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List of Space Marine Chapters

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This is a list of known canonical Space Marine Chapters from the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe.

This list includes those chapters which are mentioned in an official Games Workshop rulebook or codex, and includes Chapters that turned to Chaos after the Second Founding.

This list does not include fan-made Chapters, Golden Demon winners, Chapters for which only the name and colour scheme is known or (in general) Chapters mentioned only in White Dwarf.

Contents: Top - 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[edit] A

[edit] Angels Encarmine

A Second Founding chapter of the Blood Angels. They participated in the effort to reclaim the Crimson Fists' homeworld from the Orks. Their power armour is painted red, with black trim and a black backpack. The Chapter symbol is a bat-winged drop of blood. Unlike most other Blood Angels successor chapters, the Angels Encarmine are strict adherents of the Codex Astartes

[edit] Angels Porphyr

The Angels Porphyr Chapter was founded in the 31st millennium. Their power armour is halved blue and white (with pad trims matching the pad). The Chapter symbol is the profile of a winged skull, and other skull icons are often incorporated into their armour. The Chapter participated in the Third War for Armageddon.

The Chapter appears almost identical to the 'Eagle Warriors' chapter, the only differences being the chapter badge (Eagle Warriors simply have a blue wing). This leads many to believe the Angels Porphyr and Eagle Warriors to be the same chapter, however, both chapters appear in How To Paint Space Marines.

According to Insigneum Astartes the Eagle Warriors denote company by the colour of the left kneepad, it would seem from How To Paint Space Marines that the Angels Porphyr denote company by the colour of the right kneepad.

[edit] Angels Sanguine

A Second Founding chapter of the Blood Angels. Their power armour is halved red and black. The Chapter's symbol is a winged skull. Librarian Ashok from the novels Warrior Brood (Goto, 2005) and Warrior Coven (Goto, 2006) is a member of the Angels Sanguine chapter, and he wears the Shroud of Lemartes, to stave off the Red Thirst. He also is unique in the aspect that he is one of the few Space Marines to dislike his armor, and senses that its machine spirit is not fond of him either.

[edit] References

[edit] Angels Vermillion

A Second Founding chapter of the Blood Angels. The Chapter wears dark red power armour. The Chapter's symbol is a winged blood drop, with a small skull at the base of the drop.

[edit] Angels of Absolution

A Second Founding chapter of the Dark Angels. The power armour of the Angels of Absolution is painted bone-white, and the Chapter's symbol is a skull superimposed over a stylised wing.

[edit] Angels of Fire

A chapter founded during the 36th millennium. The Angels of Fire wear red power armour, decorated with stylised orange flames. They participated in the Third War for Armageddon.

[edit] Angels of Redemption

A Second Founding chapter of the Dark Angels. The Chapter's power armour is halved bone-white and dark green, and the Chapter's symbol is a winged skull.

[edit] Angels of Vengeance

A Second Founding chapter of the Dark Angels. The power armour worn by this chapter is black, and the Chapter's symbol is a white winged skull. An inverted red V rests over the skull (a hood).

[edit] Angels of Vigilance

The Angels of Vigilance wear yellow power armour (including trims) with a black chest eagle. The Chapter's symbol is a winged, flame-filled crucible.

The Armageddon3 Index Astartes article art puts the chapter as a being founded in M40 (which would most likely be 25th Founding), however the only written fluff for the chapter (from the Armageddon3 site) says, "It is suspected that the Chapter came into existence during the Second Founding, but it is unknown from which Legion their gene-seed originates."

[edit] Astral Claws

The Astral Claws were created during the 35th millennium to guard against the numerous threats emerging from the Maelstrom. The Chapter was led into Chaos by their traitorous Chapter Master Lufgt Huron (thereafter known as Huron Blackheart), igniting the Badab War. They currently form a group of rebel Marines known as the Red Corsairs, who ruthlessly attack supply lines in the name of Chaos. In the battle that pulled them into Chaos they nearly succeeded in pulling the Mantis Warriors with them.

[edit] Aurora Chapter

The Aurora Chapter is descended from Ultramarines gene-seed. The Chapter's symbol is a black, lower case alpha inside a white, twelve-pointed star. The Chapter's power armour is painted dark green, with trim in the company colour.

Sources conflict concerning the time of this Chapter's founding; while some claim the Aurora Chapter to be one of the Ultramarines' Second Founding Chapters, others place the date of their foundation as much later. Mentioned in Dan Abnett's "Eisenhorn" Omnibus as saving an Inquisitor from a Demon Host, incidentially after it slew his entire retinue.

[edit] Avenging Sons

A 19th Founding chapter from the world of Trækonnis Major. They wear navy blue power armour, and their symbol is a stylised white cross. A white diagonal stripe with a Roman numeral in the centre denotes the company. A strike force of Avenging Sons fought in the war on Taros.

[edit] B

[edit] Black Consuls

A Second Founding chapter of the Ultramarines. The Chapter's powered armour is black with trim in the company colour. The symbol of the Black Consuls is a white eagle's head.

[edit] Black Dragons

The Black Dragons were one of the Space Marine Chapters created during the Cursed 21st Founding. They are censured by the Inquisition due to mutation of the Chapter's gene-seed, which causes certain marines to develop blade-like outgrowths of bone on the head and forearms. Black Dragons afflicted in this way, sharpen these bone growths and sheath them in adamantium for use in close combat. They are then grouped together into specialist jump-pack equipped assault squads know as Dragon Claws.

The Black Dragons suffered heavily during the Third War for Armageddon and suspect Inquisition meddling, although this cannot be proven. Their losses have been so grievous that the Chapter itself is in danger of extinction. Nevertheless, the Chapter remains loyal to the Imperium, and is prepared to fight to the last man no matter the forces arrayed against them.

The Black Dragons wear black power armour, with white chest eagle and shoulder guard markings. Their chapter symbol is a white dragon on a black background, and dragons are often incorporated into their armour and weapons.

[edit] Black Guard

A Second Founding chapter of the Raven Guard.

