Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Terms and Conditions User:Xyrael/monobook.js - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Mozilla/Safari: hold down Shift while clicking Reload (or press Ctrl-Shift-R), Internet Explorer: press Ctrl-F5, Opera/Konqueror: press F5.

/* <pre> <nowiki> */

/* [[User:Xyrael]]'s mish-mash monomonobook
 * This is a modified version of [[User:Essjay/Skins]] for
 * my own use. I've removed several features that I don't
 * want and added other things that I do. Feel free to take
 * bits for your own pages and do ask for help if you want to
 * do something specific. Thanks.
 *                                       —Xyrael

/*** navigation popups ([[User:Lupin/popupsdev.js]]) ***/
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

popupDelay = 1;
popupStructure = 'menus';
popupAdminLinks = true;
popupShortcutKeys = true;
popupFixRedirs = true;
popupWatchRedirredPages = true;
popupRedlinkRemoval = true;
popupFixDabs = true;
popupWatchDisambiggedPages = true;
imagePopupsForImages = false;
// popupMaxWidth = 550;
popupEditCounterTool = 'custom';
popupEditCounterUrl = '$1';

popupRevertSummary = 'rv to %s - ';
popupRevertSummaryPrompt = true;
popupQueriedRevertSummary = 'rv to $1 at $2 by $3 - ';
popupQueriedRevertToPreviousSummary = 'rv to $1 at $2 by $3 - ';
popupFixRedirsSummary = 'rp %s with %s - ';
popupFixDabsSummary = 'rp %s with %s - ';
popupRedlinkSummary = 'rm [[%s]] - ';

// [[User:Essjay]]'s monobook.  //

// Please note: There are sysop, bureaucrat, and checkuser function settings in this skin.  //
//              They appear under tabs with the associated names (syop, bcrat, check).      //
//              They will not work if you do not have the required permissions.             // 
//              Do not be alarmed if you get error messages.                                //
//              (They can easily be removed, ask me.)                                       //

/**** Initialize on window load ****/

addOnloadHook( myLoadFuncs );

/**** Load custom functions ****/

function myLoadFuncs()
    if(!document.getElementById) return;
    // add a clock
    //var toplinks = document.getElementById('p-personal').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    //addlilink(toplinks, '#', '', 'utcdate');

/**** Add generic tab ****/

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id){
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li'); = id;
    return li;

// Tabs by Korath
// returns <li><a href="url">name</a></li>
/**** Add tab as menu ****/

function addlimenu(tabs, name, id)
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = '#';
    var mn = document.createElement('ul');
    var li = document.createElement('li'); = id;
    li.className = 'tabmenu';
    return li;

/**** Get a clock that autoupdates! ****/

function showtime()
    var timerID;
    var now = new Date();
    var timeValue = now.toUTCString().replace(/GMT/, "UTC");
    document.getElementById('utcdate').firstChild.innerHTML = timeValue;
    timerID = setTimeout('showtime()', 100);

function addTab(url, name, id, title, key){ 
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key);

// Adds a "blocklog" tab and fills in the username field on Special:Blockip, if a "&faketarget=username" is present.
function do_blockip_stuff()
  // focus on Reason field

  // Look for a &faketarget= for the username/ip
  var l ='&');
  var target = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < l.length; ++i)
      var n = l[i].indexOf('=');
      if (l[i].substring(0, n) == 'faketarget')
	  target = l[i].substring(n + 1);

  if (target == '')

  // put account name in "IP Address/username" field
  var addr = document.getElementsByName('wpBlockAddress')[0];
  addr.value = unescape(target);

  // add "blocklog" tab
  var c1 = document.getElementById('column-one');
  var tabs = c1.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
  tabs.appendChild(addlilink('/w/index.php?title=Special%3ALog&type=block&user=&page=User%3A' + target, 'blocklog'));

