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List of Chrono Cross characters

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The following are characters from the PlayStation game Chrono Cross.

Table of contents

    [edit] Character relations

    Many characters in Chrono Cross are related to one another.

    • Serge - Son of Marge, son of Wazuki/Lynx, wielder of Mastermune; future husband of Kid....maybe
    • Kid - Daughter-clone of Schala, raised by Lucca
    • Guile - None (was going to be Magus, Schala's brother, but his backstory was dropped due to complications)
    • Lynx - Father of Serge
    • Wazuki - Original identity of Serge's father
    • Miguel - Friend of Wazuki; Leena's father
    • General Viper - Acacia Dragoons leader; Lord of El Nido; ally of Lynx, friend of Zappa, Garai, Radius, Dario, Glenn, Karsh, Zoah, Marcy; father of Riddel
    • Garai - Father of Glenn and Dario, wielder of Einlanzer, friend of Radius, Zappa, and General Viper, former Acacia Dragoon Deva, 23rd Acacia Dragoon Grandmaster (leader of the Devas)
    • Radius - Friend of Viper, Zappa, Garai, Dario, Zoah, Marcy, Karsh, Glenn, Riddel and Serge; wielder of the Masamune, Chief of Arni, former Acacia Dragoon Deva; murderer of Garai
    • Zappa - Father of Karsh, husband of Zippa, former Acacia Dragoon Deva
    • Dario - Brother of Glenn, son of Garai, friend of Karsh, fiancé of Riddel, wielder of Masamune, wielder of the Einlanzer, former Acacia Dragoon Deva and 24th Acacia Dragoon Grandmaster (leader of the Devas)
    • Karsh - Acacia Dragoon Deva; son of Zappa and Zippa, friend of Glenn, Riddel, General Viper, Radius, Garai, Marcy, and Dario
    • Riddel - Daughter of General Viper, fiancé of Dario, friend of Glenn and Karsh
    • Marcy - Acacia Dragoon Deva, daughter of Fargo, sister of Nikki, niece of Irenes
    • Glenn - Brother of Dario, son of Garai, friend of Karsh and Riddel, wielder of (2)Einlanzers
    • Zoah - Acacia Dragoon Deva; friend of Dario, Karsh, Marcy, Glenn, Riddel, Viper, and Radius
    • Zippa - Mother of Karsh, wife of Zappa
    • Fargo - Brother-in-law of Irenes, father of Nikki and Marcy
    • Nikki - Son of Fargo, brother of Marcy, nephew of Irenes, friend of Miki
    • Irenes - Sister-in-law of Fargo, aunt of Nikki and Marcy
    • Luccia - Friend of Lucca
    • Pip - Specimen of Luccia
    • Grobyc - Creation of Luccia
    • Miki - Lead dancer for Nikki's show
    • Korcha - Son of Macha and Orcha, brother of Mel
    • Orcha - Father of Korcha and Mel, husband of Macha, brother of Belcha
    • Macha - Mother of Korcha and Mel, wife of Orcha
    • Mel- daughter of Mahca and Orcha, sister of Korcha
    • Leena - Daughter of Miguel
    • Una - Sister of Leena, daughter of Miguel
    • Harle - Accomplice to Lynx / Wazuki, unrequited lover of Serge, Dark Moon Dragon

    [edit] White innate characters

    White is a more mystical element than others, encompassing light, holiness, and healing. One of the characters with a White element is a religious person. White innate characters have access to the most powerful healing spells in the game. White can correspond to Chrono Trigger's "Lightning" element, which in the original Japanese version was actually known as 天, ten, meaning "Heaven". (Heaven included lightning spells because lightning comes down from the heavens.) It was renamed Lightning in the English localization due to Nintendo of America's strictly enforced policy which demanded that any and all religious references be omitted from North American versions of games. Note that the character Pip is capable of evolving and, in doing so, changing his element.

    [edit] Doc

    As his name suggests, Doc is a doctor, practicing in his hometown of Guldove. When Kid is poisoned by Lynx's dagger, she ends up under his care. He tells Serge that he cannot save Kid without Hydra Humor, and she has but days to live. If Serge decides to leave Kid to her fate, Doc can be recruited.

    [edit] Pip


    Pip is recruited by Serge in the S.S. Invincible, and is the only character who undergoes transformations as he participates in more and more battles. Depending on what color elements are used while he is in battle, he may transform into an angel, a devil, or just a stronger version of his normal self. In addition, his innate element may change.

    There is no alternate version of Pip.

