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List of GunBound Mobiles and Attacks

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Gunbound Multiplayer Screenshot
Gunbound Multiplayer Screenshot

This is a listing of GunBound Mobiles and Attacks, listed in alphabetical order according to mobile type. There are four different attack types of mobiles: Explosion, Laser, Electric, and Hit. While Explosion attacks do the same damage to all three types of mobile, the other attack types do different damage depending on the type mobile being fired at.

When in a game screen, two may select a mobile by clicking on the "Item" button under the information about the game. Clicking this allows for the choice of the mobiles listed below. Each mobile has their own advantages and disadvantages (e.g. Lightning can't hit enemies underground but compensates with extremely low delay).

One may also choose the "random" feature on the mobile selection screen. In addition to the above mentioned mobiles, there is also a slight chance that a player may receive one of two (or in the case of a tag mode battle, an extremely rare chance of getting both ) unselectable mobiles. These mobiles are much more powerful. The chances of getting one is around 1/20, so the chance of getting both rare mobiles in Tag mode is about 1 in 400.


[edit] Machine-type Mobiles

Machine-type mobiles, as the name suggests, are mechanical mobiles, though they sometimes don't appear like it. They are affected most heavily by J.D.'s shot 2, a magnetic attack. They generally have lower movement and average angle compared to the other types. Delay is higher, but they are often stronger than Bionic and Shield mobiles. Their metallic armor is stronger against the physical Hit-type attacks, but is highly conductive and has a great weakness against electricity.

[edit] Aduka (Laser/Electric Attack)

A light purple and white scorpian like mobile. Also nicknamed 'Thormobile' because its shot 2 and SS attacks trigger the Thor's Hammer; the machine itself fires its bullets from the rear, just like the Nak. Used by many in "Aduka shot 2/SS only" games to power up Thor's damage resulting in high-damage high-gold shots towards the end of the game, as well as easier double kills. Aduka's shots are rather light, but somewhat heavier than Boomer's. While the shot 1 projectile does direct damage on impact, it should be noted that the "mini-adukas" from shot 2 and the SS call down shots from Thor, and do not do damage by themselves. An advanced tactic for using Aduka's SS is to hit an enemy that is inside a tornado. The shot will hit once, and then come around the tornado again hitting a second time.

  • Shot 1: Fires an electric ball that does damage, plus minor splash damage. Does not affect Thor unless it is active on the moon disk.
  • Shot 2: Fires three "mini aduka" tracers that trigger Thor's Hammer to fire at the spot where they hit. Damage increases as Thor levels up. Because Thor is shooting from above, you can easily hit yourself with this shot if you do not look for thor's position. For the same reason, it is also possible to hit an enemy by shooting indirectly, so that the enemy is in the path of Thor's laser and the shot 2 tracers.
  • SS Shot: Fires a large "mini aduka" projectile that goes through everything (even land and enemies) and triggers Thor's Hammer when it hits an enemy mobile (even already defeated enemy corpses in Solo/Tag mode), a jewel, or a mini-Raon. Because of this property, players near a tornado get more damage as it passes through them - about 500-600 at full, or even more. This shot can pass through multiple players, and is used to double kill or get a player that is 'burrowed'. The shot does around 100-200 damage (dependent on Thor's level) and has little or no land damage when it hits an enemy.

[edit] Armor Mobile/Armor (Explosion Attack)

Resembles a small red Tank. It has powerful damage but rather high delay. It shots are heavy (5th heaviest, tied with turtle), and are therefore not influenced very much by the wind.

  • Shot 1: Fires a missile with extensive land damage. Does around 150-200 for direct hit on mobiles and does land damage in the shape of a wide oval, making this shot a good choice for bunging.
  • Shot 2: Fires a missile that has 2 connected parts and explodes twice on impact with land or an enemy (200-300 damage for direct hit, ~200px diameter for the first explosion, then ~100px cm diameter for the armor-piercing secondary piece).
  • SS Shot: Fires a missile that transforms into a much stronger shot that looks like a large rocket after 3 seconds. Does extensive land damage (largest for any single projectile in the game), and is usually high-angled to let it transform. The time to transform is similar to that of the time needed to receive a High Angle bonus so many players only use this SS on a high angle, however a skilled armor user can use the SS on a long line drive.

[edit] Bigfoot/BigFoot (Explosion Attack)

Looks like a blue monster truck with a cannon mounted on the front. Also known as NoobMobile because the wide radius of the missiles can hit even with poor aim. This mobile has very small shot angle and is seldom chosen by experienced players due to that. It is difficult to judge the weight of Bigfoot's shots because they spread greatly over distance.

