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Minor characters in Seinfeld

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The television show Seinfeld was known for featuring many characters, each with their own special characteristics.


[edit] Secondary characters

[edit] Character frequency

# Character # of episodes Primary actor Character description
1 Newman 47 Wayne Knight Jerry's nemesis and proud U.S. Postal Worker. Associate in many of Kramer's "get rich quick" schemes. Lives in the same building as Jerry. Supposedly named after Rick Newman, founder and owner of "Catch A Rising Star" Comedy Club where Jerry sometimes appears.
2 Frank Costanza 29 Jerry Stiller George's father. Eccentric and very quick to anger. Former cook in the Army. Speaks Korean. "Stopping short" is his date move. Inventor of the holiday "Festivus".
3 Estelle Costanza 28 Estelle Harris George's obnoxious and melodramatic mother. Constantly questions Frank and George's actions. Has never laughed.
4 Susan Ross 28 Heidi Swedberg George's fiancée. Daughter to wealthy parents. Briefly experimented with Lesbianism, and worked for NBC before getting fired. Died licking poisonous wedding invitation envelopes.
5 Morty Seinfeld 22 Barney Martin Jerry's father. Has strong convictions. Fittingly, he spent some time as politician in his Florida retirement community. Used to sell raincoats.
6 Helen Seinfeld 22 Liz Sheridan Jerry's mother. Often needed to provide reason to Jerry and Morty's eccentric lifestyle.
7 J. Peterman 21 John O'Hurley Elaine's third boss. Eccentric owner of the fashion oriented J. Peterman catalog.
8 George Steinbrenner 16 Larry David (voice), Lee Bear George's boss. Depicted as rambling, hard-nosed owner of the New York Yankees. His face is never shown, as everyone in the real world knows what George Steinbrenner looks like. He seems to live in his own little world.
9 Uncle Leo 15 Len Lesser Jerry's uncle. Brother to Helen Seinfeld. Somewhat of an old coot. Has a son who works in the Parks department
10 David Puddy 11 Patrick Warburton Elaine's on again off again boyfriend. Phased and calm, yet can be a surprisingly passionate individual at times. Somewhat of an airhead. Used to be an auto mechanic but later became a car salesman. A recovering mysophobe, Born Again Christian, and a New Jersey Devils fan.
11 Mr. Wilhelm 11 Richard Herd George's supervisor. Works hard to ensure the Yankees organization runs smoothly. Eventually became head scout for the New York Mets.
12 Mr. Lippman 11 Richard Fancy Elaine's first boss. Owner of Pendant Publishing. Later gave up that position and opened up a bakery that sold only the tops of muffins.
13 Mr. Pitt 8 Ian Abercrombie Elaine's second boss. Extremely wealthy business owner. He is a very picky individual and is nearly impossible to please.
14 Mickey Abbott 7 Danny Woodburn A dwarf actor. Close ties with his friend Kramer.
15 Dugan 6 Joe Urla Elaine's co-worker.
16 Jackie Chiles 6 Phil Morris Kramer's eccentric lawyer. A very successful lawyer, but has had bad luck when representing Kramer. Parody of Johnnie Cochran.
17 Kenny Bania 6 Steve Hytner Stand-up comedian. Not particularly good at his job. Jerry especially dislikes him because he uses Jerry's act to warm up his audience.

