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Degrassi: The Next Generation characters

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The following is a list of characters to appear on Degrassi: The Next Generation.


[edit] Main characters

There is no single lead character, but from episode to episode one or two characters will usually be the focus of the main plot. Main characters listed here are those who are portrayed by actors billed in the opening credits.

[edit] Adults

[edit] Joey Jeremiah

Owner of a car dealership, father of Angela and stepfather of Craig Manning. Dated Syndey, Caitlin Ryan and currently Diane. Was a former student at Degrassi.

[edit] Christine "Spike" Nelson

Hairdresser and mother of Emma, with whom she was pregnant in the original series. In the second season she married Archibald "Snake" Simpson, and in the third season she gave birth to their son Jack.

[edit] Dan Raditch

Ex-principal of Degrassi. Was there since the adults (Spike, Snake, Joey, etc.) attended Degrassi. Was released due to his terrible reaction to the shooting involving Rick.

[edit] Caitlin Ryan

A prominent TV Journalist who has had a long standing on-again off-again relationship with Joey Jeremiah since their Junior high days. Broke up with Joey last season to accept a position in the U.S. at a nationally syndicated news magazine.

[edit] Archie "Snake" Simpson

A student from the original series who is a teacher at Degrassi. He marries Christine "Spike" Nelson in the second season and becomes Emma's stepfather. In the third season Spike gives birth to their son Jack. He is diagnosed with cancer in the third season, but then he goes into remission. In the fifth season, he was seen by Emma kissing Ms. Hatzilakos, and was briefly separated from Spike. Later, they made up and he moved back in.

[edit] Daphne Hatzilakos

Former science teacher, who is now the Degrassi principal and Peter Stone's mother. She and Snake were seen kissing by Emma and Peter, although the affair never went further.

[edit] Class of 2007

[edit] Emma Nelson

Daughter of Christine "Spike" Nelson (who gave birth to Emma in between the second and third season of Degrassi Junior High), Emma is smart, determined and idealistic, sometimes to a fault. She champions broad causes such as protecting the environment and boycotting genetically modified food. She's had an on and off relationship with Sean Cameron since season 2, though Sean is often interpreted by adults and other students as a troublemaker. They hooked up and broke up twice, becoming enemies afterward. However, they came together as friends after Sean saved her from being killed during the shooting. Emma's rigid ideals of right and wrong often lead to conflicts with other students who see their choices in shades of grey rather than black and white. She performed oral sex on Jay during her season 4 breakdown after the shooting. At the time, Jay had a girlfriend (Emma's enemy, Alex), and Emma found out that he had given her and many other girls gonorrhea. In the fifth season, after feeling like she was losing control over her life, she began a dramatic diet, developing anorexia and bulimia. Her eating disorders led her to a hospital, and she is now in recovery. At one time she was dating Peter Stone, the principal's son. When Sean returned to Degrassi at the beginning of season 6, Emma realized she still has feelings for Sean. She pledged to stay faithful to Peter, but after finding out that he planted drugs in Sean's locker, Emma broke off the relationship. She has since gotten closer to Sean, helping him through his court ordeal.

[edit] Sean Cameron

Sean is a conflicted teen with a violent past. He was expelled from his previous school for involvement in a fight with bad consequences, and despite his best efforts to be normal, he often has flares of anger that get him into trouble again. Living with his older brother Tracker in a run-down apartment, Sean also wants desperately to have the material things that others have. Emma was his first love; then he moved on to Ellie. They became quite serious, even moving in together. Sean started a criminal life when he began to associate himself with Jay Hogart. In season five, Sean returned to Wasaga Beach in an attempt to cope with, among other stresses, the fact that he accidentally took Rick's life while trying to save Emma's. He abruptly ended his relationship with Ellie by moving, leaving her with an apartment she couldn't pay for on her own. Sean returnes to Degrassi at the beginning of season 6 and has rekindled his romance with Emma Nelson.

[edit] Peter Stone

Peter is an aspiring film director and the son of Degrassi principal Ms. Hatzilakos. He likes high tech things and the internet. He owns a Zire 72. At a party, he filmed a drunk Manny Santos taking off her top, and then e-mailed it to the school when she refused to go out with him. In season five, he started a relationship with Emma that had to be kept a secret because of what he did to Manny. After Emma told Manny about the relationship (resulting in yet another end to their friendship), Peter went to Manny to try and get Emma help for her anorexia and bulimia. In the begining of Season six, Peter meets Sean and thinks Sean is trying to steal Emma, so he gets the combination to Sean's locker and plants drugs in it. Emma finds out that Peter set Sean up and she breaks up with him.

