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The Hoobs

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Hubba Hubba; hoob overlord.
Hubba Hubba; hoob overlord.

The Hoobs is a television program by The Jim Henson Company. It is about four creatures called Hoobs (Iver, Groove, Tula and Roma) from the fictional Hoobland, and their interactions with Earth and the human race. In each episode they try to find the answer to a question to be put in the great Hoobopaedia created by Hubba Hubba back in Hoobland. They live in the Hoobmobile and travel to all parts of the world.

In Britain it is a regular feature in early morning schedules and also a cult favourite with students and those adults with a nostalgic fondness for the Muppets. The show is made in the UK, as are many other Jim Henson Company productions. It was commissioned for Channel 4, and has been regionalised for other countries, including North America. [1]


[edit] Hoobs

The Hoobs:

  • have their own special words
  • love to learn
  • come from Hoobland, a sunny, colourful and bouncy world
  • are a race of great explorers
  • travel the Universe investigating and finding out about the different planets they visit
  • each day, wherever they are, find the answer to a single question about the world they are currently visiting
  • report their findings, by means of their sophisticated Hoobytechnology, to Hubba Hubba (the coordinator of the Hoobaepedia) back in Hoobland

The Hoobopaedia is a database of everything Hoobs could ever want to know about the Universe, similar to an encyclopedia. Hubba Hubba Hoob communicates with Hoobs everywhere via Hoobnet. When necessary, Hubba Hubba can use all the available information from the Hoobopaedia to help the Hoobs with their quest. The information the Hoobs ultimately gather is then broadcast to Hoobs everywhere and stored for future generations. In nearly every episode, the question is sparked off by a random remark from one of the Hoobs, towards which Hubba Hubba takes a childlike delight.

[edit] Hoobs on Earth

There are four different Hoobs investigating Planet Earth. These are:

  • Iver
  • Tula
  • Groove
  • Roma

Iver, Tula and Groove live in the Hoobmobile, a psychedelic bus. Roma also lives in the Hoobmobile but is rarely there as she travels the world like a reporter on her motorbike (the Hooby Picky-picky, also powered by one Motorette - see the Hoob Bus, below). Iver (purple Hoob) is the team leader and co-ordinator, Tula (pink Hoob, the girl) is the inquisitive and occasionally bossy one, while Groove (green Hoob) is the happy-go-lucky one who spends his time managing his numerous collections of Different Things, with a grouped collection for every single occasion. Roma is yellowy orange, and speaks with an extremely upper-class accent.

[edit] Other hoobs

  • Hubba Hubba

Hubba Hubba is the boss of the hoobs.

  • Grease lightening Groove

Grease lightening groove looks like Groove so that is why groove is called Groove.

  • Auntie Hatty

Auntie Hatty is Hubba Hubba's friend and is a red hoob.

[edit] Other Creatures and plants

  • Hooby doo doo
  • Hooby grow-in-a-day tree
  • Hoobo cacto-spiker
  • Heeble leaf tree
  • Hoobnip tree
  • Hooby cotton blossom

These hoob plants do not like getting wet.

[edit] Hoob food

  • Hooby puffs
  • Hoobo flakes
  • Hoobnips
  • Hoobo berries
  • Hoobnip tart
  • Hoobo cactus shake
  • Heeble berries
  • Heeble berry jelly
  • Hooby chips
  • Hooby cookies
  • Shoobage
  • Hooby scones
  • Hoobo blubbers

[edit] Hoob words

As previously detailed, there are several Hoob words which are used as a language for these creatures where other words are generally used in the English language. These include:

  • Hoobledoop = "Hello"
  • Shoobahoobs/Doobahoobs = "Girls/Boys"
  • Hoobletoodledoo = "Goodbye"
  • Hoobacious = "Wonderful"
  • Fantabbyhooby = "Fantastic"
  • Hooby-groovy = "Fantastic"
  • Hoobybooboo = "A mistake"
  • Twizzle-Tuft = "Head Hair"
  • Hooby-galooby = "Wow/Amazing"
  • Hoobybother = "Bother"
  • Peeps = "Adults"
    • Peep planet = "Planet Earth"
    • Tiddlypeeps = "Small people/children"
    • Squgglytiddlypeeps = "Babies"
    • Wrinklypeeps = "Old people"
    • Fantabbytroobellygroobellyhoobellygroovydooble-atious (pronounced fan-tab-ee-troo-bel-ee-groo-bel-ee-hoo-bel-ee-groov-ee-do-bel-aesh-uss)=the best complement you could give a hoob.

