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拖拉机 - Wikipedia





A modern farm tractor.
A modern farm tractor.




[编辑] 农业拖拉机




[编辑] 工作


[编辑] 动力和通讯



A PTO shaft plugged into a tractor.
A PTO shaft plugged into a tractor.



拖拉机在许多情况下工作时都需要较低的速度,这样农民在田间工作时就可以更好地控制它。但是,在公共道路上行驶时,这样慢的速度会造成交通堵塞,大量车辆被堵在路上,影响其他车辆正常的行驶。为解决这个问题,有些国家(比如荷兰)在路上设置“农用拖拉机禁行”的标志。象JCB Fastrac这样的现代拖拉机,速度可达到50mph,以这样的速度在路上行驶,基本可以被接受。

[编辑] 安全


The classic Row Crop tractor. Note the absence of any rollover protection system.
The classic Row Crop tractor. Note the absence of any rollover protection system.


[编辑] 应用



[编辑] 精确农业


[编辑] 制造商

  • Allis-Chalmers
  • Big Bud
  • Case Corporation and International Harvester
  • Case IH and New Holland (now brands of CNH Global)
  • David Brown Limited
  • Deere & Company
  • Farmall
  • Ford Tractor Co.
  • Massey Ferguson
  • Minneapolis Moline Tractors
  • Oliver Corporation
  • Steiger Tractor Company
  • White

[编辑] Backhoe loader 挖掘装载机


A common backhoe-loader. The backhoe is on the left, the bucket/blade on the right.
A common backhoe-loader. The backhoe is on the left, the bucket/blade on the right.




[编辑] 工程拖拉机






[编辑] 廉价拖拉机

A Ford rebuilt to an EPA tractor.
A Ford rebuilt to an EPA tractor.
An "A tractor" based on Volvo 760. Notice the slow vehicle triangle and the longer boot.
An "A tractor" based on Volvo 760. Notice the slow vehicle triangle and the longer boot.

二战期间,在瑞典因为拖拉机短缺,人们发明了一种新型的“EPA拖拉机”(EPA意味着功能简化,经常用来表示某些东西在质量上有欠缺)。EPA拖拉机被简化成汽车,卡车或货车,前排座位以后的载客空间被砍掉,然后安装两个变速箱。 During World War 2 there was a shortage of tractors in Sweden and this lead to the invention of a new type of tractor called the EPA tractor (EPA was a chain of discount stores and it was often used to signify something of lacking in quality). An EPA tractor was simply an automobile, truck or lorry, with the passenger space was cut off behind the front seats, equipped with two gearboxes in a row. When done to an older car with a ladder frame, the result was not dissimilar to a tractor and could be used as one.

After the war it remaind popular, now not as a farm vehicle, but as a way for young people without a driver's license to own something similar to a car. Since it was legally seen as a tractor it could be driven from 16 years of age and only required a tractor license. Eventually the legal loophole was closed and no new EPA tractors were allowed to be made, but the remaining were still legal, something that led to inflated prices and many protests who people that prefered EPA tractors to ordinary cars.

In March 31, 1975 a similar type of vehicle was introduced, the A tractor [from arbetstraktor (work tractor)]. The main difference is that an A tractor has a top speed of 30 km/h. This is usually done by fitting two gearboxes in a row and not using one of them. Volvo Duett was for a long time the primary choice for conversion to an EPA or A tractor, but since supply have since dried up other cars have been used, in most cases a Volvo.

[编辑] 其他拖拉机种类

The term tractor or tractor unit (UK) is also applied to:

Road tractors
Heavy-duty vehicles with large engines and several axles. These tractors are designed to pull long road trailers, most often for the transport of freight of some kind over a significant distance (see semi-trailer). In England this type of "tractor" is often called an "artic cab".
Locomotive tractors (engines)
the amalgamation of machines, generators, controls and devices that comprise the traction component of railway vehicles
Artillery tractors
Vehicles used to tow artillery pieces of varying weights.

[编辑] 空间领域

In aircraft, a tractor configuration refers to the propellers being in front of the fuselage or wing. Conversely, if to the rear, it is a called a pusher configuration.

NASA and other space agencies use very large tractors to ferry launch vehicles like booster rockets and space shuttles from their hangars to (and in rare cases, from) the launchpad.

[编辑] 电脑领域

A tractor is also the part of a computer printer that pulls paper into the device or pushes it along. This usually takes the form of a toothed gear that meshes with holes punched near the edge of the paper, or a belt or wheel with rubber or other high-friction surface that makes contact with the paper.

[编辑] 参看

  • Tractor beam
  • List of farm implements
  • Backhoe loader
  • Bulldozer
  • Crane
  • Engineering vehicles
  • Excavator
  • Grader
  • Front loader
  • Skid loader
  • Space technology
  • Tractor pulling

[编辑] 外部链接

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