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List of characters in Totally Spies!

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The Spies. From left to right: Alex, Clover, and Sam.
The Spies. From left to right: Alex, Clover, and Sam.

This is a list of the characters in the animated television series Totally Spies!.


[edit] Main characters

NOTE: Some say Clover and Alex's last names are Ewing and Vasquez. However, the show's creator says this is not true and is only a rumor. Likewise, in the episode "Do You Believe In Magic?" Sam introduces herself as "Samantha Simpson" when she enters the Magician's castle, but it is unconfirmed if this is her actual last name.

The three spies are the protagonists of the show, and the most developed characters (with their own running jokes).

Sam, Clover and Alex all find it hard to keep up with their school work when missions are happening 24/7. All three girls and Mandy are in to David (referred to as 'total hottie') a student in Beverly Hills High. He is smart (for Sam), sporty (for Alex), and good looking (for Clover).

[edit] Sam

Samantha, usually referred to as Sam, has long wavy red hair and sports a green spy suit. She is the most intelligent of the group and is often considered the leader. She uses her intelligence to create plans and diversions so that the girls can easily capture the villains. Sam also acts as the big sister to the group and keeps the girls in line, but sometimes she will have her moments where she is not as focused as she should be.

Some fans suggest Sam might be the leader, as she has brains, so maybe that's why she is constantly being mind-controlled/brainwashed/hypnotized. Sam also has similarities to Dinsey Channel's Kim Possible; they both have brains, red hair, and a couple of times, go out on dates. Key differences are that Kim's a cheerleader and Sam hates cheerleading, and Sam's a secret spy, while everyone knows Kim's a spy.

Sam, like Clover and Alex, enjoys dating, shopping, and visiting salons, but she is not as interested as the others are. She always puts her studying or missions first. She is considered a little 'nerdy' to a certain extent.

Sam is also the most sarcastic of the group. She sometimes gets annoyed by Alex and Clover's comments and actions and will reply with a sarcastic remark or joke. One example was in 'FUTURESHOCK!'. The cheerleaders were doing a routine and Mandy fell off the human pyramid and everyone gasped. Alex just went,"Something tells me THAT wasn't part of the routine." And Sam just replied with a grin,"They should consider working that in!"

Sam's taste in clothing is usually the most dressed up. It's trendy and elegant. She usually has on a skirt or a dress and wears heels most of the time. Her style changes in season 3 from dressy to hippie. She is often wearing a pair of jeans/pants and a light 70's style long shirt.

Sam is considered to be the most attractive of all three girls by some fans.

Sam is voiced by Jennifer Hale.

[edit] Clover

Clover has medium length blonde hair and a red spy suit. She is the show's only stereotypical character: a shopping addicted, boy crazy, teenage "fashionista". She is always more concerned about her looks, boys, and the latest trends then she is about her work as a spy. As a result, she is often (if not regularly) side-tracked her on the missions. In fact, her priority focus on her social life has even begun to directly affect the entire team's performance (in one episode, she is seen talking away on her cell phone while the spies were chasing a villain, resulting in the villain being able to escape). She also often compares fashion to her work. Clover is also more concerned with trying to improve her social life and become more popular in different ways. She is usually (if not always) the first one to go against Mandy.

Clover is also the second-most mind-controlled/hypnotized, mostly when Sam avoids it (Mani-maniac, etc.) In fact, her being hypnotized is so rare, it's once a season, apart from Season Four, in which she was hypnotized twice.

Even though Clover is more focused on materialistic and superficial substances than her missions, to her credit she does understand the importance of friendship and teamwork, and will rise to the occasion and give the baddies what they deserve.

Like Alex, Clover is also prone to bouts of clumsiness, but these do not happen often. And sometimes, her "accidents" are caused on purpose, especially off duty when she is trying to find her boyfriend of the week. Clover is also known to have an abundance of boyfriends and will do anything to get a guy. Her love of boys can almost (if not entirely) be matched by her love of fashion and beauty.

Clover is the most intimately knowledgeable of her friends about pop culture topics, especially topics having to do with attractive male celebrities (for reasons stated above). She has even been known to use questionable methods to obtain such information, but nothing truly illegal.

Being a stereotypical "American teenage girl", Clover speaks with a strong "valley girl" accent by saying things like 'so totally' and adding the word "much" to the end of a statement (this is reflected in most, but not all episode titles from season 3 onwards).