[edit] Black Templars

Main article: Black Templars

[edit] Blood Angels

Main article: Blood Angels

[edit] Blood Drinkers

A Second Founding chapter of the Blood Angels. Unlike the other Blood Angels Successor Chapters, the Blood Drinkers are strict followers of the Codex Astartes. The Chapter participated in the effort to reclaim the Crimson Fists' homeworld from the Orks. The Chapter's armour is painted red, with yellow trim. The Chapter's symbol is a drop of blood above a grail.

The name "Blood Drinkers" comes from the Chapter's craving for blood, the result of a mutated omophagea gene-seed.

[edit] Blood Ravens

Main article: Blood Ravens

[edit] Brazen Claws

A Second Founding chapter of the Iron Hands. They participated in the defence against the Thirteenth Black Crusade. The Chapter's powered armour is painted in a quartered blue and red pattern. The Chapter's symbol is the depiction of red claws or talons.

[edit] Brotherhood of a Thousand

A later-founding chapter of unknown origin. The Brotherhood follow the Codex Astartes and are loyal to the Imperium of Man. Their armour is painted a bluish grey with the trim on the shoulder pads painted a different colour for each company. Their chapter symbol is a black "M" on a slightly undersized white circle, the M representing the number one thousand.

[edit] C

[edit] Celebrants

A Chapter founded during the 36th millennium. They participated in the Third War for Armageddon. Their armour starts with yellow lower legs then seamlessly blends to orange for the mid body and then red for the upper body/helmet/arms; the chapter badge is a winged five-pointed star.

[edit] Celestial Lions

The Celestial Lions were founded during the 38th millennium. Their armour is primarily gold, with blue shoulderpads and helmet. The chapter symbol is a roaring lion, and lion decorations are often incorporated into their armour. The Celestial Lions participated in the Third War for Armageddon, and were almost completely annihilated due to Inquistion treachery.

[edit] Children of Purgatos

A chapter that went excommunitcate, their primary color is emerald green highlighted with gold and they decorate their armor with images of flames. Chapter badge is currently unkown.

[edit] Crimson Fists

Main article: Crimson Fists

[edit] D

[edit] Damned Company of Lord Caustos

A group of Space Marines that turned to the Chaos gods after they were declared traitor by an Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus, based on some flimsy and circumstantial evidence. They only turned to chaos to survive in a galaxy hostile to them, they now live their lives as mercenaries.

Their armour is primarily grey/purple, with gold decoration. Their chapter's symbol is yet to be seen.

[edit] Dark Angels

[edit] Dark Hands

A chapter that fought the Hrud at Chinchare. The Chapter's armour is painted dull green, and the Chapter symbol is of an outstretched black hand facing the viewer as if in a halt gesture. The gloves are also painted black. It is possible the Dark Hands are an Imperial Fists successor but that is merely speculation.

[edit] Deathwatch

[edit] Death Spectres

The Death Spectres are a chapter of Space Marines that participated in the defence of the Cadian sector against the 13th Black Crusade. During the Black Crusade, the Death Spectres adopted a fluid style of combat, using jump pack equipped troops to quickly capitalise on any gains made by the Imperial Guard.

Their armour is black (including trim), with the exception of the left shoulderpad (white with black trim) and helmet and chest eagle (both bone). The chapter badge is a pair of black scythes located behind a skull.

All members of the Death Spectres are albinos.

[edit] Death Strike

Wearing light blue armour with a yellow winged lightning bolt as a chapter badge, the Death Strike Chapter participated in the Assault on Moros and acted as the rearguard during the Verdan II Extraction.

[edit] Destroyers

A Second Founding chapter of the White Scars. Their armour is acid yellow with a red chevron pattern down the arms. Their symbol is two crossed lightning bolts.

[edit] Doom Eagles

A peculiar, non-Codex Chapter, whose initiates are selected from the aspirants who survive particularly harrowing trials. At a basic level, all Doom Eagles accept that they are already dead. This is the root of their courage, their unshakeable determination to face the greatest odds. As such the men of this Chapter are almost impossible to deter, but they are dour, grim and depressive, albeit staunchly loyal to the Imperium.

Doom Eagles armour is primarily silver, with red decoration. The chapter's symbol is a stylised eagle, with a human skull replacing the eagle's head.

[edit] E

[edit] Eagle Warriors

This Chapter has a white uniform with blue detailing, with a blue wing as its badge. They participated in the Balur Secundus Strike Force.

[edit] Emperor's Hawks

This Chapter has red armour, with a yellow trim on the shoulder pads. Their chapter symbol is a single wing.

[edit] Emperor's Warbringers

This Chapter has a grey-green uniform, with crossed swords as its badge. They are not averse to using camouflage on their vehicles.

[edit] Excoriators

One of the chapters founded to make up the Astartes Praeses, twenty chapters assigned to guard the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror. Their chapter is a stout Codex one. Their armour is white with silver gauntlets and trim, and their symbol is a flaming, double-headed axe.

[edit] Executioners

One of four chapters that rebelled during the Badab Uprising. The Chapter was believed to have found itself on the wrong side through little fault of its own, and was permitted to continue in its service to the Imperium. The Chapter's power armour is painted in a blue and grey camouflage pattern, with the exception of a single shoulderpad which is painted green for tactical squads, yellow for assault squads, purple/blue for devastator squads or red for recon squads. The symbol of the Executioners is an axe on a red background.

[edit] Exorcists

The Exorcists were founded during the enigmatic 13th "Dark" Founding sometime before the Age of Apostasy. They were created through secret Inquisition experiments in which test subjects were deliberately allowed to be possessed by daemons for a time before the daemons were banished by daemon hunters. There were casualties, but the majority of test subjects survived and were versed in the ways of combating daemonkind. The test subjects, two companies strong (200 Space Marines) were released onto a daemon-infested planet where they displayed extremely impressive results. They have since been sanctioned as an official Chapter and are often involved in operations overseen by the Ordo Malleus of the Inquisition. They wear red power armour with black trim. The chapter's symbol is a horned skull. The Exorcists participated in the Badab War, the Gothic War, the Third War for Armageddon and in the defence against the Thirteenth Black Crusade.

[edit] Extinction Angels

One of the chapters that turned to chaos after the Horus Heresy, the chapter is famous for its assault skill. During the 13th Black Crusade the chapter fought alongside the Black Legion on the planet Demios Primary, where they scattered the Skitarii forces who were protecting the many forges of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The planet was liberated by the Black Templar space marines and it is believed that the Angels are still hidden in the lower depths.

