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List of Final Fantasy IX locations

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Final Fantasy locations

Final Fantasy
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Final Fantasy IX
Spira (FFX, FFX-2)
Vana'diel (FFXI)
Ivalice (FFXII, FFT, FFTA)

Throughout the course of Square Co., Ltd.'s computer role-playing game Final Fantasy IX, the player will likely encounter most of the following destinations.

Table of contents

    [edit] Gaia

    [edit] Mist Continent

    The theatre airship 'Prima Vista' passing over Alexandria, Alexandria castle can be seen in the distance.
    The theatre airship 'Prima Vista' passing over Alexandria, Alexandria castle can be seen in the distance.

    [edit] Alexandria

    Alexandria is the pristine capital of the Alexandrian Kingdom, and at one point, the capital of the Alexandrian Empire that is formed by Queen Brahne. The Alexandrian Kingdom rules approximately 1/3 of the Mist Continent when Final Fantasy IX begins. The Alexandrian Kingdom is comprised of its capital, Alexandria, the noble city of Treno, and the small farming village of Dali. Alexandria also maintains the northern side of South Gate and the eastern side of North Gate. In a show of friendship with the neighboring Regency of Lindblum, Alexandria and Lindblum both built Burkmea Cable Cars to reach the Summit of the Mountains separating the two nations, making foot travel possible between the two nations. Within the game's setting, it is not possible to travel by foot through North Gate.

    Alexandria is famous for its army, which is entirely made up of females. Males in the army only constitute a squad of 13 individuals called the Knights of Pluto. Alexandria is also famous for its beauty-the city is built around the southern edge of a large freshwater lake and extends to cliffs that overlook the mist and Evil Forest. The city of Alexandria also extends to the northern edges of the Mist Continent via a hydraulic elevator that leads from Alexandria Castle to Alexandria Harbor.

    Alexandria seen from an airship perspective.
    Alexandria seen from an airship perspective.

    The Alexandrian Kingdom has been at war with the Regency of Lindblum before in the history of Final Fantasy IX, however, this takes place generations before the setting of the game. A statue in the Alexandria town square commemorates three former Knights of Pluto in aiding in the 15th war of Lindblum, which suggests that there have been at least 15 wars between Lindblum and Alexandria. Within the game, it is suggested that the two countries are enjoying an unparalleled time of peace and prosperity brought about by the friendship between the Regent family of Lindblum and the ruling family of Alexandria. The relationship is said to have changed when the King of Alexandria dies and Queen Brahne begins to behave erratically. A year after the Alexandrian King's death, Queen Brahne begins to put into motion her plans to forge the Alexandrian Empire.

    Alexandria Kingdom is not a technological force like its neighboring country of Lindlum. Before Kuja introduced Alexandria to Black Mages and Eidolons, Alexandria utilized its grand female ground forces in offensive and defensive operations. While attacking Cleyra, General Beatrix remarks that the Black Mages and Eidolons were excessive and that her female army would be enough to conquer the Mist Continent.

    Throughout the course of the game, the Alexandrian Kingdom becomes the Alexandrian Empire as Queen Brahne assaults the Mist Continent nations. Queen Brahne orders the army to first attack the Kingdom of Burmecia, leaving it in ruins. It then obliterates the pacifist Nation of Cleyra with the powerful Eidolon Odin, leaving no trace of the city behind. It finally assaults its greatest threat, the Regency of Lindblum, and with the Regency under Alexandrian occupation, the Alexandria Empire is forged over the entirety of the Mist Continent.

    The Alexandrian Empire is dissolved upon Queen Brahne's death and the coronation of Princess Garnet, who halts Alexandrian aggression and withdraws Alexandrian troops from Lindblum. Immediately thereafter, Alexandria is attacked by Kuja using the eidolon Bahamut that was earlier extracted from Princess Garnet. In the ensuing battle, Alexandria city is partially destroyed by Bahamut, and the airship, the Invincible, causes massive damage to Alexandria castle as it destroys the legendary eidolon Alexander that attempts to protect the city and castle from Bahamut. Alexandria remains in its crippled state until the ending of the game, when it appears the castle and city have been perfectly rebuilt.

    Alexandria and Alexandria Castle under attack by the eidolon, Bahamut. Alexander, right with white wings, attempts to protect the castle from Bahamut's assault.
    Alexandria and Alexandria Castle under attack by the eidolon, Bahamut. Alexander, right with white wings, attempts to protect the castle from Bahamut's assault.

