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The Nyamwezi (originally and also Wanyamwezi) are the second largest of over 120 ethnic groups in Tanzania. They live in the northwest central area of the country, between Lake Victoria and Lake Rukwa. The term Nyamwezi is of Swahili origin, and translates as "people of the moon".

It was only in the 19th century that the name could be found in literature; the term might include almost anyone from the western plateau. Travel taught them that others called them Nyamwezi, and almost all men accepted the name given to them by the coastal people indicating that the Nyamwezi came from the west.

A century later, their land is still called 'Greater Unyamwezi', about 35,000 square miles of rolling land at about an elevation of 4,000 feet. Their year is divided into two seasons, wet and dry, with consiserable variation depending on time and place. The Nyamwezi have close cultural ties with the Sukuma people. Their homeland is called Unyamwezi, and they speak the language (also known as Kinyamwezi), although many also speak Swahili and / or English.


[edit] History

There were five 'tribal' groups, all referring to themselves as Wanyamwezi to outsiders, Kimbu, Konongo, Nyamwezi, Sukuma, and Sumbwa, who were never united. All groups groups normally merged imperceptable with one another having broadly similar cultures. It was, however, an oversmplifacation to view them as a single group.

According to oral tradition, the Nyamwezi are thought to have settled in west central Tanzania (their present location) some time in the 1600s. The earliest evidence comes from the Galahansa, and confirms their presence there in the late 1600s. They were once fisherman and nomadic farmers due to the poor soil quality of the area. Their travels made them professional traders, and by 1800 they were taking caravans to the coast to trade in Katanga copper, wax, salt, ivory, and slaves. Arab and India Slave and ivory traders reached the Nyamwezi by 1825. They also started to acquire guns, and establish regular armies, with intra- tribal wars and some conflicts with Arabs on the coast throughout the 1800s. They could be considered an acquisitive society, often accused of thinking of nothing but how to earn money.

The Nyamwezi had long been a settled agricultural and cattle owning people, arriving on the western plateau in the 1500s and originally living in a mosaic of small and independent chiefdoms slowly carved out by ruling dynasties which according to a Catholic missionary may have numbered over 150, each with its own councelors, elders, and court slaves. In the 1800s, they were alreary recongnized as large slave-owners and on the coast were famous for the herds bu, while cattle were important they were not often part of normal life, their entire care often being left in the hands of professional herdsmen; the immigrant Tutsi.

From 1860-1884, the Nyamwezi were ruled by a military leader and Mtemi (king) named Mirambo who gathered considerable wealth from general trade and the collection of mahongo. Oscar Baumann considered them among Africas's finest agriculturalists, not being afraid to involve themselves in exchanging ivory for slaves to work their fields in their absence and found wildlife a source of profitable meat. Miramba (called the 'Napoleon of Central Africa' by Stanley blocked the Arab trade routes for a time, but his empire, a loose confederation of chiefdoms (centered on Urambe) broke up soon after his death from 'natural causes' in 1884, (cancer? and may have been ritually strangled). The confederacy then died, and once again became an area of small chiefdoms acting on their own.

German colonists controlling Tanzania from the late 1800s (calling it German East Africa), found the Nyamwezi heavily involved in trade relations with the Arabs and the island of Zanzibar, dominating as traders and porters since 1850. (While Iliffe lists a likely 100,000 people traveling to and from the coast, Abrahams lists a possible 200,000 using many of the side 'roads', some making the trip as many as 20 times.) Even with all of this outside contact, Nyamwezi colonies were remarkably resistant to foreign culture, stressing their rudness on the coast. Nyamwezi colonies elsewhere long remained culturally distinct. In Unyamwezi itself, differing lifesyles were either absorbed into the existing order, as the Ngoni, becoming just another chiefdom, or became isolated like the Arabs of Tabora. But for all their poor relationships with the coast and their conservatism, traveling was considered a valuable manly sign.

One of the major trade routes crossed Unyamwezi, and the Nyamwezi had access to ivory and slaves. This cetral route can be called the Nyamwezi routes, for they had important political ties and outposts as far as the Congo. The western Nyamwezi arrived at the coast with ivory around 1800, and coastal traders soon followed this up by finally entering Unyamwezi and reaching Ujiji by 1831.