Their armour is a dark purple with gold details and their symbol is a skull wearing a red hood, behind a grey Scythe.

[edit] F

[edit] Fire Angels

This chapter wears white with red trim, and displays a red cross bottony as their symbol. They fought in the Badab War and in the Battle of Sagan's Moon.

[edit] Fire Hawks

One of the chapters created during the Cursed 21st Founding, from Ultramarines gene-seed. The Fire Hawks disappeared into the Warp during the 41st millennium, and were declared Lost in the Warp.

Shortly after this, ghost Space Marines began to appear on various battlefields. These apparitions came to be known as the Legion of the Damned, 'fading' into existence to support beleaguered Imperial forces, and fading out again as soon as the battle was won. This has caused some to suspect that the Legion of the Damned and the Fire Hawks are one and the same.

The armour of the Fire Hawks is predominantly yellow, with red flame decorations. The Chapter's symbol is a mushroom cloud.

The Fire Hawks participated in the Badab War and in the Assault on Terra at the end of Goge Vandire's Reign of Blood.

White Dwarf magazine (issue 99) states that the Fire Hawks are the Legion of the Damned, but more recent material has attempted to make the connection more ambiguous.

[edit] Flame Falcons

One of the cursed Space Marine chapters created during the Cursed 21st Founding. Although their earlier successes promised a great future for the chapter, they were almost wiped out by the Inquisition before a hundred years had passed.

The cause of the Inquisition's attack was the fact that during an engagement, members of the Chapter burst into flame. These Marines came to no harm, and believing the flames to be a gift from the Emperor, fought with a fierce savagery that won the day.

The members of the Inquisition did not share this belief, and when the Chapter returned to their homeworld of Lethe to celebrate, they were attacked and almost destroyed by a force of Grey Knights. Their power armor is painted black with flames on it, and adorned with skulls.

[edit] Flesh Eaters

In very old literature, this chapter painted their helmets with snarling maws and sharp, blood-dripping fangs. They were loyalists. They have not been mentioned in literature over the last ten years at least, possibly because their fearsome appearance could confuse gamers who would naturally assume the Flesh Eater marines to be Chaos corrupted.

The Flesh Eaters are a Third Founding successor chapter of the Blood Angels. According to the literature, the taint indicative of a Blood Angel successor chapter has manifested itself in a dependency on the blood of others. If not given fresh blood or raw meat, the Space Marines eventually either wither away until they finally die as shrivelled husks, or they succumb to the Black Rage. The Flesh Eaters are strongly distrusted by most forces of the Imperium, with some Imperial Guard regiments and Space Marine chapters refusing to fight alongside them due to their ruthlessness and brutality, their disregard for human life, and the constant rumours of cannibalistic rites. There are also persisting rumours that the chapter suffered from an internal conflict arising from heresy and treachery where an untold number of the chapter succumbed to Chaos, although the truth of this cannot be ascertained, for the secrecy and seclusion of the Flesh Eaters have made any investigations futile.

The chapter's armour was dark red, with white iconography and decoration. This was changed at some point in the chapter's history to black armour with red lower legs. The symbol of the Flesh Eaters is a stylised monstrous jaw.

[edit] Flesh Tearers

A Second Founding chapter of the Blood Angels, they are afflicted by a dangerous gene-seed alteration which causes most veterans to succumb to the effects of Black Rage. They are affected by it more than any other chapter, and therefore have dwindling numbers. They favor assault tactics, and they are infamous for their savage style of fighting and rumors of cannibalism and blood-drinking rituals. The Flesh Tearers participated in the Third War for Armageddon where the chapter was nearly declared Excommunicate and subjected to Inquisitorial investigation after they had, in a fit of the Black Rage, slaughtered civilians once they had run out of Orks to kill. Amongst the Orks of Armageddon the chapter became known as the 'Eaters of the Dead'. Later in the campaign, Orks were known to have retreated when Flesh Tearers attacked, a display virtually unheard of.

Notable members include: Chapter Master Seth - Guardian of the Rage and High Chaplain Carnarvon - Watcher of the Lost.

The chapter's colour scheme is primarily red, with black shoulderpads, helmet and backpack. The chapter's symbol is a drop of blood on a white design similar to a circular saw blade.

[edit] G

[edit] Genesis Chapter

A Second Founding chapter of the Ultramarines. The chapter's power armour is red with yellow details; their symbol is an upside-down "V" on top of a white triangle.

[edit] Grey Knights

Main article: Grey Knights

[edit] Grey Slayers

Inquisitor Thrax purged them of mutants and daemons, and the Chapter Master took his own life. Untainted officers were raised up to lead the chapter. The Grey Slayers' eventual disposition is unknown.

[edit] Grief Bringers

A chapter that suffered heavy losses fighting against enslavers on Valhall II. Their colour scheme is described as "principally a sickly pea-green, with engrailed chevrons of headachy purple." A majority of the chapter seems to favour facial tattoos.

[edit] References

[edit] H

[edit] Harbingers

The Harbingers hail from the Black Planet and are widely respected for their skill at planetary assaults and ship-to-ship fighting. They consider themselves sworn enemies of the Death Guard Traitor Legion, and as soon as word reached them of the 13th Black Crusade, they redirected their forces away from the Orks of the Piscinan Belt towards this new threat.

They are currently led by Nimrod Grudge, and sent eight companies to combat the threat of the 13th Black Crusade. Their chapter colours are white with a yellow helmet and their chapter symbol is falling star, with the star replaced by a skull.

[edit] Hawk Lords

A Codex chapter whose armour is coloured purple with gold trim and chest eagle. The chapter symbol is of a hawk depicted in a similar style to the German Eagle. The colour of this chapter is very similar to that of the pre-heresy Emperor's Children.

[edit] Heralds of Ultramar

A Codex chapter derived from the Ultramarines. Their appearance is identical to Ultramarines, except for the use of a winged, five-pointed star as the chapter's symbol,and a white trim on their shoulder pads and chest eagle.