// Opens the block log in the current window, and Special:Blockip in a popup.
// Width, height, top, and left are chosen for a 1600x1200 display.
//function blockpage_and_log(target)
//'Special_Blockip.html?foo=blarg&faketarget=' + target, 'Block', 'width=1600,height=600,top=600,left=0');
//  document.location.href = '' + target;

// Adds "block" and "blocklog" tabs to User: and User talk: pages.
function add_block_tab(){
    var c1 = document.getElementById('column-one');
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    // use the "edit this page" tab to get already-tidied url
    var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
    // cut everything up to "title=" from the start and everything past "&action=edit" from the end
    editlk = editlk.substring(editlk.indexOf('title=') + 6, editlk.lastIndexOf('&action=edit'));
    editlk = editlk.substring(editlk.indexOf(':') + 1);
    var slloc = editlk.indexOf('/');
    if(slloc > 0) editlk = editlk.substring(0, slloc);

    // add "block" tab
    addTab('/wiki/Special:Blockip/' + editlk, 'block', 'ca-block');

    // add "blocklog" tab
    addTab('/wiki/Special:Log/block?page=User:' + editlk, 'log', 'ca-blocklog');
    // add "unblock" tab
    addTab('/w/index.php?title=Special:Ipblocklist&action=unblock&ip=' + editlk, 'un');

    // add "contributions" tab
    addTab('/wiki/Special:Contributions/' + editlk, 'con');
    // add "edit count" tab
    addTab('' + editlk + '&dbname=enwiki_p', 'count');
    // add "whois" tab
    addTab('' + editlk, 'who');
    // add "proxycheck" tab
    addTab('' + editlk, 'proxy');
function morelinks()
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
if(document.title.indexOf("User") == 0)
        addlimenu(tabs, 'User', 'userf');
        var userf = document.getElementById('userf').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];

        addlimenu(tabs, 'sysop', 'sysopf');
        var sysopf = document.getElementById('sysopf').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];

/*        addlimenu(tabs, 'bcrat', 'bfunc');
        var bfunc = document.getElementById('bfunc').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];

        addlimenu(tabs, 'check', 'cfunc');
        var cfunc = document.getElementById('cfunc').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; */

             //User functions //

        var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
            editlk = editlk.substring(editlk.indexOf('title=') + 6, editlk.lastIndexOf('&action=edit'));
            editlk = editlk.substring(editlk.indexOf(':') + 1);
            var slloc = editlk.indexOf('/');
            if(slloc > 0) editlk = editlk.substring(0, slloc);
        // format: addlilink(userf, url, name);
        // add "listusers" tab
        addlilink(userf, '/w/index.php?title=Special:Listusers&group=&username=' + editlk, 'list', '');

        // add "contributions" tab
        addlilink(userf, '/wiki/Special:Contributions/' + editlk, 'contrib', '');
        // addTab('/wiki/Special:Contributions/' + editlk, 'con');
        // add "userspace" tab
        addlilink(userf, '/w/index.php?title=Special:Prefixindex&namespace=2&from=' + editlk, 'space', '');

        // add "edit count" tab
        addlilink(userf, '' + editlk, 'count', '');
        // addTab('' + editlk, 'count');
        // add "whois" tab
        addlilink(userf, '' + editlk, 'whois', '');
        // addTab('' + editlk, 'who');
        // add "proxycheck" tab
        addlilink(userf, '' + editlk, 'proxy', '');
        // addTab('' + editlk, 'proxy');

        // add "url" tab
        addlilink(userf, 'http://' + editlk, 'url', '');
        // addTab('http://' + editlk, 'url');

        // add a "Yahoo" tab
        addlilink(userf, '' + editlk, 'Yahoo', '');
        // addTab('' + editlk, 'Yahoo');