    [edit] Riddel

    Lady Riddel is the daughter of General Viper and the Lady of Viper Manor. After Serge's first battle with Lynx, She is taken hostage by Kid, but her ordeal does not last long as Lynx throws a poisoned dagger at Riddel but meant for Kid, which Kid intercepts, effectively accomplishing his objective. Her captors jump off a balcony and are rescued by Korcha. Riddel remains at the manor, even after General Viper relocates to Fort Dragonia. When the manor is taken over by the Porre Military, Riddel becomes a captive, but Serge returns in Lynx's body, and rescues her. She then joins forces with Serge. She is also a key member in obtaining Serge's second best weapon, as she must be present in the party for the battle to obtain the Mastermune to take place. This also makes it possible to obtain Glenn's second ultimate weapon, along with his style change, by going to Termina in Another World with Glenn in the party and interacting with the sword there, which will initiate a scene which will cause Glenn's style to be altered.

    [edit] Serge

    Main article: Serge (Chrono Cross)

    Serge is the silent protagonist of Chrono Cross. Like several other console RPG main characters, Serge's dialogue isn't shown on screen. He is an uncomplicated youth from Arni Village, a small fishing town on the south part of the El Nido Archipelago's central island. His life shifts suddenly when he discovers the power of parallel universes.

    His journey begins when he is abruptly swept through a dimensional rift into Another World, in which he meets a young thief named Kid. Serge and Kid generally team up (the player may choose to decline her offer of help). Kid is in pursuit of the half-man, half-cat known as Lynx, who killed her "big sis", Lucca. This sets the wheels in motion that will determine the truth behind Serge, his relationship with Lynx, and the future of the parallel worlds.

    In the Satellaview sequel to Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamers, Serge is a traveling musician and part of the band of thieves, the Radical Dreamers. This "Serge" however, can talk and shows greater affection for Kid than his Chrono Cross counterpart appears to. It is sometimes argued that there is no separate Radical Dreamers world, but that Chrono Cross is a remake of the game.

    [edit] Starky


    Starky initially appears as Mega-Starky, a huge alien, that Serge must fight when arriving on Home World Sky Dragon Isle in Lynx's body with a Star Fragment. Once defeated, he shrinks into his true self, and tries to steal the Star Fragment, but is caught and joins forces with Serge in order to find all of the Star Fragments, which are pieces of his damaged ship. When he discovers that his ship is intact in Another World, he retrieves his anti-gravity device which he then attaches to the back of Serge's boat so that he can gain access to Terra Tower.

    [edit] Steena

    Steena is Direa's pupil from Guldove and helps Serge find the "Chrono Cross", as well as assisting him in recovering his former body back after its was switched with Lynx's. They guard the Dragon Tear.

    [edit] Black innate characters

    Black is a darker element than others. Two of the characters with a Black element are undead or spirits. Black also involves gravity based attacks. Great with offensive magic. This roughly corresponds to the "Shadow" element from Chrono Trigger.

    [edit] Grobyc


    Grobyc is a cyborg officer of the Porre Military, the enemies of the Acacians. When Serge tries to rescue Riddel from Viper Manor, Grobyc confronts them in the main hallway. He is defeated, but the Porre Soldiers activate their secret weapon: Guillot. Guillot goes berserk and attacks Serge, but is defeated. It then reactivates and chases Serge into the library, where another battle ensues. Guillot falls again, and again gets back up, but by now Grobyc, who admires strength, sees that Serge is indeed strong. When the machine jumps onto a chandelier, in an attempt to reach Serge again, Grobyc brings down the chandelier to destroy Guillot. He then helps Serge escape, and joins forces with him. Grobyc spelled backwards is "cyborg".

    [edit] Guile


    Serge first encounters Guile contemplating his plans in a bar in Another Termina. Guile has made a bet with Termina's fortune-teller that he can bring back an item from Viper Manor. Thus, he will be glad to join Serge on his journey to Viper Manor to discover the intentions of the mysterious Lynx. Guile's strength with magic is very effective, especially in his Tech Skills. However, Guile's Element Grid is backwards from most other characters, with less Element spots for earlier levels, and more Element spots for later levels. As a result, Guile proves as a very powerful mage, especially at the end of the game.

    When Serge is searching for a guide to Viper Manor, he may talk to Guile in the bar and he will be happy to join the party, as he has made a bet with the town fortune teller that he can retrieve an object from the Manor and come out alive. He is one of three possible guides to the Manor.

    Along with Kid and Harle, Guile is one of the few playable characters who does not appear in the parallel world. This does not confirm that there is no "other" Guile however, the magician Sneff from Home World recognizes Guile from Another World as being part of the Magic Guild, so it's likely that the character exists in both worlds.

    Though Guile himself does not appear in the Chrono Trigger sequel Radical Dreamers on Satellaview, a character named Magil (or just Gil), who has a much similar appearance appears. This character is often believed to be Magus from Chrono Trigger. Though it has been confirmed that Guile is not Magus (see below), one may believe that Guile is based off of the Radical Dreamers character, or perhaps is even "another" Magil. In fact, Magil accompanies Serge and Kid to Viper Manor in Radical Dreamers, much as Guile does in Chrono Cross. Some, though, would argue that this parallel is only drawn because Chrono Cross is a remake of Radical Dreamers. In addition, Guile has physical and magical traits similar to those of Magus from Chrono Trigger.

