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Fighting Fantasy

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Fighting Fantasy

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, original edition
Designer(s) Ian Livingstone, Steve Jackson
Publisher(s) Puffin, Wizard Books
Publication date 1980
Genre(s) Fantasy
System Gamebook, d6

Fighting Fantasy is a series of single-player role-playing gamebooks created by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, originally published by Puffin and now by Wizard Books. Despite common claims to the contrary, Fighting Fantasy was not the very first series of gamebooks. The gamebook format used in Fighting Fantasy was previously seen in a series of solitaire adventures released for the Tunnels and Trolls role-playing game, the first of which was Buffalo Castle [1]. Fighting Fantasy popularised the format and spawned dozens of imitators.


[edit] Overview

A former Fighting Fantasy logo
A former Fighting Fantasy logo

UK writers Steve Jackson (not to be confused with the US-based game designer of the same name) and Ian Livingstone(co founders of Games Workshop) authored the first seven books in the series, after which point the writing stable was expanded.

There were 59 books in the core series, beginning with The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (Jackson & Livingstone, 1982) and concluding with Curse of the Mummy (Green,1995), as well as the four-part Sorcery! series, also by Jackson. Two new books, Eye of the Dragon, and the long lost adventure Bloodbones have recently been published by Wizard bringing the total number of gamebooks to 61, although it seems likely that further new gamebooks will now be published.

Fighting Fantasy gamebooks were similar to other interactive gamebooks which were being published at the time, most notably the Choose Your Own Adventure series, in that the reader takes control of the story's protagonist, making many choices over the course of the story and turning to different pages in order to learn the outcome of their decisions. The Fighting Fantasy series distinguished itself by the use of a dice mechanic used to resolve combat and other situations, not dissimilar to that used in Dungeons & Dragons and other role-playing games, though far simpler.

The action in a Fighting Fantasy gamebook is split into small sections, ranging from a paragraph to a page, at the end of which the character usually must make a choice or roll a die. Each page features several sections with their number at the top in bold. In top corner of each page, where a regular book would have the page number, a Fighting Fantasy book features a range, such as '129–131', denoting the sections which appear on that page. Most of the early books in the series had 400 sections, with the optimal ending being #400. Some later books had more than 400 sections and/or 'hid' the optimal ending somewhere in the middle of the book.

With the notable exception of Steve Jackson's Sorcery! miniseries, all entries in the series are standalone and do not assume any prior knowledge on the part of the player. That said, many of them take place in a single world known as Titan, and the three books which deal with the wizard Zagor, (The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, Return to Firetop Mountain and Legend of Zagor), are undoubtedly more rewarding if played in sequence, as are Deathtrap Dungeon, Trial of Champions and Armies of Death.

Typically, a Fighting Fantasy gamebook follows the 'collect w, x and y to reach z' mechanic. This means that the player can only reach the end of the book by following the correct path and finding all the items (keys, gems, rings or even pieces of information) that let him proceed to the final confrontation. Later books sometimes varied this formula, allowing multiple routes to success.

[edit] History

The cover of City of Thieves, the first urban Fighting Fantasy
The cover of City of Thieves, the first urban Fighting Fantasy

In 1980 Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, founders of Games Workshop, decided to capitalise on the spreading enthusiasm for Dungeons & Dragons by creating a series of single player gamebooks. Their first submission, The Magic Quest, was a short adventure intended to demonstrate the style of game which they sought to create. The Magic Quest took over a year to be accepted by Penguin Books, at which point the two creators devoted a further six months to expanding and improving upon their original design, resulting in The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, the first Fighting Fantasy gamebook. After several rewrites the book was accepted and published in 1982 under Penguin's children's imprint, Puffin.