[edit] Toby Isaacs

Toby often chooses intellectual pursuits over social endeavors and he wears his badge of geekiness fairly proudly. Because he spends more time on these activities than developing his social skills, Toby can often be awkward when dealing with other students and suffers some isolation and abuse from that difference. He has a sarcastic sense of humor, and is good with planning, playing chess and computers. With only one true friend, school has been tough for him in the social sense. Toby had a brief relationship with Spinner's adopted sister Kendra while he was in grade eight and she was in grade seven. Once friends with Rick when he was retained into grade 7, Toby had mixed feelings after Rick's death, and attended his funeral, much to the chagrin of many Degrassi students. In season 5, J.T. leans on Toby more than ever while dealing with Liberty's pregnancy.

[edit] Manuela "Manny" Santos

Born in Manila, Philippines, the nation's capital, Manny is a Filipino girl who is struggling to define herself. Eager to grow outside of the confining role of a young girl because of a previous relationship that didn't work out, Manny will do whatever it takes to get what she wants because she never got over the guy. Her demeanor and appearance have changed drastically since her enrollment at DCS began. Once giggly, girly, and greatly naive, she is now a head strong, confident, sassy, boy-chasing hottie. And it's not just that — she flaunts it, and is a temptress and seductress. Called a 'slut' by everyone including her father, she has become very emotional. In season 3, Craig cheated on Ashley with Manny. She became pregnant with Craig's child, but aborted it and suffered the gossip because Craig was already in a relationship. She is an actress, having appeared in a leading role in the Kevin Smith film shot at Degrassi during season 4, and comments from an acting agent whom Manny respected left her horribly hurt and vulnerable. She is now living with Emma after her father refused to let her live in the house if she continued acting. She is now dating Craig again.

[edit] James Tiberius "J.T." Yorke

J.T. is the resident class clown. His quick wit and humorous come-backs give him attention and make him lots of friends, and get him into just as much trouble. He lives with his grandmother after his father left his mother. J.T is a typical teen horn-dog and is insecure after thinking that his penis is not very big, even resorting to a penis-pump. His most recent trouble has been getting his girlfriend, Liberty, pregnant and then struggling to make money to raise the baby. He finally resorts to stealing drugs from the pharmacy where he works to sell. Following arguments with both Liberty and Toby, and realizing he's ruined his life by becoming a drug-dealer, J.T. attempts suicide by overdosing on the stolen oxycodone. Rushed to the hospital, his stomach is pumped, and he barely survives, having been put on suicide watch. The baby is born prematurely and J.T. only gets to see for a few moments before it is given to its adoptive parents.

[edit] Liberty Van Zandt

Liberty has always been the nerd of the bunch. Smart but awkward and can't tell when people are not into her, Liberty is very a pristine perfectionist savant. She skipped grade 6, which sent her from grade 5 straight into junior high at Degrassi. She doesn't encounter many issues being a girl who has control over her life and her mind set on education. In season 1 she falls victim to a rumour which involves an innopropraite relationship between her and a teacher. In season 2 she simply goes control crazy as team captain of the girls' floor hockey team. Finally in Season 5 she deals with a serious issue as she becomes pregnant by J.T. Yorke. J.T. has always been the love of her live and she has been chasing after him for all of junior high, never losing her true feelings for him. In season 3 J.T. tells Liberty that her crush is getting old and she tries to move on. She starts with a rebound crush on Sean Cameron but ends up going out with Towerz. Their relationship ends when Liberty catches Towerz cheating on her that summer. In season 4, she and J.T. finally become a couple. They become sexually active and remember to use condoms. J.T. decided to use the king size condom but it slipped off and that resulted in Liberty being pregnant. In season 5 Liberty becomes student body president. This adds on to the stress of being pregnant resulting in her not wanting to be pregnant and mentally pretending it is no big deal. She tries to keep it to herself thinking she can manage on her own. J.T. although not very keen on babies, knows it just isn't right and finally convinces Liberty to seek help. They both talk to the counselor Ms. Sauve who suggests adoption. J.T. quickly accepts the idea but Liberty doesn't want that. Later on J.T. decides he wants to keep the baby as well and tries to make money and find a place for them to live. After J.T. ends up selling stolen drugs and attempts suicide by overdosing, Liberty decides it's best to give the baby up for adoption.

