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User:Editor19841/Denver 2008

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DNC This user is backing Denver 2008.
Rocky Mountain High

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This campaign

WFD2008 was founded May 27, 2006 in light of Denver's then-emerging bid for the DNC. The need for support was great, and Wikipedia's vastly political community was hungry for a new issue. And thus; I, a Denver-born Democrat and Wikipedian started the campaign to show Denver the support of the Wikipedian community via WFD2008. -Editor19841 (talk)

Why a Mile High?

Why Denver? Well, there are many great answers to that question. Here are just a few: Denver is a vibrant, centrally located city with a population of nearly 600,000. The positive attitude and modern facilities for a successful Democratic National Convention are all located in the city and county. The political climate in Denver is ripe for the DNC. And, as if that wasn't enough, Denver is located just east of one of our nation's playgrounds -- the Rocky Mountains! (you'll need more than three days to enjoy).

Seasons are a great attribute in Denver as well. Unlike New York in August, where the likely temperture is dropping well into winter's climate, Denver's host to autumn's glory. The leaves changing to colors often only describable by poets, the evenings quiet on the range, bustling in the city, and frosted in the mountains.

What you can do

  • Join WFD2008!
  • Contact your Democratic represenetives at all levels and emplore their support!
  • Contact members of the Democratic National Committee
  • Emplore your Democratic friends, family, colleagues and others to support Denver 2008

Every bit of support counts; even the smallest amount can make the difference.


See List of Wikipedians for Denver 2008

News log - by Editor19841

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00:33, 14 November 2006 (UTC)

The new website is up, , as is the resolution of our latest union fiasco. We're scheduled to find out who it's gonna be this December. Mark your calenders, and make a last push effort to get the word out. Our victories on November 7 can serve as inspiration to what a real campaign can do. Let's close this deal and bring it all back home. -Editor19841 (talk)

00:49, 10 November 2006 (UTC)

Well, in the post-06 midterms, and the great success of Democrats nationwide; particularly in the west and Colorado where voters made their desires heard loud n' clear, Denver's prospects continue to prosper. In the Centennial State, Dems picked up the Governor's office courtesy Bill Ritter, the Treasurer's office courtesy Cary Kennedy, retained control of the General Assembly courtesy all the folks in the CDP (especially Denver 2008's good buddy and Demnotes superstar Dan Slater), as well as a number of other offices statewide. In the federal sense, we were even more successful, taking back the majority in our Congressional delegation courtesy Ed Perlmutter and the voters out on the range, alike our hard-fighting incumbents Salazar, DeGette, and Udall. But will this sway the DNC to come out here? No doubt it will have a hand. C'mon, pat yourself on the back and keep writing your local Dems about the Mile High City. -Editor19841 (talk)

23:53, 27 October 2006 (UTC)

“I think having the convention in Denver would be a great thing,” said former Senator and VP nom John Edwards (D-NC) to Coloradoconfidential. “We want all of America to feel like they are a part of the Democratic Party. It would be a really positive thing.” -Editor19841 (talk)

23:52, 25 October 2006 (UTC)

Nothing new yet... We're looking at December-ish for an announcement of the winner. -Editor19841 (talk)

