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Trams in Brisbane

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Trams in Adelaide Street Brisbane in 1954.  The trams and buildings are decorated for the visit of Queen Elizabeth II.
Trams in Adelaide Street Brisbane in 1954. The trams and buildings are decorated for the visit of Queen Elizabeth II.

This article describes Brisbane's tram system, which operated between 1885 and 1969.


[edit] Brief description

Brisbane's tram system ran on standard gauge track. The electric system was originally energised to 500 volts, this was subsequently increased to 600 volts.

Most trams operated with a two person crew - a driver (or motorman) and a conductor, who moved about the tram collecting fares and issuing tickets. The exceptions to this arrangement were on the Gardens line (Lower Edward Street) where the short duration of the trip meant it was more effective for passengers to simply drop their fare into a fare box as the entered the tram; and the "one man cars" which operated in the early 1930s (see below).

The system route kilometrage reached its maximum extent of 109 kilometres in 1952. The total track kilometrage was 199 kilometres, owing to many routes ending in single, rather than double, track. Single track segments of the track were protected by signalling which operated off the trolley wire. By 1959 more than 140 kilometres of track were laid in concrete, a method of track construction pioneered in Brisbane.

The last track opened was in O'Keefe Street Woolloongabba, in May 1961. However, this track was not used in normal passenger service and was merely used to reduce dead running from Logan Road back to Ipswich Road Depot.

The peak year for patronage was in 1944-45 when almost 160 million passengers were carried.

[edit] Brief History

[edit] Metropolitan Tramway and Investment Company 1885-1896

  • horse trams
  • floods

[edit] Brisbane Tramways Company Limited 1896-1922

Early electric tram at the northern end of the second permanent Victoria Bridge, Brisbane Australia c. 1906
Early electric tram at the northern end of the second permanent Victoria Bridge, Brisbane Australia c. 1906
  • Joe "Boss" Badger
  • 1912 Brisbane General Strike
  • Parliamentary Commission into the tram system
  • Government attempts to acquire the system
  • system runs down

[edit] Brisbane Tramways Trust 1922-1925

  • rebuilding the system

[edit] Brisbane City Council 1925-1969

Even during the Great Depression in the 1930s Brisbane's trams ran at a profit
Even during the Great Depression in the 1930s Brisbane's trams ran at a profit
  • George Steer
  • Sydney Quinn
  • women's role during WWII
  • Maj Robert Risson
  • George Baker

Through the 1940's and 1950's the tram system enjoyed strong political support within the Brisbane City Council, which continued to expand the tram network and upgrade its fleet with some of the most advanced trams in Australia.

[edit] Decline of the electric street transport systems

Urban development, often well away from public transport, the rise of suburban shopping centres and the relative decline in the cost of motorcars meant that as elsewhere, Brisbane's public street transport system increasingly had to compete with the private motor car and patronage slowly declined from a post war peak of 148,000,000 passenger journeys in 1946, to approximately 64,000,000 passenger journeys in 1968.

Political support for the tram system waned in the 1960's, particularly so after the Paddington tram depot fire on 28 September 1962, when 65 trams were destroyed. Brisbane's Lord Mayor Ald Clem Jones (1961-1974) was unashamedly pro-freeway and private car. The Kalinga, Toowong, Rainworth and Bulimba Ferry routes closed in December 1962.

[edit] The closure of the tram and trolleybus systems

Finally in common with most other cities throughout the English-speaking world, Brisbane converted its remaining tram lines between 1968 and 1969 to all bus operation.

The last trolley buses ran on 13 March 1969 and the final trams ran on 13 April 1969.

Most older, wooden trams were stripped of metal parts and then burnt at the City Council's yard at Cribb Street Milton (adjacent to the tramway workshops). The bodies of later, all-metal cars were sold as sheds and playground equipment.

[edit] Brisbane Tramway Museum 1969-present

The Brisbane Tramway Museum Society was formed in 1968 to preserve some of Brisbane's trams. At present the Museum has 24 Brisbane trams in its collection. Tramway operations commenced at the museum at Ferny Grove in 1980.