Like Sam's, Clover fashion styles change in the 3rd season. In seasons 1-2, she would wear capris and heels most of the time. In season 3, she wore more skirts, dresses, and heels. Now in fourth, she wears heels at all times, unless she's just lounging at home or at the gym.

Clover identified as a vegetarian in Space Much?.

Clover is voiced by Andrea Baker.

[edit] Physical Transformations

Like Sam, Clover is constantly the victim of transformations forced by the villains of the series. However, where Sam undergoes mental changes (mind control), Clover often ends up being changed physically, for example:

  • Being "modelized" causing her legs to be replaced with much larger "stout, powerful" ones (Model Citizens)
  • Being shrunk to the size of a doll (while gaining strength through the effects of compression) (Shrinking).
  • Being slowly changed into a human-feline hybrid by a serum containing feline DNA (Wild Style).
  • Becoming comically obese after being addicted to Passion Patties.
  • Being turned into a freakishly muscular super-athlete by performance-enhancing "bugs" (It's How You Play the Game).
  • Having her hair artificially grown to be used in wigs, the chemicals used caused her to become weak and lethargic (Evil Hair Salon).
  • Becoming a circus freak (an elephant-human hybrid) (Freaky Circus Much?).
  • Becoming 50 feet tall due to a growth ray (Attack of the 50-Foot-Tall Mandy).
  • Being turned into a child, along with the others (I Hate the 80s).
  • Having her finger Nails turned into claws. (Mani-Maniac Much?)

[edit] Alex

Alexandra, usually referred to as Alex, wears her hair short and black and has dark skin. She wears a yellow spy suit. Alex is the fitness junkie of the group who is very clumsy and sometimes can be little slow or naive. This can sometimes hinder the girls on missions and cause them to get into a worse predicament then what they were already in. She tends to act on impulse and doesn't think about what she is going to do which can be a problem at times. Alex is also the sweetest and kindest of the three and always puts her friendship with the girls first.

A couple of times, when something happens to Alex, like being turned into a clown without a voice (Mime your Own business)and being turned into a Sour-puss (Beauty is Skin Deep)it happens to Sam too, but not Clover, apart from I Hate the Eighties, when all three spies were turned into children. (Clover and Alex first, then Sam a little later)

Despite being the most athletic, Alex is the second girliest. She is very concerned with fashion, boys, and her looks, though not to the same extreme as Clover. She is definitely the most childlike (and youngest) one of the group.

Alex often serves as a link between Clover and Sam who often have squabbles. Sometimes she takes to Clover's more girlier side (usually having to do with fashion and sometimes boys), or she will join forces with Sam (usually having to do with Clover over-reacting or acting airheaded). Sam and Clover often have meaningless fights over who is the closer friend of Alex's.

Alex's clothing style changed as the show progressed. At first it was usually preppy. Later she started wearing more sporty clothes like tops, T-shirts and legwarmers.

Alex is thought to be Hispanic, but it is revealed in "Alex Gets Schooled" that she is a mix of Caucasian and Hispanic.

It is also known that Alex is a bad driver. (Actually, in the episode "Aliens" it looks like Alex passed her exam with flying colors, but in the third-season episode "Space Much?" she admits she barely passed driver's ed.) Not only does she drive a car poorly, this inability apparently applies to any type of vehicle. She tends to drive very fast and a little out of control which leads to her not driving as much as the others.

Alex was voiced by Katie Leigh in seasons 1-2 and Katie Griffin (of Sailor Moon fame) in season 3-present. It's interesting to note that both voice actresses are named Katie.

[edit] Bad Luck

Like Sam and Clover, Alex also has a running joke within the series: her clumsiness and bad luck.

  • In "Stark Raving Mad", she is jinxed after breaking a mirror, and believes the events of the episode to be caused by her bad luck. This is "canceled out" when Sam and Clover push her through a ladder, causing them to be jinxed.
  • In "Alex Quits", she eventually becomes tired of her bad luck/clumsiness and, wrongly accusing Britney of being her replacement, temporarily leaves WOOHP.
  • In "The O.P." she is turned into a perfect teenager by a microchip placement in her arm.
  • In "Alex Gets Schooled" her parents temporarily enroll her in a boarding school in England whose headmaster turns her and all the other students into human-dolphin hybrids.
  • She is constantly breaking her Com-powder/X-Powder.
  • Alex has been unexpectedly kidnapped a number of times throughout the seasons.

