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List of Flight 29 Down episodes

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The following is a list of episodes for the Discovery Kids' series, Flight 29 Down which premiered on October 1, 2005 and is currently in its second season in the U.S.


[edit] Episode list

[edit] Season One

# Title Original airdate Production code
1 "The Arrival" October 1, 2005 101
Teens and an adult plan a trip. But when the plane crashes, only 10 teenagers are found (not including the pilot, which was the only adult) so they end up stuck on an island with nothing but canned food, an airplane, and each other. 
2 "Quest for the Quest for Fire" October 8, 2005 102
Nathan tries to make a fire by using wood and friction and becomes stubborn by saying that his way is the only way of getting the fire started. But they finally get it started with Jackson using his lighter. Also, Daley and Lex search for a suitable campsite until blood-sucking leeches attach themselves Daley's leg. A hot stick from the fire is then used to burn them off. 
3 "It's Lonely at the Top" October 22, 2005 103
A secret ballot is chosen. From the last episode, Daley and Nathan argue over who should be leader. Jackson is chosen as the leader. 
4 "Not a Drop to Drink" November 5, 2005 104
Daley and Eric search for a fresh source of water, while Nathan has his own water fetching methods. Jackson does not agree on becoming leader, until Melissa talks him into it. 
5 "A Fish Story" November 19, 2005 105
With the camping food running out, Nathan, Daley, and Lex have to find food out in the jungle. Meanwhile, Jackson tries to help out by catching fish and Eric fakes an injury in order to not have to help out at all. 
6 "The Pits" November 26, 2005 106
Daley is fed up with Taylor because she isn't doing her share of the work. Meanwhile, Lex finds a signal kite that he and Nathan build together but is destroyed due to Nathan's recklessness with the flare gun. 
7 "The Cry of the Wolf" December 3, 2005 107
Eric blackmails Melissa into doing his share of the work. Meanwhile, Lex finds some raw oysters. Lex doesn't know if they're poisoned or not. Still everyone eats them. But Eric gets hives from eating them because he is allergic to oysters. But after Melissa gives him a shot from the 1st aid kit, he's back to normal. Everyone else is okay because they're not allergic to oysters. 
8 "Survival of the Fittest" December 10, 2005 108
Meanwhile, Taylor spreads a secret about Melissa after she accidentally burns a part of Taylor's shirt. Melissa runs off and falls off a hill. However, Taylor feels guilty so she looks for Melissa. Taylor also falls and then Lex and Jackson come to save them. Lex and Jackson find them and save them. Also Daley and Nathan find a wild pig and are deciding whether to kill it or not. They eventually let it go. 
9 "Mazeathon" January 21, 2006 109
Nathan and Daley nearly get into a fight with Jackson over building a raft. To try and bring the survivors together, Lex builds an obstacle course and challenges the others to a competition. Lex builds it as a way to celebrate his birthday which Daley completely forgot about. The raft that Jackson was building was actually a distress signal which they send into the water. 
10 "Eight is Enough" January 28, 2006 110
Nathan and Eric discover a distress message that leads them to believe that there is someone else on the island. Meanwhile, Daley and Melissa fight over a lost necklace that they found in the plane,Taylor holds the necklae until they resolve their differences. As it turns out the necklace belongs to Abby one of the original castaways who was recently rescued by the others after leaving that message. 
11 "Abby Normal" February 4, 2006 111
A recently rescued Abby finds that much has changed since the crash, making it hard to fit in with the other survivors. In the end, Abby and Lex makes a romantic surprise for the others. But then Abby sneaks off to find the rest of her friends. 
12 "Until Proven Guilty" March 11, 2006 112
All the castaways have been making video diaries to document their personal feelings about the trip and each other. After awakening one morning and finding out that they have been stolen, they all worry that their secrets will be exposed. It turns out Lex stole the tapes because Eric had been watching someone else's tapes and knew a secret about them, and Lex stole the tapes to protect the person so their secret wouldn't get out. The secret is revealed in the next episode. 
13 "Scratch" March 18, 2006 113
The secret is about Jackson. He said he didn't want to be saved because someone blamed him for hurting a student and the police are after him. He doesn't want to be want to be sent miltary school and has nothing to go back for. He isn't allowed to see his mom and the foster home that he lives is alright but its not a real home. So Jackson ends up leaving the survivors after the secret about him is revealed and travels across the island on his own. However, what he does not know is that a giant monsoon is coming to the island. He eventually comes back. Also, Nathan almost gets killed during the storm when he tries to fix the antenna on top of the plane so they can make contact with a rescue team. Luckily, Daley saves him. The storm washes the plane away in this episode. 

