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Political families by country: N-Z

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a partial listing of prominent political families of the world, for countries with names starting from letters from N to Z.

Royal families are not included, unless certain later descendants have played political roles in a republican structure (e.g. Cakobau Family of Fiji). See also Family dictatorship.

Other countries:


[edit] Nauru

The Adeang Family

The Detudamo Family

  • Timothy Detudamo Head Chief of Nauru
    • Buraro Detudamo (son of Timothy Detudamo, Chief and Island Councillor, Member of Parliament, 1968-1992)

The Dowiyogo Family

  • Bernard Dowiyogo (President of Nauru, 1976-1978, 1989-1995, 1996, 1998-1999, 2000-2001, 2003, and 2003)
    • Valdon Dowiyogo (son of Bernard Dowiyogo; Member of Parliament, Speaker of Parliament)

The Keke Family

The Stephen Family

  • Lawrence Stephen (Member of Parliament, 1971-1977, 1980-1986)
  • Sunshine Stephen (Wife of Lawrence, Sister of Ludwig Keke)
    • Marcus Stephen (son of Lawrence Stephen; Member of Parliament,2003-)

The Kun Family

[edit] Nepal

The Koirala Family

[edit] Netherlands Antilles

The Godett Family

  • Wilson Godett (union leader and politician)
    • Anthony Godett (son of Wilson Godett; former de facto Prime Minister)
    • Mirna Louisa-Godett (daughter of Wilson Godett; Prime Minister of the Netherlands Antilles, 2003-2004)
    • Johnny Louisa (husband of Mirna Louisa-Godett; legislator)

[edit] New Zealand

The Douglas Family (father-sons)

The Hay Family (father-son)

The Henare Family (great-grandfather/great-grandson)

The Holland Family (father-son)

The Lange Family and Bassett Family

The Luxton Family (father-son)

  • Jack Luxton - MP for Piako (seat renamed Matamata) 1966-1987
  • John Luxton - MP for Matamata 1987-1999 and Cabinet Minister 1990-1999

The Macky Family (mother-daughter)

The Peters Family (4 brothers, 1 sister)

The Seddon Family

The Sutton Family (brothers)

The Tirikatene Family (father-daughter)

The Tizard Family (husband-wife; parents-daughter)

[edit] Nicaragua

The Argüello Family

  • Juan Argüello del Castillo, Deputy Chief of State, 1826-7; Chief of State 1827-9
  • José Argüello Arce, Pres. of Congress, 1855-6
  • Leonardo Argüello Barreto, Interior, Education and Foreign Minister; President of Nicaragua, 1947
  • Guillermo Argüello Vargas, grandson of José Argüello Arce; Education Minister, 1929-32, Finance Minister, 1947
  • Mariano Argüello Vargas,grandson of José Argüello Arce;Pres. of Congress1937,1950; Foreign Minister 1939,1943-6;Vice-Pres.1947-9.
  • Alejandro Montiel Argüello, great-grandson of José Argüello Arce, Foreign Minister, 1959-63, 1971-8
  • Silvio Argüello Cardenal, Vice-Pres., 1963-7
  • Mariángeles Argüello Robelo, great-grand niece of Pres. Leonardo Argüello, Health Minister, 2000-02
  • Guillermo Argüello Poessy, great grandson of José Argüello Arce; Pres. GAO, Comptroller, 2001-
  • Alejandro Argüello Choisell, Minister of Public Works, Industry & Commerce, 2005-