    [edit] Alexandria Castle

    Alexandria Castle is the home of Queen Brahne, the Knights of Pluto, General Beatrix and her army, and Princess Garnet. The castle often hosts famous plays, such as "I want to be Your Canary," by Lord Avon, and invitations are sent to nobles from Treno and other ruling class families. The castle is smaller than Lindblum's castle, but contains many mysteries and secrets. There is a secret passage in the Queen's chamber which leads to an underground Sanctuary and to a transportation link called Gargan Roo. Alexandria harbor is only accessible through the Western Tower of the castle. The Eastern Tower of the castle is where dissenters and prisoners are locked up. Alexandria Castle is also host to two large dining halls and a kitchen staffed by members of the Qu tribe. During Kuja's assault on Alexandria, Garnet and Eiko unlock the secret of Alexandria castle- it is in fact the Eidolon Alexander, the most powerful Eidolon in Gaia. Alexander is destroyed by Garland in the airship Invincible in order to prevent Kuja from gaining its power. In Garland's attempt to destroy the Invincible, the castle is greatly damaged and the city is partially destroyed. Alexandria Castle and the city remain in ruined states until the ending of the game, when it was rebuilt under the supervision of General Beatrix as the characters dealt with Kuja.

    Burmecia ravaged by war.
    Burmecia ravaged by war.

    [edit] Burmecia

    "The Realm of Eternal Rain," it was once a great country known for its strength and righteousness, but the player only knows it as rain-drenched ruins. Home to the Burmecians, a rat-like people known for their great nobility and sense of honor. Sir Fratley, Freya, and Puck are originally from here.

    [edit] Chocobo's Forest

    A small forest near South Gate. Home to a chocobo-loving moogle named Mene and his friend Choco. Strange artifacts called "Chocographs" can be dug up here.

    [edit] Cleyra

    A settlement located on a large tree surrounded by a protective sandstorm in the middle of a desert west of Burmecia. Cleyra was founded by pacifistic Burmecians 100 years ago. In order to reach the city, travelers must traverse Cleyra's Trunk and its hazards. Cleyra was completely destroyed by Queen Brahne by summoning the Eidolon, Odin. Her goal was to acquire the red jewel that was attached to a harp that was used to sustain the sandstorm. Beatrix attacked the Cleyra tree and stole the jewel easily, all while summoning her army of Black Mages to attack and prevent the helpless Cleyrans/Burmecians from escaping to safety.

    [edit] Dali

    A small rural town in the heart of the Alexandrian Empire. The citizens of Dali profit by manufacturing black mages, which are sold to Alexandria as weapons. The villagers of Dali were once farmers until queen Brahne was approached by Kuja who provided her with the black mage production system.

    [edit] Evil Forest

    A forest located south of and beneath the cliffs of Alexandria. It seems to be alive and infested with plant monsters. Later it becomes petrified after the Plant Brain is killed. When it is petrified, Blank is petrified along with the forest. The petrification is so potent that there is only one remedy: Supersoft.

    [edit] Fossil Roo

    A tunnel that runs beneath the Qu's Marsh and leads to the Outer Continent. Inhabited by Gargants, which can serve as methods of transportation within the underground area. Many people come here to dig for fossils and other treasures.

    [edit] Gargan Roo

    The Gargan Roo is another underground passage, also inhabited by Gargants. It leads from Treno to Alexandria, and from Treno to Pinnacle Rocks in Lindblum.

    [edit] Gizamaluke's Grotto

    A cavern connecting Burmecia and Lindblum, it is attacked by Brahne and her black mages, and collapses easily. It is home to the sea creature Master Gizamaluke, who is driven mad by black mage control. In one section of the grotto, a ladder may be taken to a plateau that is home to the Grand Dragons. Gizamalukes Grotto is also home to a wedding chapel where a cute little moogle couple get married in disc 1.

    [edit] Ice Cavern

    A cave connecting the Evil Forest and Dali regions, the Ice Cavern is the home to powerful ice monsters controlled by the Black Waltz creation.


    [edit] Lindblum

    The single most powerful and advanced city-state on the planet, it is ruled by Regent Cid Fabool IX, airship inventor extraordinaire, and is home to the largest airship armada in the world. The base of Tantalus is also located there. Lindblum also features an annual Festival of the Hunt. Lindblum itself is split into three districts, excluding Lindblum Castle, The Industrial, Theatre and Business Districts. It was a very prosperous city until queen Brahne attacked and ultimately occupied the city, but not before completely wiping out the Industrial District with the eidolon Atomos in disc 2.