    [edit] Harle

    Main article: Harle

    Harle is a minor antagonist with ambiguous motives; while she strays closely towards redemption, circumstances and her own destiny will not allow it. Because of her exotic beauty, flashy costume, and poignant story, Harle is a fan favorite and a frequent subject of fan art, and is the most enigmatic character in the game.. In the English version of the game, her speech is written with a French accent and is often interspersed with French words.

    Early in the game, Harle works with Lynx against Serge and his party. However, she eventually befriends Serge, which confuses her as to where her interests lie. After Lynx switches bodies with Serge, Harle will guide Serge through the Dimensional Vortex and join the party. Eventually, she decides to start her own neutral quest. However, the party meets up with her one last time, inside the Time Fortress: Chronopolis. There, she steals the legendary Frozen Flame and disappears amongst the six dragons. The Time Prophet reveals that she was created by the Dragons, who are part of a single entity called the Dragon God, to spy on Lynx, who serves FATE, which opposes the dragons. Harle is the seventh "Dark Moon" Dragon.

    As her name suggests, Harle is a harlequin jester. She wears full costume throughout the game, including a large horned hat and heavy facepaint. Her physical disguise and painted smile convey symbolically to the viewer that she is playing a role. She has some similarities and connections to the character Kid.

    [edit] Luccia


    Luccia is a scientist, first seen conducting experiments on live animals in Viper Mansion. Though she seems to be fairly evil and possibly mad, she does the main characters a good turn, and later turns out to be quite helpful. She has purple hair and an impressive intellect - all qualities which also describe the Chrono Trigger character, Lucca. However, unlike Lucca, she has a German accent, wears a monocle instead of glasses, is aligned to the Black element (one would expect Lucca to be red if she were in Chrono Cross), and uses shots and cards instead of a gun.

    After fighting Lynx in Viper Manor, Serge may return there and head upstairs to find Luccia, who has become very taken with a mysterious plant. Impressed with Serge's battle skills exhibited earlier in the game against her mutant Bulb plants, she may join him.

    Though nobody ever mentions it in the game, Luccia bears an uncanny resemblance to her near-namesake, Lucca. This could allow one to draw conclusions about Lucca having actually survived somehow, but the truth is revealed near the end of the game. After Kid is revived, Luccia tells her that Lucca was a former colleague of hers - one who probably would have surpassed her in terms of her scientific work, if not for her disappearance. She did, however, leave one letter in Luccia's possession, addressed to Kid. Among other things, she tells Kid that she was already aware of the consequences for tampering with the time stream, and that she had accepted her fate. She also bears a resemblance to Magus of Chrono Trigger, as they have nearly identical hair and facial features (though Luccia is not nearly as pallid), this leads some to believe she may be a descendant of Magus (or of Magus and Lucca) and may explain the reference to Janus in the letter given to Kid (as Magus was Janus, prince of Zeal, before the events that started Chrono Trigger, the malfunction of the Mammon Machine).

    [edit] Lynx

    Main article: Lynx (Chrono Cross)

    Lynx is a fictional character who serves as an one of several antagonists in Chrono Cross. A demihuman, Lynx is Kid's archenemy. Lynx appears to have insight on Serge's current situation, far more than Serge does himself. He is known to be seeking the legendary Frozen Flame, and at the start of the game, he has been living among the Dragoons of Viper Manor. For reasons unbeknownst to Serge, Lynx is actively seeking him out. In reality, Lynx has a blood relationship to the deceased form of Serge. He is later revealed to be a controlled form of Wazuki, Serge's father.

    In Radical Dreamers, Lynx is the main antagonist. He resides in Viper Manor, and is, in fact, the adoptive father of Riddel. Also in this version, Lynx is in possession of the Frozen Flame, not looking for it as he is in Chrono Cross. Serge, Kid, and Magil--the Radical Dreamers--go to Viper Manor to steal the relic. Depending on the players choices in a New Game + game, Lynx reveals himself to be an alien. Some would argue that there is not a separate Radical Dreamers world, but that Chrono Cross is a remake of the Satellaview game.

    [edit] Mojo


    Mojo is a human-sized voodoo doll, who encounters Serge in the basement of one of Serge's neighbor's houses. Mojo is seen as an idol by the neighbors, although this changes quickly after he joins the party. Although he equips a glove, he attacks his enemies with the large nail he is impaled on. Eventually, he falls into despair as he realizes that as a voodoo doll, he was created for the sole purpose of bringing people pain. With the group's help, he realizes that his origins do not matter, it is the actions he takes in the present that define who he is. At this point, he dedicates himself to spreading happiness throughout the world, and his name becomes 'Mojoy', a play on 'More Joy'.