[edit] Characters appearing in 5 or more episodes

  • Newman shown in the episode The Soup Nazi
    Newman shown in the episode The Soup Nazi
    'Newman' (played by Wayne Knight): Jerry and Kramer's vengeful and spasmodic neighbor, this character only appeared from 1992 onwards. Originally conceived to be "the son of the landlord [who] 'tells' on everyone", Newman evolved as the series progressed into a scheming mailman who was friends with Kramer but nursed a grudge against Jerry. During Season 2 only his voice was heard. An example of this is when he annoys Kramer by claiming that he's planning to commit suicide. Originally, Larry David did some of the voice work for Newman before the character was fully developed. In subsequent reworkings of the early episodes his voice was re-dubbed with Wayne Knight's. While Newman was portrayed as Jerry's arch-nemesis he remained close friends with Kramer. Jerry has described Newman as "pure evil" and always greets him with "Hello... Newman" in a sarcastic, disgusted tone. Newman is also known to go into long, frustrated diatribes about his duties delivering the mail that end only when someone snaps him out of it.
  • 'Frank Costanza' (played by Jerry Stiller and, in only one episode, John Randolph — his scenes were re-shot) and 'Estelle Costanza' (played by Estelle Harris): doting parents of George; they live in Queens. Frank is a scene-stealer who disliked Elaine but liked Kramer. He treats his grown son, George, as though he were a rebellious teen, sometimes grounding him and slapping him in the head. He had an affair with a Korean woman while on duty in Korea. He also suffers from a foot odor problem.
  • 'Susan Ross' (played by Heidi Swedberg): ex-fiancée of George, dies from toxic wedding invitation envelope adhesive. She was a former executive at NBC when Jerry and George were pitching Jerry. After her death, George is roped into being a trustee for her memorial charity foundation. Susan hates Kramer for various reasons: In one episode, he drinks some bad milk and throws up on her; in another, Kramer burns down her father's cabin; when Susan becomes a lesbian, Kramer steals her girlfriend; and in the last episode in which Susan was alive, Kramer forgets her name (he calls her "Lily"). She disliked him to the point he was not invited to her and George's wedding, because "he'd probably fall and ruin the whole thing."
  • 'Helen Seinfeld' (played by Liz Sheridan): Jerry's mom. She adores Jerry and often asks rhetorically, "How could anyone not like him?" She keeps her and Morty's condo at an unbearable heat level.
  • 'Morty Seinfeld' (played by Barney Martin and, for only one episode, Phil Bruns): Jerry's dad. He sold raincoats for 35 years. He never seems to think that Jerry's career is going anywhere (as well as the rest of the family) and continually tries to assist him financially. His legacy is inventing the "beltless trenchcoat". He hates Velcro--he "can't stand the tearing sound". In several episodes, he sports strange and large eyeglasses. He was also impeached as condo president when the other board members accuse him of stealing funds to pay for a new Cadillac--even though Jerry actually bought the car for him. The other residents don't think Jerry has that kind of money, either. Morty also adores Jerry to the point of wearing a "#1 Dad" shirt Jerry got him for days on end.
  • 'J. Peterman' (played by John O'Hurley, To Tell the Truth): based on a real person; the eccentric and loquacious boss of Elaine Benes. He has a long, interesting history that includes opium addiction. When Peterman decides to write an autobiography, Kramer tries to sell his stories to him. Later on, Kramer claims himself to be "the real Peterman," and starts a reality bus tour, a parody of Kenny Kramer's "Kramer's Reality Tour". He often forces Elaine to do things by threatening to fire her if she doesn't, such as going out with a deaf co-worker, seeing (and liking) The English Patient, and stop carrying Tic-Tacs (he couldn't stand the rattling sound, unaware Elaine was not the primary source.)
  • 'Mr. Steinbrenner' (played by Lee Bear and voiced by Larry David, Curb Your Enthusiasm): George Costanza's eccentric boss while working for the Yankees; his face is never shown. The real George Steinbrenner did appear, face and all, as himself in the 1996 episode "The Invitations", but was cut out of the episode even though commercials ran promoting his appearance. Whenever George entered the TV Steinbrenner's office, Steinbrenner would inevitably go on some long, off-topic rant to the point George would lose interest and simply walk out--usually with Steinbrenner still rambling on as if George were still there.
