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Season 4 episodes for Drake & Josh

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This is a list of Season 4 episodes from the Nickelodeon sitcom Drake & Josh with the episode's original US Airdates and UK Airdates included. The episodes titles and orders are not confirmed so we have a ref next to each. Season 4 is the final season of the Drake & Josh series.


[edit] Josh Runs into Oprah

  • US Airdate: September 24, 2006
  • UK Airdate: 27th October, 2006

[edit] Plot

It is Josh's birthday and Drake forgets. Josh goes to the Premiere for a party Josh thinks is for him. Josh then finds out the party is for Drake's girlfriend. Then Drake sees that Josh's boss , Helen has a bithday present (a nosehair clipper) for him. Drake feels so bad that he gets him tickets for his idol Oprah. Things aren't looking good when he runs into Oprah on the way to the show. They try to get in to her hospital room to apologize and the guards in front of her room keep stunning them in the stomach. They then try another plan.To get everyone out they say that Josh has a flesh eating disease. It doesn't work when the doctors go and tell someone that he has a flesh eating disease. Then they take him to get an involuntary chemical bath. Drake then leaves Josh there.Then Josh comes home and complains about his experience. They go to the Premiere where Drake shows Josh a restraining order to stay away from Oprah. Josh asks why that is good news and Drake points out that it's Oprah's actual signature on the bottom. Josh proudly shouts, "I got an autograph from Oprah!" At the end of the episode, Drake gives Josh a motorcycle. Josh, not having a good ability on how to ride a regular bicycle, runs over Helen. Meanwhile, Megan is pet-sitting a virtual pet named Tobi. Tobi does these following events: Goes to the toilet on a virtual couch (because Megan is heard saying "Oh, Tobi! Not on the virtual couch!"), and becomes dehydrated in 45 minutes. In the end credits, Megan is trying to sleep, but Tobi is up all night barking and she can't turn off the game system, so she gets a sledge hammer and destroys the gaming system, and then she says: "Good Night, Tobi."

[edit] Trivia

  • Josh kisses Drake on the lips, making this the fourth kiss between two males to be aired on Nickelodeon. Megan takes a picture of them and says she is going to put it on the internet.
  • As seen in the advertisment, some women hit Josh in this episode as in Theater Thug.
  • Josh slams his car into Oprah.
  • Early in the episode, Drake says, "It's really getting serious with my girlfriend." Josh says, "You've dated her since Tuesday." Drake replies, "I know."
  • Apparently, this episode takes place on February 23rd and February 24th.
  • If today is Josh's birthday and it is Tabitha's birthday and if it is February 23rd than that means that Drake met Tabitha on February 19th. February 19th takes place on Tuesday in this episode. If this is true than that means this episode takes place on Sunday which was also the premiere date of this episode and this season.
  • This is the fifth episode of the season in the UK.
  • In the UK, this episode was not the first episode of the fourth season to be aired instead, Scared Straight was. It was, however, the last episode to be shown in the UK half-term preview.
  • Oprah's face is not shown in all of the episode.
  • Josh runs over Helen.
  • Megan is not holding the sledgehammer right in the end credits.
  • Josh Peck's birthday is November 10, 1986.
  • Josh has a new small motorcicle but does not know how to use it.

[edit] Vicious Tiberius

  • US Airdate: October 1, 2006
  • UK Airdate: 24th October, 2006

[edit] Plot

Mrs. Hayfer has to go out for the weekend, but her housekeeper cancelled. Josh volunteers to take care of her house and she agrees. Drake helps him (actually he only rode with him so he could ride by the school and see some cheerleaders fight). While watering the plants, Mrs. Hayfer's dog Tiberius tries to kill them and they hide in the bathroom. They try to call home, but they drop the cell phone in the toilet. Drake tries to run out and get his phone, but Tiberius chews it up. An hour later, Megan shows up and everything seems fine, but when they tell her the dog is just like her, she leaves them. Then the animal control guy shows up and hides with them. Then, they manage to trick Tiberius into letting them out. When they get home, they realize that their dad is gone. It turns out he went looking for them. When he gets to the house, Tiberius chases him all the way home (might be good for him since he was training for a race). The end credits show Josh dumping popcorn on Drake's head and then start eating it.