[edit] Season Two

# Title Original airdate Production code
1 "Look Who's Not Talking" September 9, 2006 214
After the storm, Everyone tries to rebuild. All the food supplies where washed out and nothing was left to eat. Luckily, Lex found some fruits and vegetables and planted them so more can grow, but the fruit and vegetables won't grow until 2 months pass. Meanwhile, Taylor is in shock and she won't speak. They find out all she needed was a good laugh and now she's back to normal self. Later, Jackson doesn't want to deal with the drama so he decides not to be leader (though everyone respected him for this decision). However, Nathan decides Daley should be leader and everyone else agrees. And also, Eric wants to build his own tent since everyone found out there is only one left. He doesn't want to be all cramped up since there are six other people to share the tent with. 
2 "Groundbreaking" September 16, 2006 215
Eric finds an old ammo box buried in the sand and doesn't want to share it with anyone else. While the others imagine what might be inside the box based on their own personal needs. Finally, after a tussle with Jackson the box is opened and they find a old picture of a World War II soldier, a dog tag and a letter. In the letter it says how the soldier and his troop were trapped on that very island and the dog tag signifies how they were never found. The castaways each dedicate a shrine in their memory. Also Nathan tries to tell Daley how he feels about her but is constantly being interrupted. 
3 "She Said, He Said, She Said" September 23, 2006 216
Nathan is still trying to tell Daley how he really feels but decides it's too awkward. So Melissa and he just keep it to themselves. With all this secrecy Taylor and Eric are being suspicious of foul play. So they both ask Melissa what's going on and she lies to them in order to keep Nathan's secret. Eventually, Taylor and Eric finally have come up with the answer, Melissa and Nathan are trying to hook up. So, when confronted about it Melissa can't keep her mouth shut any longer so she tells the group Nathan is in love with Daley. Meanwhile, Lex has come up with a plan to build a shelter and what it will look like. There were bumps in the road while building but in the end they got the roof of the shelter up. 
4 "The Uninvited" September 30, 2006 217
Eric becomes "tired" of carrying water from the well to the campsite and since the only way to purify the water is by boiling it, he decides to hide the lighter (their only source of getting fire) to get out of doing his assigned job. He hides the lighter in the dirty laundry, Daley begins washing the clothes with Eric still thinking the lighter is still in there. But the lighter actually fell out of the clothes and got covered in the sand. Nathan drives the shovel into the sand breaking the lighter. Everyone else wonders how the lighter got there, they ask Eric who of course lies, while they others already know that he is lying. Also a large lizard is found in the tent, and everyone agrees that Eric should go in there and get it out as punishment for what he did. Eric goes into the tent and handles the lizard without any hesitation and takes it into the bushes. 
5 "The Tide" October 7, 2006 218
Everyone is still upset at Eric for breaking the lighter and everyone gets a new responsibility except for him. Nathan is still trying to talk to Daley about their "relationship" now that she knows about Nathan's crush on her but she keeps changing subject. They then find the plane washed up on the shore and are deciding whether to move up to the campsite. Nathan then gets trapped under the plane while Eric remains by his side, until the others return from their food search to rollover the plane and rescue him. Finally after a hard day of teamwork, Eric surprises everyone by fixing the lighter. 
6 "Where There's Smoke" October 14, 2006 219
Taylor causes alot problems by forgetting to charge the solar-powered battery and using the last bit of lighter fuel to light the candles, meaning that the lighter is now completely out of fuel. The castaways decide to take action on moving the plane from the tide to the campsite. With the majority winning the vote, the castaways chop down logs to serve as skids so the plane can easily make its way onto the campsite. With there being no source for fire, the castaways once again try make fire using wood and friction. All hope is lost until Taylor uses her cello playing skills to FINALLY get the fire started. In this episode we also learn that Jackson has a talent for playing the guitar. 
7 "Home Sweet Home" October 21, 2006 220
In the episode before the castaways just started pulling the plane onto the first couple of skids. The next day they are now fully determined to get the plane by the firepit for shelter, everyone except Eric is still skeptical. They do all they can by pulling and pushing the plane to higher ground until Nathan accidentally scraps his ankle on the plane. Also Lex discovers that Eric has been hiding supplies from the other castaways. He then tells Lex that the reason why he hid the supplies was he could use them to one day go off on the island on his own, Lex agrees to keep his secret. Finally, they all use one last strech of effort to get the plane onto the campsite and in the end despite all their prior doubts they all feel a sense of accomplishment. 
8 "Chilloween" Unaired (US)
November 4, 2006 (Australia)
