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Harbord Collegiate Institute

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Harbord Collegiate Institute
Virtus et Doctrina
286 Harbord St.
Toronto, Ontario, M6G 1G5, Canada
Tel (416) 393-1650
School board Toronto District School Board
Area trustee Chris Bolton
Principal Mary Jane McNamara
Vice principal Susana Arnott
Aftab Mirza
School type High school
Grades 9-12
Language English, French
Mascot Tiger
Team name Harbord Tigers
Colours Orange and Black
Founded 1892
Enrollment Approx. 1000 students

Harbord Collegiate Institute (also known as either Harbord or HCI for short) is a public secondary school located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Harbord was opened in 1892 as Harbord Street Collegiate Institute and is the second oldest secondary school in Toronto. The school is located at the southwestern edge of the Mirvish Village neighbourhood, situated on Harbord Street, between the streets of Euclid and Manning. The school has long strived to and maintained a reputation for academic excellence. Currently, the school has approximately 1000 students enrolled and over 50 teachers.

[edit] History

[edit] Notable graduates

Since Harbord opened its doors in 1892, there have been many graduates over the years that have achieved/are achieving remarkable accomplishments.

Name Accomplishment/Field
Wayne and Shuster Comedians
Lou Applebaum Composer
Philip Band Judge
Dr. Charles Best Co-discoverer of Insulin
David Cronenberg Filmmaker
Charles Trick Currelly Founder and first curator of the Royal Ontario Museum
Victor Feldbrill Former Conductor of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Philip Givens Former Toronto Mayor
Eddie Goodman Lawyer and politician
Lorraine Gotlib Judge
Stephen Lewis UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDs in Africa
Robert McClure Moderator of the United Church of Canada
Joe Pantalone Toronto city councillor
Bob Rae Former Ontario Premier
Louis Rasminsky Former Governor of the Bank of Canada
S. J. Revich Writer
Lee Ross Famous Social Psychologist
Morley Safer CBS News Anchor
Sam Shopsowitz Shopsy's restaurant
Gordon Skilling Rhodes Scholar and Professor of Political Economy
Sam Sniderman Founder of Sam the Record Man
Steven Staryk Violinist
Morris Surdin Composer
John Weinzweig Composer
Garfield Weston Founder of Weston's foods

[edit] Past History

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[edit] Harbord Club

The Harbord Club is the longest continuous high school alumni group in Canada with over 2600 members. It was established in 1978 by Elsie Affleck, who brought along other alumni including: Ken Prentice, Willie Zimmerman, Johnny Wayne, Max Goldhar and Julius Molinaro. The Harbordite, founded in 1979, is the Harbord Club newsletter that keeps former students of the school in contact with one another and up-to-date on Harbord activities. The Harbord Charitable Foundation was also created at this time, supporting both student scholarships and alumni activities. Currently, the president of the Harbord Club is Annie Kwong.

[edit] Centennial

Harbord's first centennial was celebrated in 1992, the inauguration of the Harbord museum was held, distinguished by its architectural design, and repository of Harbord memorabilia of photographs and documents. To mark this major event, the Harbord Club published a 300-page history of the school entitled The Happy Ghosts of Harbord, which traces the history of the school from 1892 when it was built to 1992. The book is still available.

[edit] Remembrance Day 2005

On November 11, 2005, a huge ceremony took place at Harbord. With the donations to the W. Garfield Weston Foundation and many other corporate sponsors and individuals, phase I of Harbord Remembers was completed. The rededication of the 1921 World War I monument back to its original splendor was held. The master of ceremony was Syd Moscoe who most willingly took the job. Poignant addresses were given by:

  • Galen Weston, President of George Weston Ltd.
  • Barney Danson, a former Minister of Defence
  • Lt.-General Marc Caron, Chief of Land Staff, Canadian Armed Services
  • Sheila Ward, Chairperson of the TDSB

Harbord's Jazz Band played a piece written by Mr. Alberts, one of the band teachers, called "On Remembrance Day". The Cantemus Choir also performed that day. The "Last Post" was played by David Chou and poems written by students Kevin Tung and Michael Lee were read for all to hear. The morning ended with a picture that was taken of the students, teachers, alumni and neighbours all standing in front of the school, similar to what was done previously.