[edit] Jimmy Brooks

Athletic, clever, and kind, Jimmy is more open-minded than many of Degrassi's other students (for example, he was very supportive of Marco when he came out). His family is also quite wealthy, causing occasional rifts with other students from different economic backgrounds. But being wealthy and showering him with top-of-the-line gifts doesn't make up for his parents' lack of availability in his life. For example, in the first season, Jimmy plans to celebrate his birthday with then-girlfriend Ashley and his parents, but receives a voicemail stating that his parents will have to work late and cannot celebrate his birthday with him. He fell in with the bully crowd, and became one of Rick's tormentors, later befriending him as they practiced for a game show together. His life took a tragic turn when his best friend Spinner led Rick to believe that Jimmy was behind a prank, not knowing Rick was carrying a gun. Jimmy was shot in the back while he was trying to run away, and paralyzed from the waist down for life. He has modified the appearance of his wheelchair to include spinning rims and a basket. He has previously dated Ashley and Hazel, and tried to develop a relationship with Ellie, but she rejected him. However, after kissing Ashley in High Fidelity 2 (Season 5 Finale), Jimmy and Ash have reconciled. He was unable to graduate with the rest of his class due to the fact that his injury, and resulting paralysis, caused a major setback in his education and was unable to catch up in time.

[edit] Ashley Kerwin

Introverted Ashley strives to be good to the people around her, but is finding out that that's not always possible while being good, or even true, to yourself. The harsh words of others and her own mistakes drive Ashley to take a hard look at herself and she continually morphs her personality as she tries to find a balance between altruism and ego. One major point in Ashley’s history was her mistake of trying the drug ecstasy, instead of disposing of it. She suffered the consequences of her actions while under its influence for almost an entire year, basically being isolated and shunned by most of her former friends, except for Terri. She also lost her relationship with boyfriend Jimmy Brooks, whom she had been dating for many months and was in love with. This isolation set in motion her friendship with Ellie, and her goth stage. It was believed that Ashley and Craig were soulmates, but in this school nothing ever stays 'nice'. She came back to him after he cheated on her with and impregnated Manny Santos. Ashley still didn't leave him when he was diagnosed bipolar. She stuck to the relationship, always caring for Craig, but it proved to be too much stress and drama for her; she preferred a normal boyfriend but didn't tell this to Craig. Ashley went to England for a summer and fell in love with some other guy named Alister, known as "Ali". She decided to stay in England to be with him, but after the relationship failed, she returned to Degrassi to enroll for the next school year (season 6)

[edit] Gavin "Spinner" Mason

So nicknamed for his bouts of ADHD, Spinner is an upperclassman who doesn't mind using his age and size to his advantage. Often a bully to other students, Gavin alternates between being extremely closed-minded to being an incredibly supportive and loyal friend. That loyalty has waned with his best friend Jimmy, from stealing from him, to blaming a prank on him, resulting in his shooting. He's been isolated for this, and has since found a new friend, who is barely not-as-bad as Spinner himself in some ways. He fell in love with Paige for a couple of seasons but they ended up breaking up, causing his personality change from a popular, loving boyfriend to an outcast rebel. Spinner became a born-again Christian through his new girlfriend Darcy and joined The Friendship Club, a Christian group at Degrassi. Spinner broke off his relationship with Darcy when she became jealous over issues concerning past sexual experiences and had a couple of hook-ups with Paige. Darcy asked Spinner to take her back, but retracted the offer when she discovered he'd broken his vows by sleeping with Paige. At the very end of "High Fidelity, Part 2," Spinner reconciles with Jimmy during the graduation ceremony when the two are held back. Shortly after he begs Darcy for forgiveness prior to her departure for camp, but she doesn't know if she can forgive him. When the episode concludes, their future remains uncertain. Ironically, upon reviving his friendship with Jimmy (which was his only real desire for the entire season), he loses the one person that stuck by him throughout his troubles. However, in sixth-season premiere "Here Comes Your Man", Darcy did give him another chance. Having been expelled briefly as punishment for his involvement in Jimmy's shooting left Spinner unable to graduate with his class. Later on season 6 he breaks up with her once again after finding close to nude pictures of Darcy on the internet.

