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List of minor Winx Club characters

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This is a list of minor characters in Winx Club. For a list of monsters in Winx Club, see Winx Club monsters.


[edit] School cadre

[edit] Alfea

Ms. Faragonda is the the headmistress of Alfea. She is a kind soul who cares for her students but she will not put up with nonsense and will dispense discipline when needed. Rachael Lillis voices Faragonda in the 4kids version. Was once a witch and has a good relationship with Ms.Griffin.

Assistant Principal Griselda is the assistant to Ms. Faragonda and head of discipline at Alfea. She isn't friendly at all and jumps at every chance to punish someone. While not a bad person, Griselda seems to dislike Bloom and Stella: Bloom for lying to her on the first day, and Stella for blowing up the potions lab The year before season 1. She is proficient with "Magical Martial Arts", a system of techniques involving defense and reflection abilities and teaches the fairies some incredible new spells. Su Meredith voices Griselda in the 4kids version.

Professor Palladium is an elf who teaches the Fairies survival skills at Alfea. In the first season, he is somewhat flustered and nervous. He is a brave fighter though, jumping into battle in the last episode with a magical scimitar. During the second season, we see a new Palladium. He's undergone an evolution and changed into a more confident character--he's also much more muscular, claiming to have spent summer break on "Planet Buff." Sebastian Arcelus voices Palladium in the 4kids version.

Professor Wizgiz is a somewhat eccentric teacher and gnome who teaches Metamorphosimbiosis, the process of changing from one form into another, to the fairies of Alfea. Pete Zarustica voices Wizgiz in the 4kids version.

Professor Du Four is a teacher feature in one episode. She wears a large scarlet hat and who teaches about "good ways" (manners).

Professor Avalon is a teacher of Magiphilosophy, a mix of magic and philosophy, to the fairies of Alfea. He is also a paladin. It is revealed very late in the 2nd season that the Avalon at Alfea is an imposter working for Darkar, the real Avalon had been trapped in Shadowhaunt.

Barbatea is Alfea's head librarian.

Ofelia is Alfea's resident doctor.

[edit] Cloud Tower

Principal Griffin is the headmistress of Cloud Tower. She is somewhat a bitter rival of Faragonda and it is hinted that the two of them were once good friends. Griffin seems mean but she honestly cares for her students and will defend them if threatened. Carol Jacobanis voices Griffin in the 4kids version.

Professor Ediltrude is a professor at Cloud Tower and sister of Zarathustra.

Professor Zarathustra: A professor at Cloud Tower and sister of Ediltrude.

[edit] Red Fountain

Principal Saladin is the headmaster of Red Fountain. Michael Alston Baley voices Saladin in the 4kids version.

Professor Codatorta is the head of discipline at Red Fountain. Not much is known about him other than that he is very robust and active. He fights with a whip and he comes from the Fortress of Light. Matt Hoverman voices Codatorta in the 4kids version.

[edit] Students

[edit] Alfea Students

Luna is a fairy with green hair who attends the same classes as the winx club members.

Ortensia wears glasses and a pink polo shirt, and in her fairy form keeps her glasses and wears a muffin cap, and a pink tank top and dark pink skirt. She was noted as complaining about the prom in the last few episodes of Season One.

Amaryl wears a yellow-green fairy outfit and has pinkish-orangish wings. She comes from the Realm of Cosmosias (the Realm of all things celestial) and her power is starlight. She is known for adding her two-cents into conversations. She and Stella don't get along very well and Amaryl actually tried to attack Stella in one of their classes, but was stopped by Professor Palladium.

Francis wears a harlequin fairy outfit. She is also Layla's roommate. She's also got the best counter spells in Alfea and was on the prom committee. She is friendly, but definitely has an attitude- she insults Timmy when he comes looking for Tecna in an episode in Season Two.

Francine She has a dark blue fairy outfit. Francine is a character of many names. She's called Dahlia in other episodes, but the Circle of Power card game refers to her as Francine.

Pia has black hair, glasses and a purple fairy outfit (she's easily identified by the purple hat and glasses she wears with it).

Priscilla is a background fairy with short red hair. She wears a dark green fairy outfit with leaf-shaped wings.

[edit] Lesser Known Alfea Fairies

Note: names of lesser known fairies were first introduced in the Toys "R" Us exclusive Winx Club Trading Card Game: Circle of Power. The back of the playmat contained the names of all the fairie/character cards. It wasn't until much later on where the official site added many character icons with corresponding names.

