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Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2005

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Violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006

This page is a partial listing of incidents of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2005.

  • IDT = Israeli (civilians/soldiers) killed by Palestinians; not cumulative
  • PDT = Palestinians (unarmed/armed) killed by Israelis; not cumulative.

Note: This compilation includes only casualties of the violence. Attacks which did not result in death or injury are not included.


[edit] Cumulative Total

Since the beginning of the Intifada to April 9th, 2005:

  • 3,225 Palestinians killed by Israelis (3,135 by military in the territories, 54 by military inside Israel, 34 by settlers in the territories)
  • 950 Israelis killed by Palestinians (431 inside Israel, 218 settlers, 218 soldiers on duty)

Source: B'tselem, BBC [1]

According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affair 1058 people were killed by Palestinian violence. The list include Israelis who were killed by Palestinian militants abroad as well as foreigners that were killed by Palestinian militants in Israel and the territories. It does not include Palestinians killed by Palestinian militants.

[edit] January { IDT: 12 (11/1) PDT: 53 (23/30) }

  • January 1: Israeli forces killed one Palestinian in Tal-al Sultan in Gaza. [2] Another was killed in the el-Salam quarter of Rafah and two more by helicopter gunship missile strike in Rafah.[3]
  • January 4: 7 Palestinians are killed by a tank shell in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. The IDF claim 6 of them were armed militants who were launching mortars shells and Qassam rocket, and that in addition to the shell hit a Qassam rocket exploded and caused extra damage to civilians. However, Palestinians claim that they were all civilians - from the same family - who were working in the greenhouses. [7], [8]
  • January 4: two Israeli children were injured when a Palestinian mortar shell landed near a school bus. [9]
  • January 7: One Israeli is killed and four Israelis were wounded from in a shooting attack in the West Bank. In Gaza, two Palestinians were killed. [13], [14]
  • January 8: One Palestinian police man was shot dead by Israeli forces at a roadblock in southern Gaza. [15]
  • January 11: Nissim Arviv, 26, dies from his wounds, after being struck by a Palestinian mortar in the Erez crossing nine days ago. [16]
  • January 12: Gideon Rivlin, 50, a father of five, is killed and 4 Israeli soldiers are wounded in attack by 3 Palestinian militants who detonated a roadside bomb near the Morag settlememt greenhouse in Gush Katif. IDF forces returned fire and killed two of the attackers. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. [17]
  • January 15: Eight Palestinian militants have been killed in three separate clashes in the Gaza strip: 4 were killed in al-Zaytoun neighborhood, a Hamas stronghold in Gaza City, 2 were killed in Rafah and other 2 were killed near Kissufim junction. [21], [22]
  • January 15: On noon, an Israeli child living on a settlement was injured from a Qassam rocket, losing his hand. In the afternoon, a Qassam rocket hit Sderot and wounded 6 people. An Israeli 17-years-old woman suffered critical wounds. Hamas claimed responsibility. [23]
  • January 31: 2 people suffered shock injuries as 7 mortar shells hit Neve Dekalim settlement in the Gaza Strip. Hamas claimed responsibility and say the shooting was a revenge for the killing of a 10-years-old girl in Rafah earlier this morning. Palestinians initially claimed she was killed from IDF tank shell but it was letter revealed that she was killed by Palestinian pilgrims, who shot spontaneously into the air. [25], [26]
  • According to Haaretz, 53 Palestinian were killed during January, 23 of them were civilians.

[edit] February { IDT 5 (5/0), PDT 8 (4-2/4-6) }

[edit] March

[edit] April { IDT (0/1) PDT (0-3/4-1) }

  • April 5: one Israeli citizen is shot in the chest and critically wounded in the settlement of Morag (northwest to Rafah). The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility. [35]
  • April 7: a Qassam rocket hit a cemetery in Sderot, but causes no casualties. [36]
  • April 9: Israeli soldiers shoot dead three Palestinian teenagers on the edge of Rafah refugee camp in southern Gaza. Palestinians say the boys were trying to retrieve a football. Israeli radio reported that Palestinian security services notified Israel they had detained two boys who were not hit by IDF fire, and that the group of five youths were smugglers. The IDF is investigating this incident.[37], [38]
  • April 18: Two Israelis, one engineering NCO and one civilian, were wounded by a Palestinian sniper in attack on Philadelphi Route of southern Gaza. The Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility. [39]
  • April 21: Three Israeli soldiers were hurt in blast when there jeep went on an IED roadside bomb, near Karni crossing, on the edge of the Gaza Strip. [40]
  • April 22 and April 23: A Qassam rocket was launched toward northern Gaza community. No casualties were reported. Also, Palestinian militants stabbed a soldier near Ganim settlement, injuring him moderately. [41]
  • April 25: Tsiki Eyal, 23, an Israel reserves soldier was killed in Hebron, in an incident involving a running Palestinian car. Initial reports said an Israeli reserves soldier was killed, when he was run over by a Palestinian car in Hebron. Soldiers in the scene opened fire and killed the running driver. [42] Autopsy found bullets remain in the soldier's head, suggesting the soldier was hit by his comrades after they opened fire on the running car. [43] Recent reports say that the driver was unarmed and did not have ties to any militant organization. It is still unclear whether the incident was a deliberate attack by the driver or a combination of a dark night and misunderstanding that caused a fatal accident. [44]