[edit] Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis
Jerry Lewis

Jerry James Lewis is the founder and administrator of WOOHP, the World Organization Of Human Protection. A middle-aged, very serious British gentleman, he is responsible for briefing the girls on their missions, as well as for providing them with their gadgets at the start of each episode. He also has a tendency to send the girls on "test missions" without telling them that it's fake.

Although he has a mostly hands-off role, Jerry has participated in a couple of the girl's missions. Despite his thin and nonathletic appearance, he has in fact demonstrated highly impressive combat and piloting skills superior to those displayed by the girls themselves.

His mother was introduced in "Mommies Dearest": a rather overprotective, stereotypical British mother, she is unaware of Jerry's job at WOOHP (he has told her, as a cover-up, that he is in the guest house business), and finds his erratic behavior around her (caused by his WOOHP job), such as "talking into wallets" and going onto the roof (to talk to the girls) as a reason to wrap him up in cotton wool.

Despite being the leader of the world's premiere spy organization, the security surrounding Jerry is surprisingly lax, and he has been subverted on multiple occasions. In many episodes he has been kidnapped, replaced by an impostor, or brainwashed. Once, a villain even shrunk down to microscopic size and entered his brain to control him.

In Season 3, Jerry is paired up with G.L.A.D.I.S. (Gadget Lending and Distribution Interactive System), an Artificial Intelligence computer system that runs WOOHP headquarters and produces the spy's gadgets for them. Jerry still gives them their mission briefings, however.

Jerry has been somewhat cursed in his personal life in that all the people he relates to keep turning out to be supervillains. His best friend in college, his wife, G.L.A.D.I.S., and even his own twin brother have all been revealed as villains attempting to kill Jerry or destroy WOOHP.

In the 80's, he was a member of a band known as "Double Digits". And as stated by G.L.A.D.I.S. when he announced it to the spies (who were all very puzzled. Their first reaction being "Huh?"),"Don't feel bad girls, no one else has heard of this band."

Jerry is voiced by Jess Harnell in Season 1 and 2, and by Adrian Truss in Season 3.

[edit] Supporting characters

[edit] Mandy

From left to right: Mandy, Catlin, and Dominique; rivals of Alex, Sam, and Clover
From left to right: Mandy, Catlin, and Dominique; rivals of Alex, Sam, and Clover

Mandy is Sam, Alex, and Clover's rival at school. She is pretty, popular, stylish, arrogant, and downright mean (being of the popular girl stereotype). She also has an incredibly high and squeaky voice with a nasally laugh. She usually dresses in purple outfits. During her short duration as a spy, her outfit was fuchsia and purple, while her "Spy Chic" outfit is simply purple.

The rivalry between Mandy and Clover is most pronounced, as they often compete for boys, popularity, and bragging rights, among many other things. Mandy will go out of her way to annoy the girls (and vice versa), and is often accompanied by her two friends, Catlin and Dominique. Mandy is also known to have an entire fan club dedicated to her at school, called M.I.G. (Mandy Is Great).

In the episode "Attack of the 50ft Mandy", Mandy is said to be 5'4" ("5'8" in 4 inch heels").

[edit] Catlin

Catlin is Mandy's long, curly, black haired friend that seems to be of African-American descent. Though she doesn't say much, she has a snobby attitude and always backs Mandy up. Caitlin also has an older brother named Rick, who is a senior at Beverly Hills High School. As part of the "Spy Chic" fad, Catlin's spy outfit is lime.

[edit] Dominique

Dominique is Mandy's short, dark red haired friend. She, like the others, has a snobby attitude who will always be there to support Mandy. Like Clover, she talks with a valley-girl accent. As part of the "Spy Chic" fad, Dominique's spy outfit is cyan.

[edit] David

David is a desirable guy in whom all three of the girls (as well as their nemesis Mandy) are romantically interested. He was introduced in the episode "It's How You Play The Game". He loves the arts: guitar playing, poetry, painting, etcetera. He also has a love of nature and history and hates rejection.

He works at the Groovy Smoothie Shack and he seems to be the jumping off point for many of Clover, Alex, and Sam's personal predicaments while they try to get him to notice them. This seems to befall Clover the most as she and Mandy compete for David's affections. David is blissfully oblivious to the girls' attempts to garner his attention and leaves the girls' stunned with his smile as he leaves to go help at a soup kitchen or fulfill another duty or claims that they are just friends.