Ahisa: Ahisa is a fairy that has long black hair with bangs. Her fairy outfit is strapless and is mainly lavender, pink and green. It can be assumed that she and Mirta are friends, as she, Kimmy, and Mirta have been seen together in a few episodes in Season Two.
Alice: Alice has blue hair without bangs. She has a high-necked baby blue fairy outfit. Alice looks very elegant. Alice is Jared's love interest at the end of the second season.
Kadija: Kadija is a fairy with blonde-brown cornrows. her fairy outfit is orange with blue accents, as is her daily outfit. She seems to be in several classes with Stella and Bloom.
Kaie: Kaie has short, messy red-brown hair. She has not been seen in her fairy outfit, but her normal outfit is a navy blue beater and jeans.
Karina: Karina has chin-length brown hair. Her fairy outfit is red and pink, as is her daily outfit. Her daily outfit consists of a maroon and pink sweater, and a dark skirt.
Kimmy: Kimmy is a blonde fairy who keeps her hair in a bun at the back of her head. She has a pink fairy outfit with a corset-like top. Her fairy outfit is lavender and pink, and she wears a puffy sleeved white shirt and skirt as her daily outfit. It can be assumed that she, Ahisa and Mirta are friends, as they have been seen together in a few episodes in Season Two.
Kylie: Kylie is a strawberry-blonde haired fairy with short bangs and a pink wrap around fairy outfit.
Lavigne: Lavigne is a blonde girl who is often seen wearing a green shirt. Lavigne's fairy outfit consists of several different shades of purple, ranging from a violet outfit to lavender wings.
Lolina: Lolina is a fairy with dark brown hair. Her daily outfit consists of a striped green and white shirt, and a black miniskirt. She was a contestant in Miss Magix, but did not win. Her fairy outfit is surrounded by green gravity-defying rings.
Lin Poo: Lin Poo is a minor fairy with bright pink hair. Her hair is curled into buns on the sides of her head. She sometimes is seen at Cloud Tower. She wears a yellow t-shirt and pink gym shorts as her daily outfit, but nothing is known about her fairy outfit.
Miky: Miky is a black haired fairy. Her hair is very curly and she wears an orange outfit.
Selene: Selene is a fairy with bright blue hair.She has a light blue fairy outfit with green wings and ankle high blue boots and she wears a blue and orange tank top as part of her normal outfit.
Silicya: Silicya is a red haired fairy who wears her hair back in a long ponytail. Her fairy outfit is gold with navy blue accents.

[edit] Cloud Tower students

Mirta is a kind witch who stands out quite prominently from the other witches of Cloud Tower. Her sweet and shy nature make her a target of ridicule and scorn there, except for her roommate and childhood friend Lucy. Mirta doesn't think the fairies are bad and even attempts to help Bloom on one occasion, but she pays a heavy price for interfering in the Trix's business and is turned into a pumpkin for the second half of the first season. Flora keeps the pumpkin in her room and takes care of it affectionately, trying several times to turn her back into the witch she once was. By the end of the first season, she is turned back into a witch and becomes a transfer student to Alfea.

Lucy is Mirta's only friend at Cloud Tower. Tall, pale, and not quite as attractive as others, Lucy has self-esteem problems and desperately wants to befriend the Trix (though they scorn and tease her). She appears to be a very good dancer, though. She and Mirta have been friends since middle school. They lose contact at the end of the first season, as Mirta transfers to Alfea, but halfway through the second season, Lucy and Mirta reconciliate, realizing their misunderstandings and misgivings. They are seen dancing together at the end of year party during the finale of the second season, proving that they are once more friends.

[edit] Red Fountain

[edit] The Specialists

Sky is the prince of Eraklyon. Before the school year started, he switched places with his squire, Brandon, to have more freedom of action. He and Bloom fell in love. Sky is the heir to Eraklyon. Sky wants to be an expert fighter pilot and he is a great swordsman. He's noble, brave, loyal, reliable, and faithful. His phantoblade is styled after a longsword and is blue in color. Dan Green voices Sky in the 4kids version, and Mark Mauser in the UK version.

Brandon is Sky's squire. He is a great swordsman and his love interest is Stella. His favorite hobby is going out with girls, and despite his good heart he can be very vain and self-centered at times. His phantoblade is modeled after a broadsword and is green. Frank Frankson voices Brandon in the 4kids version, and Danny Brochu in the UK version.

Timmy is the geek of the group. He's also only one in the group who uses a laser gun, which he identifies in one of the episodes as a "B-kicker Blaster". He and Tecna get along pretty well, as later in the season they are caught dating. Sebastian Arcelus voices Timmy in the 4kids version, and Michael Tarmush in the UK version

  • Timmy is diminutive for Timothy, which means honoring/honored by God.