  • Shot 1: Fires 4 blue missiles, excellent for destroying land and decent in damage (40-80 per missile).
  • Shot 2: Fires a barrage of 6 tiny rectangular explosives that spread out into two loose groups of three as they travel. Poor damage but excellent spread, which can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation one is in.
  • SS Shot: Fires 8 red missiles similar to its shot 1, but with no land damage on a direct hit. Stronger than shot 1 missiles.

[edit] Kalsiddon (Explosion Attack)

One of the new mobiles since the update of GunBound. Also called BigFoot2 because it looks similar. Its Shot 1 and 2 used to be able to produce a so-called "Nuke"-Shot when being close to the enemy by making the smaller missiles explode inside the opponent, thereby causing immense damage. Up until mid-July 2005, one-hit-kills were possible using this technique, but this immense killing power was reduced by the softnyx team to even out the mobiles. The bot is generally for the more experienced players, for the shot to be successful it has to be fired with an High-High Angle or an Ultra High Angle - especially at close range, at which the mobile is fairly poor at. A player needs to be VERY accurate in shooting with this mobile because even a small offset causes a very big miss. Aside from shooting at a high angle, shooting from (an extremely) long range is also good with this mobile.

  • Shot 1: Fires a missile which splits into two smaller missiles and a tracer at the summit of its flight, and therefore has no definite time of splitting. The tracer will fall to ground while the missiles fly around it in circles until they hit the land where the tracer landed or another obstacle. The missiles require a high-angle shot with a lot of air-time to align themselves with the tracer properly.
  • Shot 2: Same as shot 1 except with 4 missiles. It is an extremely powerful shot, but difficult to hit properly because the missiles waver as they fall and sometimes miss by a small margin.
  • SS Shot: Same as shot 1 except the missile splits into 4 missiles and 1 red tracer, then each of the 4 split into 2 smaller missiles and purple tracer. The 4 pairs of 2 missiles each follow a purple tracer, which in turn all follow the large red tracer. The tracers tend to spread apart a little after each split.

[edit] Knight (Special mobile, Laser Attack)

Knight has a sword above it that shoots lasers (very similar to A. Sate). Its shots do more damage, have higher delay, and a wider angle to shoot from. Knight has the largest true angle range in the game (100%). Knight's shot weight is tied with lightning at 4th lightest. It is one of the special mobiles that can only be chosen with Random (chance of getting: 5%).

  • Shot 1: Fires a tracer; burning swords are shot at the tracer landing spot from the lower sword position.
  • Shot 2: Fires a tracer that attracts more burning swords from a higher sword position.
  • SS Shot: Fires a tracer, a barrage of burning swords are shot down vertically at projectile landing spot.

[edit] NakMachine (Hit Attack)

Also nicknamed as Bubblegum or Bumble Bee due to the way it blows bubbles when idle. This machine fires its bullets from the rear, like Aduka (earning it a crude nickname of "Assbot"). It has low movement per turn, but compensates with a good armor, attack, and health. It is very difficult to operate its Weapon 2 due to its special ability.

  • Shot 1: Fires an electric sphere that is very heavy, meaning that it is less affected by wind factors.
  • Shot 2: Fires an "oscillation bomb" which digs underground and then resurfaces further in a reverse parabolic arc of its original path through the air, depending on the strength of firing. When it is underground, there is a strong "reverse gravity" that pulls it sharply to the surface where it explodes. It is also possible to fire it directly underground. The underground-traveling characteristic makes the shot difficult to use long-range because the faster the shot is going when it hits the ground, the further underground it will travel before resurfacing and exploding. Many players avoid this by moving as close as possible to the enemy mobile and simply "dropping" the shot on top of them.
  • SS Shot: Fires a miniature Nak that can go through ground and explodes upon impact with a mobile, a jewel, or a mini-Raon. This shot is the same weight and close to same damage as the nak's shot 1, but travels through land as if it were air, and has a bit larger explosion radius. Nevetheless, it is still considered to be one of the worst SSes in the game, with a maximum damage of about 300.

[edit] Raon Launcher (Laser Attack)

Raon Launcher looks like a small red cup, with a yellow cap on it. Its idle animation, shot 2 attack, and SS attack have earned it many nicknames. Those nicknames include; Raon Launcher/RaonLauncher/LeonLauncher (due to bug)/Raon/Pregmobile/BabyLauncher/BabySpitter, the last 2 are due to the mobiles shot 2 and SS. Raon's shot weight is tied with A.Sate's for third heaviest.