Following on from the success of the first book Jackson and Livingstone began to produce further gamebooks, writing solo in order to better utilise their time. In 1983 Jackson produced the second Fighting Fantasy adventure, The Citadel of Chaos, and Livingstone the third, titled The Forest of Doom. Jackson then produced the first book in the series with a science-fiction setting, Starship Traveller, and Livingston the first with an urban setting, City of Thieves, as well as Deathtrap Dungeon and Island of the Lizard King. In 1984 the decision was made to expand the number of writers working on the project, and the second Steve Jackson (from this point on referred to as 'Steve Jackson(2)', see below) was added to the roster with Scorpion Swamp, published that year. From that point on many more authors began to contribute to the series, including Andrew Chapman, Carl Sargent (aka Keith Martin), Marc Gascoigne (also the longest-serving FF editor) and Peter Darvill-Evans.

Three of the books (Scorpion Swamp in 1984, Demons of the Deep and Robot Commando in 1986) were written by a different, US-based Steve Jackson (the founder and owner of Steve Jackson Games). This has led many gamers to mistakenly believe that they are the same person.[2][3]

The series enjoyed good sales all through the eighties, but experienced the same difficulties in the early nineties as the rest of the role-playing industry, brought on primarily by the increasing dominance of video games. The series was slated to conclude with book 50, Return to Firetop Mountain (Livingstone, 1992), but this book was unexpectedly successful, experiencing better sales than any recent gamebook and prompting an increase in demand for the Fighting Fantasy back catalogue. As a result of this ten more books were written but only nine were ever published, and the series came to an end with 1995's Curse of the Mummy. A 60th book, Bloodbones was planned but never released. The Puffin Fighting Fantasy series had finished.

In 2002 Wizard Books bought the rights to the Fighting Fantasy series and has put many of the original titles back into print, making the controversial decision to change the order of the books in order to fit their reduced line up (initially only the gamebooks by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone were published) and to incorporate the Sorcery! miniseries into the core series. The original cover art has also been replaced. The Wizard editions have also been criticized for the extensive errors in the rule section of the reprints. Due to copy-and-pasting from Firetop Mountain errors have been introduced into the rules, in most cases affecting the rules for Provisions and Potions. These problems have continued in the more recent re-releases as No. 24, Talisman of Death also has these errors.

In 2005 a brand new Fighting Fantasy book entitled Eye of the Dragon was released by Wizard, written by Ian Livingstone. In 2006 Talisman of Death and Sword of the Samurai, both written by Jamie Thomson and Mark Smith, were released. This was the first time Wizard reprinted works by 'secondary' authors. Also released in 2006 was another 'new' gamebook, the long awaited 'lost' book Bloodbones written by Jonathan Green, which was originally planned to be number 60 in the Puffin series.

The Wizard release line-up for 2007 has been partially announced. These books are, as expected, by Jonathan Green. The two gamebooks are Curse of the Mummy and Spellbreaker. In a surprise move by Wizard, both have been extensively edited to make them more playable, with skill scores and other aspects changed. Furthermore, it appears that additional brand-new gamebooks will be published by Wizard sometime in the 2007-2008 period.

[edit] Setting

The majority of the Fighting Fantasy books are set in the heroic fantasy world of Titan—46 of the 59 core books take place there, plus the Sorcery! spin-off. Like many fantasy settings, Titan corresponds roughly to medieval Europe, with the addition of magic, monsters and several sentient non-human races. Titan consists of three continents; the most commonly utilised by the series is Allansia, then The Old World and finally Khul. The scattered and somewhat incoherent information gleaned about the world of Titan from the gamebooks is consolidated and greatly supplemented by a readers guide titled simply Titan (Gascoigne, Jackson & Livingstone, 1986).

Star Strider, one of the few SF Fighting Fantasy books
Star Strider, one of the few SF Fighting Fantasy books

Legend of Zagor (Livingstone, 1993) is set in a second fantasy world, Amarillia, as are the first, second and fourth volumes of The Zagor Chronicles (Livingstone, 1993–94). Magical communication and travel between Amarillia and Titan is possible, suggesting that they are part of the same 'universe'.

