Sami A. Aldeeb
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Sami A. Aldeeb (Abu-Sahlieh) is doctor of law and scholar at the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, and is a human rights advocate. He is a lawyer of Palestinian origin who has written extensively about genital integrity, and is a supporter of nonviolence.
[edit] Publications
Some of his books include:
- Le droit des peuples à disposer d'eux-mêmes, étude analytique de la doctrine marxiste-léniniste et de la position soviétique, polycopié, IUHEI, 1976, 276 pages.
- L'impact de la religion sur l'ordre juridique, cas de l’Égypte, non-musulmans en pays d'Islam, Éditions universitaires, Fribourg 1979, XVI-405 pages.
- Discriminations contre les non-juifs tant chrétiens que musulmans en Israël, Pax Christi, Lausanne, Pâques 1992, 36 pages.
- Les musulmans face aux droits de l'homme: religion & droit & politique, étude et documents, Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, P.O.Box 102665, D-44726 Bochum, 1994, 610 pages.
- Les mouvements islamistes et les droits de l’homme, in Herausforderungen Historisch-politische Analysen, Winkler, Bochum, 1998, 128 pages.
- Khitan al-dhukour wal-inath ‘ind al-yahud wal-masihiyyin wal-muslimin : al-jadal al-dini, Riad El-Rayyes, Beyrouth, 2000, 562 pages.
- Sami Aldeeb et Andrea Bonomi (éd.) : Le droit musulman de la famille et des successions à l’épreuve des ordres juridiques occidentaux, Publications de l’Institut suisse de droit comparé, Schulthess, Zürich, 1999, 353 pages.
- Sami Aldeeb et Mahmud Al-Gundi : Al-dustur al-gadid lil-ittihad al-swisri, (Berne), 2000.
- Circoncision masculine – circoncision féminine : débat religieux, médical, social et juridique, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2001, 537 pages.
- Male and female circumcision among Jews, Christians and Muslims: religious, medical, social and legal debate, Shangri-La Publications, Warren Center, PA 19951, USA, 2001, 400 pages.
- Cimetière musulman en Occident: Normes juives, chrétiennes et musulmanes, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2002, 168 pages.
- Les Musulmans en Occident entre droits et devoirs, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2002, 296 pages.
- Muslims in the West caught between rights and duties: redefining the separation of church and state, Shangri-La Publications, Warren Center, PA 19951, USA, 2002, 318 pages.
- Khitan al-dhukour wal-inath ‘ind al-yahud wal-masihiyyin wal-muslimin : al-jadal al-dini, wal-tibbi, wal-ijtima'i wal-qanuni, Beit-Jala, Collection Olive Branch, 2003, 250 pages.
- Circoncision: Le complot du silence, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2003, 244 pages.
- Mariages entre partenaires suisses et musulmans: connaître et prévenir les conflits, 4ème édition, Institut suisse de droit comparé, Lausanne, 2003, 60 pages.
- Ehen zwischen schweizerischen und muslimischen Partnern: Konflikte erkennen und ihnen vorbeugen, 4. Auflage, übersetzt von Beatrice Angehrn, 2003, 64 pages.
- Mu'amarat al-samt: Khitan al-dhukour wal-inath ‘ind al-yahud wal-masihiyyin wal-muslimin : al-jadal al-dini, wal-tibbi, wal-ijtima'i wal-qanuni, Dar al-Awael, Damas, 2003, 512 pages.
- Al-tamyiz did ghayr al-yahud fi Isra'il massihiyyin kanu am muslimin, Dar al-Awael, Damas, 2003, 112 pages.
- Introduction à la société musulmane: fondements, sources et principes juridiques, Eyrolles, Paris, 462 pages. First chapter and table of contents in:
More texts and his curriculum vitae in his websites:
In his websites, you find more than 150 of his books and articles (about 8000 pages) in different languages on: human rights, genital mutilations, family law, religious minorities, cemeteries, figurative art, dissimulation, legal index of the Koran, translation of 11 Arab and Islamic declarations of human rights and 6 drafts of Islamist constitutions, politics in the Middle-East, etc.
He is preparing a new translation of the Koran in French, in chronological order, mentioning the variations and the abrogations, with references to the Jewish and Christian sources.
His email:
[edit] Lectures
Dr. Aldeeb was a speaker at the Third International Symposium on Circumcision, and has been a lecturer at the Institute of Canon Law at the University of Human Sciences in Strasbourg, France.
[edit] Links
Interview of Sami Aldeeb on the Geneva Agreement
Interview of Nurses for the Rights of the Child by Sami Aldeeb