[edit] May { IDT (0/1) PDT (0-2/11-9) }

  • May 2: Following an Israeli raid on the Palestinian city of Tulkarm, one Israeli soldier and one Islamic Jihad leader are killed. The soldier is killed in a gunfight with 3 members of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The three were suspected to have been a part of the cell which was involved in Tel Aviv "Stage" club bombing in February 2005. Shafiq Abdul Rani, the leader of the Jihad cell in Tulkarm was killed and another militant was arrested. [45]
  • May 5: Israeli soldiers open fire on a group of stone throwing teenagers, killing two. [46]
  • May 16: A Palestinian is killed after he tries to stab a soldier. [47]
  • May 16: Four Israeli construction workers were injured by a Palestinian anti-tank rocket attack on Philadelphi Route. [48]
  • May 18: It was the peak of a sharp increase in violence in the Gaza Strip after Palestinian factions shelled Israeli settlements and towns with more than 31 mortar shells and Qassam rockets. Two Hamas militants were killed this day: one in Rafah, while trying to plant a bomb, and one in Khan Yunis while trying to launch a mortar shell. Palestiniab claim that the Khan Yunis mortar squad was hit by a missile fired from an unmanned drone. Israel refused to comment. [49]
  • May 20: A big terror attack on an Israeli settlement was thwarted. 3-4 Palestinian militants snuck into an abandoned UNRWA structure watching over Kfar Darom settlement and started to bombard the settlement with mortar shells and anti-tank missiles. IDF and MAGAV forces returned fire, killing one militant and chasing off the rest. Hamas claimed joint responsibility with the Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades and the Popular Resistance Committees. [50], [51]
  • May 28: A Hamas militant was killed after a rocket he was handling has misfired. [52]
  • May 28: Three Palestinian gunmen opened fire on an Israeli base near Jenin. Soldiers returned fire, wounding the three. They were arrested and taken into medical treatment. Later, one of the militants died from his wounds. [53]
  • May 29: a Palestinian is shot dead by Israeli soldiers after he tried to stab them in Hebron. Soldier called him to stop and fired warning shots but he kept advancing toward them, drawing a 12-cm dagger. [54]
  • May 29: Two Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades militants were killed in the Gaza Strip after a bomb they made exploded prematurely.[55]
  • According to Haaretz, at least 9 Palestinian militants were killed during May. Some were killed by IDF fire and others by premature detonations of the explosives they were handling.

