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Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu

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Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo Karate is a formalized system of Martial Arts, which can be found throughout the United States, and in parts of Europe and Latin America. Generally, there is a consistency of curriculum wherever the art is taught. For example, it is safe to say that practitioners of this art will learn the “numbered” combinations, sets of forms generally recognized as “Kata 1 through Kata 6,” “Pinan 1 through Pinan 5,” and “Statue of the Crane.” Also, Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo practitioners will recognize the 8 and 10 point blocking system, Palm Blocking System, half mooning, and several other aspects, which are truly distinctive of this particular system. However, what is present in most formalized systems of Martial Arts and lacking in Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo Karate is a well documented history which provides detail relative to the systems founding and development.

It is not easy to trace every step in the development and growth of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo. Perhaps it is because of the lack of well written records, or perhaps it is because there is more than one major pioneer who made significant additions to the origination and development of the various interpretations of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo along the way. However, when analyzed from the historical perspective, certain key events and certain people appear to have played major roles in the development of what we know today as Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo. This article will identify these events and people and also the changes and contributions they made.


[edit] Purpose

The intent of this article is to trace the history of the art known as Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo, from origin to present. Furthermore, it will detail where each specific portion of the system comes from. Finally, it will show how much of the system has been lost because of the lack of historical documentation and coordinated development.

[edit] History

The Mitose Era

Since all Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo originates with Great Grandmaster James Mitose, it is fitting that his background is presented.

At the beginning of the seventeenth century, two families, Kumamoto and Nagasaki brought knowledge of Kempo from China to Kyushu in Japan. It was here, that Kempo was modified to include the arts of Jujutsu and Aikijutsu. Later, with the influence of the Motobu clan in Okinawa, most modern forms of Kempo expanded into various factions – some emphasizing the striking arts, while others the throwing.

In 1916 at the age of five, James Mitose was sent from Hawaii to the homeland for schooling in his ancestors' art of self defense called Kosho Ryu Kempo. For fifteen years he studied this art that was a direct descendent of the original Quan Fa of China. After completing his training, Mitose returned to Hawaii with the knowledge of the Kosho Shorei Kempo system. This system was already very progressive compared to many traditional methods. It was one of the first to teach self defense outside of kata, and also one of the first to allow women into the dojo.

Among Mitose’s limited number of Black Belts was William Kwai Sun Chow. William Chow was more interested in the pure self-defense aspects of Kempo, and maintained less interest in the forms of kata. It is generally accepted that William Chow studied some Kung Fu with his Father, and added these aspects to his training curriculum. William Chow is the person most responsible for the active perpetuation of all systems of Kempo we now know, and he was also the first to use the terminology “Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo”.

During these early years, Martial Arts were taught in a traditional manner. Simply stated, this meant that almost all actual instructional duties were placed in the hands of the Senior Black Belt, and school’s "Headmaster" exclusively trained his very advanced students. During this period of Kempo development, Grandmaster Mitose's senior student, William K.S. Chow received permission to go on his own. Chow's first school was located within the local Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), and later at the Kaheka Dojo in Honolulu. Upon forming his own school, Professor Chow enlisted one of his "Underbelts" from the Mitose School by the name of Adriano Emperado. Professor Chow selected Emperado because he had been impressed with the skill and creativity of this young student. Much of this skill came from Adriano Emperado's detailed knowledge of the Filipino Martial Arts passed to him from Alexandro, Isaac and Alfredo Peralta.

Now teaching as Chow's senior student, Emperado conducted many classes and played a great role in forming the structure of this "new" Kempo. This was a very exciting time in the history of the system: Professor Chow created many new aspects of Kempo, and took it from a traditional art to a more eclectic, street lethal form. The young Adriano Emperado added the speed and angular attack of the Filipino Arts, and advanced aspects of Jujutsu. Many new self defense techniques, line drills, hand drills and combinations were developed by Emperado and adopted by Professor Chow. This period marked the beginning of “numbered combinations", and numerous methods of entering, trapping and striking. Professor Chow now began calling his art Dian Hsue Go Shinjutsu of Kempo Kai.