Riven is the maverick of the group. He grew up alone, and he acts for himself according to his rules. Riven doesn't really like girls, because his mother abandoned him. He's very competitive (above all Sky). He's good with his scimitar-styled purple phantoblade and at all kinds of sports. Some think Riven is a daredevil, clever and touchy. He admits he likes Musa at the end of the first season, but they don't become a couple until the end of the second. Michael Sinterniklaas voices Riven in the 4kids version, and Mitchell Rothpan in the UK version.

Helia is a artistic student who is Principal Saladin's grandson. He is romantically linked with Flora. He doesn't like to use technology, even though he's an excellent pilot; the only weapon he'll ever use is his laser string glove. He enjoys writing poems and sometimes draws.

  • Helia is a primarily female name which means sun in Greek

[edit] Other Specialists

Simply referred to as W, he is a long-haired specialist who uses claws, much like Wolverine's. He is most likely a parody of the famous Marvel Character.

Bishop: A specialist with long purple hair. His hair is shaved off on the sides, and he has markings on his forehead. Possibly yet another reference of a Marvel Character.

[edit] Roccaluce (The Fortress of Light)

Located above the Lake of the Fortress of Light in non-space and unreachable for almost anyone except for those who are trained to a very high and advanced level of magic who can travel through dimensions, it is a temple high above the clouds on a huge and rocky mountain. More details

Queen Algae: Queen of the aquatic fairies.
Lusiz: One of the aquatic fairies.

[edit] Shadowhaunt

Lord Darkar, The Master of Shadows, is a primordial evil being who originated at the beginning of time. Darkar is diametrically opposed to the Dragon. He is the embodiment of negative energy. Darkar can transform himself into the terrible Shadow Phoenix. He rescued the Trix from the Do-Gooders Boot Camp and gifted them with greater dark powers. Later on while trying to acquire ultimate power, he is defeated by Bloom and the other Winx girls who combine their powers to defeat him. Being darkness incarnate he could not be killed, but was banished back into the chaos that spawned him where he will remain forever.

Keborg is a bat-like creature that serves Lord Darkar as a spy for the Dark master.

Hell's Mastiff, Spit Monster, and Brute Monster: Monster servants of Lord Darkar.

[edit] Downland

[edit] Royalty

King Enervus is the King of Downland.

Queen Quoeda is the Queen of Downland.

Princess Amentia is the Princess of Downland, she wants to marry Brandon. When Amentia decides she wants something she's ruthless in her pursuit of it. She's also a complete perfectionist, and froces her servants to adhere to strict and apparently nonsensical rule. She is, however, an excellent warrior who will fight to the last. In the dub, she is Queen of Downland, rather than just princess, likely because she is so dominating that her parents do not mind that she runs the kingdom.

Sponsus Princess Amentia's loyal servant, who is deeply in love with her. He attempts to win her heart by bestowing gifts on her, but to no avail. Thanks to Amore, Princess Amentia finally falls in love with Sponsus, and agrees to break her 'engagement' with Brandon.

[edit] Pixie Village

It is the place where the pixies live. That is where Lord Darkar is trying to locate so he can find a piece of the Codex, a powerful piece of magic which will allow him to open the Realm of Realix. Later in Season 2 he turns Bloom evil so he can use both his and her powers to activate it. More details

[edit] Pixies

There are Pixies (called "minifairies" in the Italian version) who bond with fairies, and there are four guardian pixies who protect the Codex at the four main places in Magix. The term is used as an insult by the witches in the first season.

Concorda is the guardian of Alfea's Codex. She is also the Psychic Pixie who teaches at Alfea as well as works as a librarian, and gave Bloom a little information about the future.

Discorda is the guardian of Cloud Tower's Codex. She is haughty and loves fashion. Her powers are more powerful than the other pixies.

Athena is the guardian of Red Fountain's Codex. She likes going to dragon races in the arena and she dislikes Cordatorta.

Ninfea is the Guardian of Pixie Village's Codex. She guards and protects Pixie Village in the dark forest.

Lockette is the pixie of Portals, therefore Lockette knows her way anywhere. She is bonded to Bloom because she can sense many passages in her heart. In the Rainbow version, she is a crybaby because Charmy, her cousin, died, but in the 4Kids version, she is not a crybaby but Charmy does disappear. She has a staff to find people the way. 'Lockette' is derived from the word 'locket'.