                // Sysop functions

        // add "block" tab
        addlilink(sysopf, '/wiki/Special:Blockip/' + editlk, 'block');
        // previous: addTab('/wiki/Special:Blockip/' + editlk, 'block', 'ca-block', '');
        // add "blocklog" tab
        addlilink(sysopf, '/wiki/Special:Log/block?page=User:' + editlk, 'log', '');
        // addTab('/wiki/Special:Log/block?page=User:' + editlk, 'log', 'ca-blocklog');
        // add "unblock" tab
        addlilink(sysopf, '/w/index.php?title=Special:Ipblocklist&action=unblock&ip=' + editlk, 'unblock', '');
        // addTab('/w/index.php?title=Special:Ipblocklist&action=unblock&ip=' + editlk, 'un');
        // add "view deleted edits" tab
        addlilink(sysopf, '' + editlk + '&dbname=enwiki', 'deleted', '');

/*		// Bureaucrat functions

        // add "makesysop" tab
        addlilink(bfunc, '' + editlk, 'sysop', '');
        // add "rename" tab
        addlilink(bfunc, '' + editlk, 'rename', '');
        // add "makebot" tab
       addlilink(bfunc, '' + editlk, 'bot', '');
                //Checkuser functions

        // add "checkuser" tab
        addlilink(cfunc, '' + editlk, 'user', '');
        // add "checkip" tab
        addlilink(cfunc, '' + editlk, 'ip', '');
        // add "log" tab
        addlilink(cfunc, '', 'log', '');


function do_onload()
 if (document.title.indexOf('Block user') == 0) // could stand to be more robust

//From User:Func
if (window.addEventListener) 
  window.addEventListener("load", do_onload, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) 
  window.attachEvent("onload", do_onload);

if ( document.createElement && window.addEventListener )
	function SoFixItInit() // pre-load, (don't want to slow down loading of article's content, though)


	function SoFixItLoad() // post-load
		UserMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-personal'   );
		PageMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-cactions'   );
		 NavMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-navigation' );
		//ToolMenu = new PortletMenu( 'p-tb'         );

			//	This is inefficient and not particularly robust.
			//	This comes first, I want this link to come up as
			//	fast as possible.
		function GetByClass( sElem, sClass )
		{	var i, a2 = [], a = document.getElementsByTagName( sElem );
			for ( i = 0; i < a.length; i++ )
				if ( a[ i ].className == sClass )
					a2.push( a[ i ] );
			return a2;
		var a, td = GetByClass( 'td', 'diff-otitle' );
		if ( ( td = td[ 0 ] ) && ( a = td.getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ] ) )
			a.href = a.href + '&action=edit'; // need to change text, later

		var userName = UserMenu.getText( 'pt-userpage' );

			// personal (top-most) menu
		UserMenu.setText( 'pt-mytalk'     , 'Talk'  );
		UserMenu.setText( 'pt-preferences', 'Prefs' );
		UserMenu.setText( 'pt-watchlist'  , 'Watchlist' );
		UserMenu.setText( 'pt-mycontris'  , 'Contribs' );
		UserMenu.setText( 'pt-logout'     , 'Log out'   );
		UserMenu.setHref( 'pt-mycontris',
			'' +
			userName + '&offset=0&limit=500' );
			//	article-actions menu, (the "tabs")
		if ( PageMenu[ 'ca-history' ] ) // theory: if it has a history tab, then it's purgable
			PageMenu.insertBefore( 'ca-history', 'ca-lastdiff', 'diff',
				PageMenu.getHref( 'ca-history' ).replace( /action=history/, 'diff=0' ) );

			//PageMenu.append( 'ca-purge', 'Purge',
			//	PageMenu.getHref( 'ca-history' ).replace( /action=history/, 'action=purge' ) );
							//Shorten tab names //
                        PageMenu.setText( 'ca-nstab-user' , 'user' );
                        PageMenu.setText( 'ca-talk' , 'talk' );
                        PageMenu.setText( 'ca-edit'     , 'edit'   );
                        PageMenu.setText( 'ca-history'     , 'history'   );
                        PageMenu.setText( 'ca-delete'     , 'delete'   );
                        PageMenu.setText( 'ca-watch'     , 'watch'   );
                        PageMenu.setText( 'ca-protect'     , 'protect'   );


		var x = 1;
		/* NavMenu.append( 'n-' + x++, 'Monobook.js', '/wiki/User:' + userName + '/monobook.js' );
		NavMenu.append( 'n-' + x++, 'EditCount', '' ); */


	function PortletMenu( id ) // constructor
	{ = document.getElementById( id );
		this.list = 'ul' )[ 0 ]; // bypass "<h5>Views</h5>", etc.