[edit] Arnold Jackson

Arnold is a classmate of the girls, and is apparently the leader of the school's geeks. He is a perpetuation of the stereotype that intelligent people who may seem geeky are not cool. Arnold is smart but socially inept, and just a bit unpleasant. In some episodes, he acts as a sycophant and minion of Mandy's, yet in other episodes he gets teased by her. He mostly acts as an obstacle to the girls and their goals.

In one episode Arnold accidentally acquired a magic ring that allowed him to steal the "coolness" from other people, becoming a "cool guy" himself. (Drawing further criticism, because this suggests that "cool" is inherent to a person's being, or encoded in their DNA.) The power quickly got to his head, and he turned into a supervillain intent on draining the coolness from everyone else in Beverly Hills, causing them to turn into nerds themselves. After putting up a close fight, he was eventually defeated by the girls (with some assistance from a villainous magician who also wanted the ring). Like Mandy, his memory was (seemingly) erased by WOOHP and he was back at school the next day as though nothing had happened, with a few residual memories he wrote off as part of a dream. He has also managed to defeat Clover and Mandy in contests for Head Cheerleader.

Robert Tinkler (of Sailor Moon fame), Jess Harnell and Joshua Seth shared the voice of Arnold.

[edit] Britney

Britney is the newest recruit to the team and was introduced in the episode "Alex Quits". Her hairstyle is something of a mixture of the 3 main girls' hairstyles, having Sam's length, Clover's bangs, and Alex's hair color (though slightly lighter). She appears to be of Asian descent, with purple eyes and sporting an azure spy suit. Britney is captain of her school cheerleading squad and she loves to play chess.

Britney is voiced by Lindsay Ridgeway.

[edit] Gabriella

From left to right: Carmen, Gabriella, and Stella
From left to right: Carmen, Gabriella, and Stella

Gabriella (called Gabby) is Sam's mother. She wears her hair long and straight like Sam's, except for Gabby's was originally a mahagony color. It has since appeared the same color as Sam's. Gabby can be overprotective of Sam and only has her best safety in mind. Gabby's first appearance was in the season 2 episode "Mommies Deareast". She reappears in the season 4 season finale "Totally Busted". During her short duration as a spy, her outfit is jade.

Gabriella is voiced by Jennifer Hale.

[edit] Stella

Stella is Clover's mother. She wears her hair like Clover's, but it was originally a lighter blonde. Stella is a typical mother that is stern, but lovable. Stella has made appearances in season two: "Mommies Dearest" and "Zooney World", as well as the season 4 season finale "Totally Busted". During her short duration as a spy, her outfit is hot pink.

Stella is voiced by Kath Soucie in season 2 and Andrea Baker in season 4.

[edit] Carmen

Carmen is Alex's mother who has slightly darker skin. She wears her hair similar to Alex's, but it was originally dark brown with more layers. Her main goal and focus is for Alex to get a boyfriend. Carmen made an appearance in the season 2 episode "Mommies Dearest", the season 4 episode "Alex Gets Schooled", and the season 4 season finale "Totally Busted". During her short duration as a spy, her outfit is royal blue.

Carmen is voiced by Katie Leigh in season 2 and Katie Griffin in season 4.

[edit] Phoebe

Phoebe is Mandy's mother who also has a snooty nasal-like voice a bit deeper than her daughter's. She has long black hair just like Mandy. She spoils Mandy, but at the same time gives her firm discipline. Phoebe appeared in "Forward To The Past", "Dental More Like Mental", and "Evil G.L.A.D.I.S. Much?" in season three and appears in "Alex Gets Schooled" in season four.

Phoebe is voiced by Jennifer Hale.

[edit] Dean

He is a agent in WOOHP like Sam, Clover and Alex. He first appeared in the 3 parts of "Evil Promotion Much?" as their trainer and he was later shown in "Deja Cruise" as Jerry's sidekick for Sam, Alex and Clover's super spies test. Greg Cripes (the voice of Beast Boy in Teen Titans) voices Dean.

[edit] Villains

For the first three seasons, the villains featured in the series were generally one-shot characters used for a single episode. Most of them intend to oppose the world because they have suffered some major disappointment (such as being constantly rejected by men or women) or trauma. Only a few villains ever made a second appearance, which always focused around them attempting to get revenge on the girls for foiling their original scheme.