  • Shot 1: Fires 3 strings of helix rotating gears. It compensates for low damage with high land damage, making it useful for bunging. It loses the rotating when it goes through a hurricane.
  • Shot 2: Fires 2 mini-Raons (often called "mines" or "babies") that walk towards the nearest mobile (including the player) on the next turn. It has to be near a mobile to activate (denoted by a red light), or else it will just sit there (denoted by a green light). Players who are skilled at raon shotgun this shot in order to have the babies directly hit the target for very high damage. If this attack lands or walks into a hurricane(it won't go up in mid-air) it just goes up and disappears(due to the weight of this mini-Raons and also the size).
  • SS Shot: Fires a larger mini-raon that will walk the direction it is facing when it lands. Unlike Frog’s SS, it cannot climb walls. Average damage 200-300. Its direction can change in mid-air, providing a drastic turn for the worse for the player firing it. This attack also will go up hurricanes if it lands or walks into it(it wont go up and disappear in mid-air).this move is very similar to the adukas ss but instead of "hit and run" it explodes on contact dealing pretty heavy damage

[edit] Shield-type Mobiles

Shield-type mobiles, put simply, are mobiles that have a shield. They generally have average movement and angle. Delay tends to be on the lower end and shot weights tend to be extremely light. Due to their shield, they are protected well from Laser-type attacks, but Hit attacks easily penetrate the shield and do more damage. Also, they have lower health than the other mobiles (with the exception of Boomer) but has a shield that recharges over time. There are only a small number of Shield-type mobiles in the game.

[edit] A. Sate (Laser Attack)

Also called Asset in the game due to a bug. Its full name is Adium Satellite. It has a small satellite above it that shoots down lasers. It has difficulty hitting the enemy if there is land (or a tornado, because the tornado affects the satellite's shot) between the satellite and the target. A.Sate has the third heaviest shot weight in the game. Tracers themselves do not do any damage, similar to the Aduka attack.

  • Shot 1: Fires a "tracer" projectile at the enemy. A single laser beam is shot at the landing spot from a low disc position. This shot has very low delay.
  • Shot 2: Fires the same "tracer", but instead 3 laser beams are shot at the tracer, and the satellite is floating higher than for shot 1. The shots spread apart the longer distance it travels and can do an average 250-300 damage if all 3 lasers hit. Is much more effective from short to medium range. Because the lasers spread out as they travel, and it can become impossible for all of them to hit the target at a distance. The order the lasers' fire is not reversed when turning around, so the shot pattern is different for shooting to the left and to the right.
  • SS Shot: Fires a different tracer that looks like a blob of translucent jelly. The satellite moves above the landing site and shoots 5 shots straight down. One is shot straight down and the other four are shot at slight angles, hitting to the left and right. Does an average of 400-500 damage to any mobile, regardless of defence. The shot needs to land on the middle to right side of the target to deal full damage due to the spread pattern of the raining lasers in the attack. Often the shot lands a little off and the land under the target is destroyed, causing a big hole and little damage.

[edit] J.D (Electric Attack)

Nicknamed as Cake or Cakemobile because of its idle animation, which involves 2 smaller versions of JD that pop out of its head like a multi-layer wedding cake. JD is tied with Boomer for the lightest shot of all the original mobiles.

  • Shot 1: Fires an electric ball that shocks nearby enemies with splash damage and a reasonable amount of land damage.
  • Shot 2: Fires a magnetic ball that sucks in surrounding mobiles, jewels and also mini-Raons; affects Creature-types less than machine-types. Very useful for bunging an opponent when there is not much land under them, as it will pull them into the hole.
  • SS Shot: Pushes mobiles away from impact site while doing moderate damage, but cannot push them off cliffs (it leaves them on the very edge). The shot pushes Creature-types less than other types.

[edit] Lightning (Electric Attack)

Variety of spellings. Nicknamed Lovemobile because it makes a heart shape out of lightning when idle. Considered to be weak damage-wise but extremely good tactically due to very low shot delay. Lightning's shots are 3rd lightest.