While still teaching for Professor Chow, Adriano Emperado began the formulation of and more superior version of the existing Kempo. Along with Joe Holck of Jiu Jitsu, Peter Choo of Tang Soo Do, Clarence Chang of Gung Fu and Frank Ordonez of Judo and Jujutsu, SiJo Emperado labored daily to develop the system, and nightly to test the value of the day’s lessons. In 1947, Emperado decided to title this new form of Kempo Kajukenbo for Karate, JUjutsu/JUdo, Kempo, and BOxing. Emperado then left Professor Chow in order to begin spreading this new system of kenpo. Joe Emperado, Adriano's younger brother, remained at Professor Chow’s school and continued to teach there.

Emperado’s Black Belts became legendary for their ability to combine devastating entries with jolting takedowns and lethal follow ups. His students became the talk of the island’s martial arts circles. Among the first generation of Black Belts were such notables as Marino Tiwanak, Bennie Madero, Woodrow McCanliss, and Joe Emperado. Among the second generation students were Walter Godin, Aeju Reyes, John Leoning, and Sid Asuncion.

In the later portion of the 1950s, Emperado dispatched a few of his Black Belts to bring Kempo to the mainland and specifically, California. Among those who migrated to California was John Leoning. Leoning was the first to establish a Kajukenbo school on the mainland. Soon, it became very popular, and he needed help to run the school. As a result, he enlisted the assistance of a few of his students to assist in the instructorship duties. When this occurred, subtle changes began to occur, and these changes marked the first significant contributions to what is today known as Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo. Leoning was an amazing student of the Martial Arts, with a constant thirst for new knowledge. Leoning began studying other forms of Karate, and also spent a major portion of his time as a student of Kung Fu Master Share Lew. He became a Master of “Iron Palm,” and “Iron Shirt” development, and added this and extensive chi development to his curriculum. Later, he learned several weapons arts from Kung Fu Master Du Wai and added some of these forms and arts to his teaching syllabus. John Leoning’s curriculum changed many times during his teaching lifespan. Because of his constant change and improvement, each student of his became somewhat different depending on the timeframe and length of time they studied with him. John Leoning developed new forms of Kata and self-defense and these were soon taught throughout other Kempo schools on the mainland. Among his early students were Carlos Bunda, David Kamalani, Bill Ryusaki, Victor Gascon, Richard Ramos, Julian Blacquerra, and John Davidson who would later become a personal disciple of Master Share Lew until his death in 1998.

John Leoning’s superior abilities became evident to Hollywood where he later became very active in professional stunt work and as an actor in Kung Fu roles including the “Kung Fu” television series.

Leoning’s early students began organizing schools of their own. Some opened under the John Leoning Banner, some opened under Kajukenbo, and still others opened under new names. Each of these instructors and schools took with them the versions of the dynamic curriculum they were taught. Among these schools were the Kembojutsu School opened by Richard Ramos, the Los Angeles Kajukenbo school opened by Walter Godin (direct student of Adriano and Joseph Emperado) and Victor Gascon, the northern California Karazenpo School opened by David Kamalani, the School Of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo opened by Charles Frank.

During this time period, the original twelve punching combinations were developed, and three formalized forms, today known as Kata #1, Kata #2 and Kata #3. The forms were made up of movements from the Kajukenbo system, rearranged, and were largely the creation of Walter Godin who combined various pieces of Kajukenbo forms. It is unclear exactly where the first twelve punch combinations selected came from, however it is largely held that they were designed by Walter Godin and based again on Kajukenbo. One of Godin’s most notable creations is Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo combination #4, which he continued to use in demonstrations and seminars until his untimely passing. During this period, it is believed that Walter Godin liked using the term ”Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo” to describe the new system. This was a term which reflected the use by Professor Chow. Later, the term “Karazenpo” was combined with “Go Shinjutsu” meaning “way of self defense" as a replacement for “Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo". Walter Godin eventually designed a patch bearing the likeness of Damo, and containing the Katakana characters for the names “Godin,” and Gascon – the co founders of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu.