  • 'Uncle Leo' (played by Len Lesser): Jerry's unavoidable and annoying uncle who always greets Jerry with a hearty "Jerry, Hello!" His son Jeffrey, of whom Leo is very proud, works for the Parks Department. Leo incessantly brags about Jeffery to Jerry and whomever would stand in one place long enough to listen. Leo also was an avid shoplifter who defended his actions by feigning forgetfulness due to his advanced age.
  • 'David Puddy' (played by Patrick Warburton, The Tick): on-again, off-again, sometimes "religious", boyfriend of Elaine Benes. He wore an 8-ball jacket and enjoyed giving high fives while working as a salesman in a Saab dealership, though his true trade is an auto mechanic. Also a hardcore New Jersey Devils fan with a known affinity for Arby's . Known for his squinting, staring, generally laid back, passive, attitude, and his deadpan delivery (except with bursts of adrenaline like during the hockey playoffs). His most common line is "Yeah, that's right".
  • 'Mr. Wilhelm' (played by Richard Herd): George's pre-alzheimer superior at the New York Yankees who was abducted by a brainwashing religious klan who renamed him Tanya. Wilhelm was noted for forgetting meetings and important office events.
  • 'Mr. Lippman' (played by Richard Fancy): Elaine Benes' boss at Pendant Publishing. Briefly hired and fired George over inappropriate relations in his office with the cleaning woman. Mr. Lippman stole Elaine's idea for a "Top of the Muffin To You!" cafe which utimately failed miserably. He then got a job at Pundit publishing which he wasn't very happy with.
  • 'Justin Pitt' (played by Ian Abercrombie): hired Elaine to tend to his personal needs, such as buying socks. Elaine lost her job with him when his intimates suspected her of planning his demise in order to secure an unusual employer-to-employee inheritance.
  • 'Dugan' (played by Joe Urla): plays a minor role as a coworker of Elaine's.
  • 'Jackie Chiles' (played by Phil Morris, Wanda at Large): Kramer's erstwhile lawyer, an obvious parody of O.J. Simpson trial lawyer Johnnie Cochran. He's known for using a trio of exclamations in a single sentence. Kramer employed the services of Jackie in several of his frivilious lawsuits. Jackie Chiles even had a life past the continuation of the TV series: Phil Morris appeared as the character in a few television advertisements.
  • 'Kenny Bania' (played by Steve Hytner): an unfunny 'hack' comedian who has routines on chocolate drink mixes such as Bosco Chocolate Syrup and Ovaltine. Jerry contributed some material to Bania's Ovaltine routine. He likes to eat at Mendy's. George feels he is the voice of a new generation, his generation.
  • 'Dr. Tim Whatley' (played by Bryan Cranston, Malcolm in the Middle): a dentist who converted to Judaism for the jokes. Defined swinger who has sexual relations with his nurses and quite possibly those incapacitated by nerve gas, delivered by the good dentist himself. He is most certainly a dental assistant swapper. He is also a known re-gifter. He believes Jerry is a trouble maker (comparable to Woody Woodpecker).
  • 'Larry the Cook' (played by Lawrence Mandley): the Owner/Manager/Cook at Monk's Diner. Tough and serious. Once threatened to turn George into his "personal hand puppet".
  • 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross' (played by Warren Frost and Grace Zabriskie): Parents of George's fiancée, Susan. After Kramer burned down the family's cabin, it was revealed that Mr. Ross had had a homosexual affair with John Cheever. "Yes, he was the most wonderful person I've ever known. And I love him deeply! In a way you could never understand.." ("The Cheever Letters") Mrs. Ross is a memorable alcoholic who distains yet tolerates her husband.
  • 'Russell Dalrymple' (played by Bob Balaban): NBC president; interviews Jerry and George for their pilot. He developed a significant crush on Elaine, which prompted him to join Greenpeace in an attempt to impress her. Russell met his death at the hands of whalers while trying to help save the whales so he could impress Elaine. The character of Russell (although not his fate) is based on real-life NBC president Warren Littlefield, whom Balaban portrays in The Late Shift.
  • Norman Brenner appeared in minor parts in over 20 episodes. His speaking roles included 'Ian' in "The Wig Master" and 'Man at Airport' in "The Limo".[1]
  • 'Carol' (played by Lisa Mende): Mutual friend of the main characters. She had two babies, a cute one that was dropped by Kramer in The Boyfriend, and an ugly baby that was introduced in The Hamptons. She is notable for her nasally voice and her memorable quote: "You gotta see the baby!"
  • 'Ruthie Cohen'is the middle-aged cashier at Monk's cafe whom George accused of stealing a $20 bill from him.