A kind of California Gold Rush took place for the ivory of the Congo's Manjema to the west of Lake Tanganyika. With their deep involvement in commerce, the Nyamwezi welcomed traders. The most hospitable chiefedom was Unjanyembe, where Arab traders established the nexus of Tabora to the Lake district beyond.

Conflict began building between chiefs and Arab traders, and lasted through the last half of the 19th century. Chiefs such as Isike and Mirambo, no longer being purely ritual, had found that the arrival of firearms enabled them to created standing armies and a loose state organization. It was firearms and trade that transformed the region, for trade generated the wealth needed to obtain firearms. Chiefs were normally ritual figure who had no very rigid rules of succession. They lived very restricted lives, most significant duties being carried out by headmen. They were stangled when they became seriously ill (as probably happened to Mirambo while dying of cancer), for the well being of the state and its continuation was identified with chief and his subordinate administrators. A hierarch of territorial offices came into being. There were sub-chiefs, assistant chiefs, headmen elders, ritual officials, ets., as each dynasty seized power from another. Greater Nyamwezi had become a war zone.

Unyamwesi was 'pacified by the Germans in 1893, only Chief Isike around Tabora giving any sereious opposition. The German adopted a form of indirect rule in the region with chiefs becoming the administrative agents of the central government, recieving account books as a formal mark of recogntion. Over time, the chiefs were expected to keep order and collect taxes. Where earlier officers welcomed their collaboration, later officers suspected it. Even deliberately dismantaling a chiefdom.

After the Germans were removed from Tabora during World War I, the British took over in 1919 and ruled until the Tanzanian independence of 1961. To combat sleeping sickness, many people were moved into new villages free from the disease. [1]

[edit] Demographics

With the establishment of German East Africa in the 19th century, Moravian Church missionaries arrived in the Lake Malawi region of Tanganyika. Today, the Moravian Church In Western Tanzania (MCWT) has about 80,000 Nyawezi adherents and many continue to evangelize among the Sukuma people.

As of 1989, there were about 1.5 million Nyamwezi. About 926,000 Nyamwezi speak a language of the Bantu phylum, classified as the Sukuma-Nyamwezi Group of Bantu. They are predominantly subsistence farmers and cattle herders.

[edit] Culture

In the ninteenth centruy, settlements were described as typically large, compact, and fortified for defence with strong wooden stockades, often in high inaccessible rocky places. When the Germans finally imposed peace, the population did not immediately disperse, but slowly, over a fifty-year period, the modern pattern of scattered settlements emerged.

Hunting had a wide variety of form. Elephant hunting, being well organized and profitable, had an especially high status. Guild members often used lethal poison and when they used it, in a German sergeant's words, "It worked slowly but surely".

Those members in a guild believed they possessed powerful hunting medeicine acquired through rigorous apprenticeships, tracking game in all types of terrain and moving swiftly and silently through thorny underbrush. They learned how to survive in the forest for days for the eradication of wild pigs or baboons, which were damaging growing crops. A very high value was placed on hunting, but very few men were skilled hunters and it remained a minor part of the economy.

Although goats were used for ancestor sacrifices, the economic value of goats and sheep lay in their meat and skins. By tradition five goats or sheep equated one bull; two bulls were worth one cow.

In addition to agriculture, crafts were a part-time occupation and were not hereditary. Regionally traded products of importance were drums, ladles, stools, storage boxes for grain, and snuffboxes of horn. Iron and cloth were very important in regional networks, but the cloth industry in particular was ailing in 1857 because of sever competition from India, and over the next sixty years almost disappeared. Ironwork came from localized settlements whose products were then traded over wide areas;Bows, arrows, spears, the payment of fines, and the extremely valuable hoes for bridewealth were all produced with considerable ritual by the smiths, and depending on the place who were blamed for the heavy deforestation to obtain charcoal.

Their staple food wasugali, a porridge made from hominy and served with meat and vegetables. Beer made from fermented corn, sorghum or millet was common.

Villages were not normal kinship units and people found their relatives spread over wide areas. Spouses generally came from outside the Tembes and sons commonly moved away from their father's homestead. The core members of a 'domestic group' consist of the husband, his wife or wives, and any children who still lived with them. Sometimes relatives, such as a mother, younger unmarried brothers or sisters, and their children could be found together. The sexes usually atge separately. In general men did the heavy work, while women did the recurring tasks and much of the everyday agricultural work.