[edit] Types of trams

Unlike many other systems, Brisbane never adopted an alphabetical or numerical system for classifying its trams ( cf Melbourne trams), preferring instead to use official descriptions, such as "standard centre aisle car", or "drop-centre saloon car".

[edit] Horse trams

  • single deck
  • double deck
  • cross bench

[edit] Electric trams

[edit] California Combination

Combination tram in Racecourse Rd Ascot
Combination tram in Racecourse Rd Ascot

Officially referred to as "Standard Combination" trams, but more popularly referred to as "matchboxes". There were 63 trams in this class, built between 1897 and 1904, with the last one withdrawn from passenger service in 1952. Two, (nos 14 and 15), were converted into "scrubber" cars (track maintenance cars). Several were used as advertising cars, with 47 and 53 being used as one man cars on the Gardens shuttle route (see below). Tram No 1, the prototype, was unusual as it was built from the body of a horse tram and had 5 saloon windows, instead of the usual 4 windows.

[edit] Converted horse trams

Saloon Car in Queen Street, 1898
Saloon Car in Queen Street, 1898

Delivery of early combination cars was delayed and as a result the tramway company decided to convert many of the horse tram to electric operation, as a temporary expedient. Despite this, many of these converted cars remained in passenger service well into the 1930s.

[edit] Saloon cars

Each tram in this class was constructed by joining two single deck saloon horse trams together on a single motorised chassis. Their long, enclosed bodies gave rise to their nickname of "coffin cars". They were built in 1897, when delivery of new electric trams was delayed. 6 cars in this class. All scrapped by 1930.

[edit] "Summer" cars

The 6 bench horse trams were motorised and later most were lengthened to accommodate 10 cross benches. One car was to remain in service until 1958 as an advertising car.

[edit] Nine Bench Cars

9 Bench tram in Stanley St Woolloongabba
9 Bench tram in Stanley St Woolloongabba

These 4 trams were constructed in 1897 and 1898 by the Brisbane Tramways Company. They were cross bench cars with no centre aisle. Two of the benches (those attached to the end bulkheads) were fixed and the other seven benches were tip-over. They could carry 45 seated passengers, plus standees. Two were scrapped in 1938, the other two were probably scrapped in 1943.

[edit] Brills

A Brill at the Toowong terminus.  Note the trailer coupling at the front of the tram
A Brill at the Toowong terminus. Note the trailer coupling at the front of the tram

These 20 cars were officially "bogie open tip-over cross-bench cars". They were a standard design tram built by J.G. Brill and Company of Philadelphia, although two were built by the Brisbane Tramways Company, presumably under licence from the Brill Company. They each had 4 fixed back-to-back benches and 8 tip-over benches. The first 8 had clerestory roofs, the remainder had plain roofs. The first 8 were also fitted with couplings for trailers, but the trailers were eventually motorised (see "light twelve bench cars" below.) As these trams only had hand brakes, operating a coupled set was physically demanding on drivers. In later years these workhorses were very dilapidated and had diagonal cross bracing on each bulkhead to reduce body sway. One tram was involved in a bad accident in 1944 and was converted to centre aisle design (see Special Dreadnoughts). Gradually scrapped between 1937 and 1952.

[edit] Light Twelve Bench Cars

These 8 cars were originally built as trailers between 1901 and 1903, but were motorized in 1912. They had 12 fixed back-to-back benches and could carry 66 passengers. All scrapped between 1948 and 1951.

[edit] Large Combination Cars

These three trams were built in 1904 from the lower deck of double deck horse trams. They were all scrapped in 1925.

[edit] Standard Ten Bench Cars

10 Bench tram in Waterworks Road Ashgrove
10 Bench tram in Waterworks Road Ashgrove

There were 32 of these sturdy little single truck trams constructed in Brisbane. 28 were built by the Brisbane Tramways Company between 1907 and 1921 and a further 4 were built by the Brisbane Tramways Trust between 1923 and 1925. They had fixed, back-to-back bench seating carrying 50 seated passengers (plus standees). They were commonly called "toastracks" or "jumping jacks". In 1936 4 of these cars were converted to Baby Dreadnoughts (see below); another two were converted to this class in 1944. Apart from one car converted to an advertising car and another retained for historical purposes, they were all scrapped between 1952 and 1955.