[edit] Howling Griffons

A Codex chapter whose colour scheme is a quartered red and yellow design, with a griffon as their symbol. They are loyalist veterans of the Badab War and saw extensive action in the 13th Black Crusade, fighting against traitor plague marines in the defence of Amistel Majoris.

For millennia, the Howling Griffons had a rancorous hatred of the warband of the Daemon Prince Periclitor, formerly of the Night Lords Legion, who slew their Chapter Master Orlando Furioso and the entire First Company on the 5000th anniversary of the chapter's creation. During the 13th Black Crusade however, the current Chapter Master Alvaro diverted his Battle Barge "Sword of Destiny" from the war effort to pursue the Daemon Prince. Revenge was finally obtained when Periclitor was banished at the height of a titanic space battle between the Howling Griffons First Company and the Chosen of the Daemon Prince.

[edit] I

[edit] Imperial Fists

Main article: Imperial Fists

[edit] Immortal Hearts

One company present after the first Season of Fire during the Third War for Armageddon.

[edit] Inceptors

A Second Founding chapter of the Ultramarines.

[edit] Iron Champions

The Iron Champions were one of the chapters that participated in the 3rd Armageddon War; they dispatched seven companies. During the war, the chapter launched a massive drop-pod assault to support the Celestial Lions and were it not for the two chapters, Hive Volcanus would have remained in Ork hands.

The chapter's power armour is painted black with the helmet and shoulder pads painted grey. The chest eagle is red and the face of the helmet often has a gold skull painted on it. The chapter's symbol is a skull in the middle of an Iron Halo.

[edit] Iron Fists

They are said to "bear shields moulded into the shape of a medieval armoured gauntlet." Their power armour is painted a light blue-grey with gold arms. Their symbol is a gold gauntlet in the shape of a fist upon a field of light blue-grey.

[edit] Iron Hands

Main article: Iron Hands

[edit] Iron Hearts

Briefly mentioned in the short story "Hell in a Bottle" by Simon Jowett published in a Book entitled "Into the Maelstrom". Their Primarch is mentioned as "Primarch Rubineck", possibly one of the unknown primarchs listed in the space marine codex. The removal of this chapters name may be resultant of the content of the short story where at the end a chaos lord gains entrance to the fortress monastery via the body of a failed space marine.

[edit] Iron Knights

A chapter of Space Marines who were on a self-imposed penitence crusade when they were called into action during the 13th Black Crusade. They are described as having "gleaming, blue-grey armour".

The chapter's marines curiously bear their squad marking on both shoulderpads, with the chapter badge relegated to a small shield located in the front corner of their left shoulerpad.

The Iron Knights are a smaller chapter and are primarily a strike force style chapter which focus on attacking with terminators and other heavily armoured units and vehicles.

[edit] Iron Snakes

One of the many chapters of Space Marines who participated in the defence against the Thirteenth Black Crusade. The chapter also contributed Marines towards the Sabbat Worlds Crusade. Amongst the battles fought in that Crusade were: the relief of the Guard on Ambold Eleven and the assault on Pelbury Civitas, the cleansing of the daemon-infested Fornax Aleph, the support of the final extermination of the Zoican horde on Verghast and, of course, the destruction of the mechanised mutant army of Presarius.

Their power armour is silver, and the Chapter's symbol is a blue snake on a white background.

[edit] Iron Helm

One of the least known chapters. The origins of this chapter is largely unknown. It has been speculated that they are the unfortunate result of an adeptus mechanicus attempt to combine the best parts of the gene seeds of the Blood Angels and the Iron Hands. The actual result was a inherited combination of a few of the less desirable traits including a mild form of the Black Rage and some were inflicted with a thirst for human blood. For a long time they were based on the world of Jucha with its dense forests and blue oceans. Some time after this they were moved to the forge world of Gryphonne IV about three months before it was devoured by the Tyranid Hive Fleet Leviathan invasion of 997.M41. They are now down to 140 marines and a dreadnought. There current base of operations is a rundown battle barge that is currently drifting around the Ultima Segmentum near the galactic core hunting down tyranid splinter fleets.

[edit] J

[edit] K

[edit] L

[edit] Lamenters

One of the chapters created during the Cursed 21st Founding. The Lamenters are believed to have been created from Blood Angels gene-seed, modified to remove the effects of the Black Rage and Red Thirst. This appeared to have been in some way successful. However, the Lamenters are noted for suffering from a kind of melancholy, although it is unclear if this is due to some uncalculated flaw in their geneseed or if it is simply a result of the unfortunate events that have repeatedly befallen the Chapter.

The Lamenters are considered an unfortunate, or even cursed chapter. During the early centuries of the 41st millennium, they became involved on the wrong side of the Badab Uprising. Investigation after the event showed that the Lamenters had not rebelled out of treachery, but of pride. They saw the attacks by the Imperium on the Astral Claws as infringing upon the autonomy of the Adeptus Astartes. They were eventually granted forgiveness for their actions and sent on a one hundred year crusade of penance.

Unfortunately, their bad luck seemed to follow them, as this crusade led them straight into the path of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken. Although they were instrumental in slowing the advance of the alien menance, the Lamenters took devastating losses as a result. In one particularly notable battle, a number of Lamenters Space Marines fought a heroic last stand on the planet Malvolion which was being rapidly consumed by Tyranid organisms. The actions of the Lamenters allowed for many Imperial civilians to escape the doomed world, but they lost their lives in the process. As a result of the horrific lossess they suffered in their many battles with the Tyranids, barely 3 companies of the Lamenters still remain.

The power armour of the Lamenters was originally (according to WD101) yellow except for a red helmet stripe and the right shoulder pad which was decorated with white and black checks, upon which rested the Chapter's symbol: a bleeding heart.

The above scheme referred to MkVI Corvus pattern Power Armour. The recent How To Paint Space Marines book includes a MkVII Eagle pattern Power Armour scheme that darkens the armour to a mustard yellow, and (following standard MkVI to MkVII conversion rules) transfers the chapter badge (and the checked pattern) to the left shoulderpad and drops the helmet stripe completely.

[edit] Legion of the Damned

See Fire Hawks

[edit] Libators

A Second Founding chapter of the Ultramarines. Their armour is blue with a maroon checked pattern on the leg armour; their emblem is two crossed black pickaxes on a red field. The colour changes to designate the company. Their one peculiarity is that their basic weapon is the storm bolter.