[edit] Overview

Each full-time student takes between six and eight courses each year. First to third year students must take 8 courses, while students in their fourth or possibly fifth years are allowed to take less courses as required for a Ontario Secondary School Diploma. These courses are separated between two days, with a maximum of 4 course per day. Any block without a course is called a spare. The school is non-semestered, so all selected courses are in the schedule.

[edit] Day to Day Schedules

The schedule of Day 1 is taken and the morning classes are reversed as are the afternoon classes making a Day 3 and such is done with Day 2 as well to make a Day 4. These four days are then cycled to make up a students schedule. Tests are only allowed if the class is the first class in the morning or the first class after lunch. This ensures that students don't have more than two tests a day, hence the necessity of Day 3 and 4.

"Silent Sustained Reading" or SSR is a time block in between the first and second periods of the day in which everyone, students, teachers, and administration, all read for 20 minutes. During this time no one is allowed in the hallways and everyone has to remain quiet. This period of time is intended to give students and teachers a chance to pick up a book and read. This is the third 3rd school year that SSR has been in place.

The schedule is as follows:

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
8:45-8:55 Homeform Homeform Homeform Homeform
8:55-10:05 Block A Block E Block B Block F
10:10-10:30 Silent Sustained Reading Silent Sustained Reading Silent Sustained Reading Silent Sustained Reading
10:30-11:40 Block B Block F Block A Block E
11:40-12:40 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
12:40-1:50 Block C Block G Block D Block H
1:55-3:05 Block D Block H Block C Block G

In the past, Homeform was after Period 1 and SSR was in the afternoon as shown:

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
8:45-9:55 Block A Block E Block B Block F
9:55-10:05 Homeform Homeform Homeform Homeform
10:10-11:20 Block B Block F Block A Block E
11:20-12:20 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
12:20-1:30 Block C Block G Block D Block H
1:30-1:50 Silent Sustained Reading Silent Sustained Reading Silent Sustained Reading Silent Sustained Reading
1:55-3:05 Block D Block H Block C Block G

Full time teachers teach six classes a year and have two periods of prep. There are also part time teachers in the school that teach every other day.

[edit] Exams

There are two exam periods a year at Harbord, one in December before the Winter break, and one in June before the Summer break. However, due to the school being non-semestered, one could have 8 exams to write during an exam period, instead of the usual 4 in a semestered school. Exams in June may be part of the 30% required Summative Evaluation. Report cards are given out after these exam periods, and also once in November.

[edit] Multiculturalism

HCI before 1932
HCI before 1932

Harbord has been a multicultural school for many years. From the 1920s to the 1950s, about 90 percent of the student body was Jewish and many prominent Jewish Canadians had attended Harbord. Today the school has a big population of Asians and also a noticeable number of Italians. The school is filled with students with many different backgrounds including: Chinese, Korean, Italian, Portuguese, French, British, African, Sri Lankan, Guyanese, Vietnamese and many more.

Furthermore, Harbord has 3 French programs to choose from, Immersion, Extended or Core, meaning that many students that graduate from Harbord are more or less bilingual in Canada's two official languages. Since the school has a noticeable amount of students that participate in these French programs, the Immersion and Extended French students have been labelled Frenchies. Now, there is even a French Club within Harbord.

A majority of the students at Harbord are also Asian, and because of that, there are many clubs such as the Chinese Club and the South Asian Club. However, these clubs are composed of people of all races, cultures, and backgrounds, and anyone can join. Students at Harbord can also take languages courses such as Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, and Latin.

[edit] Clubs

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Harbord has a variety of clubs. With over 40 clubs, there's one for every student.

[edit] Student Activity Council

The Student Activity Council, better known as SAC, is a student organization run by dedicated individuals who wish to make your stay at Harbord more enjoyable. They organize special activities such as semi-formals, activity days, and spirit weeks. In order to fund for these activities, students purchase a SAC card from the Student Council, which allows students to join clubs and teams, and entitles each student to a yearbook. Using the money they collect, SAC distributes the money from these cards to support and fund some of these activities as well as school teams and clubs.

