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User talk:KAS

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[edit] Exit - Sailor Moon Fan

This user (KAS) has a #1 rating on Google for Sailormoon and it is higher then Wikipedia/Sailor Moon - again, I didn't post here for vanity or to get higher link ratings – due to my site is already #1. Those that think otherwise, I invite you to search the Internet and you won't find that I've placed links to my site anywhere. I only placed a link here in this Wikipedia site because my experience over the years has been Sailor Moon fans were playful, nice, and friendly (my guestbook clearly shows this) - but I see that was a mistake assuming this here. Dang, the Sailor Moon in the show behaves different then the tone of this site. This site has been hostile since I first linked as a Sailor Moon fan, and certainly out of character of the Sailor Moon show. So please, when the site is unlocked, remove my link. I’m just a Sailor Moon fan, and that’s it. All the recent putdowns and arguments can be easily debated, but I choose not to for the following reasons. Concerning Wikipedia, and contributing to articles in Wikepedia, in my “opinion” there is a mob like mentality of some Wikipedia individuals that have access to editing and admin controls. They hijack a page and guard it as their own. This is just one of many examples concerning the problems of Widipedia. My friend Sam Vaknin indicated I should run like hell from this mess. His views here (links below) and I belive it! After posting, I'm gone myself.

[edit] from Danny

  • Thanks for the help. I hope you consider coming back to Wikipedia. :) Danny Lilithborne 08:32, 15 May 2006 (UTC)
Danny - An Anon vandal ghost didn't delete my personal and professional history - I did. I had to look up "Anon Vandal" to try and figure out what your edit tag meant. Based on the feedback of me adding a fan site link, not sure I helped do anything except...not helped :/
I bet there are many things likeable about you, and maybe the sun will peek out soon :-) For both of us :-) KAS 09:14, 15 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Smile!

Ahhhhh...That was nice Danny. Thank you for the SMILE. It came just in time! KAS 03:43, 21 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Apologies for reverting userpage

I apologise for reverting your userpage. Because you wern't logged in it wasn't clear what was happening, and I needed to be sure. However, the problem has now been dealt with. Thanks for keeping the communication channels open. --Xyrael T 09:29, 27 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] If YOU have problems

With people reverting edits that YOU made to YOUR userpage then maybe YOU shouldn't edit it as an IP ILovePlankton ( L) 15:46, 27 May 2006 (UTC)

Responded to the above message at the link below:
KAS 16:18, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
That's not where you're supposed to reply to. User_talk:ILovePlankton is the user's talk page. Comments go there. — Nathan (talk) 16:22, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
A when did I put syntax on your userpage?
B I am not rying to mislead anyone
C What the hell are you talking about? ILovePlankton ( L) 16:27, 27 May 2006 (UTC)

I still must address IlovePlankton and why I view this USER is misdirecting concerned parties away from his USER page. This is why.

USER NAME ILovePlankton ( L) URL directs a person to three places.


Plankton =

(L) =

None of which are linked to this URL which is the USER page. Once I found the page, it has a blue florescent background with black font and the hyperlinks are nearly invisible. It is very difficult to read. I had to highlight the font in order to even read it. I have seen this same sort of thing on inpatient units where their Patients Rights are on red background with black font and very, very difficult to read and it prevented many clients from contacting help. So when I see this same sort of legibly on IlovePlankton site, it does raise questions as to why someone would make a page difficult to read. It may not be the intention of the USER of this page, but it does raise questions that it is not outside the realm of possibilities that the USER does not want this page easily readable. I noted many derogatory comments from disgruntled visitors citing what they perceived as rude behavior from IlovePlankton. So we have 4 reasons that raise questions that "perhaps" IlovePlankton is trying to be under the radar with IlovePlankton. The first three is that his signature directs the surfer to three different places, none of which is his USER page. The fourth, once a person finds this user page, the comments are not easily readable. In consideration of these four items, and the syntax argument in the structure of ILovePlankton does raise suspicion that IlovePlankton is misdirecting other users, including me. So in a nut shell, this is, in USER IlovePlankton words is “what the hell I’m talking about.” KAS 20:06, 28 May 2006 (UTC) By the way this is not the userpage it is the talk page (I do not mean this in a bad way at all). 我爱浮游生物 (ILovePlankton) 01:45, 1 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Please stop and read this before you do anything

For the record, I commented on your talk page because I saw something wrong. It had nothing to do with other comments at all. You are not assuming good faith and that is policy on this site. I repeat that I am not out to get you. Please stop the incivility and suspicions. Please stop this irrelevant behavior. We are trying to have you realise that typing in all caps is shouting, and is not polite. Please stop, or you may get blocked.