The Hoobs have some technology that parallels that on earth: for example, they have Hoobnet (the Internet), although they can order things online and have them appear immediately; they also have a phone and a fridge. While they are willing to eat Peep (Earth) foods, they also have a liking for their own foods such as Hoobybuns and sandwiches which they have flattened with a hammer, they also drink Hoob-o-fizz, which comes in a magenta-coloured bottle.

Hoobs do not have birthdays; they have Twizzle-tuft days. They are frightened of water.

Like the Teletubbies before them, the show has been criticised by some parents and media outlets for not using real words as they feel it detracts from teaching proper vocabulary to the target audience. Many psychologists dispute this argument however, citing the similarities to the 'baby talk' uttered by parents and how small children generally talk themselves at such a young age, and claim that it's a natural step in the learning and understanding process.

[edit] The Hoob Bus (Hoobmobile)

The Hoob bus has:

  • a colourful roof garden filled with strangely beautiful plants
  • peepholes and portholes, a balcony, and a tiny door
  • an engine powered by music
  • no people inside (exept once when tiddlypeeps came to buy various hoob items)

While each of the Hoobs is capable of driving the Hoobmobile, its 'fuel' is the songs sung from within the engine by the Motorettes, little piston-like creatures that will sing some variation of the Tiddlypeeps anthem (and later, a song related to the answer of the day) whenever the Hoobs drive over for a visit. The lyrics to the anthem are always the same, but are sung in several different tunes and styles, including soft rock, country and opera.The motrettes are timp, tootle and twang. The hoobmobile can travel very fast through space as the hoobs have visited alot of planets that are not even in this solar system.

[edit] Hoob–human communications

Hoobs are willing to speak to small children (Tiddlypeeps) but not to adults (Peeps) because they are too shy to do so. However, in one episode Iver does talk to an adult flight attendant. In another, each Hoob visits an elderly man in a care home (and his nurse), but these adults seem to think they are hallucinating. In one episode a grown-up talks to Groove as he is making pancakes. Furthermore, Roma has a friend named Dorothy who appears to be a Peep, but is never seen on screen. In the course of two visits per episode, the Tiddlypeeps ultimately provide the Hoobs with all the essential information they need to answer the question of the day, usually after one or two stumbles from the Hoobs themselves.

[edit] Notable actors / actresses to have appeared in the Hoobs

[edit] Episodes

ART Written by Ruth Symes

VALENTINE Written by Ruth Symes

FINDING OUT Written by Mellie Buse

MONKEYS Written by Karen Wallace

HELLO Written by Paul Larson

LAUGHING Written by ???

STARS Written by Robyn Charteris

PETS Written by Laura Beaumont

WHISTLES Written by ???

FLOATING Written by ???

DOG Written by Laura Beaumont

RUNNING Written by ???

GETTING BETTER Written by ???

FROGS Written by ???

LOSING THINGS Written by Jan Page

FLAGS Written by Paul Larson

SEASONS Written by Steve Kynman

BEES Written by ???

FIX IT Written by James Mason

HOMES Written by Jenny McDade

PRESENTS Written by Ross Hastings

HAIR Written by Steve Kynman

CLAPPING Written by Ross Hastings

SMELLS Written by Karen Wallace

COMBS Written by ???

KEEPING WARM Written by ???

RAIN Written by ???

WOBBLE Written by ???

OWNING UP Written by Jan Page

SAND Written by Nigel Crowle

HOOTING Written by Karen Wallace

SOFT ROUND FLAT THINGS Written by Ross Hastings

FISH Written by ???

KEYS Written by Andy Bernhardt

WAITING Written by ???

SHOES Written by ???

FLYING Written by ???

TIMES Written by Johnny Meres

GETTING TO SLEEP Written by Kate Wood

POTATOES Written by ???

MICE Written by ???

TEETH Written by ???

PUPPETS Written by Jan Page

ANGRY Written by Steve Kynman

HOLIDAYS Written by Ross Hastings

BOYS AND GIRLS Written by Jan Page

WIND Written by ???

Getting Bigger Written by Marc Seal

RUBBISH Written by Paul Larson

EGGS Written by Penny Lloyd

PLANES Written by Karen Wallace

DREAMS Written by Jan Page

SPOTS Written by Robyn Charteris

SHOPPING Written by Diane Redmond

BORROWING Written by ???

