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Deaths in Final Destination 3

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This article explains the deaths of the characters from the theatrical version of the horror film Final Destination 3.


[edit] Original Design

Death's original design on the roller coaster ride is Ashley, Ashlyn, Frankie, Lewis, Ian, Erin, Julie, Perry, Kevin, and then Wendy. The order in which they actually die is different because some characters' deaths are prevented by other characters and they are moved to the end of Death's list.

[edit] Actual Order

Due to interventions, the order of deaths in the movie ended up being: Ashley, Ashlyn, Frankie, Lewis, Erin, Perry, Ian, Julie, Kevin and then Wendy.

[edit] Ashley Freund and Ashlyn Halperin

Death: Incineration and Electrocution. Ashley and Ashlyn decide to get a tan at Phoenix Tanning Salon to look their best at graduation. When they arrive, the owner of the salon (Yuri) is talking on his cell phone. Yuri allows the girls to manage the tanning beds themselves. Ashley sneaks her Slurpee in to the tanning room (Yuri forbids drinks near the tanning beds). Ashley takes one final sip of her Slurpee and places it on a shelf above the control box of the tanning beds. Ashlyn decides that the room is "chilly" and decides to raise the temperature by a few degrees. Due to the fact that Ashlyn had risen the temperature, the Slurpee begins to drip. A bit of water from Ashley's Slurpee drips in to the control box resulting in a spark which leads to the temperature of the room to increase and the heat of the tanning beds to intensify without the duo's knowledge. Ashley leans over a shelf to get some music but unknowingly loosens a few screws attaching the shelf to the wall. Ashley and Ashlyn get undressed and get in to their tanning beds. Ashlyn decides that the tanning beds are getting a little too warm, but Ashley continues to listen to her music. Wendy attempts to warn them of the danger via Ashley's cell phone. This causes the phone to vibrate in Ashley's coat pocket, causing the coat to wobble slightly. The air conditioner kicks in due to the rising temperature of the room and knocks the rack over, crashing into a Palm Tree which topples onto the loose shelf. This knocks the shelf off the wall and on to Ashley's bed.
Ashley peeks through the handles as she is engulfed in flames...
Ashley peeks through the handles as she is engulfed in flames...
... while Ashlyn's skin bubbles under the intense heat.
... while Ashlyn's skin bubbles under the intense heat.
Both the girls attempt to get out of their beds, but the shelf slides off of Ashley's bed and jams into Ashlyn's bed handle, locking it shut. It then does the same to Ashley's bed. Both the girls attempt to open the beds, but are unsuccessful. Ashley begins to struggle violently and desperately to get out, while Ashlyn screams and tries to get out from above her head, where a fan is blocking the way. Yuri hears the screaming, but realizes that the sun tan lotion container he was using as a door stopper had lodged under the door, locking him from going in. He then goes around to the front entrance, but the door is also locked shut (by Ashley and Ashlyn, who didn't want anyone to come in and see them naked). During this time, the bulbs on top of Ashley's bed explode and the hot glass shatters all over her, while they begin to develop boils all over their bodies. They both continue struggling, while their skin becomes blistered and burned. Due to Ashley's violent struggling to get out, the glass shatters underneath her and she falls in to electrical wires. An electrical wave causes Ashley's sun bed to erupt in flames, engulfing her in an instant. She continues to struggle even though her whole body is on fire just as the glass above Ashlyn breaks and fire erupts from the bulbs killing Ashlyn, Ashley is still screaming and dies moments after turning to look through the opening of the bed. Ashley and Ashlyn both end up burning to death.
Note: Ashley & Ashlyn can be seen with a palm tree in the photo, and a palm tree is responsible for the toppling shelf. The red wave looks as if the girls are on fire, and the girls cause of death is incineration.
Intended Death: Derailment. Ashley and Ashlyn were sitting in cart three and is the last of the three carts to break from the rest and fly off the tracks. Ashley is ejected from her seat just before the cart goes flying off. Ashley was ejected just like Carrie was. Ashlyn was still in the cart when it smashed into the ground with Ashley falling right after it.
Alternate Death: In the Special Features of the DVD, choosing 76 degrees instead of the original 73 alters Ashlyn's death. This time around, Ashley is still trapped and being burned alive but not before Ashlyn manages to get out of her tanning bed. Unfortunately, the falling shelf hits her in the head and she's lying, nude, on the floor for several minutes as Ashley is being burnt. When she finally comes to she immediately opens Ashley's bed and grabs her hand, but the glass underneath Ashley breaks. The resulting current courses through both girls' bodies electrocuting Ashley and Ashlyn to death.