Also, I did not vandalise & I did not remove anything (as you implied). All I've done thus far was add comments. Don't you think that maybe you're being a little excessive? — Nathan (talk) 17:15, 27 May 2006 (UTC)

My I ask all involved parties to drop this matter? Old-time editors should already find this pattern familiar: this discussion is now escalating and I'm afraid someone might write something they'll regret later. I think the basis of this misunderstanding is this edit, which obviously got immediately reverted. Why? Because an unexplained blanking of a page (not "deletion" but blanking - a regular user can't delete a thing here, much less an IP editor) is clearly considered vandalism here. A good lesson to learn from this is: log in before editing your userpage or at least specify (if you can) the IP addresses you plan to use. Thank you. Happy editing! Misza13 T C 17:23, 27 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Rude comments on this talk page

Hi, please ignore the various rude comments from other editors. They're not representative of Wikipedia as a whole. Editing your userpage while logged out is perfectly in order and I hope the misunderstanding has been sorted out amicably.

One thing I'd ask is, could you tone down the language of your userpage a little? In some places it looks a little bit like an advertisement for your businesses. It's still okay to write about what you do, though, including your businesses. Just that you have to be tactful. Language like "Some of the KAS Sailor Moon Collection can be viewed at" sounds like an ad. --Tony Sidaway 18:24, 27 May 2006 (UTC)

Mr. Sidaway, you're calling all comments on this page "rude" and that's not constructive. I asked this user not to use all-capital-letters and I know I wasn't rude. Some of the responses I received, on the other hand, were. Are you following me or something? :| — Nathan (talk) (why was my signature tampered with?) 23:29, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
Yes, you're right to call me out for referring to other comments as rude. I should have asked KAS not to be downhearted at what she may take as unwarranted criticism and nitpicking about her use of capital letters. In answer to your speculation, I obtained the pointer to this page from an incivility report on WP:CN. Again, apologies for painting all comments on this page as rude. --Tony Sidaway 23:48, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
Well, so much for validation to the extent it was implied. All right, as long as Nathan continues to post on my page and keep this going, it's only fair for me to defend myself. To address a few... #1 Nathan commented he doubted I was online in the 80s. I was on CompuServe at the time it was only 300 bps. No graphics and very slow. I could watch the lines download one by one. It was that slow in the forums. The rate was $6.00 per hour. It wasn't uncommon for some users to pay $300.00 to $600.00 per month. Back then I had a Apple III Business Computer with a Profile. The “profile” was only 20 megs and cost $3,500 not counting the CPU and the CRT. That is what they were called before hard drives. And no, they didn't have websites to surf too, just email and forums with the use of special software from CompuServe. In fact, to send an email cost money per each email. Wise users would log on, download, and log off to save money. We would answer our emails off-line, log on, upload and log off quickly. At times we met once a week for an hour in a special CompuServe meeting room, but that was expensive. So I don't take kindly to comments concerning my use of the Internet in the 1980,s. 2#, Nathan says I'm yelling all the time. In the LEGAL profession, it is common to use caps on NAMES as in JANE DOE in legal documents, and since I’m an advocate, this is common for me emphasize a name this way. It's crazy that the "civil" world of lawyers is using this method and you claim it is uncivil. I think I have a good argument to suggest otherwise. Also, the assumption is being made that I am using ALL caps and yelling all the time. I see this is “black and white” thinking. All or nothing dichotomy. I didn't write in all caps all the time, and to suggest I was doing so, is taking this too far and is just being a critic for a critic’s sake. I view this as a loss of credibly when you lose your objectiveness. To say my post was yelling without using all caps throughout the post loses ground if you are trying to strengthen your argument. Also you made a generalization and assumption that I was being "uncivil" when in fact you have no idea my indentions and your method of how you went about "teaching me" was incredibly, in my view, poor judgment, and comes across as pompous. Also in the days of CompuServe there were several styles to emphasize a word. One could use [*] or ["] on both sides of a word depending on the writers style. #3 This one is for “Misza.” I read your post claiming to be intervention to a flare up, and a peace-keeper. However, your post did not appear to be objective. You indicated that I was the only one to learn a lesson here. However, I would imagine the person that blanked my page has also learned a lesson to read the post first and use careful judgment before blanking. Yet, in your message on my talk page you did not mention this and your opinion in my view is clearly bias in your criticism of me and not the original editor of blanking my page. #4. I didn't ask for any of this. This issue came to me unprovoked to my user page. I view unprovoked blanking on my user page as hostile, and the mob mentality and bias opinions ensued. There is always the other side of a story. I can't express enough how sick I am of this distortion campaign and would deeply appreciate if some ADMIN could wipe out all traces of KAS USER, KAS Talk, and KAS discussion. KAS 03:48, 28 May 2006 (UTC)