FANCY DRESS Written by Jan Page

CRYING Written by Diane Redmond

BELLS Written by Kate Wood

SHARING Written by Andy Bernhardt

UP AND DOWN Written by James Mason

DANCING Written by ???

DIRTY Written by Paul Larson

JUICIEST FRUIT Written by Nigel Crowle

HIGH UP Written by Polly Churchill

COWS Written by Penny Lloyd

SHY Written by Dan Bateman

THE BAND Written by Ben Randall

CIRCUS Written by Steve Kynman

UPSIDE DOWN Written by Kate Wood

RINGS Written by Jenny Mcdade

CAKES Written by Diane Redmond

BOATS Written by Karen Wallace

FREEZING Written by Paul Larson

FRESH Written by Laura Beaumont

WAKING UP Written by Karen Wallace

EXPLORING Written by Steve Kynman

EXERCISE Written by Ross Hastings

PAIRS Written by Jan Page

FUNNY FACES Written by Karen Wallace

COOL Written by Karen Wallace

STRIPES Written By ???

TIDYING UP Written by Andy Bernhardt

FRIENDS Written by Diane Redmond

MESSAGES Written by Laura Beaumont

NAMES Written by Paul Larson

COLOURS Written by James Mason

STUFFING Written by Jenny McDade

FLY AWAY Written by Diane Redmond

STORIES Written by Laura Beaumont

GLOVES Written by Steve Kynman

TASTE Written by Ross Hastings

BRAVE Written by Jan Page

HIDING Written by Paul Larson

SEA SHELLS Written by Nigel Crowle

SCARED Written by Polly Churchill

SPIKY Written by Kate Wood

DISAPPEAR Written by Jan Page

SLOW Written by Karen Wallace

CRUMBS Written by Robyn Charteris

HANG UPS Written by Paul Larson

SWINGING Written by Diane Redmond

PICKING UP Written by Jan Page

COPYING Written by Jan Page

TOYS Written by Laura Beaumont

DARK Written by Marc Seal

WHEELS Written by James Mason

HOBBIES Written by Ross Hastings

DINOSAURS Written by James Mason

SOFT Written by James Mason

NEW WORDS Written by Laura Beaumont

ROMA'S VISIT Written by James Mason

BEHIND YOU! Written by Marc Seal

BUBBLES Written by Jenny McDade

BOUNCING Written by Laura Beaumont

BIG LOAF Written by Andy Bernhardt

IT'S A MYSTERY Written by Diance Redmond

LUCKY Written by Marc Seal

HATS Written by Jan Page

CAMEL Written by Polly Churchill

TALKING TO YOURSELF Written by Nigel Crowle

SURPRISE Written by Jan Page

BA - BOOM! Written by Robyn Charteris

POP Written by Mellie Buse

TREES Written by Laura Beaumont

SHEEP Written by Robyn Charteris

TULA'S CHOICE Written by Mellie Buse

SNOW Written by Steve Kynman


HOOBY CLUES Written by Diane Redmond

OUCH! Written by Diane Redmond

ROUND AND ROUND Written by Jan Page

THE FAIR Written by Jan Page

POCKETS Written by Jan Page

FUNNY TUMMIES Written by Polly Churchill

SHAPE SORTER Written by Susan Jameson

CRASH BANG WALLOP! Written by Brian Herring

PEEP FLOWERS Written by Karen Wallace

WINNING Written by Jan Page

GROOVE'S WISH Written by Mellie Buse

A PIG FULL OF SURPRISES Written by Polly Churchill

REWARDS Written by Ross Hastings

A HOOB IN A MOOD Written by Jan Page

MOON Written by Robyn Charteris

SOGGY CRISPIES Writeen by Robyn Charteris

GIANT Written by Jan Page

THE DRIP Written by Hazel McBride

PIRATES Written by Ian Carney

HOOBAMAFLIP Written by Lucy Daniel Raby

MAGIC WORDS Written by Paul Dawson

BEAUTIFUL Written by Simon Nicholson

FUNNY SOUNDS Written by Ross Hastings

THAT NOISE Written by Louise Kramosky

OUR FRIEND, FLASH Written by Ben Randell

ACHOO! Written by Cathy Moss

A DOOB FOR A HOOB Written by Elizabeth Lindsey

BIG DAY IN Written by Ross Hastings

MISS HOOB Written by Jonny Meres

YAWNING Written by James Mason