[edit] Dreadnoughts

Dreadnoughts and other trams in Queen Street, in 1947
Dreadnoughts and other trams in Queen Street, in 1947

Officially referred to as standard centre-aisle trams, 65 trams in this class built between 1908 and 1925. These trams could carry 90 pasengers. The last 21, which were built for the Brisbane Tramways Trust between 1924 and 1925, had 12 windows, remainder built with 6 windows. Originally they were built with open end platforms, but these were enclosed in the 1930s. Some received "streamlining" with oval windows and skirting around their bogies. The attached picture illustrates the differences between various members of this class. The tram in the foreground is a 12 window Dreadnought (built by the Tramways Trust), still with seats on its end platforms and no streamlining. The tram ahead of it is an older, 6 window Dreadnought (built by the Tramways Company), but with its end seats removed and streamlining around its windows and skirting below the body of the tram.

[edit] "Special" Dreadnoughts

Each of these four cars was unique in their own way. Two were outwardly like the Dreadnoughts. Tram 100 was built in 1903 as the Tramway Company Manager's personal "Palace" car, fitted with carpets, plush seat covers and further interior decorations. Converted to regular passenger use in 1918 and was scrapped in 1958. Tram 110 was built in 1906 as the prototype for the Dreadnoughts, but it had different trucks, which resulted in high steps. Scrapped in 1952. Tram 101 was built in 1899 originally with no solid roof, just a canvas awning suspended from a lightweight frame. Scrapped in c.1935. Tram 104 was converted in 1943 from a Brill 12 bench car that had been badly damaged in an accident. In its converted form this tram had design features derived from the Four Motor, Dropcentre and Baby Dreadnought tram designs. Scrapped in 1958.

[edit] Stepless Car

Stepless car No. 301
Stepless car No. 301

Known as "big Lizzie", also sometimes referred to as a "New York type tram", tram 301 was intended to be the first of a fleet of inter-urban trams. It was built by J.G. Brill and Company in 1912 and imported in 1914. It was unusual for a Brill stepless car in that it was partially made of timber, rather than the normal all-metal construction. It was the first fully enclosed tram in Brisbane. Heavy and troubled by poor road clearance, it usually only saw service on the West End - Ascot line and was scrapped in 1935.

[edit] "One man" trams

One man tram in Enoggera Terrace Red Hill in 1929
One man tram in Enoggera Terrace Red Hill in 1929

Between 1929 and 1930 9 Dreadnoughts were converted to "one man" operation, as a cost saving measure. These trams were operated with drivers only and without conductors. They were only used on the Rainworth and Red Hill routes. Passengers were required to enter the tram from the front entrance and pay the driver as they entered. For this reason these trams had a distinctive colour scheme which included red and white diamonds on their front aprons. In May 1934 one man operation was abandoned and these trams were repainted in normal colours.

Two combination trams were also converted to one man operation for use on the [[Gardens]] route. The first tram was converted in 1925, the second in 1930.

[edit] "Baby" Dreadnoughts

Sometimes called "small centre-aisle" or "single truck saloon" cars, the 6 trams in this class were built primarily for the hilly Spring Hill route. They were built in two batches: the first four in 1936 were converted from 10 bench trams, the last two were built in 1943 using truck from 10 bench trams, making the last two trams in this class the last single truck cars built in Australia. These trams were fitted with special sanders allowing sand to be dropped not only in front, but also behind, their wheels, in case the trams slipped backwards on the steep section of the Spring Hill line. Scrapped in 1958-1959, except for one car that was preserved.

[edit] Dropcentres

Dropcentre No 242 as new without enclosed ends at New Farm Ferry terminus; c. 1925
Dropcentre No 242 as new without enclosed ends at New Farm Ferry terminus; c. 1925

The most numerous of Brisbane's trams, there were 191 trams of this class built between 1925 and 1938. Officially called "bogie drop centre combination cars", (usually shortened to "dropcentre" or "droppie") these trams' distinctive drop centre compartment was open to the elements, with only canvas blinds to provide protection for passengers in cold or wet weather. Although designed to be operated using airbrakes, most cars in this class were instead built with rheostatic brakes and hand brakes. However, the last 17 cars (Nos 370-386) were built with airbrakes. Subsequently, many of the older cars in this class were retrofitted with airbrakes and had their rheostatic braking systems removed. Early cars were built with open ends (meaning the drivers were unprotected from the elements) but later cars were built with enclosed ends (or "vestibules"). The ends of all the earlier cars of this class were enclosed by 1934. These trams were last used in regular service in December 1968.