[edit] Frankie Cheeks

Frank's head gets lashed back into the motor fan blades...
Frank's head gets lashed back into the motor fan blades...
Death: Head Trauma. After Ashley and Ashlyn's funeral, Wendy and Kevin head to a drive-thru. Ahead of them, there is a man in a convertible, and behind them, a bickering couple in a truck. A large beer truck backs up into Kevin’s truck from the passenger side, and Wendy is trapped. As the two sit and wait, the radio malfunctions, and "Turn Around, Look At Me" by The Vogues plays. Wendy turns around and notices a large truck rolling down a steep hill, picking up speed as it heads for the drive-thru. Kevin’s door cannot open because it is against the wall of the drive-thru. Kevin honks to get the guy ahead to pull up, but he only responds by giving them the finger.
... with gory results.
... with gory results.
The car behind Wendy and Kevin begins to back out of the drive-thru as Kevin breaks the windshield; he and Wendy escape just as the runaway truck smashes into Kevin’s vehicle. His truck is then mounted onto the convertible, and the motor shoots out of the hood, slicing into the driver's head with the motor-fan. Wendy and Kevin look up, and notice that the person ahead of them was Frankie. The motor-fan spins once more, further slicing open the back of Frankie’s head.
Note: A fan blade creates the illusion that it's slicing Frankie's head in his picture; a motor fan eventually leads to his demise.
Intended Death: Derailment. Frankie was sitting immediately behind Ashley & Ashlyn. Like the girls, his carriage's wheels were dislodged after the impact with the fallen camera, ultimately causing his entire carriage to derail off the coaster. It can be noted that the two girls fell before him (as they were in the seats in front of him), and in so doing, probably established Death's design of Ashley and Ashlyn dying before Frankie.
Saving Frankie On the Final Destination 3 DVD, the watcher has the option to change events in the film, and Frankie's death can be prevented.

[edit] Lewis Romero

Lewis taunts Death while lifting weights...
Lewis taunts Death while lifting weights...
Death: Crushing/Decapitation. Wendy and Kevin find Lewis working out at the gym with his football team. While arguing with Wendy and Kevin, Lewis sits on a machine and starts lifting weights. Lewis' vigorous pulls cause the two swords on the plaque above the machine Lewis is using to vibrate with each pull. The swords detach, slicing the wire holding the weights Lewis is lifting, and narrowly missing Lewis’ head. Lewis shouts in victory, and does one last pull, not knowing that the wire holding the weights together has been cut. The two weights swing down and smash together, crushing Lewis' head between them.
... before weights crush his head.
... before weights crush his head.
Note: His picture at the fair contains: a crying bear, a sultan holding two crossed swords and what looks like a weight falling on his head. In his death scene, a fierce looking bear statue can be seen which has no great importance, but does relate with the scene at the fair which is a give away. The two swords mounted above Lewis fall, cutting the wire. The end result are weights crushing his head like it looks in his picture.
Intended Death: Blunt force trauma. Lewis was sitting on the second segment of the roller coaster that did not derail off the tracks. Instead, a short circuit caused the restraints to malfunction and suddenly lift up. Lewis was hence thrown out of his seat at a particularly twirly section of the coaster, but was caught by Kevin who stood up and hung onto him. However, a piece of the roller coaster in front of them broke off, hitting Lewis. Kevin lost his grip as Lewis was flung outwards towards another part of the track, smashing his back against metal.