A third fantasy world called Orb features in book 11, Talisman of Death (Thomson & Smith, 1984). Orb is also the setting of Thompson and Smith's otherwise unrelated series of gamebooks Way of the Tiger.

In addition to these, a small minority of Fighting Fantasy books employ a science fiction setting. It is never specified whether or not these books are intended to be set in the same world, but the lack of consistency between them or mention of common locations seems to indicate that they are not. The science fiction books, in order of publication, are Starship Traveller (Jackson, 1983), Freeway Fighter (Livingstone, 1985), Space Assassin (Chapman, 1985), The Rings of Kether (Chapman, 1985), Rebel Planet, (Waterfield, 1985), Robot Commando (Jackson(2), 1985), Star Strider (Sharp, 1987), and Sky Lord (Allen, 1988).

Appointment with F.E.A.R. (Jackson, 1985) featured the reader as a superhero in the fictional "Titan City" (presumably named after the regular setting of Titan), again deviating from the usual fantasy environment.

House of Hell (Jackson, 1984) is the only Fighting Fantasy book set in modern-day Earth.

[edit] System

The Fighting Fantasy system, in comparison with the mechanics employed in role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons or even the similar Lone Wolf series, is extremely simple. The player character, in the majority of books, has only three statistics, namely skill, stamina and luck, which are determined randomly by dice rolls at the beginning of the adventure.

Sword of the Samurai
Sword of the Samurai

Whenever the player engages an enemy in combat, the statistics for that enemy are displayed in the text. The player rolls 2d6 (a pair of six sided dice) and adds this number to their skill, then does the same for their opponent. Whichever combatant has scored higher has wounded the other, and the wounded party must subtract 2 points from their stamina. At this point the player has the option to Test Luck, a gamble which either increases or decreases the damage done. This process usually continues until one party's stamina reaches 0, at which point they are dead.

Testing Luck comes into play both by explicit instruction at various points in the narrative, and (at the player's choice) in combat. The player rolls 2d6 and compare the result to their Luck score. If the result is lower than their score they are considered to be Lucky and are informed of their results; conversely, a roll which results in a score higher than the player's Luck will have a different, invariably negative, result. In either case, the player's luck score is decreased by 1 each time it is tested and thus subsequent Tests of Luck become increasingly difficult unless the player finds some way to replenish luck. (Sometimes the player is given a choice not to Test Luck and thus to conserve a higher luck score for future occasions.)

Some books employ extra statistics, such as Sword of the Samurai (Thomson & Smith, 1986), in which the character also has an Honour score, or Beneath Nightmare Castle (Darvill-Evans, 1987) which includes a Willpower score. Other books allow the player to select from a number of abilities, such as the spells available in The Citadel of Chaos and Temple of Terror (Livingstone, 1985), the special skills in Moonrunner (Hand, 1992) or the superpowers in Appointment with F.E.A.R. (Jackson, 1985).

Some books use vehicle combat as well as hand to hand (examples include Starship Traveller and Freeway Fighter), and most of the science fiction settings include some form of ranged combat, with a variety of methods of resolution.

[edit] Cover formats

The original Puffin publication of the Fighting Fantasy series went through three distinct editions, characterised by differing cover layouts and spines, often referred to among fans as the 'original', 'green line' and 'gold dragon' editions. Despite these changes the artwork (cover and interior) was unaffected, with the exception of the first two books, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain and The Citadel of Chaos, both of which received new cover illustrations upon release in 'gold dragon' format. The recent Wizard reprint features completely new cover artwork on all books apart from Appointment with F.E.A.R.

The 'original' covers appeared on the first seven gamebooks only, all of which were written by Jackson, Livingstone or both. They feature simple titles and bear the book's number in a large star in either of the bottom corners of the page, with the colour of the book's spine varying depending on the dominant colour of the cover art. The author's name is discreetly placed at the top, due to Jackson and Livingstone's lack of celebrity at the time of publication. This layout was used from book 1 through 7, though these have also been published in the subsequent formats as well.

