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User talk:Daniel C. Boyer

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Chicago Surrealist Group etc

Daniel, I note that you have undone the changes by three seperate users and rolled back the Chicago Surrealist Group article with an edit summary of "rv vandalism."

You have done the same thing at Franklin Rosemont and at Surrealist Movement in the United States.

While you may disagree with the edits, I reviewed each of them and they were by no means vandalism. Please bear in mind that there is no ownership of articles at Wikipedia and you are expected to work together with other editors.

I would be happy to discuss your changes and suggest that Talk:Franklin Rosemont may be the best place to do so.

If I don't hear from you, I'll restore the articles to their prior condition shortly.

The Uninvited Co., Inc. 22:35, 10 August 2005 (UTC)

I fail utterly to see the relevance of your statement "[p]lease bear in mind that there is no ownership of articles at Wikipedia and you are expected to work together with other editors", so I shall interpret it as a complete non sequitur until it is explained otherwise. I have explained further at Talk:Franklin Rosemont. --Daniel C. Boyer 17:06, 11 August 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Methane Heraldry

Your link in Methane points to TYGERBERG VESPA CLUB and has no apparent relationship with methane. Please provide a reference which indicates the school's symbol represents methane rather than something like "union with the four fields of education". (SEWilco 18:15, 11 August 2005 (UTC))`

  • The link is to an expired session page. (SEWilco 03:44, 13 August 2005 (UTC))

[edit] Atomic Heraldry

Your George Georgiou link in Atomic heraldry is to an expired session which provides no information. (SEWilco 18:17, 11 August 2005 (UTC))

  • The link is to an expired session page. (SEWilco 03:44, 13 August 2005 (UTC))

[edit] Dear Daniel C. Boyer, The Chicago Surrealist Group

Daniel, As I already told you before, I was very impressed with your essays in the, "Surrealist Subversions" book by Ron Sakolsky. I really have to admit, and I do need to repeat this fact, they both were more than exceptional. Now, let me get down to business here, in the Ron Sakolsky book, "Surrealist Subversions" there is an excellent Bibliography section that is provided at the end of the book. Daniel, I read the entire book, cover to cover. In the Bibliography and References section, Mr. Sakolsky was generous enough to provide an extensive section on the criticisms of the Chicago Surrealist Group and Mr. Rosemont, besides a few attacks against them as well. Its all there in the book. Daniel, throughout reading the entire book and devouring all that information in the back of the book, I noticed a similiar trend of negativity and resentment towards your friends, The Chicago Surrealists. There are some people, as mentioned by Sakolsky that really dislike The Chicago Surrealist Group and Mr.Rosemont. Its all there in the back of the book. I also noticed that much of the positive press and accolades for Franklin and his group was generating from local press, and a very small handful of papers (I counted around five from Europe, I could be wrong) that wrote about the, "activities" of this group, yet the praise came from two papers in Paris and three from other countries, again I could be wrong. However, the whole hype behind this surrealist group is really very central to Chicago, or am I wrong????

Daniel, the Ron Sakolsky book was very revealing too. I couldn't help but notice the obvious lack of group photos (of them all together), though there was one I did see, with their faces on top of flowers and such from a collage by Penelope, but real small, you know. Daniel, I think they are really pulling a scam on us all. There doesn't appear to be a strong and cohesive account of their creative output, year by year. There are way too many noticeable gaps in this group's activities. I want to see more pictures of all your friends and I get practically next to nothing in pictures of them in that book, though there was plenty of automatics and some real cool art, but a very scattered output. If this was such an important surrealist group and historic no less, why are there more photographs of Breton and various group members from the 1920's to the late 1950's, (there are so many) yet, I could only find really one picture of the Chicago Surrealists in that collage by Penelope and the faces were so small! Daniel, hook us all up, please. Do you have any scans of pictures of them, or can you lead us to any publications that has some real cool pictures of Franklin and Penelope with Ted Joans, Lamatia, Gerome, Tristan, etc, etc, etc, or is this just a hobby that lasted from the late 60's to 2003? I think its a scam. However, I thought your essays were the real surrealist thing, besides Nancy Joyce Peters and Robin D.G. Kelly's essays too.Classicjupiter2 00:39, 12 August 2005 (UTC)