[edit] Ian McKinley (Intervened)

Wendy's quick thinking saves Ian...
Wendy's quick thinking saves Ian...
Death (intervened by Wendy): Impalement. While working late at the Build It Hardware store, Ian ascends to a top shelf using his forklift, and pulls a box closer to him to easily put away sheets of metal. However, pulling it closer knocks about half-a-dozen nails onto the floor. As he pushes the box back, it knocks a small box over the edge on the other side, which is caught in a gap between metal bars above the ground. Erin comes and picks up the nails with a magnetic pole, then sets it on a shelf, blindly pushing it to the other side. The magnetic end attaches to a spool of chain which unrolls and pushes a forklift key into the ignition. As Ian drives his own forklift away, the lift prongs scrape against the bottom of the metal shelf frame, making some bottles of caulk wobble. Eventually these bottles fall free and knock the box that has landed on the metal bars fall through the gap, and it lands on the pedal of the other forklift which begins to drive forward. Soon, while our characters are now in a different part of the store, the renegade forklift jams its prongs into the wall of another shelf. The collision shakes a bunch of hammers on display loose, and some of them shift some forklift gears in a position for the prongs to now lift upwards. The specific frame of the shelf prevents the prongs from continuing to lift, which puts pressure on a folded ladder next to a box of stakes. As Ian stands in front of the shelf, the top of the ladder snaps from the pressure, and the entire frame gives a great wobble, and the stakes slide out point first. Wendy manages to tackle Ian out of the way in the nick of time, saving him from impalement.
Note: In Ian and Erin's picture, there are several flag banners above their heads that read S-K-I-L-L, but a shadow is hiding the S, making the flags, pointed downwards like the stakes, read "K-I-L-L". Also, he is in the same pose as in his photograph as Wendy pushed him away from the stakes.
Intended Death: Terminal velocity impact. With only the last few sections of the doomed roller coaster remaining, the coaster sped up a vertical loop, but stalled at the peak of the loop, upside down. The malfunctioning restraints once again gave way and Erin & Ian fell out of their seats, clinging onto the upturned restraint for dear life. Ultimately, they could not keep it up, and Erin fell to her death shortly after her boyfriend Ian lost his grip and fell too. Notably, Ian hence "died" before Erin, hence Death's original design.

[edit] Erin Ulmer

... but sets into motion Erin's painful demise.
... but sets into motion Erin's painful demise.
Death: Shot in the head by a Nail Gun. The stakes continue to crash to the floor after Wendy tackles Ian and saves him. Among them are multiple large boards and supplies dropping down from the shelf, landing on Ian and Kevin. Wendy escapes and clings to the underside of a nearby table to avoid the falling debris. A large wooden board lands on the tip of a particular stake, propeling it through a tall bag of sawdust. The sawdust flies into Erin’s eyes, and she slips backwards on the sawdust which was already on the floor. Her head meets the nozzle of a nail gun, which proceeds to pump a round of nails through Erin’s head, pinning her left hand to her face.
Note: In the picture, Ian is seen accidentally pointing an air rifle at Erin's face, and a similar tool (a nail-gun) is responsible for her demise. Also, in the picture, Erin is blocking the left side of her face with her right hand which is the same position she's in when she is killed. Also, she is flicking off the camera, with her painted nail prominently featured.
Intended Death: Terminal velocity impact. With only the last few sections of the doomed roller coaster remaining, the coaster sped up a vertical loop but stalled at the peak of the loop, upside down. The malfunctioning restraints once again gave way and Erin & Ian fell out of their seats, clinging onto the upturned restraint for dear life. Ultimately, they could not keep it up, and Erin fell to her death shortly after her boyfriend Ian lost his grip and fell too. Notably, Ian hence "died" before Erin, hence Death's original design.

