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Cipher Pol

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In the World Government Organization in the fictional world of One Piece, CP stands for Cipher Police. The Cipher Pols number from 1-8; however, there is also a secret ninth Cipher Pol, Cipher Pol Number Nine (サイファーポールナンバーナイン, Saifā pōru nanbā nain). 'Cipher' is a way of saying number and 'Pol' is short for Police (as in Interpol), giving Cipher Pol the meaning "Number Police" denoting the numbered squads (1-9). It seems as though each CP9 member's behavior or appearance resembles that of different animals.


[edit] CP9

Cipher Pol No. 9 members
Cipher Pol No. 9 members

CP9 (シーピーナイン, Shī pī nain) is a "secret" organization, formed of people able to use rokushiki, six powerful skills only known to its members. CP9 also has special privileges not available to normal Cipher Pol squadrons, like the ability to kill any person perceived as a threat to world stability. More recently, CP9 was gifted, under the authority of Admiral Aokiji, the ability to initiate a "Buster Call", a powerful strike force of ten warships which hunt down and destroy any particular criminal group unfortunate enough to be targeted, along with the island. There are currently nine members of CP9.

Four of CP9's agents have spent the last five years in the One Piece' timeline undercover as shipwrights in the Water 7 based Galley-La Company. The organization seeks the plans to a powerful, ancient warship, called Pluton (the same ship mentioned in Alabasta's Poneglyph that was Sir Crocodile's main objective), in order to bring an end to the "Great Pirate Age," sparked by the death of Gol D. Roger. Due to their extreme power, it seems that they all have extremely arrogant and pompous attitudes.It was also stated that this generation of CP9 is the strongest in its history.

The CP9 are based in Enies Lobbys' Tower of Justice, where they act as the final guardians of the Gate of Justice. It has been said that Enies Lobby's reputation of being impossible to conquer is because of the generations of CP9, and their strength.

[edit] Spandam

Spandam of CP9
Spandam of CP9

Seiyū: Masaya Onosaka

9 Douriki

The overseer of CP9 and the overall main antagonist of the Enies Lobby arc, Spandam (スパンダム, Supandamu) used to be the CP5 leader and was the first one to come after the Pluton blueprints held by Tom. When Tom refused, Spandam framed him by using Franky's battleships on a judiciary ship, making it seem like Tom and his apprentices (Cutty Flam and Iceburg) were the culprits. In the end though, Spandam was outsmarted (as Tom safely hid the plans away) and only got a very scarred face for his trouble (courtesy of Cutty Flam). Now, Spandam is back with a mask forged onto his face and roaring to finish what he started long ago.

Spandam is the least powerful of the group as he has a douriki level of only 9 (a normal, armed marine has a douriki level of 10). Being this way, he is incapable of learning and knowing any Rokushiki moves. This said, the rest of the Cipher Pol 9 do not mind and "respect" him as the overseer from the Marines.

Because of his physical weakness, Spandam relies on his natural talents of deception and cunning, as opposed to actual combat. He also often reveals extreme cowardice, though he doesn't hesitate to use his rank to boss around subordinates (though he fears the power of the CP9 agents, especially Lucci's) - he even threatens to fire them or have them killed in order to get a job done.

Spandam is very clumsy (spilling coffee often) and short tempered, with special sensitivity towards his name. Franky's nickname for him, "Spanda" (due to his panda-like markings around the eyes), always causes him to lose his head. As a result, Spandam comes off mostly as a comedic villain like Buggy, though he often reveals real malice when gloating over his prisoners - as seen when he broke his promise of the Straw Hat pirates' safety, and proceeded to beat on his defenseless captive, Nico Robin. Spandam is also a great believer of the "absolute justice" conveyed by admiral Akainu, and believe that the end justifies the means, with the end being the acquisition of the ancient weapons and the means being as many murders or sacrifices as it takes. He sees himself as the world's greatest hero for capturing Robin, and is very interested in his rank and prestige, often coming across as extremely power hungry (even contemplating using the weapons' power for his own benefit, instead of the world's)-unlike the other agents, who don't want any recognition whatsoever.

He is the son of Spandine, the CP9 director of 20 years ago, who initiated the Buster Call on Robin's home, Ohara. Spandam has apparently seen it as his duty to fulfill his father's mission, and bring an end to the "demons of Ohara" by capturing the one person who escaped his father: Nico Robin.

He owns a sword, "Funk Freed" (ファンクフリード Fankufurīdo), which somehow absorbed a Devil Fruit, Zou Zou no Mi (ゾウゾウの実 Elephant Elephant Fruit). Using this fruit, it can turn into an elephant. This phenomenon has only been witnessed once before in the series, with Mr. 4's gun-dog, Lasso.