  • It is difficult for me to extrapolate what your point is beyond a general discussion of the Chicago Surrealist Group, your point as regards the development of Wikipedia. You mention the extensive criticisms of the Chicago group; are you hinting that these should be alluded to in the article thereon? If you are looking for this for the sake of NPOV I've already made a start, but you're welcome to it.
  • As for putting the word "activities" in quotation marks, clearly there were activities, so I don't understand what the point of the quotation marks is. Again, "There doesn't appear to be a strong and cohesive account of their creative output, year by year. There are way too many noticeable gaps in this group's activities" -- are you an employer sifting through résumés? What is your point as relates to the development of Wikipedia? Sorrow or worry that a more complete article on the Chicago Surrealist Group cannot be assembled? One can only guess, as one can only guess what you are trying to get at with your question as to whether it's just a "hobby". My best guess is that it's your attempt to advance a POV about the Chicago Surrealist Group, especially as you come to what is in my opinion a bizarre (as I don't know of anyone else who would conclude that if photographs were not immediately produced upon his demand of person x with person y, it must be a "hobby," an obsession he shares with several sock-puppets) if ambiguous conclusion, "I think its [sic] a scam" (after all, what is the character of the scam? what is the group pretending to be that it's not?), but again, not knowing how this relates to the improvement of Wikipedia rather than one person's personal preoccupations with photography, I don't know how to respond. Not knowing what you are trying to prove or ask in the context of how it relates to the article(s), as that is the only appropriate thing here, I don't know how to go any farther than I have. --Daniel C. Boyer 18:38, 12 August 2005 (UTC)
    • Uninvited was right! You did take over that article! Daniel, please stop hogging up The Chicago Surrealist Group article all to yourself! Do it for Wiki.Classicjupiter2 01:07, 13 August 2005 (UTC)
      • Give me a break. You're perfectly aware that this is not how Wikipedia works. If you disagree with any of the edits I've made feel free to modify or revert them. By the nature of Wiki I can't "hog" an article or prevent you from doing this. Go for it. --Daniel C. Boyer 15:57, 13 August 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Poll: Micronation Infobox

An info box template has recently been created by myself and O^O for use in Wikipedia articles about micronations and other unrecognised entities, to address longstanding concerns and edit wars that have resulted from the inappropriate use of the standard country infobox in these types of articles.

This new info box has so far been successfully incorporated into the following articles: Sealand, Republic of Rose Island, Independent State of Aramoana, Empire of Atlantium, Avram and Province of Bumbunga, and it is intended to incorporate it into most of the other articles in the micronation category in due course.

However, one editor, Samboy has suggested that the micronation infobox should be excluded from Empire of Atlantium on the grounds that the article is "not notable" and because only 22% of micronation articles in Wikipedia currently have the info box (ie because the info box project is not yet complete).

As someone who has contributed to similar discussions in the past, I thought this might interest you. I have instituted a poll on this subject here, and invite you to review it if you are so inclined.

Thanks. --Gene_poole 06:20, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

My personal issue with Gene Poole's action is that there is a conflict of interest here. One of the first micronations he added this infobox to is, conveniently enough, his own micronation. And, while he sets up a poll about whether we should add the template to the article, he did not mention the poll in WP:RFC, which is the best way to make the poll visible to people who have never been involved in the issue. Instead, he posts the existence of the poll on the user pages of a number of users who he feels are symphathetic to his micronation. User:Tony Sidaway has felt that this kind of campaigning is dishonest. Samboy 07:16, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Sable as a metal

Yes, I do have a cite on sable functioning as a metal (iron) in Continental heraldry, though it may take me a day or two to find it in my library again. (I am a teacher, and semester grades are due tomorrow, which has to take priority.) --EncycloPetey 05:06, 23 January 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Have you noticed?

It seems like everyone on this site (meaning those who write the articles and such) is an elitist snob, doesn't it?

Not really. Some are and some are not. --Daniel C. Boyer 20:45, 14 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Poetry Project

Hi — I see you are listed as a participant of Wikipedia:WikiProject Poetry. The project was recently tagged as inactive, and I am trying to resuscitate it. Are you still interested in participating? — Stumps 08:24, 15 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Please check your WP:NA entry

Greetings, editor! Your name appears on Wikipedia:List of non-admins with high edit counts. If you have not done so lately, please take a look at that page and check your listing to be sure that following the particulars are correct:

  1. If you are an admin, please remove your name from the list.
  2. If you are currently interested in being considered for adminship, please be sure your name is in bold; if you are opposed to being considered for adminship, please cross out your name (but do not delete it, as it will automatically be re-added in the next page update).
  3. Please check to see if you are in the right category for classification by number of edits.