[edit] Julie Christenen (Intervened)

Kevin cuts the rope to prevent Julie's death...
Kevin cuts the rope to prevent Julie's death...
Death (intervened by Kevin): Impalement. While at the tricentennial, kids scare a runaway horse which almost tramples over Julie. As it runs past her, a long rope trailing behind it with a stake whips around Julie's neck and drags her along after the horse. After the policemen, Wendy, and Kevin chase the horse and Julie in panic, the horse jumps over a hay bailer, and is about to drag her into its spikes. Kevin suddenly comes with a sword he had grabbed from a soldier actor and cuts the rope at the last second, saving Julie.
Note: A charging horse would have been responsible for Julie's death if Kevin had not intervened, and a carousel horse can be thought to be charging at Julie in her picture (due to an angle). Before the horse almost runs into her, she is sticking both her middle fingers up to Kevin, just like she was posed in her photograph.
Intended Death: Terminal velocity impact. With only the last few sections of the doomed roller coaster remaining, the coaster sped up a vertical loop but stalled at the peak of the loop, upside down. The malfunctioning restraints once again gave way and Julie and Perry fell to their deaths.

[edit] Perry Malinowski

...seconds before Perry is suddenly impaled by a flagpole.
...seconds before Perry is suddenly impaled by a flagpole.
Death: Impalement. When Julie barely gets saved after being almost dragged into a wheat thresher by a horse, Wendy immediately asks Julie who was sitting with her on the roller coaster, and Perry stands up in fear. The horse that was dragging Julie along has been tied to a flagpole, but is again frightened by some fireworks. It breaks free, sending the flagpole shooting up into the air at full speed, and as Perry stands, the flagpole spears her from behind, splattering blood everywhere.
Note: A flag can be seen on top of Perry's head in her picture which is on an angle that looks as if it's flying at her; a spearing flagpole is responsible for her downfall.
Intended Death: Terminal Velocity Impact. When the roller coaster stalled half-way through a loop, Ian, Erin, Julie & Perry fell out of their seats and cling on to the restraints for their lives. A few seconds after Ian, Erin & Julie fell, Perry also went plummeting to her death.

[edit] Kevin Fischer (Intervened)

Wendy prevents Kevin's death.
Wendy prevents Kevin's death.
Death (intervened by Wendy): Incineration. After Kevin cuts the rope connecting Julie and the horse, the same horse kicks Kevin with its hind-legs and he lands in to a food stall. A sharp shish kabob is flicked up and pierces a gas tube leading to the propane tank and the grill. The gas catches fire and causes the grill to explode right in Kevin's face, but Wendy pulls him up just in time.
Note: As the explosion begins to take place Kevin's face becomes heavily exposed and he pulls a tight face, just as he did when Wendy took a picture of him. Luckily enough, Wendy pulled him out of the explosion just in time.
Intended Death: Bisection. With Kevin and Wendy the only people on the doomed roller coaster left, the coaster sped backwards down the loop. Kevin, who was standing up since wedging himself between the restraint and his seat after being stuck upside down on the stalled loop, was attempting to get back into his seat but a stray piece of metal rod impaled through him on the way down, severing his body in half.

[edit] Wendy Christensen (Intervened)

Death (intervened by herself): Incineration. When Wendy, Kevin and Julie are confronting Ian at the fair, a stand with fireworks is rocking back and forth. Eventually the stand tips over, causing the fireworks to tip in to a horizontal position. The fireworks explode and head straight for Wendy but she dodges them just in time. Also, this intervention seems to contradict the rules of Death, as no one can save themselves from Death. This was proven by Clear, in her second intended death, Evan, in the same case, and any others that were intervined by others, not themselves.
Note: Kevin is draped around Wendy like Jason is in her photo, and if the Firework hit her, she would have splattered over the "McKinley"-labelled cherry picker which explains the word "McKinley" on her shirt.
Intended Death: Terminal velocity impact. Wendy, the sole person on the still backward-zooming coaster, meets the same upheaval in the tracks that caused the first derailment. The wheels on her carriage dislodge and her entire carriage is flung off the track, throwing her out of her seat. She sees herself as she is falling down towards another section of the roller coaster track.

