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Ethan and Theresa

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Ethan and Theresa (Eric Martsolf and Lindsay Hartley)
Ethan and Theresa (Eric Martsolf and Lindsay Hartley)

Ethan Winthrop and Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald are fictional characters and a supercouple on the American soap opera Passions. Ethan Winthrop was previously played by Travis Schuldt (1999-2002). Eric Martsolf (2002-present) took over the role after Schultz's departure from the soap. Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald is played by Lindsay Hartley.

[edit] History

When she was a teenager, Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald began cutting photographs of wealthy Ethan Crane out of magazines and putting them on her walls, convinced that one day Ethan would come to Harmony, fall in love with her, and she would live happily ever after in the Crane mansion. Her belief in this was so strong that she refused every date she was asked out, saving herself for Ethan, whom at that time she had never met.

Theresa thought her dreams were finally coming true when Ethan came to town the summer before her senior year. The only drawback was that he brought his long-time girlfriend Gwen Hotchkiss with him, a woman Theresa had never met, but had disliked for years because she was with Ethan. Theresa was nervous around Ethan, and a number of accidents ensued. Theresa was convinced that if she could just get Ethan alone she could explain everything, but when she snuck into his room, she ended up overheard him tell Gwen that people like her were just gold diggers, and heard Gwen try to defend her. That didn't dissuade her in her plans to have a future with Ethan and when Ethan's mother, Ivy Winthrop Crane, offered her a job as her social secretary, she soon accepted, thinking it would be the perfect way to get close to Ethan so that he would realize they belonged together.

The original Ethan and Theresa coupling (Travis Schultz and Lindsay Hartley)
The original Ethan and Theresa coupling (Travis Schultz and Lindsay Hartley)

When Ethan realized Theresa was the girl who was dropping smelly sauces on him, he planned to have her arrested and charged with stalking, but Theresa's best friend Whitney Russell explained that Theresa was just nervous around him. They denied that Theresa had any romantic interest in Ethan. When Ethan assumed that Theresa had a boyfriend she let him believe it, knowing that Gwen was suspicious of her and that if Ethan and Gwen knew she didn't have a boyfriend, they wouldn't let her spend time with them, particularly Ethan. Nevertheless, Gwen was getting more suspicious and demanded that Theresa produce her boyfriend. Theresa planned to meet them at the Seascape and spent her life's savings on a dress to impress Ethan. Theresa was saved when Whitney had a friend pose as her boyfriend, Chuck. Gwen apologized for her suspicions, and Ethan apologized for attacking Theresa moments earlier and accusing her of lying to get close to him.

Theresa panicked when Ethan wanted to ask Gwen to marry him. He took Theresa with him to help him pick a ring for Gwen, and when the ring was stuck on Theresa's finger, she believed it was fate. The ring was stuck for days, and when Gwen caught a glimpse of it and asked about it, Theresa told her that she and Chuck were engaged to be married. The whole group of them ended up at the lake on Valentine's Day, where Theresa toyed with showing Gwen the ring, wanting to speed up her future with Ethan. Whitney had to stop her from flashing the ring, and before she could do it again, she learned that her brother Miguel's girlfriend, Charity had fallen through the ice. Charity was rescued, but then Miguel fell in. Theresa was a vital part in her brother's rescue, and vowed to God that she would stop coming between Ethan and Gwen unless Ethan made it clear that he wanted her. That night when Ethan phoned her to ask if the ring had come off yet so he could give it to his new fiancée Gwen, Theresa lied to him. Even though the ring was off, she said it was still stuck. She went to the mansion the next day because she was convinced that by now Ethan and Gwen would be finished and she and Ethan could start their life together, but when she saw how deeply in love with Gwen he was, and how it was hurting him to think of losing her, she took the ring off her finger and gave it to him. Gwen was ecstatic, but Theresa was heartbroken.

Theresa's pain was so intense she couldn't hide it from those around her. It was only a matter of time before Gwen wanted to know what was going on, and Theresa told her that Chuck had dumped her because of her family's financial status. When Ethan and Gwen asked her to plan their wedding, she put up a small protest, but soon took the job.

Plans for Ethan and Gwen's wedding were going ahead as scheduled when Gwen was called out of town on business. Believing she had their best interests at heart, Gwen and Ethan approached Theresa with the idea that she handle the wedding arrangements while Gwen was out of town. Gwen would, of course, still be involved every step of the way through fax and e-mail, and would have final say, but they wanted someone there to do the wedding. Gwen was only out of town for a few days, but Theresa capitalized on that time, and spent as much time with Ethan as possible. While his heart still belonged to Gwen, Ethan felt stirrings of feeling for Theresa, not realizing that Theresa had the whole thing planned out. Knowing that he was feeling conflicted, Ethan begged Gwen to return home. Although initially she was unable to, she quickly wrapped up her business, returning to Harmony the next day.