[edit] M

[edit] Mantis Legion

Sometimes referred to as the Mantis Warriors, the Mantis Legion was one of the three chapters that joined the Astral Claws in rebelling during the Badab Uprising. However they later rejoined the Imperial forces and joined the attack on Huron Blackheart and the Astral Claws.

Since then they have been treated with suspicion and are under constant scrutiny. Before they rebelled they had an above average induction rate for the Deathwatch, but since rebelling only a handful have been accepted. They are no longer banned from recruiting by the Inquisition. although the chapter size is still dangerously low. The chapter was birthed from the Mordriana System, near the Eye of Terror, though they have had their right to a homeworld revoked and so currently reside in their space fleet.

A current Games Workshop release indicates the Mantis Legion's use of a unique unit known as a 'Tranquility Sniper Squad'. How this relates to their background, if at all, is still unknown. The only other non-Codex troops mentioned are the elite 'praying mantidae'. This elite cadre are selected from the most driven and pious members of the chapter and live for the sole purpose of hunting the Red Corsairs in order to bring honour back to the chapter. They are recognisable by snake-like tattoos covering their body, extending high up their necks.

Though a successor chapter, Mantis Warrior gene-seed is unusual and is rumoured to allow the Mantis Warriors to enter a haze-like state in which the warrior's perception of space and time are slowed down, allowing him to react and fight at an accelerated speed. This battle haze is a permanent state and the marine is caught in it until he dies. Their melee combat is also helped by the notched adamantine blades attached to the lower arm armour.

The chapter colour scheme was orignaly green with their symbol being a flying insect, but has changed to shining green with gold edging. The chapter symbol is a flaming mantis claw. All marines in this chapter appear to have green eyes and long black hair.

A few members who have "unofficially" joined the Deathwatch through death in battle: Librarian Shaidan, Sergeant Ruinus (Devastator Squad), and Sergeant Soron (Assault Squad)

[edit] References

  • Goto, Cassern (2005). Warrior Brood ( (cite book). Nottingham: Black Library. ISBN 1-84416-234-6.

[edit] Marauders

A Second Founding chapter of the White Scars. Marauders' power armour is yellow.

[edit] Marines Errant

Their chapter colours are a bisected blue and white scheme, with a shooting star, graduating from red to yellow, as their symbol. They participated in the Second Outer Galactic Expeditionary Force and the Badab War.

[edit] Marines Exemplar

The Marines Exemplar dedicated all but one reserve company to the efforts against the 13th Black Crusade of Chaos. They were one of the chapters founded to make up the Astartes Praeses, twenty chapters created to guard the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror.

Their power armour is black with red arms and shoulderpads (including trim); their chapter badge is a black skull with spikes radiating from the top.

[edit] Marines Malevolent

The Marines Malevolent Chapter was founded in the 32nd millennium. Their power armour is yellow (including trim) with the exception of the torso and backpack which are black. Their chapter symbol is a black winged thunderbolt.

During the Third War for Armageddon, the Marines Malevolent were censured for launching attacks that cost the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians. Apparently this chapter believes that the end justifies the means and are therefore prepared to conduct war as they see fit regardless of who is hurt in the crossfire. Captain Vineyard of the Marines Malevolent and Master Tu'Shan of the Salamanders were involved in a tense altercation in the aftermath of this incident. Some sources imply that one participant went so far as to strike the other - a severe gesture in the ethos of the Adeptus Astartes - but this is unconfirmed.

[edit] Mentors

Often referred to as the Mentor Legion. They are the second chapter to be designated number 888 (the first one being the Star Scorpions). The Mentors' armour is painted dark green over the body and helmet, with white arms, shoulders and legs. The chapter's badge was originally the stylised face of an owl, but was later changed to a plain red falcon's head, seen in profile. The Chapter-Master of the Mentors, named Nisk Ran-Thawl, has visited Earth, and is rumoured to have been granted an audience with the God-Emperor.

The chapter enjoys close links with the Adeptus Mechanicus, and is known to be technologically innovative in its own right. Consequently, Mentors' equipment is of a superior standard in terms of reliability and technical complexity.

[edit] Metamarines

[edit] Minotaurs

One of the chapters created during the Cursed 21st Founding, the Minotaurs possess a reputation for being extremely xenophobic soldiers, along with being considered an unreliable and unpredictable force by many commanders within the Imperium. This chapter saw action on Rynn's World during the attempt to reclaim it from the Orks.

Minotaur power armour is yellow, with red decorations (usually warning markings). The chapter's symbol is a blue bull's head.

[edit] Mortifactors

A chapter founded during the 40th millennium from Ultramarines gene-seed. The Mortifactor's armour is painted bone and black, with the shoulder pad trim being in the company colour. The Mortifactors recruit from the night world Posul, where the nomad population practice cannibalism. The fortress monastery of the Mortifactors is adorned with skulls and bones of those that died in the service of the chapter.

The chapter symbol is a human skull on a black background. This chapter participated in the Third War for Armageddon.

Brother Artemis of the Deathwatch was a member of the Mortifactors chapter.

The chapter was mentioned in Warriors of Ultramar by Graham McNeil. In this novel they fought with the Ultramarines 4th company against the Tyranid invasion on the world of Taris Ultra.

[edit] N

[edit] Night Watch

One of the chapters founded to make up the Astartes Praeses, twenty chapters created to guard the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror. The Night Watch do not appear to follow the Codex Astartes as rigidly as most chapters, having at least eleven active companies at the start of the 13th Black Crusade.

[edit] Novamarines

A Second Founding chapter of the Ultramarines. The Novamarines contributed six companies to the defence against the Thirteenth Black Crusade. The power armour of the Novamarines is quartered navy blue and bone. The chapter's symbol is of a skull surrounded by a stylised star.

[edit] O

[edit] Omega Marines

A chapter founded during the 40th millennium. The Omega Marines wear divided white and black armour, shoulder pad trim and chest eagle are in the company colour, veterans wear entirely black helmets. The chapter symbol is a white omega on a black background, with a skull surrounded by the omega. They participated in the Third War for Armageddon.

