107 °C |
1755 |
Black |
Mn |
Manganez |
25 |
54.938045(5) |
7 |
4 |
7,44 g/cm3 |
1244 °C |
2097 °C |
1774 |
Gahn |
Mo |
Molybden |
42 |
95.94(2)2 |
6 |
5 |
10,28 g/cm3 |
2617 °C |
5560 °C |
1778 |
Scheele |
Mt |
Meitneriom |
109 |
[268]1 |
9 |
7 |
1982 |
Society for Heavy Ion Research |
N |
Nitrogen |
7 |
14.0067(2)2 4 |
15 |
2 |
1,17 g/l |
-209,9 °C |
-195,8 °C |
1772 |
Rutherford |
Na |
Sodiom |
Latin Natriom |
11 |
22.98976928(2) |
1 |
3 |
0,97 g/cm3 |
97,8 °C |
892 °C |
1807 |
Davy |
Nb |
Niobiom |
41 |
92.906 38(2) |
5 |
5 |
8,58 g/cm3 |
2468 °C |
4927 °C |
1801 |
Hatchet |
Nd |
Neodim |
60 |
144.242(3)2 |
6 |
7,00 g/cm3 |
1010 °C |
3127 °C |
1895 |
von Welsbach |
Ne |
Neon |
10 |
20.1797(6)2 3 |
18 |
2 |
0,84 g/l |
-248,7 °C |
-246,1 °C |
1898 |
Ramsay and Travers |
Ni |
Nickel |
28 |
58.6934(2) |
10 |
4 |
8,91 g/cm3 |
1453 °C |
2732 °C |
1751 |
Cronstedt |
No |
Nobeliom |
102 |
[259]1 |
7 |
1958 |
Seaborg |
Np |
Neptuniom |
93 |
[237]1 |
7 |
20,48 g/cm3 |
640 °C |
3902 °C |
1940 |
McMillan and Abelson |
O |
Oksigen |
8 |
15.9994(3)2 4 |
16 |
2 |
1,33 g/l |
-218,4 °C |
-182,9 °C |
1774 |
Priestley and Scheele |
Os |
Osmiom |
76 |
190.23(3)2 |
8 |
6 |
22,61 g/cm3 |
3045 °C |
5027 °C |
1803 |
Tenant |
P |
Fosfor |
15 |
30.973762(2) |
15 |
3 |
1,82 g/cm3 |
44 (P4) °C |
280 (P4) °C |
1669 |
Brandt |
Pa |
Protactiniom |
91 |
231.03588(2)1 |
7 |
15,37 g/cm3 |
1554 °C |
4030 °C |
1917 |
Soddy, Cranston and Hahn |
Pb |
Plom |
Latin Plumbum |
82 |
207.2(1)2 4 |
14 |
6 |
11,34 g/cm3 |
327,5 °C |
1740 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Pd |
Palladiom |
46 |
106.42(1)2 |
10 |
5 |
12,02 g/cm3 |
1552 °C |
3140 °C |
1803 |
Wollaston |
Pm |
Promethiom |
61 |
[145]1 |
6 |
7,22 g/cm3 |
1080 °C |
2730 °C |
1945 |
Marinsky and Glendenin |
Po |
Poloniom |
84 |
[210]1 |
16 |
6 |
9,20 g/cm3 |
254 °C |
962 °C |
1898 |
Marie and Pierre Curie |
Pr |
Prazeodim |
59 |
140.90765(2) |
6 |
6,48 g/cm3 |
931 °C |
3212 °C |
1895 |
von Welsbach |
Pt |
Platinom |
78 |
195.084(9) |
10 |
6 |
21,45 g/cm3 |
1772 °C |
3827 °C |
1557 |
Scaliger |
Pu |
Plutoniom |
94 |
[244]1 |
7 |
19,74 g/cm3 |
641 °C |
3327 °C |
1940 |
Seaborg |
Ra |
Radiom |
88 |
[226]1 |
2 |
7 |
5,50 g/cm3 |
700 °C |
1140 °C |
1898 |
Marie and Pierre Curie |
Rb |
Rubidiom |
37 |
85.4678(3)2 |
1 |
5 |
1,53 g/cm3 |
39 °C |
688 °C |
1861 |
Bunsen and Kirchhoff |
Re |
Reniom |
75 |
186.207(1) |
7 |
6 |
21,03 g/cm3 |
3180 °C |
5627 °C |
1925 |
Noddack, Tacke and Berg |
Rf |
Rutherfordiom |
104 |
2611 |
4 |
7 |
1964/69 |
Flerow or Ghiorso |
Rg |
Roentgeniom |
111 |
[272]1 |
11 |
7 |
1994 |
Society for Heavy Ion Research |
Rh |
Rodiom |
45 |
102.905 50(2) |
9 |
5 |
12,41 g/cm3 |
1966 °C |
3727 °C |
1803 |
Wollaston |
Rn |
Radon |
86 |
[220]1 |
18 |
6 |
9,23 g/l |
-71 °C |
-61,8 °C |
1900 |
Dorn |
Ru |
Rutheniom |
44 |
101.07(2)2 |
8 |
5 |
12,45 g/cm3 |
2310 °C |
3900 °C |
1844 |
Claus |
S |
Sulfur |
16 |
32.065(5)2 4 |
16 |
3 |
2,06 g/cm3 |
113 °C |
444,7 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Sb |
Stibiom |
Latin Stibiom |
51 |
121.760(1)2 |
15 |
5 |
6,69 g/cm3 |
630,7 °C |
1750 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Sc |
Skandiom |
21 |
44.955912(6) |
3 |
4 |
2,99 g/cm3 |
1539 °C |
2832 °C |
1879 |
Nilson |
Se |
Seleniom |
34 |
78.96(3)4 |
16 |
4 |
4,82 g/cm3 |