[edit] Characters appearing in fewer than 5 episodes

  • The Soup Nazi (played by Larry Thomas): based on a real person (Ali "Al" Yeganeh); a chef who often denied customers his delicious soup for the slightest misbehavior. ("NO soup for you")
  • Dolores (played by Susan Walters): Jerry's girlfriend; he doesn't know her name, only that it rhymes with a female body part (his best guess: "Mulva"). ("The Junior Mint"). Jerry reunites with her in "The Foundation."
  • Noreen (played by Kelly Coffield, In Living Color): a friend of Elaine's who dated the high talker. Elaine continuously destroyed Noreen's life until Kramer intervened and urged her to return to the military.
  • Lloyd Braun: a long-time associate of George and Jerry, Estelle Costanza constantly badgered George for not being more like Lloyd. Lloyd used to work for David Dinkins until he passed along Elaine's suggestion that everyone in New York City wear name tags. Dinkins lost the race and Braun had a nervous breakdown. He enjoys "lo mein-y" Chinese chewing gum.
  • Jack Klompus (Played by Sandy Baron): a slimy, weasely resident of Phase Two at the Pines, where Jerry's parents have retired. Jerry gets into a dispute with him over a "space pen". Jack also accuses Morty of stealing the condo funds to pay for the Cadillac that Jerry had bought for him. When Morty Seinfeld tells Jack that he has to put the key in the lock and jiggle the knob, Jack replies by saying, "Get the hell out of here with your knob."
  • Babu Bhatt (played by Brian George): from Pakistan. Jerry seems to mess up his life at every turn, by giving bad business advice on his restaurant and by not passing on his immigration notice that is accidentally delivered to Jerry's mailbox. Babu thinks that Jerry is a "very, very bad man" (wagging his finger).
  • "Crazy" Joe Davola: attacked Kramer, blames Jerry for misfortunes, and dated Elaine. Depressed that Elaine rejected him, he dressed up like the clown from the opera I Pagliacci.
  • Poppie (played by Reni Santoni): owner of an Italian restaurant who disapproves of abortion, known to not wash his hands after visiting the bathroom, believes a pizza is a pizza when you put your fists in the dough, rejects cucumbers as a pizza topping, and urinated on Jerry's brand new couch. The "Poppie couch" turns up in later episodes.
  • Marla the Virgin (played by Jane Leeves, housekeeper Daphne Moon in Frasier): professional closet organizer who Jerry dates, trying to bed her, only to lose her to JFK Jr.
  • Izzy Mandelbaum (played by Lloyd Bridges): fellow resident of Jerry's parents in Del Boca Vista in Florida; head of family-owned Magic Pan restaurants and has a running rivalry with Jerry.
  • The Drake (Seinfeld)|The Drake (played by Rick Overton): a mutual friend of main characters, often referred to with the phrases "Love the Drake" or "Hate the Drake". Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer give him and his bride a big screen TV as a wedding gift, only to find out soon after that they have separated and his wife, the "Drakette", gave it away to charity.
  • Joe Mayo: another mutual friend of the main characters, except Kramer. Hosts parties and assigns chores to the guests. Kramer later confesses he's never heard of him, and that to him, the name 'Joe Mayo' sounds made up. When Joe Mayo has a party and he asks Puddy to make sure nobody puts drinks on the stereo speakers, Puddy responds by saying, "Sure thing, Joe Mayo."
  • Alec Berg: friend who gives ice hockey tickets to Jerry. He gets his name from one of the writers of the series. Jerry thinks the name would sound particularly appealing when spoken by John Houseman.
  • Sue Ellen Mischke (played by Brenda Strong): the braless wonder, heiress to the Oh Henry! candy bar fortune, and nemesis of Elaine. Married an ex-boyfriend of Elaine's in India. By bidding up the price of a set of JFK golf clubs at an auction, she induces Elaine to exceed the dollar limit that Elaine's boss J. Peterman had set for the clubs, which Peterman coveted. Elaine is so incensed that Sue Ellen doesn't wear a bra that she gives her a bra as a gift, which Sue Ellen then promptly wears as a top. This causes Kramer to crash his car when he and Jerry see her walking in her bra down the street. The courtroom scene the follows is a broad and obvious allusion to the O.J. Simpson trial.
  • Ping (Played by Ping Wu): Chinese food delivery boy, who sues Elaine after he gets hurt after colliding with the jaywalking Elaine.
  • Mr. Kruger (played by Daniel von Bargen): George's boss at Kruger Industrial Smoothing. He was a remarkable character in that he was George's most careless and incompetent boss. He seems to be the result of someone with George's attitude and skills getting control of a company. He also attended the Festivus dinner.