			// far as I can figure, there is empty whitespace being treated
			//	as TextNodes....
		var LIs = this.list.getElementsByTagName( 'li' );

		for ( var i = 0; i < LIs.length; i++ )
			this[ LIs[ i ].id ] = LIs[ i ];

		this.newItem = function( id, txt, url )
		{	var li = document.createElement( 'li' );   = id;
			var  a = document.createElement( 'a'  );  a.href = url;

			 a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( txt ) );
			li.appendChild( a );

			this[ id ] = li; // watch this!!!

			return li;

		this.append = function( id, txt, url )
		{	this.list.appendChild( this.newItem( id, txt, url ) );
		this.insertBefore = function( old, id, txt, url )
		{	this.list.insertBefore( this.newItem( id, txt, url ), this[ old ] );

			//	the ByTagName here is a bit annoying, but in Safari, I was picking
			//	up TextNodes by using this[ id ].firstChild.firstChild
		this.getText = function( id      ) { return this[ id ].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ] }
		this.setText = function( id, txt ) {        this[ id ].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ] = txt }

		this.getHref = function( id      ) { return this[ id ].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ].href       }
		this.setHref = function( id, url ) {        this[ id ].getElementsByTagName( 'a' )[ 0 ].href = url }
		//	I add em as I need em....

	function RemoveNode( id )
	{	var node = document.getElementById( id )
		node.parentNode.removeChild( node );

	window.addEventListener( 'load', SoFixItLoad, false );

// Do useful thinks on Special:Log/newusers //

function NUPatrol()
	if (	( window.location.href.indexOf( 'Special%3ALog&type=newusers' ) == -1 ) &&
			( window.location.href.indexOf( 'Special:Log/newusers'        ) == -1 )  )
	return; // make more robust???

	var items, item, i, links, user, name, talk, contribs, insertLoc, link;

	items = document.getElementById( 'bodyContent' ).getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[ 0 ].getElementsByTagName( 'li' );

	function NewLink( txt, url, plainlinks, linkColor )
	{	var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
			a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( txt ) );
			a.href = url;
		if ( plainlinks ) a.className = 'plainlinks';
		if ( linkColor )
		{	if ( typeof linkColor == "string" ) = linkColor;
			else = '#FF0000'; // old default behavior
		return a;

	for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ )
		item = items[ i ];
		links = item.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );

			user = links[ 0 ]; name = user.firstChild.nodeValue;
			talk = links[ 2 ]; talk.firstChild.nodeValue = 'talk'; // lowercase 'Talk' for consistency
		contribs = links[ 3 ];

		insertLoc = user.nextSibling; // ' newusers '

		item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ' ( ' ), insertLoc );

		item.insertBefore( talk, insertLoc );
		item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc );

		item.insertBefore( contribs, insertLoc );
		item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc );

		item.insertBefore( NewLink( 'actions', '/w/index.php?title=Special%3ALog&user=' + name, true, '#000088' ), insertLoc );
		item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc );

		item.insertBefore( NewLink( 'blocks', '/w/index.php?title=Special%3ALog&type=block&page=User%3A' + name, true, '#008800' ), insertLoc );
		item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc );

		item.insertBefore( NewLink( 'is blocked?', '/wiki/Special:Ipblocklist?action=search&ip=' + name, true, '#888800' ), insertLoc );
		item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ', ' ), insertLoc );