  • Shot 1: Fires a tracer that passes through other mobiles. A thunderbolt comes down at impact site (150-210 damage for direct hit). Always has 76 splash damage. Exceptionally low delay (730).
  • Shot 2: Fires a projectile that passes through other mobiles. 2 thunderbolts come down in a "V" shape at impact site (note this angle is 45 degrees on either side from a vertical origin). Also note that the left thunderbolt hits the ground a split-second before the right one, which sometimes creates a "y" shaped lightning bolt (never a backwards "y"). Also has splash damage. Even though it has the potential to be almost twice as strong as the shot 1, it only has 50 more delay.
  • SS Shot: Fires a projectile that passes through other mobiles and makes an animation circle at the landing point. A thunderbolt from directly above every enemy mobile in the explosion area near the impact site.

[edit] Mage (Laser Attack)

Mage's shots are in the middle of all the shot weights. It is a shielded machine holding a small wand that fires lasers at its targets.

  • Shot 1: Fires a simple laser with large land damage in the shape of a circle. This attack is pretty good for bungeing
  • Shot 2: Fires 2 intertwining, more powerful helix formation lasers. Each does about a quarter of the land damage of shot 1. can create two holes and is also good for bungeing
  • SS Shot: Fires a dark blue object that removes shield regeneration for all mobiles within a nearby radius for several turns, and also removes all the blue "shield" health of the enemy mobile. Mobiles hit directly will take physical damage as well as having all their shield health wiped irregardless of how much they have. Care must be taken when attack is used close to self, as it will destroy your own shields as well.

[edit] Bionic-type Mobiles

Bionic mobiles are mobiles that are actually alive and are not merely machines. Bionic mobiles have more movement than machine and shield types. They have more delay than shield-types but less than machine. Since they are alive and there is nothing to conduct, they are affected less by Electric attacks. However, because they are alive, Lasers burn and do more damage. Bionic types have another advantage: healing items are more effective.

[edit] Boomer (Hit Attack)

This mobile is tedious to use due to its sensitivity to even the smallest amount of wind causing "hook-shots" or "backshots". Players with good handling of the mobile are referred to as 'Boomer Pros.' Boomer has the largest angle in the game (more than Knight), but only about a third of it is true angle. Knight's angle, by comparison, is 100% true angle. In no wind, boomer has the lightest shot, tied with JD.

  • Shot 1: Fires a boomerang. Has very low delay.
  • Shot 2: Fires 4 boomerangs. Works especially well with weather because each of the 4 individual boomerangs carry the weather's power.
  • SS Shot: Fires a boomerang that transforms into a powerful golden metal boomerang after approximately 1.8 seconds.

[edit] Dragon (Special Mobile, Explosion Attack)

This mobile is the other that can only be selected with the Random option. It floats above the ground, making Nak 2 shots less effective, raon 2 shots almost completely useless, as well as Grub shot 2, and allowing it to traverse and climb very steep terrain. Frog shots can only hit if timed precisely, as the explosion will just blow away the ground under Dragon. It is popular for trico users to shotgun their SS at a dragon's belly, because it seems to do more damage than normal.(Chance: 10%)

  • Shot 1: Shoots a breath of fire
  • Shot 2: Shoots 4 breaths of fire, similar to bigfoot shot 1 but much, much more powerful, and less bunging capability. A direct hit with this shot can easily do more than 500 damage.
  • SS Shot: Shoots a projectile which summons five mini-dragons to attack its landing spot from different angles. Very high delay. Only usable where there are no nearby obstructions to the mini-dragons, such as on flat maps or when the enemy is on the peak of a hill.

[edit] Grub (Electric Attack)

Looks like a yellow semicircle. Nicknamed bug or slug, and also referred to as a "noob mobile" for the same reason as Bigfoot. The weight of the shot isn't that high, but certainly isn't low.

  • Shot 1: Fires a blue ball that explodes on contact with the ground or a mobile. It does little damage (60 on a good shot) and is considered to be one of the worst shot 1’s in the game. This shot fires at 2 degrees counter-clockwise to the angle indicated due to a bug in the game.
  • Shot 2: Fires 4 purple balls that roll around until contact with a mobile, and are the only shots that can bounce on the edge of the course. The balls will explode after about 3-4 seconds, whether it hits a mobile or not. Because the shots bounce, people sometimes use Grub to make easy gold by bouncing shots off map edges or terrain behind an enemy to get a "boomer" bonus with each shot. "Back" shots can also be done this way though the opportunities to do so are less.
  • SS Shot: Fires a purple ball that rolls around and does more damage the longer it touches, much like a life drain. A very opportunistic shot but has potential for a 1-hit KO. This shot fires at 2 degrees counter-clockwise to the angle indicated due to a bug in the game. Many players use this shot when they are standing directly above an enemy, when the wind will push the shot against an enemy that is against a wall, or when the enemy is in a hole.