The Student Activity Council of 2006-2007:

  • President: Rajithan Ithayalingam
  • Senior Vice-President: Lily Truong
  • Junior Vice-President: Tracey Biinna
  • Social Convenor: Kailla D'Armiento
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Blaire Lam-Greene
  • Public Relations Officer: Hilary McKee
  • External Affairs Officer: Jackie Tang
  • Year 4 Reps: Jason Huang, Christina Wong
  • Year 3 Reps: Vanessa Gold, Chantel Arce
  • Year 2 Reps: Camille Or, Cindy Liang
  • Year 1 Reps: Lea Damata, Alan Lin

The current president of Harbord's Student Council is Rajithan Ithayalingam. Presidents of SAC in the past include Martyna Bocian, Gia Milne-Allan, and Max Kerman. The new teacher advisor of SAC starting this year is Ms. Williams. Ms. Clark, now retired was the teacher advisor for many years prior to her retirement.

[edit] Creative Arts Council

The Creative Arts Council

President: David Cheung
Music Vice-President: Ricky Tran
Visual Arts Vice-President: Jamie McMillian
Drama Vice-President: Kadesha Myrie
Music Representative: Connie Jia
Visual Arts Representative: Ive Delic
Drama Representative: Tiya Sisson
Secretary: Carolyn Trinh
Treasurer: Cindy Liang

The Creative Arts Council, also known as CAC, is full of music, art and drama students that work together to improve the school's Creative Arts program. This council was created three years ago, when the music council was discontinued and the Creative Arts Council was created to include the visual arts and drama students. For all three years the teacher advisor of the council has been Ms. Renata Todros, also head of the Music and Arts department.

The group of CAC members is involved with all events that have Arts students involved. These events include: the Awards Assembly, Remembrance Ceremony, Holiday Assembly, Feeder School Concert, Musical Theatre Performance, Junior and Senior Spring Concerts and Showcases. Besides events, CAC also organized fundraisers to raise money for better instruments and supplies for the Arts students at Harbord.

At the end of the school year, all the members of the council help to plan a CAC banquet. It is for sure an unforgettable nigth where outstanding participation as well as talent is recognized and awards are given. Great food and dancing is also on the program for that special night.

The current president of Harbord's Creative Arts Council is David Cheung. Presidents of CAC in the past include Rajithan Ithayalingam, Natalie Maxwell and Mary Margaret Wood.

In previous years, there were many other positions including: Fundraising Co-ordinators, Banquet Co-ordinator, Senior Concert Co-ordinator, Junior Concert Co-odinator, Public Relation Officers and also Year reps in place of department reps.

[edit] Boys and Girls Athletic Association

The Boys Athletic Association, also known as the BAA, and the Girls Athletic Association, also known as the GAA, are two different clubs in Harbord that work closely together to organise most athletic events, such as the athletic banquet and intramurals.

The current president of BAA is Kevin Tung and the current president of GAA is Amy Chong.

[edit] Break Dancing Club

Harbords very first Break Dancing Club was Recently Created. The president of the club is the skillful James Hsiao, and the Vice-President is the strong man Austin Hung and with strong determination formed this club for the school and giving students from Harbord Collegiate Institute the chances to learn about break dancing. Therefore we will be more than happy to accept any information about the art. Popping, locking, tutting, roboting, freestyling, or beat boxing are freely wide-ranged expressive to those multi-talent students who are interested in those. Practices will be held once or twice a week in the MPR. We will be supervised by the talent and experienced Mr. Baker. If you are interested in learning a few things or willing to show ur skills drop by because all serious students are welcome.

[edit] Comic Book Club

Comic Book Club

Daniel "King Kwan" Kwan
Eduardo "Wardo" Brandao
Victor "The Victor" Nhan

The Comic Book Club is a newly created club at Harbord. The members within, who most wish to be called Nhanites, meet every Tuesday during the lunch break at their headquarters, The Hall of Justice (room 210). To raise money for their super-human sexual needs, they have been holding fundraisers such as "The Unofficial Super Smash Bros. Melee 3 Stock Doubles Tournament of Justice" (TUSSBM3SDTOJ for short).