In Season four, the show gave the Spies an actual arch-nemesis in the form of Terry Lewis, Jerry's evil twin brother. Terence was supposed to be the show's final villain, being the main antagonist of the three-part episode "Evil Promotion Much?", originally intended as the series finale. When the show was renewed for a 4th season, Terence was brought back and given a major role as the main enemy of the girls. He forms a Legion of Doom-style organization called LAMOS, comprised of the show's recurring villains, in order to battle the spies.

Below is a list of the series' few recurring villains, most of which become members of LAMOS in Season 4.

[edit] Terence Lewis

Terence "Terry" Lewis
Terence "Terry" Lewis

Terry Lewis (normally referred to as Terence) is Jerry's evil twin brother. He had plastic surgery to alter his appearance so as not to resemble his twin. In the three-Part Season 3 finale Evil Promotion Much?, the spies were selected for promotion to the next level due to their stunning success, and were sent to Terence for the training they would require to become Super Spies. At first, Terence appeared to be an easy-going, relaxed administrator.

However, the spies discovered that Terence was secretly Jerry's twin brother as well as the mastermind behind an elaborate plot to eliminate Jerry so that he could seize control of WOOHP's secret army of killer robots and take over the world. Terence's prime motive was an intense lifelong hatred of his twin brother stemming from an incident in fourth grade where he and Jerry were giving each other the answers until they were found out. Terence ultimately tried to kill his own brother Jerry in cold blood, but was defeated by the spies.

Terence returned in Season 4, where he became the girls' arch-nemesis and the main villain of the series. Terence formed the organization LAMOS (League Aiming to Menace and Overthrow the Spies), a collection of recurring villains from the show's previous seasons, in an attempt to defeat the girls, take control of WOOHP, and conquer the world. LAMOS used to consist of Tim Scam, Helga Von Guggen, Myrna Beesbottom, and Boogie Gus, but following the events after the episode Evil Jerry apparently Tim Scam, Helga Von Guggen, and Myrna Beesbottom have been arrested again and now the only members of LAMOS left are Terrence and Boogie Gus.

In Season 4, Terence is much more maniacal than he was in the Season 3 season finale, and has even replaced his original white business suit with an outlandish Napoleonic military uniform (complete with monocle).

[edit] Tim Scam

Tim Scam with Liquid-Metal Clone Sam
Tim Scam with Liquid-Metal Clone Sam

With the exception of Terence, Tim Scam is the show's most frequently recurring villain, having appeared in a total of four episodes. Scam is also the only villain to have appeared in every single season of the series. A former agent of WOOHP, Scam was fired from WOOHP due to illegal use of whoop technology, and he has since sought revenge against the organization.

He first appeared in the show's second episode The New Jerry, in which he kidnapped Jerry and replaced him as director of WOOHP (masquerading as "Mac Smit", "Tim Scam" spelled backwards) in order to use WOOHP's resources for his own ambitions. However, the spies figured out his real intentions and put a stop to his plans and rescued Jerry. Since then, he has been a perpetual thorn in WOOHP's side, always coming back with some new plan to destroy WOOHP or the girls. In Mommies Dearest, Scam attempted to get revenge on the Spies by kidnapping their mothers and brainwashing them into lethal assassins bent on killing the girls. In Morphing is Sooo 1987, Scam attempts to infiltrate and destroy WHOOP using "liquid-metal" robots capable of mimicking the appearance of others.

Tim Scam is highly intelligent; he originally developed a heat-ray capable of evaporating the Earth's oceans while working for WOOHP, and most recently has created a substance that can mimic other people's appearances called Scamlar. He will likely remain a persistent nuisance to Jerry and the spies.

Unlike the show's other villains, who are usually "themed" bad guys whose personalities typically center around a single bizarre personality disorder or childhood trauma, Scam comes across as completely sane (albeit sociopathic). Also, unlike the other villains, whose plans generally involve indulging in their twisted obsessions (which often involves brainwashing people), Scam just wants to kill for killing's sake (his first scheme involved destroying the world by dehydrating the oceans).

Tim Scam is voiced by Michael Gough.

[edit] Dr. Gelee

A more classical "James Bond"-style supervillain, Gelee is a scientific mastermind who decided that mankind was too evil and destructive to survive, and thus planned to eliminate humanity by freezing the planet while he and his henchmen remained safe in Gelee's remote mountain fortress. He was defeated by the girls in The Iceman Cometh. He appears to have an interest in Clover (possibly romantic) as he chose her as his Queen.

