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I also made up a couple neologisms (they are not to be PUBLISHED yet, that is), based on George Orwell's Newspeak and Doublethink:

  1. Newthink (inverse of Oldthink)
  2. Newold (new before old)
  3. Oldnew (old after new)
  4. Freeslave (freedom with slavery)
  5. Slavefree (slavery with freedom)
  6. Whiteblack (inverse of Blackwhite)
  7. Thinkfeel (thininkg before feeling)
  8. Feelthink (feeling before thinking)
  9. Warpeace (War for peace)
  10. Peacewar (Peace for war)
  11. Newview (New perspective)
  12. Oldview (Old perspective)
  13. Polithink (political thinking)
  14. Polispeak (political language)
  15. Prologism (after Neologism - or the reaction to Neologism)
  16. Poliact (political action)
  17. doubleact (acting two ways, and attempting to find the BEST WAY, by either denial or intellectualism)
  18. doublewill (the dividing of the will into two parts, one is FOR, the other AGAINST)
  19. doubledialect (the reversion and inversion of DIALECT)
  20. double-ego (double identities, connotating more is possible, although not IMPLIED directly)
  21. Commu-capitalism (communists atttempting capitalism)
  22. Capita-communism (capitalists revoking against communism, by appearing to be their ally)
  23. Crimelaw (the justification of the state to commmit new laws into action, by appearing that the crime has been committed by somebody else. i.e. invasion of another country)
  24. Lawcrime (the total inverse of crimelaw)
  25. Luv8 (love-hate, meaning love before hate)
  26. 8Luv (hate-love, meaning hate before love)
  27. Birdeath (birth to death)
  28. deabirth (death to birth)
  29. Freecrime (criminals that are free from the capture of the STATE)
  30. Crimefree (freedom from a life of criminal activities AGAINST the state)
  31. Slavecrime (slavery to criminals)
  32. Crimeslave (criminals who become slaves)
  33. Thoughtspeak (thinking with no words to speak, "politically incorrect," language of any sort, therefore, no thoughts to express such a desire to rebel against the state).

It would be fun if this could become public domain. I hold the copyrights and copylefts on any of the words that I created above (which is called, intellectual property, if you will). --Lord X 23:02, 27 June 2006 (UTC)User:Xinyu

 My left
My left
 My right
My right

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[edit] Anyone up for chess?

a b c d e f g h

Xinyu v. World (Xinyu to move)

  1. pl e4

[edit] My Contributions/ Edits/ Efforts on Wikipedia


NOTICE: the removal of any of the above codes would result in edit-wars, and that is not what any of the users of Wikipedia want. Whatever is done on this user page is absolute, and ABSOLUTE, do not question, and do not vandalize

[edit] Who am I?

Someone not very significant, but insignificantly significant enough to be who I am suppose to be: Warrior, Soldier, Doublethinker, Thinker, Philosopher, Poet, Politician, Priest, Pilgrim, Power, and Passsion of Prestige, Totality, Authority, and Absolutity. I have power and yet I have none - but the power of the understanding of the self. If you know your foes, so would you understand your friends.

Careful, your greatest friends may be your greatest foes. Your greatest foes may even be your least expected friend. Never underestimate, overestimate anyone - no matter who they are, or what they do.

[edit] Xinyu Hu

I am a fairly recent wikipedian, and uncyclopedian. i am fascinated by the things you guys got on this site. i have say this site has a lot of potential - especially on the most controversial topics, and subjects.

I think it is important to keep this site active, and running. There should be consistency, and a netural point of view - while i personally think, both point of views on a controversial article should be expressed - that way, people can make up their own mind which they'll rather believe.

As an editor, and author, and co-author of some, or if any of the articles, i am determined to be as sincere, and honest, and as neutral on the subjects of interest. I deeply respect, and honor this site. it is the best there is. This is gonna be the next Google on the Web!

[edit] What I would like to see in the world (aka, Wikipedia)

  1. neologism
  2. originality
  3. Original Research
  4. pseudoscientific ideas
  5. No Vandalism
  6. Many Point of View

Everything here, is as could be seen, unorthodox, and absent-mindedness. Since Wikipedia has the term, "doublethink" already, who doesn't it do an act of doublethink? Wouldn't it be applying its dictionary, encyclopedic intentions?