:I have to say though, the first commericial Internet service provider ( wasn't started until 1990. I remember using Compuserve briefly as well. I'm not deliberately picking holes in your story, but Compuserve was limited to its own GUI/network/etc, if I recall correctly. (Someone please -nicely- correct me on my talk if I'm mistaken). — Nathan (talk) 14:08, 31 May 2006 (UTC) (struck-out comment - I'm sorry, but CompuServe in the 80's was not the Internet, it was its own self-contained network but I won't push the matter any further. I don't want any more negativity on my talk page so please don't follow me there. I'll avoid you, and I'd appreciate it if you avoid me. Thank you. Additionally, I refrain from answering the obviously baiting questions below except to say this: For the record, my age is clearly posted on my userpage (I don't lie about that). Sorry but from my perspective, it looks like an attack and insinuation that I'm lying. Yes, I used CompuServe when I said I used it. I don't make a habit of lying in comments and I don't appreciate even the subtlest insinuation that I'm lying. I would consider it a favour if you would please consider using bold and italics to emphasise text instead of all caps. Now if you excuse me, I'll wander off and not trouble you again. Thanks for reading this.)

Comment: Nathan - Where did all that come from? Please...No insinuation was being made in the comments below :-/

KAS 15:32, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

See revised above comment. Says it all. — Nathan (talk) 15:40, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
Follow-up Comment: I’m sorry if you feel that I was baiting you, and that you feel that I thought you were lying to me. Seriously, it didn't cross my mind. What can I say to that? I'm sorry you felt that way. Please accept my apologies and have a sunshine day. KAS 15:52, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
Nathan, I did have a response for you but it appears to be deleted now, so I won’t post it. No sense in drudging up things if it can be avoided. I’m all for that. Just a bit concerning the use of ALL caps ALL all the time, (not a word here or there) was developed over time by CompuServe (CS) users (me included) during the Compu$erve days. (CS users affectingly use the $ due to the big bucks we paid to use the service). Oh yes, all CS users are well aware that typing “entire sentences or posts in all caps” is rude and yelling. I remember before their were search engines that a fellow CS friend said he sends out ‘gophers” and I wondered, what the heck is a gopher. He described it as a search tool that goes out in the Internet and comes back about a week or so later with the results. I’m not worrying about you poking holes about me being on CS in the 80s. I KNOW I was there. The forum HSX (100 and 200) was already established and that is when AND where I met Jenifer, a ==SYSOP== for Genderline. It was all new to me, and great that I could meet brit friends over the pond. It wasn’t until years later, in the nineties that we could send gif pics. I was wondering Nathan, if you used CS, how old were you in 1985? Just a question, you don’t need to answer if you do not feel inclined. KAS 14:46, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
Tony, you are absolutely right (and Misza), and I appreciate you stepping in as a third party and halting things. I'm not saying I'm innocent, just thanking :) --Xyra|T 19:18, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
No problems. Let's remember we're all here to do the same job and we need to work together. --Tony Sidaway 19:29, 27 May 2006 (UTC)

Thank you for that Tony. That is the validation. I wasn’t having the best of days when I saw my user page edited. I haven’t slept in 2 days. I don’t have a business, at least not anymore. As far as advertising, I don’t have anything to advertise, except to note my life’s achievements. And, what went wrong...

More about that here:

I’m a voluntary advocate. I advocate for people that can’t get help, or are abused with forced governmental services. For an example, last year I wrote the Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) manual for County Mental Health Plans throughout the state so the consumer or parent would be able to go into a meeting with knowledge and strengthen their position and perhaps achieve their objectives. The feedback has been positive and many people in different disciplines are using it. Before that, they would sit in the meetings hoping to ‘wing it.” This manual alone took me months to write it and I didn’t get a cent, but rather paid out of pocket to develop it. Yet it was a personal accomplishment. So that is my pay, positive strokes when I can earn them. The Sailor Moon Collection is only that, a personal collection that I have and thought it was noteworthy. Before my illness in 1996, I was rolling along pretty good. But things have changed. Now I work on my website which, from what I’ve been told by readers is an inspiration to them and informational. (Kathi’s Mental Health Review) I’ve spent countless of hours reading and researching essays that are changing lives, at least that is the feedback I'm getting. That is what I do. I’m an advocate. I’ve worked hard to stop people from being punitively restrained and secluded in psych hospitals. It is very dehumanizing. I’ve authored work used for training by police officers. Essay titled: “Cops, Cop Out On Empathy?” I’m an unpaid advocate that helps others in real life – a volunteer. I get a different kind of pay, to see tears turn into smiles, and it is well worth it. Thank you again for the validation. KAS 20:41, 27 May 2006 (UTC)

