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Dominium mundi

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Dominium mundi is the name whereupon the idea of universal dominion is known developed in Average Age. Inspired by the memory of antiguo Imperio Romano, this intention implied the recognition of a supreme authority, which generated one prolonged political and spiritual struggle between the imperial power and the ecclesiastic, represented mainly in Sacred Germanic Roman Empire and Catholic Church, those that erected like maximum leaders to emperor and to Pope, respectively. The idea of universal dominion marked a time, dividing to the society in two sides: Guelfic and Ghibelline. First they supported to the Church, while the seconds to the Empire. After two hundred years of differences (centuries XII and XIII), no of the powers prevailed on the other, due to the mutual existing dependency between both. Since then, and because of the sprouting of powerful practically independent kingdoms of the Church and the Empire, the idea of Dominium mundi did not return to appear but until Imperialism of century XIX, although never in its original essence.


[edit] the imperial idea

 Federico I Barbarroja, emperor of Sacro Imperio Romano between 1152 and 1190, was the Maxima appears of imperialism in the first stage of the complaint by  Dominium Mundi .
Federico I Barbarroja, emperor of Sacro Imperio Romano between 1152 and 1190, was the Maxima appears of imperialism in the first stage of the complaint by Dominium Mundi .

[edit] Height and sustenance

At the time of the reign of Federico I Barbarroja (1152-1190), the imperial idea has arrived already at the maturity. Its continuity in [is emphasized Europe from the Roman time, through link carolingio. In fact, Federico I will talk about to Carlomagno as model of emperors and makes it canonize in 1165 without the due requirements. The theses are also used in favor of the imperial ideas on the public sovereignty that contains straight Roman (redescubierto by the European jurists and politicians in century XII). Of them it was deduced the unicity and the universal character of Imperio, considered like “a project of world-wide dominion” that symbolizes all the time. Given these premises, one thought about the cut of Federico I who Imperio, established directly by the divine will as form of political organization of humanity, were sacred. The expression Sacrum Imperium appears for the first time, in effect, in a document of the year 1157.

Image:Codex Manesse Heinrich I SAW. (HRR) .jpg
Enrique I SAW tried to take to the practice Dominium mundi by means of the vasallática association of other kingdoms Imperio, but due to its unexpected death, its great project finished steeply, leaving like inheriting to a boy of three years.

In a different plane, it is not possible to be forgotten that to century XII] corresponded to see the beginning to him of the revitalización of the monarchic power by on the one of señores feudales, after several centuries of deep decay of the real authority. The Empire did not stay to the margin of this evolution, recovering strongly its prestige, nevertheless the bad handling, from which] would the future come important consequences for politician of the territories of Germany and Italy. The reconstruction of the monarchies also went against the projected Dominium Mundi. By this, as much Federico I as its son and successor Enrique I SAW, tried to conciliate both events imagining a universal temporary empire, whose in front an emperor with authority supreme, superior to the power of [would be located reyes, “régulos” calls or “local kings”. This supreme authority seemed necessary, because it thought that the Empire was the form to maintain to united cristiandad awaiting the time end. Without considering east eschatological and messianic element, it is not possible to be understood correctly what the Empire meant for the men of the time, in special for the emperor Federico I.

[edit] the vision of the Church

The foundations of the ecclesiastical vision we can observe them from the following sources: *Según Alexander III: The unicity of the creation also implies the unicity of the supreme authority on all the creatures. This one had to correspond to to him Pope by the own superiority of its spiritual power and because the eternal salvation, that this one promoted, was the social aim first.

  • Según Summa Coloniensis (1170 text): The Pope is the true emperor, being the effective emperor vicarious his ( imperator Pope verus est, imperator ET vicarius eius ).
  • Según Geroh de Reichersbgerg and the great canon lawyers like Graciano and Huguccio: The lay temporary power had independent operation, as much to choose to which they exerted by means of the election or the inheritance, like developing its own administrative means without interferences. The Pope conserved, nevertheless, a supreme authority, but it could exert it to sanction or only to authenticate the political acts, does not stop to modify them nor to directly act, safe by moral or religious reasons ( ratione peccati : “because of sinned”) or when outside precise to dissolve a question for which no other power of the world was authorized.

[edit] imperial and Straight ecclesiastical in centuries XII and XIII

[edit] Straight Roman

Template:Roman AP In centuries XII and XIII the redescubrimiento of old straight Roman and the arrangement of straight canonical or ecclesiastic initiated a new time for the legal ordering of western world. This fact influenced deeply in occurring political of the time, and in very special in the course of the struggle by the Dominium Mundi between the Empire and the pontificado one.