  • Sally Weaver (played by Kathy Griffin): Susan Ross's roommate in college, appears in The Cartoon" and "The Doll". In "The Doll", she was indirectly responsible for ruining Jerry's bit for The Tonight Show, not once, but twice. In The Cartoon, she becomes famous and even gets a cable special for her one-woman show, titled "Jerry Seinfeld is the Devil."
  • Wyck Fayer (played by Bruce Davison): Chairman of the Susan Ross Foundation, who assumes that George actually killed his fiancée. Appeared in the first two epsiodes of the eighth season.
  • Franklin Delano Romanowsky, aka "FDR", (played by Michael McShane): Another of Kramer's eccentric friends who uses his birthday wish against Kramer as the result of a grudge held after Kramer struck him in the back of the head with a snowball. He also appears briefly in "The Wizard" as the hot dog vendor talking with George, although his character's name is not revealed.
  • Sal Bass (Played by Tony Amendola): Kramer meets him at the health club and thinks he is Salman Rushdie.
  • Bob and Ray/Cedric (Played by Yul Vazquez and John Paragon): Hostile effeminate (possibly Latino) duo that accost Cosmo Kramer in "The Soup Nazi", "The Sponge", and "The Puerto Rican Day". They are widely known as "Street Toughs." They steal Elaine's armoire that Kramer is guarding in "The Soup Nazi", verbally and physically attack him for not wearing an AIDS walk ribbon in "The Sponge", and attack him when he accidentally burns a Puerto Rican flag. John Paragon's character is credited as "Ray" in "The Soup Nazi," but is addressed and credited as "Cedric" in "The Sponge".
  • Mabel Choate (played by Frances Bay): The woman at Schnitzer's deli who bought the infamous last marble rye, which Jerry went on to steal from her on the street in order to give to George to carry out one of his numerous idiotic schemes. She reappeared in a later episode at Del Boca Vista to cast the deciding vote in Morty's impeachment, when she recognized Jerry as the thief of her rye,.
  • Ricky (played by Sam Lloyd): The man that takes Frank Constanza's TV Guide from Elaine in the subway and later turns it into a bouquet to declare his affection for her during the Cigar Store Indian episode. He reappears in a later episode (Pie) where it is revealed the reason mannequins looking like Elaine are appearing all over New York and Chicago is because he still thinks of her.
  • Allison (played by Kari Coleman): George's ex-girlfriend who George has claimed her to be obsessed with him, although she literrally threatened to kill herself if George broke up with her. In "The Smelly Car" episode, she rebukes George for not giving him the $50. Furthermore, in the end of the episode, Coleman, in an apparently lesbian-like manner, compliments George's other ex-girlfriend, Susan's, shirt.
  • Tia (played by Jennifer Campbell): Blond supermodel whom Jerry is seated next to on an airplane flight back to New York ("The Airport"). After convincing Elaine to take the last available seat in Coach so that he could get an open seat in First Class, Jerry can't believe his luck when he meets his gorgeous seatmate. They immediately hit it off and end up flirting with each other the entire flight, all while enjoying the culinary and creature-comfort delights of the first class cabin. Meanwhile Elaine is miserable sitting in a cramped middle seat back in Coach, and manages to get overlooked during the meal service. When she finally does get served by the surly male flight attendant (played by Jim J. Bullock), she has to settle for the last remaining meal - the kosher plate. Jerry ends up getting a future date with Tia, who also appears in a subsequent episode ("The Pick"). Jerry notices she is wearing a familiar scent (The Ocean by Calvin Klein), and figures out her perfume was really Kramer's idea for The Beach which he once pitched to a disinterested marketing executive at Calvin Klein. Tia eventually dumps Jerry when she notices him in his car, appearing to pick his nose. When his phone calls go ignored, Jerry finds her at work and tries to explain, insisting that he was only scratching the side of his nose, and that there was no nostril penetration. She doesn't believe him, and leaves him standing there, humiliated, in the lobby of an office building. While a crowd of bewildered bystanders gathers around him, Jerry proclaims his humanity with a famous line borrowed from "The Elephant Man" (a film about a freakishly deformed outcast)... "I am NOT an animal!"

