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Glossary of paintball terms

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Every paintball field has its own lingo for various obstacles, bunkers, and landmarks that are unique to the site. Prospective players should always familiarize themselves with the terms used by other players beforehand.


[edit] General Paintball Jargon

[edit] A-B-C

  • Agg - Agg, a term coined by the infamous HK Army of SC Village simply means "cool" or "original". More specifically, sandanas, designer headbands, and a variety of other things can be considered agg. Also, agg can be used as a word to describe a player's ability as in "Wow, he is agg!" Often derided for overuse.
  • Agg Sauce - A term to be used such as the words "cool," "sick," and " rad." Derived specifically from "Agg." Opposite of "weak sauce."
  • Back Player - A backer is a player who provides support fire for the rest of his team, suppressing the opponent as much as he can. He is often the one who is communicating the most, since he often has a better and larger view of the feild.
  • Baller - One who participates in the sport of paintball.
  • Bonus Ball - Hits a player receives after being eliminated, usually while leaving the field of play. A player may receive bonus balls due to the fast rate of fire of markers in tournament play, by walking through a line of fire, or occasionally by being intentionally shot by an opponent. Sometimes referred to as "Extra Love" and "Bonus Ball Loving". Usually occurs in tournament settings and may result in penalties. Also used to prevent Dead Man Walking.
  • Bounce - When a paintball makes contact with a player but does not break. Such paintballs usually 'bounce' off and do not count as an elimination.
  • Break - The start of the game. It is signalled by the referees calling out "Go go go!", blowing a whistle or something similar. Getting Shot off break is a term used when a player is shot out right after the game starts, usually by an opponent sweet spotting their line of movement. Also refers to having a paintball break in the barrel of a gun. This is usually due to the paintball being defective or too old. Having paint in the barrel is very bad as the loose fluid affects the accuracy of the following shots.
  • Bunker (n) - An obstacle on the field of play used to block opposing players' view and field of fire.
  • Bunkering (v) - Term describing the elimination of a player hiding behind a bunker. This is usually achieved when the player behind the bunker is trapped by opposing fire, distracted by other players, or preoccupied with firing from one side. This allows an opposing player to run up to the player's bunker and eliminate the player by shooting directly over the bunker or around the side, usually catching the player by surprise in the process.
  • Bunker Hugging - Keeping the barrel of a marker pressed against the side of a bunker to create the smallest possible profile while still allowing the player to shoot. Works best with longer barrels (usually 16"). Most professional players back off the bunker to decrease the time it takes to pop out and limit their exposure.
  • Bunker Tag - When one player runs up to a player hidden behind a bunker and tags the bunker. This results in the player who is behind the bunker being called out. This rule is rarely used, and never at the tournament level.
  • Camping - A term to describe a person who sits in one place for most/whole duration of the game with hopes to eliminate a wandering or unsuspecting player. Generally performed by newer/frightened players.
  • Can - A paintball bunker which is tall and cylindrical in shape. Also known as a "stand-up", "Beer Can", "Tower", and more.
  • Cheater board - A term used to refer to altered or specifically programmed marker electronics which allow ramping. This was a common name for ramping software when ramping first came onto the paintball scene- roughly in 2001-2002. Be aware ramping is not always considered cheating. Some tournaments allow ramping, such as the PSP, NXL and CFOA.
  • Chop a Snake - A process in which one player will fire over the head of an opponent located behind a snake, pinning him down, while another will advance along the length of the snake eliminating the opponent.
  • Chopped Ball - Sometimes a marker may fire when a paintball has only fed partially into the breech. The force of the bolt of the marker moving forward will then cut the paintball in half inside the marker's chamber, creating a mess of paint that may prevent the marker from shooting accurately until cleaned.
  • Clustering - When a team, clutters together to form a group of players. They mostly travel quickly and easily while players lay down cover fire while the others move from cover to cover. This technique is rarely used in speedball if ever and is only recommended if your team has retreated and are regrouping for a frontal or flanking assault against the opposing team. Although quite effective, this can lead to easy shots from opponents since the whole team is attacking from one area.
  • Condom - Also referred to as the barrel condom, barrel bag, or a barrel cover, it is the safety device that slides over the front of the barrel to prevent anyone from being shot by mistake if a player were to accidentally discharge their marker while outside a playing field.
  • Covering Fire - Occurs when a player is going to move to another area while enemy sentries are in the area. The player will likely call out, "Cover me", or "Cover Fire". This announces that the other teammates need to use suppressive fire while the player moves to the next area, causing a distraction or creating suppressing fire upon the opposing players.
  • Cyclops - Taking a single shot to the goggle lens leaving the appearance of one big blotch, which looks like a single eye.

