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Psionic technology (StarCraft)

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This article references Protoss psionic technology in the fictional StarCraft universe.


[edit] Khalis and Uraj Crystals

Khalis and Uraj are the names of a pair of powerful psionic crystal in the fictional StarCraft universe. The Uraj is light blue in color and possesses the energy of the Khala. The Khalis is violet in color and possesses the energy of the Dark Templar.

During StarCraft Episode IV, Shakuras, homeworld of the Dark Templar, was overrun with Zerg. In order to cleanse this infestation, the Xel'Naga Temple on the planet needed to be activated, but it required two crystals, the Uraj and the Khalis, to do so. Raszagal ordered her Protoss warriors to let nothing stand in their way in order to acquire the crystals.

[edit] The Quest for Uraj

The Uraj crystal was created before or during the Aeon of Strife, probably by the Protoss. It was located in the Protoss colony of Khyrador, now called Braxis.

During the chaos at the end of the Aeon of Strife, it was abandoned on Khyrador. Later, unsuspecting Terrans colonized the world, calling it Braxis. They studied the crystal in a military research facility.

Artanis, Zeratul and Infested Kerrigan led the Protoss forces to Braxis in order to retrieve the crystal. Kerrigan personally led the forces to the crystal, defeating the Terran Dominion forces which stood in her way.

During his journeys on Char, Zeratul detected the powerful Khalis crystal, but he was unable to retrieve it. Now he would try again, with a larger force.

[edit] The Quest for the Khalis

Zeratul, Artanis and Infested Kerrigan, along with the Protoss fleet, arrived on Char in order to retrieve the crystal. Unfortunately, its powerful psionic emanations attracted the Zerg. The new Zerg Overmind was situated very close to it, along with a huge swarm of minions.

Infested Kerrigan suggested snatching the crystal, but Artanis believed his forces could weaken the second Overmind enough to pacify the Zerg for a short period of time so they could retrieve the crystal. Zeratul praised Artanis' bold idea. Kerrigan said either plan would work, and provided assistance by taking command of a Zerg Hive Cluster, which worked alongside the Protoss. After a fierce battle, the crystal was retrieved and taken to Shakuras.

[edit] Activation

The two crystals needed to be placed within the Xel'Naga Temple in order to activate it. The Temple would take time to charge up, however, requiring the Protoss to defend the Temple during this vulnerable time.

Artanis, a follower of the Khala, was chosen to carry the Uraj while Zeratul, a Dark Templar, would carry the Khalis. They were successful, scouring the Zerg from the planet.

[edit] Khaydarin Crystals

Khaydarin Crystals are monolithic artifacts and psionic technology in the StarCraft universe.

They were used by the Xel'Naga to facilitate their genetic experiments in an unknown manner. They are also psi-active. The Xel'Naga abandoned some of the crystals on Aiur, homeland of the Protoss, during their flight. The Protoss lost their ability to use their psionic link and could not find the crystals during the Aeon of Strife which followed. The Protoss mystic Khas rediscovered the crystals, and found he could use them to strengthen the Protoss psionic bond and power their psionic technology.

Like all other Xel'Naga technology, the crystals were heavily guarded by the Shelak Tribe. However, the Zerg were still able to obtain small amounts of the crystals during the strike against Aiur in StarCraft Episode II.

[edit] Psionic Matrix

Protoss structures and, to a lesser extent, units draw their energy from a great psionic energy matrix that emanates from Aiur. While a Nexus provides a link to this matrix, Khaydarin Crystal-based Pylons are needed to actually tap into the energy required to provide psionic energy to new colonies. Each Pylon generates a short-ranged aura of energy, which can provide the power needed by structures and warp gates. If a Protoss building loses its connection to the Psionic Matrix, it will shut down until it is reconnected, and new units cannot be gated in if there is insufficient psionic energy to provide them with power.

The fate of these crystals are unknown since the evacuation of Aiur by the Protoss, along with the status of the Psionic Matrix.

To a limited extent, Terrans have been able to use Khaydarin Crystals to control Zerg - the most famous example being Alan Schezar's control of Zerg on Aiur.

[edit] Argus Stones

More or less the Dark Templar equivalent of Khaydarin Crystals. It stands to reason that, without Khaydarin Crystals to support them, the Templar of Shakuras would have to find an alternate power source. The Argus Stones appear to be that source. They are used to empower the Dark Templar units: Corsairs can be granted Argus Jewels (much like the Arbiter and it's Khaydarin Core), and Dark Archons use Argus Talismans (just as the High Templar wear Khaydarin Amulets). However, while it is apparent that the Dark Templar use Argus Stones for energy, not much else is known about the Stones.

[edit] Psi Disruptor

The Psi Disruptor is a powerful piece of technology in the StarCraft universe.