		item.insertBefore( NewLink( 'do block!', '/w/index.php?title=Special:Blockip&ip=' + name, true, '#880000' ), insertLoc );

		item.insertBefore( document.createTextNode( ' )' ), insertLoc );

		item.removeChild( insertLoc.nextSibling ); // should remove the span
		item.removeChild( insertLoc ); // should remove ' newusers ' text

if ( window.addEventListener ) window.addEventListener( 'load', NUPatrol, false );
else if ( window.attachEvent ) window.attachEvent( 'onload', NUPatrol );

function inc (file) {
  var lt = String.fromCharCode(60);
  var gt = String.fromCharCode(62);
  document.writeln(lt+'script type="text/javascript" src="/w/index.php?title='+file+'&amp;action=raw&amp;ctype=text/javascript&amp;dontcountme=s"'+gt+lt+'/script'+gt);

/* inc("User:Topaz/init.js");
inc("User:Essjay/statuschanger.js"); */

//Interiot's Java //

document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
    + '' 
    + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

// Unwatch Links //

addOnloadHook(function () {
    var query_prefix = "title=Special:Watchlist&action=submit&remove=1&id[]=";
    //var query_prefix = "action=unwatch&title=";

    if (window.location.href.indexOf("Special:Watchlist") < 0) return;
    if (window.location.href.indexOf("Special:Watchlist/edit") >= 0) return;

    var links = document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('a');
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        if (links[i].href.substring(links[i].href.length-15) != '&action=history')
        var unwatch = document.createElement('a');
        unwatch.href = "/w/index.php?" + query_prefix + encodeURIComponent(links[i].title);
        unwatch.title = "Unwatch "+links[i].title;
        links[i].parentNode.insertBefore(unwatch, links[i].nextSibling);
        // kluge to handle case where "diff" is unlinked:
        var delim = links[i].previousSibling;
        delim = (delim.nodeType == 3 ? delim.nodeValue : "");
        links[i].parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(delim.replace(/^.*diff/, "")), unwatch);

//Death to editing on redlinks //

function stopRedlinksEditing(){ 
    var len=document.links.length;
    for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) {
        var l=document.links[i];
        if (l.className=='new') {
            l.href=l.href.replace('&action=edit', '');

/* //BCrats stuff//
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

//Checkuser reporting//
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>'); */

//Rename results//
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
//Autodelete with Jude's delete tool//

addOnloadHook(function (){
		if(queryString("submitdelete")=="true") document.forms[0];
	function queryString(p) {
		var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
		var matches;
		if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
			try { 
				return decodeURI(matches[1]);
			} catch (e) {
		return null;


// Always check "block anons only" on Special:Blockip //
// Another success from User:Lupin // 

addOnloadHook(function(){ var x; if (x=document.getElementById('wpAnonOnly')) {x.checked=true;} });
addOnloadHook(function(){ var x; if (x=document.getElementById('wpCreateAccount')) {x.checked=false;} });

/**** afd helper ****/
document.write('<script type="text/javascript"' +
  'src="' +

/* This is to keep track of who is using this extension: [[User:Jnothman/afd_helper/script.js]] */

// Script from [[User:MarkS/extraeditbuttons.js]]
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

// This will add an [edit top] link at the top of all pages except preview pages
// by User:Pile0nades

// Add an [edit top] link to pages
addOnloadHook(function () {
  // if this is preview page or generated page, stop
  if(document.getElementById("wikiPreview") || window.location.href.indexOf("/wiki/Special:") != -1) return;

  // get the page title
  var pageTitle = document.title.split(" - ")[0].replace(" ", "_"); 

  // create div and set innerHTML to link
  var divContainer = document.createElement("div");
  divContainer.innerHTML = '<div class="editsection" style="float:right;margin-left:5px;margin-right:15px;margin-top:3px;">[<a href="/w/index.php?title='+pageTitle+'&action=edit&section=0" title="'+document.title.split(" - ")[0]+'">edit top</a>]</div>';