    [edit] Skelly


    Skelly is a skeleton whose bones are scattered around the archipelago. The player must re-assemble him so that he may visit his grandmother.

    [edit] Red innate characters

    Red innate characters have a high focus on power. Many of the Red characters are some of the most powerful. Naturally, red is the element of fire and lava. In Chrono Trigger, it was simply called, "Fire".

    [edit] Draggy


    Draggy is initially an egg, which can be found in Fossil Valley, and if taken to Ft. Dragonia in the Home World, he can be hatched immediately following the battle with Dark Serge. The incubator machine is found by taking the elevator down, instead of up, which would lead to the part of the fort found in the dream sequence. As soon as he is hatched, he joins forces with Serge.

    [edit] Greco

    Greco performs several religious duties in the town of Termina, most of which are linked to death. His hut is located just east of the main portion of the town, along the bay. He wears a mask and cape similar to that of a luchador, and he also uses Spanish words as part of his vocabulary.

    [edit] Janice

    Janice is a rabbitgirl monster trainer aboard the S.S. Zelbess. To recruit her, Serge (usually in Lynx's body when attempting this, though the monster selection is smaller then) must defeat her three times in a tournament which pits monster against monster. Serge's selection of monsters is the same as Sprigg's doppelgang selection, which can be expanded by having Sprigg kill monsters or the equipping of the Forget-Me-Not Pot to gain monsters for Sprigg to morph into.

    [edit] Kid

    Main article: Kid (Chrono Cross)

    Kid is a protagonist in the game. She first comes to Serge's aid when he is attacked by Karsh, Solt, and Peppor on Cape Howl. Depending on the player's choices, she may then join the party there, later, or not actually join the party at all for the entire game duration. A member of the band of thieves known as the Radical Dreamers (the other members do not appear in the game), she is one of the only three characters in the game who can steal items from enemies (Mel and Fargo are the other two) and she provides as a very helpful party member. Whether Kid joins the party on Cape Howl or not, she directs Serge in the direction of Termina, Viper Manor, and her evil foe Lynx. This sparks her extensive role in the storyline.

    In terms of recruitment, Kid offers to join Serge towards the beginning of the game, but the player may choose whether to recruit her in Cape Howl, Termina, Viper Manor, or to not actually recruit her for the whole game.

    Kid is one of the very few characters of Chrono Cross who does not have an alternate character from a parallel dimension. This is possible evidence of there only being one "Kid" in all dimensions (more information below).

    Though characters with the names Serge, Lynx, and Riddel appear in the Chrono Trigger sequel Radical Dreamers, they are believed to be a parallel dimension's versions of the Chrono Cross characters. However, in Chronopolis, there is an excerpt from the game in a computer module. If this module is read, Kid identifies these characters as her "old mates," suggesting that she is the same as the Radical Dreamers' character. Some, however, argue that this is just an Easter egg.

    [edit] Macha

    Macha is a playable character in Chrono Cross, with red innate abilities. She has two children, Korcha and Mel. She offers to assist Serge if the player chooses not to save Kid.

    Macha uses kitchen utensils as weapons.

    [edit] Miki


    Miki is a famous dancer, known throughout the El Nido Archipelago. In Another World, she is on tour with Nikki, while in the Home World, she is a performer aboard the S.S. Zelbess. Her primary goal is reclaim Marbule from the strange creatures that have made that island their home. Fargo stands in the way of this goal until the Fargo from Another World is brought in to confront his Home World self. The S.S. Zelbess is brought to Marbule where Miki takes part in a performance, in which the Song of Marbule is played to render the strange monsters vulnerable. Then Serge, still in Lynx's body lands in Marbule and defeats the monsters restoring Marbule. Miki subsequently joins with Serge after he finds her bored on the S.S. Zelbess.

    [edit] Orcha

    Orcha is the cook at Viper Manor, and remains there when the Acacians relocate to Ft. Dragonia. The Porre Military made him ingest Quaffid seeds, and then transformed him into the Hell's Cook to have him torture Riddel, but he is defeated by Serge, when he arrives in Lynx's body. He reverts to normal, and joins forces with Serge.

    [edit] Zappa

    He is a blacksmith from the town of Termina. Karsh, one of General Viper's 4 Dragoon Devas, is his son. The Zappa from the Home World joins forces with Serge, and when he is united with the Zappa from Another World, they can work together, allowing Serge to forge the Rainbow weapons--the strongest weapons in the game, with the exceptions of the dual Einlanzers. Zappa has a Scottish accent.