You're welcome. Wikpedia can be an unfriendly place if you only see criticisms. If you ever have more problems and need help, please drop a message on my talk page, or email me using the email address on my page or through the Wikipedia "Email this user" function on my page. --Tony Sidaway 23:52, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
And me! You can get in touch with any of us and we'll be able to help you, now that this issue has been resolved. --Xyrael T 08:13, 28 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] WikiLove!

[edit] It needs to be said

I don't expect you to change your vote, but I really should say something. I'm sorry for the way I reacted, I shoudn't have reacted that way. I'm sorry for mimicking you, I shouldn't have done that. ILovePlankton ( L) 12:51, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

Hi ILP, I accept your apology and please accept mine if I have offended you. Please don’t take my comments on the voting issue as something to spite you. I think it would be very hard to be an ADMIN and look at things objectively and try to distance oneself from getting involved emotionally, especially when friends are also involved. And, it does take practice to put distance from emotional charged issues and look at adverse events as “opportunities” to deescalate them. I think that part of the job would be the hardest and most important job to do as an ADMIN. Do you really feel up to the task? Do you feel that you’ve been able to do that in the past? Would it be such a bad thing to get some more practice? These would be the same questions I would ask myself. As I indicated, with some practice and a history of resolving adverse issues, I think you could be an ADMIN. KAS 15:04, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
You haven't offended me, and I know that you didn't make those comments to spite me. ILovePlankton 21:51, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
Very very very respectfully, with all good faith intended, it's 'admin'. ADMIN is not an acronym for anything. — Nathan (talk) 15:27, 31 May 2006 (UTC)
Thank you :-) KAS 15:53, 31 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Administrative intervention request

Hi. In response to your request for administrative intervention, please proceed to outline your complaint here through a concise, comprehensively-documented account (heresay claims will be rejected). Feel free to use email for confidential portions. Note that both you and BG still have the option and are invited to settle the dispute constructively without administrative intervention (and potential sanctions). Also: If someone is threatening you, or stalking you and you fear physical harm, contact law enforcement in your area, we are not the police. Regards, El_C 07:59, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

To post inflammatory information here is not attractive since it just spreads it around. Please post the email address and I will copy and paste the information that is on the talk page in question. Thank you for responding. KAS 08:04, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit conflict] KAS, You may contact me as well - I don't understand what personal info you don't want shown- I see you have a large number of weblinks on your user page. If you prefer to remain anonymous you might want to cut them out. You can send me an email by going to my user pages then clicking on the "email this user" link. -Will Beback 08:08, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
My email contact is here. El_C 08:11, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
Hi again. Just noting that I recieved and responded to your emails, but there was a problem: the account lacked clear documentation (links) to pertinent passages. Please see my response@your inbox. El_C 09:33, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
Thank you for trying. It seems that Will and I have made a connection about the issue in question. I hope this issue will be resolved soon and start anew for all involved. KAS 19:41, 12 June 2006 (UTC)
[Removed to avoid threatened personal actions BitterGrey 20:12, 22 June 2006 (UTC)]
They will not be, emails are confidential. You also have the option of email, which you have yet to employ. Also, I thought I made it clear your case is not be made on that article talk page, since it is a misuse of its purpose. El_C 08:21, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
[Removed to avoid threatened personal actions BitterGrey 20:12, 22 June 2006 (UTC)]
Yes, you are to be denied that. The emails from both KAS and yourself were for our (myself and the other admins) consideration only. As for the removed comment, it is in the past (though next time, please cite permanent links rather than ones to the archive). This should be the last comment in this thread. My decision on how to proceed from now on has been placed on both talk pages (see bellow). El_C 23:30, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Form Tool

It appears that the material you added to Tool bit about form tools [1] was copied from some other source. If so, please delete it. We can only copy material which is in the public domain, and even then we must give proper attribution. -Will Beback 04:19, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

