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Royal New Zealand Air Force

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Royal New Zealand Air Force
Ensign of the RNZAF
Aircraft and Squadrons
List of aircraft of the RNZAF and RNZN
List of squadrons of the RNZAF
RNZAF Base Auckland
RNZAF Base Ohakea
RNZAF Base Woodbourne
Royal New Zealand Air Force Museum
Royal New Zealand Air Force Iroquois in the Solomon Islands
Royal New Zealand Air Force Iroquois in the Solomon Islands

The Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) is the air force arm of the New Zealand Defence Force. The RNZAF was formed from New Zealand components of the British Royal Air Force, becoming an independent force in 1923, although many RNZAF aircrew continued to serve in the Royal Air Force until the end of the 1940s. The RNZAF fought in the World War II, Malaysia, Vietnam, The Gulf War and various United Nations peacekeeping missions. From a 1945 peak of over a thousand combat aircraft, the RNZAF has shrunk, to a total strength of around 60 aircraft in 2006. The present day RNZAF focuses on maritime patrol and transport duties in support of the Royal New Zealand Navy and the New Zealand Army.

The motto of the RNZAF is, like that of the RAF, Per ardua ad astra — "Through adversity to the stars." RNZAF rank titles are also derived from RAF rank titles. All personnel wear the nationality mark "NEW ZEALAND" on the slip-on rank shoulder epaulette or on a sewn-on shoulder title on the dress uniform.


[edit] History of the RNZAF

[edit] Pre-World War I

New Zealand's military aviation began in 1913 when the New Zealand Army was presented with two Bleriot monoplanes by the United Kingdom. These machines were grounded after a young woman was given a joyride; on the outbreak of hostilities, the Bleriots were sent to support British forces in Mesopotamia.

[edit] World War I

The badge of the RNZAF.
The badge of the RNZAF.

In the Great War, New Zealand aircrew flew as part of the British Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service.

The government assisted two private schools training pilots for the conflict. The Walsh brothers flying school at Auckland was founded by Vivian and Leo Walsh - pioneers who had made the first controlled flight in New Zealand. From 1915, they used Curtiss flying boats and later machines of their own design and the first two aircraft made by Boeing. The later Canterbury Aviation Company used Caudron landplanes based at Christchurch.

New Zealand pilots serving with British forces saw service in all theatres. Fifteen became aces, the top scorer being Keith Caldwell, with at least 24 victories. Several stayed with the new Royal Air Force after the war, and had attained high rank by the outbreak of World War II. Others returned to New Zealand and, serving part time, provided the nucleus of the NZPAF.

[edit] The New Zealand Permanent Air Force

At the close of hostilities, Great Britain offered each of the Dominions a hundred war surplus combat aircraft. New Zealand was last to respond, and least enthusiastic. When the Avro 504s, Bristol F.2 Fighters, and De Havilland Airco DH.4s and Airco DH.9s did reach New Zealand, they were either placed in storage or loaned to the flying schools, barnstormers and nascent commercial operations. Several of the military aircraft were heavily modified; a 504 becoming 3 seat floatplane, a DH-9 acquiring an enclosed passenger cabin.

The importance of aviation in war was belatedly recognised, largely thanks to the efforts of visionary parliamentarian Sir Henry Wigram. In 1923 the New Zealand Permanent Air Force was formed: a part of the Army staffed by 72 pilots with Great War experience. It was equipped initially with the surviving Avro 504K, DH.4s DH.9s and Bristol Fighters. These operated from an airfield outside Christchurch at Sockburn. In 1926, Wigram donated £2,500 for the purchase of modern fighters, and Gloster Grebes were acquired. Sockburn was later renamed Wigram, a name adopted by the suburb which grew up around the airbase. It is the site of the present New Zealand Air Force Museum.

A trickle of new build Bristol Fighters and other new types joined the NZPAF in the late 1920s and early 1930s. A Lewis gun equipped De Havilland Gipsy Moth float plane took part in naval operations against rebels in Samoa. The NZPAFs first action came in 1930 when the Moth dropped an improvised bomb made out of a treacle tin on to a ship suspected of gun running. The bomb did no damage, fortuitously, as the target turned out to be a local missionary vessel. More creditably, Fairey IIIFs made a dramatic maritime rescue and in the aftermath of the Napier earthquake the NZPAF flew in urgently needed supplies and medical equipment.

Like other western air arms, a major expansion began from the mid 1930s, the NZPAF acquiring more modern British types including significant numbers of Airspeed Oxford, Avro 626, Fairey Gordon, Vickers Vildebeest and Blackburn Baffin, and small numbers of other types. The NZPAF was renamed the Royal New Zealand Air Force in 1934, and became an independent service in 1937.