[edit] Four Motor (FM) trams

Four Motor tram 497 at Milton in 1949
Four Motor tram 497 at Milton in 1949

Officially referred to as "drop centre saloon cars", or "four motor cars", they were popularly referred to as "400s", "FM's" or "silver bullets". They were the first class of trams built in Brisbane with airbrakes. 155 were constructed by the Brisbane City Council between 1938 and 1964, with a maximum carrying capacity of 110 passengers. Trams 400-472 were built with wide centre doors, 407 was altered to narrow centre doors and renumbered 473 (and the tram to be numbered 473 entered service as 407), trams 474-554 built with narrow centre doors. Through the 28 years during which they were built, many innovations were introduced, such as fluorescent lighting, helical gears, resiliant wheels, remote controlled controllers (see tram controls) and streamlined construction techniques. Early versions had canvas blinds in the doorways, while later versions had sliding doors. The last 8 trams were built from components salvaged from the Paddington tram depot fire and were painted light blue with phoenix emblems below the motorman's windows, to symbolise that the trams had risen from the ashes of the fire.

[edit] Depots

The southern bays of Ipswich Road tram depot in the 1940's, showing older combination and cross bench trams
The southern bays of Ipswich Road tram depot in the 1940's, showing older combination and cross bench trams

Tram Depots were located at the following places (years of operation in brackets):

Logan Road, Countess Street and Lang Street depots closed in 1927 with the opening of Ipswich Road depot. Ipswich Road and Light Street depots continued to be used as bus depots after the closure of the tram system.

The Brisbane City Council had planned to replace Paddington depot with a new depot on Mt Coot-tha road, Toowong, however following the destruction of Paddington tram depot in 1962 with the loss of 65 trams, these plans were shelved and a bus depot was developed on the site instead.

[edit] Tram allocation as at 1961

Ipswich Road depot

  • 15 Dreadnoughts
  • 46 Hand-brake Dropcentres
  • 31 Air-Brake Dropcentres
  • 55 Four Motor trams

Light Street depot

  • 8 Dreadnoughts
  • 25 Hand-brake Dropcentres
  • 35 Air-Brake Dropcentres
  • 51 Four Motor trams

Paddington depot

  • 5 Dreadnoughts
  • 32 Hand-brake Dropcentres
  • 22 Air-Brake Dropcentres
  • 40 Four Motor trams

[edit] Uniforms

Prior to World War II tram drivers (or motormen) and conductors wore a dark blue uniform including a serge jacket, which was subsequently replaced with a lighter cotton blouson. Until 1961 crews wore foreign legion caps. In 1967 the blue uniform was replaced with a green one. Inspectors wore a black uniform, with a grey shirt and black cap.

[edit] Routes

[edit] Horse tram routes

Horse Trams ran to the following suburbs:

[edit] Electric tram routes

An unusual feature of Brisbane's tram systme was its use of "through-routing", where trams did not terminate in the Brisbane central business district, but ran from suburbs on one side of the city to suburbs on the other.

In 1961 trams ran on the following routes:

Routes which closed prior to 1961 were:

  • Spring Hill - noted for its exceptionally steep track in Edward Street and operated by hand braked single truck trams (see "baby dreadnoughts" above). Closed 1947.
  • Gardens - This line branched off Queen Street and ran down Edward Street to the Brisbane River. It was notable for its driver only operation, where passengers paid their fares into a box upon entering the tram. Closed 1947. Initially replaced with diesel buses, it was converted to trolley bus operation in 1951 along with the Spring Hill line.
  • Red Hill - This line branched off Waterworks Road Red Hill and ran along Enoggera terrace. After closure this line was retained as a link to Paddington tram depot.
  • Chatsworth Road, Greenslopes - This short line branched off Logan Road. for some years before closure it was only used for peak hour services. Last used in 1957.
  • Cavendish Road, Coorparoo - This line branched off Old Cleveland road at Coorparoo. Closed 1955. Converted to trolley-bus.