[edit] Darcy Edwards

Darcy is a member of the Spirit Squad and a friend of Emma and Manny. For a brief while she had a crush on Emma's neighbor, Chester, and in one episode was paid by Toby Isaacs to kiss Rick. She and Manny teamed up to drop Paige during a cheer routine and break her ankle as payback for how badly she treated Manny and the squad. After feeling guilty over what happened to Paige, Darcy became Christian. Her Christian faith plays a big role in her life and is part of what allows her to help Spinner after he was ostracized by the school for the his role in the shooting. Upon discovering that Manny once slept with Spinner, Darcy became jealous and called Manny a slut, resulting in a big fight. Darcy decided to end her relationship with Spinner after learning that he had also slept with Paige but he begged her forgiveness and they soon got back together at the beginning of Season 6. But a few episodes later under the influnce of Peter to raise money for the cheer squad Darcy takes revealing pictures and puts them on the internet. After Peter sends them to Spinner(Darcy not knowing) Spinner breaks up with her.

[edit] Class of 2006

[edit] Hazel Aden

Hazel is a smart, popular Somali Muslim girl who is occasionally mean and sassy, but outside of her catty circle of friends usually deals with others with more kindness than she displays in front of her peers. She fell in love with Jimmy, and dated him for a couple of years. She struggled with the fact that the shooting left Jimmy handicapped, but stayed faithful to him, until she suspected that he had feelings for Ellie. After she found out that Jimmy was into Ellie and not her, she finally broke up with him. Hazel was in detention once for surfing a pornographic website. She once tried to pretend that she was Jamaican during a diversity celebration, but when an Iraqi classmate's poster was vandalized with anti-Muslim slurs, Hazel is accused of having committed the crime, though she is innocent. After the true culprits are caught, she realizes that she must be true to herself instead of trying to conceal her identity.

[edit] Theresa "Terri" McGregor

The only daughter of a widowed father, Terri McGregor struggles with insecurities about her appearance, due to the fact that she is more curvaceous than her very thin peers. Her career as a plus-size model improved her self-image, and helped her overcome her vulnerability to peer pressure, although her individuation remains incomplete. She once possessed a keen interest in the occult. In Grade 10, never having experienced a real boyfriend, she tried hard to make a relationship work with Rick. She worked through obsessiveness and abusiveness, and came back to the relationship, forgiving him each time. In the moment she was strong, but liked the feeling of being loved. She made a mistake forgiving him the first time, for in the final chapter, she was knocked into a coma by Rick. Rick pushed her violently down to a brick.She has since enrolled in a private school.

[edit] Paige Michalchuk

Popular fashionista with a sharp tongue who often says things which are hurtful to others. "Brutally blunt" is her phrase of choice to describe her attitude at telling people like it is. Paige is no stranger to trials herself, however, and may be a more vulnerable person than indicated by the personality she shows to the outside world. After a date with an older guy ended in rape, Paige become more kind and gentle than evil to her peers. She dated Spinner and later crushed on Mr.Oleander, a student teacher at Degrassi, and developed a relationship with him that had to remain secret. Of course, the secret got out, after having a physical altercation with the girl she trusted with the secret. Recently struck by the anxiety bug about college applications and resumes, she smoked marijuana to try to convince Alex to consider going to college as well. She didn’t expect to see a friend-of-the-family representative from her university of choice (Banting in Kingston). Her parents found out that she was high through this friend. After the Kevin Smith movie premiere, Alex became her girlfriend, although she was concerned that other people would talk nastily about her being her back at first. Paige and Alex broke up when Paige got accepted at Banting in Kingston and they realized they were going on different paths. Paige then slept with her ex-boyfriend Spinner, whom she thought broke up with Darcy but didn't know they got back together, on the night before Graduation.

[edit] Craig Manning

The consummate artist, Craig first could be seen being an avid photographer. But it would come to light suddenly that he likes to play the guitar when he forms a band after being adopted by Joey. Dealing with his abusive father before the adoption has made the transition to adulthood difficult for Craig and he continues to work though this and other issues, including a deceased loving mother, two-timing his girlfriend Ashley, impregnating the mistress, Manny (who loved him), and being diagnosed as bipolar. He rekindled the relationship with Ashley with much hardship, but she couldn't handle his illness, and moved away from him, obviously dumping him when she found a new boyfriend, and never having bothered getting around to tell him personally. Craig has developed a friendship with Ellie, due to their being in the same therapy group, but does not want a romantic relationship with her. He instead chooses to rekindle his relationship with Manny. Craig went to Vancouver to work on a solo album, but returnes at the end of High Fidelity Part 2 to say goodbye to his fellow graduating classmates.

