Statistik deskriptif
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Statistik déskriptif nyaéta hiji cabang statistik nu denotes any of the many techniques used to summarize a set of data. In a sense, we are using the data on members of a set to describe the set. Téhnikna biasana digolongkeun kana:
- Déskripsi grafis nu migunakeun grafik pikeun ngajinekkeun data.
- Déskripsi tabular nu maké tabel pikeun nyimpulkeun data.
- Déskripsi paramétrik nu ngaéstimasi the values of certain parameters which we assume to complete the description of the set of data.
Sacara umum, data statistis bisa didadarkeun salaku daptar subjék atawa unit katut data nu patali jeung masing-masingna. Although most research uses many data types for each Unit, we will limit ourselves to just one data item each for this simple introduction.
We have two objectives for our summary:
- We want to choose a statistic that shows how different units seem similar. Statistical textbooks call the solution to this objective, a measure of central tendency.
- We want to choose another statistic that shows how they differ. This kind of statistic is often called a measure of statistical variability.
When we are summarizing a quantity like length or weight or age, it is common to answer the first question with the arithmetic mean, the median, or the mode. Sometimes, we choose specific values from the cumulative distribution function called quantiles.
Ukuran variabiliti ilahar keur data kuantitatip nyaeta varian; akar kuadratna nyaeta simpangan baku; rentang; interquartile range; sarta simpangan mutlak.
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