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Nth Form

A universal as the relationship to type the category or type itself appears debated as theory. A basic form then becomes the basis for typing. A conflict of ideas as the solution to disparent capacity for complex analysis has developed schools conflicting in analysis in general.

A solution was to relate a Universal to the Form. Establishing the category itself of all typing.

A nth category as the solution becomes the means of testing the conflict.

A category as typing is a category, this is a logical symmetry. And the introduction to a form called symmetry implies a meaning. A defined symmetry appears the singular relation of a category as modern class relative to Aristotle's category. A relationship of symbol to set is the symmetry of this relation or form.

A certain abstract symbol appears related to the abstract set. (Now this is hard element analysis).

A definition of relative form is introduced to cause all typing as class of theory. And so the third or 3rd order category of form is utilized to categorify all Universals. A debate over Universals as third order relations is a complex analysis.

A low language user is and unpatterened thinker and has common sense abstract usage prevalent without a priori of the abstraction.

A high language user is patterned as predicate theory.

A complex language user is logical thought patterned or trained to abstract in the a priori.

A class of grammer as the debate is often the Linguist.

So the form as nth category is introduced.

A relative appears Universally established, this is the basic form. A single form as the linguists is to follow. 1-Category form of writing where all as opposed to abstract appears the subject now. A formal.

A symmetric relationship of all sentence to the next is a complex writer. And the symmetry of Category appears.

A statement of formal Categorification in the style of the ancient Greeks schools is presented. It has several linguistic categorifications intentioanlly utilized to communicate with the category of reader.

It is unnecessary to do anything other than learn. A category as nth order Form is provably correct. And the basis for truth appears the Universal dilemma itself. A degree of difficulty separates schools.

And nth category as scientifically allowed is the basic applied school. A single theory of a rather small school is to support.

A relation called the (Flow/order) is to be defined as the fifth-category applied to cause. And the statement of relative causality is to instruct. A certain cause as opposed to all.

Each category causes in the sciences where all forms exist transcendenatally like with the left and right of handedness. And category is therefor a scientific.

So stay awake while reading because third order category will introduce and a single third order transform cause the Flow/order.

A village pump appears the objective world. A man, an apparatus, a .......

A certain symbol relation appears where the category applied denotes the next category. A Form relates and to infer the third category is the level of the trained college student.

A transform as the relationship to resolve the category in a nth form defines nth-category thought. Each transform to place all in order is a complex analysis of the Universal applied to type as the set to the theorectical or abstract symbol.

So the transform of Universal is the particular inference selected. An introduction of defintion of nth-ification or ordering is this example applied to the cause. Tenth order cause appears the level of the Big-Bang and String theory appears a hard category to figuire out.

A selection of class of universal solves the class of particluar problem given.

A certain element to category appears the term particular.

And so the term a symmmetric particular was selected to form this example. A symbol relation to the ....I have to go now. I will finish soon.

sense to cause is the fifth order transformed idea/relation. A class of causality defines a set of particular examples of abstracted, man to apparatus to ....

A ten order causality as Quantum Mechanical physical explaination to the ordering of the world is transformable by objective symmetry. And form itself is now defined as the abstract solution to this puzzel. A symmetry of form as the effect relative to the form of force appears the solution transform. So the anwser is given in retrospectic nth category transfrom.

A basic symmetry of common sense is defined where all universal once more determines, A typing as nth order symbol to set particlur is a symmetric form. A geometric form example appears the symmetry of inference. Allowing the student to infer easily.

And so the selected particluar calls of solution was found intentional and the entire statment is written. A philospher can infer the logical symmetry particularly chosen for this statement in a certain world.

I basically catergorified myself as a what, in the last section of this trial nth category Forms wiki proposal. The symmetry of symbol to attribute is a clear answer. Aristotle's catergoy was inverted to solve the distance.

Introducing this section as the geometric nth geometry.

A relation of man to pump to pump handle was s symbol symmetry chosen. How else to effect? Effect as category man.

A form as force was selected as the issue of the hand to the flow of water. In Quantum Mechanics a quanta's force is held to cause all other forms. An exact geometric relation of the form to the force's categorifies the theory, for example the Big Bang.

So remind the reader, abstracted form solves the geometric dilemma of all form in Quantum Mechanics. The Person is litterally the form in that category of science. In the world defined a category of form answers the question in the last section.