Amore is the pixie of love, and her soulmate blossoms will make someone fall in love with their soulmate. She's bonded to Stella. Stella's love of beauty and Amore seeing love as beautiful complement the other perfectly. 'Amore' is the Italian word for 'love'.

Chatta is the Pixie of Chatter and looks somewhat like Stella, and she always talks without even stopping. Ironically, she is bonded to the very quiet Flora, perhaps so that Flora will learn to speak for herself. Chatta is instrumental in Flora finally telling Helia how she feels about him. She's also the bravest of the pixies, often challenging creatures far bigger than she is.

Tune is the Pixie of Good Manners. She's always telling people what's right and not right to do. She's bonded to Musa. She and Musa, while they get along, appear to be polar opposites: Tune is proper in every way and very lady-like while Musa tends to speak in slang and acts like a tomboy. Tune's a bit of a hypocrite as she has been known to scream quite loudly at someone who is doing something improper. Although, she still says "please" even while screaming.

Digit is the Pixie of Nanotechnology, so she knows a lot of things. She's bonded to Tecna for a very obvious reason of their interests in the technological. Digit and Tecna can often be seen playing video games together.

Piff is the Pixie of Sweet Sleep, and she can turn a nightmare into a sweet dream by sitting on someone's head. She's bonded to Layla. Piff is still a baby, so most of her speech is baby talk. She was the first Pixie to escape Shadowhaunt by crawling into Layla's hood. She's almost always seen sleeping.

Glim is the Pixie of Fireflies. However she's still a baby. Glim was called "Blinky" once, but later on, she was called "Glim". And still is now. She's bonded to an Alfea student named Francis, who is also Layla's roommate.

Zingis the Pixie of Bugs. She can cosplay different characters. For example in season 2 episode 14, she transformed into Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus, Yuki, Jubei (Jubei-chan), Jesse (Predator) & one of the patchaman. She's very hyper and the definite fan-favorite of all the pixies. She is not bonded to anyone of the Winx girls.

Livy is the Pixie of Messages, so she surfs on folded messages. She has a habit of being forgetful. Livy isn't bonded to anyone. In the second series though, Livy accidentally revealed the Pixie Village to Darkar. Livy is Jolly's younger sister.

Jolly Appeared in the ep. 'Hallowinx'/'The Fourth Witch' and wears a joker-type outfit. She uses cards to tell the future. She is Livy's older sister.

Charmy is Lockette's cousin. She disappears in Shadowhaunt.

[edit] Other characters

Junior League of the Swamp: The Junior League of the Swamp are made up of a bunch of water nymphs (undines) that live in a swamp where a rare plant about to go extinct was residing until Flora took a sample of it. Some of them warned Alfea of the invasion of the Army of Decay led by the Trix.

Kiko is Bloom's pet rabbit. He displays an unusually high amount of intelligence for a rabbit, but no one seems to notice. Kiko is suspected through most of the series to have magic powers (he follows Bloom and Stella through an invisible wall that keeps Bloom's non-magical parents out of Magix) which are finally revealed late into the second season. He is a pixie pet, revealed in the last episode of the Winx Club season 2.

Knut is a nearsighted ogre who works for the Trix. Despite being fairly intelligent, Knut is constantly messing something up somehow. This does not endear him to the Trix particularly well and they berate him often. He switches sides to fight alongside the Specialists and fairies at the end of season 1. In Season 2, he works at Alfea. Adam Blaustein voices Knut in the English version.

Mitzi is Bloom's classmate and neighbour on Earth. She is a rich, spoiled girl who enjoys taunting Bloom every time she sees her. Lisa Ortiz voices Mitzi in the 4kids version.

Pepe is the name of a duckling who resulted from the Winx using their powers to make a spell cast by the Trix backfire. Since Icy was the first person he saw upon hatching, he continually follows her, much to her annoyance. In Season 2, Pepe is no longer mentioned.

Princess Diaspro is the arranged fiancee of Prince Sky, but he dumped her for Bloom. Bloom, believing Diaspro was Icy in disguise, attacked her during the Day of the Royals. She also has a magical girl transformation in her season one episode, very similar to the main Winx Club girls. Diaspro is referred to as the "fairy of gems and rings" in the Winx comics. In Season Two, she is kidnapped by ninja warriors called the Wrong Righters, forcing Sky, Brandon, Flora, and Bloom to rescue her. It is then that we learn that she has been trained and taught for many years to become Sky's wife, and she is quite bitter at the fact that Bloom has taken her place. Flora and Chatta console her, and tell her that she will find her prince someday. Veronica Taylor voices Princess Diaspro in the English version.


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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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