[edit] Characters who are repeatedly referenced without making an appearance

  • Jeffrey, Jerry's horse-faced cousin, whom Uncle Leo always raves about. He worked for the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. Jeffrey once got Jerry tickets to a Paul Simon concert, and a glasses-less George once claimed to see Jeffrey kissing Jerry's girlfriend in the street (it turned out to be a policewoman patting a horse). According to Uncle Leo, Jeffrey's favorite animal is the leopard because he likes the spots, and he keeps in close contact with his college zoology professor, a friendship of which Leo thinks is rare. Jeffrey received a citation from the city for his edible foliage tour through Central Park.
  • Bob Sacamano, a friend of Kramer's who is often referred to as the source of nutty ideas or inaccurate information. Bob's father is mentioned as living in Florida.
  • Lomez, another never-seen friend of Kramer. He is an Orthodox Jew, according to Kramer in "The Fatigues". In "The Betrayal," Kramer stands outside a port-a-pottie waiting for Lomez, who is inside. When Kramer starts the Peterman Reality Bus Tour in "The Muffin Tops", he notes Lomez's place of worship on the tour. Kramer purchases a hot tub from Lomez in "The Hot Tub," and speaks on the phone to him in "The Apology."
  • Jay Reimenschneider, another friend of Kramer's. Kramer once mentioned that Jay "eats horse (meat) all the time" ("The Seven").
  • Corky Ramirez, another friend of Kramer's "up on 94th street" ("The Little Kicks"). A friend of Kramer's called "Ramirez" appears at a bar in "The Van Buren Boys."
  • Len Nicademo, another friend of Kramer. Kramer moved in with Len when Len "had the gout" ("The Stand In").
  • Specter, yet another friend of Kramer's. Was said to have a fat fetish and that he never dated a woman under 250 lbs. Specter was also said to become a minimalist in "The Tape."