[edit] World War II

[edit] World War II in Europe

On the outbreak of World War II, the primary equipment of the RNZAF was 30 Vickers Wellington bombers, which the New Zealand government had offered to the United Kingdom in August 1939, together with the crews to fly them. Many other New Zealanders were serving in the RAF. The primary role of the RNZAF was to take advantage of New Zealand's distance from the conflict by training aircrew, as part of the Empire Air Training Scheme, alongside the other major former British colonies, Canada, Australia, and South Africa. For this task large numbers of De Havilland Tiger Moth, Airspeed Oxford and North American Harvard were manufactured or assembled locally, and second-hand biplanes acquired such as Hawker Hind and Vickers Vincents, as well as other types for specialised training such as Avro Anson and Supermarine Walrus. Only when German surface raiders became active was it realised a combat force would be needed in New Zealand in addition to the trainers.

[edit] New Zealand Squadrons of the RAF

Once trained the majority of RNZAF aircrew served with ordinary units of the RAF, or Fleet Air Arm. As with World War I they served in all theatres. At least 78 became aces. Amongst the New Zealanders in the RNZAF were pilots such as the first allied ace, Flying Officer Cobber Kain, Alan Deere, whose Nine Lives was one of the first post war accounts of combat, and leaders such as World War I ace, Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park, who commanded 11 Group in the Battle of Britain, the air defence of Malta and in the closing stages of the war, the RAF in South East Asia. Through accident or design, several RAF units came to be mostly manned by RNZAF pilots (for example No. 243 Squadron RAF in Singapore, No. 258 Squadron RAF in the UK and several Wildcat and Hellcat units of the FAA - leading some texts to claim these types of aircraft were used by the RNZAF).

Some squadrons within the Royal Air Force were deliberately set aside for pilots from a particular country. The first of these was 75 Squadron, formed by the Wellingtons and pilots lent by New Zealand in August 1939, which later flew Short Stirlings, Avro Lancasters and Avro Lincolns. Other New Zealand squadrons within the RAF were 485, which flew Supermarine Spitfires throughout the war, 486, (Hawker Hurricanes, Hawker Typhoons and Hawker Tempests), 487, (Lockheed Venturas and De Havilland Mosquitoes), 488, (Brewster Buffaloes, Hawker Hurricanes, Bristol Beaufighters and De Havilland Mosquitoes), 489, (Bristol Blenheims, Bristol Beauforts, Handley Page Hampdens, Bristol Beaufighters, and De Havilland Mosquitoes), and 490, (Consolidated Catalinas and Short Sunderlands).

[edit] The RNZAF in the Pacific

The presence of German raiders lead to the formation of New Zealand based combat units - initially rearming types like the Vildebeest, and hurriedly converting impressed airliners such as the DH86 to carry bombs. Lockheed Hudsons were obtained early in 1941 to take over this role. 5 Squadron with Vickers Vincents and Short Singapores was sent to Fiji to protect that island.

In December 1941 Japan attacked and rapidly conquered much of the area to the north of New Zealand. New Zealand was forced to look to her own its own defence as well as help the "mother country". Trainers in New Zealand such as the North American Harvard, Hawker Hind and even the Tiger Moth were camouflaged and armed. Hudsons moved forward, while 5 Squadron in Fiji, commenced operations against the Japanese despite it's obsolete equipement.

The vulnerability of New Zealand was demonstrated when a submarine launched Japanese float plane overflew Wellington and Auckland - (where it was chased ineffectually by a Tiger Moth). As few combat capable aircraft were available at home, and Britain was unable to help, so New Zealand turned to the United States and signed a lend-lease agreement. Gradually at first, America was able to supply New Zealand with aircraft for use in the Pacific Theatre.

The early lend-lease aircraft were obsolescent and had difficulty holding their own against skilled and well-equipped Japanese air forces, but as soon as pilots were converted to the lend lease aircraft, they were pressed into action.

From mid-1943 at Guadalcanal, starting with No 15 and No 14 squadrons, several Kittyhawks units fought with distinction. Several RNZAF pilots became aces against the Japanese, including Geoff Fisken, the commonwealth's leading ace in the Pacific war. Other squadrons flew the elderly but effective Douglas Dauntless and later, the big, modern Grumman Avenger torpedo bomber.

The RNZAF took on a major part of the maritime reconnaissance task too, with Catalina (and later Sunderland) flying boats and Lockheed Hudson bombers.