    [edit] Blue innate characters

    Blue innate characters are good healers and offensive magic users. Leena is one of the best healers. Blue is the element of water and ice. This matches Chrono Trigger, in which Marle uses ice magic but as labeled "Water" like Frog.

    [edit] Fargo

    Fargo is a captain and leader. In Another World, he is the captain of a pirate ship, the S.S. Invincible. Serge discovers the ship in the fog, and fights with Fargo once aboard. He then saves the ship from an attack by ghosts. In the Home World, he is the captain of a cruise ship, the S.S. Zelbess, and is a cheater in his own casino. Serge arrives in Lynx's body, looking for the Sage of Marbule. In order to find the sage, he must first expose Fargo's cheating, which involves being transformed into a cat. Fargo is Nikki's and Marcey's father.

    [edit] Irenes

    Irenes is a mermaid, and hails from the town of Marbule. In the Home World, her main goal is to convince Fargo to help save Marbule from the creatures that have taken up residence in the town. Irenes's sister, Zelbess, fell in love with Fargo. Tragically, Zelbess died. Because of that, Fargo became vindictive against demihumans and forced them to work as slave labour on his cruise ship, ironically named after Zelbess. Irenes still lives in Marbule, alone, and weeps at night for her sister. When Serge comes to see her, she sees a way out of her sad predicament and follows him to the S.S. Zelbess.

    [edit] Korcha

    Korcha is a troublemaker in the town of Termina, but when Kid is poisoned, he is there to rescue her as she falls from a Viper Manor balcony. He falls in love with her, and helps Serge find the Hydra Humour needed to cure her. During a negotiation over the use of his boat, Korcha proposes to Kid, but no answer is given at the time.

    [edit] Leena

    Initially, Leena is a primary female ally to Serge, but she is soon replaced by Kid. In the Home World, she is a close friend of Serge, and at the beginning of the game she sends him to collect Komodo Dragon scales. They meet up at Opassa Beach, but Serge is suddenly drawn into an alternate dimension (Another World). There, he encounters a different Leena, who does not recognize him because the Serge in Another World died years before. However, this Leena soon believes that this Serge needs help due to the fact that Serge says he is the boy who died ten years ago, and joins forces with him (assuming Kid is not recruited immediately following the first Shaker Brothers battle).

    Possible CT connection: While Leena displays traits that are similar to Marle from Chrono Trigger, it is also interesting to note that in Chrono Trigger, Marle was a descendant of Queen Leene. The similarity in names may imply a connection, or may simply be a tribute to the first game of the Chrono series.

    [edit] Marcy

    Marcy is one of the four Acacian Dragoon Devas, and is Fargo's daughter, as well as Nikki's sister. She fights with Serge in the library of Viper Manor, and a second time just prior to Serge's entry into Ft. Dragonia. During the second battle, she is accompanied by Karsh and Zoah. Also, she abhors Serge and Kid and eventually vows to defeat them, which ends in failure

    [edit] Nikki

    Nikki is Fargo's son and Marcy's brother, although he does not know this at first. He is part of the performing group Magical Dreamers along with his lead dancer Miki, and in the Home World his goal is to restore Marbule. In his attempts to convince Fargo to help him, he learns that Fargo is his father. He recruits Serge (who at the time is in Lynx's form) to help him convince Fargo to save Marbule, and helps perform the Song of Marbule when Fargo finally relents. One of the three guides to Viper Manor

    [edit] Orlha


    Orlha is a resident of Guldove, she is a bartender at the bar under the element shop, and when the Porre military arrives to take over the island, she puts up a strong resistance using "Drunken Kickboxing" style fighting. Finally, Serge arrives, and because he is in Lynx's form, the Porre officers identify him as an ally. He then fights with and defeats Orlha, but he also commands all of the Porre soldiers to leave, thus preventing her from being taken prisoner. Orlha then joins forces with him when he returns to his original form.

    [edit] Pierre

    Pierre is one of three possible guides that can be recruited in order to gain entry Viper Manor. If he is recruited, Serge must enter Viper Manor through its gate, which involves defeating several guards and the Shaker Brothers, who are this time accompanied by Ketchop. Pierre speaks with a French accent, although at times he seems to drop it. A character named Pierre appeared in Chrono Trigger as a lawyer at Crono's trial, but there is no evidence to suggest any connection between the two Pierres.

    [edit] Green innate characters

    Green innate characters are good healers as well as good offensive magic users, like Razzly, and also good with physical attacks, like Glenn and Karsh. Green is the element of air and nature. It has no equivalent in Chrono Trigger.