[edit] Goofs/Trivia

  • In Honor Council, Josh stated that Mrs. Hayfer's first name is Alice. In this episode, her name is stated to be Linda.
  • Walter was listening to "Highway to Nowhere" while he was exercising, which was one of the songs Drake Bell wrote.
  • The animal control guy whittles a duck out of a bar of soap.
  • The ear medicine Drake finds are just cotton buds, not medicine.
  • When they get the camera on the toilet the lid is up. But when they do this again,the lid is down.
  • Second episode of the new season shown in the UK.
  • This is the second time Drake has dove through a window, the first time was in Paging Dr. Drake.
  • There is a running gag throughout the episode on Drake's understanding of the names of New Hampshire, New Jersey, and the location of Vietnam. In the end of this episode (during the credits), Josh dumps a bowl of popcorn on Drake after he asks, "So, is there an old Hampshire?"
  • First episode where we hear the spring fling concert witch can be seen in an episode of Zoey 101 but this time with no scene.

[edit] The Wedding

  • US Airdate: October 15, 2006
  • UK Airdate: None Yet

[edit] Plot

Drake's aunt is getting married and Megan and their parents go there early. Before Drake and Josh leave, Eric and Craig stop by to borrow Josh's laptop. Unfortunately, Drake rushes and gives them his entire backpack containing the laptop, his cellphone and the keys to their parents SUV, which leaves them stranded. Drake quickly suggests that they call Trevor and ask him to borrow his car (which is very old and broken down) On the way there, their car breaks down. Trying to fix the car, Josh's jacket gets sucked into the car ripping it to shreads. While they go looking for help, a cop comes by and gives them a ticket. By the time they get back the cop leaves. Then two men in a hummer come by. Josh and Drake try to explain their situation saying to give them 79$, however, instead they rob them of their money and drive off. They find a emergency kit in the back but it only contains half a shoe, an opened can of tuna, and an ice tray. They find a broken hangar that they try to open the lock with, but this only end in them poking their eyes. Afterwards a man named Leslie in a tow truck comes by to offer them some help (he also breaks the window on the car to open the door) while Josh is looking for their registration, Drake tells Leslie he dated 5 girls named Leslie. This insults him and he leaves telling them to rot. With one last attempt they try to find the problem in the car by connecting two wires the car works but only 5 seconds after it starts the engine goes up in flames and spreads thoughout the car. The boys are shocked and slowly walk away.

[edit] Trivia

  • Two previous episodes were mentioned this episode: Honor Council (Drake explains how he got Mrs. Hayfer's car out of the classroom) and The Demonater (Josh refers to Papa Nichols destroying Eric's cell phone).
  • In the credits, the car is burned out and a bird poops on Josh and Drake tells him that something is on him and Josh obviously knows it "Drake: you got some bird poo on your- Josh: I KNOW!!"
  • We never actually know if Drake and Josh made it to the wedding, or if they get the beach house.
  • The actor who played Leslie, also played Barney on The Amanda Show.
  • In the beginning of this episode we see Drake putting ketchup on his hot dog but in Movie Job, he said "Can you believe people put ketchup on hot dogs?" This means that he did not like ketchup on hot dogs.