[edit] June { IDT (3/2) PDT (4-5/1-0) + 3 }

  • June 7: A day of violence erupts in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. [56]:
    • It begins with a barrage of three Qassam rockets on Sderot, severely damaging one house. Hamas claimed responsibility.
    • Israeli soldiers kill senior Islamic Jihad militant Marwah Kamil after he fired on troops that attempted to arrest him. The operation took place under heavy fire exchanges, in which another Palestinian gunmen was killed and an IDF officer was wounded from a grenade. An IDF Caterpillar D9 started to demolish Kamil's house after he shot at troops, killing him.
    • A Qassam rocket hit the Ganey Tal and killed 3 workers: 2 Palestinians and a Chinese citizen. Another 6 workers were wounded. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
    • A total of 9 Qassam rockets, 5 mortar shells and 5 anti-tank missiles were fired upon Israeli settlements.
  • June 18: a militant attack on Kfar Darom settlement is foiled. Four militants from the Fatah and the Islamic Jihad tried to infiltrate into the settlement, but were noticed by IDF soldiers. The soldiers opened fire and killed 1 or 2 militants. Earlier in the morning, two Palestinian teenagers were arrested while trying to smuggle weapons. [57].
  • June 19:
    • One Israeli soldier is killed and 2 construction workers are injured after Palestinian militants fired anti-tank missile at them in the Philadelphi Route. The soldiers returned fire and managed to kill one of the attackers. The Islamic Jihad and the Fatah's Abu-Reish Brigades claimed responsibility. [58]
    • At the Hawara checkpoint near Nablus, another Palestinian teenager was caught smuggling five pipe bombs in a wooden box. Palestinian sources identified the boy as 16-year-old Khalil Mohammed Hashash. [59]
  • June 20:
  • June 24: An Israeli teenager, Avichay Levi (17), is killed and four others are injured after a shooting attack from a Palestinian car in Beit Haggai junction south of Hebron. The Fatah's al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility. [64], [65]
  • June 26: Avi Mantzur (16), who was critically injured in the June 24 Beit Haggai attack, dies from his wounds. [66]
  • According to Haaretz, 5 Israelis and 7 Palestinians were killed during June. Three of the Israelis killed were civilians, one was a soldier that was killed by Hizbullah. Four of the Palestinians killed were armed militants; one was killed when he tried to infiltrate through the Gaza Strip barrier. Two more Palestinians were killed by a Qassam rocket fired by Palestinians; this attack also killed a Chinese worker.

[edit] July { IDT (8/0) PDT (16/6) }

[edit] August { IDT (4/1) PDT (4/6) }

[edit] September { IDT (0/0) PDT (2/0) }

  • September 6: Israeli troops fire on Palestinians marching to the evacuated Neve Dekalim settlement in Gaza, killing one and wounding two. [79]
  • September 8: Israeli troops open fire on two Palestinians nearing the evacuated Rafiah Yam settlement in Gaza, killing one. [80]

[edit] October { IDT(8/0) PDT(7/7}

  • October 16: 2 drive-by shootings in the West Bank after a reasonably peaceful time in the region, the first in gush atzion junction near Hebron killing 3 Israeli civilians and wounding 3, the second in Alie junction in Binyamin settlement causing one teenager to be seriously wounded.

Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade claims responsibility and said the attack was in response for military actions in the region. The encirclement of Palestinian cities in the West Bank was reactivated following the attacks. [81] Unrelated to the attacks, a Palestinian militant was killed during an IDF operation that day [82].

  • October 20: 15 year old Palestinian youth killed by IDF forces west of Bethlehem. The IDF claims that the 15 year old boy was throwing a molotov cokctail on a passing Israli car.


  • October 21: Two armed Palestinians killed in the west bank in an exchange of fire with IDF forces.

while the IDF claims the Palestinians were armed terrorists who opened fire, Palestinian security officials said the men were unarmed and were shoot by IDF for throwing stones at a passing IDF jeep. [84]

  • October 22: A Palestinian youngster killed by IDF forces, near the settlement of Neve Tzof in the West Bank.

according to IDF officials 2 Palestinians was placing a suspicious object on the road, thought to be placing a bomb, the soldiers fired on the 2 Palestinians mortally wounding one of them who later died of his wounds. The object was later discovered as a mock-bomb. [85]

  • October 23: IDF kills leading terrorist Louie Sa'adi on a raid in Tul Karem, a Palestinian city in the West Bank.

Sa'adi is a senior Islamic Jihad member responsible for several terror attacks on Israel. A second armed militant, a senior Fatah member was also killed during the operation [86]

Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was in retaliation for the killing of Louie Sa'adi. Islamic Jihad commander Louie Sa'adi was killed during an operation by IDF forces on October 23. It is the first suicide bombing in Israel since August 28 when a suicide bombing wounded 20 in Be'er Sheva's central bus station. [87]

  • October 27: Following an attack of IAF aircraft in gaza, two Palestinian militants who belong to the Islamic Jihad organization and 5 civilians were killed.

The attack was part of an Israli operation in the West Bank and Gaza, against terrorist infastructure, mainly the Islamic Jihad, who were responsible for the suicide bombing in Hadera the day before. IDF also deployed forces near the Gaza strip in preparation for a possible launch of Qasam rockets into Israel following the attack. [88]

[edit] November { IDT (0/0) PDT (0/0) }

[edit] December { IDT (5/0) PDT (0/0) }

  • December 5 - A suicide bomber killed himself and at least five Israelis in a shopping mall in Netanya. Both Islamic Jihad and Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility. In a phone call to the Associated Press, Islamic Jihad identified the bomber as Lotfi Abu Saada, from the village of Illar between the West Bank towns of Tulkaram and Jenin.

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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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