Thank you, and have a wiki wiki day! BD2412 T 04:14, 17 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Abimael Guzman

I think this page should be unprotected. The solution is for you to add material, if and to the extent that such exists, countering or moderating any statements based on PCP claims. The page should be NPOVed. --Daniel C. Boyer 22:08, 23 February 2006 (UTC)

  • I think the opposite. The page should be protected for some time until you "cool down" your terrorist/communist whitewashing ambitions. There are MANY ways to whitewash a criminal, even using facts. One of them is removing the bad things and adding more good things. A neonazi could whitewash Hitler and make him seen like a nice guy. This Guzman is a terrorist of the worst kind, with no regard at all for the lives of innocent people. He doesn't deserve your "protection". You should spend your "save-the-world" enthusiasm for better causes.--AAAAA 05:09, 24 February 2006 (UTC)
    • That you call my attempts to NPOV the page "terrorist/communist whitewashing ambitions" (which you also attribute to some "Mr. Boyer") shows that you are admitting an incapability of editing in line with NPOV. You are aware, aren't you, of the debate over the use of the word "terrorist" in Wikipedia, and you are further aware, aren't you, that Wikipedia doesn't take a position on communism, pro or con? There are many ways to present a negative POV about Dr. Guzman, and acknowledgment of this POV should by all means be present in the article. Detail the allegations and accusations against him, and corroborate them by mention of facts where possible. Describe the POV of his opponents and detractors, and do so sympathetically. But this does not mean that the article itself must present this POV. I am particularly disturbed, however, by your implication that... what? certain facts must be suppressed because to say them would be "whitewashing"? The fact is that the PCP stated that those in middle-class neighbourhoods were not their enemies, that the incident described was an accident, and the fact is that Dr. Guzman apologised. This should be stated in the article. Clearly and unsurpisingly there are and would be those who would find these statements to be dishonest or disingenuous. You should put this in the article, along with any support for finding Dr. Guzman's statements or the PCP's intentions to be disingenuous or dishonest. As for "removing bad things," I've done no such thing. I've merely NPOVed certain statements. Further, I don't think your inaccurate description of my motives is relevant here. --Daniel C. Boyer 14:15, 24 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Edit of Coat of arms of Pope Benedict XVI

Please check your recent edit of Coat of arms of Pope Benedict XVI -- you deleted a footnote about the brown bear, but the superscript "2" is still after the word "bear" in the blazon. Seems to be a typo. Also, in one place you use the phrase "chevron ployé throughout", but "chevron throughout ployé" elsewhere. Thanks for the input, by the way. — Eoghanacht talk 21:57, 24 February 2006 (UTC)

Done. Thanks for alerting me. --Daniel C. Boyer 00:57, 25 February 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Shining Path

I reverted your changes to Shining Path because they are patantly false; Shining Path activity didn't increase after the capture of Guzman, it decreased. In the 80s, SL controled up to 40% of the nation. In the early 90s, before the capture, SL was setting off car bombs in Lima on a regular basis. After the capture, the bombings stopped and the countryside fell to government forces. Today, SL is virtually extinct. Only a tiny amount of cadres are still armed, and all of them are probably on the run in the Upper Huallaga Valley. --Descendall 05:36, 3 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] John Brooke-Little

Greetings...based on some other edits I've seen you do in heraldry-related articles, I thought you might like to join in the peer review of John Brooke-Little's article. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Keep up the great work.--Evadb 17:30, 27 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Your RfA

Could you go ahead and fill out Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Daniel C. Boyer per the instructions given at Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/nominate before you list your RfA? Currently, there's just a red link for yours at WP:RfA, so I've delisted it for now and you can add it back when your nomination's ready. --Idont Havaname (Talk) 16:51, 31 March 2006 (UTC)

[edit] "Philatelic histories"

I have removed the "Philatelic history" sections from major city articles, as they appear to be essentially a commercial external link mislabelled as "history" (the label "Philatelic" seems misleading, as well). -- Mwanner | Talk 17:28, 14 April 2006 (UTC)