    [edit] Glenn

    Glenn is a knight of the Acacia Dragoons based in Viper Manor in the El Nido Archipelago. Glenn can be unmistakably paralleled with his namesake, Glenn aka Frog from Chrono Trigger. Like Frog, he too is knight and a sidekick to a legendary hero, i.e. Frog to Cyrus, which in this case is his own brother Dario of the Acacia Dragoons. Later in the game, he also wields a legendary blade, the Einlanzer, and after a final upgrade, will acquire two Einlanzers, much like Frog obtaining the Masamune. Further parallels between the two include the famous X-strike from Chrono Trigger which in this game is performed between Glenn and Serge. Despite all the obvious links between the two characters, they are not related. Frog is from the Middle Ages, while Glenn exists in 1020 A.D. Although Frog does take on a human form at the end of Chrono Trigger, it is supported that the canonical timeline for completing Chrono Trigger is where Magus lives, and thus the spell on Frog was not lifted. There is a variation of this in future releases that even with Magus living Frog is cured, and there is insinuation in one of the endings that he actually joins the royal line, making him Marle's ancestor
    It has been confirmed that this Glenn is named after the original hero from Chrono Trigger, but that they are not the same person.

    [edit] Karsh

    Karsh is one of the four Acacian Dragoon Devas. He accompanied Dario on an expedition to the Isle of the Damned to search for the Masamune, but the expedition resulted in Dario's death. In Another World, Karsh is sent by Lynx to find Serge, and is accompanied by the Shaker Brothers. Thanks to incompetence of the Shaker Brothers, Karsh is defeated and returns to Viper Manor. Following the relocation to Ft. Dragonia, Karsh joins with fellow devas Zoah and Marcy to stop Serge from reaching the fort. Serge defeats them, but they follow him to the fort and arrive just in time to discover the aftermath of the battle, and save General Viper's life. When Serge returns to Another World in Lynx's body, Karsh, Zoah, and Marcy join forces with him. Later, they return to the Isle of the Damned, where the Shaker Brothers accuse Karsh of murdering Dario and attempt to execute him.

    [edit] NeoFio


    NeoFio is the result of one of Luccia's experiments, and is brought to life by Luccia after Serge obtains the Life Sparkle, located in the Hydra Marshes. As soon as NeoFio comes to life, she joins Serge's group of allies.

    [edit] Radius

    Radius is a character who directly confronts his enemies on several occasions. In the Home World, he is the village elder of Arni Village, the hometown of Serge. In Another World, he is hiding on an island known as Hermit's Hideaway. Radius from Home World is shocked one day to discover that his mortal enemy Lynx is in the village, and talking with Serge's mother. He immediately demands that Lynx step outside, where they fight. As the fight progresses, however, Radius senses that there is no malice in "Lynx's" attacks, and realizes that his opponent is not Lynx at all.

    [edit] Razzly

    Razzly is a fairy, and is native to Water Dragon Isle in the Home World. She is found in Home World's Hydra Marshes, having been captured by Madame Pentapus, who intends to eat her, but Serge, falling through a hole in the ceiling of Pentapus's lair created by a defeated Wingapede, fall directly on top of Pentapus, knocking her unconscious. They notice Razzly, who is trapped in a cage, but Pentapus comes to and a battle ensues. Serge defeats the Pentapus and manages to set Razzly free. She then joins forces with Serge. When Razzly speaks she replaces the word "very" with the word "fairy", being that she is a fairy.

    [edit] Sprigg

    Sprigg is the only resident of the Dimensional Vortex, where Serge is sent after trading bodies with Lynx. After he gains entry into her house, she agrees to help him gain entry into the tower on the hill above her house, and joins forces with him in order to find a way out of the Dimensional Vortex. Together with Harle, they succeed, emerging in the Hydra Marshes of the Home World. Sprigg's most unusual ability is Doppelgang, which allows her to transform into certain monsters once they have been defeated by her, or anyone later carrying the Forget-Me-Not Pot. NOTE: Sprigg must be in her own form in order to remember monsters. Monsters she beats while Doppelganged will not be remembered.

    [edit] Turnip


    Turnip is first discovered growing in the ground outside of the Hermit's Hideaway. When he is pulled out of the ground (by Poshul) he joins forces with Serge. His mannerisms and animations resemble Frog from Chrono Trigger, in another nod to that famous character.

    [edit] Van

    Van experiences inconsistency amongst his two personas; this is likely done to emphasize the differences between the two dimensions. In Another World, he and his family are rich and live in a mansion in Termina. In the Home World, however, his family is poor and they live in a small house occupying the exact same spot as the mansion. To make things worse, Van's father is under threat of eviction. The Van from the Home World joins forces with Serge after hearing that he is searching for the Frozen Flame. Van and his father, Gogh, are named after the famous Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh. Like the real-life painter, Van and his father possess artistic talent and have unhappy lives. Van's alternate personas are just one of the examples of how particular aspects of the game differ drastically, while the world stays roughly the same as a whole. While the circumstances are different, Van is not happy either way. In Another World, Van's father is too occupied with acquiring more wealth to pay attention to his son. In the Homeworld, Van and his father struggle to make ends meet. Van is one of only two characters in the game to use a boomerang.