[edit] Eleanor "Ellie" Nash

Ellie Nash stepped onto the Degrassi scene as the cute, but troubled Punk girl, whose father is in the army and whose mother is an alcoholic, which spawns from not being able to cope with her husbands constant leaving. Ellie quickly made friends with Ashley Kerwin, a fellow Goth at the time, and took a liking to Marco Del Rossi, who became her boyfriend after a little tiff with Hazel over him. Marco and Ellie had a romantic relationship which Ellie believed to be going somewhere so much so to the point that Ellie was ready to give her virginity to him, until Marco revealed his homosexuality to her, and the remainder of the relationship was spent as a cover until Marco was ready to come out to everyone else. Ellie has a passion for journalism and that led to her getting a co-op with local and famed reporter Caitlin Ryan, a job which she competed with Paige Michalchuk for but won in the end. During the stint as a co-op, stress became too much for Ellie and Paige discovered Ellie's gruesome method of coping, which happened to be self-mutilation. During a detention which she shared with fellow then-Grade 10s Jimmy Brooks and Hazel Aden, along with Grade 9s Toby Issacs and Sean Cameron, Ellie blossomed a relationship with Sean, which lasted successfully into her junior year. The couple even shared an apartment for an amount of time during their relationship, because the stress and emotional baggage from Mrs Nash's alcoholism was driving Ellie to cut again. But, once the school shooting came around, Sean, who had a traumatising part in it, fled to his hometown of Wasaga Beach to cope with everything that had happened, leaving Ellie heartbroken and paying rent for an apartment that she lived in alone. Ellie soon moved back in with her mother, after realising that she could handle a little stress but not the pressure of having to pay rent for an apartment, and joined a support group, which she found out that fellow classmate and best friend's boyfriend Craig Manning had also joined because of his bi-polar disorder. Ellie had a part in Kevin Smith's film, Jay and Silent Bob Go Canadian, Eh?, since it was being filmed at Degrassi, and got her feet wet in the acting business, but really wasn't anything big. Craig and Ellie developed a close friendship after Ashley remained in England after what was supposed to be a summer holiday, and that friendship evolved into a crush on Ellie's part. Though later on in the season her and Jimmy discovered a mutual love for art, the crush developed on his part was not mutual. Her crush on Craig seems to be unrequited as he has rekindled his romance with ex-girlfriend Manny Santos, stating that he saw nothing more in Ellie than a good friend. In Season 6 after going off to college and leaving Degrassi behind Ellie finds a new boyfriend(a fellow college journalist who is a few years older)and moves in with Marco and his boyfriend Dylan.

[edit] Marco Del Rossi

One of three openly gay students at Degrassi, Marco has taken the role of a "gay guardian angel," a person who dispenses helpful advice to other students. Marco was an A student at Degrassi and now attends the University of Toronto, where he lives with Dylan and Ellie. He came out after pressured by Ellie, his ex-girlfriend who was tired of pretending. It was only verbally done to two people, but everyone knew before long. He dated Paige's older brother Dylan. However they broke up because Dylan wanted an open relationship. In season 5, after briefly dating Tim, Marco reconciled with Dylan and they are now back together. His mother is understanding of Marco's sexuality, but his father wasn't quite as accepting when he finally came out to him during the 5th season. However, Marco's mother told him to stay hopeful — that someday, his father will finally accept it.

[edit] Alexandria "Alex" Nuñez

Alex dated Jay and was a member of his gang. She presents a tough feisty exterior. Once prejudiced against homosexuals, she became vice-president under Marco, whom she befriended. She is partially responsible for conducting a prank, using her title as alibi, which resulted in Rick shooting Jimmy, and some slight, and fleeting guilt. Her mom is divorced and sleeps around, which bothers Alex. Or maybe more-so the fact that she has to tend to her when she is beaten by her boyfriend. Alex feels that this is a reason she won't go to college or amount to anything in life, self-fulfilling her belief that she will be stuck in a dead-end job forever. Originally disliking Paige, Alex realizes she may have hidden feelings for her (The past homophobia she may have had against Marco may have been her trying to deny her own sexuality), feelings that Paige also had and they dated and recently broke up. She revealed to Jay she was a lesbian. In Season 6 she returns to Degrassi again as a senior once again to improve her grades to get into a college.