I fail to see how they are "mislabelled as 'history'"; clearly, the issuing of these "customised stamps" (which are really technically meter labels) happened before now, else it is unlikely we'd know about them. I did not post them to try to drum up the business of Zazzle (in which I have no stake) but as the part of what was to eventually include more information such as regular stamps that have featured these cities (re: New York there are a number of foreign issues showing the World Trade Center after September 11, for example), first days of issue that have happened in the city, and the like. As for the label "philatelic" seeming misleading, thse sorts of stamps have been covered extensively in Linn's, so... --Daniel C. Boyer 14:22, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
Not everything that "happened before now" is history. And the material that actually does deal with the historical issue of true stamps still seems to me to be too peripheral to be included in city articles.
There are presently a series of articles such as List of ships on stamps (see Postage_stamp#See_also). Perhaps a List of cities on stamps would make sense, with subheadings by city? Then, perhaps, a link from the ==See also== section of the city articles to the section for that city in the list article? Just a thought. -- Mwanner | Talk 15:27, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
This might be a better idea if they are going to get to be a large list, which is what some of the major cities will be certain to develop into. If the "see also" section is included in particular this may be more valuable than "interrupting" the history section for material which, although of some minor interest, must concededly be much less than what precedes it. I think both the "true stamps" and Zazzle issues could then be included in these list articles. --Daniel C. Boyer 17:37, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
I was actually thinking of a single List of cities on stamps article, with sections for each city (===Boston===), in which case a city's entry could start quite small, and grow as needed. The See also link could then reference the city's section within the list article. If the article grew too large, it could be split up as needed.
Incidentally, I think I owe you a (belated) apology for deleting first and then contacting you. I get pretty cranky about all the spamming that goes on here, so I fear that I acted uncivilly. Thank you for not reacting in kind. -- Mwanner | Talk 17:57, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
No offence was taken. I think this idea would work. I'm going to get started. --Daniel C. Boyer 17:58, 15 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Satellite in Heraldry

That was a truly fascinating piece of information you added to Satellite! Thanks! - CobaltBlueTony 15:48, 26 April 2006 (UTC)

You're welcome. --Daniel C. Boyer 18:57, 26 April 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Heraldry Portal?

Hey. I've proposed the creation of an heraldic portal. If you think that such a thing would be helpful, you can voice your support HERE and hopefully we can get the heraldry category items organized better. Thanks for all your hard work on heraldic topics.--Eva db 08:52, 10 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] On naming vote talk:ebook

Hi I'm spamming people who posted on this talk page... a vote notice

I'd like to ask you to place a vote on the proper article names issue in this. There are several parallel names issues (e.g. ebook device), but the date driven category deletion process begun May 1st is begging this ebook article page title (eBook vs ebook) be stabilized as well, and apparently the article is off most watchlists. (see (currently partial note-while I 'spam') User_talk:Fabartus#For_Closing_Admin:eBooks as that vote is apparently deadlocked.) I'd just like to get back to content! Thanks FrankB 17:44, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] NSA

"Who knows who they're spying on though though though" is misplaced in the lead, which should stick to facts. If somebody's saying something, you need to at least point to where it's published, whether the individual with the mouth has a name or not. Verification. Speculation is part of the scene, but named and verified speculation. Metarhyme 19:26, 13 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Page moves

With reference to you cut an past move of facade to façade please see Wikipedia:page move#Page histories. It is important that the history of a page is kept with an article as this may be needed in copyright disputes. In cases like this, if you think the page should be moved to the new name then place a request on the Wikipedia:requested moves by following the 3 step prodedure as described on that page. --Philip Baird Shearer 15:25, 15 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Request for Illustration: Mary Sue

Hello! I found you through WikiProject Illustration.

I'm working on improving articles related to fan fiction. As such, I couldn't help but be surprised at the lack of an illustration at Mary Sue. It could really use one!

Reading the "traits" section should give you a good idea of what you could do, quite easily. The illustration should be of the kind of characters that are generally labeled a Mary Sue most often - meaning, probably a beautiful, shapely, busty female in dramatic (and probably skimpy) attire, with an exotic eye and hair color, with, say, a pet phoenix or dragon or something, or maybe romancing an attractive young man or some such. I figure that as a self-professed cartoonist, you might be able to easily come up with some really amusing over-the-top visual that easily captures the essence of the concept of the "Mary Sue". :)

Please let me know if you're at all interested! Regards, Runa27 00:10, 18 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] John Brooke-Little commented on the last FAC or the peer review for John Brooke-Little. Can you voice your opinion on his renewed FAC?--Forlornandshorn 16:20, 26 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Archive template?

Greetings! Why does your talk page have an archive template at the top? bd2412 T 20:27, 28 July 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Where have you been?


I'm not sure how active you are on wikipedia, but I have noticed your absence of late from the AHS. Any chance you'll be coming back soon?--Dave Boven 20:38, 18 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Dear Daniel C.Boyer

Daniel, I hope that you can understand this, I was wrong about the validity of the information in the Surrealism article. I was very much wrong! If you intend to re-edit the article, I will support your edits. The article really needs credible reference material and I was wrong to doubt your knowledge of these matters, especially since your edits are credible know that I have done the proper research.Classicjupiter2 00:32, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Surrealism

Trying to hide the fact that you can't draw by producing 'abstract' pieces of art and proceeding to give them nonsensical names does not make you a surrealist. You fail.

  • This is off-topic with respect to the improvement or editing of any article in Wikipedia. And who are you quoting when you put "abstract" in quotes? --Daniel C. Boyer 19:32, 14 November 2006 (UTC)

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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