The episode starts with everyone getting notes saying 'it's coming' or 'the exitements building'. Taylor creates an imaginary holiday called Chilloween to try and raise everyone's spirits. Everyone agrees to do have a holiday. Daley doesn't agree. Trying to get into the Holiday Spirit, Nathan tries to make a bracelet for Daley to show her how much he is in love with her only to have her crush his feelings. At the end of the episode it is pointed out that Daley also likes Nathan but that it might become tough what with all that's happening. Nathan, feeling angry, decides he does not like Daley anymore after what she did to him. 
9 "Regrets" Unaired (US)
November 11, 2006 (Australia)
This episode starts off with Jackson cutting firewood and getting a bad ache in his stomach. At first they have no clue of how Jackson became sick. Melissa, Lex and Eric come to his rescue. Melissa remembers when she first met Jackson... the first look into their past. Everyone helps out still wondering what is wrong with Jackson. It is revealed that Jackson became sick from drinking unsafe water. Melissa blames herself because she was the one who voted for Jackson to come to the island. By the end of the episode they find the antidote. Lex and Eric finish the present Eric had made for Chilloween. 
10 "The Drift" Unaired (US)
November 18, 2006 (Australia)
Almost 3 weeks being stranded on the island, Day 20 begins. Jackson finally feels better. Eric finds a piece of board that's from Guam and figures out there could be a current near the island. They have an idea of building a raft to test the current to get off the island. Daley, as usual, disagrees but she is out-numbered 4-to-3. Everyone tells Eric can't go to test it because he can't swim. After a argument between Eric and the others, Daley and Nathan deside to go. Early morning, Day 21, Daley and Nathan set sail. They sail west... towards Asia. If they went east they would have sailed to somewhere within the Pacific Ocean. They find out the raft really does work. However they go too far out, and the raft is beginning to break. Can they make it back to the island alive? One thing is for sure though, a raft won't work! 
11 "Good Luck Abby" Unaired (US)
November 25, 2006 (Australia)
It starts off with Day 9... 13 days ago showing the scene with Abby's note. Then you see Abby heading for the jungle. After the theme, it goes back 10 days still see Abby alone, she hasn't found Ian, Jory or the Captain. Back to now.. No one is thinking about how to get off the island but more on personal conflicts. Melissa feels heartbroken that there might be a relationship between Jackson and Taylor. It goes back to Abby who is having a hard time in the jungle. It's forward to Day 11 now. Abby hoped things would get better. Day 13, Abby is out of food and is scared. She wonders if she will ever find the others. she nearly died after a rockslide, but only got miror injuries. Now, Day 16 for Abby, she has 2 choices... she could stay where she is and die...or she could save herself. She gets up and goes on 'Stick Crutches'. The end of the episode Abby arrives at camp with the others. 
12 "One Breath Away" Unaired (US)
December 2, 2006 (Australia)
Abby returns to camp. Lex finds a chicken. Abby isn't the same girl she was before, she wasn't as hard as this. Chickens aren't native, so that must mean people have brought it to the island. Abby hasn't even seen any sign of the others. She criticizes how the group live, that it's a easy lifestyle. After what shes been through shes grown strong and tough.They make a vote. Abby says 'Kill it'. Abby starts shaking things up. Her idea is to kill the chicken, eat it, and hunt for the others. Her personality has grown very dark. Melissa and Abby have a conversation. Lex starts to talk to the chicken. The chicken gives out an egg. Abby takes it, cracks it and eats it. Eric says that there is 2 groups between the group. One that wants to stay and wait for rescue and one that wants to take action. 
13 "See Ya" Unaired (US)
December 9, 2006 (Australia)
The last episode of Season 2. Abby makes Daley kill the chicken! Will she do it? We find out after the Theme Song. Day 23, they take a vote, Daley does not kill the chicken. Melissa is still angry at Taylor because she knew how much she liked Jackson but she still tried to get close to him anyway. Abby is going to leave again and Eric wants to join her. She accepts. There is a split going on between the group. It's getting bigger and bigger. One side waiting for rescue, one side going for action. Lex, Nathan and Daley are walking and talking when they realize the Chicken escaped...or Eric and Abby took her... Everyone yells at Eric, and Nathan even attacks him. But he didn't do it. Melissa took it. she says it was all alone and she thought Abby would take it. They don't trust each other anymore. And it's Abby's fault. By the end of the episode the group splits to find their own way of survival. the team that'll stay home: Nathan, Lex, Daley and Taylor. the other team, the team that'll take action: Abby, Jackson, Eric and Melissa. Is this the end of their friendship? 

[edit] See also

Flight 29 Down
Main Characters
Taylor Hagan | Cody "Jackson" | Daley Marin | Lex Marin | Eric McGorrill | Nathan McHugh | Melissa Wu
Secondary Characters
Abby Fujimoto | Ian Milbaurn | Jory Twist | Captain Russell
List of Flight 29 Down episodes
Stan Rogow | D.J. MacHale

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