It was created by Terran Confederacy scientists on Tarsonis but never used. Arcturus Mengsk looked for it after the defeat of the Zerg but never found it. Its psionic field can disrupt Zerg communications, rendering them much less effective in warfare. It requires huge amounts of power to run.

However, the expeditionary force of the United Earth Directorate found it, but had the misfortune of adding Samir Duran to their side before they found it on Tarsonis.

Duran convinced Admiral DuGalle to destroy the Psi Disruptor, possibly using psionics to manipulate his mind, but Vice Admiral Stukov (probably a Terran Ghost and thus capable of resisting Duran) sabotaged him. His personal troops said they would destroy the Psi Disruptor but instead disassembled it.

Later on, Stukov reactivated the Psi Disruptor on Braxis, which caused Admiral DuGalle (who was probably not thinking straight at the time) to order Duran to kill him.

However, Stukov appealed to his personal friendship with DuGalle, and, as he lay dying, convinced DuGalle to use the Psi Disruptor against the Zerg. Duran then set its internal fusion core to self-destruct, and the Zerg promptly attacked the Disruptor; DuGalle and Stukov's men defeated them and prevented its self-destruction.

DuGalle left a planetary garrison behind to protect the Psi Disruptor on Braxis, and found to his joy that the Zerg on Char could not fight back effectively. Indeed, the UED forces could destroy Zerg Cerebrates which wouldn't reincarnate (the immature second Zerg Overmind displayed this ability before, as it was capable of reincarnating Cerebrates on Shakuras). The UED won a great victory on Char, and its effects nearly eliminated Infested Kerrigan's control over her own Zerg.

Because Stukov had been forced to hide the Psi Disruptor, it was now located on Braxis with minimal forces to guard it. Furthermore, it was now powered by poorly-defended external fusion generators. Kerrigan tricked Jim Raynor and Arcturus Mengsk into helping her destroy it.

As Stukov was already dead, and the UED force was wiped out on Char, it is unlikely anybody knows how to create a new one. However, since it was built by the Confederacy, one of the faction's remnant colonies may hold the knowledge to do so.

[edit] Psi Emitter

The psi emitter (also known as a Transplanar Psionic Waveform Emitter) is a piece of Terran technology in the StarCraft universe. It emits the psionic "signature" of a Terran Ghost or other such psychic at interplanetary distances, and can attract the attention of the psi-sensitive Zerg.

This technology was used by the Sons of Korhal rebel group, led by Arcturus Mengsk, and possibly the Terran Confederacy as a secret weapon to lure Zerg towards targets of their choosing. The technology was discovered by the Sons of Korhal after they raided the Jacobs Installation upon the Confederate world of Mar Sara, and it was believed by the Sons of Korhal to have been intentionally used to draw the Zerg to the planet as a "weapons test." Mengsk believed that the Confederacy planned to use the psi-emitter to quell future uprisings against them; when a world rebelled, the Confederacy would plant a psi-emitter on the planet, causing it to be overrun with Zerg. The Confederate forces would subsequently rush in and kill the Zerg...after the Zerg had finished killing the troublemakers. This tactic would allow the Confederacy to destroy those who opposed them and look like heroic protectors at the end of the day, rather than the murderous tyrants many citizens viewed them as after the Korhal incident. It was later used by Mengsk upon Antiga Prime and Tarsonis against Confederate garrisons upon those worlds.

In StarCraft: Brood War Episode VI Arcturus Mengsk was deposed by the United Earth Directorate and forced to seek "refuge" with his former enemies, Jim Raynor and Infested Kerrigan, yet still had access to this technology.

The technology was instrumental in the decisive defeat of the United Earth Directorate forces on Braxis by the alliance between Infested Kerrigan, Jim Raynor, Fenix and Arcturus Mengsk's Terran Dominion early in Episode VI. The world was the site of the Psi Disruptor, a potent anti-Zerg weapon under the control of the United Earth Directorate. The psi-emitter lured Zerg into Kerrigan's control, which were then used to defeat the UED forces and destroy the Disruptor.

[edit] Stasis Cell

A Stasis Cell is a Protoss invention in the fictional StarCraft universe. It is used for storage, medical and incarceration purposes.

Stasis Cells are considered too complicated and psi-active for Terrans to understand, but Alan Schezar and Samir Duran have both demonstrated the ability to control them, at least to some extent.

Stasis Cells frequently rely on Khaydarin Crystal-based Pylon technology to power them, which can result in an unstable connection if not controlled by Protoss when used.

When a creature leaves a Stasis Cell, they emerge in the condition they entered. Leaving the Stasis Cell doesn't cause injury, but a creature in a Stasis Cell is vulnerable to injury from attacks made from the outside.

Stasis Cells are not always a perfect stasis, especially if controlled by Terrans. Creatures trapped within can emit psionic energy, and some (such as Mojo) are even able to communicate with the outside world using psionics.

[edit] Warp Gate

A Warp Gate is an example of ancient Protoss psionic technology in the fictional StarCraft universe.