[edit] P

[edit] Patriarchs of Ulixis

A Second Founding chapter of the Ultramarines.

[edit] Praetors of Orpheus

A Second Founding chapter of the Ultramarines. Stationed on the world of Beta Entebes II within a subterranean base called the Labyrinthe of Orphia (sourced from Imperial Armour Vol. II), these Space Marines wear predominantly white armour with distinctive sky-blue shoulderpad trims, backpack, chest eagle and gun casing. Company is denoted both by a Roman numeral on the left kneepad and also the colour of the pad itself. The chapter badge is a blue shield with a yellow sunburst in the center, with the exception of the top left quarter which is white with a blue Ultramarines symbol.

[edit] The Pyre

A chapter that went excommunicate, their colors are orange that fades to white as it goes to the center, highlighted with black. Chapter badge unknown.

[edit] Q

[edit] R

[edit] Rainbow Warriors

The Rainbow Warriors were mentioned in Rogue Trader (the first edition of Warhammer 40,000), but there is no mention of them in later editions of the game. They are however illustrated in the Space Marine Chapter Gallery (Games Workshop) as having dark blue armour with a multi-coloured rainbow stripe along the centre of their helmets. Due to their appearance in Rogue Trader, they are often erroneously referred to as a First Founding Legion.

[edit] References

[edit] Rampagers

A Second Founding chapter of the White Scars. Their power armour is red. The chapter symbol is of a fist clenching a yellow lightning bolt. According to How To Paint Space Marines, squad badges are placed on the outer side of the right greave.

[edit] Raptors

Successors of the Raven Guard, originally known as the Raptor Legion, they wore blue armour with yellow face, shoulder pads, gloves, boots, and greaves. When the chapter was revisited during 3rd edition the 'Legion' was dropped from their name and they became specialists in jungle warfare, their armour colour changing to a dull green, ideal for fighting within flora-dominated spaces. The chapter is featured in the game Fire Warrior and uses a hawk's head as its symbol. How To Paint Space Marines shows that during the 4th Edition release of Space Marine-related material, the colour scheme was reverted to blue and yellow, although material published by Forgeworld after this time retains the 3rd Edition dull green. It is possible the Raptors and the Raptor Legion is supposed to be two different chapters, but no official statement on this can be found in any sourcebooks.

Further- there was a story where the entire Chapter became stranded on a jungle deathworld, leading to them re-painting their armou green in order to better survive. However, as stated, the issue of the Chapter's colour has not been cleared up by Games Workshop.

The chapter prides itself on extreme zeal, but "their reckless disregard for the Codex is legendary" according to Captain Ardias of the Ultramarines.

[edit] Raven Guard

Main article: Raven Guard

[edit] Reclaimers

A chapter that took part in the anti-Tyranid action at Coronia. They are mentioned several times in Sandy Mitchell's Ciaphas Cain series of novels, and are also one of the Astartes Praeses. They wear cherry-red armour and their symbol is a pair of gauntleted fists imposed on a blue pentagram

[edit] Red Hunters

This chapter has strong ties to the Inquisition; the entire Chapter has been known to serve under an inquisitor lord on occasion. Their uniform is red, with a white skull with a black Inquisition symbol on its head as a Chapter badge.

[edit] Red Scorpions

The Red Scorpions are the Chapter responsible for the Land Raider Helios artillery support vehicle. The Chapter is distrustful of the Imperial Guard and other marine chapters, possibly due to their extreme xenophobia and also consider it tantamount to heresy to deviate in the slightest from the Codex Astartes.

Red Scorpions power armour was originally black with yellow helmet stripe and shoulderpad, leg and arm trims. Imperial Armour Volume Four has amended this to charcoal grey with mustard shoulderpad trim, chest eagle and helmet stripe (irrespective of company). The chapter's symbol is a red scorpion centred on a white field.

They are known to have participated in the Badab War and the Third War for Armageddon, appearing at the end of the first year of conflict. They also appear to have fought in the Anphelion project alongside Inquisitor Soloman Lok.

[edit] Red Talons

A Second Founding chapter of the Iron Hands. Their power armour is red with black trim, and the chapter's symbol is of a red bird's talons on a black circular background.

[edit] Relictors

Founded in the 36th millennium as one of the twenty Astartes Praeses Chapters, created to protect the regions surrounding the Eye of Terror. The Relictors were a radical chapter that utilised the weapons of Chaos to destroy the minions of Chaos themselves. This frequently brought them into conflict with the Inquisition, eventually culminating in their being stripped of their homeworld and being sent on penitent crusade. Continued conflict with the Inquisition during the 13th Black Crusade resulted in their being excommunicated and all but destroyed by the Grey Knights. Only a few hundred now remain.

Their power armour is dark grey (including trim) with black shoulder pads, and often bears white penitence markings.

The Chapter participated in both the Third War for Armageddon and the defence of the Cadian sector against the 13th Black Crusade.

[edit] References

  • Green, Jonathan (2006). Conquest of Armageddon. Nottingham: Black Library. ISBN 1-84416-196-X.

[edit] Revilers

A Second Founding chapter of the Raven Guard. Their armour colour is grey; the chapter symbol is a human skull shot through from top left to lower right by a yellow thunderbolt. Each company is assigned a colour, which is painted on a stripe on each Marine's helmet.

[edit] S

[edit] Salamanders

[edit] Scythes of the Emperor

Adeptus Astartes Chapter 874, the Scythes of the Emperor were founded at some point during the middle of the 41st millennium. Their gene-stock is speculated to have come from the Ultramarines. The Scythes served during the Damocles Gulf Crusade, and played a vital role in the capture of Sy'l'kell from the Tau Empire. However, the crusade stalled and withdrew when it was learned that the newly-discovered Tyranids were heading for Ultramar, home of the Ultramarines.

After the Badab War, the Scythes were charged to watch over the Lamenters, who were performing a crusade of penance for their role in the rebellion. They continued in this role until the final years of the 41st millennium, when the chapter's homeworld Sotha was attacked and destroyed by Hive Fleet Kraken. The Scythes are presumed destroyed with their homeworld, but rumours indicate that a small number of survivors may be active and are pursuing splinters of Kraken.