  // insert divContainer into the DOM before the h1
  if(window.location.href.indexOf("&action=edit") == -1)
    document.getElementById("content").insertBefore(divContainer, document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0]);

  if(window.location.href.indexOf("&action=edit&section=0") != -1)
    document.getElementById("wpSummary").value = "/* Intro */ ";

function addTab(url, name, id, title, key){
    var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
    return addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key)

function addlilink(tabs, url, name, id, title, key){
    var na = document.createElement('a');
    na.href = url;
    var li = document.createElement('li');
    if(id) = id;
        if(key && title)
            ta[id] = [key, title];
        else if(key)
            ta[id] = [key, ''];
        else if(title)
            ta[id] = ['', title];
    // re-render the title and accesskeys from existing code in wikibits.js
    return li;

 //Please leave the following line
/* addOnloadHook(function() {
   if ("/") != -1 ||"- History -") != -1) { //no subpages or history
   if (document.title.indexOf("User:") == 0 || document.title.indexOf("User talk:") == 0) {
      username_a = document.URL.match(/:.*:(.*)/);
      addTab("" + username, "contrib", "ca-contrib", "contribs", "");
      addTab("" + username, "block log", "ca-blog", "blog", "");

//this helps automate AfD closing by adding a 'close' tab to AfD debates
//written by [[User:Johnleemk]] based on [[Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts/Scripts/test-n.js]] by [[User:Celestianpower]]

function autoafd_result()
  var close = prompt("Result of debate?")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;
  t.value = "{{subst:" + "at" + "}} '''" + close + "'''. " + "~" + "~" + "~" + "~" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  if (t.value.length > 0)
    t.value += '\n';
  t.value += "{{subst:" + "ab" + "}}";
  f.wpSummary.value = "Closing debate; result was " + close;

function autoafd_relist()
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;
  if (t.value.length > 0)
    t.value += '\n';
  t.value += "{{subst:" + "relist" + "|~" + "~" + "~" + "~}}";
  f.wpSummary.value = "Relisting debate";

function autoafd_keep()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "Article survived AfD";

function autoafd_no_consensus()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''no consensus'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "Article survived AfD with no consensus";

function autoafd_redirect()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var redirect = prompt("Redirect to?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''redirect to [[" + redirect + "]]'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "Article redirected to [[" + redirect + "]] as per AfD";

function autoafd_merge()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var redirect = prompt("Merge and redirect to?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''merge and redirect to [[" + redirect + "]]'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "Article merged and redirected to [[" + redirect + "]] as per AfD";

function autoafd_other()
  var date = prompt("Nomination was made when?")
  var result = prompt("Result was?")
  var votepage = prompt("Vote page is? (Enter 'd' for default.)")
  var f = document.editform, t = f.wpTextbox1;

    // If default votepage...
    if (votepage=="d")
        var temp = document.editform.action.split("/w/index.php?title=");
        var temp = temp[1].split("&action=submit");
        var temp = temp[0].substring(5);
        var votepage = temp;

  t.value = "{{subst:" + "oldafdfull" + "|date=" + date + "|result='''" + result + "'''|votepage=" + votepage + "}}" + '\n' + '\n' + t.value;
  f.wpSummary.value = "AfDed; result was " + result;

function autoafd_add_afd_tabs()
  // Only add for pages with the right string somewhere in the title
  if (document.title.indexOf("Editing Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/") != -1)
      addLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_result()', "close");
      addLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_relist()', "relist");
  if (document.title.indexOf("Editing Talk:") != -1)
      addLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_keep()', "keep");
      addLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_no_consensus()', "no consensus");
      addLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_redirect()', "redirect");
      addLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_merge()', "merge");
      addLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:autoafd_other()', "other");


//end AfD closing script

 //<nowiki> Helper tools
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

 //<nowiki> Diff page links
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
//</nowiki>[[Category:VoA scripted users|{{PAGENAME}}]]