Eventually all of these schools closed, some after only one or two years. Charles Frank was among the first to leave, first returning to Hawaii to seek his former instructor, Simeon Eli, he later settled in the mid Atlantic region. His system contained portions of the Karazenpo/Kajukenbo curriculum combined with original Kosho Ryu. David Kamalani was killed in an auto accident within a year of originating his school, Victor Gascon and Walter Godin returned to Hawaii. Upon his return to Hawaii, Godin continued his martial arts training with several others notable Karate, Kung Fu, and Kempo Masters including Professor Chow. Later, he opened a new school, and continued to operate his academy until his death.

[edit] The Migration East

The exact transition from the West Coast to the East Coast is unknown. However, there are some distinctive occurrences that account for what we see today.

Two instructors from the California school headed east. They were Richard Ramos and George Pesare. Ramos was a first generation student of the modified Kajukenbo offshoots, and Pesare a second generation from the Karazenpo school. Ramos taught for approximately five years in the very early days of Kempo on the East Coast. Through interviews with some of his former students, very distinctive similarities can be seen between his version and the version of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo taught today. Unfortunately, since he never operated a formalized school, his legacy was limited to very few students.

George Pesare settled in his home town of Providence, Rhode Island and became legendary in the mid sixties and early seventies. He contributed much to the system of Karazenpo Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo we see today. Pesare also added additional forms and punch combinations to the system and continued his studies with a variety of notable teachers. He became adept in Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido under Jack Hwang, and eventually named his school the Kenpo and Tae Kwon Do Institute. A noteworthy quote from the 1975 Rhode Island State Karate Championships brochure by George Pesare states “Mr. Pesare brought the original teachings of his instructor (Victor Gascon) to Rhode Island, Mr. Pesare has modified his Karate to the American way of life, and has not remained a slave to the obsolete...”

[edit] Nick Cerio

One of George Pesare’s first students was Nick Cerio. A native of the Boston area, Cerio was now working in Providence. In 1964, Cerio happened to be studying Tae Kwon Do at a school George Pesare used to teach his new students. After watching a class one day, Nick Cerio asked permission to attend. George Pesare accepted Nick Cerio as a student and thus started the career of one of Martial Art’s most notable Masters and the man who would later be the catalyst for the spread of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo throughout the world. Nick Cerio received his Black Belt in Kempo in 1966.

In 1966, Nick Cerio broke from George Pesare and struck out on his own. When Nick Cerio began as an instructor, he taught only twelve combinations and three forms (Kata 1, 2, and 3). Within the year, Nick Cerio began collaborating with early and original students on the East and West Coast. Armed with an extensive new amount of knowledge about his original system, he began to create. The result of this was what we now call Katas number 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and an additional fourteen punch defenses for a total of twenty-six. Later, he also added additional forms. These later became known as Pinan #1 through Pinan #7. Pinan #1 and Pinan #2 were modified version of Kyokushin – Kai Taikyoku #1, and Taikyoku #2. Later in 1968, Cerio added modified versions of Kyokushin forms Taikyoku # 3, Heian #4, and Heian #5, and named them Pinan #3, #4, and #5. The original pinans would go through some revisions. The original Pinan #2 which emphasized “power striking” movement was essentially lost in 1969, and was replaced by a pinan which contained multiple rising blocks, and identical footwork as in Pinan #1. Nick Cerio was also the first individual to call this curriculum “Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo Karate,” and establish the use of Chinese titles for himself and his instructors. Among some of the films that can be purchased today, is a film of Professor Cerio made in 1974 where he can be seen performing some of his techniques and forms with Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo influence prior to the formation of Nick Cerio’s Kenpo - it is noteworthy to mention that he is also addressed as “Sifu” in this film.

