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<< -{zh-cn:哈利·波特与火焰杯;zh-tw:哈利波特─火盃的考驗}- | -{zh-cn:哈利·波特与“混血王子”;zh-tw:哈利波特─混血王子的背叛}- >>



原著 J.K.罗琳
国籍 英国


书号 ISBN 702004327
翻译 马爱农、马爱新、蔡文
出版社 人民文学出版社
字数 686



书号 ISBN 9573318008
翻译 彭倩文
出版社 皇冠出版社

-{A|zh-cn:哈利·波特与凤凰社;zh-tw:哈利波特─鳳凰會的密令}-》(-{Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix}-)是英国作家J.K.罗琳的系列魔幻文学作品“哈利·波特”总共七本中的第五本。这部小说的英文原版2003年6月21日英国出版。中文简体版2003年9月出版,中文繁体版2003年出版。


[编辑] 题词


[编辑] 情節概覽

[编辑] 鳳凰會的密令

本書故事開頭哈利·波特正在德思禮家為了某些事情憂慮。哈利感到相當挫折,因為他不曉得重獲新生的-{A|zh-cn:伏地魔;zh-tw:佛地魔;}-有什麼計畫,同時也因為他的朋友們,不肯透過貓頭鷹信差告訴他任何消息。在和姨丈及阿姨吵了一架之後,哈利溜出門在-{A|zh-tw:小惠因區;zh-cn:小惠金区;}-閒晃,卻遇見他討人厭的表哥達力。兩人一起回家,-{A|zh-cn:摄魂怪;zh-tw:催狂魔;}-卻突然現身並且攻擊他們。哈利召喚護法擊退催狂魔,雖然成功拯救達力不被吸走靈魂,但是達力還是呈現失去意識的狀態。 所幸他們的鄰居-{A|zh-tw:費太太;zh-cn:费格太太;}-,及時趕到幫忙。費太太是一名有純正巫師血統的-{A|zh-tw:爆竹;zh-cn:哑炮;}-,一直遵照鄧不利多教授的命令照顧哈利。



雖然哈利和鄧不利多教授都告訴世人佛地魔已經回來了。不過,自以爲是的魔法部,爲了避免公衆恐慌,和他們兩個分道揚鑣,通過巫師報刊預言家日報 聲稱哈利和鄧不利多教授是散佈謊言的瘋子。鄧不利多教授的支持者,重新召集了在上次佛地魔失去魔力前的黑暗時期就已經成立的鳳凰會。不少人加入了鳳凰會,努力把人們從佛地魔的捲土重來和食死徒的威脅下拯救出來。

[编辑] 哈利受審

Image:Order of Phoenix cover.jpg
Cover of the US Edition, Scholastic



[编辑] 回到霍格華玆學校

最後,哈利和他的同學回到學校。在霍格華茲特快車上,他們遇到露娜·羅古德, who takes on a prominent role later in the book. At Hogwarts they discover shocking news: Hagrid has not yet returned from whatever task Dumbledore sent him on at the end of last term; 而且他們的新黑魔法防禦術教授竟然是桃樂絲·恩不里居, one of the Wizengamot panel members at Harry's hearing. 恩不里居不准學生使用魔法, and it soon emerges that she works for the Ministry of Magic, which has installed her as a teacher at Hogwarts by decree, against Dumbledore's wishes, and in order to impose the Ministry's agenda on the school.

Once school starts, things happen at a rapid pace. 這一年要考普等巫測, and the teachers push the students hard in preparation. Professor Umbridge gains more and more influence on the school, through a succession of further Decrees passed by the Ministry of Magic, culminating in her appointment as Hogwarts High Inquisitor, and begins to make intrusive and intimidating inspections of teachers and students alike. 榮恩成為魁地奇葛來分多隊的看守手。榮恩接到正在為夫子工作的哥哥派西的信, advises Ron to 'sever ties' with Harry because Harry is allegedly a very dangerous person to fraternize with. He also recommends that Ron report anything unusual to Umbridge, whom he calls 'a very lovely, helpful woman.' In addition, he hints that this might be Dumbledore's last year at Hogwarts.