La compilation made by Justiniano in the century I SAW was the source of study of straight Roman in medieval Europe.
La compilation made by Justiniano in the century I SAW was the source of study of straight Roman in medieval Europe.

The Roman right that Europe will know medieval is exclusively the compilation made by the emperor Justiniano in the century I SAW, that it consists of several differentiated parts affluent: #El Digesto or Pandectas , compendium of jurisprudence. #Las manual Institutiones or of study that, partly, summarizes to the previous one. #El Code of Justiniano, that reunites to all the constitutions given by the emperors from the time of Adriano. #Las Novels , or later imperial constitutions to the 53 year [[]]. Of all these components, the one of greater influence in the new medieval discovery was Digesto . The justinianea work that, from century XVI, will be known with the name Corpus Iuris Civilis , but its diffusion was escasísima and through compendiums that deformed it.

Escudo University seal.jpg of University of Bologna. The boloñian teachers commented justinianeos texts through glosses, supporting the imperial cause.

In centuries XII and XIII, on the contrary, and in a city of Romaña Italian, Stupid, took place a Renaissance of the romanistas studies that would influence everything Europe. He was not little, in this diffusion, the paper of the romanogermánicos emperors, who acted, we have already seen it, moved by its political interest as much as by its supposed condition of successors of old Roman Empire. The teachers of this most famous “school of Bologna” acted according to a method of very medieval study, the one of glosses or commentary of the content and meaning of justinianeos texts. One is not commentaries critical, but rather analytical. The boloñian professors accept the justinianeo right like something superior and even supreme; they are limited to comment it, without too much critical baggage, because for it them knowledge filológicos (dominion of Greek and study of original texts) and historical would have been necessary which they lacked. But of their commentary fundamental consequences for the Europe of the time are deduced, by means of the creation of a much more ample casuistry riquísima that covered a field with very superior legal hypothesis and that the well-known until then. The foundation of the school of boloñian teachers must to Irnerio, at the beginning of century XII. Disciples his were Hugo, Bulgarian, Jacobo and Martin, calls “the four doctors” by their wisdom and influences. All of them were Ghibelline (supported the idea of the Empire by on the pontificado one) and those in favor of Federico I, of whom they are contemporary.

[edit] Straight canonical

Template:Canonical AP

El Pope Alexander III was one of the main glosadores of the Decree of pontifical Graciano and Decretales, playing a decisive role in the fight with Imperio.
El Pope Alexander III was one of the main glosadores of the Decree of pontifical Graciano and Decretales, playing a decisive role in the fight with Imperio.

By such times, although with some decades of difference, a systematization of the ecclesiastical right takes place that is going to give to origin to the straight canonical call [[]] in all its fullness. Romanistas and canon lawyers are office brothers and of mentality, like fruit of a same time, although the seconds defend the pontifical rights, by the same matter that treated. The first compiler and sistematizador of the canons of previous universal concilios [Graciano was [[]], boloñian teacher of theology, that wrote towards 1140 his Agreement of the Discordancias of the Canons , called current Decree . The work of Graciano did not have official character, but it reached the great prestige and it caused in the following decades a height of the legal consultations formulated to Pontiff s, something logical at a time of insufficient organization of the civil power like was that one. These answered by means of litteras decretales or “decretales”, whose compilation became necessary, the end, as only form to use and to conserve the jurisprudencial wealth that seglares and civilians also contained, since not only they affected ecclesiastical matters, but. The first compilation must to Ramon de Penyafort, a Dominican Catalan, and takes the name of Decretales de Gregorio IX ; ] reunites to the decretales appeared between 1154 and 1234 and is divided in five books, reason why the following compilation, that includes until 1298, will be known with the name Liber sextus . In century XIV new compilations will be made, Clementinas , Outlandish of Common Juan XXII and . From century XVI, all this straight canonical in its recognized compendiums officially will take the name of Corpus iuris canonici . Decree of pontifical Graciano and Decretales was commented by he himself procedure of glosses it that it was applied to the Roman right. And some of the main glosadores played a decisive role in the fight with the Empire: Rolando Bandinelli, Pope Alexander III, and Sinibaldo Fieschi, Pope Innocent IV. The synthesis of you gloss runs to position, mainly, of Bartholomew de Brescia, in century XII, and also of Juan the Teutónico, in the XIII, of Huguccio de Pisa and Enrique de Susa.

[edit] Development of the conflict

En varied occasions the cities lombardas, headed by Milan, revolted to the imperial authority, approaching pontificado.
En varied occasions the cities lombardas, headed by Milan, revolted to the imperial authority, approaching pontificado.

[edit] the diet of Besançon and the first differences

To its return of Italy, after to have gone in aid of the Pontiff Eugene III, Federico I summoned a diet in Besançon (1157), with object to reform the political statute of its kingdom in Ar to them. In that diet the first differences between the high civil employees of the emperor, in special took place the chancellor Rainaldo de Dassel, and the pontifical legacy, and future Pope, Rolando Bandinelli. The complaint between teócratas and avivava, being the pretext the interpretation of a papal document in which it was alluded to to the “benefits” that Pontiff granted to emperor. The word “benefit”, in that then, had a very specific meaning, because vasallo was [[]] s the one who received benefits or feudos of his Sir is. To thus Rainaldo de Dassel understood it and, put to argue, Rolando Bandinelli did not have disadvantage in accepting the thesis of its rival: in effect, for him, the emperor received the Empire as a “benefit” of hands of Pope. Adriano IV, Pope of English origin that crowned emperor to Federico I, clarified later that the word had a more general sense: the Pope granted spiritual benefits, not feudo s. But the complaint had been revived, and when Rolando Bandinelli raised the pontifical seat, was as to a true teocráticas renovador of teorías ([is seen Gregorio VII). Theories that no longer had the energetic simplicity of the gregorianos times. In first half of century XII, mainly, there are authors who continue the theses of Gregorio VII, like Hugo of San Victor, Juan de Salisbury or Honorio Augustodunense, but the normal thing is that the teocráticas ideas assimilate of some form the new realities: redescubrimiento of straight Roman, affirmation of the political powers, complication of the social scheme in a world in which the possible offices and individual situations are multiplied, breaking the primitive ideal of the “trinitaria society” (politicians, the military and agriculturists).

[edit] Federico Barbarroja against Alexander III

A the death of Adrian IV, 24 cardinal is chose to the Pope Alexander III. Nevertheless, Federico I recognized like Pope Victor IV (antiPope).
A the death of Adrian IV, 24 cardinal is chose to the Pope Alexander III. Nevertheless, Federico I recognized like Pope Victor IV (antiPope).

In 1158 took place the second travels imperial to Italy. Shortly after, the death of Adrian IV opened a successory crisis in the pontificado one. Around both facts the first propitious conjuncture for the confrontation between emperor and Pope takes place. Federico tried to subjugate to the cities lombardas. Milan was raised at the top of this new urban world. The emperor besieged it and he forced it to capitulate, conserving this one its internal autonomy but accepting totally the imperial authority. Next, Federico I reunited to one magna assembly in Roncaglia with the purpose of reorganizing the administration of the kingdom of Italy and recovering in him all his authority. It seemed to obtain it, but the resistance against its measures would raise to the cities and would renew its old “entente” with the Pontiff, for whom the constitution of an imperial power hard in the north and center of Italy was more serious the immediate danger against its political independence.

La seudocanonización of Carlomagno was an example of the culmination of imperial interventionism.
La seudocanonización of Carlomagno was an example of the culmination of imperial interventionism.

[edit] Pope and antiPope

When Adrian IV died, the 24 cardinals in favor to be against to the dominion of Federico I in Italy chose Pope to Alexander III, while the three whom they preferred to contemporizar gave their vote to Octaviano cardinal, who was titled Victor IV. The split allowed that Federico took part to the classic way reuniting I conciliate in Pavía (January of 1160), where was recognized like Pope Victor IV, while Alexander III looked for supports in the kingdom normando of the south of Italy, whose kings were vasallos of Santa Sede, and in other European countries, besides to stoke the displeasure lombardo against the emperor. Milan again revolted in 1161, but it was conquered by the arms and devastated; shortly after, Alexander III was itself forced to divide for France. Federico won, but Alexander was Pope recognized by everything Europe, except for Imperio, and, even so, he counted within this one with frightful allies, in special in Italy, where the emperor and his chancellors, Rainaldo de Dassel and Christian de Bach, organized gobierno authoritarian to contrapelo of the old local autonomies, that were not resigned to accept their new luck without resistance.

[edit] Culmination of the imperial intervensionismo

The death of Victor IV also deprived to Federico of an important support, because antiPope s that made choose to happen to him (Paschal III, Calixto III) did not have possible justification nor was recognized willingly by he himself German clergy, since emperor took advantage of the circumstances to inmiscuir itself in the ecclesiastical life like at the worse moments of” Querella of the investitures “: In 1165, sínodo of Wurzburgo and seudocanonización of Carlomagno was the culmination of imperial interventionism. In addition, the complaint with Alexander III forced to make concessions and to obtain alliances in Germany like in other countries. Great nobles Germanic s is made pay expensive their fidelity and, in the outside, Federico looked for so much the French alliance, never obtained, like the English, taking advantage of the existing fight between the king Enrique II and archbishop Canterbury, Thomas Becket.

[edit] Pontificado and Imperio at the time of Federico I Barbarroja

Image:Braunschweig Brunswick Heinrich der Loewe (Sunday 2005) .jpg
Enrique Leon, head of the Welf family (of here the Guelfic name ), presented/displayed a strong opposition to Federico Barbarroja, but this one gain the victory for its lineage and managed to exiliar it to England.

1152 : Federico happens to Conrado III. First conflict with Pope. The Scandinavian churches are separated of Hamburg. 1153 : Treaty of Constanza between Federico and Eugene III. 1154 : Federico in Italy; decree of Roncaglia. Violences against the Italian communes. Adriano IV, Pope. 1156 : Imperial coronation of Federico. Shaken of Rome and retired of the emperor, who restitutes Baviera to Enrique Leon. Alliance between Adriano IV and Guillermo I of Sicily. Concordato de Benevento. Austria, ducado independent. 1157 : Assembly of Besançon. Rupture between emperor and the Pope. 1158 : Shaken and punishment of Milan. Diet of Roncaglia. 1159 : New revolt of Milan. Site of Crema. Death of Adriano IV. Alexander III, Pope, and Victor IV, antiPope. 1160 : Cream taking and destruction. Beginning of the site of Milan. Assembly of Pavía. 1162 : Taking and destruction of Milan. Alliance of Federico with Pisa and Genoa against Guillermo of Sicily. Project of interview between Federico and Luis VII of France to end the schism. Thomas Becket, archbishop of Caterbury. 1162 - 1165 : The German clergy happens to the party of Alexander III. 1163 : I conciliate of Tours. 1164 : Venice forms the call League of Verona against Federico. Death of the antiPope Victor IV, happening Paschal III to him. 1165 : Diet of Wurzburgo. Persecution against those in favor of Alexander III. Enrique II Plantagenet breaks with Alexander III and recognizes Paschal III.

 " Death of Federico of Germany” by Gustave Doré.
" Death of Federico of Germany” by Gustave Doré.

1167 : Federico seizes of Rome. Formation of Liga Lombarda, that is allied to the one of Verona. 1168 : Foundation of Alexandria in Piedmont by the cities lombardas in honor of Alexander III. Paschal death of III. 1170 : Liga Lombarda is put under the protection of Alexander III. Negotiations of Veroli between the Pope and the emperor. 1174 - 1175 : Siege of Alexandria by Federico. 1175 : Truce of Montebello. 1176 : Federico is overcome in Legnano by the Italian communes. Conversations of Agnani with the Pope Alexander III. 1177 : Peace of Venice. 1179 : Rupture between the emperor and Enrique Leon. I conciliate of Letrán: reorganization of the papal election. 1180 : War against Enrique Leon. 1181 : Reconciliation between Federico and Enrique Leon. Death of Alexander III. 1183 : Preliminaries of Plasencia and peace of Constanza. 1184 : Diet of Maguncia: nuptials between the future Enrique I SAW and Constanza of Sicily. Diet of Verona. 1185 : Alliance between Federico and Milan. 1186 : Rupture between Urban Federico and III. Assembly of Gelnhausen. 1188 : Reconciliation of the Pope with the Roman commune. 1189 : Reconciliation between Pope and emperor. Death of Guillermo of Sicily; it happens the son of the emperor and future to him Enrique IV. 1190 : Third Crossed: death of Federico in Smaller Asia.

[edit] involved Personages

(In sequence chronological)

[edit] Imperialistic

  • Enrique IV * Enrique V * Federico I Barbarroja * Enrique I SAW

[edit] Teócratas

[edit] See also

* Sacred Germanic Roman Empire * Querella of the Guelfic and Ghibelline Investitures * [[]]

[edit] References

  • naissance of l'esprit laïque au déclin du Moyen Āge , 2da. ed., Paris-Lovaina, 1970 (Lagarde, G.). * Histoire du christianisme, volume I SAW. Temps d'épreuves (1274-1449), Paris, 1990 (Congourdeau, M.H.). ISBN 2213026297 * History of the political thought in the average Age , Barcelona, 1992 (Ullmann, W.). ISBN 0140551026 * the Papado. Brief history of pontificado , You settle, 2003 (Kalyan). * the Average Age , volume X of the Collection of Universal History Salvat, 2005.
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