[edit] Mindy Loves Josh

  • US Airdate: October 22, 2006
  • UK Airdate: 25th October, 2006

[edit] Plot

Josh doesn't know what to do when Mindy declares her love for him. when he asks Drake for advice, Drake says that Mindy is trying to put Josh off the upcoming science fair, which Mindy always beats him in. Drake also has a problem of his own when Megan paints his hands and feet green while he is dead asleep and when he wakes up he thinks he has a rare skin disease that can only be cured by a series of unusual painful injections or a method favoured by some doctors, dipping your hands and feet in lizard urine. When it comes to the science fair, Josh finally wins and confronts Mindy about her plan on trying to put him off the science fair, but Mindy reveals she actually let him win. When Josh doesn't beleive her, Mindy shows him and tells him that she never lied about anything. Josh feels really bad and turns back up to the classroom where Mindy is cleaning up. He gives Mindy the ribbon and the trophy saying that she deserves it more and says that seeing as Mindy is his first girlfriend, he doesn't know what love feels like, Mindy also says the same, so they agree to split up. Back at the house, Drake is still sitting with his hands in the lizard pee, when Megan walks in. He makes her promise not to tell and tells her about the skin disease and the cure. She also reveals another cure, "Don't eat my giant cookie". Mindy and Josh are still friends at the end of the episode just not going out anymore.

[edit] Trivia

  • Third episode of the new season to be aired in UK.
  • Mindy's hair is now shorter.
  • Fourth episode of the new season to be aired in the US.
  • This episode disappointed some viewers due to the break-up between Josh and Mindy.

[edit] Who's Got Game?

  • US Airdate: November 5, 2006
  • UK Airdate: 23rd October, 2006

[edit] Plot

Drake and Josh make a bet, about who can date the most girls (whoever wins switches beds with the other). Josh ends up winning the bet becuase Drake found a girl he actually liked, and Josh also gets Drake's bed. Yet, during the episode, the girl Drake likes finds out that he was only with her because of the bet, and gets upset. Drake tries to get her back by pulling a fake act with Craig and Eric (he falsely finds a wallet and returns it to Craig). The staged event only worsens Drake's situation because Carly, the girl he likes, got mad, and he tries once again to get his girl back. He succeeds the second time because he begins telling the real truth behind all of his past lies to his friends and family, and Carly appreciates that he can be honest. After the bet ends, in the middle of the night, Josh forgets he is in Drake's bed, and falls down in the process of going to get a drink of water. In the end, Drake and Josh switch back to their normal beds.

[edit] Trivia

  • This episode obviously takes place in 2007, as Josh claims that it was 3 years since he moved in with Drake.
 A poster for Korn's new album See You On The Other Side is seen in the background of the record store

[edit] Tourney Blues

  • US Airdate: None Yet
  • UK Airdate: None Yet

[edit] Plot

Josh enters a magic competition and goes crazy because Megan steals his props right before the competition. Meanwhile, Drake enters a 1 on 1 basketball contest and beats everybody until the last round where he has to face Josh's Grammy.

[edit] Trivia

  • This is the fourth episode we get to see Josh perform magic tricks. The first three were Football, Little Sibling, and The Great Doheny.
  • This marks Grammy's first appearance since Grammy.

[edit] The Great Dohemy

  • US Airdate: November 12th, 2006
  • UK Airdate: 26th October, 2006

[edit] Plot

While working in the Premiere, Josh spots a magician, "The Great Dohemy". Josh invites him to lunch. Dohemy arrives and starts doing magic tricks with Megan and Drake. When Josh returns with lunch. It disappears instantly and Dohemy rubs his mouth signalling that he had eaten the sandwich. Later, at bedtime Dohemy appears from Josh's closet. Walter runs in and starts admiring Dohemy. Walter, Josh and Dohemy go to a club in Downtown San Diego The next day, at the Premiere, Drake is on a date. Dohemy turns up and makes Drake's date disappear. Drake makes Josh go and tell Dohemy to stop messing around with him. As Josh talks to Dohemy. Dohemy admits that he is homeless and hasn't had a job for 10 years. Josh decides to let Dohemy stay at the house. As he tells Drake, banging is heard, and when Drake looks down, his date is in the popcorn machine looking distressed. Later, Dohemy performs a trick on Walter, making him bald. Walter runs to tell Drake's mom. Dohemy goes to bed with a machine that stops his snoring turned on. Drake and Josh hate the machine as it sounds like a "leafblower". Josh turns the machine off and loud snoring is heard. In the morning, Josh tells Dohemy that he could have a comeback show. As Drake and Josh leave for school. Megan walks in with an idea for the greatest trick ever.