The Chamorro Family

The Sacasa Family

  • Roberto Sacasa Sarria, President of Nicaragua, 1889-1893
  • Juan Bautista Sacasa Sacasa, son of Pres. Roberto Sacasa Sarria, President of Nicaragua, 1933-36
  • Crisanto Sacasa Sacasa, nephew of Pres. Roberto Sacasa Sarria,Education Minister, 1933, 1955.
  • Oscar Sevilla-Sacasa, grandson of Pres. Roberto Sacasa Sarria Foreign Minister
  • Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa, grandson of Pres. Roberto Sacasa Sarria Acting President of Nicaragua, 1936
  • Benjamin Lacayo-Sacasa, Pres. of Nicaragua, 1947.
  • Ramiro Sacasa Guerrero, Labour Minister, 1953-5; Education Minister, 1966-8
  • Noel Sacasa Cruz, great-grandson of Pres. Roberto Sacasa Sarria, Economy, Industry & Commerce Minister, 1999-2001
  • Esteban Duque-Estrada Sacasa, great-grandson of Pres. Roberto Sacasa Sarria, Minister of Finance, 1999-2001
  • Francisco Xavier Aguirre Sacasa, great-grandson of Roberto Sacasa Sarria, Foreign Minister, 2000-2002

The Somoza Family

[edit] Niger

The Diori Family (cousins)

The Kountché Family (cousins)

[edit] Pakistan

The Bhutto Family

The Jinnah Family

The Sharif Family

The Zia-ul-Haq Family

[edit] Palau

The Remengesau Family

[edit] Panama

The Arias Family

The Arosemena Family

The Chiari Family

The Delvalle Family

The Lewis Family

  • Gabriel Lewis Galindo (Foreign Minister, 1994-1996)

The Torrijos Family

[edit] Papua New Guinea

The Chan Family (father-son)

The Somare Family (father-son)

[edit] Paraguay

The Argaña Family

  • Luis María Argaña (Vice President, 1998-1999)
    • Félix Argaña (son of Luis María Argaña; vice presidential candidate)
    • Nelson Argaña (son of Luis María Argaña; cabinet minister)

The Cubas Family

The López Family

[edit] Peru

The Andrade Family

  • Alberto Andrade, Mayor of Lima (1996-2002) and Congressman (2006-2011)
  • Fernando Andrade, Mayor of Miraflores (1997-2006)

The Belaúnde/Diez-Canseco Family

The de la Riva-Agüero Family

  • José de la Riva Agüero (President of Peru, 1823)
  • José de la Riva-Agüero y Looz Corswaren (Pres. of the Council of Ministers, 1873-1874)
  • Enrique de la Riva-Agüero y Looz Corswaren (Pres. of the Council of Ministers, 1899-1900 and 1915-1917)
  • José de la Riva-Agüero y Osma (Pres. of the Council of Ministers, 1933-1934)

The Fujimori Family

The García Family

  • Carlos García Ronceros, Secretary General of the APRA
  • Nytha Pérez of García, Founding member of the APRA
  • Alan García, President of Peru (1985-1990 and 2006-2011), also Constituyent (1978-1980), Deputy (1980-1985) and Senator (1990-1992)

The Morales-Bermudez Family

The Pardo Family

  • Felipe Pardo y Aliaga, Foreign Minister, 1855
  • Manuel Pardo y Lavalle, son of Felipe Pardo y Aliaga; Foreign minister, President of Peru, 1872-1876
  • José Antonio de Lavalle y Pardo,nephew of Pres. Manuel Pardo y Lavalle and grandson of Felipe Pardo y Aliaga; Foreign Minister, 1882-83.
  • Felipe de Osma y Pardo, nephew of Pres. Manuel Pardo y Lavalle and grandson of Felipe Pardo y Aliaga; Foreign Minister, 1891.
  • José Pardo y Barreda, son of Pres. Manuel Pardo y Lavalle; Foreign Minister, President of Peru, 1904-1908 and 1915-1919
  • Juan Pardo Heeren, son of Pres. Jose Pardo y Barreda, Finance Minister, 1963

The Prado Family

  • Mariano Ignacio Prado Ochoa (President of Peru, 1865-1868 and 1876-1879)
  • Javier Prado y Ugarteche (son of Pres. Mariano Ignacio Prado; Foreign Minister, 1905-1906)
  • Jorge Prado y Ugarteche (son of Pres. Mariano Ignacio Prado; President of the Council of Ministers, 1933)
  • Manuel Prado y Ugarteche (son of Pres. Mariano Ignacio Prado; President of Peru, 1939-1945 and 1956-1962)