The armour of the Scythes of the Emperor is black and yellow, with crossed yellow scythes depicted on the shoulder panels.

[edit] Silver Skulls

An Ultramarines successsor chapter founded during the 31st millennium. The armour of the Silver Skulls is silver (including trim) with black shoulderpads. According to some sources the chapter denotes company by the colour of the squad badge. The chapter symbol is a silver, stylised skull mask. They participated in the Third War for Armageddon. They are headhunters, wearing the heads and skulls of their enemies as trophies.

[edit] Skull Bearers

This chapter wears bone-coloured power armor. Its chapter symbol is a black skull with yellow eye sockets and nasal cavity. The participated in the Imbach Genocide.

[edit] Sons of Antaeus

A chapter created during the Cursed 21st Founding, records of the Sons of Antaeus are few. In these, the reporters marvel at the Space Marines bearing grey and black heraldry, the Marines apparently larger and hardier than even the other superhumans of the Adeptus Astartes.

[edit] References

[edit] Sons of Guilliman

A chapter created during the 33rd millennium from Ultramarines gene-seed. The Sons of Guilliman wear quartered, alternating blue and white powered armour. They have been shown with both red and yellow chest eagles; Insigneum Astartes however states that they denote company by the colour of the left kneepad (pad trims match the respective pads). The chapter symbol is an inverted omega, imposed over a pair of wings. This chapter participated in the Third War for Armageddon.

[edit] Sons of Malice

The Sons of Malice turned to Chaos some time prior to the Thirteenth Black Crusade. The chapter was founded to watch over the Eye of Terror, but were excommunicated for ritually sacrificing and devouring an Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus who had (violently) objected to them ritually devouring some heretical cultists.

Their homeworld was Scelus, in the Cadian Sector, although it was declared Perdita when the Chapter turned on the Imperium

The armour of the Sons of Malice is quartered black and white, with silver trim. The chapter is believed by fans to have links to Malal, at one time the fifth God of Chaos.

[edit] Sons of Medusa

This chaper played some small part in the Badab War. Their armour is green with white highlights. Their chapter symbol was originally Medusa's head, but was later stylized into a white skull with a white halo about it. They at present have been seen in major fleet actions along the southern rim of the Eye of Terror and have an oddly high number of apothecaries in their ranks. Wiki Link: Sons of Medusa

[edit] Soul Drinkers

A Rogue Space Marine Chapter, were declared excommunicate tratoris by the Inquisition after they refused cenorship of from them and subsequently killed the interrogator sent to demand their submission to the Imperium investigation. This was following their assualt on an Ad Mech ship that stole one of their sacred relics from them. They are still very loyal to the Emperor, even though they have been exposed to the raw stuff of Chaos. They were formed from the Imperial Fists' orbital assault contingent during the Second Founding. They participated along with the Imperial Fists, Fire Hawks and Black Templars chapters in the assault on Terra at the end of the Reign of Blood.

The current Chapter Master is a powerful Librarian by the name of Sarpedon. He is unique in that he has seven real arachnoid like legs and one mechanical, due to a mutation caused by a daemon prince of tzeentch . He can telepathically send but not receive thoughts.

Their armour is purple with bone coloured shoulder pad trims and gold chest eagle. Their chapter badge is a golden chalice with three spikes rising out of the top.

The chapter's name derives from a mutation in their Omophagea. Normally this organ allows a Marine to absorb some of the memories of a creature by consuming its flesh; in addition to this the Soul Drinkers also experience the creature's emotions and memories. Philosophically speaking they "see into the creature's soul".

See also Soul Drinkers contradiction for inconsistencies within published material about the founding of the Soul Drinkers.

[edit] References

[edit] Space Sharks

The Space Sharks Chapter wears grey armour with a red helmet stripe. Its symbol is a black shark, viewed from the front, with its mouth gaping. They were involved in the Badab War for a short period of time.

[edit] Space Wolves

Main article: Space Wolves

[edit] Star Scorpions

The Star Scorpions were a chapter of the 25th Founding. Unfortunately, they produced mutated gene-seed and were also presumably devastated by Warp entities when their fleet was lost in the Warp. They were declared Lost and, due to their unusable gene-seed, could not be refounded. In the 26th Founding, the Mentors were given the Star Scorpions' uniform pattern and number, 888, but were equipped with a completely new set of gene-seed. However there are reports of ancient Marines in Star Scorpions uniform fighting in the Third War for Armageddon.

[edit] Steel Cobras

A chapter of Space Marines that turned on the Imperium after a puritanical crusade was led against them for their worship of the Emperor as an animal-totem. The Steel Cobras are now based beneath the ammonia seas of Tukaroe VII, where nothing short of an invasion by another Space Marine Chapter will dislodge them.

The chapter's power armour is dark brass with dark metallic green details; their chapter symbol is yet to be seen.

[edit] Steel Confessors

A chapter created in M36 by the Adeptus Mechanicus for its own use using Iron Hands gene-seed. The Inquisition discovered its existence, but the High Lords allowed it to continue providing it took all the vows other chapters have to take. They are harsh and uncompromising, and are currently under investigation by the Ordo Hereticus after the destruction of the Tallarn 54th for "Failure to complete objectives".

[edit] Storm Giants

A chapter founded during the early 41st millennium. The Storm Giants wear bone-coloured armour (including trim) with a yellow or gold chest eagle; according to Insignium Astartes they bear no company markings on their armour at all. The chapter symbol is a stylised red thunderbolt, pointing upwards. The chapter is believed to be descended from Salamanders gene-seed. They participated in the Third War for Armageddon.

[edit] Storm Lords

A Second Founding chapter of the White Scars. Their power armour is painted half-white half-red with yellow helmet. The chapter's symbol is a skull superimposed over three lightning bolts. The Storm Lords participated in the effort to free the Crimson Fists' homeworld from the Orks.

There is conflicting fluff as to the chapter's organisation: some sources claim it is a Codex chapter with the helmet being painted in the company colour, other sources claim it follows the White Scars division into "Brotherhoods" in which case the helmet colours are an unknown quantity.

[edit] Storm Warriors

The Storm Warriors committed their entire chapter's forces to the defence of the Cadian sector during the Thirteenth Black Crusade. The chapter's power armour is painted grey, with shoulder pad trim in the company colour. The symbol of the Storm Warriors is a vertical sword, flanked by two lightning bolts.