And the reason why Forms are correct is because the abstract all that which is appliable to the set of worlds. Plato's World is introduced to solve the complex translation of ancient Greek writers. Category as the sense itself defines his set of scientific apparatus from which all study is conducted.

So the transform of particular in the abstract to particular sense to abstract scientfic appears the symmetry of the solution. A three subject predicate where each causes the definiiton of science type. This is a draft and is hard to keep straight.

As a degree of diffficulty, a priori as the knowledge to define was a whole book. And nth category appears also the singluar relation. Addition means three pages to summarize nth category, and to write the treatise is another matter.

School debate appears the solution.

A means of category as the cave itself was to be exemplifed in the universal of modern time for the debate of school appears.

So the puzzel is to now state the abstract transform. And allegory is defined. The example of Plato's Cave is a short statment on transform, and is referenced. Allowing the solution to the puzzle once more. How else was the category to be caused to be altered?

Man, apparatus, ......

A symmetry of abstract man, abstract apparatus and abstract sense. ...Flow opposes the hand. A fifth order Flow is defined. A sweep.

An exact world defines the quite odd nature of Allegory. It as an example exactly appears. The particular Allegory, Plato's Cave, has a symmetry, obviously.

And the relation of Flow to force, appears. As a student of physics a certain force is defined where form of the man causes, as opposed to the quanta. Exact relation is this referencable. A reference as the particular allegory, called the cave is perfectly design in the Wiki reference on the subject.

To leave the cave a single abstraction is required. And the handedess a truely existent relation appears the paper symbol. A first time I have read it in a long time statment was the Wiki allegory reference, and to leave the cave a single abstract paper is required. Imagine the symbol on abstract paper before you and exit the cave. An imagery is possible of relations and geometric imagery assists.

Given this symmetry outside the cave explore abstraction. Subject alter and define the symbol in relation to the abstract mental state. This is a meaning to the world vision of Plato.

An absolute, before the mind imagery of the world of forms is allowed for the well trained student.

A single symmetry is the beginning of imagining his world. Alter symmetry, in the abstract, to alter the image. I use the singluar term world, because it is believed of devine origin. The experience of visioning relations is so powerful an experience that the etheral quality must be explained. A perfect relation was found and our mind's relation to the world is in perfection when in his world.

So learning abstract symmetry is the next step for the Student, for the beginning appears to be the design. A special symmetry as time must be applied for the turning of all subject in this small example of Allegory.

A second as place in time....

In third order transform the puzzle turns the world, littorally as a linguist understands, Set, as caused by any element existence relation, and category membership as caused by certain element existence relations.

One is plural and the other singular.

As a travaler and scholar the world is littorally turned as the school appears transformed.

Concrete as the turned relation, to be imagined before the eyes, appears the......

A debate between scholars abstractly defines category. Causing all to be either concrete or nonconrete. A class of existence is stated where a set's causal relation's, abstract existence, is held in relation to category particular membership relation's existence.

Allegory solves. The cave as solution to all abstract effect is a debate to call my scholar's world turning real or not. To alter the mental state's as perfect in relation to the abstract solves. So a single symmetry in english as an interpretation of allegory appears in Plato's Cave.

A concrete effect appears all.

And the solution as this Village Pump example is to allow abstract reality or not. Can I turn?

In fifteen order physics force analysis we seem to live as an effect. Making the depth of the debate an ability to alter a relation itself, as the solution to the debate in english.

MaY I as the human, alter left to right as handedness? Is such a causality allowed???????

And once more a dilemma appears for the relationship of the mind to the world appears concrete! Plato's visioning world is abstractly existent. And I may alter. A mind to symbol argument is a real deep arguement and to allow visioning of relations is concrete versus nonconcrete application of the single allow relationship we control.

And so does our single, nonconcrete cauality, example prove?

And so to answer, we look to the proof of the correct Form. And there exists only truth in example, an absolute truth, for a single failure of the Form, disproves Plato's world. Making the fallacy of the Church. A single fallacy was debatably designed to conflict and disprove the visioning of relations before the eyes.

And in set. A circle.

Never mentally imagine sets as elements in the circle! Free you minds. A relations cause is real, for does the right hand not exist with the left hand? I get kind of religious when the set is described as those elements in the container!

A set of red balls in a bottle fallacy is transformed. For the cause to its symmetry was concrete. Littorally. A priori. The debate is on, for the philosopher is now in the 21st century with 100 years of the wheat reaper.