23:29, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

Here's the latest: Michael Bloomberg, New York's mayor since '02, is admitting to the press the all too obvious money problems plaguing the city's bid for 2008. In the last couple weeks I'd suppose, NY's dark horse bid has gotten worse and worse for supporters. With doe problems becoming more evident, and the press looking for any reason to pounce, it seems that finances might even become a hurt for current backers. Who's backing the big apple, you say? Well, I was interested myself, so I checked it out. Little to my knowledge was I aware of what I would discover. Not the fact that such support is fleeting as we speak, but the lack of out-of-state help. Regular followers of this log will recall an entry long since past about Illinois' Governor throwing a bit of support to NY (which surprised me for a couple reasons). But since, the only support that I've heard NY getting has been from New York Dems! Clinton, Spitzer, etc. They're a decent crew of headliners, but really not much else as far as New York's bid goes. I'll admit, I'm a fan of Hillary, and the New York Democrats who're helping out our cause. But, if New Yorkers are the only ones supporting their own bid... it would be awfully difficult to imagine them securing victory. True? Why of course. On the other hand, I also did a little research on who's supporting Denver's bid... and here's what I found: names that include: Diana DeGette (CO-01), Brian Baird (WA-03), Bart Gordon (TN-06), Mike Ross (AR-04), Neil Abercrombie (HI-01), Charlie Melancon (LA-03), Jay Inslee (WA-01), Darlene Hooley (OR-05), Stephanie Herseth (SD – At Large), David Wu (OR-01), Adam Schiff (CA-29), Leonard Boswell (IA-03), Shelley Berkley (NV-01), Dan Boren (OK-02), Tom Lantos (CA-12), Ron Kind (WI-03), Ike Skelton (MO-04), John T. Salazar (CO-03), Jim McDermott (WA-07), Bob Etheridge (NC-02), Marcy Kaptur (OH-09), Dennis Moore (KS-03), Raul Grijalva (AZ-07), Rahm Emanuel (IL-05), Gene Green (TX-29), Joe Baca (CA-43), Earl Pomeroy (ND-At Large), Solomon Ortiz (TX-27), Silvestre Reyes (TX-16), Bill Jefferson (LA-02), Sam Farr (CA-17), Juanita Millender-McDonald (CA-37), Artur Davis (AL-07), Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34), Xavier Becerra (CA-31), Dale E. Kildee (MI-05), Hilda Solis (CA-32), Alcee L. Hastings (FL-23), Peter DeFazio (OR-04), John Conyers (MI-14), Bob Filner (CA-51), Dennis Kucinich (OH-10), Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05), Rick Larsen (WA-02), Dennis Cardoza (CA-18), Mark Udall (CO-02), as well as Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and Ken Salazar (D-CO). Write these good people a letter or two! They're helping the new Democratic Party succeed, coast to coast. -Editor19841 (talk)

23:46, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

Waiting on another development may take a while. Some folks are guessing that we’ll see a decision around December, but with the situation as it is, politically speaking, maybe sooner. All is quiet at the Democratic National Committee in all regards to the convention. The only buzz NY has got out of the blogs is pitiful, and I don't mean that to sound condescending to NY supporters. The only stuff anyone has the guts to mention about the big apple is the big-wig east coast Dems with the big-wig bucks that might lean towards New York. But, on the other hand, there is the constant talk about Denver's incredible political value to not only the DNC, but all of America. Colorado as whole is politically maturing, even by my standards as a Coloradan, and America knows it. It seems that everybody on every blog has something to say about Denver. It's surprising to me that the networks have yet to put the foot on the gas with this story and start broadcasting news about these events. I'll note that when MN picked up the GOP, everybody (especially MN and Denver) got a little buzz about 2008. NY is always NY in regards to this issue. It's always going to represent the old DNC that lost in '00 and '04. Now, I'm not saying that the east coast isn't valuable. I never have said that in this entire gig! What I'm saying is that the east coast is important, but THE WEST IS AS GOLD AS THE ROCKIES. I know it, the Democratic Nevadan Senator knows it, everybody in Colorado knows it, and I'll bet you World Series tickets that Dean knows it to! Before all this 2008 business even really got going, Dean was talking to his buds in DC about Colorado, specifically Kerry's hometown of Denver (or Aurora as some say). The main focus that Denver 2008 backers have to shout at the podium is what we face if we go to Denver compared to what we'd face if we went to New York. Anyone who knows this deal knows exactly why Denver is what the DNC needs. I'm not even going to name all the stuff right now (50-state strategy, purple west, Democratic upswing in the Rockies, etc.). Get out and push every Democrat you know to write their DNC asking them to ensure a stronger victory in 2008 by coming to Denver. -Editor19841 (talk) 23:46, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