[edit] Ice (Hit Attack)

Looks like an elephant or a white woolly mammoth. Ice has one of the lightest shots in the game, 2nd only to the tied JD and Boomer. Defense reduction only applies to Hit-type attacks, meaning Hit-types such as the NakMachine, Boomer, J.Frog, Turtle, and Ice will deal more damage while other mobiles will still deal the same damage.

  • Shot 1: Fires a conic icicle from the cannon on top and creates large, wide, oval holes. Fairly decent damage can be expected on a direct hit.
  • Shot 2: Fires a snowball from the mammoth's trunk (a slightly lower firing position than its shot 1). Any damage results in 5-point reduction in defense to the target that lasts for the duration of the game (even after respawn in Score mode). Maximum defense reduction is limited to 50 points on a single mobile.
  • SS Shot: Fires a snowflake that turns enormous on contact with the ground or a mobile (appearance is similar to Mage SS after contact). It does slightly more damage than Shot 2, but, due to recent updates, only decreases the defense of anything in the snowflake's radius by 5 instead of the previous 20.

[edit] J. Frog (Hit Attack)

Also called Frog just for convenience. It is one of two new mobiles since the update of GunBound World Champion. Its acceptance from old players is limited, many citing that it has an unfair ability to miss and still give a very effective shot. The shot is unique in that it rolls on the ground before exploding. The thing with this mobile is that it is not affected by Thunder or Force like normal shots, and only picks up weather effects when it explodes within the effect area. The shot 1 and shot 2 slow down when approaching another mobile, making it very easy to connect. This does not apply, however, to floating mobiles such as the A. Sate, Mage, and Dragon.

  • Shot 1: A moderately powered blob of jelly that climbs walls, it has a set detonation time and won't detonate because a player hits the target directly. As soon as the shot hits the ground, it starts crawling counterclockwise (left). It will be affected by hurricane if the shot has not landed yet but when it is crawling it walks right through the hurricane.
  • Shot 2: Same as shot 1, but it crawls clockwise (right). The shot has the same delay as shot 1.
  • SS Shot: A blob of jelly that climbs walls, does damage as long as it is in contact within about 60px of the mobile, much like Grub's SS Shot. Players must careful when using this shot with low power, because it may roll in the opposite direction if the wind pushes it backwards before it hits the ground. This shot isn't powerful at all unless they have a high attack bonus, the opponent's defense isn't applied, or the player's opponent is stuck on a very small piece of land that makes the shot rotate around it, thereby passing them a few more times.

[edit] Trico (Explosion Attack)

Sometimes called Dinosaur as it somewhat resembles a dinosaur, or "cabbage mobile", as its weapons resemble cabbages. It is also arguably one of the trickiest mobiles to use. Trico's shot weight is second heaviest.

  • Shot 1: Fires an exploding green "cabbage"
  • Shot 2: Fires 3 exploding green "cabbages" with the 2 on the outside revolving around a center one. The revolving stops if the cabbages go through a tornado. Also the three balls travel differently depending on from which direction they are fired. VERY tricky to land all 3 balls. Usually they "spread" over a large area and do 80-100 damage. However if all 3 are landed it can do up to 300. Used effectively only by the rare "trico pro".
  • SS Shot: Fires a rainbow colored ball that turns into an earth-removing spinning attack upon impact. It makes extensive land damage as well as damage; however damage and land destruction are mostly random, and there is no known reproducible way to make the shot work reliably. Usually damage is around 300-500.

[edit] Turtle (Hit Attack)

Turtle's shot weight is tied with armor for 5th heaviest. Is almost unnervingly like Mage. As its name implies, Turtle is a small green turtle. It shoots water to attack.

  • Shot 1: Fires 1 stream of water, almost like Mage.
  • Shot 2: Fires 2 streams of water that intertwine initially (like Mage shot 2), but converge after exactly 3 seconds. Performing a High or Ultra High angle shot makes this easy to do, and causes significant damage. When this shot whirls through a tornado, they will separate and become two different missiles. They will still go straight after 3 seconds, but they will be apart.
  • SS Shot: Fires a blob of water which splits into 6 smaller blobs after approximately 1.8 seconds (used to be 3). Also used by pros to do massive damage by timing it so that the blob opens a split second before impact, dealing full damage. Another technique is to have the blobs open at the very top of a high-angle arc, resulting in the 6 balls falling in a straight line on the target.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links


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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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