[edit] D-E-F

  • Darting - When a player quickly runs from obstacle to obstacle while under fire by opponents, often dodging hostile fire in the process.
  • Dead Man Walking - When a player pretends to be eliminated, and while walking to the sidelines, proceeds to shoot players on the other team. Viewed as dishonorable by most players and illegal in almost all tournaments.
  • Dome Shot - Taking a hit to the top of one's head.
  • Dorito - A paintball bunker in the shape of a pyramid, or dorito.
  • Eating (the) Paint - When a player is shot in the mouthpiece of his mask, sending paint all over the lower half of his face.
  • Eye/Eyes/ACE/Vision (Anti-Chop Eye) (n) - An infrared detection system installed on electronic markers. There are two types; break beam and reflective. Break beam incorporates an infrared beam fired across the breech to a sensor. When a ball enters the breech of the marker, it breaks the infrared beam, telling the marker that a ball is ready to be fired. Reflective sends an infrared beam across the breech from one eye. If a ball enters the breech, the infrared beam will be reflected back into the eye, indicating that a ball is ready to be fired. These electronic infrared systems help prevent chopping in markers and help markers reach higher rates of fire consistently.
  • Flank - A strategy used in both speedball and woodsball where usually one or two people provide cover fire while other team members move around the sides. Since the opposing force is preoccupied with the people providing cover fire they are usually unaware of the force coming around the side (or even the back side).
  • Fogged - Term describing the state of goggles after moisture condenses on the lens and decreases the player's visibility.
  • Front man - Player who is the first line of offense. These players need to work their way to the front line to take hold of key positions on the field, and/or to pull the flag. Front players rarely go though a round without being eliminated.

[edit] G-H

  • Gat - Slang for a paintball marker.
  • Gat Rodeo - A celebration in the manner of mocking/shaming another team after a victorious game. Performed by at least 3 or more people "Riding the gat" in an uncontrollable and erratic fashion.
  • Gat Train - An act of riding one's gat with fellow teammates in a single file line. Usually performed during a celebration or to get pumped before a game.
  • Ghost - A player who continues to play after being tagged out, but keeps an extremely low profile, often playing in non-populated portions of the same field, or hanging around the back or sides.
  • Gogged - An expression describing the state of being hit directly in the mask by another player.
  • Grilled - Getting shot in the lower part of one's goggles, as if they were hit in the "grill" or mouth.
  • Groupie - Someone who hangs out or goes to games with a person or team that paintballs but does not actually participate. Often has a strong physical attraction to one or sometimes all players. An avid fan.
  • Gun Whore - An individual who collects more paintball markers than he or she uses. He/she usually buys very expensive guns, sometimes trading it for another almost immediately after receiving it.
  • Guppy - Slang for the large tubes used to carry additional paintballs on the field. The industry refers to them officially as pods.
  • Headcheck - A term used to describe the tactic of giving a quick look out from protection to get a better idea of the opponent's position just before shooting. Used often in tournament play seconds before a snap shot.
  • Hopper - Term describing the magazine for the paintball marker. They are usually mounted at the top of most markers. Sizes vary, but the average capacity is about 200 rounds. While some designs utilize a hopper that feeds balls to the gun via gravity placing it directly above the bolt, other designs use a hopper attached to the side of the marker that uses a pneumatic system to feed them into the breech of the marker. Other hopper designs are offset to the right or left, or more recently, set forward and below the barrel. Many popular hoppers are "force feed" hoppers, in which motorized paddles inside the hopper actively push paintballs into the marker.
  • Hoser - A player who shoots excessive amounts of paint, usually causing the bunker he was shooting at to become drenched with paint.
  • Hot - 'Firing Hot' or a 'Hot Gun' refers to a paintball marker that is firing at a velocity above the limit imposed by the field. Most outdoor fields specify between 280 to 300 ft/s (85 to 90 m/s) ball speed. Some indoor arenas limit the speed to 250 ft/s (75 m/s) to reduce potential injuries. Firing over 300 ft/s (90 m/s) is almost always considered 'Hot'. A term also used when an opponent has occupied a bunker: "50 is hot!" 'Hot' also refers to a bunker that is recieving heavy enemy fire ("The dorito is hot").
  • Hammer - When one player pounds a bunker with paintballs so a teammate can sneak up and eliminate the other player. Also a part in a paintball gun that strikes a valve to open it and release the gas.