[编辑] -{A|zh-cn:乌姆里奇;zh-tw:恩不里居}-的壓迫

恩不里居, 新任黑魔法防禦術教師, is a particularly unpleasant character. In light of her refusal to teach anything useful in her Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, Hermione convinces Harry to give secret lessons to a number of students who want to learn how Defence Against the Dark Arts really works; reluctantly, he agrees, and they all sign a paper stating their intent to never reveal the group to Umbridge.

Hagrid later returns, looking much the worse for wear. Although he eventually divulges his mission to recruit the giants to the Order's side, he is much more reluctant to come clean about the cause of his injuries. Both he and Professor Sibyll Trelawney are under heavy scrutiny by Umbridge, as she views both of them as incompetent; Umbridge is also prejudiced against "half-breeds," and Hagrid is half-human, half-giant.

As Umbridge convinces Fudge to pass more edicts, activities in the school become intensely curtailed. All student groups are banned; the Slytherin Quidditch team is almost immediately reactivated, but the Gryffindor team is held up until Minerva McGonagall goes over Umbridge's head and has Dumbledore reinstate it. The Slytherins compose a taunting ditty entitled "Weasley is Our King" in an attempt to intimidate Ron into playing poorly. It succeeds, but Harry captures the Snitch in the first game to clinch victory. However, a fight afterwards provoked by Draco Malfoy results in Harry and Fred and George Weasley being permanently banned from playing by Umbridge.

[编辑] 鄧不利多的軍隊

Secretly, the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, led by Harry, go on. They now call themselves the "D.A.", initially for Defense Association but settling on Dumbledore's Army. The name expresses the students' defiance of the paranoid and complacent Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, who fears that Dumbledore is seeking to create his own army to use against the Ministry itself.

All along, Harry has had a number of strange dreams, mostly about running down a hallway and attempting to open a door in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries. In one of these nightmares, Harry dreams that he is a snake attacking Ron's father, Arthur Weasley, who works at the Ministry. Waking up, Harry raises the alarm, believing his dream to have been a vision, and Arthur is indeed discovered with poisonous snake bites and hospitalised, eventually recovering from his injuries. Harry begins to wonder if he is being possessed and transported by Voldemort to do his bidding; others reassure him that this cannot be so. Soon, however, Dumbledore orders Harry to be placed under Severus Snape's tutelage in the art of Occlumency, the ability to block one's mind from being manipulated.

妙麗已經連絡新聞記者麗塔史譏,而且威脅麗塔史譏除非她寫關於佛地魔返回的事實並讓她接見哈利,否則將公開她是未經登記的化獸師(詳見哈利波特—火盃的考驗)。露娜的父親是《謬論家》的編輯,他欣然接受這篇文章。當這篇報導刊出後,恩不里居非常生氣,她禁止哈利去活米村,而且禁止在校內閱讀《謬論家》。 Fortunately for Harry, this gives the magazine the lure of the forbidden and soon the publication spreads like wildfire throughout the school despite Umbridge's frantic efforts to stop it.

Empowered to do so by Ministry edicts, Umbridge sacks Professor Trelawney, but Dumbledore, citing his remaining authority as Headmaster, insists that Trelawney be allowed to stay in residence at the castle despite Umbridge's attempt to evict her as well. Dumbledore also manages to recruit a replacement Divination teacher, a centaur named Firenze, whom Harry met in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This irritates Umbridge greatly. Dumbledore has outwitted her using her own rules; the Ministry decrees have only given Umbridge the power to make appointments when the Headmaster is unable to find a satisfactory candidate. She also dislikes what she disdainfully - but wrongly - refers to as "half-breeds", including centaurs.

[编辑] 一場約會災難

Harry's attraction to the Ravenclaw Quidditch player Cho Chang further complicates the situation; he is awkward and confused in close situations with her, and is unable to handle her mood swings and grief over Cedric's death. Harry has admired Cho's good looks since he was a third year, but they only start dating in his fifth year. After sharing a kiss under mistletoe just before the Christmas holidays, Harry is elated, but is troubled by Cho's sadness and his inability to correctly deal with it. A particularly painful experience in the wizarding town of Hogsmeade on Valentine's Day appears to destroy what little foundation the two had built for their relationship. Cho grows cold and angry over their coffee, and Harry is perplexed and unable to understand what he said that upset her so. When realizing that Cho is jealous of Hermione, Harry is so relieved to discover the cause of her anger that he bursts out laughing - which greatly offends Cho. Bursting into tears, she runs out of the Hogsmeade teashop, much to Harry's embarrassment. Harry has trouble understanding and communicating with Cho adequately.