Creature of Havoc, the final 'green line' release
Creature of Havoc, the final 'green line' release

The 'green line' or 'zigzag' format featured a jagged green line across the top of the cover, bearing the phrase 'Adventure Gamebooks' and the book's number, and is the first edition to employ the distinctive Fighting Fantasy logo and green spine. The only exception to this rule was the Sorcery! miniseries, which featured a red stripe and orange spine. As with the 'original' editions, the author's name is not highlighted in any way, though it is worth noting that those books written by authors other than Jackson and Livingstone do not feature the author's name on the cover; the books are billed as 'Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone present...', a reflection upon Jackson and Livingstone's growing fanbase. This style was introduced to coincide with the release of book 8, Scorpion Swamp (Jackson(2), 1984), and all previous books were reissued in this format. The style continued to be used on all new books up to book 24, Creature of Havoc (Jackson, 1986).

The 'gold dragon' format features a gold dragon crouched on a large text box displaying the phrase 'Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone present' in bronze-foil print, in many cases in larger type than the title of the book itself; the only exceptions to this rule were those books which were actually written by either Jackson or Livingstone, in which case only the individual in question would be named. The book number was shown in an oval on the front cover. This format carried on the green spine from the previous edition. Once again Sorcery! was the exception, bearing a purple dragon and orange spine.

Later, the numbering was removed from all books, including on the spine, the front cover and the list of books inside. This decision was subsequently reversed, although the front cover number did not return.

This format was introduced with book 25, Beneath Nightmare Castle (Darvill-Evans, 1987) and maintained right up until the series concluded with book 59, Curse of the Mummy (Green, 1995) and once again all previous books were reissued in this format. The bronze-foil print was discontinued after book 51, Island of the Undead (Martin, 1992).

When Wizard began to publish Fighting Fantasy in 2002, they completely redesigned both the cover art and the logo; Publishing Director Simon Flynn states on the official Wizard website that the covers needed to be kept 'looking fresh' because the old covers 'weren't acceptable for today's kids'. Generally fans seem to think the new covers are an improvement. As with the original publications, books not written by either Steve Jackson or Ian Livinstone feature their names on the cover, with the actual author credited within.

A limited number of Fighting Fantasy books were published in the United States by Dell/Laurel Leaf in the 1980s. These editions featured new cover designs featuring paintings by Richard Corben.

The original Deathtrap Dungeon (1984)
The original Deathtrap Dungeon (1984)
The 'green stripe' edition (1985)
The 'green stripe' edition (1985)
The 'gold dragon' edition (1987)
The 'gold dragon' edition (1987)
The Wizard edition (2002)
The Wizard edition (2002)
The US edition published by Dell (1984)
The US edition published by Dell (1984)

[edit] Interior artwork

All Fighting Fantasy gamebooks are illustrated and most of the art is considered by fans to be of very high quality, especially in comparison to other role-playing products of the time. The cover artwork of the original series are also considered to have played a major role in the original popularity of the series; Jackson and Livingstone reflected this belief by personally signing off on every cover throughout the entire series.

All Fighting Fantasy books feature two forms of interior illustration; full-page pieces which depict the action taking place in one of the sections on the opposing page and smaller, generic pieces scattered at random throughout the book, often serving as breaks or space fillers between sections. The full-page illustrations are generally used for the most dramatic or spectacular sections of the story, while the generic images usually depict items such as skulls, swords, monsters and treasure. The two sets of illustrations are always drawn by the same artist.

Many artists contributed multiple illustrations to the series: Les Edwards and Terry Oakes created 11 and 12 covers, respectively; Russ Nicholson drew the interior illustrations for 13 books, and Leo Hartas provided the maps included in 18 books.

[edit] Companion books

The final book of the Sorcery! series
The final book of the Sorcery! series

Several additional books were published to supplement the core series, the most successful of which was Steve Jackson's Sorcery! series, which was published in from 1983 to 1985 and consists of The Shamutanti Hills, Kharé - Cityport of Traps, The Seven Serpents and The Crown of Kings. Billed as 'Fighting Fantasy for adults', it was the longest and most complex story published in the series and the only one to run over multiple volumes.