[edit] I-J-K-L

  • Insert - Like a mid field player, an insert is able to work their way around the field, supporting front players, and taking orders from back players. Inserts need to listen to not only their backers, but also their front men to gain insight as to where players are on the field to shoot out.
  • Kamikaze - A player who plays with little regard to being hit for the sole purpose of tagging other players out. An example is a player who proceeds to sprint down the field, shooting aimlessly at the opposition hoping to get a hit, while taking no cover. Also known as running the gauntlet.
  • Lace/Laced - Expression used when a player is shot with a rope of paintballs.
  • Lane - An imaginary line between bunkers that represents an unobstructed path between them. Used in the context of suppressive fire, where a "shooting lane" describes a clear shooting pathway from one bunker to another.
  • Lit Up - To be shot excessively or in an embarassing manner.
  • Loader - See Hopper.

[edit] M-N-O

  • Marker - Another name for a paintball gun.
  • Mirror - An opponent in the same bunker as you, on their side of the field.
  • Mowed Down - An expression connotating overwhelming victory. It is often used to describe someone who has been marked several times.
  • Mug Shot - Shooting someone in the face area on their goggles.
  • Muppet - A player that doesnt move from his position, usualy lacking a low profile.
  • Noob, Newb - A new player. Can also be an experienced player who exhibits characteristics of a new player.
  • Overshoot - To tag excessive hits on a player, beyond what would be needed to eliminate them. Same as 'bonus ball' and 'overkill.'

[edit] P-R-S

  • Paint Check - When an official or another player inspects a player for hits. Necessary because hits on hard equipment may not be noticed by the player, and hits that do not leave a mark do not count, so a player may need another person to check to see if a hit broke when it is on an area of the body the player cannot readily see.
  • Pairing - When two people on the same team are designated as partners and made responsible for each other. This pair may have a set of objectives or duties and are mostly effective during woodsball where players can move around without getting detected. Often, a new player and a skilled veteran will be paired so that the newbie can learn the basics during play.
  • Pawn - A player who is 'used' by the rest of the team in situations where his/her value is insignificant in that particular game. An example would be a newer player who is 'sacrificed' by being sent to the most dangerous parts of the field.
  • Pinch - A term used to describe when a player puts their opponent into a position on the field, where he/she cannot move without getting shot.
  • Playing On - Describes situations where a player will continue to act as a live player after he/she is hit. Also describes the action of a player after he/she cheats by wiping a hit off.
  • Pod - A tube-shaped device that carries extra paintballs while on the field. Most can hold more than 100 (generally 140) paintballs to fill an empty hopper during a game and are used heavily in tournament games.
  • Pod Bitch - A term used to describe a person who stands on the sidelines and fills pods with paintballs for players.
  • Private Label - Abbreviated PL or P/L, refers to special or team editions of markers, distinguished by special upgrades, parts, and milling.
  • Pwn - To tag a player in a manner that is often noticed by a majority of other players. To get 'owned' can refer to this, but to many other players it can also be being tagged in an obvious place in a humorous manner.
  • Ramping (v) - A feature enabled in many aftermarket electronic marker 'mod boards' that functions as de-facto full-auto; while in ramping mode, pulling the trigger faster than a preset lower limit (typically 5 or more times a second) causes the marker to "ramp" to its maximum preset rate of fire, which can exceed 20 balls per second, or to fire as quickly as the hopper can supply balls to the breech. Many "ramp boards" also incorporate elaborate schemes to conceal this feature from tournament referees, including a simple "Panic button." This panic mode is found mainly on cheating boards. The "Panic button" is a trigger press sequence to turn ramping off before a marker can be confiscated and tested, and randomized rate of fire to mask the fact that the trigger activity does not match the actual firing of paintballs. In response to the popularity of ramping (and the difficulty of catching violators), some organizations have abandoned a strict semi-auto-only policy and adopted a 15 ball-per-second cap in its place. This allows referees with PACT timers to monitor rate of fire during games.
  • Retreat - When a team or a player is under too much stress of fire by opposing players, and runs away, hoping to get a better advantage point. Retreating should be only used as a last resort since the opposing team will gain more ground each time this happens.
  • Remote - A coiled or braided steel hose connecting the marker to the air source. Allows the player carry the air source on his harness rather than directly on the marker, thus reducing the weight of the marker.
  • Ride the Gat -The act of riding ones paintball marker in the manner of a bull or horse. Also see Gat Train or Gat Rodeo.
  • Rollie - A can placed horizontally on the ground.
  • Rolling your gun - When a player gets his/her gun firing at a decent rate of fire and keeps it going.
  • Roping Paint - When a player, usually a back player, shoots a nonstop stream of paint down a lane.
  • Run through - It is when a player runs down the field and tries to bunker other players before getting eliminated. The player is often eliminated at the end of his run but will have taken out several opponents if the run was successful.
  • Snap Battle - The act of two players who are trying to snap shoot each other at the same time.
  • Snap Shooting - An essential tournament paintball skill. A player will "snap" out of his bunker very quickly (less than a second) and shoot a few paintballs at an opponent and duck back in, avoiding the paint that is inevitably coming at him.
  • Spray - Refers to paint spraying onto something. Often occurs when a paintball hits a bunker but the paint continues to travel onto a player or a player's equipment. Not considered a hit.
  • Stitched - A term used when a player gets a line of welts (hits), commonly, on the back. Usually only occurs during a bunker move.
  • Stock Class - A style of paintball play in which pump guns meeting stock-class requirements are the only type of gun allowed. Some of the regulations include, non-ported barrel, horizontally fed paintballs, manual recocking action after each shot, and more. (see wikipedia topic: "stock-class" for more details.
  • String - Describes the stream of paintballs that result when a player shoots a lot of paintballs in a short amount of time. See also Roping Paint.
  • Surrender - This is yelled by the shooter if she/he holds an upper hand on an opponent within a close range; this is done to give the enemy a chance to surrender without being shot. This rule is widely used amongst many new players and paintball parks. Much like barrel tagging, however, it is not always allowed.
  • Sweet Spotting - A strategy commonly used in tournament paintball, where a player shoots a string of paint into an open area or a lane (usually in the start of the game), with the hope that an opponent moving to a bunker will run into the line of fire and be eliminated. The effect of this tactic is to prevent an opposing player from moving to a bunker that he or she wants.