[edit] Ian McKinley

Ian's twitching remains.
Ian's twitching remains.
Death: Bisection/Crushing. After following Wendy to the fair, Ian tries to intimidate her, unknowingly backing up under a large cherry picker. A cart of fireworks tips over, launching them at the gang of survivors, missing all of them, but exploding at the base of the cherry picker. The joints of the arm loosen, and the cherry picker collapses downwards, the basket and sign smashing into Ian. The force of the falling basket cuts him in half at the shoulder down, crushing his right half (right shoulder, arm, and leg under the basket) and sending the left half (head, left shoulder, arm, and leg) flying out from under the basket. His left middle finger spasms, flipping the remaining survivors off.

Note: the banner in his picture above him, which had previously represented the wooden stakes, represented the McKinley flag attached to the basket of the cherry picker which had crushed him. Also, when he is dead and twitching on the ground, he is in the same pose as in his photo.

Note: In an alternate ending on the DVD, you can choose for Ian to jump either way. If you choose right, he is completley crushed instead of bisected. This leads to the original ending.

[edit] Julie Christensen

Wendy and Kevin fear for their lives as the train they are on becomes a death trap.
Wendy and Kevin fear for their lives as the train they are on becomes a death trap.
Death: Blunt force trauma. Five months after Perry & Ian were gruesomely killed, the remaining survivors meet up by fate in a subway train. A candy bar on a near by platform falls to the railway tracks. A rat attempts to steal this snack, but due to cut wires, the rat sets off the electricity, killing it instantly. In addition, the tracks malfunction and take a wrong turn. The train the survivors are on immediately loosens from the tracks in a similar way to the roller coaster in the opening sequence. The train becomes a death trap and is bumping against the sides of the subway tunnel. Julie experiences quite a few close calls before her eventual downfall. Julie hits her head violently against the train window, shattering it on her head. The back carriage detaches from the front carriage, sending the back carriage swerving around the front carriage which eventually leads the train in a V shape.
The front carriage crashes into what looks to be column's in the tunnel which splits the carriage in half. Where the half is split, Julie is standing but she manages to duck for cover just in time. The top half of the front carriage is now completely on its own, spiralling down the subway, with Julie, Kevin and Wendy the only remaining survivors of the destruction so far. Julie steadies herself and stands up, dangerously close to the opening of the carriage. A wheel of the carriage flicks up through the carriage door and takes out Julie through the next door in a flash with gory results.

[edit] Kevin Fischer

Death: Crushing\Decapitation. Moments after Julie's death, Kevin tumbles on top of a window. Due to pressure of the Train being in a diagonal position whirling down a tunnel, Kevin cannot get up. The window is slowly cracking against his face. The corner of the train makes a sharp, yet violent hit on the tunnel wall giving enough pressure for the window to eventually break on Kevin. Kevin's head grates against the wall which eventually blows blood everywhere and decapitates him, and then the rest of his body follows with his blood splattered against the windows. Wendy is now the only survivor left.

[edit] Wendy Christensen

Death: Blunt force trauma. As the train smashes through the tunnel, it eventually topples onto its side, and comes to a stop, scattered across the tracks. Wendy, who was thrown from the train after Kevin died, finds herself on the track with a broken leg. As she looks up, a light shoots around the corner; another train is speeding towards her.
At this point, Wendy snaps back to reality and realizes she is back on the subway, having just met up with Julie and Kevin. The other two notice the dread washing over her face and realize what is happening. Kevin pulls the emergency brake, but it snaps off. Wendy and Julie claw at the subway doors in vain as the screen fades to black. Violent screeching noises are heard and the song "Love Train" plays as the credits roll.

In the alternate ending, Wendy's "vision" is in fact real, and the oncoming train plows through her just as the credits roll.


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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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