The real trouble came after Gwen returned home, when Theresa told Ethan she loved him on the prom boat. Ethan had no idea and immediately wrote it off as a crush. Theresa had told him about her boyfriend, Chuck, who broke up with her, and he assumed she was looking for a rebound love. Theresa couldn't possibly love him. She was a child, with a teenage crush, and he was a man. Theresa tried to explain that she did love Ethan, and it wasn't a rebound, but then she would have to confess that she really was stalking Ethan and had lied about "Chuck." Gwen was immediately suspicious when she caught the two together in a compromising position, but Theresa smoothly lied her way out of that and became Gwen's maid of honor.

Since that night on the prom boat, Theresa made every opportunity to be alone with Ethan. It didn't help that in addition to Theresa manipulating him, Ethan's father Julian was encouraging him to sow his wild oats with Theresa, and Ethan's friend, Chad Harris, was manipulating things to push Theresa and Ethan towards each other. Ethan continually told Theresa that it was Gwen he loved and he only thought of her as a friend, and tried to tell her that he knows a few months with her can't compare to years of love with Gwen. However, Theresa refused to believe him. Ethan had no idea the lies she has told to land her Crane, or the extent of her obsession.

Devastated by Ethan's rejection, Theresa nearly died because of her preoccupation after riding on Miguel's motorcycle without a helmut, a few weeks before he was to marry Gwen. The accident made Ethan realize his true feelings for Theresa. Theresa woke up in the hospital to Ethan telling her he loved her, and the two of them shared their first real kiss. Theresa began to believe the two of them would share a future together, until Ethan told her it wasn't quite that simple. He still loved Gwen. When Gwen's mother, Rebecca, attacked Theresa, Gwen defended her, convinced that her friend would never hurt her like that. This went on for months, Rebecca attacking Theresa, Gwen defending Theresa, and Theresa and Ethan taking advantage of every stolen moment, until the eve of Gwen and Ethan's wedding. Rebecca told Theresa that Ethan was just using her, and a heartbroken Theresa went back home, planning to leave town. While pulling a suitcase out of the closet, another suitcase fell, this one containing Ivy's letter to her former lover Sam Bennett about Ethan's paternity! Theresa was shocked to learn that Ethan was a Bennett, and immediately scanned the documents into the laptop she used for her work as Ivy's secretary. She planned to take the information to Ivy so that Ivy would make Ethan break up with Gwen and marry her. She changed her mind, deciding instead to tell Sam Bennett the truth, but her mother, Pilar stopped her. After promising Pilar that she wouldn't go anywhere, Theresa took advantage of Rebecca's offer to leave Harmony, and headed to the airport.

While on the plane, Theresa talked to a fellow passenger, and decided to hurt Ethan for what he'd put her through. She set up her computer with the letter and planned to send it to the tabloids. Just as she was about to send the information, the stewardess came by, and made Theresa turn off the computer. Theresa continued to wait for takeoff as there was a commotion outside. Ethan had come to tell her that he loved her!

After agreeing to Gwen's idea of double-dating, Theresa and Ethan shared a romantic date at the Harmony carnival, before each going home. Earlier that evening, she had planned to tell Ethan the truth about his paternity, convinced Ethan would be hers if he weren't a Crane, but she changed her mind. When she learned Sheridan was dead she rushed to the mansion to comfort him, but was told to leave by Julian. She went home, and the next morning, was trying to send Ivy's letter to Ethan when Pilar stopped her. Theresa's dreams finally came true when Ethan proposed to her at the Church on Christmas Eve. Although Pilar begged her to erase the letter, Theresa refused. She wasn't sure if she still didn't need it. When Pilar told her that Rebecca would never forget Theresa's role in Ethan and Gwen's break-up, Theresa erased the letter from her computer. When her hard drive crashed a few weeks later, she was terrified that Ethan had found the information, but in reality, it was only a love poem she'd written about him.