    Lindblum is much like Britain in the 19th century. Britain had the world's most powerful navy (Lindblum has the most powerful air fleet on Gaia),Very proud and patriotic people, many people wanting to move there from all 4 corners of earth and the most technologically advanced nation on earth. The way the people of Lindblum immedatly pick up their lives after the attck by Brahne is representative of post-WW2 Blitz Britain, and how the attacks made Britain stronger and more determined to defy the Nazi regime of Germany (This is represented by the increased determination by Regent Cid Fabool IX to stop Brahne in her tracks).

    [edit] Lindblum Grandcastle

    One of the largest castles in the world, Lindblum Castle is home to Regent Cid and his aides, as well as an airship docking bay. The castle is also the headquarters for the Festival of the Hunt.

    [edit] North Gate

    The gate connecting Alexandria and Burmecia. Traversable by foot or by the airship passage.

    [edit] Pinnacle Rocks

    Territory near Lindblum. There lives Ramuh, the legendary invocation of thunder.

    [edit] Qu's Marsh

    A marsh in Lindblum country where the party first meets Quina and his/her teacher, Quale. It is also the entrance to Fossil Roo. Three similar Marshes exist on the Outer and Forgotten Continents as well as on an island near Daguerreo.

    [edit] Quan's Dwelling

    A high-ceilinged cavern with lots of room in the southeastern mountains of the Mist Continent, it is the former home of Quan (of the Qu race), Vivi's 'grandfather'. This cavern is an optional location that contains quite some history.

    [edit] South Gate

    The gate connecting Alexandria and Lindblum. There are two ways of passing through South Gate: one is by the massive airship passage, and the second is by trolley cars.

    [edit] Treno

    A cosmopolitan city of the Alexandrian Empire, Treno's social hierarchy is highly stratified: the wealthier nobles live in the upscale western district, while the poorer classes are confined to the eastern slums. Other highlights include the auction house and the Card Game Tournament headquarters. Treno is stricken with eternal night.

    [edit] Outer Continent

    [edit] Black Mage Village

    Hidden deep in a large forest near Conde Petie, the village is home to several self-aware black mages, living their lives in hiding. They live so deep in the forest that the owls do not live there. It is protected by a magical mirage wall.

    [edit] Conde Petie

    A village of dwarves who speak with a Scottish accent, it is the team's first port of call on the Outer Continent. In order to pass through here to what is called the Sanctuary (the Iifa Tree), couples must undergo a ceremony not unlike marriage. Known as Condya Pata in the original Japanese version of the game.

    [edit] Conde Petie Mountain Path

    A path used by newly-wed dwarves to journey between Conde Petie and the Iifa Tree. Thanks to one of the Iifa Tree's roots, it can also be used to traverse a thin strait between the island where Madain Sari is located and the mainland Outer Continent.

    [edit] Desert Palace

    The base of operations for the primary antagonist in the game, Kuja. Located underneath a swirling whirpool of quicksand.

    [edit] Earth Shrine

    One of the four shrines that collectively allow passage to the planet of Terra. Home to the guardian of Terra named Lich.

    Bahamut attacks the Iifa Tree
    Bahamut attacks the Iifa Tree

    [edit] Iifa Tree

    An enormous tree on the Outer Continent, much too frequently and incorrectly thought of by players as the "Lifa Tree" or "Ilfa Tree," but the name is "iifa tree." It is referred to as a "Sanctuary" by the dwarves of Conde Petie, and the newly "married" journey there to inscribe their names. Planted by Garland many years ago, the Iifa Tree is a filtering system for the souls of Gaia. The souls are directed towards the tree, whereupon they are intercepted by the Soul Cage. Mist is a by-product of the filtering process and is pumped through the roots of the tree to the Mist Continent.

    [edit] Madain Sari

    Eiko and Garnet's hometown. It was destroyed ten years ago by the airship called the Invincible. This was about four years before Eiko was born. Garnet and her real mother fled to Alexandria, but Garnet's mother was dead by the time they floated into Alexandria's harbor. Madain Sari is home to the "Eidolon Wall," a rather interesting relic, for those who can read it. Legend says that a Goddess of beauty lies within the heart of the Eidolon Wall, Goddess Kamkoi; find her and you will receive a gift of the winds.