[edit] Drop Out

[edit] Jason "Jay" Hogart

Jay is a belligerent rebel who carefully cultivates his bad boy image by being genuinely amoral. He seems to be involved with all of the illegal or innapropriate activities around Degrassi, and once admitted to being the "Low-down dirty sinner". After dropping out of school, his care-free hedonistic philosophy was best exemplified by another of his quotes: "Bummer times... 'least there's a party." He first appeared in a confrontation with Dylan. It is possibly pure homophobia when he refers to him as "Homochuck". His 'take what I want' attitude polarizes other students at Degrassi who either want to befriend him (and have the things he has, like his ex-girlfriend Alex and expensive modifications to his car) or hate him because everything he "takes" has to be stolen from someone else, mainly from the school or the town bar and grill chill spot. Sexually active, and incautious in his escapades, he caught gonorrhea and was part of its minor break-out at school. He is also a teen drinker, though only seen drinking once, seemed to be an expert. Now alone after Alex broke up with him, he discovered she was attracted to girls. He continues to have feelings for her and attacks her because he thinks that if she is a lesbian then he no longer has a chance. After staying at Alex's place at the end of season 5, he tries to make peace and act as only friends.

[edit] Supporting or Minor Characters

Characters listed here are those who are portrayed by actors not billed in the opening credits, but have still contributed to the storylines. These are characters worth mentioning, or frequent appearers. Exceptions can be made for persons appearing in their own episodes/story arcs, or anything within reasonable judgment.

[edit] Coach Darryl Armstrong

Coach Armstrong is the Mathematics teacher for all grades at Degrassi, and shows he's dedicated to his job by taking time out to tutor students who are having trouble in the course. But this dedication started to spawn nasty rumours that he and Liberty Van Zandt were having an inappropriate relationship, when the real reason behind Liberty's tutoring is that she had a learning disability called dyscalculia. Coach Armstrong coaches the boys' sports teams and takes an active part in Degrassi's sports programme.

[edit] Chante Black

Chante is on the Spirit Squad and is friends with Manny Santos, Emma Nelson, and Darcy Edwards. She had a significant lust for Chester Hosoda-Bloom, helped in the scheme that broke Paige Michalchuk's leg, and revealed to Paige that Manny's topless video was circulating around the school, ultimately getting Manny kicked off the Spirit Squad. She seems to be gossipy and catty.

[edit] Mia Jones

Mia Jones is the new girl at Degrassi. She is a single mom, with a little girl, Isabella. She is in 11th grade, as she is 16 and shares some classes with Darcy and Peter. She is on the cheerleading squad, and is liked by Manny. However, Darcy dislikes her for being a teen mother, and even tries to kick her off the squad. She comes back ala Manny, and seems to be very skilled. J.T has a crush on her and they seem to be moving into a relationship.

[edit] Scott "Tracker" Cameron

Tracker is Sean's older brother and they lived in an apartment together, until getting a unrefusable job offer in Alberta, leaving Sean alone when he moved there with girlfriend Kim. He dispenses brotherly wisdom from time to time and tried to keep Sean out of trouble again, by trying to keep him away from Jay Hogart, but to no avail. Tracker left Sean to be emancipated and left the apartment in Sean's care, until Sean too vacated the apartment for their parents' home in Wasaga Beach, leaving the apartment to Sean's girlfriend, Ellie Nash, who couldn't afford it on her own.

[edit] Nadia Jamir

There isn't much known about Nadia, except for the fact that she is a friend of Kendra and uses a wheelchair. She takes pictures for the yearbook, and helps out the staff a lot.

[edit] Angela "Angie" Jeremiah

Angela is the only daughter of Joey and Julia Jeremiah, making her Craig Manning's half-sister, because they share the same mother. Angela is currently a Grade 4 and hasn't entered middle school yet, though she could start at Degrassi in the fall of 2008. She would be a graduate of the Class of '14, if that took place.

[edit] Ms. Kwan

Ms. Kwan is the English teacher at Degrassi and is known to be strict, but is a rather good teacher. She briefly left the first year she worked at Degrassi to take care of her sick husband causing Spinner and Jimmy to feel guilty over a series of mean-spirited pranks they played on her.

[edit] Heather Sinclair

Heather Sinclair has never had her face shown on Degrassi, although in the episode # 410 “Neutron Dance”, she appeared with her face blocked by her raised arms, but is very talked about and ridiculed for her self-inflicted haircuts, overtweezed eyebrows, and bargain-basement nose job. But she seems to be popular since she beat Paige Michalchuk out for the Prom Queen crown previous to their Grade 9 year. She auditioned for video announcements during Liberty Van Zandt's run as President, but was once again the butt of a joke, as she had boogers hanging from her nose during her audition.