Eventually, Professor Cerio began the creation of Nick Cerio's Kenpo, however many of the original 12 combinations were slightly changed and renamed in the Nick Cerio System. Although it is widely believed that the "Nick Cerio Kenpo" system began in 1974, it is most likely due to the fact that this is what he called his schools. The actual change of his original system to the current "Nick Cerio Kenpo System," more than likely occurred a few years later as an eventual change. Good examples of Nick cerio's renamed techniques from the original Shaolin Kempo/Karazenpo system are: "Buckling Branch"/formerly Combination #7, "Menacing Twirl"/formerly Combination #12, or “Bending Tree/ formerly Combination #19. As evidenced by the names of the "Nick Cerio techniques," the changes were made upon the advice of Kenpo Master Ed Parker. During this period, Nick Cerio had become the Northeast representative for the International Kenpo Karate Association, and planned on opening a chain of Martial Arts schools similar to Parker's. He also began a serious study of Okinawan and Japanese Martial Arts, evidence of which can be seen in today’s Nick Cerio’s Kenpo.

[edit] The Villari System of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo

As previously stated, Fred Villari was one of Nick Cerio’s earliest Black Belts. Although controversy seems to surround the Villari System, Fred Villari is most likely responsible for the greatest number of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo practitioners today. At one time, Fred Villari commanded several hundred schools, and is responsible for several generations of Black Belts. Today, almost all schools of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo are descended directly from him, or one of his second or third generation Black Belts. The current heads of the various organizations encompassing the numerous Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo Family’s are also formerly his senior students and Black Belts. Among these are organizations such as “Masters Self Defense,” “United,” “White Dragon Self Defense Systems,” “White Tiger,” “United Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo,” and several others. Today, the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Black Belt Society has accepted many former members of these "offshoot" organizations into their organization.

[edit] Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo Today

There are four major, distinct groups of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo today. Specifically, (1) The direct descendents of George Pesare (2) The descendents of Nick Cerio's early years prior to the changes made for Nick Cerio's Kempo (3) the descendents of Fred Villari and (4) The descendents of the other original students of California. Although some of these named founders were students of one another, enough distinctive changes were made to classify each as a “Founder” of their own branch.

[edit] The Gathering Of Eagles

The history of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo/Kenpo was celebrated in 1999, and culminated in the largest gathering of Kempo Grandmasters in history, and called The Gathering Of Eagles. This event was held in Las Vegas, and included several hundred participants from around the world. Representing the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo lineage were representatives from, Karazenpo, Nick Cerio’s Kenpo, and Godin’s Chinese Kempo. The various participants of the many systems of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo performed demonstrations of Kata and technique. There were no representatives from the Villari system, Shihan Nick Chamberlain[1] officially represented the Nick Cerio Kenpo system, while [SiGung] Bruce Corrigan[2], an early practitioner of Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Shaolin Kempo represented the original Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu system.

[edit] Current Karazenpo

A new organization known as the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Black Belt Society oversees the system today, and has incorporated many former members of the various Shaolin Kempo groups. However, there are several very senior Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu practitioners who are not members of the Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu Black Belt Society and who do not recognize this organization as the authentic leadership group for Karazenpo. This has caused some conflict among the various historical instructors of Karazenpo due to disagreement concerning who was the greatest contributor to the development of the system. While most acknowledge that Bruce Corrigan was the most influential in resurrecting and starting a new widespread interest in the Karazenpo system by starting the first school called Karazenpo Go Shinjutsu in over 30 years, - (See article this link)[3] - it is generally accepted that George Pesare began the system as taught today and he is known as the "Father of Karazenpo" on the east coast. Nick cerio is credited with the beginning of widespread knowledge of the system.

[edit] External links


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