[edit] My Interests:

[edit] Areas of Major Interest:

[edit] Trivia Areas of Interest

[edit] My Role Models

[edit] Specific areas of Interest

These are my pesonal areas of interest. As you can see, this is a wide sphere of interest. There is no doubt, with all that knowledge, and understanding - Wikipedia is gonna Google this entire planet in a matter of decades. Yours, sincerely, Xinyu Hu

[edit] Areas of philosophy — Philosophy of:

[edit] Eras of Philosophy

As you can see, i am not just interested in the AREAS OF PHILOSOPHY, but also the various interests of the different epochs throughout history. I don't think being just interested in the thing itself is enough - one must know where it comes from, the way that it is going.


On Wikipedia, I devote myself to helping the website expand, and become better. I am committed to my job; whatever information, intelligence, i could get about a subject, i ll do anything to better each intriguing article, and as such, pledge myself to the Wikipedian league of extraordinary Wikipedians. On Uncyclopedia, I will do the best I can to be funny, and not stupid. I am serious about Uncyclopedia's improvement. I will do everything in my power to add things to that website that will improve its's a promise to all Wikipedians, Uncyclopedians, and the normal Encyclopedia. You have my word!

To know more about me, visit me on my personal website for more information on my philosophy, and values.


[edit] Random Ideas of the Day

  • Thoughts, knowledge, belief, words, actions, be, will, force, might.
  • "There is no Karma, but the fear of Karma."
  • "The most hypocritical faith, is the most faithful hypocrite."
  • "Happiness is the creation of the feeling of being happy -- but, then, what is happiness?"
  • "Your happiness is not others, but yours - for ever."
  • "What is mind? No matter. What is matter? No mind."
  • "What is truth? Whatever your minds makes it to be"
  • "What is a lie? Something your heart denies, but the mind would like to accept."
  • "What is doublethink? The ability to know nothing, and from the nothingness, know everything."
  • "There is no truth, save the truth we make for ourselves."
  • "Happiness is not what others make for you, nor do they need your happiness to be alive - your happiness is your own, their happiness is theirs. No one should use another for the sole joy of, "being happy," when they are with them, but are never happy without them. Happiness is your own creation, and your own experience."
  • "The problem of freewill and fate is not the equation, but the solution that turns topsy-turvy everyday."

[edit] My Philosophies on Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia, and Encylopedias in General

  • "Wikipedia - a reliable resource of information, intelligence, as they say, is just as good if it could compromise with the greatest, and least of youth rebels"
  • "What is Uncyclopedia? Wikipedia without the wikis."
  • "What is an Encyclopedia? A place of research, thought, feelings, black in white, and white in black, where black turns to white, where anything, and everything can be compromised."
  • The Object of Philosophy of Wikipedia is to make it the palace of not only resources - but also ideas - fact or fantasy. Of course, the problem is in compromising with those that are not rule-biding"


[edit] The Doctrine of this Page

  • "Rules are made, because they are meant to be broken."
  • "Limits - so much of a restricting word, that the mind is instead forced to obey. I am compelled."
  • "There is no difference between voice, and voicelessness, the only distinciton is whether or not you have the iron to fight for what you believe in."
  • "If the war does exist, then the war is merely an invention of the mind - able to be manipulated in anyway."
  • "What appears to be absolute is absolutely inabsolute."
  • "The credibility of inventions are lacking - neologism is the only way left to breaking the rules of physics, philosophy, and psychology."
  • "We are here because we are compelled to disobey."
  • "Feeling and thinking - related in so many ways, yet in other ways - a mystery."
  • "There is no need for language to be so formalized - only thoughts that are pure, and understood."
  • "Seek first to rebel, then to be rebelled on."

"Go out there and get some. homey."