[edit] Roleplaying game

Covers of the roleplaying game
Covers of the roleplaying game

In 1984 Jackson produced a guide to multiplayer role-playing using the Fighting Fantasy system and world, a volume simply titled Fighting Fantasy. In 1985 a complete Fighting Fantasy bestiary was released, Out of the Pit (by Gascoigne, though credited to Livingstone and Jackson), and in 1986 it was followed by an adventure for the multiplayer system, The Riddling Reaver as well as a (then) complete encyclopaedia of the Fighting Fantasy world, entitled Titan. In 1989 a second Fighting Fantasy multiplayer system was released, referred to as Advanced Fighting Fantasy. Three books were produced using this system: Dungeoneer, Blacksand! and Allansia, all by Marc Gascoigne and Pete Tamlyn; "Out of the Pit" and "Titan" were suvbsumed into the range as sourcebooks and reissued in reformatted, companion editions.

[edit] Novels

Seven Fighting Fantasy novels have also been published. These began with three standalone books, titled The Trolltooth Wars (Jackson, 1989), Demonstealer (Gascoigne, 1991) and Shadowmaster (Livingstone & Gascoigne, 1992). In 1993 Ian Livingstone and Carl Sargent began a four volume series entitled The Zagor Chronicles, reprising the popular villain of Warlock of Firetop Mountain and its sequels.

Clash of the Princes was a pair of books designed to be played or read by two players simultaneously as opponents (although either book could also be read on its own). In the two-player game each of the readers would from time to time be instructed by the book to make a note on a shared piece of paper as they made decisions, which could influence what happened to the other player as his book instructed him to respond accordingly.

Other Fighting Fantasy spin-offs have include an oversized poster book, the Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook (a diary with articles, trivia and a gamebook spread across the days), and a boxed set of dice and character sheets. Games Workshop's Citadel Miniatures produced a small range of 54mm plastic warriors. The associated magazine Warlock first produced by Puffin Books and later Games Workshop, ran for 13 issues. It featured a gamebook in every issue, as well as new monsters, rules, reviews and comic strips. Editors were variously Ian Livingstone, Steve Williams and Marc Gascoigne. Strangely, the magazine was licensed for a Japanese edition, which continued with original material from issue 14 onwards and continues to publish to this day.

[edit] Other media

In 1984 a number of Fighting Fantasy videogames were released for the Commodore 64, Amstrad, BBC, and Sinclair ZX Spectrum. They were based directly on specific Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, specifically The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, The Citadel of Chaos, The Forest of Doom, Temple of Terror, Seas of Blood, Appointment with F.E.A.R. and Rebel Planet.

In 1985 Steve Jackson wrote a picture gamebook with the title Tasks of Tantalon, in which the player was required to solve a series of puzzles set by the wizard Tantalon, which were presented as large, full colour pictures containing hidden clues to be located and assembled.

1986 saw the release of the Warlock of Firetop Mountain boardgame from Games Workshop, followed in 1993 by a second game based on the Legend of Zagor novels.

In 1998 Eidos Interactive published the Deathtrap Dungeon videogame for the PC and PlayStation.

[edit] Importance

The Fighting Fantasy series popularised the use of a dice mechanic in gamebooks, a random element which contributed hugely to the suspense and the enjoyment of the play experience. Many series would attempt to emulate the Fighting Fantasy style, with varying degrees of success: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf series enjoyed success nearly equal to that of Fighting Fantasy. Other series included GrailQuest, Fabled Lands and Way of the Tiger. The phrase 'Fighting Fantasy' is sometimes used to refer to all single player role-playing gamebooks, most notably in item descriptions on eBay, where such gamebooks are regularly sold. Fighting Fantasy and other gamebooks are seen as a primer or gateway to the RPG hobby for younger enthusiasts.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Official sites

[edit] Amateur sites

[edit] References

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