On the day of their engagement party, the truth about Ethan's paternity was revealed in the tabloids (Rebecca and Gwen found the evidence and decided to frame Theresa). Theresa handed over all the money she saved as Gwen and Ethan's wedding planner to him, telling him it was an investment in their future. They continued to plan their wedding, and luckily, Theresa's brother, Luis, and Ethan's aunt, Sheridan, finally got together, and they had a double wedding all planned. The day of the wedding, the tabloid published the information on which e-mail address the letter had come from; Theresa's! The wedding was in a state of chaos and Theresa ran off, spending the night at Whitney's. Ethan tried to convince Theresa that he still loved her and wanted to marry her, but she wasn't listening. She decided that the only way she could make things right was to get Julian to adopt Ethan. She went down to Bermuda, where Julian was celebrating his divorce from Ivy, and the two of them ended up drunk and married! She was horrified to realize she had married Ethan's step-father, and vowed to keep it a secret forever. Unfortunately, she soon realized she was pregnant and after Theresa attacked her with a firepoker to keep the marriage hidden, Ivy told Ethan everything. When Julian suggested an annulment she eagerly signed the papers and she swore to Ethan that she never slept with Julian, promising that she would never lie to him again. She was planning to tell Ethan the baby was his, but she soon realized that she was not far enough along for that to work. So she chose a new route. She decided to have an abortion, to keep Ethan from ever finding out what she had broken her promise.

On New Year's Eve, the tabloid reporter announced that Theresa was pregnant, and that she had been seen at an abortion clinic. Theresa soon told everyone that she didn't have the abortion. Ethan automatically assumed the baby was his, and it broke Theresa's heart when she had to tell him that the baby belonged to Julian. When he realized she lied to him again, Ethan walked out on her. That same evening, Julian Crane was shot and presumed dead. Despondent over losing Ethan, Theresa went down to the docks. As she stood on the pier, she realized that she had lost Ethan, and decided to commit suicide. She jumped into the water, and died. Her soul went straight to Hell, where Julian (Zombie Charity in disguise) convinced her to sell her soul to the devil and make a pact with the darkside. After agreeing, Theresa was returned to life. Theresa soon began fulfilling her end of the bargain, although it was never revealed what her end was. She proclaimed herself Mrs. Julian Crane and moved into the mansion, trying to kick out Ivy and Rebecca, who both fought her in court for the title of Mrs. Julian Crane. Theresa won because the judge had been bought off by Alistair Crane.

Ethan continued to decline Theresa's advances, feeling that he just couldn't trust her any more. Despite all of that, though, he was still drawn to Theresa, despite also being drawn back to his first love, Gwen. Ethan and Gwen get closer, and become lovers again, but when Ethan learned that Theresa had confessed to killing Julian Crane, he and Gwen try to get her off, both believing that she was innocent. What Ethan didn't realize is that Theresa thought she was covering for him! He begged the Crane attorney, Davis, to help her, not realising that Davis had been instructed to make sure Theresa was found guilty. When the judge declared Theresa's fate, the two went on the run together.

When Theresa went into labor at the cabin where they took refuge, she refused to tell Ethan because she needs more time to convince him that he still loved her. Ethan would have remained clueless if Gwen had not shown up on the scene and finally forced Ethan to realize that Theresa was actually in labor. With Ethan and Gwen's help, Theresa gave birth to a baby boy, named Ethan Martin, just as the police burst in! They took Theresa back to the city, where they prepared to execute her. Ethan went to the governor's office, hoping that he could convince the governor to delay the execution in order for them to file an appeal, but Alistair had gotten there first.

Ethan watched the investigation with his lady love, Gwen Hotchkiss. She was there to comfort him throughout the entire event, but after Theresa's death, needed to know if Ethan wanted her, or the ghost of Theresa. Ethan assured her that it was her he wanted, and the two retired for an evening of love making. Both were shocked when Theresa turned up alive, all part of Alistair's plot. Theresa immediately made a play for Ethan, despite her marriage and his commitment to Gwen, and at first he bought into it, until he realized that Theresa was using the baby to manipulate him.

Ethan was soon torn between Theresa and Gwen. He was about to break up with Gwen and ask Theresa to marry him when they found out Gwen was pregnant. Although she planned to move to New York, after much thought and a talk with his father, Ethan realized his heart and his future lay with the mother of his child. He asked Gwen to marry him and began looking for a new job. Theresa made sure the only job he could get was at Crane Industries with her.

Theresa's marriage to Julian was announced to be invalid as Julian never said, "I do." Julian kicked Theresa out of the mansion and sued for custody of Little Ethan. Things were slightly resovled when Theresa found a loop hole allowing her to live on the Crane estate with her son. She left for Los Angeles on her mother's advice to get away and made fast friends with Fox Crane

Meanwhile, Ethan and Gwen finally decided to go to Los Angeles to see a specialist and to take a break from Theresa. Unfortunately, she was already out there. Ethan was initially able to resist her, until Theresa and Fox launched a full-out attack to get the objects of their affections. Ethan couldn't forget the innocent young girl he still believed Theresa to be, and was drawn to her again, even though he made it clear that he was not leaving his wife or child, and told Theresa it was over. Unfortunately, Gwen had seen the two kissing on television, and came to the apartment to talk to Ethan.