THE SHOOBAGE Written by Dan Bateman

RELAX Written by Jan Page

GET ON WITH THE GAME Written by James Mason

GROOVE THE GREEDY Written by Jan Page

FAIRYLAND Written by Polly Churchill

HOOBYHICS Written by Paul Dawson

CLUMSY Written by Simon Nicholson

HURRY UP! Written by James Mason

A PLACE FOR TULA Written by Lucy Daniel Raby

MUMS AND DADS Written by Jan Page

UNDERGROUND Written by James Mason

WARM JUICE Written by Karen Wallace

TELLING TALES Written by Robyn Charteris

EVERY HOOB'S A STAR Written by Mellie Buse

RIDDLE ME REE Written by Paul Larson

LITTLE ROUND SOMETHINGS Written by Ross Hastings

JOBS Written by Hazel McBride

TULA'S BIG DAY Written by Ian Carney

CREEPY CRAWLIES Written by Polly Churchill

BIRDSONG Written by Polly Churchill

PLAYHOUSE Written by ???

FLIES Written by Karen Wallace

TULA IN WONDERLAND Written by Mellie Buse

CLUBS Written by Ross Hastings

HOOBYDUDU Written by Simon Nicholson

ROBIN HOOD Written by Paul Larson

A WHALE OF A TIME Written by Robyn Charteris

A PROBLEM WITH THE PANSIES Written by Susan Jameson

SEEING CLEARLY Written by Cathy Moss

THE OLD BAMBOO Written by Mellie Buse

DOWN IN THE MIDDLE Written by Dan Bateman

SOMEBODY LOVES YOU Written by Ruth Symes

DON'T DRINK THE WATER Written by Diane Redmond

IVER THE ROBOT Written by Paul Dawson

MAROONED Written by Marc Seal

RUDE HOOB! Written by Jan Page

HOOZLEBERRY BLUES Written by Elizabeth Lindsey

SIR IVERLOT Written by Karen Wallace

YEE HAW! Written by Ross Hastings

IVER'S BIG TRIP Written by Polly Churchill

BEDTIME STORY Written by Karen Wallace

HOOBLEDOOP! Written by Ross Hastings

HOOBYBUMPERBOX DAY Written by Hazel McBride

CHOCOLATE Written by Diane Redmond

DANGEROUS Written by Jan Page

NEWS Written by Diane Redmond

GROOVE'S SPECIAL COLLECTION Written by Louise Kramosky

CARDS Written by Paul Larson

CHANGE Written by Jan Page

SHERLOCK GROOVE Written by Jan Page

NOT A HORSE Written by Ruth Symes

ELBOWS Written by Polly Churchill

MOTERETTE MAGIC Written by Jan Page

HOOBY GROW IN A DAY TREE Written by Lucy Daniel Raby

LITTLE PINK RIDING HOOB Written by Mellie Buse

HOOBY RACES Written by Jan Page


TIGER IN NEED Written by Mellie Buse

PROMISES Written by Diane Redmond

TWINKLY WRINKLYPEEP Written by Polly Churchill

COVER UP Written by Ruth Symes

IVER'S BUNS Written by Cathy Moss

BUDDY BEACON Written by Ian Carney



EMPEROR Written by Simon Nicholson

TIGHT FIT Written by Hazel McBride

HOOBY HOLIDAY Written by Susan Jameson

OPERA SINGER Written by Mellie Buse

SIGNS Written by Dan Bateman

THE HOUSE OF IVER Written by Marc Seal

JAMBO TAMBO Written by Robyn Charteris

LOST Written by Louise Kramosky

OVERLOADED Written by Simon Nicholson

RESTAURANT Written by Jan Page

FLOWER POWER Written by Paul Larson

IVER FIVE 0 Written by Ross Hastings

LLAMA FARMER Written by Marc Seal

RECORD BREAKER Written by Ross Hastings

THREE HOOBS, ONE BUS Written by Jan Page

VOICE CHOICE Written by Elizabeth Lindsey

DAY OFF Written by Mellie Buse

PANCAKES Written by Jan Page

COSTUME DRAMA Written by Polly Churchill

SOFT FLOPPY FUN Written by Cathy Moss

WINDOW DRAMA Written by Simon Nicholson

TRICKS WITH BRICKS Written by Simon Nicholson

KING OF THE SEA Written by Polly Churchill

SHOP TIL YA DROP! Written by Cathy Moss

THE BIG BONK Written by Mellie Buse

BOSSY BOOTS Written by Ross Hastings


IS IT HOOBLETOODLEDOO? Written by Mellie Buse

[edit] External links


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