The leaders, the ultimate Nhanites "King Kwan" and "the Victor", have been known to send their minions to watch the Empowered Student Partnership (ESP) because although they have powers and use them for good, the Nhanites have cooler powers and do not trust them. This feud between the two rivaling groups is a tale as old as time. It started when the ESP leaders, Raji whatever-his-last-name-is and Linda Au Yeung, first discovered their psychic powers and made the school glorify their names by appointing them heads of such groups as SAC and CAC, the two largest school oganizations. This didn't fly with King Kwan and the Victor, whose powers were to make a person's head asplode when thinking dirty thoughts about them (King Kwan) and to hit it...with a stick (the Victor), because for the longest time ever, these two heroes have been protecting the school secretly under their aliases, not once asking for anything in return. But under the newly created Superhuman Registration Act, the two Nhanites were forced to reveal their identities in a shocking meeting that involved lunch and Adam West as Batman. When the psychic leaders of the school heard of the news, they quickly confronted the two heroes and stated: "This school is only big enough for one pair of crime fighters". The two sides fought valiantly, but it ended when King Kwan and the Victor's mentor, Mr. Morgan, swooped down from space and forced his balls of fury on Raji and Linda's faces. He told both quarreling sides to live at peace with one another and to face his fury. At that moment, Morgan unleashed his true powers which was so terribly horrendous that those who looked upon it (Linda and Raji), never touched themselves again. Luckily for King Kwan and the Victor, they knew of their mentor's devastating powers and turned away. The feud still continues, but the two teams have been able to work cooperatively for the safety of the school.

The founders and current co-presidents of the Comic Book Club are Daniel "King Kwan" Kwan, Eduardo "Wardo" Brandao, and Victor "The Victor" Nhan. The teacher advisor is Mr. Morgan, the space pirate with flaming balls of fury.

[edit] Debating Society

The Harbord Debating Society is a place to enhance students’ political awareness as well as their oratorical skills. The society is open to all Harbord students. The topics range from school uniform to George W. Bush’s policies, from gay marriage to NAFTA. Each year, students participate in various tournaments, such as the Ontario Model Parliament and the Southern Ontario Model United Nations Assembly. The club has many enthusiastic and capable members, and a dedicated Mr. Harrison as its staff advisor.

The current co-presidents of the Debating Society are Jimmy Lu and Yunus Mohamed.

[edit] Empowered Student Partnership (ESP)

The Empowered Student Partnership is a new club at Harbord that works with the TDSB, the Toronto Police Service and the Toronto Catholic District School Board to make the school and the community a safer and better place by using their psychic abilities for the good of humanity. They work towards minimizing violence, drug use, graffiti, guns, racism, etc with their psychic powers. The teacher advisor is Mrs. Townsend and the club is also strongly supported by vice-principal Mr. Mirza. Since the club is relatively new, there are not many psychic members, but the members are working hard to promote the club and find other students that share their interests special abilities.

The current co-ordinaters and the strongest minds of ESP are Rajithan Ithayalingam and Linda Au-Yeung. They got owned by the Comic Book Club.

[edit] French Club

The French Club is dedicated to imporoving the Francophone population at Harbord. Originally started by Mme Berezowsky, the French club was a very small club at Harbord. After her departure from Harbord, the French club was restarted and a new president Selina Mohabir lead the French club to a new start. During the year of 2005-2006, the French club has already had fundraisers, outings to Café Crêpe (a restaurant in Toronto) and are planning to volunteer around Toronto helping Francophones. It has been their best year by far. The club still consists of mainly Frenchies, but many other students are starting to join in on the activities and events held by the French club.