[edit] Philippines

The Aquino Family

The Estrada Family

The Lacson Family

  • Aniceto Lacson (former President of the Republic Negros 1898)
  • Arsenio Lacson (former congressman and Mayor of Manila)
  • Daniel Lacson (former Governor of Negros Occidental)
  • Isaac Lacson (former congressman and senator), son of Aniceto Lacson
  • Rafael Lacson (former Governor of Negros Occidental and Mayor of Talisay City)
  • Eusebio Lacson (former Mayor of Tibiao)
  • Jose Carlos Lacson (congressman)
  • Panfilo Lacson (senator and presidential candidate)
  • Karl-Romeo Lacson ( Landesschriftführer April, 2004 - June, 2005 der Offensive D in Baden-Württemberg )

The Marcos Family

The Macapagal-Arroyo Family

The Villareal Family

  • Cornelio T. Villareal Sr. (House Speaker of the Philippines)
  • Cornelio Villareal Jr. (Governor)
  • Raoul Villareal(Congressman)
  • Juelita Villareal(Congressman)
  • Christopher Villareal(Provincial Board Member / Mayor)
  • Roy Villareal - Señeres(former ambassador / NLRC Chairman)

[edit] Pitcairn Islands

The Christian Family

[edit] Poland

Poland is probably the only country in the world where identical twins are head of the government (Prime Minister) and head of state (President) at the same time.

The Gierek Family (father-son)

The Giertych Family (father-son-grandson)

The Grabski Family (brothers)

The Kaczyński Family (identical twins)

The Wałęsa Family (father-son)

[edit] Portugal

The Soares Family (father-son)

The Portas Family (brothers)

[edit] Puerto Rico

The Calderón Family

The Hernandez Family

The Muñoz Family

The Rivera Family

[edit] Russia

  • Yeltsin Family
    • Boris Yeltsin - pesident of Russia (1991-1999)
    • Tatyana Yeltsin-Yumashev -daughter Boris Yeltsin
    • Valentin Yumashev - Shef Presindent administration of Russia
  • Primakov-Kosygin Family
    • Evgeniy Primakov- and daughter Andrey Kosygin - ???
  • Brezhnev Family
    • Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982) (leader of the soviet union between 1964-1982)
    • Viktoria Brezhnev (1912-1995) (Brezhnev's wife)
    • Galina Brezhnev (1929-1998) (Brezhnev's daughter)
  • Narusova-Sobchak Family
    • Lyudmila Narusova (senator and MP) - and Anatoliy Sobchak - spouses.

[edit] Rwanda

The Habyarimana Family and Kayibanda Family Family

[edit] Saint Lucia

The Cenac Family

The Lewis Family

[edit] São Tomé and Príncipe

The Costa Alegre Family

The Trovoada Family

[edit] Saudi Arabia

The Al-Sulaim Family

  • Prince Yahia Al-Sulaim

He is the first Prince in Al-Sulaim dynasty. He became at the thorn of Unaizah in 1817 after killing the ruler appointed by the ottoman emperor.He was killed in Baq’a betel between Al-Sulaim and and Bin Rashed of Hail.

[edit] Seychelles

The Ferrari Family

  • Maxime Ferrari (opposition leader)
    • Jean-François Ferrari (son of Maxime Ferrari; Seychelles National Party activist)
    • Pauline Ferrari (daughter of Maxime Ferrari)

[edit] Singapore

The Lee Family

[edit] Solomon Islands

The Chan Family

  • Tommy Chan (Member of Parliament and businessman)
    • Laurie Chan (son of Tommy Chan; Foreign Minister, 2002- )

The Kemakeza Family

[edit] South Africa

The de Klerk Family

The Mandela Family and Machel Family

The Mbeki Family (father-son)

The Ngcuka Family (husband-wife)

The Sisulu Family

The Slovo Family and First Families (husband-wife)

The Tambo Family

The Zuma Family (ex-spouses)