Things begin to come to a head between Harry and Cho, when, in the middle of a DA meeting, the members are informed that they have been exposed and Umbridge is on her way to catch them. Harry is the only one caught and is taken to Dumbledore's office, where he discovers that Cho's friend, Mariette Edgecombe was the informer, who is heavily disfigured following a charm employed by Hermione. Dumbledore, in order to protect the students, convinces Fudge and Umbridge that it was his idea to form the DA in order to depose Fudge as Minister of Magic, pandering to Fudge's existing paranoia. Dumbledore escapes, and Umbridge is installed as the new Headmistress (per one of the many Decrees passed by the Ministry) and forms an Inquisitorial Squad. The Weasley twins use their talent for practical jokes to cause trouble around the school, while all of the teachers, who dislike Umbridge intensely, pointedly do nothing to help the new Headmistress cope. Both Harry and Cho defend their respective friends' actions, which leads to a heated argument. When he sees tears of rage in Cho's eyes, Harry warns her that he won't tolerate her crying anymore as he has enough to cope with as it is. Stung, Cho snaps that he can go ahead and cope with his problems then, and storms off angrily. Extremely angry, Harry walks away too. After that fight, Harry and Cho stop talking to each other.

The Weasley twins set off one last prank as a decoy so that Harry can talk to Sirius via the fireplace in Umbridge's office - the only one not under surveillance - and are caught; they decide to leave Hogwarts in spectacular fashion, leaving a magical swamp inside the school, and to use the winnings from the Triwizard Tournament given to them by Harry to start their joke shop, 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes'.

[编辑] 天狼星遇上麻煩

During the Astronomy OWL exam at night, Harry and others witness a group of people attempting to capture and expel Hagrid. Professor McGonagall tries to stop them, and is hit with a number of Stun Charms, which incapacitate her. Soon after, during his History of Magic OWL, Harry has a dream which seems to complete the journey down the hallway: as Voldemort, he has Sirius captured in the Department of Mysteries, and is torturing him.

Image:Ordem da Fênix.jpg
Cover of the Brazilian Edition

Harry and his crew make a desperate attempt to contact Sirius via the fireplace in Umbridge's office, but the Black family's house-elf, Kreacher, deliberately tricks Harry into believing Sirius has vanished; he was in fact tending to Buckbeak, the hippogriff. Umbridge and her minions--mainly Slytherin students--capture Harry's gang. Thinking fast, Hermione makes up a story about who they were trying to contact, and says that they were protecting a weapon, and that she and Harry would lead Umbridge to it. Umbridge asks Snape to give her some Veritaserum, but he claims he has none left; she is not aware that he is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Umbridge tells Harry that it was she who ordered the Dementors on him during the summer.

[编辑] 飞往倫敦

Hermione entices Umbridge to march her and Harry into the woods, knowing that the haughty centaurs, furious that one of their brethren now works for humans, are disposed to hate adult wizards. The centaurs take Umbridge away, and are about to do the same to Harry and Hermione, when Hagrid's half-brother - a "small" giant named Grawp, whom Hagrid had brought back with him from his quest over the summer - appears and distracts the centaurs. Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville arrive, and they resolve to go to the Ministry to rescue Sirius, riding on thestrals, horse-like creatures visible only to people who have seen death.