[edit] Green Club

The Green Club (A.K.A. "E.A.P.S.") is a group of enthusiastic students commited to the improvement and the awareness of the environment problems around the school, and to change the school and make it more environmentally friendly. The Green Club currently is working on the "Watt Wise" program which monitors the energy consumption of different school electrical equipment and to try and see if energy use around the school could be reduced. The Green Club has also a couple of fundraiser in development to raise money to fix the solar panel on the roof that is currently inoperative, and also plans on revamping the Green House.

The president and co-founder of the Green Club is Alison Lee.

[edit] Key Club

The Key Club does not make keys, in fact KEY stands for Kiwanis Educating Youths. As a student-led organization, the Key Club builds character and develops leadership while we give back to our home, school and community. This year, the Key Club has partnered with the Toronto Western Hospital in its patient visiting program. If you are looking into getting some volunteer hours fast, the Key Club is the club that makes it happen.

The current president of the Key Club is Natalie Maxwell. Co-presidents of Key club in the past include Uyen Tran and Lisa Tai.

[edit] Robotics Club

The Robotics Club is a team dedicated to competing in various international competitions such as the FIRST Robotics Competition and the FIRST Vex Challenge. The team name of the Robotics Club is Tiger Techs, or T2 for short. The registered team number for Tiger Techs is 919 in all robotics challenges organized by FIRST. Its technical expert is Ken Struys, a university student who comes back to the school and devotes himself to helping the club succeed. This club has been in existence for over five years and has built many a successful robot. In 2006, the team proudly ranked 31 out 72 in the Greater Toronto Regional. The teachers involved in the 2006/2007 Robotics Club are Mr. Hulays, Mr. McIntyre, Mr. Sangha and Mr. Lee.

[edit] Tigerline Announcements

This savvy group of motivators informs the school of events and essential student/teacher info. The current president, Hannah Fogel has called the shots for about two years.

[edit] Tiger Talk

Tiger Talk is Harbord's official newspaper. It is sectioned into five categories: School, Sports, World Issues, Entertainment and Miscellaneous. It covers many topics in and out of the school environment. It has been a great source of information for Harbordites for many years.

The current Head Editors of Tiger Talk are Alexandra Papaelias and Cindy Tang.

[edit] Other clubs

Here is a (incomplete) list of other less important clubs because the Comic Book Club kicks their asses offered at Harbord:

  • Astronomy Club
  • Badminton Club
  • Board Game Association
  • Book Club
  • Chess Club
  • Chinese Club
  • Christian Fellowship
  • Cooking Club
  • Girls Club
  • Guitar Club
  • History Club
  • International Club
  • Mandarin Tigers
  • Philosophy Club
  • Programming Team
  • Prom Committee
  • School Reach
  • Silver Club
  • South Asian Club
  • Stock Market Club
  • Tea Club
  • WACC
  • Website Team
  • Weight Training Club

[edit] Sports

Harbord has a wide variety of sport teams, coached and managed by many members of the faculty and sometimes with help of old students of Harbord.

Here is a list of sport teams offered at Harbord:

Team Boys? Girls? Co-Ed?
Cross Country
Dragon Boat
Ice Hockey
Team Boys? Girls? Co-Ed?
Team Boys? Girls? Co-Ed?
Track and Field

[edit] Music program

Harbord has a very wide range of musical opportunities. At Harbord, the head of the Music Department is Mrs. Todros. Other teachers in the department include Mrs. Martin and Mr. Alberts.

[edit] Band

Band is taught by Mr. Alberts and Mrs. Martin. The band program goes from the Grade 9 Beginner Band to the Grade 12 Senior Band. The Senior Band is taught by Mr. Alberts, who also runs the Jazz band, while Mrs. Martin teaches the Junior Band class. Instruments in band include flute, clarinet, saxophone, french horn, trombone, tuba, bass guitar, keyboard, drums, baritone and trumpet. The band performs at assemblies and concerts which includes the Remembrance Ceremony, Senior Showcase, Feeder School Concert, Commencement and the Farewell Assembly.

[edit] Vocal

Vocal is taught by Mrs. Todros. The classes range from Grade 9 Beginner Vocal to Senior Vocal. There is also a Cantemus Choir at Harbord that sings for many events inside and outside of Harbord. This Choir won Second Place at this year's Kiwanis Festival.