    [edit] Yellow innate characters

    Great offensive fighters. Some of the most powerful characters, especially Leah. Yellow magic is rooted in electricity and earth. However, it does not correspond with any element in Chrono Trigger; Trigger's Lightning element is merely an invention of its localization team (the original element being Heaven).

    [edit] Funguy


    Funguy is the father of Leena's friend Lisa, who runs the element shop in Termina. Finding him in the forest near Viper Manor, and feeding him a strange mushroom will cause him to turn into a mushroomlike humanoid, and he will join forces with Serge without delay.

    [edit] General Viper

    Viper is the lord of Viper Manor, and is collaborating with Lynx. At Ft. Dragonia, Viper attacks Serge and his allies, but Lynx betrays him, stabbing him in the back with a knife. He is saved by Karsh, Zoah, and Marcy. He will later join Serge's team while aboard the S.S. Invincible in Another World. He is one of the few characters who has a signature weapon (Viper's Venom, a 3-Bladed sword shaped like an anchor), however, his is not on the same level of power as that of the signature weapons held by other characters (his weapon is not as powerful as the Spectral Sword, whereas the Dual Einlanzers exceed them).

    [edit] Leah

    Leah is an orphan living on the isolated island known as Gaea's Navel. She helps guide Serge to the Green Dragon, and after he defeats it, she joins forces with him. Leah's appearance is somewhat similar to Ayla from Chrono Trigger, mostly the hair. While Leah's English ability isn't as broken as Ayla's, she has a tendency to add an -um suffix to some words in her speech. She does not know where she came from, and tells Serge she got to be there after a "land anger" (earthquake?). At the end of the game, during the character's closing speeches after beating the final boss, Leah vows that she will name her daughter 'Ayla,' which means 'strength of nature.' One presumes from this that she somehow found her way home to the distant past.

    Note: Gaea's Navel is also a place in another SquareEnix game, Secret of Mana for the SNES.

    [edit] Mel

    Mel is Korcha's adopted little sister, and she is known for doodling with her crayons. When Kid recovers from her poisoning at the hands of Lynx, Mel steals her elements during the night, but leaves behind evidence indicating that she is the thief. Korcha outsmarts Mel, and with Serge's help, surrounds her, and she is forced to return Kid's elements to her.

    [edit] Norris


    Norris is a commander in the Porre Military that has overtaken Termina in Serge's Home World; his weapon of choice is a gun. He is the leader of the Black Wind, a kind of undercover investigations team within the Porre Army. He was assigned to infiltrate the Dragoons, but his assignment ended in mystery. To this day, fans continue arguing about his hair color. He tried to destroy Grobyc and the StrongArm by provoking an explosion in a lab, but ended up killing only a scientist, Luccia's brother. In one of the endings, it is revealed that he is the "kind stranger" that delivered Hydra Humour to Kid in the event you choose not to save her.

    When Serge, in Lynx's body visits the Viper Manor Ruins, Norris realizes that the feline demihuman is not the real Lynx and offers his assistance to Serge and the party.

    [edit] Poshul


    Poshul is a talking pooch with a lisp that is the first recruitable character in Chrono Cross. She is also the only character who can accompany Serge on his first trip to "Another World." She refers to Serge as "Sergie-poo". Poshul is the only character that can be recruited in either world, but only one Poshul can be recruited.

    [edit] Sneff

    Sneff is a performance magician indentured to Fargo in the Home World, since he has a considerable gambling debt to the captain. Only after Serge (in Lynx's body) removes the handle from Fargo's cheating device is Sneff able to defeat Fargo and earn his freedom.

    [edit] Zoah

    Zoah is one of the four Acacian Dragoon Devas, and has a tendency to shout, because he never takes his helmet off. This is characterized in the game by stating his text in all capital letters. He joins fellow devas, Karsh and Marcy in an attempt to prevent Serge from reaching Ft. Dragonia, but Serge fights his way past them. After he enters the fort, they follow him and discover that Lynx has betrayed and wounded General Viper. They manage to save him, and later, Zoah joins forces with Serge, who at this point is in Lynx's body.

    [edit] Returning characters

    Several characters from Chrono Trigger return in the sequel, two playing major roles behind the scenes. They are not playable and only make brief appearances. Due to the gap of twenty years between Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, it is unknown what became of the majority of the main cast from the prequel. In order of importance, these characters return for the new game.