23:58, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

Denver's bid only continues to look more promising by the day. Little developments have occurred since my last entry, but thing the way they are now lean incredibly towards a Mile High convention. -Editor19841 (talk) 23:58, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

20:37, 1 October 2006 (UTC)

Denver's biggest issue, that some had cited earlier in this bid would greatly hurt our chances, has been resolved. It turns out that our friends at the good ol' Hyatt Regency out by the convention center have decided to unionize. That's right, UNIONIZE. Despite all the mud-slapping from bloggers rooting for MN, NY and others, Denver seems to have pulled another rabbit out of the magic hat that is DENVER 2008. I don't doubt that this big development for skeptics will sway many, and prove to quite a few that Coloradans mean business. I was excited to hear this news, and I'm sure others are to. In a related thought, I've been checking out Kos' blog, as it's probably the net's most popular for guys like me, and I've been seeing goodness emerging in the aftermath of MN's demise. More folks are jumping on this train to make sure that NY doesn't get the DNC. While I wish that these folks would back Denver 2008 for the reason that Denver's the greatest possible city to hold the DNC, I'm not going to gawk about they're support. The more the merrier. So as the year progresses, and we enter October, and as the big apple paints them into a rather poor corner of this bid, let's keep our foot on the gas and take this one home! -Editor19841 (talk) 20:37, 1 October 2006 (UTC)

23:58, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

Well, it looks like everybody's coming around. The tides have turned in the direction we'd hoped for, and it is apparent to me and many others that in the aftermath of Minneapolis landing the GOP, North Country DNC fans are coming around on Denver. In fact, from what I've been seeing, things are going better than expected on the blogs, the buzz and just in general folks. We've got to keep on this one: we're in the final stretch. We've just got to reel this one in. Let's go, Denver! -Editor19841 (talk) 23:58, 28 September 2006 (UTC)

23:27, 27 September 2006 (UTC)

Well, its official: Denver's biggest competition for the DNC is out. Minneapolis picked up the GOP convention today over Tampa, Cleveland and fellow-DNC-bidder New York. This is exciting for us Denver fans for several reasons: 1. MN was packing the biggest threat on our bid. 2. it’s not that folks don't like NYC; it's that they're tired of holding the DNC there, and they're the only competition that remain. 3. With Howard Dean and gang's big decision nearing closer and closer (the DNC was expected to make a top two decision today or soon), Denver's political value rising with Gov.-in-waiting Bill Ritter's polls, and most the ex-MN DNC fans appearing to be hopping on the Denver wagon, it's lookin' good in the Mile High City. I'll be intrigued to see the next Kos poll, if one is held, and see what kind of status we're at right now. But with apprehension towards the east coast in general by many Democrats, I don't think that we've got a whole lot to worry about. Anyhow, I congratulate the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota on their gracious victory and defeat. The Twin Cities are both excellent choices for the Republicans to have selected, as were their fellow bidders Tampa, Florida; Cleveland, Ohio; and New York, New York. But hey, what am I talking about the RNC for? Denver's got a convention of our own to win! -Editor19841 (talk) 23:27, 27 September 2006 (UTC)

23:36, 9 September 2006 (UTC)

Here's the latest: we're awaiting the DNC Technical Advisory committee to emerge with their decision on the final two contenders. Most bloggers and pundits are guessing Denver and St. Paul will be those two bidders, while others such as IL Gov. G-Blog and New Yorker Bloomberg are arguing their strength. We'll see who's in this for real very soon. -Editor19841 (talk)

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The Flag of Colorado
The State of Colorado
The Centennial State

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State capital Denver
Nicknames The Centennial State | The Rocky Mountain State | Swiss America | The Last Frontier