[edit] Spain

The Franco Family

The Arana Family

The Aznar Family

The Benegas Family

  • Doris Benegas
  • Txiki Benegas

The Oreja Family

The Primo de Rivera Family

The Redondo Family

  • Nicolás Redondo
  • Nicolás Redondo Terreros

[edit] Sri Lanka

The Bandaranaike-Kumaratunga Family

The Gopallawa Family (also related to Bandaranaike)

The Senanayake Family

(also related to Sir John Lionel Kotelawala, Junius Richard Jayewardene, and Ranil Wickremesinghe)

[edit] Syria

The Assad Family

The Atassi family

[edit] Sweden

House of Bernadotte

Bodström family

Cederschiöld family

De Geer family

  • Louis De Geer the elder (1818-1896), Justice Prime Minister 1858-1870, Prime Minister of Sweden 1876-1880
    • Louis De Geer the younger (1854-1935), Prime Minister of Sweden 1920–1921, son of Louis De Geer the elder
    • Gerard De Geer (1858-1943), Member of Parliament 1900-1905, son of Louis De Geer the older
      • Gerard De Geer (1889-1980), liberal Member of Parliament 1937-1943 and 1951-1958, grandson of a brother to Louis De Geer the elder
        • Lars De Geer (1922-2002), liberal Minister of Defence 1978-1979, son of Gerard De Geer (1889-1980)

Hammarskjöld family

Heckscher family

  • Gunnar Heckscher, conservative party leader 1961-1965
    • Sten Heckscher, social democratic Minister of Industry and Employment 1994-1996, son of Gunnar Heckscher

Leijon family

  • Anna-Greta Leijon, social democratic cabinet minister 1973-1976 and 1982-1988
    • Britta Lejon, social democratic cabinet minister 1998-2002, member of parliament since 2002, daughter of Anna-Greta Leijon

Myrdal family

  • Gunnar Myrdal, social democratic cabinet minister 1945-1947
  • Alva Myrdal, social democratic cabinet minister 1966-1973, wife of Gunnar Myrdal
    • Jan Myrdal, author and independent communist political writer and columnist, son of Alva and Gunnar Myrdal

Ohlin family

  • Bertil Ohlin, party leader of the liberal Folkpartiet 1944-1967, minister of commerce in the wartime government 1944-1945.
    • Anne Wibble, representing the same party, Minister of Finance in 1991-1994, daughter of Bertil Ohlin.

Wallenberg family

[edit] Thailand

The Shinawatra Family

[edit] Togo

The Eyadéma Family

The Olympio Family

[edit] Trinidad and Tobago

The Capildeo family

[edit] Tunisia

The Bourguiba Family

[edit] Tuvalu

The Latasi Family

[edit] United Kingdom

See List of political families in the United Kingdom

[edit] United States

Main article: List of US political families

[edit] Uruguay

The Arismendi Family

The Batlle Family

The Sendic Family

[edit] Uzbekistan

The Karimov Family

[edit] Vanuatu

The Lini Family

The Sokomanu-Sopé Family

[edit] Venezuela

The Sucre Family

[edit] Yemen

The Saleh Family

[edit] Zambia

The Chiluba Family

The Kaunda Family

[edit] Zimbabwe

The Mujuru Family

  • Gen. Solomon 'Rex Nhongo' Mujuru
  • Vice President 'Teurai Ropa' Nhongo Mujuru

The Mugabe-Ushewokunze-Chiyangwa Family

  • Christopher Ushewokunze (nephew (muzukuru)of Robert Mugabe; cabinet minister)
  • Herbert Ushewokunze (nephew (muzukuru) of Robert Mugabe; cabinet minister)
    • Robert Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe, 1987-present; Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, 1980-1987)
    • Sabina Mugabe (sister of Robert Mugabe; Member of Parliament)
      • Innocent Mugabe (son of Sabina Mugabe; Director of the Central Intelligence Organisation)
      • Leo Mugabe (son of Sabina Mugabe; businessman and Member of Parliament)
      • Patrick Zhuwawo (son of Sabina Mugabe; businessman and Member of Parliament)
    • Philip Chiyangwa (cousin of Robert Mugabe; businessman and ZANU-PF regional leader)

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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