[edit] Strings

Strings is taught by Mrs. Todros. She teaches the Grade 9 Beginner Strings, the Junior Strings and the Senior Strings. Instruments available for strings at Harbord include: violin, viola, cello and bass. Strings are a very difficult instrument to play, as any instrument is, and the students that take part in this are highly dedicated and passionate. Harbord's String Quarter won First Prize at last year's Kiwanis Festival. The Chamber Orchestra has performed at other venues such as Massey Hall, and George Weston Hall. The Strings Chamber Orchestra plays at school events such as the Awards Assembly, Feeder School Concert and Senior Concert.

[edit] Staff

Besides the students, the staff are the most important people in the school.

Administration Staff
Principal Mary Jane McNamara
Vice-Principal Susana Arnott
Office staff Luiza Healey, Mary Selvaggi, Fernanda Santos
Teaching Staff
Department English Language Science Computer and Math
Department Head Mr. Morgan Mr. Machado Mr. McIntyre Mr. Lee & Mr. Hulays
  • Mrs. Anthony
  • Ms. Clark
  • Mr. Duggan
  • Ms. Faulconbridge
  • Ms. Garner-Pringle
  • Ms. Pederson
  • Mrs. Varone
  • Mrs. Williams
  • Ms. Ayala
  • Mrs. Freitas
  • Ms. Jenab
  • Mrs. Kwok
  • Mrs. Markopoulos
  • Mr. R. Leblanc
  • Mrs. Anthony
  • Mrs. Angelakos
  • Mr. Covello
  • Ms. DeAlbuquerque
  • Mrs. Gibula
  • Mr. Harrison
  • Mr. Lee
  • Mr. Sangha
  • Ms. Stalker
  • Mr. Gerhmann
  • Mr. Hulays
  • Mr. Koivusalo
  • Mr. D. LeBlanc
  • Ms. Nguyen
  • Mr. Springgay
  • Ms. Townsend
  • Mr. Watts
  • Mr. Wilson
Department Geography History/Contemporary Studies Music and Art Physical Education
Department Head Mr. Channing Mr. Dingwall Mrs. Todros Mr. Purchas
  • Mr. Baker
  • Mr. R. LeBlanc
  • Mr. Grootveld
  • Mr. Corner
  • Mr. Goldkind
  • Ms. Kordiuk
  • Ms. Wolff
  • Mr. Alberts
  • Ms. Beaudette
  • Mrs. Koo
  • Mrs. Martin
  • Mr. Ross
  • Mrs. Steele
  • Ms. Bannon
  • Mr. Grootveld
  • Mr. Harker
  • Mrs. West
Librarian Ms. Perovic
Guidance Ms. Sue, Ms. Yee, Ms. Wong

[edit] School spirit

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Harbord School Shield
Harbord School Shield

[edit] Symbols of Harbord

A lot of recognisable symbols can be linked to Harbord. Harbord's official slogan is "Virtus et Doctrina." Harbord has an official coat of arms, shown at right.

Harbord's official mascot is the tiger. A Tiger can be seen in the middle of the gym floor which is familiar to all of Harbord's students. A tiger can also be found on team uniforms. Harbord's official colours are orange and black, which are based on the colours of a tiger.

[edit] Onward Harbord

Onward Harbord is Harbord's official song, it is sung along with the school band playing at the same time. Generally at the behest of the principal ("One more time!"), the song gets sung twice. The lyrics are as follows:

Onward Harbord, onward Harbord,
On to victory!
The orange and black are on the track,
We pledge our loyalty. Rah! Rah! Rah!
With a Virtus et Doctrina
We will reach our goal.
And yours will be eternally
The spirit we uphold.
Virtus et Doctrina
Is our battle cry.
We shout and fight for the orange and black
And the honour of H.C.I.
Sha-boom-Hey! Sha-boom-Hey!
Hey Harbord! Hey Harbord!
Hey! Rah! Rah! Rah!
Yea Harbord!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

[edit] See also

[edit] External links


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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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