Ideally every adult person should be married, and every married woman should have her own household and bring her own household utensils. The husband is said to technically own his wife's hut, fields, and most of the household's food, but a wise husband usually listened to the wife's advice. There was little ranking between co-wives, although seniority in terms of who was first married was at times recongnized. Jealously and sorcery were common, much depending on how well co-wives got along. Unlike the Qagogo, divorce was common, a large majority of persons experiencing al least one divorce by the time they were fifty years of age, which included the return of bridewealth minus the number and sex of the children born. Divorce was most often accomplished by the separation of either party. Chiefdom courts found certain reasons to automatically justify divorce. Women's desertion, being struck by a wife, the wife's adultery, sexual refusal of the sife, and having an aborion, were all adequate reasons. Ground for a husband to clain divorce were failure of the wife to carry out household dutirs, visiting a doctor without permission, and possible infertility. A wife could divorce if the husband deserted for a period of time without supporting her, if the husband seriously injured her by, for example, breaking a limb, but not simply beating her, the husband's impotence or perversions, or if her husband generally failed to maintain her and her children properly. The husband'ss adultery would not be one of the grounds.

It was cutomeary for the younger brother of her former husband to inherit a widow, (a kind of 'widows and orphans' security system), I was not done, however, against her will. Among some, inheritance of a widow by her husband's sister's son was particularly favored.

It had always been part or the Nyamwezi system for the chief to receive tribute, bring success and prosperity to the people and play an active role in ceremonies. All land was said to have belonged to the chief and he had the right to expel witches and undesirables, abuse was checked kby tghe general need to maintain a large population; and while no one had the right to sell land ina chefdom, the people had considerable security in their rights to the land. Permission to clear land was not needed, but care was to taken so as not to conflict with others in the area. If there was a shortage of land in an area to be inherited, a headman could insist upon other holdings. Water was free to all.

Slavery was important and chiefs and other government officials owned the largest number, sometimes well over a thousand, for as porters became more and more important, and since many men were traveling, labor for cultivation became increasingly scarce and slaves were needed more and more. Slaves remaining in the local area seem to have had a life easier and more secure than those sent to the coast. Domestic slaves often lived and ate with their owners, were allowed to work on their own, and could possess their own slaves and livestock; loyal slaves could even be given part of a chiefdom, and it was not unusual for slaves to acquire positions of great influence and power.

Even though slave trading and raiding outside of Unyamwezi was considerable, some people volluntarily became slaves as a result of debt. Trade in slaves had existed for centuries in Africa, being viewed at times as a combined welfare and penal system; prisoners of waar and criminals were regularly used as unpaid laborliable to be bought and sold. Never the less, all Africans, slaves included, belonged to some communal working group, the slave, however, normally occupying a distinctly lower status, but could advance through talent or good fortune.

The ivory trade greatly increased the slave trade, although it had long been impoertant in intra and inter regional trade. As with cattle, slaves were also needed and wanted for their prestige value, for men could gain influence and social connections, they could even make marriage payments with them. The slave was seldom used just to carry ivory. Ivory porters should be viewed as free and voluntary labor, although it is true that they were at times financially abused by their chiefs.

Despite conversion attempts by Islam and Christianity, most follow a traditional religion. They believe in a powerful god called Likube (High God), Limatunda (Creator), Limi (the Sun) and Liwelolo (the Universe), but ancestor worship is a more frequent daily practice. Offerings of sheep or goats are made to ancestors, and the help of Likube is invoked beforehand. Spirits also play an active role in Nyamwezi religious life, with mfumu, witchdoctors, or diviners, playing the role of counsellor and medical practitioner. Bulogi (witchcraft) is a powerful force in Nyamwezi culture, with cults forming around (for example) possession by certain types of spirit. The Baswezi society recruits people possessed by the Swezi spirit.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ "Nyamwezi and Sukuma." Encyclopedia of World Cultures, Vol. 9: Africa and the Middle East. Human Relations Area Files, 1995. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group.

References by Norm.

  • Abrame, R. G. (The Peoples of Greater Unyamwezi)
  • Bauer, Andreus. (Street of Caravans)
  • Baumann, Oscar. (Durch Massailand zur Nilquuele)
  • Bennett, Norman Robert. (Mirambo of Tanzania)
  • Iliffe, John. (A Modern History of Tanganyika)
  • Roberts, Andrew. (The Nyamwezi)
  • Weule, Karl. (Kolonial-Lexicon Band III S 672)

[edit] External links


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