    • Lavos and Schala - Lavos returns as the main villain, but does not appear until the end. By accident during Chrono Trigger, Schala was banished to the Darkness Beyond Time, where later, the defeated Lavos arrived and began merging with the former princess of Zeal to create a new being. The resulting lifeform—the Time Devourer—would have been capable of devouring all spacetime once matured. Though unknown to Serge for most of his quest, the entire events concerning the dimensions and the creation of El Nido were set in motion to empower him to defeat the Time Devourer and free Schala. Using the Chrono Cross, he accomplished this mission. Lavos was decisively defeated, though Schala's fate is unknown due to an ambiguous ending. In the complete ending, it is vaguely implied that she is freed from Lavos—after which she narrates the rest of the ending—but this event leads to a Deus Ex Machina resolution where history is "set right" in some manner which is never confirmed or explained.
    • Belthasar - Belthasar returns as the mastermind behind the game's events. When he arrived in the future of 2300 A.D., he constructed Chronopolis and discovered the Time Devourer. He then created Project Kid and planned out the events necessary to empower Serge. After setting up the experiment that would cause Chronopolis to go back in time, he departed to the modern era of 1020 A.D. to watch his plan unfold. He speaks to the party a few times, eventually giving them the Time Egg necessary to find and challenge the Time Devourer.
    • Crono, Marle, and Lucca - These heroes of the original game appear as childlike apparitions at the Dead Sea, in an illusion created by Belthasar at Terra Tower, and upon Opassa Beach, the site of the dimension split. While they chide Serge at the Dead Sea, they instruct him otherwise, notifying him of the Chrono Cross Element, his role in stopping the Time Devourer, and other important points of history. Whether the original heroes died in the fall of Guardia Kingdom is a mystery[1]; it is unknown whether they are true ghosts or are merely projections of an unknown source.
    • In Lucca's burning orphanage, there is a drawing of him done by a kid. ("Crono is cool")
    • Frog - He does not appear. However, his Masamune appears, and another hero does his real name, Glenn, also appears. This Glenn also has the X Strike. However, he is not the same character. The Chrono Cross Ultimania guide asserts that Glenn was named after Frog.[2]
    • Robo - Though not explicitly detailed, there is an entity in Chronopolis under the name Prometheus, which has the same name as its Chrono Trigger counterpart, or probably is the same character. In the future, he agreed to become an integral part of Project Kid by keeping FATE locked out from using the Frozen Flame once Serge made contact with it. He briefly speaks to the party before being executed by FATE after Serge finds the facility.
    • Ayla - She also does not appear, but she is mentioned by Leah, a girl also from prehistoric times. Leah says that she will name her child "Ayla". This suggests Leah is Ayla's mother, though this causes story continuity issues.
    • Magus - In a letter sent by Lucca, she tells Kid that Janus may be watching over her, and "if so, hello, Janus!" Some claim that he was in the room during the letter's reading, based on a player character-indicative shadow that appears when the letter is being read.[3] The character Guile was originally meant to be a disguised Magus, but this was dropped in development.[1]
    • Masa and Mune - These inhabitants of the Masamune appear at the end of the Dario sidequest, and have little bearing on the plot. After falling asleep in the past, the Masamune became evil, causing immeasurable chaos among certain characters. Upon the sidequest's completion they apparently learn their lesson and replace Serge's initial oar with the Mastermune. If equipped when Serge uses the technique "Flying Arrow", they appear in their combined form behind him.
    • Doreen - joins Masa and Mune when the Masamune is reduced to ashes and transforms the Serge's Sea Swallow into the Mastermune.
    • Ozzie, Slash, and Flea - The Mystic warriors appear in a special boss fight accessible on a New Game+. Sprigg can learn to transform into any member of the trio after dueling them. As Slash, she can perform the "Z Slash" triple tech when teamed up with Serge and Kid.
    • Johnny - The futuristic, hot-headed racer can be seen as a corpse beneath the Highwayman in the Dead Sea.[4]
    • Gato - Lucca's robot creation for the Millennial Faire can be seen when Serge travels to Kid's past and sees Lucca's house burning.
    • Cyrus - Although not actually in the game, Pierre's final Tech is called the "SlapOfCyrus" that states, "Gains a helping hand from the tough guy Cyrus". He also wields the Hero's Medal, which is associated with Cyrus.

    [edit] References

    1. ^ a b
    2. ^ (1999) Studio BentStuff Chrono Cross Ultimania (in Japanese). DigiCube, 495. ISBN 4-87188-854-1.
    3. ^ Chrono Compendium staff (2005). Screenshots of Magus's shadow. Chrono Compendium. Retrieved on 24 July 2006.
    4. ^ Chrono Compendium staff (2006). Fates of the Chrono Trigger Team. Chrono Compendium. Retrieved on 25 July 2006.
    Chrono Cross
    Harle | Kid | Lynx | Serge
    FATE | Lavos | List of Chrono Cross characters
    Other information
    Chrono Cross Plot & Timeline | Frozen Flame | New Game Plus

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