[edit] T-V-W

  • Tank - The CO2 or compressed air containers used to power paintball markers. In most cases the tank is screwed directly into the marker. However, some players use a coiled hose that allows them to carry the tank in another location of their person removing extra weight from the marker (see Remote). The Tippmann C-3 is an exception to the gases named above, as it is designed to run on propane.
  • Tape Man - Player who lanes (shoots) the tape side(s) of a field.
  • Timmy - A Bob Long Intimidator marker.
  • Tourney Play - Competition at the tournament level.
  • Tricked out - A term used to describe a marker with numerous upgrades and enhancements.
  • Vitals - A game that is played when only hit in the mask, back or chest are you out. If you are hit in the legs, arms or shoulders you are not out. Commonly played in Woodsball.
  • Walking a trigger - Describes the act of using two (and rarely three) fingers to sequentially pull/tap a marker's trigger, allowing for a higher rate of fire than would be possible by using a single finger to pull the trigger. The rate of fire achieved is around 12-20 balls per second, depending on the player's speed.
  • Walk-On - Either a game that is assembled from casual non-affiliated players, or one such player. Walk-on paintballers are well known for their highly individualistic play and generally poor ability to work with organized, coordinated teams.
  • Wiping - Refers to the illegal act of cleaning off a hit when a referee isn't looking so that the player can avoid elimination. This is viewed as highly dishonorable, and if caught the player can face a severe penalty.
  • Wrapping - When a player wraps around the side of his/her bunker to get a clean view/shot of different angles on the field. Often causes the player to expose him/herself to opposing players.

[edit] Scenario Lingo

Scenario games have their own set of lingo in addition to the standard paintball jargon above.