[edit] Trey 'Towerz' Hightower

Towerz was a member of Jay's gang, but the gang seems to have disbanded since Alex ran for President in her junior year. In their sophomore year, it was revealed that he had a "thing for smart girls" through fellow gangmember Sean, and it resulted in Liberty's first steady boyfriend for a period of time before breaking up over a summer. He has not appeared since.

[edit] Chester Hosoda-Bloom

Chester was a short lived character in the series. Appearing in only 2 episodes in the 4th season. Chester is a grade below Manny Santos and Emma Nelson. On his first day of school he is given a tour by Manny which is cut short by Craig Manning. Chester gives Manny and Marco the cupid theme idea of a dance to help relieve the school shooting. The cupid theme was an electronic ice-breaker where you are paired off by computer after answering a few questions. This is how we learn little details on Chester, example: his favorite movie is Donnie Darko. Chester takes an interest in Manny, but this was because Manny led him on. The two of them kiss at the dance but Manny quickly realizes that she wants to be with Spinner. After he is rejected by Manny he sets his eyes on Emma, even though she is the only one who seems uninterested in him. The girls who were actually intimidated by his presence were Manny Santos, Darcy Edwards, and Chante Black. Emma clearly states in her online journal that she does not have a crush on Chester. Chester has two brothers, Chuck Hosoda and Chad Hosada. The three of them are Emma Nelson's neighbours. Chester annoyingly calls Emma "Emmalene" whom teepees his house and evokes the revenge of the wild Chuck and Chad. He has resolved to become her "spy two doors down" because he knows how ruthless Chuck and Chad can be, and wants to help her. It also seems that he unintentionally helped Emma loosen up about possibly contracting the STD gonorrhea as she believes all guys are judging her.

[edit] Dylan Michalchuk

A graduate of Degrassi class of ‘04 and Paige's older brother, Dylan is an open homosexual. He was Marco's first boyfriend and only intimate partner, and they recently broke up due to Dylan wanting an "open relationship". It is theorized that Jay may have an old feud with Dylan, though no explanation has ever been offered. It could just be plain homophobia. Dylan is a jock, playing both volleyball and college hockey. He recently got back together with Marco at the end of season 5.

[edit] Rick Murray

Very intellectual, very psychotic, young man. He had major anger problems, where he would turn violent. He was in love with Terri but was a controlling, obsessive, abusive boyfriend. He shoved her, and he hit her head on a concrete block, putting her in a coma. He left school, to return a little late next year to a place where he was not welcome. He really seemed to change, controlling his anger, even when constantly harassed in the halls, the class, and on the way to school. He relapsed and spray painted some of his biggest tormentors' cars. In return, his tormentors dumped paint on him in front of the school, on previously-taped television. He returned after lunch that day with a gun. Rick was coming to his senses and disposed of his pistol in his locker, until he was mislead into believing his friend, Jimmy, pulled the prank. He shot him and was going to shoot Emma when Sean tussled with the gun and twisted it back towards Rick. The gun went off, and Rick was killed.

[edit] Matt Oleander

Matt started out as a student teacher's assistant under Mr. Simpson, and yoga instructor at Degrassi. Paige crushed on him and got her way when he kissed her, starting their secret relationship. This lasted the entire second semester of the school year. Matt was a struggling college student and a teaching enthusiast. He lived in an apartment worse than Sean's, and tried to shield Paige from seeing it to allow her to keep her fantasy vision of how wonderful it must be. One person was in on the secret, and that was Manny, who witnessed their kiss. Manny was good about keeping the secret until Paige made her mad by missing spirit squad rehearsals, so Manny started a cat fight with Paige and revealed the secret to the crowd. Manny also accidentally informed Hazel, who is well known for being "secrecy-challenged", but Hazel only caused some heat. Matt was questioned about his paramour, and took responsibility, realizing that calling her a stalker wasn't cool. He was kicked out of school, and left for a couple of months. He came back scraggly-looking and unkempt, and told Paige about plans to move to Vancouver as a painter. He supplied her with a marijuana joint, which caused some problems....

[edit] Amy Peters-Hoffman

Amy is the once best friend of Alex Nunez. She dated Sean while he was on rebound from Emma; however, after a hot and heated relationship, they broke up. It was later revealed that Amy took part in the sexual activities that went on at "The Ravine", including giving oral sex to Alex's then boyfriend, Jason "Jay" Hogart in the back of a van. She had many bracelets and the colours of the bracelets denotes that oral sex wasn't the only thing that she took part in at "The Ravine." From it all, Amy lost her best friend and contracted the STD gonorrhea from Jay.