Upon arriving at the Department of Mysteries, and after a number of false turns, they arrive at the location in Harry's dream, to find not Voldemort and Sirius but a group of Death Eaters. The Death Eaters include, among others, Draco's father Lucius Malfoy; MacNair the executioner in the employ of the Ministry; Azkaban escapee and former Department of Mysteries employee Rookwood; and Azkaban escapee Bellatrix Lestrange, who is Sirius's cousin and the torturer of Neville Longbottom's parents. The vision of Voldemort and Sirius at the Department of Mysteries was a trap. When Voldemort realised that Harry's dreams gave him access to Voldemort's mind, he planted the vision of Sirius being tortured to lure Harry to the Ministry and use him to retrieve a glass sphere, the record of a prophecy, from the Department of Mysteries. The prophecy, made before Harry's birth, is apparently about Voldemort and Harry. Only the subjects of a prophecy can handle it, and as Voldemort does not want to risk discovery, he lures Harry into retrieving it for him. Having previously heard the first part of the prophecy relating to Harry's ability to conquer the Dark Lord - on which basis Voldemort attempted unsuccessfully to murder Harry as a baby, precipitating his own downfall - Voldemort is now determined to hear the full prophecy, hoping to learn how to destroy Harry.

[编辑] 魔法部裡的混戰


Harry blindly chases after Bellatrix, intent on avenging Sirius, and soon catches up with her in the main atrium of the Ministry of Magic, where they fight. Then Lord Voldemort himself appears inside the atrium. He and Dumbledore duel, and after a dramatic fight and a brief episode where Voldemort actually manages to possess Harry, tempting Dumbledore to kill him in Harry's body, Voldemort eventually retreats by disapparating, taking Bellatrix with him. Alerted Ministry of Magic employees arrive in time to see He Who Must Not Be Named for themselves. Among them is Cornelius Fudge, who finally accepts Voldemort's return and believes what Dumbledore and Harry have been saying. In turn, The Daily Prophet reverses its hostile attitude towards the pair, restoring their reputations and praising them for warning the wizarding community of Voldemort's return.

[编辑] 預言

As the story draws to a close, Dumbledore explains much to Harry. He did not wish to be close to him during the year, as he could sense Voldemort's growing power over the boy--indeed, on more than one occasion, Harry was filled with a desire to strike down Dumbledore. He regretted not helping Harry learn Occlumency, and also reveals the prophecy. It turns out that at her initial Hogwarts interview, held sixteen years ago at the Hog's Head Inn at Hogsmeade, Sybill Trelawney prophesied that:

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...

This was interpreted to mean that Voldemort would kill either Harry or Neville Longbottom, who were both born at the end of July, or vice-versa. After Voldemort, hearing of the prophecy, attacked Harry as a child, the latter part of the prophecy was realised; Harry would be his foe and kill or be killed by him, not Neville.

The existence of this prophecy brings clarity to Dumbledore remarking that Trelawney's prediction in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban has been her second real one. The first prediction was the Harry/Voldemort prophecy.

Dumbledore also tells why Harry must stay with the Dursleys each summer. After Harry's mother died to save him, the charm of protection against Voldemort that her act cast on Harry is sustained as long as Harry has a home among those who share Lily Potter's blood. Aunt Petunia, Lily's sister, therefore acts as a protector for Harry, and it was Dumbledore who sent Petunia the Howler at the beginning of the story to remind her of this.

最后,哈利又回到了德思礼家,but not without Vernon and Petunia getting a stern talking-to by a number of wizards in the Order (including a menacing Alastor Moody). Changes are brewing in the wizarding world. Indeed, the last chapter of the book is entitled "The Second War Begins."

[编辑] 哈利波特系列


-{zh-cn:魔法石; zh-tw:神祕的魔法石}- 小說 電影 遊戲
-{zh-cn:密室; zh-tw:消失的密室}- 小說 電影 遊戲
-{zh-cn:阿兹卡班的囚徒; zh-tw:阿茲卡班的逃犯}- 小說 電影 遊戲
-{zh-cn:火焰杯; zh-tw:火盃的考驗}- 小說 電影 遊戲
-{zh-cn:凤凰社; zh-tw:鳳凰會的密令}- 小說 (電影)  
-{zh-cn:混血王子; zh-tw:混血王子的背叛}- 小說 (電影)  
哈利波特與致命聖靈 (暫譯) (小說)    

其它书籍 其它游戏
-{zh-cn:神奇动物在哪里; zh-tw:怪獸與牠們的產地}- 哈利波特:魁地奇世界盃
-{zh-cn:神奇的魁地奇球; zh-tw:穿越歷史的魁地奇}-

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