  • APV - Acronym for Armored Paintball vehicle, also called a tank. These include both land, and in some case, water vehicles. A typical APV is equipped with a LAW launcher or handheld or mounted paintball markers. Typically, they are enclosed to protect the operators, and can only be eliminated by a direct hit from another LAW rocket. Due to the nature of being built custom made, a plethora of tank designs can be seen across the scenario world. Also see "PAV".
  • Armband Tape - Used to identify what team a player is on. Tape is literally colored duct tape. Typical armband team colors are generally blue and red. Other colors such as brown, yellow, white, black, etc. can be used to designate special job positions, such as demolitions, engineer, medic, pilot, etc.
  • BBD - Barrel Blocking Device. Another term for a barrel sock (barrel condom), although this term can be used in a more general sense to describe any device that catches the paintball when a marker is accidentally fired off the field.
  • Battle Royale- A free-for-all game, usually with a time limit, where players get points for eliminating other players and for staying alive. Each player wears a colored piece of material which they give to the player who eliminates them. The standard point allocation is 1 point for staying alive, 1 point for each player shot if eliminated by the end of competition, and 3 points for each player shot if not eliminated by the end of competition. The player with the most points wins.
  • CO - Commanding Officer. See General.
  • Demolitions - Job position in which the player is allowed to use demolitions equipment such as satchel charges or LAWs.
  • Engineer - Job position which has the ability to repair destroyed structures.
  • General - The General, or CO, is the leader of one of the two sides in the scenario. He is the one responsible for issuing missions and keeping his team's morale up. When he is not available, his XO takes over.
  • GSRP - Acronym for General Scenario Rules of Play. These are the basic set of rules that many scenario games follow. Even if your scenario producer does not use the GSRP, it is still a good idea to know the basic rules.
  • Hammer - A term for paintball guns that have more than one barrel. They are usually capable of shooting over 30 balls per second consistently. The most common type is two Tippmann A5's connected together ("Double Trouble"). The original "hammer" is the Nasty Typhoon, maufactured by Palmer. The biggest one currently functioning is the Tippmann Triclops (Area 51 Paintball), and the biggest one ever made is the Hell Hound (Made by Tippmann, now at Hell survivors).
  • LAW Launcher - A device used to eliminate APVs, bunkers, or other enemy players. Typically constructed like a spud gun, they are used to fire LAW Rockets or sabot rounds at the enemy. Because of the increased mass of the projectile, muzzle velocity is generally chronographed far lower, around 230-250 feet per second at the most.
  • LAW Rocket - Typically a Nerf foam pocket vortex football. They are two inches in diameter, and fit snugly into the barrel of a LAW rocket. In most games, after firing they are dead props until a ref re-issues them.
  • Medic - Job position which allows the player to "heal" other players by physically wiping the paint off of the other player. A common strategy is to "lure" medics out into the open by shooting one of his team mates who calls for him. Then the medic can be taken out as well. Medics can not heal themselves, and can only be healed by another medic.
  • Mission - Missions are what determine the winner of the scenario game. The producer will send the coded missions to the Generals, who must then assign a force to accomplish them. Having a ref sign off on the mission card completes the mission and awards the team points for it.
  • PAV - Paintball Armored Vehicle. See APV for more information.
  • Pilot - Job position which allows the player to "pilot" a "helicopter" or other such transportation vehicle. These pilots can not be shot at, nor anyone else on the "helicopter", nor can the occupants of the helicopter shoot at any other players until they are dropped off.
  • Prop - Any object which the scenario producers have introduced into the field as a playable object for players in the scenario game.
  • Producer - The company or person responsible for organizing, running, and keeping the game safe. Some well known scenario producers include MXS, Viper paintball, Blackcat Paintball, and Wayne Dollack.
  • RTS - Real Time Strategy. A newer scenario game concept being heavily pursued by scenario producers such as Viper Paintball. The idea behind this setup eliminates the standard mission sequence and allows the two Generals to duke it out as they see strategically fit.
  • Satchel Charge - A kind of prop that is placed under referee supervision for triggered elimination or demolition. These are typically an alternative to LAWs for vehicle elimination.
  • Squad Commander - Also known as Unit commanders or just Commanders for short, they often receive mission info from the General and will form up a make shift squad or unit to help them go complete an objective. Their other jobs is to help organize different groups for different missions or, should the General not be available and neither is the XO (or there is no XO for the game) for any reason such as being sent to the rejuv center by normal or special ways (Example a person roleplaying a character getting bribed to walk on into the CP and place a Satchel charge there.) Then a Squad Commander will take things over at the CP until the General returns.
  • XO - Executive Officer. Second in command to General.

[edit] See also


aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu

Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - bcl - be - be_x_old - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - co - cr - crh - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dsb - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - ext - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gan - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - hak - haw - he - hi - hif - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kaa - kab - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mdf - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - mt - mus - my - myv - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - quality - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - rw - sa - sah - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sr - srn - ss - st - stq - su - sv - sw - szl - ta - te - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu -

Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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