The role of the RNZAF changed as the allies moved off the defensive. The Americans, leaders of the Allied nations in the Pacific, planned to bypass major Japanese strongholds, but instead captured a handful of island bases to provide a supply chain for an eventual attack on Japan itself. The Allied advance started from the South Pacific. The RNZAF was part of the force tasked with securing the line of advance by incapacitating the bypassed Japanese strongholds.

As the war progressed, the older types were replaced with more powerful modern aircraft; Kittyhawks gave way to Corsairs and Hudsons to Venturas. At its peak in the Pacific, the RNZAF had 13 squadrons of Corsair fighters, six of Venturas, two each of Catalinas and Avengers, two of C-47 Dakotas, as well as No 25 in Dauntless dive bombers, mixed transport and communications squadrons, a flight of Short Sunderlands and nearly 1000 training machines. By 1945 the RNZAF had over 41,000 personnel, including just over 10,000 aircrew who served with the RAF in Europe and Africa.

[edit] Postwar RNZAF

Royal New Zealand Air Force Boeing 757-200 (NZ7572)
Royal New Zealand Air Force Boeing 757-200 (NZ7572)

In the post war period the RNZAF dealt progressively with demobilisation and disposal of its large obsolete fleet, rearmament to support the cold war, some loss of training opportunities with the American suspension of ANZUS Treaty obligations in protest at New Zealand becoming a nuclear free zone, social changes which saw women become combat pilots, and most recently loss of fast jets as part of the continuing funding cuts, that have seen the air force decline from over a thousand aircraft to just fifty.

Following World War II, 14 Squadron was sent to Japan as part of the occupation J-Force. The rest of the air force rapidly divested itself of aircraft and manpower and settled mainly into training and transport mode before the advent of rejuvenated 14 and 75 squadrons. The first Gloster Meteor arrived in 1945, introducing the jet age. The force was equipped from 1946 with De Havilland Mosquito before the arrival of De Havilland Vampire which were used in peacekeeping in Cyprus, De Havilland Venoms and English Electric Canberras which saw action in the Malayan Emergency and subsequent confrontation with Indonesia. The Canberras were replaced in 1969 by A-4 Skyhawks, (the cheapest of the options considered). In the late 1980s further Skyhawks were obtained from Australia, and under the Kahu (Falcon) program, the fleet was updated with F-16 radar and avionics, acquiring AIM-9L, AGM-65 Maverick and laser guided bombs. The ageing Vampire fleet was used largely for training and any pretence of maintaining a fighter arm was abandoned when these were replaced by BAC Strikemasters in the early 1970s. When in the early 1990s these had to be retired due to serious wing fatigue they were replaced by Aermacchi MB-339s.

A Seasprite of No. 6 Squadron RNZAF
A Seasprite of No. 6 Squadron RNZAF

In the immediate post war period, internal communications and transport were maintained by 42 Squadron. De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver, De Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter and Auster types helped explore Antarctica. A research flight helped develop Aerial Topdressing. 5 and 6 squadrons traded their Catalinas for Short Sunderland MR5s, operating in maritime patrol and search and rescue roles from Hobsonville and Fiji before 6 squadron was disbanded and 5 recieved P-3K Orions in 1965. Transport aircraft such as the Bristol Freighter, De Havilland Devon, Handley Page Hastings, Douglas DC-6, C-130 Hercules, Hawker Siddeley Andover, Boeing 727 and Boeing 757 were operated by 1, 40, 41 and 42. Transports flew in support of the New Zealand Army in the Vietnam War, Afghanistan war, the Gulf Wars, as well as several UN missions such as UNTAET.

Bell 47 introduced the helicopter to the RNZAF, and the Bell UH-1 Iroquois of 3 Squadron went to the Sinai and East Timor, while Westland Wasp and Kaman SH-2 Seasprite helicopters were also operated by the squadron. The Naval Support Flight was separated from 3 Squadron to re-form 6 Squadron in October 2005.

[edit] 21st century

An image depicting a NH90 in New Zealand service
An image depicting a NH90 in New Zealand service

In 2001 the Labour Government, citing a benign security environment, cancelled the purchase of 28 Block 15 F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters, and disbanded the existing A-4 Skyhawk and Aermacchi MB-339 squadrons, demoralizing many defence force personnel in the process [1]. One of the units disbanded included the famous No. 75 Squadron, an ex New Zealand squadron unit in the Royal Air Force that transferred to the RNZAF due to that unit's meritorious service during World War II and last flew A-4 Skyhawk fighter bombers. The other disbanded squadrons were No. 2 Squadron flying A-4 Skyhawks and No. 14 Squadron flying Aermacchi MB-339CB aircraft.

By 2003, the RNZAF was reduced to a total of 50 aircraft and 2,523 personnel (including civilian employees). The RNZAF no longer has any strike capability. Current duties include maritime patrol, search and rescue, and transport.