In Enies Lobby, Spandam was assisted by Lucci to take Robin to the Gates of Justice. Along the way, Lucci stayed behind to fight Luffy, and Spandam foolishly activates the Buster Call by accident, causing chaos and confusion to ensue on the island. Near reaching the gate however he was hit at long-range with one of Sogeking's explosive projectile attacks, allowing Nico Robin to escape and break free of her handcuffs, much to Spandam's horror when he realizes that the "unbeatable" CP9 has indeed been defeated. When he tried to attack Robin to prevent her from escaping, Franky crushed him with his own sword, finally settling his vendetta for what he did to Tom. Near the end of the arc as the Straw Hats are escaping on the returned Going Merry, he recovers (though now horribly bruised and swollen) and gives the order to fire stating Aokjii gave him permisson to do so despite Robin being on board (though obviously this is just another lie), Robin notices this and uses her "Clutch" move on him as her group sails off.

Following CP9's animal theme, he has a panda theme, because not only does he have markings around his eyes and nose resembling that of a panda, but his name also has the word panda in it. This is also presumably the reason behind why Franky calls him Spanda, much to Spandam's chagrin.

His mask also closely resembles one worn by WWE/WWF wrestler Mick Foley, better known as "Mankind", who was very popular in Japan. Whether Oda is a fan of professional wrestling or of Mick Foley is currently unknown. Adding to this theory, Spandam's "Funk Freed" sword may be a reference to Mick Foley's long time friend and fellow wrestler, Terry Funk.

In a recent Weekly Shonen Jump, a poll to determine the most popular One Piece characters, Spandam ranked at 28th with 179 votes.

Attack List

  • Ivory Dart (象牙突進(アイボリーダート, Aiborīdāto)): In this attack, Spandam swings Funkfreed at the opponent. In mid-swing, Funkfreed changes to its half-elephant form, giving it a much larger reach than before, as well as much more weight than its sword form. Funkfreed attacks with its tusks and nose, which has become a sword.
  • Elephant Chop (エレファント・チョップ, Erefanto Choppu): Spandam does a simple slash with Funkfreed, who transforms to its half-form partway through the attack.


  • Many villains in One Piece were given distinct laughs. Spandam follows in this tradition with a short "wa" at the beginning of his laugh (i.e. "Wa ha ha ha ha!"), though it sounds more like "Da" in the anime.

[edit] Rob Lucci

Rob Lucci & Hattori
Rob Lucci & Hattori

Seiyū: Tomokazu Seki

4000 Douriki

When Lucci (ロブ・ルッチ, Robu Rucchi) is first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One, he appears to be a ventriloquist using his pigeon, Hattori (ハットリ, Hattori), to speak for him. He also shows very impressive skills when he gets into a fight with Paulie and, later on, Luffy. It is soon revealed he is the unquestioned leader of the Water 7 CP9 unit which infiltrated the Galley-La company, and perfectly capable of speaking for himself. Lucci ate the Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard (ネコネコの実 モデル豹(レオパルド), Cat Cat Fruit, Model: Leopard ), which allows him to turn into a huge leopard-human hybrid and a full leopard. This coupled with his mastered martial arts style of rokushiki, makes him a resilient foe, and he has been ranked as the strongest CP9 agent by far. It has been revealed recently that Lucci can perform Life Return, like Kumadori, and use it to alter his body into forms that amplify his skills in a specific rokushiki ability, though only Kami-e Form, which makes his man-beast form smaller and thinner, has been seen. He is currently 28 years old.

Lucci's backstory to his admission in CP9 is revealed by a Vice Admiral during the Buster Call on Enies Lobby. 15 years prior, a kingdom had 500 of its soldiers and its king taken hostage by a pirate crew, with the captain demanding to be made the new king of the kingdom. As the government saw the king beginning to admit defeat, they sent in the 13 year-old Rob Lucci, who killed all 500 hostages to get to the captain, whom he killed without mercy. During this incident, he gained a back full of scars from the pirate crew's guns, vaguely scarred in the shape of the World Government's symbol. Shortly after that he became a CP9 member, and gained the reputation of being the group's most cold-hearted and efficient assassin in its entire history. As such, he is a very valuable asset to the World Government, almost to the point of legend; the other vice admirals believe that he can even survive a Buster Call attack.

At the Galley-La headquarters in Water 7, Lucci effortlessly defeated Luffy in a relatively short fight. Later in Enies Lobby, Luffy chased after Lucci and initiated a second fight with him. The two engaged in an extremely hectic and boisterous fight in which Luffy emerged victorius. Lucci respectively bested, outlasted, and survived Luffy's attacks and various states until he was defeated.

Lucci comes off as the most cold and collected member of CP9, almost never displaying any emotions. An example is the brutal assault on his friend of 5 years, Paulie, whom he even tried to kill after the CP9's identities have been revealed. He also states that he feels no real bond with the city he's lived in for those 5 years. He also seems to have no feelings for his fellow CP9 colleagues, least of all Spandam. His emotionless nature includes anger and distress (he's "kept together" all trough his fight with Luffy, unlike all the previous villains). Even while taunting or demoralizing Luffy, he keeps a passive face, and refrains from the classic "villain laugh". However, during the final moments of his fight with Luffy, he expresses surprise prior to being defeated.