[edit] Subjugators

Founded only a short time before the 13th Black Crusade, the Subjugators were almost wiped out during the various actions on Cadia. While fighting a campaign against the Cell-kin of the Technetium Belt, several of the marines were infected by the Xenos they fought (the Cell-kin breed by viral dissemination, their DNA infecting the body of the host, reshaping it into another Cell-kin). Though most of the chapter were cured, twenty of the 3rd Company couldn't be cured; they escaped and are still at large in the galaxy.

Their power armour is mid-green (including trims). The chapter badge is a black clenched fist.

[edit] References

  • (March 2005) "Index Astartes – Rogue Sons". White Dwarf: UK Edition (303).

[edit] T

[edit] Terror Tigers

Lost one quarter of their Chapter when a mutant warlord assaulted their homeworld, after which their Chapter Master ordered his own execution as punishment. An exploration team of Terror Tigers re-established contact with the lost feral world of Hannibal before being destroyed by Eldar invaders intent on reclaiming the world for themselves. Short mentioned in WD article. Mentioned in at least one Black Library publication.

[edit] Thunder Barons

A Traitor Chapter mentioned in Soul Drinker and Daemon World.

[edit] Tiger Claws

The original name of the Astral Claws. The name is no longer recognised by Games Workshop as canon.

[edit] U

[edit] Ultramarines

Main article: Ultramarines

[edit] V

[edit] Valedictors

Originally a First Founding Legion which saw action on the Eastern Fringe against Orks, Eldar, and traitors during the Horus Heresy. They were described in detail in two Epic articles in White Dwarf magazines 126 and 136, circa 1990-91. The status of the Valedictors changed in White Dwarf 235, where they are said to be of a "later founding," (post-Second Founding). Therefore, in the most recent canon literature, the Valedictors are no longer a First Founding Legion.

Some fanon lists them as one of the two Legions "deleted from Imperial Records".

The Valedictors armour is oak-leaf green with a teardrop on the kneecap plate with a Roman numeral inside to denote the company. The symbol is a winged "V".

[edit] Violators

A Traitor Chapter dedicated to Slaanesh. Their armour is a shade of blue and their chapter symbol is a lightning bolt crossed with a dagger. They are known to use electrical pulses to stimulate certain parts of the brain to increase pleasure.

They fought in the 13th Black Crusade; most of their actions during it was in the Cadian Sector. During this war they repeatedly took recruits from the worst Imperial prisons.

[edit] References

[edit] W

[edit] War Bearers

A chapter whose colourscheme is olive green, and whose symbol is a pair of black battleaxes, crossed. They have a Whirlwind Hyperios named "Ferrus Annihilatus" in their armoury.

[edit] Warp Ghosts

A chapter that betrayed the Imperium and turned to Chaos, the chapter allying themselves to Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade. Being only a chapter, they have far less marines compared to the Chaos Legions, but are renowned for their ferocity.

Their chapter colour is a dark green/grey with black and gold details; the renegade chapter's symbol is yet to be seen.

[edit] White Consuls

A Second Founding chapter of the Ultramarines. Their armour is white with a blue hawk's head symbol, with shoulder pad trim in the company colour. White Consul veterans wear blue helmets. Described as a member of the Astartes Praeses in the background and rules book Imperial Armour II, it is assumed that they are based near Cadia.

They participated in the Gothic War.

[edit] White Panthers

The White Panthers have only been recently founded (26th Founding). When the planet Thagra IV was invaded by the Alpha Legion, the White Panthers were sent to liberate the planet, and rounded up most of the mutant freedom fighters (who had been making guerrilla warfare on the Alpha Legion) believing them to be traitors. They would have killed them if Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn hadn't stopped them.

Their armour is black and white, and has been pictured with either red or yellow shoulder trim. Their symbol is a white panther's head.

[edit] White Scars

Main article: White Scars

[edit] Wolf Brothers

A Second Founding chapter of the Space Wolves. They were eradicated due to rampant mutation of the unstable Space Wolf geneseed.

[edit] X

[edit] Y

[edit] Z

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Chambers, Andy (1998). Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Space Marines. Nottingham: Games Workshop. ISBN 1-869893-28-X.
  • Chambers, Andy (2004). Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Space Marines, 4th Edition, Nottingham: Games Workshop. ISBN 1-84154-526-0.
  • Chambers, Andy, Hoare, Andy, and Kelly, Phil (2003). Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Eye of Terror. Nottingham: Games Workshop. ISBN 1-84154-398-5.
  • Games Workshop Design Staff (2002). Warhammer 40,000 Codex: Chaos Space Marines, 1st Edition, Nottingham: Games Workshop. ISBN 1-84154-322-5.
  • Kinrade, Warwick (2001). Imperial Armour II, 1st Edition, Nottingham: Games Workshop. ISBN 1-84154-219-9.
  • Kinrade, Warwick (2002). Imperial Armour Update. Nottingham: Games Workshop. ISBN 1-84154-355-1.
  • Merrett, Alan (2002). Insignium Astartes: The Uniforms and Regalia of the Space Marines. Nottingham: Black Library. ISBN 1-84154-245-8.
  • (October 2000) "Index Astartes – Emperor's Shield". White Dwarf: Australian Edition (250). ISSN 0265-8712.
  • (September 2001) "Index Astartes – The Cursed Founding". White Dwarf: Australian Edition (261). ISSN 0265-8712.
  • (March 2003) "Chapter Approved – Trial Rules: The Cursed Founding". White Dwarf: Australian Edition (279). ISSN 0265-8712.
  • (August 2003) "Index Astartes – Humanity's Shield". White Dwarf: Australian Edition (284). ISSN 0265-8712.
  • (October 2003) "Index Astartes – The Eye of the Storm". White Dwarf: Australian Edition (286). ISSN 0265-8712.
  • (March 2005) "Index Astartes – Rogue Sons". White Dwarf: Australian Edition (303). ISSN 0265-8712.
  • (May 2006) Chaos Space marines collectors' guide. Games Workshop. ISBN 1-84154-355-1.
Warhammer 40,000 Articles
Forces of the Imperium

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