Will, I don't know what you are talking about. I wrote about form tools today right out of my head :-) Where is it that you think I copied it from? So Hear-ye, Hear-ye, proper attribution is given to KAS for writing about form tools and working to add good info to Wikipedia ;-) KAS 06:29, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

Added note: I'm thinking about writing more on machining. I also write software for engineers that use single spindle machines. This link gives a glimpse for some of the knowledge I could add to Wikipedia. okay doky KAS 06:42, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

Ah, it appears you are an expert on the topic. Forgive my misjudging the text. Given the mention of a specific brand it appeared to have come from a trade magazine or something like that. However, I hope you know that we should avoid relying too much on personal knowledge. Everything we write should be verifiable by other editors. So if you assert that something is true ("used 90% of the time") another editor should be able to look to a source to confirm it. Also, {{WP:NOT|Wikipedia is not]] an instruction manual. We just describe what exists. Our sister project Wikibooks is the opposite: it's dedicated to how-to manuals. A division of labor and focus. Cheers, -Will Beback 07:43, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
Thanks for the info. I can see where the waters get muddy here. The brownies are not being made anymore. A shame really because they are a quick machine. If I get confused by the muddy waters, it's really okay to edit my work. I know it's good stuff though. I owned a shop with over 30 browies…screw machines and to get jobs I had to cut corners, and form tools gave me the edge. Great knowledge for someone looking to compete in the industry. I was a key supplier for Hughes Aircraft at one time. Being a competitor is what gave me the edge on the need for speed. Ah, it's nice to be an expert on something! LOL! On to look at muddy waters...<wink> KAS 08:01, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Accusations of collusion

[Removed to avoid threatened personal actions BitterGrey 20:12, 22 June 2006 (UTC)]

Yes, this allegation needs to be backedup by a diff or it is mere hearsay. El_C 23:30, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Starting a new

I have reached my decision, which I'm confident the other admins will concur with: both of you are hereby prohibited from making any personal comments toward, or about, each other. You are to treat each other, as identified by Wikipedia usernames, as purely intellectual entities, entirely detached and removed from your person and personal histories (real or otherwise), and the particularities of your psyches [there's a biref article(!)]. Any deviation from this rule will be met by immediate sanctions. Please contact myself or another admin if you feel one side has breached this condition. You are free to pursue any dispute resolution steps you see fit with respect to the content dispute, but these must involve it and it alone, in those (above) terms. In the regretful event this dispute (those components which are not purely intellectual) continues outside of Wikipedia, it and its details are to remain outside of it. What you do with it there is your legal and otherwise prerogative, though I advise against such interaction and plead with both of you to treat each other in a kind and considerate way from now on. I await Aaron's findings regarding the underlying content dispute following his review of the scholarship. Thanks in advance, El_C 23:30, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

I concur with El_C. -Will Beback 23:40, 13 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] BitterGrey's "claims"

[Removed to avoid threatened personal actions BitterGrey 20:12, 22 June 2006 (UTC)]

BG, you've already quoted excerpts from that same passage two sections up. You did so by only citing the sentence, but no diff. I then commented to KAS that such claims need to be accompanied by a diff — now I reiterate that to you with respect to your own quotations. But, don't respond here, I'd like you to take a break from KAS' talk page for a while. Thanks in advance. El_C 02:01, 14 June 2006 (UTC)
Any reasonable person could see BG has pushed me too far and now he is on my talk page. He has also brought in outside links on his talk page to continue to provoke me. His worst offence had nothing to do with Wikipedia so I have addressed this matter on my website. Other then this message that must be stated in my defense, I see no reason why BG must continue to disrupt Wikipedia. In addition, with BG's continued assults I don't see how I can be an editor with these continued attacks. KAS
The new plan will be enforced; that includes no external links related to the disputants. If you object to the plan or its enfrocement, you could appeal to the Arbitration Committee for a different remedy and more comprehensive review, though I advise against it. El_C 08:23, 14 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Listening

Hello. I'd just like to second the comments made above, and stress that we're our first concern is the article. If everyone focuses on the article, and any issues still don't go away, then we look deeper. But I'd agree that you for right now you comment only on article facts and statements, and in particular deal only with the present tense in doing so. I am still looking over the past interactions, but that takes time.