During the Aeon of Strife, a great Protoss civil war, Protoss warriors created Warp Gates to travel great distances instantaneously, rather than using the slower process of space travel. The knowledge involved in their creation has been lost, but on some planets, these gates still remain.

Aiur had a single Warp Gate which survived the Aeon of Strife, but it was destroyed by the Protoss during the attack of the United Earth Directorate on Aiur. Another Warp Gate is present on Shakuras, a planet abandoned by the Xel'Naga and inhabited by the Dark Templar. It is possible that the Shakuras Warp Gate had been built by Xel'Naga or the Dark Templar rediscovered the technology.

Zeratul demonstrated greater knowledge of the Gate than the Judicator, Aldaris. He was able to "set" its destination to the Warp Gate on Shakuras.

Warp Gates should not be confused with the Protoss Gateway and the Protoss Stargate, which are effectively inferior forms of that technology.

[edit] Xel'Naga and Protoss Temples

Xel'Naga Temples are relics left behind by the Xel'Naga, a race in the StarCraft universe which was nearly destroyed by the Zerg countless ages ago. They have visited many planets in the Milky Way Galaxy, including Aiur, homeworld of the Protoss.

The Protoss Temple on Aiur was built on a nexus of cosmic energy (the same type of energy used by the Dark Templar and the Zerg) and marked the spot where the Xel'Naga first set foot on Aiur.

It was destroyed by the Zerg so the Zerg Overmind could manifest itself physically on Aiur. The Overmind said of it: "Behold, there is a temple, not far from here, that lies upon ground most hallowed. Though I have borne witness to the passing of countless millennia, the temple which you must assault is older by far. For it was constructed by my creators, the Xel'Naga, and it marks the site where the Xel'Naga first set foot upon Aiur."

The second Xel'Naga Temple was found on Shakuras, current homeland of the Dark Templar. Again, it was built on a nexus of cosmic energy. It consisted of a pyramid-shaped structure with a small floating crystalline top, and appeared very different (and larger) than the Temple on Aiur. Through the use of the Khalis and Uraj Crystals, Artanis and Zeratul were able to use the light and dark sides of Protoss psionic energy to activate it, and scour the Zerg from the dark world.

The Xel'Naga Temple did not have a psionic shield during the game, but it did during the cinematic as the Zerg attacked it after it was activated.

[edit] Theories about the Temples

Very little is known about the Temple on Aiur, but the second Temple had a few clues:

First was the use of cosmic energy. It appears the Xel'Naga, a race which had at least some psychics (and used psionic technology such as Khaydarin Crystals), but this energy is opposed to the "purity of essence" used by the Khalai. This is the same energy used by the Zerg.

Through study, the Dark Templar knew that the Xel'Naga Temple could destroy the Zerg, possibly through the use of cosmic energy, but why was the light side of Protoss psionics required as well? Possibly the Temple was supposed to be used by Xel'Naga and Protoss working together to attack the Zerg. The Temple only affected Zerg on the planet, though.

The Temple was not reactivated in Drawing the Web but could be reactivated in Enslavers: Dark Vengeance, which took place before Drawing the Web.

Some fans of the game claim you can see "bugs" in the Temple. While the Zerg are "bugs", these bugs didn't resemble any known Zerg Broods. No one knows what the Xel'Naga look like, but it's likely they are not humanoid in form (since they're not pure of form, and the Protoss are humanoid in form). It's possible these "bugs" were representations of the Xel'Naga. Also, some say that it appears that the temple destroys both Zerg and Protoss. This could be explained by the temple being used to destroy the creations of the Xel'Naga, which would make it a weapon against both the Protoss and Zerg. This could also explain why the temple requires both the light and dark side of psionics. They need both types to identify what to destroy, the light side to identify the Protoss, the dark to identify the Zerg.

[edit] Trivia

In the older, pre-release version of StarCraft, the Temple was a Protoss structure which created Protoss Archons. The building was removed from the tech tree when the method of creating Archons (merging two High Templar) was changed.

[edit] References

StarCraft by Blizzard Entertainment
StarCraft Universe Gameplay of StarCraftStarCraft storylinePsionic technology
Factions and Organizations Judicator CasteKel-Morian CombineKhalai CasteProtossProtoss ConclavePirate MilitiasRaynor's RaidersSons of KorhalTemplar CasteTerranTerran ConfederacyUmojan ProtectorateUnited Earth DirectorateXel'NagaZergZerg Brood
Locations AiurAntiga PrimeBraxisCharChau SaraKorhalMar SaraMoriaShakurasTalematrosTarsonisUmojaZerus
Characters AldarisArtanisGerard DuGalleEdmund DukeSamir DuranFenixSarah KerriganArcturus MengskNovaRaszagalJim RaynorAlexei StukovTassadarZeratulZerg OvermindMinor Characters

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