[edit] Notable one-time characters

  • Alton Benes (played by Lawrence Tierney): Elaine's hard-nosed father. ("The Jacket")
  • Ben Cantwell (played by Robert Donley): The man George is assigned to visit. ("The Old Man")
  • Betsy (played by Megan Mullally, Will & Grace): George is dating her, and attempts to advance their relationship by accompanying her to her aunt's funeral in Detroit. ("The Implant")
  • Brody: Kramer's movie pirater friend, packs a gun, eats too much candy. ("The Little Kicks")
  • Meryl (played by Courteney Cox, Friends): Jerry's pretend wife. She is doing this to mooch off Jerry's discount at the dry cleaners. ("The Wife")
  • Vegetable Lasagna: European guy, who sits in the plane seat next to Elaine and Puddy and has to put up with incessant fighting. Named after his food preference on the plane, even though he insists his name is Magnus. ("The Butter Shave")
  • Miss Rhode Island (Karen): Jerry dates her and accidentally kills her doves, forcing her to sing instead for the talent contest under Kramer's tutelage, which she does horribly. ("The Chaperone")
  • Little Jerry Seinfeld aka 'Little Yerry Seinfeld' at Marceleno's Bodega: Kramer's rooster. ("The Little Jerry")
  • The Postmaster General (played by Wilford Brimley): makes it clear to Kramer that he cannot refuse postal mail. ("The Junk Mail") This character was no doubt inspired by the sinister security chief Brimley played in The Firm.
  • John Grossbard: Kramer runs into this old debtor - a former roommate to whom he lent money - at an airport and tries to collect the money owed. When Kramer realizes that Jerry's flight has been redirected providing the opportunity to again confront his former roommate, he says, "listen to the bell Grossbard. It tolls for thee." ("The Airport")
  • John Germaine (played by Jeff Yagher): a jazz musician Elaine dates who eventually loses his musical prowess after having done "everything" with Elaine. ("The Rye")
  • Smuckers: Kramer's distrust of doctors leads him to use this dog to get medication from a veterinarian for his own cough. Kramer: "We share the same affliction." ("The Andrea Doria")
  • Farfel: dog that Jerry is stuck taking care of when the owner sitting next to him on the plane has to be rushed to hospital; barks incessantly. ("The Dog")
  • Milosh (played by Mark Harelik): incompetent tennis pro who sells Jerry a $200 tennis racket, offers his wife to Jerry, and asks Jerry to take a dive in a tennis game to make himself look like the better player. ("The Comeback")
  • Donna Chang: Caucasian woman who people think is Chinese, originally named Changstein. ("The Chinese Woman")
  • Jean-Paul Jean-Paul: a NYC Marathon runner from Trinidad and Tobago whose life is made miserable by Jerry. ("The Hot Tub")
  • Ramon: (played by Carlos Jacott): Annoying poolboy at Jerry's former health club. ("The Pool Guy")
  • Frank Costanza's lawyer (played by Larry David): he doesn't follow trends and wears a cape. He stops Noreen from committing suicide. ("The Chinese Woman")
  • The Doorman (played by Larry Miller): arrogant doorman of Mr. Pitt's apartment building tricks Jerry into watching the door for him. He berated Jerry for looking down at him because he was a doorman, even though Jerry wasn't. ("The Doorman")
  • Stan, the Caddy: Kramer's Senior Tour golf trainer (played by Armin Shimerman) who missed the cut in the trial of Sue Ellen Mischke. ("The Caddy")
  • Ned Isakoff: Elaine's very well-read (or well-Red), communist boyfriend, whom she got blacklisted from a Chinese restaurant. ("The Race")
  • Kevin, Gene, Feldman, and Vargas: The Bizarro Jerry, George, Kramer, and Newman. [2] ("The Bizarro Jerry")
  • Sheila (played by Alexandra Wentworth): Jerry's girlfriend, calls him "Shmoopie" as a term of endearment and is overly affectionate in public, which embarrasses his friends. Jerry pretends he doesn't know her when she screws up the protocol for ordering soup and is refused service. ("The Soup Nazi")
  • The Pig-Man: While in the hospital, Kramer is snooping around and comes across what he thinks is the result of a government experiment: a half pig, half man. In reality, just a "fat little mental patient". ("The Bris")
  • Members of the Houston Astros front office: George has a meeting with the Astros about the possibility of interleague play. They always call everyone a "bastard" or "son of a bitch" (George finds out "that's how they talk in the major leagues"). Those terms get George and Jean-Paul in trouble: Jean-Paul gets kicked out of Elaine's apartment, where he had plans to stay before the New York City Marathon, and Wilhelm catches George yelling into the phone while the Astros front office men are calling from their plane. ("The Hot Tub")
  • Members of the New York Mets front office: In a meeting, the Mets make an offer to George for a vacant front office position at Shea Stadium. But in order for the Mets to hire George, they tell him the catch: He has to get fired from the Yankees first. In the end, however, despite George's valiant attempts to make Steinbrenner fire him (The Boss eventually is ready to fire George, but just as he is about to do it Wilhelm walks in and tells Steinbrenner that he made George do those things. Wilhelm is trying to get fired to get the Mets job as well), Mr. Wilhelm gets hired by the Mets instead. ("The Millennium")
  • The Assman: A proctologist who has his license plates issued to Kramer by mistake. It is discovered, when Jerry and Kramer visit the doctor's office, that the real Assman has a practice there. Kramer finds a picture of his boat, with "Assman" written on the side. ("The Fusilli Jerry")
  • Denim Vest (played by Kevin McDonald): a character named after his questionable taste in fashion. Elaine's network of fake phone numbers (one of them H&H Bagels) comes undone due to Denim Vest. ("The Strike")
  • Shakey the mohel: circumcises Jerry's finger during a bris. The mohel blames Jerry for the accident, claiming he flinched. Jerry later derisively refers to him as "Shakey the mohel." ("The Bris")
  • Manya: a relative of Jerry's who dies shortly after Jerry makes a disparaging comment about people who owned ponies as a child; she states that she owned a pony as a child in Poland before immigrating to America. ("The Pony Remark")
  • Uncle Mac: Jerry's uncle who was writing an autobiography based on all his experiences. ("The Stakeout")
  • The mechanic: George accuses a mechanic at David Puddy's Saab dealership of stealing his Twix. He says he probably has a short, mono-syllabic name. ("The Dealership")
  • Tor Eckman (played by Stephen Tobolowsky) - a holistic healer who turns George's complexion purple instead of healing his tonsilitis. ("The Heart Attack")
  • Jimmy: constantly refers to himself in the third person (an illeist): "Jimmy is down!" Holds a grudge against Kramer for spilling water on the floor, causing him to slip and hurt himself. ("The Jimmy")
  • Jason "Stanky" Hanky: recovering substance abuser, who refuses to apologize to George. Played by James Spader. ("The Apology")
  • Melissa: Jerry's girlfriend who likes to always be naked while in his apartment, until he does the same and proposes to do some nude belt-sanding ("This isn't good naked"). ("The Apology")
  • Joel Rifkin: Elaine's Boyfriend who has the same name as famous serial killer Joel Rifkin and Elaine tried to get him to change his name.("Elaine, I was adopted"). ("The Masseuse")
  • Raymond: a male masseuse (masseur) who causes George to become extremely uncomfortable and to question his own sexuality. (George: "I think it moved.") ("The Note")
  • Roy the Dentist: friend of Jerry's who agrees to write notes stating that Jerry, George, and Elaine need massages due to dental problems so that they can be reimbursed for treatment. He is later charged with insurance fraud, but remains friendly to Jerry. ("The Note")
  • The maître'd: In a Chinese restaurant, the maître'd (played by James Hong) keeps Jerry, Elaine, and George waiting for a table for almost the whole episode. After the three finally leave in disgust, he looks up, grins, and cries out, "Seinfeld...four!" ("The Chinese Restaurant")
  • Darryl: Elaine's "interracial" boyfriend in ("The Wizard"), who ultimately turns out to be caucasian; (Darryl to Elaine: "So, we're just a couple of boring white people?)"
  • Evie: The cleaning lady that George has sex with in "The Red Dot."
  • Sylvio: The super of Jerry, Kramer, and Newman's building. He has an obvious grudge against Newman and tries to evict Newman from the building for reversing his peephole, but Kramer convinces him not to. Later in that episode it is found out that Newman is having an affair with his wife.