[edit] The New-Old Old-New Self-Society

[edit] UNACCEPTED, NONSENSE, EVIL, HEGENOSTIC, Neologism Ideas that I've tried to put on to Wikipedia

These are articles that are threatened by the majority of the planet to be wiped out soon, because they are supposively, "original." I love original ideas, abstract ideas, and unconventionalism. I don't understand, why must the world be so full of control, when control is unnecassary. This world is in itself, is an act of doublethink. It seems that the world does not like new ideas, concepts, ideologies, rebellion, and resistance. Damn, this site is pretty much a haven for my ideological rantings. I can't believe that I am at war with Wikipedia, my personal favourite source of reference, information, creation, and inspiration. Darn, Wikipedia - Xinyu's Achilles heal.

[edit] Oldspeak

[edit] The Root, and History of Oldspeak

Oldspeak is the traditional, face-to-face, realistic, logical English. This became the Newspeak term for Standard English. Newspeak, as many already knows, was a neologism word for, "government, corporal, military," units. Oldspeak, however intends to make reality out of the confusion, and deliberate confusion of language, and thought made by those in the, "High," strata branch of society.

Oldspeak is any language that poses, "Political correctness," problems for government officials, and those in the military-political branch of society. For example, the word, "liberal," no longer means that one accepts, and respects other countries, their perspectives, and cultures. Instead, liberalism means doing everything the, "American" way, or face an invasino by the American Army. The word, "Republic," too has been misused, abused, and its true meaning is lost to the dilemmas that the High has posed on the Low, who are full of, "drudgery," to even bother thinking about what it is like to have a true, "republic." The word, "republic," and, "democracy," are not the same thing. Democracy means rule by many, where the voice of the people is important. Today, the people would have no need for voice, since as Hitler had proclaimed in, Mein Kampf:"Voice or no voice, the people coud always be controlled by their masters." In some ways, everyone is being controlled by misinterpreted, and misused languages on a daily basis to control them. Oldspeak is not based on cutting off critical thinking, but on improving critical thinking.

[edit] An example of Oldspeak vs. Newspeak

Democracy :

  • Old - (From Webster's Dictionary : Government by the people). Government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation. When our country was founded, each representative represented 20,000-30,000 people
  • New - The U.S. Government, which is actually a Republic. Each representative represents almost 1,000,000 people, and a Senator may represent over 10,000,000. With these ratios, it difficult to claim that anybody is really represented at all. The only people that are really represented are corporations and extremist groups large enough to hire lobbyist.)

Unfortunately, democracy is a dream. There is only the illusion of democracy - but is war democracy, or is it tyranny? War is based on consuming resources, and taking away any surplus of the masses. "Ignorance is Strength," according to George Orwell. Since the world has already confused hundreds, if not thousands of words and their true definitions, then Oldspeak would soon cease to exist, and all of this would be, "thoughtcrime." Neologism, ironically is thoughtcrime of thoughtcrime. Surprisingly enough, Wikipedians are not allowed to be original in their ideas, and insightful in their readings. That is like saying by following the herd to the slaughterhouse, you would life life to the fullest.

[edit] See Also

[edit] Other Sources

[edit] Whiteblack

[edit] What is Whiteblack?

Whiteblack is the opposite of Blackwhite. In George Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty Four, Blackwhite demands the indoctrination to state propaganda. Whiteblack, in short, means the acceptance of the truth, despite the contrary. Whiteblack implies that there is absolute truth, and that the truth is unchageable - meaning the past could not be changed, altered, and undone.

[edit] Where is it used?

Whiteblack is a term that could be employed everywhere, and anywhere, in any situation. Normally, the term should be used for political, and personal gain. It is a voabulary term used to decribe very complicated, and yes be able to simplify the complexities of doublethink.

[edit] Why is it used that Way?

Whiteblack exists because the term, Blackwhite exists. There are twofold reasons for it to exist - one is to complement the attributes of doublethink. If doublethink is a mystery term, please read the article on, doublethink. The term is very modern, in fact, recent. Few people knows of the term, and still fewer people use it in its applications.

[edit] How does the end justify the means of whiteblack?