217 °C |
685 °C |
1817 |
Berzelius |
Sg |
Seaborgiom |
106 |
[266]1 |
6 |
7 |
1974 |
Oganessian |
Si |
Silisiom |
14 |
28.0855(3)4 |
14 |
3 |
2,33 g/cm3 |
1410 °C |
2355 °C |
1824 |
Berzelius |
Sm |
Samariom |
62 |
150.36(2)2 |
6 |
7,54 g/cm3 |
1072 °C |
1778 °C |
1879 |
Lecoq de Boisbaudran |
Sn |
Staen |
Latin Stannum |
50 |
118.710(7)2 |
14 |
5 |
7,29 g/cm3 |
232 °C |
2270 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Sr |
Strontiom |
38 |
87.62(1)2 4 |
2 |
5 |
2,63 g/cm3 |
769 °C |
1384 °C |
1790 |
Crawford |
Ta |
Tantal |
73 |
180.94788(2) |
5 |
6 |
16,68 g/cm3 |
2996 °C |
5425 °C |
1802 |
Ekeberg |
Tb |
Terbiom |
65 |
158.92535(2) |
6 |
8,25 g/cm3 |
1360 °C |
3041 °C |
1843 |
Mosander |
Tc |
Teknetiom |
43 |
[98]1 |
7 |
5 |
11,49 g/cm3 |
2172 °C |
5030 °C |
1937 |
Perrier and Segrè |
Te |
Tellur |
52 |
127.60(3)2 |
16 |
5 |
6,25 g/cm3 |
449,6 °C |
990 °C |
1782 |
von Reichenstein |
Th |
Toriom |
90 |
232.03806(2)1 2 |
7 |
11,72 g/cm3 |
1750 °C |
4787 °C |
1829 |
Berzelius |
Ti |
Titan |
22 |
47.867(1) |
4 |
4 |
4,51 g/cm3 |
1660 °C |
3260 °C |
1791 |
Gregor and Klaproth |
Tl |
Taliom |
81 |
204.3833(2) |
13 |
6 |
11,85 g/cm3 |
303,6 °C |
1457 °C |
1861 |
Crookes |
Tm |
Tuliom |
69 |
168.93421(2) |
6 |
9,32 g/cm3 |
1545 °C |
1727 °C |
1879 |
Cleve |
U |
Uraniom |
92 |
238.02891(3)1 2 3 |
7 |
18,97 g/cm3 |
1132,4 °C |
3818 °C |
1789 |
Klaproth |
Uub |
Ununbiom |
112 |
[285]1 |
12 |
7 |
1996 |
Society for Heavy Ion Research |
Uuh |
Ununhexiom |
116 |
[292]1 |
16 |
7 |
Uup |
Ununpentiom |
115 |
[288]1 |
15 |
7 |
Uuq |
Ununquadiom |
114 |
[289]1 |
14 |
7 |
Uut |
Ununtriom |
113 |
[284]1 |
13 |
7 |
V |
Vanadiom |
23 |
50.9415(1) |
5 |
4 |
6,09 g/cm3 |
1890 °C |
3380 °C |
1801 |
del Rio |
W |
Tungsten |
German Wolfram |
74 |
183.84(1) |
6 |
6 |
19,26 g/cm3 |
3407 °C |
5927 °C |
1783 |
Gebrüder de Elhuyar |
Xe |
Ksenon |
54 |
131.293(6)2 3 |
18 |
5 |
4,49 g/l |
-111,9 °C |
-107 °C |
1898 |
Ramsay and Travers |
Y |
Itriom |
39 |
88.90585(2) |
3 |
5 |
4,47 g/cm3 |
1523 °C |
3337 °C |
1794 |
Gadolin |
Yb |
Iterbiom |
70 |
173.04(3)2 |
6 |
6,97 g/cm3 |
824 °C |
1193 °C |
1878 |
de Marignac |
Zn |
Zink |
30 |
65.409(4) |
12 |
4 |
7,14 g/cm3 |
419,6 °C |
907 °C |
prehistoric |
unknown |
Zr |
Zirkoniom |
40 |
91.224(2)2 |
4 |
5 |
6,51 g/cm3 |
1852 °C |
4377 °C |
1789 |
Klaproth |
- Notenn 1: N'eus izotop stabil ebet d'an elfenn, hag un talvoud etre krochedoù, d.s. [209], a verk niver mas an izotop a zo dezhañ ar vuhez hirañ. Teir elfenn avat, an toriom, ar protaktiniom hag an uraniom, o deus ur c'hompozadur izotopel naturel karakteristikel, ha dre se eo kevatal o mas atomek d'an hini roet.
- Notenn 2: Variañ a ra kompozadur izotopel an elfenn-mañ e-barzh standilhonoù geologel 'zo ha gallout a ra ar variadur mont en tu-hont d'an diasurter lakaet en daolenn.
- Notenn 3: Gallout a ra kompozadur izotopel an elfenn variañ e-barzh danvezioù-koñvers 'zo, ha dre se e c'hell ar mas atomek variañ en ur mod heverk diouzh an talvoud roet.
- Notenn 4: Variañ a ra ar c'hompozadur izotopel en danvezioù a vez kavet war an Douar, ken n'heller ket reiñ ur mas atomek resisoc'h.
- Notenn 5: Gallout a ra mas atomek al Litiom-koñvers variañ etre 6,939 ha 6,996—ret eo analizañ (dielfennañ) an danvez studiet evit kavout un talvoud resisoc'h.
[kemmañ] Liammoù diavaez