After a confrontation with Theresa, Gwen was rushed to the hospital, where Ethan was told he had to choose between her and the baby. Theresa encouraged him to let Gwen die and to save the baby, as it was the Christian thing to do. Unable to forget how willing Theresa was to end her own baby's life, Ethan called her a heartless monster, and after much deliberation, decided to save Gwen but the decision was taken out of his hands when the baby died. Although Theresa continued to try to manipulate her way close to him, Ethan told her he wanted nothing to do with her again, and promised Gwen that he would never let get in their way again.

Ethan and Theresa, as played by Eric Martsolf and Lindsay Hartley
Ethan and Theresa, as played by Eric Martsolf and Lindsay Hartley

When Theresa lost custody of Little Ethan, Gwen and Ethan decided to adopt him and rename him Ethan Winthrop, Jr. So when Ethan and Gwen decided to go the surrogate route to have a baby, Theresa had herself implanted with the eggs so she could blackmail Ethan and Gwen into giving her son back. When they learned she was expecting twins, Ethan and Gwen were initially thrilled, until Ethan began remembering a night he thought he was with Gwen, and soon realized he had been with Theresa and one of the babies she was carrying belonged to the two of them. Despite his conviction that Theresa had drugged and raped him, Theresa claimed that their sex that night was consensual, leaving Ethan uncertain as to what actually happened.

During the pregnancy, Theresa decided that not only did she want Little Ethan back, but she also wanted the babies she was carrying. She promised Gwen and Ethan they would have their baby, but secretly planned to keep both.

After one child had to be aborted to save the life of the other, Ethan prayed that the baby girl Theresa carried was his child with Gwen. Unfortunately, Theresa announced her intentions to keep the child, and Ethan was forced to admit to a disbelieving Gwen that Theresa had been with him and that what she said might really be true. The baby, named Jane, turned out to be Theresa's, leaving Gwen devastated and Ethan distressed. After attempting to kill Theresa, Gwen went on the run with the baby. When they finally caught up to them, Ethan shocked Theresa by telling her that he had the charges against Gwen dropped and, in return for Theresa not re-filing, Ethan would not take the baby from her. After learning that Theresa had the charges reinstated in a bid to break up his marriage with Gwen, Ethan was furious with her. He made good on his threats, and he began a custody battle with Theresa over Jane.

Gwen and Ethan won temporary custody, and before long, Theresa's visitation was limited as she continued to scheme to get close to her daughter. The custody arrangement seemingly became permanent as Gwen and Ethan attempted numerous times to leave the country with Jane but Theresa, who married Alistair to be near her children (Alistair adopted Little Ethan), blocked them at every turn, making it impossible for Ethan to get a job anywhere in her attempt to keep him close. Ethan confronted Theresa after finding proof that she had sabotaged his job prospects, only to be confronted with a proposition. If he would agree to let her become his mistress, she would leave him be. Ethan was tempted, as he still loved Theresa despite her faults, but didn't want to hurt Gwen. She continued to try to get him to work at Crane, but Ethan finally decided to be a stay-at-home dad to Jane after Gwen got a good job.

Theresa was so determined was she to get Ethan that she flew to Rome to locate the tabloid editor who had initially printed the story about Ethan's paternity. She found J.T. Cornell in Rome and convinced him to spill the beans, it was Gwen and Rebecca who sent him proof of Ethan's paternity. Ethan had headed to Rome to protect his sister, Jessica after she took off, and while there, Theresa found the this to be the perfect oppotunity to tell Ethan the truth. Unfortunately, although J.T. claimed Gwen had sent the information, Ethan didn't believe him, thinking Theresa paid him off. But when Gwen showed up in Rome, he wanted answers from his wife as to why Theresa was so certain. Gwen eventually got out of it and she and Ethan returned to Harmony.

Soon after Theresa discovered that Ethan was Little Ethan's biological father, not Julian. Pilar tried to convince Theresa to tell Ethan, as he deserves to be a father to his child, but Theresa said no, believing that she would lose her son to Ethan and Gwen.

Currently, Theresa has given up on Ethan and moved on with a new man, Jared. Ethan, however is still drawn to his soulmate and who knows what will happen when the truth finally comes out.

[edit] See also

[edit] References


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Static Wikipedia 2008 (no images)

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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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