[edit] Chris Sharpe

Chris is an aspiring DJ who has a talent in English, as shown by his like of Shakespeare when the class read it in Grade 9. He and Emma Nelson had a short-lived relationship, and it ended during the summer holiday between their Grade 9 and 10 years. Liberty had shown an interest in Chris, which resulted in Emma finding out and being quite rude about it,ending their friendship. However, it was apparent that Chris wasn't looking for anything huge with Liberty. Chris was hurt by Emma's racy and ill-lived relationship with Jay and by her contracting gonorrhea, but covered for it by making rude and sly comments in Media Immersions class during the student-teacher, Matt Oleander's lecture. He has not appeared since.

[edit] Sydney

Sydney is a real estate agent who had a short-lived relationships with Joey Jeremiah. Things between the two disenegrated when Joey realised that he still loved Caitiln Ryan, his old flame, and they ended on bad terms. Apparently the terms weren't bad enough when Joey went back to Sidney to try and sell his house, which Caitlin bought right back within a day or two of it being on the market. It's safe to say that Caitlin and Sidney resent each other, because they both have feelings for Joey, and Caitlin won Joey's attentions from her.

[edit] Daniel "Danny" Van Zandt

Danny Van Zandt is the younger brother of Liberty Van Zandt, and has made friends with JT Yorke so much so to the point that JT's best friend, Toby Issacs, felt alienated and befriended Rick Murray, the school shooter. While Danny and Liberty have the normal cat-and-dog relationship that is sometime seen between siblings, Danny is very protective and cares very much about her, as seen when it was discovered that JT impregnated Liberty. He was very helpful with the pregnancy, after attempting to blackmail JT into helping him get a good grade in Family and Comsumer Science, although it remains to be seen whether or not he's on good terms with JT. Danny is relentless in his quest for flirting and finding ladies and has an explemfied this fact on Manny Santos several times, as well as other girls too.

[edit] Dean Walton

Dean is a hot-headed athletic college student who raped Paige at a party in the first hour-long episode. Paige later takes Dean to court, but loses, and wrecks Dean's car with Spinner's. After this episode Dean is not heard from again.

[edit] Kendra Mason

Kendra Mason is Spinner's adoptive sister, but is of Chinese heritage, as revealed during a discussion of race in the aftermath of a hate crime at International Day at Degrassi. She's very into Japanese anime, and shares this love with Toby Issacs, who she had a short-lived romantic relationship with. After the break up she had fewer and fewer appearances on the show until eventually she just disappeared all together. She was last seen in "Time Stands Still (Part 1)" sitting in the audience when Rick was humiliated on stage during a game show.

[edit] Tim

New to Degrassi, Tim is a gay student in the Class of '07, who first came out to Marco when he asked for help coming out to his family and friends. Spurred by Tim's readiness to come out, Marco led Tim to think that he already came out to his own father, but after Tim's dad kicks him out of the house, he goes to the del Rossi's to find that Marco wasn't out to his dad. Tim and Marco evenutally started to date, but Marco broke up with Tim as Dylan was back and wanted to be with Marco, who went back to him, leaving Tim angry with him.

[edit] Derek

Danny's friend who is on the basketball team and didn't like that his coach, Jimmy, was disabled. This changed once Jimmy proved that he was still good despite being in a wheelchair. Derek later went on a date with Emma, but it did not go well as they had nothing in common. Derek hurt Liberty's feelings when he began to question why she gave her child up for adoption. Derek later revealed that he was adopted and tries to understand Liberty's decision and how she feels about giving up her baby.

[edit] Ms. Sauve

Ms. Sauve is the school guidance counselor. She is there in times of need, such as helping people through the after-effects of the school shooting or helping Paige after she was raped.

[edit] Serena

Serena is a girl on the lacrosse team. She is the only one who seems to dislike Alex's return to Degrassi. She reveals that in the past Alex almost blinded her with a laserpointer in a debate and tripped her causing her to sprain her ankle and quit the team. Alex pushed her after the game because Serena called her a hateful bitch.

[edit] Wikipedia Infobox

The fictional character infobox template that should be used on all DTNG character articles can be accessed here.

[edit] External link

The Degrassi Universe
The Degrassi TV Series:
De Grassi Street - The Kids of Degrassi Street - Degrassi Junior High - Degrassi High - Degrassi Talks - Degrassi: The Next Generation
Degrassi: The Next Generation Universe
Characters - Episodes -Degrassi Unscripted

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