[edit] Workshops, power houses and administration

The tramway powerhouse and workshops complex in Countess Street, seen from the east, with rail lines into Roma Street station in the foreground
The tramway powerhouse and workshops complex in Countess Street, seen from the east, with rail lines into Roma Street station in the foreground

Workshops and administration for the electric tram system were initially located in cramped quarters at Countess Street, at the western side of the Roma Street railway yards (now the site of the Roma Street Parkland), but in 1927 were relocated to Milton. Access to the workshops was from Boomerang Street in Milton, off Milton Road. Head Office was accessed from Coronation Drive (then known as River Road).

The Brisbane City Council Tramways Department administration building in Milton, with workshops behind
The Brisbane City Council Tramways Department administration building in Milton, with workshops behind

Power for the electric trams was originally drawn from a power station operated by the tramway company adjacent to its Countess Street depot and workshops. As the tramway company increased both the number of trams and the length of routes, the power supply rapidly became inadequate. Additional power generating units were installed at Light Street depot and a further powerhouse was built on Logan Road Woolloongabba, adjacent to the Woolloongabba railway line. Inadequate power supply was to remain a problem while the tramways remained in private hands. With the takeover of the system in 1922 by the Brisbane Tramways Trust (and subsequently the City Council) considerable investment was made in many areas including power generation and distribution. A larger powerhouse was built in New Farm which commenced generation in 1928 and was sufficient for both the needs of the tram system and other consumers.

The original Countess street powerhouse was demolished and material from it was used to construct the new Tramways headquarters.

[edit] Location of electrical substations at the time of closure

[edit] Remnants of the former system

  • The south-east pylon of the former Victoria Bridge stands on the southern bank of the Brisbane River at South Brisbane, it includes a short stretch of tram track.
  • 500 metres of track remains exposed in the median strip of Old Cleveland Road from Camp Hill to Carina.
  • As of 2006, much of the tram system's track remains in situ, as it was laid in concrete. It has merely been covered by bitumen, and can occasionally be seen when the bitumen road surface breaks.
  • Numerous four-poster and two-poster timber waiting sheds continue to serve as shelters along former tram lines. However some shelters have been moved from their original position.
  • A red "tram stop" post is located at the corner of Old Cleveland and Cavendish Roads, however the post was moved from its original position, when the intersection was modified in the mid 1980s.
  • Most of the former electrical substations remain, with only Russell Street substation demolished and the Logan Road substation dismantled and relocated to the town of Murgon, near that town's railway station.
  • A number of buildings in the CBD and inner suburbs retain brackets (or "rosettes") where tramway overhead was attached. A notable example is the Adelaide Street frontage of the Brisbane City Hall.
  • Rosettes are also located on the William Jolly Bridge, even though trams never ran over the bridge.
  • The original blue "Brisbane City Council" and "Department of Transport" signs from the former Coronation Drive head office are now located on the north west corner of Brisbane Transport's Toowong workshops.
  • Timber span poles remain along many of the former tram lines. These poles can be distinguished from other poles by their distinctive conical tops (some retaining cast iron caps resembling inverted flower pots) and by having small holes facing the street high up, where the span wires were attached.
  • The road overpass at Dutton Park railway station retains two large steel tram span poles.
  • Canning Bridge at Norman Park retains its four metal tram span poles.

[edit] References

  • Brimson, Samuel; "The Tramways of Australia", Dreamweaver Books, 1983. ISBN 0-949825-01-8
  • Brisbane City Council Annual Reports (various between 1925 and 1974)
  • Clark, Howard R. and Keenan David R.; "Brisbane Tramways - The Last Decade", Transit Press, 1977 (Reprinted 1985). ISBN 0-909338-01-9
  • Cole J.R.; "Shaping a City: Greater Brisbane 1925-1985", Brisbane 1984
  • Richardson J. (ed); Destination Valley, a Pictorial Review of Brisbane Tramcars, 2nd Edition, Traction Publications, Canberra, 1964.

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