The Last Old West State

Motto Nil sine Numine (Nothing without the Deity)
Anthems Where the Columbines Grow (Official) | Rocky Mountain High (Popular)
Regions Colorado Piedmont | Eastern Plains | Denver-Aurora Metropolitan Area | Front Range | Mineral Belt | Grand Valley | Roaring Fork Valley | San Luis Valley | Western Slope
Largest cities Arvada | Aurora | Boulder | Broomfield | Castle Rock | Centennial | Colorado Springs | Denver | Fort Collins | Grand Junction | Greeley | Lakewood | Littleton | Longmont | Loveland | Northglenn | Parker | Pueblo | Thornton | Westminster
Major towns Akron | Alamosa | Breckenridge | Brighton | Burlington | Cañon City | Central City | Cheyenne Wells | Conejos | Cortez | Craig | Creede | Cripple Creek | Del Norte | Delta | Dove Creek | Durango | Eads | Eagle | Fairplay | Fort Morgan | Georgetown | Glenwood Springs | Golden | Gunnison | Holyoke | Hot Sulpher Springs | Hugo | Julesburg | Kiowa | La Junta | Lake City | Lamar | Las Animas | Leadville | Meeker | Montrose | Ordway | Ouray | Pagosa Springs | Saguache | Salida | San Luis | Silverton | Springfield | Steamboat Springs | Sterling | Telluride | Trinidad | Walden | Walsenburg | Westcliffe | Wray
Counties Adams | Alamosa | Arapahoe | Archuleta | Baca | Bent | Boulder | Broomfield | Chaffee | Cheyenne | Clear Creek | Conejos | Costilla | Crowley | Custer | Delta | Denver | Dolores | Douglas | Eagle | El Paso | Elbert | Fremont | Garfield | Gilpin | Grand | Gunnison | Hinsdale | Huerfano | Jackson | Jefferson | Kiowa | Kit Carson | La Plata | Lake | Larimer | Las Animas | Lincoln | Logan | Mesa | Mineral | Moffat | Montezuma | Montrose | Morgan | Otero | Ouray | Park | Phillips | Pitkin | Prowers | Pueblo | Rio Blanco | Rio Grande | Routt | Saguache | San Juan | San Miguel | Sedgwick | Summit | Teller | Washington | Weld | Yuma
Categories Colorado |'Images | Project Colorado | Coloradans | Internet and the Web
The Flag of Denver
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The Mile High City

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John Hickenlooper

City Council

Rick Garcia | Jeanne Faatz | Rosemary E. Rodriguez | Peggy Lehmann | Marcia Johnson | Kathleen MacKenzie | Elbra Wedgeworth | Judy H. Montero | Jeanne Robb | Michael B. Hancock (President) | Carol Boigon | Doug Linkhart

Landmarks & Culture

16th Street Mall | Avenue Theater | Black American West Museum | Brown Palace Hotel | Buckhorn Exchange | Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception | Civic Center | Colorado Convention Center | Colorado State Capitol | Confluence Park | Coors Field | D&F Tower | Denver Aquarium | Denver Art Museum | Denver Botanic Gardens | Denver Mint | Denver Museum of Nature and Science | Denver Center for the Performing Arts | Denver Public Library | Denver Zoo | Ellie Caulkins Opera House | Invesco Feild | Four Mile House | Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art | Molly Brown House | Pepsi Center | Red Rocks | Richthofen Castle | Six Flags Elitch Gardens | Tattered Cover | Sakura Square | Union Station | Wells Fargo Center |

Corporate Leaders

American Medical Response | Ball Aerospace | CH2M Hill | Comcast | Coors Brewing Company | EchoStar | EnCana Corporation | Frontier Airlines | Gray Line Worldwide | Janus Capital Group | J.D. Edwards | Lockheed-Martin | MediaNews Group | Newmont Mining | Oracle | Patina Oil and Gas | Quark, Inc. | Quizno's | Qwest Communications | Regal Entertainment Group | Samsonite | The Shaw Group | Starz-Encore | StorageTek | Sun Microsystems | The Sports Authority | Washington Group International | Western Gas Resources | First Data | United Airlines

Sports Franchises

Denver Broncos | Colorado Rockies | Colorado Avalanche | Denver Nuggets | Colorado Rapids | Colorado Crush | Colorado Mammoth | Denver Outlaws

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See you in Denver!

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