In Ski Trip, Gelee escaped from prison and began stalking the girls on their school skiing trip. Blaming Clover for his defeat, he concocted a diabolical plan to get revenge by kidnapping Clover and forcing her to play a game of chess against him. Unfortunately for him, Gelee mistook Mandy for Clover because of her red jacket. He (presumably) ends up dying in an avalanche.

Based on his appearance and motives, Gelee appears to be a parody of the Batman supervillain Ra's Al Ghul.

Dr. Gelee's name may be derived from the French word meaning "frozen."

Gelee is often referred by the girls as "Doc Gelee" (usually by Clover) in his later appearances.

[edit] Sebastian

Sebastian was the villain in A Thing for Musicians, the first episode of the show. He returns in Stark Raving Mad. An elderly, musically-themed villain, Sebastian was once a famous guitar player, but a bizarre pyrotechnical accident severely injured the left side of his body and destroyed his left hand, leaving him bitter and unable to play the guitar. He has a metal prosthesis for a left hand, and a Flock of Seagulls haircut to conceal the left side of his face (based on his hairstyle and musically-themed crimes, he may be a parody of Mike Score and the band).

In A Thing for Musicians, Sebastian is introduced as the manager for fledgling rock star Ricky Mathis. Sebastian planned to play hypnotic music during Ricky's music concert in order to hypnotize the crowd into attacking the world's governments. However, the spies confronted Sebastian at the concert and foiled his plans, forcing him to attempt an escape in his personal helicopter. The spies turned Sebastian's own trick against him by targeting the helicopter with a wind tunnel hair dryer pushing the helicopter into the transmitter playing the hypnotic music, enabling the capture of Sebastian.

In Stark Raving Mad, Sebastian returned intending to get revenge on the girls by sabotaging local raves with hypnotic music that made people go crazy and start riots. Sebastian used his raves to destroy the spies' places of interest such as the skating store, the museum, and the Beverly mall. After telling the girls his plan he attempted to destroy Beverly High, but was foiled once again.

[edit] Marco Lumière

The villain of the two-part Season 2 finale A Spy is Born, Lumière is an eccentric Hollywood director outcast from the mainstream film community for his bizarre methods. In revenge, he concocted a scheme to kidnap the biggest Hollywood stars and take them to his private island, filled with various killer robots and deathtraps. There, the actors would star in Lumière's own personal action movie where all the dangers and deaths would be real.

Unfortunately for the spies, Lumière also ended up kidnapping Alex, who was impersonating one of the targeted Hollywood stars. The spies made their way to Lumière's private island, and together with Alex managed to rescue the stars and defeat Lumière.

Lumière escapes from prison in 0067, where he then manipulates Jerry into eliminating all of Hollywood's producers. His plan is thwarted by the Spies and Jerry.

Lumière bears a remarkable resemblance to Oliver Stone's younger, disheveled 1980's appearance. His outlandish behaviour and hairstyle can also be compared to Tim Burton, renowned for his larger-than-life films. This is probably deliberate, as most of the other Hollywood stars seen in the episode are obviously parodies of real life celebrities.

Marco Lumière is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

[edit] Geraldine Husk

Geraldine Husk is the founder and administrator of S.P.I. (Super Protection International), a rival spy agency to WOOHP. In S.P.I., S.P.I. agents continually managed to capture various international criminals before the girls managed to, bringing positive publicity to S.P.I. and making WOOHP appear ineffective. WOOHP was disbanded and replaced with S.P.I. Investigating S.P.I. further, the girls discovered that the "international criminals" S.P.I. had been capturing were in fact employees of S.P.I., and that all the criminal incidents had been set up by Geraldine in order to build up S.P.I. and embarrass WOOHP. Geraldine started S.P.I. to get revenge on WOOHP; when she was a teenager, she had applied to WOOHP for a position as a spy, but her application was rejected. The girls managed to defeat their S.P.I. counterparts and expose Geraldine as a fraud.

In Super Agent Much?, Geraldine returned with a scheme to secretly modify Clover into a super spy. As a result of Geraldine's secret modifications, Clover slowly became much more competent and demonstrated nearly superhuman abilities, but also became more aggressive and sociopathic. Geraldine ultimately recruited the modified Clover into S.P.I., and ordered her to kill her friends. However, Clover's modifications turned her into a bionic woman (complete with a laser eye) and she was defeated by being thrown into a lake via a magnetic gadget. Geraldine was captured shortly after.