Whiteblack, although the word did not come from 1984., the political satire of George Orwell, the term could be implicity be implied in 1984. Newspeak is the new creation of new words - but the destruction of, "useless vaocublary," as stated by Syme. Whiteblack is a B Vocabulary word - in the proper context of the dictionary on Newspeak.

[edit] Moral Issues of Whiteblack

There are many moral issues involved in the new terminology of whiteblack. Morally - it is a defensive strategy used by psychological warfare-intrgued individuals - almost everyone is a psychological warrior in some way. There is no doubt of that. The term, therefore, is used to enforce not only loyalty from friends, but to eliminate foes ability to think, and criticise the actions of one.

[edit] The Orwellian Paradox

The Orwellian Paradox a term implied by researchers, and late philosophers who are dialectal in their reasoning, called, "dialectical philosophy," realized that after some thought, and mental researching, there is a paradox. How is it possible for Orwell to deny, and accept the words of the government, if he himself felt that there was something misplaced about the government's handling of the war in Burma, and the spread of the media. The fact that the government controlled the media, and still do today, shows that whiteblack is now almost indivisible, subtle, and difficult to penetrate. The problem was that Orwell did not like the government of England, and felt that they were manipulating the masses. That is true, but how was it possible that Orwell eventually saw the good in his coercion to the state, by the near-end of his life.

[edit] The Necassity of Neologism

Neologism is the invention, or the application of old ideas into new culture. Now, the time has come for it to reveal itself. If it is truly bad to invent new things, or come up with new ideas - or future ideas that might change the world - the world would never be able to progress forward, then Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia, not even encyclopedias, or books, knowlegdge would need to exist. In whiteblack philosophy, there is no distinction between what is, and what would be - ultimately, everything must come into existence in order for the foundations of the future to be present.

[edit] The Reason for Neologism

Original research is one reason why whiteblack entered the scene. There are many questions that are posed by 1984 -

  1. What does mean to be neologism?
  2. Is neologism ever justified to be, "WRONG"
  3. Is originality, "wrong," if doublespeak is a new term for the sake of neologism, then why not still newer terms?
  4. The term whiteblack implies that research is neccassary as well - it implies that the mind of one could start a new thought process in the human mind - the collective consciousness.
  5. What justifies wrong neologism, from "right" neologism'? Was the term, "doublespeak," not neologism then?

[edit] Thinkfeel

[edit] What is Thinkfeel?

Feelthink is a Newspeak word for, "Thinking without Feeling." This word has two contradictory meanings, much like the implications of doublethink.When this word is used when talking to a friend, one is saying that the friend thought most appropriately about their feelings, and the other person's feelings. This may also mean that the person's emotions match the nature of their ethics, and morals towards the feeling. However, when used against a foe, this becomes literally whiteblack, meaning that the foes words either does not match their actions, or that their action is irrelevant, or that their existence is of no importance, for so long as they are indoctrinated by the person whose applying the word.

[edit] Applications of Thinkfeel

Thinkfeel applies in the field of politics, and philosophy, paranormal, and all the liberal arts. Thinkfeel is in fact, a method of conscious, and unconscious processes that are constantly evolving. The absolute meaning of the word remains a mystery to many - only the adept ones are well-professed at this word. In fact, those who have the most intimate understanding of doublethink also appreciates the value of this new term in Newspeak. In a way, if doublethink, Newspeak, and "think" are looked from the thinkfeel perspective, it makes little difference whether or not something is neologistic, or logistic.

In paranormal studies, the implications of it are many, and numerous. The truth, depending on its use, could be used as a tool to convince the other that there may be something about the paranormal that is interesting, or allow opinions to circulate endlessly. People's feelings are just as relevant - because nobody could prove the paranormal for sure, and irrelevant - meaning it makes no difference whether or not paranormal phenomenon is real or dreamlike - there would always be an eternal conflict between debaters. This word's application makes all the difference in its context, absolutism, determinism, and predestination by the user. In art, thinkfeel is a terminology used to illustrate the thoughts of the artists to those who are no artists, and have no idea of what the arts are all about. This poses a postmodern problem, meaning that it leads to the debate whether or not the collective is more important than the specifics.