    [edit] Mognet Central

    Located on an island just slightly offshore, Mognet Central is essentially a Moogle post office. Throughout the game it is hinted that Mognet's efficiency has decreased drastically; following an optional side-quest, the player can restore Mognet Central to full capacity.

    [edit] Forgotten Continent

    [edit] Chocobo's Lagoon

    Located in the Salvage Achipelago. Can only be reached by a chocobo with the ability to traverse shallows. Mene tells the player that Chocograph pieces can be found here.

    [edit] Daguerreo

    Daguerreo is a massive library located on an island to the west of the Forgotten Continent. It contains symposiums on many topics, from the arcane to the scientific (Eidolons, the Mist, the Underworld, and more). Daguerreo is also constantly flooded with water of unknown origin, perhaps tied to the statue of the water-based Eidolon, Leviathan, which is located in its main hall.

    [edit] Ipsen's Castle

    Named after the great explorer Ipsen, it is an ancient structure of unknown origin bearing resemblance to an upside-down castle. Due to its old age, many parts of the castle are dangerous to transverse. Strangely, the weaker the weapon you are using is, the more damage it does to an enemy.

    [edit] Oeilvert

    Nestled deep in a winding canyon, Oeilvert houses advanced holographic technology which appear to tell a story about a long-dead civilization as well as a mysterious airship-like guardian known as "Ark." It also houses the Gulug Stone, a magic-controlling device which is eventually used by Kuja to unseal Mount Gulug. Strangely, Oeilvert seems to contain an anti-magic field, thus no magic may be cast inside. Known as Wiyuvel in the Japanese version. (Side note: when translated into French, Oeil(eye)vert(green) becomes "Greeneye". This does not appear to have any significance to the location.)

    [edit] Water Shrine

    One of the four shrines that collectively allow passage to the planet of Terra. Home to the guardian of Terra Kraken.

    [edit] Wind Shrine

    One of the four shrines that collectively allow passage to the planet of Terra. Home to the guardian of Terra Tiamat.

    [edit] Lost Continent

    [edit] Chocobo's Paradise

    A hidden paradise for chocobos. A sealed entrance can be found northwest of the lost continent. Only a chocobo of extraordinary power could hope to open the way.

    [edit] Esto Gaza

    Situated at the base of Mount Gulug, Esto Gaza serves as a holy gathering place for those interested in the Shimmering Isle.

    [edit] Fire Shrine

    One of the four shrines that collectively allow passage to the planet of Terra. Home to the guardian of Terra Maliris.

    [edit] Mount Gulug

    A volcano sealed by magic, once was home to a race of great moles.

    [edit] Shimmering Isle

    An island off the coast of Esto Gaza known to be a place of mysterious power. When all four elemental shrines are activated, the Shimmering Isle opens up a path to the planet of Terra.

    [edit] Terra

    [edit] Terran Overworld

    The overworld of Terra visually portrays its mystery, for it is a landscape featuring rock formations, sparkling water, and other natural features not seen on Gaia. Its organic passages connect the civilization of Bran Bral with other locales, including Castle Pandemonium.

    [edit] Bran Bal

    The major civilization of Terra, featuring a society of humanoids similar to Zidane and Kuja. Bran Bal is actually the birthplace of Zidane and Kuja. It also featured laboratories that were used in Garland's enhancement of the society.

    [edit] Castle Pandemonium

    Garland's headquarters is a fortress complete with puzzles intended to deter intruders. Pandemonium is also the home base for the Invincible airship. Garland uses the castle to trap Zidane in an attempt to brainwash him. However, Garland's elaborate plot, combined with the castle's flawed defenses and traps, led to the eventual destruction of the castle.

    [edit] Other

    [edit] Chocobo's Air Garden

    A treasure hunt location hidden in the clouds that changes alternately between five places, it can only be found by following clues from the Chocograph. To enter it, the Chocobo must be fed a Dead Pepper. It is also the location of the hardest boss in Final Fantasy IX, Ozma.

    [edit] Memoria

    The final area of the game is where all memories are forged. Memoria serves as the pathway to the Crystal World, which houses Kuja's final objective. It is accessible via a portal directly above the Iifa Tree. Vanquishing Kuja enables access to the Hill of Despair: A tartarus-like place which serves as a home to Necron, the final opponent in the game and an entity that concluded that all life desires to be extinguished and turned into nothingness.


    aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu

    Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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    Static Wikipedia 2007:

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    Static Wikipedia 2006:

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