In Arnold The Great, she initially tried to lure the girls in a trap, but later changed her plans and instead used their classmate Arnold, by promising to make him a part of her team. However later, Arnold was the one who ultimately stopped her, by clogging her vehicle's exhaust with his Gummy-snare Blaster. She swore to take revenge on him.

Geraldine Husk appears to be a parody of Emma Peel from the 1960's spy TV series The Avengers. Her hairstyle and outfit are nearly identical to Emma's, and "Husk" and "Peel" both are words that describe fruit rinds.

[edit] Helga Von Guggen

Helga Von Guggen is a rogue fashion designer and one of the show's more regular villains. She appeared in two episodes (Wild Style and Fashion Faux Pass) and has a bodyguard, Trode, to do her bidding.

In Wild Style, Trode met the spies while they were investigating the mass disappearances of cruise ships along with their crews and passengers. Unknown to them, Helga was the mastermind behind the abductions, and instructed Trode to infect one of the spies with her mutation serum through the use of a dart, resulting in Clover being mutated into a cat-girl. At Helga's hideout, Helga revealed to the spies that she was using the serum to turn humans into animal-like creatures in order to produce instant-fitting pelt coats. Ultimately, Helga fell victim to her own mutation serum and transformed into a massive Chimera-like mutant monster, but was defeated and captured by the girls.

In Fashion Faux Pas, Helga returned with a scheme to use Mystique fashion clothes to strangle people to death. At her hideout, she told the spies her plan, and ordered Trode to keep an eye on them. In the end, she was turned in and captured again.

[edit] Willard

Willard, a mad scientist, is an extremely slow man. He talks slowly, he moves slowly, he lives his entire life slowly. After deciding that the rest of the world was too fast, Willard invented a ray that slows down time, and in Alex Quits attempted to use the ray to slow the rest of the world down so that everyone else would be slow like him. He managed to capture the spies (including new recruit Britney) with his slow ray, but was ultimately defeated by Alex and Britney.

In Escape from WOOHP Island, the spies discover that Willard is the mastermind behind an escape attempt from WOOHP's maximum security prison island. Leading a band of other global enemies, Willard shot down Britney's plane, forcing her to crash on the island. He intended to use a duplicate of Britney to kill the spies when they arrived to rescue their colleague, then escape in the spies' plane. However, the spies accidentally unmasked the duplicate, forcing Willard to reveal himself and attack them directly. During the fight, Willard showed that, despite his slowness, he actually knows some very fast martial arts. However, he was ultimately defeated by the real Britney.

[edit] Diminutive Smalls

Diminutive Smalls is the spies' smallest villain. He first appeared in the season 1 episode "Incredible Shrinking World", where he and his siblings tried to shrink the world down to fit their size, after their experiment went wrong, shrinking them considerably, while giving them extraordinary strength. In his season 4 appearance, "Attack of the 50-Foot Mandy", he tries to make Clover increase in size, but instead makes Mandy grow. He currently is serving time at W.O.O.H.P.

[edit] Myrna Beesbottom

The girls ex-nanny who tried to marry Jerry so that she could take over W.O.O.H.P. She is a former W.O.O.H.P. agent and now a member of L.A.M.O.S. Her first appearance was when she was still good and became the girls nanny in the season three episode "Space Much". Her next appearance was in "Evil Valentine's Day" where she tried to marry Jerry so that she could take over W.O.O.H.P. She has made several season 4 appearances and her lead role was in "Dream Teens". She created plasma robots to become the spies boyfriends and drain them of their energy. She has recently been captured and is temporarily apart from L.A.M.O.S.

[edit] Boogie Gus

A 70's loving villain who first appeared in season 3, "Forward To The Past". He planned to go back in time and convince Jerry to create an evil W.O.O.H.P. with him, which would stand for World Organization of Harming People. The next season, he joined the L.A.M.O.S. gang and became an 80's lover. He planned to turn the world into his own 80's wonderland.

[edit] Max Exterminus

Max Exterminus was a 3rd season villain, appearing in the episode Creepy Crawly Much?. He invented a machine that converts human DNA to insect DNA, and used it on Alex, who was chosen by him to be his insect queen. He also invented a rocket in the shape of a can of bug spray. He is one of the three villains to have been killed in the series. He is also one of the only villains in the series that uses romantic love for his own ends.

[edit] See also

Totally Spies!


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