[edit] Real life Thinkfeel

Many people believe that thinkfeel is the mental, and emotional process of the mind- body problem, or the famous objective-subjective debate that is still continuing from the beginning of time, till today, and for ever.

[edit] See Also

[edit] Feelthink

[edit] What is Feelthink?

Feelthink is a Newspeak word for, "Feeling without Thinking." This word has two contradictory meanings, much like the implications of doublethink.When this word is used when talking to a friend, one is saying that the friend felt correctly about their point of view, and the other person's point of view. This may also mean that the person's thoughts match the nature of their feellngs towards the thought.

However, when used against a foe, this becomes blackwhite, meaning that the foes words either does not match their actions, or that their existence is of no importance, for so long as they are indoctrinated by the person whose applying the word.

[edit] Applications of Feelthink

Feelthink applies in the field of politics, and philosophy, art, and all the liberal arts. Feelthink is in fact, a method of conscious, and unconscious processes that are constantly changing. The absolute meaning of the word remains a mystery to many - only the adept ones are well-professed at this word. In fact, those who have the most intimate understanding of doublethink also appreciates the value of this new term in Newspeak.

In politics, the implications of it are many, and numerous. The truth, depending on its use, could be used as a tool to enforce loyalty, or allow opinions to circulate. This word's application makes all the difference in its context, absolutism, determinism, and predestination.

In art, feelthink is a terminology used to illustrate the feelings of the artists to those who are no artists, and have no idea of what the arts are all about.

[edit] Real life Feelthink

Many people believe that feelthink is the mental, and emotional process of the mind-body problem, or the famous subjective-objective debate that is still continuing on.

[edit] See Also

[edit] New Doublethink and Think Controversies in Language

[edit] Doublethink and Think

  • 0 and 1
  • “And” and “&”
  • “And” and “Or”
  • “Are you a MexiCAN? Or are you a MexiCAN’T?” and “Are you an AmeriCAN? Or are you an AmeriCAN’T?”
  • “Homeless Heart,” and, “Home-full Heart”
  • “Just for You,” and, “Stuck on You”
  • “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way” and “Lead me, and I may not follow. Follow me, and I may not lead.”
  • “Run for your Life,” and, “Every breath you Take”
  • 0+0=0 and 0+0=1
  • 1+1=2 and 1+1=3
  • 1121 and 1112
  • 1984 and 1948
  • 2+2=4 and 2+2=5
  • 3+3=6 and 3+3=7
  • ABC and XYZ
  • Abortion and Adoption
  • Above and Below
  • Absolute and Relative
  • Abstract and Absolute
  • Abstract and Attractive
  • Abuse and Misuse
  • Acid and Base
  • Acts and Scenes
  • Age and Era
  • Air and Oxygen
  • Aliens and Foreigners
  • Allies and Adversary
  • AM and PM
  • Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader
  • Angels and Demons
  • Animation and Re-enactments
  • Anthia and Xinyu
  • Anti- and Pro-
  • Apologies and Sorries
  • Appropriate and Inappropriate
  • Arithmetic and Geometric
  • Arrangement and Randomness
  • Art and Artificial Intelligence
  • Ascended and Descended
  • Attachment and Detachment
  • Attention and Interpretation
  • Author and Editor/ Reader
  • Awake and Sleep
  • Axe and Hammer
  • Back and Front
  • Bag and Carry
  • Baggy and Tight
  • Balance and Imbalance
  • Bald and Hairy
  • Band and Group
  • Bandages and Antibiotics
  • Bar and Club
  • Basics and Advanced
  • Basketball and African
  • Batteries and Rechargeables
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  • Beauty and Beast
  • Beginnings and Endings
  • Below and Beyond
  • Bending and Breaking
  • Big Brother and Small Sister
  • Bills and Coins
  • Biological and Physical
  • Birth and Burial
  • Black and White
  • Blackheads and Whiteheads
  • Blackout and Whiteout
  • Blackwhite and Black-White
  • Bleach and Sunburn
  • Body and Mind
  • Book and Textbook
  • Boys and Girls
  • Brother and Sister
  • Brotherhood and Sisterhood
  • Burst and Open
  • Calm and Panic
  • Candles and Plug-in Scents
  • Capital Letters and small letters
  • Cells and Clusters
  • Certain and Doubt
  • Chance and Cost
  • Chance and Luck
  • Chaos and Charm
  • Chastisement and Consolation
  • Check mark and X
  • Chess and Cards
  • Chess and Checkers
  • Choice and Decision
  • Chopsticks and Fork
  • Church and State
  • CIA and FBI
  • Circles and Ovals
  • Citations and Bibliographies
  • Classical and Accapella
  • Clear and Foggy
  • Cliques and Gatherings
  • Close and Open
  • Closed and Shut
  • Codes and Cracks
  • Codes and Crypts
  • Coincidence and Consequence
  • Cold and Hot
  • Collect and Connect
  • Collective Soul and Connective Souls
  • Color and Grayscale
  • Colour and Color
  • Columns and Rows
  • Communism and Capitalism
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  • Complete and Incomplete
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  • Conscience and Unconscience
  • Conscious stimulus and Unconscious stimulus
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  • Corporatism and Privatism
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  • Cover-up and Bare
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[edit] Thirteen Illuminati Bloodlines