 //<nowiki> UTC clock
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
//</nowiki>[[Category:VoA scripted users|{{PAGENAME}}]]

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document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + '' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
//</nowiki>[[Category:VoA scripted admins|{{PAGENAME}}]]

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document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' 
             + ' of All/Adminwarnings/monobook.js' 
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');
//</nowiki>[[Category:VoA scripted admins|{{PAGENAME}}]]

//Easy Speedy Delete script
//Written by [[User:GeorgeMoney]]

if(window.location.href.indexOf('speedydel') != -1 && window.location.href.indexOf('action=delete') != -1)
{ addOnloadHook(function() { doeasycsd(); }); }


//the criteria to not show "content was"
var nocontent = "A2|A8|G10|U1";

//The default criteria to use if the inputbox is blank
//Note: This is NOT the defaultsum. The defaultsum is the summary to use as default for criterias that you haven't set a special summary
//This is ONLY used if the inputbox is blank, or you entered a summary that is not defined
//This just calls the summary for whatever value you put in the var
var defaultcrit = "A7";

//To open the creator's talk page and contribs
var useopentp = true;

//Default summary for criterias. $1 means where the criteria name will go
//This is NOT what is used if you leave the inputbox blank. See above
//This is called from the function defaultsum() which is used when you have not predefined a special summary for one of the WP:CSD criterias
var thedefaultsum = "Per [[WP:CSD#$1|CSD $1]]";

var msgs  = {
//This is all the messages used in the script

//Extra summaries that you will type into the inputbox. so if you type "extra1" it will go to the value of "extra1"
//Make sure there is a comma at the end of every line
//Note: The extra summaries are case sensitive.
extra1: "Extra summary",

//All the criterias. Replace defualtsum('foo') with "yoursummary". so    G1: defaultsum('G1'),  becomes   G1: "yoursummary",
G1: defaultsum('G1'),
G2: defaultsum('G2'),
G3: defaultsum('G3'),
G4: defaultsum('G4'),
G5: defaultsum('G5'),
G6: defaultsum('G6'),
G7: defaultsum('G7'),
G8: defaultsum('G8'),
G9: defaultsum('G9'),
G10: defaultsum('G10'),
G11: defaultsum('G11'),

A1: defaultsum('A1'),
A2: defaultsum('A2'),
A3: defaultsum('A3'),
A4: defaultsum('A4'),
A5: defaultsum('A5'),
A6: defaultsum('A6'),
A7: defaultsum('A7'),
A8: defaultsum('A8'),

R1: defaultsum('R1'),
R2: defaultsum('R2'),
R3: defaultsum('R3'),

I1: defaultsum('I1'),
I2: defaultsum('I2'),
I3: defaultsum('I3'),
I4: defaultsum('I4'),
I5: defaultsum('I5'),
I6: defaultsum('I6'),
I7: defaultsum('I7'),
I8: defaultsum('I8'),
I9: defaultsum('I9'),

C1: defaultsum('C1'),
C2: defaultsum('C2'),
C3: defaultsum('C3'),

U1: defaultsum('U1'),
U2: defaultsum('U2'),

T1: defaultsum('T1'),

P1: defaultsum('P1'),
P2: defaultsum('P2'),

dummy: 'this is a dummy entry to break the comma'

if(wgCanonicalNamespace != 'Special') {
addOnloadHook(function() {
var tbsd = document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
addlilink(tbsd, 'javascript:doeasycsd()', 'speedy delete', 'ca-speedy', 'speedy delete', '1');