[edit] Actual people

Many actual people have made appearances on Seinfeld. Often playing themselves, but also often an actor played an impersonation.

In addition, Seinfeld makes allusions in dialogue to real people (see List of Seinfeld references to actual people).

[edit] Celebrities who played themselves

  • Candice Bergen - playing herself playing Murphy Brown meeting her new secretary, Steven Snell (played by Kramer). ("The Keys")
  • Corbin Bernsen - George made a trip with Jerry to appear on The Tonight Show and he ran into Bernsen there. George tells him his idea for the perfect L.A. Law episode, and Bernsen berates him on the air. ("The Trip, Part 1" and "Part 2")
  • Bryant Gumbel - Jerry wears the puffy shirt onto the Today show, and host Gumbel says, "I'm sorry, it is just a very unusual shirt. It could be kind of a whole new look for you.. you know, you could be kind of like the pirate comedian." ("The Puffy Shirt")
  • Pat Cooper - the comedian and entertainer who sponsored Jerry's membership at the Friar's Club and who readily exposed George as not "being in show business". ("The Friars Club")
  • Jim Fowler - the animal expert and frequent talk show guest brings a hawk to the Merv Griffin Show set in Kramer's apartment. ("The Merv Griffin show")
  • Rudy Giuliani - he campaigns for Mayor of New York City with a platform that includes cracking down on frozen yogurt shops that falsely claim their yogurt is non-fat. ("The Non-Fat Yogurt")
  • Keith Hernandez - Jerry and George met the New York Mets player in the locker room of their health club. He is a big fan of Jerry's comedy and he becomes awkwardly entangled with Elaine and Jerry. Kramer and Newman hate him, though, and they accuse him of spitting on them after a game (Newman recalls that it was June 14, 1987, Mets/Phillies, in which the Mets blew a ninth-inning lead and caused the Phillies to rally for the win). Jerry meticulously proves their theory is false, JFK style. They later find out that it was his teammate, relief pitcher Roger McDowell, who had spit on them instead as revenge for Newman & Kramer pouring beer on his head throughout the game. Kramer and Newman apologize to Hernandez, and they help him with his moving. ("The Boyfriend, Part 1" and "Part 2")
  • David Letterman - talking on the phone to Jerry, telling him he has been bumped from the show, due to a bad review of his performance at a junior high school assembly. ("The Abstinence")
  • Roger McDowell - appeared alongside Keith Hernandez, and was revealed to be the "second spitter" that spat on Kramer and Newman. ("The Boyfriend, Part 2")
  • Bette Midler - while playing catcher for the softball team from her Broadway show, Rochelle, Rochelle: The Musical, Midler is run down by George on a decisive play at the plate. While she recuperates, Kramer becomes her personal handler and gushes, "You are so freaking talented!" ("The Understudy")
  • Paul O'Neill - Kramer tells him he has promised a sick boy that O'Neill will hit two home runs in that day's game. O'Neill gets one home run and an "inside-the-park home run", which was ruled to actually be a triple with an error. Despite this, Kramer insists, "Come on, Bobby, that's just as good!" ("The Wink")
  • Regis Philbin and Kathie Lee Gifford - Kramer appears on their television show to promote his coffee table book about coffee tables. ("The Opposite")
  • Geraldo Rivera - Hosts his own show which features the news story about the trial of the four (Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer) who were arrested for not assisting a man involved in a carjacking in Latham, Massachusetts. ("The Finale")
  • Al Roker - the television weatherman swipes Jerry's gyro on the subway while Elaine is holding a TV Guide with his picture on the cover. ("The Cigar Store Indian")
  • Fred Savage - Kramer runs into the former The Wonder Years star at a cafe in Los Angeles, and tries to pitch his script. ("The Trip, Part 1" and "Part 2")
  • Buck Showalter and Danny Tartabull - After giving Tartabull some tips on his swings, George convinces manager Showalter to switch from polyester to cotton Yankees uniform ("The Chaperone"); George, on his way to a public television fund raiser with Danny Tartabull, delays Tartabull's promised appearance in order to take a detour to chase down a driver that he (wrongly) believes gave them the finger. ("The Pledge Drive")
  • Marisa Tomei - had a major crush on George while he was engaged to Susan Ross, because she's attracted to "short, quirky and balding" men. ("The Cadillac, Part 1" and "Part 2")
  • Mel Tormé - the 'Velvet Fog' himself sings at a charity fundraiser, when Kramer is mistaken for a mentally challenged person. ("The Jimmy")
  • Jon Voight - he bit Kramer's arm; George thinks he bought a Chrysler convertible formerly owned by the famous actor, but it was in fact previously owned by John Voight, a local dentist. ("The Mom & Pop Store")
  • Raquel Welch - Gets fired by Kramer from the Scarsdale Surprise play, then cat-fights with Elaine. ("The Summer of George")
  • George Wendt - George also runs into him at The Tonight Show. He suggests they change the setting of Cheers because "it's enough with the bar already." Bernsen and Wendt make George the butt of their jokes on The Tonight Show, much to George's dismay. ("The Trip, Part 1" and "Part 2")
  • Bernie Williams and Derek Jeter - during his tenure as assistant to the Yankees' traveling secretary, George is temporarily brilliant from lack of sex and teaches them how to hit. ("The Abstinence")

[edit] Celebrities or significant TV actors not playing themselves

[edit] Actual people played by others

Main Characters: Jerry Seinfeld | George Costanza | Elaine Benes | Cosmo Kramer
Related to Jerry: Helen Seinfeld | Morty Seinfeld | Uncle Leo | Kenny Bania | Sally Weaver | Dr. Tim Whatley
Related to George: Estelle Costanza | Frank Costanza | Susan Ross | Mr. Wilhelm | Mr. Kruger | Lloyd Braun | George Steinbrenner
Related to Elaine: J. Peterman | David Puddy | Mr. Lippman | Justin Pitt | Sue Ellen Mischke
Related to Kramer: Newman | Mickey Abbott | Jackie Chiles | Bob Sacamano | Babs Kramer | Lomez
Other: Soup Nazi | "Crazy" Joe Davola | Minor characters in Seinfeld
Culture of the Seinfeld Universe
Festivus | Master of Your Domain | Regifting
List of fictional films in Seinfeld | Coffee Table Book About Coffee Tables
List of Seinfeld episodes | The Seinfeld Chronicles
List of Seinfeld references to actual people | Running gags in Seinfeld
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