At the Premiere, Dohemy is doing a comeback show. Walter is present wearing a cowboy hat, signalling that he is still bald. Drake and Josh are Dohemy's assistants. Dohemy climbs into a box. Drake and Josh put 4 swords into the box. When Josh signals for Dohemy to appear in a space close to the box, nothing happens. Drake and Josh open the box and call for a doctor. The doctor says Dohemy is dead. At Dohemy's funeral The whole family and the doctor are there. Many guests and the media are also present. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Dohemy appears. The guests are shocked and the doctor says that Dohemy had no pulse. Dohemy explained that he needed the boys to be filled with terror and guilt to make his trick work. then, he performed a trick on the both of them to make them wear transparent pants, showing their underwear to everyone.

At home, Drake and Josh are in the lounge. The doorbell rings and Josh answers. Dohemy walks in with 2 women. Dohemy announces that he has a 5 year deal in Las Vegas worth $4,000,000 ($4 million) Dohemy hands Megan a check for $50,000 and Drake and Josh ask what they will get. Dohemy says thet he hasn't forgotten Drake and Josh and hands them a yo yo each. As Dohemy walks out, Walter asks for his hair back. Dohemy agrees and asks Walter to close his eyes. Walter closes his eyes and Dohemy slips out the door. Walter realises and shouts "What about my hair!". Dohemy shouts "Buy a wig!"

[edit] Trivia

  • Audrey is not featured in this episode.
  • The signs on the Premiere are not movies in part of this episode. Instead they say: ONE NIGHT ONLY. THE GREAT DOHEMY COMEBACK SHOW.
  • Fourth episode of the new season to be shown in the UK.
  • This is the second episode of the new season to be shown in the UK before the US. There is a sixteen day gap before it is shown in the US. The other is Scared Straight.
  • Dohemy is a spin off of Houdini.
  • Another evidence was shown that Drake likes ketchup, since he put it on his omelet.

[edit] Goofs

  • When Walter looks in the mirror after Dohemy makes him bald you can see the line between his forehead and the makeup.

[edit] Josh Is Done

  • US Airdate: None Yet
  • UK Airdate: None Yet

Josh gets fired by Helen and Megan & Drake help him.

[edit] The Birthday Party

  • US Airdate: None Yet
  • UK Airdate: None Yet

Drake throws a birthday party for Josh, but it isn't his birthday.

[edit] Trivia

  • This comes in a total reverse of "Josh Runs into Oprah".

[edit] Eric Punches Drake

  • US Airdate: None Yet
  • UK Airdate: None Yet

Eric Punches Drake is a Drake & Josh episode from Season 4. Nothing is known about this episode right now expect that Eric will punch Drake as suggested in the title.

[edit] Megan's First Kiss

  • US Airdate: None Yet
  • UK Airdate: None Yet

Megan's First Kiss is a Drake & Josh episode from Season 4. Megan will have the oppurtunity to have her first kiss, but not only does she know that Drake and Josh will ruin it.( No more recordings of the episode updated yet.

[edit] The Really Big Shrimp Part 1

  • US Airdate: None Yet
  • UK Airdate: None Yet

The Really Big Shrimp Part 1 is a Drake & Josh episode from Season 4. Nothing is known about this episode right now except that this will be a two-part episode {an hour long}, and that Drake is offered a record label by Spin City Records, and Helen is engaged. Drake Bell and Josh Peck each directed a part of this episode.

[edit] The Really Big Shrimp Part 2

  • US Airdate: None Yet
  • UK Airdate: None Yet

The Really Big Shrimp Part 2 is a the part 2 of The Really Big Shrimp Part 1 and is related to it as well.

[edit] External links


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