var nocontent = nocontent.split('|');
//alert(msgs.thedefaultsum + msgs.extra1);
function defaultsum(h) {
var f = thedefaultsum.replace(/\$1/g, h);
return f;
function doeasycsd() {
var alm = true;
if(window.location.href.indexOf('useurl') == -1) {
var r = prompt('What speedy criteria?');
if(r == null) {
alert('Action canceled'); return;
} else if(r=="s") {
  var re = prompt('What extra summary?');
  var usesum = re;
  var lr = "spec";
  var alm = false;
} else if(r=="h") {
  var re = prompt('What extra summary to use \nwithout showing "content was"?');
  var usesum = re;
  var lr = "specnc";
  var alm = false;
} else {
var r = gvo('delcrit');
if(r.indexOf('s|') == 0) { var usesum = r.replace('s|', ''); var lr = "spec"; var alm = false; }
else if(r.indexOf('h|') == 0) { var usesum = r.replace('h|', ''); var lr = "specnc"; var alm = false; }

if(r!=''&&alm) {
var cr = r.toUpperCase();
eval('if(msgs.'+cr+' != undefined) { var usesum = msgs.'+cr+'; var lr = \''+cr+'\'; } else if(msgs.'+r+' != undefined) { var usesum = msgs.'+r+'; var lr = \''+r+'\'; } else { var usesum = msgs.'+defaultcrit+'; var lr = defaultcrit; }');

    if(window.location.href.indexOf('speedydel') == -1) {
          if(lr == "spec") { lr = "s|"+usesum; }
          if(lr == "specnc") { lr = "h|"+usesum; }
          window.location.href = (document.getElementById('ca-delete').firstChild.href+'&speedydel=true&delcrit='+escape(lr)+'&useurl=true');
                 if(useopentp) {'ca-history').firstChild.href+'&opentalk=true&limit=1');'ca-history').firstChild.href+'&opentalk=true&opencontribs=true&limit=1'); }
        } else if(window.location.href.indexOf('speedydel') != -1) {
    var mydel = document.getElementById('wpReason');
    var olddelsum = mydel.value;
        for(var i = 0; i<nocontent.length; i++) {
          var nc = nocontent[i];
          if(lr == nc||lr=="specnc") {
            var donotc = true;
          } else {
            var donotc = false;
        if(donotc||mydel.value=="") { var olddelsum = ""; } else { var olddelsum = "- "+olddelsum; }
    var newdelsum = usesum+" "+olddelsum;
    document.getElementById('wpReason').value = newdelsum;
    var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
    for (i=0; i<inputs.length; i++) {
           if (inputs[i].name == 'wpConfirmB') {


if(useopentp && window.location.href.indexOf('opentalk=true') != -1 && window.location.href.indexOf('action=history') != -1) {
addOnloadHook(function() {
for(var i=0; i<document.links.length; i++) {
var l = document.links[i];
if(l.innerHTML.indexOf('Earliest') == 0) {
window.location.href = (l.href+'&opentalk=true');
} else { foundit = false; }
if(!foundit) {
for(var i=0; i<document.getElementsByTagName('form').length; i++){
var k = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[i];
if(k.method=="get" && == "title" && k.firstChild.type == "hidden") {
var lastli = k.getElementsByTagName('li')[(k.getElementsByTagName('li').length - 1)];
var g = lastli.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var j = 0; j<g.length; j++) {
var f = g[j];
if( == "Talk") {
var go = f.href;
} else if( == "contribs"&&window.location.href.indexOf('opencontribs=true') != -1) {
var wo = f.href;
if(window.location.href.indexOf('opencontribs=true') != -1) {
window.location.href = (wo);
if(window.location.href.indexOf('opencontribs=true') == -1) {
window.location.href = (go);

//URL parameter function:
//Originally from [[User:Lupin/autoedit.js]]
function gvo(paramName) {
  var cmdRe=RegExp('[&?]'+paramName+'=([^&]*)');
  var h=document.location;
  var m;
  if (m=cmdRe.exec(h)) {
    try { 
      return unescape(decodeURI(m[1]));
    } catch (someError) {}
  return null;


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aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu

Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -

Static Wikipedia 2007:

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu

Static Wikipedia 2006:

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu