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Departments of France

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This article is part of the series on
Administrative divisions of France
Regional level

(incl. Overseas régions)

Departmental level

(incl. Overseas départements)

Arrondissement level
Cantonal level
Intercommunal level

Communauté urbaine
Communauté d'agglomération
Communauté de communes

Communal level

Commune associée
Municipal arrondissement


Collectivité d'outre-mer
Collectivité sui generis
Pays d'outre-mer
Territoire d'outre-mer
Scattered islands
Clipperton Island

The départements (or departments) are administrative units of France and many former French colonies, roughly analogous to English counties. The 100 French départements are now grouped into 22 metropolitan and four overseas régions. They are subdivided into 342 arrondissements.


[edit] General characteristics

In continental France (metropolitan France excluding Corsica), the median land area of a département is 5,965 km² (2,303 square miles), which is two-and-a-half times the median land area of a ceremonial county of England, and a little more than three-and-half times the median land area of a U.S. county.

At the 1999 census, the median population of a département in continental France was 511,012 inhabitants, which is 21 times the median population of a U.S. county, but just a little less than two-thirds of the median population of a ceremonial county of England.

[edit] Administrative role

Each department is administered by a Conseil Général elected for six years, and its executive is, since 1982, headed by the president of that council (formerly it was headed by the préfet).

The French national government is represented in the département by a préfet appointed by the national executive. The préfet is assisted by one or more sous-préfets based in district centres outside the departmental capital.

The capital city of a département bears the title of préfecture. Départements are divided into one to seven arrondissements. The capital city of an arrondissement is called the sous-préfecture. The civil servant in charge is the sous-préfet.

The départements sub-divide into communes, governed by municipal councils. France (as of 1999) had 36,779 communes.

Most of the départements have an area of around 4,000–8,000 km² and a population between 250,000 and a million. The largest in terms of area is Gironde (10,000 km²) and the smallest the city of Paris (105 km² excluding the suburbs, now organised in adjacent départements). The most populous is Nord (2,550,000) and the least populous Lozère (74,000).

See also: List of French départements by population

The départements are numbered: their two-digit numbers appear in postal codes, in INSEE codes (including "social security numbers") and on car number-plates, though this last usage will mostly disappear with a new car plate scheme due for 2006. Note that there is no number 20, but 2A and 2B instead. Note also that the two-digit code "98" is used by Monaco. Together with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code FR the numbers form the ISO 3166-2 country subdivision codes for the metropolitan departments. The overseas departments get two letters for the ISO 3166-2 code.

[edit] History

Napoleonic départements
Napoleonic départements

Départements were created on January 4, 1790 by the Constituent Assembly to replace the country's former provinces with a more rational structure. They were also designed to deliberately break up France's historical regions in an attempt to erase cultural differences and build a more homogeneous nation. Most départements are named after the area's principal river(s) or other physical features.

The number of départements rose from an initial 83 to 130 by 1810 with the territorial gains of the Republic and of the Empire (see Provinces of the Netherlands for the annexed Dutch departements), but they were reduced again to 86 with Napoleon I's defeat in 18141815. Three more were added with the acquisition of Nice and Savoy in 1860. The département of Alpes-Maritimes was then created from the newly incorporated Comté de Nice and a part of Var département. The numbering was established on the alphabetical order of those 89 départements.

Three départements in Alsace-Lorraine which had been ceded to Germany in 1871 (Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin, and Moselle) were returned to France in 1919. When Alsace-Lorraine was ceded in 1871, a small part of the département of Haut-Rhin was detached from the rest of Alsace-Lorraine and remained French. This territory, called Territoire de Belfort, was not reintegrated into the recovered département of Haut-Rhin in 1919 and was instead made a full-status département in 1922, becoming the 90th département of France.

Reorganisations of the Paris region (1968) and the division of Corsica (1975) have added a further six départements, raising the total to one hundred — including the four overseas départements d'outre-mer (DOM) of Guyane (French Guiana) in South America, Guadeloupe and Martinique in the Caribbean Sea, and Réunion in the Indian Ocean.

[edit] Map and list of départements

[edit] French régions and départements

Départements and Regions of France

Département Préfecture
01 Ain Bourg-en-Bresse
02 Aisne Laon
03 Allier Moulins
04 Alpes-de-Haute-Provence Digne-les-Bains
05 Hautes-Alpes Gap
06 Alpes-Maritimes Nice
07 Ardèche Privas
08 Ardennes Charleville-Mézières
09 Ariège Foix
10 Aube Troyes
11 Aude Carcassonne
12 Aveyron Rodez
13 Bouches-du-Rhône Marseille
14 Calvados Caen
15 Cantal Aurillac
16 Charente Angoulême
17 Charente-Maritime La Rochelle
18 Cher Bourges
19 Corrèze Tulle
2A Corse-du-Sud Ajaccio
2B Haute-Corse Bastia
21 Côte-d'Or Dijon
22 Côtes-d'Armor Saint-Brieuc
23 Creuse Guéret
24 Dordogne Périgueux
25 Doubs Besançon
26 Drôme Valence
27 Eure Évreux
28 Eure-et-Loir Chartres
29 Finistère Quimper
30 Gard Nîmes
31 Haute-Garonne Toulouse
32 Gers Auch
33 Gironde Bordeaux
34 Hérault Montpellier
35 Ille-et-Vilaine Rennes
36 Indre Châteauroux
37 Indre-et-Loire Tours
38 Isère Grenoble
39 Jura Lons-le-Saunier
40 Landes Mont-de-Marsan
41 Loir-et-Cher Blois
42 Loire Saint-Étienne
43 Haute-Loire Le Puy-en-Velay
44 Loire-Atlantique Nantes
45 Loiret Orléans
46 Lot Cahors
47 Lot-et-Garonne Agen
48 Lozère Mende
49 Maine-et-Loire Angers
50 Manche Saint-Lô
51 Marne Châlons-en-Champagne
52 Haute-Marne Chaumont
53 Mayenne Laval
54 Meurthe-et-Moselle Nancy
55 Meuse Bar-le-Duc
56 Morbihan Vannes
57 Moselle Metz
58 Nièvre Nevers
59 Nord Lille
60 Oise Beauvais
61 Orne Alençon
62 Pas-de-Calais Arras
63 Puy-de-Dôme Clermont-Ferrand
64 Pyrénées-Atlantiques Pau
65 Hautes-Pyrénées Tarbes
66 Pyrénées-Orientales Perpignan
67 Bas-Rhin Strasbourg
68 Haut-Rhin Colmar
69 Rhône Lyon
70 Haute-Saône Vesoul
71 Saône-et-Loire Mâcon
72 Sarthe Le Mans
73 Savoie Chambéry
74 Haute-Savoie Annecy
75 Paris
Number assigned formerly to Seine
76 Seine-Maritime Rouen
77 Seine-et-Marne Melun
78 Yvelines
Number assigned formerly to Seine-et-Oise
79 Deux-Sèvres Niort
80 Somme Amiens
81 Tarn Albi
82 Tarn-et-Garonne Montauban
83 Var Toulon
84 Vaucluse Avignon
85 Vendée La Roche-sur-Yon
86 Vienne Poitiers
87 Haute-Vienne Limoges
88 Vosges Épinal
89 Yonne Auxerre
90 Territoire de Belfort Belfort
91 Essonne Évry
92 Hauts-de-Seine Nanterre
93 Seine-Saint-Denis Bobigny
94 Val-de-Marne Créteil
95 Val-d'Oise Cergy/Pontoise¹
971 Guadeloupe² Basse-Terre
972 Martinique² Fort-de-France
973 Guyane² Cayenne
974 La Réunion² Saint-Denis


  1. The préfecture of Val-d'Oise was established in Pontoise when the department was created, but moved de facto to the neighbouring commune of Cergy; currently, both form the ville nouvelle of Cergy-Pontoise.
  2. The overseas departments are former colonies outside France that now enjoy a status similar to European or metropolitan France. They are part of France and of the EU, though special rules apply. Each of them constitutes a région at the same time.

[edit] Former départements

[edit] On the current territory of France

Département Préfecture Dates in existence
Rhône-et-Loire Lyon (17901793)
Corse Bastia (17901793)
Golo Bastia (17931811)
Liamone Ajaccio (17931811)
Mont-Blanc Chambéry (17921815)
Léman Geneva (17981814)
Meurthe Nancy (17901871)
Seine Paris (17901967)
Seine-et-Oise Versailles (17901967)
Corse Ajaccio (18111975)
Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Saint-Pierre (19761985)

[edit] Name changes

A few départements have changed names, in most cases, to lose the terms "lower" and "inferior":

Ancient name Modern name Date of change
Mayenne-et-Loire Maine-et-Loire 1791
Bec-d'Ambès Gironde 1795
Charente-Inférieure Charente-Maritime 1941
Seine-Inférieure Seine-Maritime 1955
Loire-Inférieure Loire-Atlantique 1957
Basses-Pyrénées Pyrénées-Atlantiques 1969
Basses-Alpes Alpes-de-Haute-Provence 1970
Côtes-du-Nord Côtes-d'Armor 1990

[edit] French Algeria

[edit] Before 1957

Département Préfecture Dates in existence
91 Alger Algiers (18481957)
92 Oran Oran (18481957)
93 Constantine Constantine (18481957)
Bône Annaba (19551957)

[edit] 19571962

Département Préfecture Dates in existence
8A Oasis Ouargla (19571962)
8B Saoura Bechar (19571962)
9A Alger Algiers (19571962)
9B Batna Batna (19571962)
9C Bône Annaba (19551962)
9D Constantine Constantine (19571962)
9E Médéa Medea (19571962)
9F Mostaganem Mostaganem (19571962)
9G Oran Oran (19571962)
9H Orléansville Chlef (19571962)
9J Sétif Setif (19571962)
9K Tiaret Tiaret (19571962)
9L Tizi-Ouzou Tizi Ouzou (19571962)
9M Tlemcen Tlemcen (19571962)
9N Aumale Sour el Ghozlane (19581959)
9P Bougie Bejaia (19581962)
9R Saïda Saida (19581962)

[edit] In the former colonies of France

Département Modern-day location Dates in existence
Département du Sud Dominican Republic/Haiti (17951800)
Département de l'Inganne Dominican Republic/Haiti (17951800)
Département du Nord Dominican Republic/Haiti (17951800)
Département de l'Ouest Dominican Republic/Haiti (17951800)
Département de Samana Dominican Republic/Haiti (17951800)
Sainte-Lucie Saint Lucia, Tobago (17951800)
Île de France Mauritius, Rodrigues, Seychelles (17951800)
Indes-Orientales Pondichery, Karikal, Yanaon, Mahe and Chandernagore (17951800)

[edit] Napoleonic Empire

There are a number of former départements on territories conquered by France during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Empire that are now not part of France:

Département Préfecture
(French name)
(English name)
Dates in existence
Mont-Terrible Porrentruy (17931800)
Corcyre Corfou Corfu (17971799)
Ithaque Argostoli (17971798)
Mer-Égée Zante (17971798)
Dyle Bruxelles Brussels (17951814)
Escaut Gand Ghent (17951814)
Forêts Luxembourg (17951814)
Jemmape Mons (17951814)
Lys Bruges (17951814)
Meuse-Inférieure Maëstricht Maastricht (17951814)
Deux-Nèthes Anvers Antwerp (17951814)
Ourthe Liège (17951814)
Sambre-et-Meuse Namur (17951814)
Mont-Tonnerre Mayence Mainz (18011814)
Rhin-et-Moselle Coblence Koblenz (18011814)
Roer Aix-la-Chapelle Aachen (18011814)
Sarre Trèves Trier (18011814)
Doire Ivrée Ivrea (18021814)
Marengo Alexandrie Alessandria (18021814)
Turin (18021814)
Sésia Verceil Vercelli (18021814)
Stura Coni Cuneo (18021814)
Tanaro (département) Asti (18021805)
Apennins Chiavari (18051814)
Gênes Gênes Genoa (18051814)
Montenotte Savone Savona (18051814)
Arno Florence (18081814)
Méditerranée Livourne Livorno (18081814)
Ombrone Sienne Siena (18081814)
Taro Parme Parma (18081814)
Rome Rome (18091814)
Trasimène Spolète Spoleto (18091814)
Bouches-du-Rhin Bois-le-Duc 's-Hertogenbosch (18101814)
Bouches-de-l'Escaut Middelbourg Middelburg (18101814)
Simplon Sion (18101814)
Bouches-de-la-Meuse La Haye The Hague (18111814)
Bouches-de-l'Yssel Zwolle (18111814)
Ems-Occidental Groningue Groningen (18111814)
Ems-Oriental Aurich (18111814)
Frise Leuwarden Leeuwarden (18111814)
Yssel-Supérieur Arnhem (18111814)
Zuyderzée Amsterdam (18111814)
Bouches-de-l'Elbe Hambourg Hamburg (18111814)
Bouches-du-Weser Brême Bremen (18111814)
Ems-Supérieur Osnabrück (18111814)
Lippe Munster Münster (18111814)
Bouches-de-l'Èbre Lérida Lleida (18121813)
Montserrat Barcelone Barcelona (18121813)
Sègre Puigcerda Puigcerdà (18121813)
Ter Gérone Girona (18121813)
Bouches-de-l'Èbre-Montserrat Barcelone Barcelona (18131814)
Sègre-Ter Gérone Girona (18131814)

See also: The 130 départements of the Napoleonic Empire


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