The Thirteen Illuminati Bloodlines are said to be the 13 major families that are "invisibly" ruling the world. Their positions are dubious, and invisble because they are the ones who essentially rule the world. They are the rich, the wealthy, and the High of today, and they deserve no srutiny, because their actions cannot stand scrutiny. Not many people would believe the rich rules the world because they have been programmed to believe that the world they live in is either, "perfect," or, "better."

[edit] Characteristics of these major families

They are, according to Fritz Springmeier, the main international players behind the world. They are the rich, the wealthy, and bankers. They are connected to Freemasonry, the Mafia, CIA, world wars, Satanism, and the occult.

[edit] Who they are

The thirteen bloodlines are the main players in the New world order (see Hard Truths), and all have a major role in the Illuminati plot for world domination. This has been criticized as absurd, but supporters claim that, based on numerous research, these families, with their offshoots, are planning the scheme for world domination.

1) The Astor Bloodline;

2) The Bundy Bloodline;

3) The Kennedy Bloodline;

4) The van Duyn Bloodline;

5) The Merovingian Bloodline;

6) The DuPont Bloodline;

7) The Rothschild Bloodline;

8) The Rockefeller Bloodline;

9) The Reynolds Bloodline;

10) The Freeman Bloodline;

11) The Collins Bloodline;

12) The Li Bloodline;

13) The Russell Bloodline.

[edit] Their ancestry

According to 7th Fire, these thirteen bloodlines and their offshoots, supporters, and allies are all, in some way, "genetically related." In the higher echelons of the Illuminati plot, these families are the key players in the international playground, and are responsible for, "the troubles" in the world. They are also head of the drug trade, the Mafia, and the Triads (The Li Bloodline).

[edit] The Astor Bloodline

The Astors are a family that originally came from Europe, and established its final form in North America. They are a major player in the global conspiracy by the Elite.

The founder of the Astor family is John Jacob Astor, who came to America virtually poor, and without any money. But within 2 to 3 years, he was already in charge of a Masonic lodge in that he became the Master of the Holland Lodge No. 8 in New York City. (This Holland Lodge was said to be a prominent lodge in that many of its members were said to have good connections to the Illuminati elite. An example of just one Lodge #8 member is Archibald Russell, 1811 - 1871, whose father was President of a real hotbed of Illuminati action for many years: The Royal Society of Edinburgh).

[edit] The Bundy Bloodline

[edit] The van Duyn Bloodline

[edit] The Rockefeller Bloodline

[edit] The Rothschild Bloodline

[edit] The Kennedy Bloodline

[edit] The Freeman Bloodline

[edit] The Li (Chinese) Bloodline

[edit] The Reynold Bloodline

[edit] The DuPont Bloodline

[edit] The Russell Bloodline

[edit] The Collins Bloodline

[edit] The Merovingian Bloodline

[edit] Sources Cited

[edit] See also

[edit] General Affiliations of the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines

[edit] External links


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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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