Religiously a desire to confound appeared at one time for true evil once walked where the classes were slaves and the slave was to never know in a priori. We walk a strange world of such evil and the depth of basic social training was sometimes truely of almost devine levels of evil. The effect of the computer as the debate has resolved the contention and to Halt the World was a true social desire at one time. No visioning.

So here is the relationship to Halt. A single good Halt. A state. IMagine the transistor as either two buttons before the eyes, or the alternative to Halt, or solve the Halting Problem!

A littoral turning appears allowed. How would you instruct the computer scientist? Two on/off states or the Selected. Abstract symbol imagination before the eyes is allowed! A correspondence of abstract relation and symbol, "Selected" is allowed to Halt.

Think! Think abstract selection, and imagine or vision the symbol at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is ALLOWED! A class of thinker is defined Plato's student for the English have few.

Well, that is it my proposal page. It is a start. But to get to write the Nth Form Page is the Proposal.

A basic object shuffle is introduced. Indexes allow the state to be the cause of the matrix. A nontrivial affair. Making the shuffle public domain is the intention.

I am interested in properly placing this algorithm in the mathmatic section. And wonder if anybody knows the correct classification of this type of shuffle?

public class Logic {

int h; int i; int j; int k; int l; int m; int n; int o; int p; int q; int r; int Z[] = new int[9];

       int arr[] = new int[81]; 
       int A[] = new int[81]; 

int Key[] = new int[9]; int iterend = 9; // this defines functional logic also. This is non-standard symbolic logic. int fix; //selects one of the key values

public Logic () {} public int[] shuffle ( int A[], int key[]) {

for ( i=0; i<9; i++){

               Key[i]= key[i]; 

} //load key locally

for ( i=0; i<81; i++){



for ( h=0; h<1; h++){ //this controls the degree of shuffling, a good shuffle has h=1000

//start of shuffle logic

               for ( i=0; i<81; i++){ 

               for( j = Key[0]; j<iterend; j++ ) { 
                               if( (i-j*9) >= 0 ){ 
                               Z[0] = A[i-j*9]; 
                               A[i-j*9]= A[i]; 
                               A[i] = Z[0]; 

               for( k = Key[1]; k<iterend; k++ ) { 
                               if( (i-k*9) >= 0 ){ 
                               Z[1]= A[i-k*9]; 
                               A[i-k*9]= A[i]; 
                               A[i] = Z[1]; 

               for( l = Key[2]; l<iterend; l++ ) { 
                               if( (i-l*9) >= 0 ){ 
                               Z[2]= A[i-l*9]; 
                               A[i-l*9]= A[i]; 
                               A[i] = Z[2]; 

               for( m = Key[3]; m<iterend; m++ ) { 
                               if( (i-m*9) >= 0 ){ 
                               Z[3]= A[i-m*9]; 
                               A[i-m*9]= A[i]; 
                               A[i] = Z[3]; 

               for( n = Key[4]; n<iterend; n++ ) { 
                               if( (i-n*9) >= 0 ){ 
                               Z[4]= A[i-n*9]; 
                               A[i-n*9]= A[i]; 
                               A[i] = Z[4]; 

               for( o = Key[5]; o<iterend; o++ ) { 
                               if( (i-o*9) >= 0 ){ 
                               Z[5]= A[i-o*9]; 
                               A[i-o*9]= A[i]; 
                               A[i] = Z[5]; 

               for( p = Key[6]; p<iterend; p++ ) { 
                               if( (i-p*9) >= 0 ){ 
                               Z[6]= A[i-p*9]; 
                               A[i-p*9]= A[i]; 
                               A[i] = Z[6]; 

               for( q = Key[7]; q<iterend; q++ ) { 
                               if( (i-q*9) >= 0 ){ 
                               Z[7]= A[i-q*9]; 
                               A[i-q*9]= A[i]; 
                               A[i] = Z[7]; 

               for( r = Key[8]; r<iterend; r++ ) { 
                               if( (i-r*9) >= 0 ){ 
                               Z[8]= A[i-r*9]; 
                               A[i-r*9]= A[i]; 
                               A[i] = Z[8]; 

               }}}}}}}}}; //nested loops 

               } //end of inner step loop , end of shuffle definition 

} // end big loop, this partially defines the particular integer function

for(j=0;j<81;j++) { arr[j]=A[j]; } return arr; } //end method } // end of class


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