In 2005 The New Zealand Ministry of Defence selected the NH90 helicopter to replace the RNZAF's ageing fleet of 14 UH-1H Iroquois helicopters. The NZ government allocated NZ$550 million for the replacement of the Iroquois and the RNZAF's small fleet of Bell 47 Sioux training helicopters. In late 2005, the NZ government announced the surviving A-4Ks and MB-339Cs, (17 aircraft of each type each, not counting A-4s in museums), were to be sold to an American company, Tactical Air Systems, for use in jet training, subject to the usual US governmental approvals. Tactical Air Systems announced RNZAF colour schemes would be preserved, "out of respect for the history and traditions of the RNZAF". The aircraft remain in storage at Woodbourne due to U.S. State Department concerns about having two squadrons of combat jets operating over the US in private hands.

[edit] Victoria Crosses

Lloyd Trigg 1914-1943. On the recommendation of U-Boat survivors, Trigg was awarded the VC for continuing to attack their submarine until it sank, even after his Consolidated B-24 Liberator bomber was engulfed in flames.

Leonard Trent 1915-86. For inspiring 487 Squadron to persist in an attack deemed vital until all of its Lockheed Venturas were shot down. Trent became a prisoner of war and later took part in the Great Escape.

James Allen Ward 1919-41 For climbing on the wing of his 75 Squadron Vickers Wellington bomber AA-R to smother a fire in flight. Ward was shot down and killed in a raid on Hamburg two months later.

[edit] RNZAF bases

[edit] Current strength

[edit] Aircraft

A P-3K Orion maritime patrol aircraft of the Royal New Zealand Air Force in an early colour scheme
A P-3K Orion maritime patrol aircraft of the Royal New Zealand Air Force in an early colour scheme
  • Six P-3K Orions are operated in the maritime patrol mission. Five were originally delivered in 1966 as P-3Bs. Another was purchased from the RAAF in 1985, following which all were upgraded to their current standard.
  • Five SH-2G(NZ) Seasprites were purchased in 1997 for operation from the RNZN's new Anzac class frigates. Although these are navy aircraft, they are operated and maintained by the RNZAF.
  • Three Beech Kingair B200 were leased by the RNZAF in 1998, with a further two leased in 2000. These are used in the multi-engined training role.
  • Two Boeing 757-200s are operated in the fast air transport role.
  • Five C-130H Hercules are operated in the air transport role. Three were delivered in 1966, with a further two in 1969.
  • The UH-1H Iroquois is the most numerous operational aircraft in the RNZAF inventory, with 14 units in service.
  • 13 Pacific Aerospace CT-4E Airtrainers were leased by the RNZAF in 1998 to serve as the air force's basic flying trainer.
  • Five Bell 47 Sioux are in service as basic helicopter trainers.
  • Eight NH90 helicopters have been purchased by the Ministry of Defence for $771 million, including costs for parts and services. Expected to be operational in New Zealand from 2010, they will replace the Iroquois.

[edit] Squadrons

[edit] Symbols, flags and emblems

The RNZAF roundel
The RNZAF roundel

The RNZAF ensign was approved in 1939, based on the ensign of the Royal Air Force, with the letters "NZ" inserted within the roundel.

Until the 1950s NZPAF and RNZAF aircraft flew with Royal Air Force roundels; sometimes only the "NZ" prefix to the serial number revealed its nationality within the Commonwealth. A white kiwi or silver fern on a black background, or a New Zealand flag frequently appeared on RNZAF aircraft, (but also on RAF aircraft with NZ aircrew). Map outlines of New Zealand, with a Kiwi superimposed, appeared on the tails of Canberras flown from Singapore in the Malayan Emergency, (Venoms used in the conflict flew with white kiwis on a black tail). From the mid 1950s RNZAF roundels were at first modified by placing a silver fern frond within the inner red circle. The Kiwi roundel was only adopted at the end of the 1960s. To assist camouflage in the 1980s the white was sometimes eliminated, providing a red kiwi within a blue circle (e.g. on Hercules, Aermacchis and Skyhawks). The kiwi roundel is now frequently a black circle around a black kiwi (Hercules, Iroquois) or two tone grey (Orion, Sea Sprite). On wings, the roundel is usually painted with the legs proximal to the fuselage, and the back distal.

[edit] See also

40 Squadron Hercules over New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction team base in Afghanistan
40 Squadron Hercules over New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction team base in Afghanistan

[edit] External links

New Zealand Defence Force
New Zealand Army Royal New Zealand Navy | Royal New Zealand Air Force
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