So, clean fresh editing citing sources. you'll note that I'm trying to structure the discussion so that you can "colour in the lines" in your own section and can just pretend that the other person doesn't exist. I'd suggest they do the same.

brenneman {L} 07:14, 15 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Moved from article talk

However, before I proceed, I am stating that my questions have not been answered. Recently BG and I have both been asked be more civil to each other on our talk pages and this request seems to mean little or nothing when it comes to enforcing it. There has been a serious uncivil breach as to BG going off-topic to what he is alleging is my pathology. Much more important, he has put the focus on ME PERSONALLY and not the essay. Perhaps we need to get the assistance of a Wikipedia bureaucrat. I don’t know. But I have asked for assistance and so far the personal focus' has not been addressed. This is not at all a healthy environment at this time. I’m asking for some strict guidelines that are enforced and to permanently delete any and all comments that focused on me as a PERSON and not the essay. KAS 07:54, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

Hi. Please remember not to comment on the dispute in the article talk page, that is now prohibited to both of you. In answer to your protest: Stricter guidelines are being enforced. Bureaucrats would not have special authority here, nor would arbitrators. There are two ways we could be over-ruled so that the specific remedies you might be proposing —which you have yet to actually identify— could be implemented: the arbitration committee (as the committee) or a member of the foundation (operating in that capacity). If there are ongoing breaches that you wish to report, or if there is personal material you wish to see removed, please cite diffs so we know where to find them. I reject, however, your claim that "[r]ecently BG and I have both been asked be more civil to each other on our talk pages and this request seems to mean little or nothing when it comes to enforcing it". The summary of my last edit here reads: BG, please take a break from this talk page for a while. My questions to you is: 1. how is that not enforcement? 2. what type of enforcement would you opt for instead, concretely, and why? Thanks. El_C 23:59, 19 June 2006 (UTC)
HI back at ya ;-) I agree with you EL_C, asking BG to take this away from my talk page is redirection. I thank you for that. Big time thank you for that! I was very happy to see this type of intervention. But then after that intervention it stopped. He took it to the infantilism talk page instead. #2 I had my best friend read all of BG's comments on the Infantilism talk page. She is a communication Major and has her master's in this field. She taught in collage to students about the different ways of communication, including the overt messages and coverts messages. She is the one that said BG has put the focus on me personally and I agree. This is an example of BG putting the focus on me. Please note that most of her writing is on BPD, a focus also shown by the "BPD" in the title image on her main page. If a person can't find this statement from BG on the essay talk page, then they can't find it. But it is CLEARLY on that page. I won't go line-by-line and clear up distortions on my talk page because it is not fair to ask me to spread BG's distorting about me on my talk page. Does it seem right to you that he can act-out on the infantilism talk page but I’m asked to address his statements off-site on my talk page? How does that seem right? As for this question, "what type of enforcement would you opt for instead, concretely, and why?" It is not for me to set Wikipedia policy on what type of enforcement I would opt to have. I would imagine the Admins are trained as to what is available to them to stop this problem. I would just opt that it stops. The why reason is to develop a climate in which editors can be motivated to work in a non-hostile environment. KAS 02:01, 20 June 2006 (UTC)
Hi. I maintain it is for you when I ask you what you want done. You cannot complain about inaction while failing to specify what specific action you desire, it dosen't work that way. We admins are not trained, but IDF training has taught me to divide a situation into three components: the bureau-technical part, the practical part, and the aesthetic part. Maybe you should try approaching this dispute thusly. Now, your talk page is not off site, and the diff-less passage cited was placed ten hours prior to my announcement of the arrangement — please do not make me reserach when passages were entered again, it is really your responsibility to cite the pertinent diff/s. My advise to you is to try to focus on the present as much as is possible. Thx. El_C 07:00, 20 June 2006 (UTC)
Some material was deleted from his talk page. This is, though, the first time, that I am aware of, that you have asked to have anything permanently (or otherwise) removed. As for the rest "any and all," it will probably be left up you to identify these. From my end, I simply can't spare the time to do that research. Nor can I spare the time to check/uncheck hundreds of entries from the article talk page, it is fairly intensive, time-consuming work. You may appeal to the other administrators [on their talk pages] to preform that task. El_C 00:25, 20 June 2006 (UTC)
I think any material that puts the focus on me and not the essay should be permanently deleted on the essay talk page. I know that your time is valuable.KAS 02:01, 20 June 2006 (UTC)
It's a complicated task, so unless there is something specific or unless you list these systemically, I doubt you will see any administrator go through these lengths. It is just too vague, too poorly-documented and unselective of a request El_C 07:00, 20 June 2006 (UTC)

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