He seems to derive amusement and gratification from inflicting physical and emotional pain on others, making him a typical sadist. These scenes, along with when he anticipates battle, are the only times where he smirks. In Enies Lobby, he reveals that he works so he could be legally allowed to kill people. An example of Lucci's lust for violence is when he compromised the mission of bringing Robin to the Gates of Justice by allowing Luffy to tail him, for the sole purpose of having a battle. Lucci's violent and predatory nature is also shown when he goes into full-beast mode during battle, in order to attack Luffy more violently.

However, while Lucci does love the benefits of his job (killing people), he seems to be completely devoted to the government he serves as a tool from the shadows. He speaks of pirates as "evil", and sees it as his duty to hunt down and eliminate Nico Robin. All this is revealed towards the end of his battle with Luffy, and is a sudden departure from his "care for nothing but blood" attitude. This may be because he was dominating the fight at the time, and his bloodlust (which otherwise overshadows his better judgement) had worn off since Luffy was no longer fun to fight.

Lucci also appears to exhibit a rather high level of intelligence. It was he who deduced the connection between Iceburg and Franky, figured out the principles behind Luffy's Gear 2nd "upgrade", and showed extensive knowledge about Devil Fruit. On Enies Lobby, he even effortlessly jeopardized the lives of Luffy's crewmembers and friends--as well as their mission to save Robin--by flooding the underwater passageway to the Gates of Justice. Although this might just as well be yet another display of sadism, where he removes Luffy's chances of "having everything" just for the sake of angering him.

Lucci has a complete mastery of Rokushiki, having used at least one or more moves from each of the different forms. He demonstrates this when he unveils the Rokushiki hidden technique, Rokuougan, during his fight with Luffy. The massively powerful technique is so strong that it causes severe internal injury to Luffy's body; no small feat considering he has a rubber body. Luffy described it as if an 'Impact Dial' went off inside his chest.

Not much is known about Hattori, the pigeon that is constantly seen perched on Lucci's shoulder. It appears to have no special significance. While acting as Lucci's voice Hattori expresses human body language, matching the behavior of a professional shipwright - constantly insulting and lecturing Paulie because of his reckless lifestyle. After the CP9 reveal their identities Hattori loses many of his human characteristics, although he is seen wearing a coat and drinking from a cocktail glass. Hattori seems to have affection for his emotionless and bloodthirsty master, as seen when he flew to Lucci's unconcious body. Hattori's name presumably comes from combining the Japanese word for pigeon, hato (鳩) with the word for bird, tori (鳥).


  • Lucci's name is based on the Italian word for light, "Luce". If you count Rob as the meaning 'to steal', then his name can be translated to 'steal the light' thus adding to his devilish nature. Oda has claimed he did not consciouly do this [1]
  • He has a leopard theme, due to his Devil Fruit and his tendency to play with his prey.
  • Lucci's birthday was revealed in a Volume 43 SBS to be June 2. This is because in the Japanese language, 6 can be pronounced as ro, and 2 can be pronounced as bu. Put together, these make Robu, the Japanese pronunciation of "Rob".[2]
  • Lucci ranked at 12th in the most recent popularity contest with 647 votes.

[edit] Kaku

Kaku of CP9
Kaku of CP9

Seiyū: Ryōtarō Okiayu

Key: 5 (This is the key that opened Robin's handcuffs)

2200 Douriki

Kaku (カク, Kaku) is first seen as one of the five foremen of Galley-La Company's Dock One. Kaku's name most likely comes from the Japanese word kaku (角, angle), a reference to his rectangular nose. It was Kaku that inspected the Going Merry and informed the Straw Hats that it was irreparable. He is able to move incredibly fast and leap from buildings from amazing heights and distances without a scratch. A lot of the characters mistake him for Usopp since he too has a long nose. During his disguise as a shipwright, Kaku uses a variety of pavers/chisels as projectile weapons (used against Luffy in Dock 1.) After his true identity is revealed, he clashed with Zoro using two giant chisels as swords in Iceburg's room. Kaku was also the one responsible for sending the Going Merry into the midst of the Aqua Laguna and to its apparent demise.

After being revealed as one of the Water 7 CP9 agents, Kaku's personality becomes cold and rather emotionless in contrast to his character on Water 7 where he was mainly seen laughing and smiling. Despite this, he often taunts his opponents during battle, ate a Devil Fruit for the fun of it, and exclaimed "This is fun!" during his life-and-death battle with Zoro. He also seems to place a chance to fight over easy accomplishment of a mission; when Zoro and Sogeking were cuffed together he wished to help them, so he wouldn't be forced to share his target with Jyabura. When neither agent had the key, both agreed that the prey was up for grabs. Surprsingly however he is very honest even to his enemies and even more so then Fukurou, though doesn't seem to take insults well as no sooner then his giraffe/human form was mocked he sliced the Tower of Justice in half.

At Enies Lobby, he and Kalifa were given Devil Fruits by Spandam and, under the urging of Lucci, ate them. Kaku's fruit is Ushi Ushi no Mi Model: Giraffe (ウシウシの実 モデル麒麟(ジラフ) Cow Cow Fruit, Model: Giraffe), which allows him to transform into a giraffe-human hybrid and a full giraffe. Although he was initially going to face off with Zoro, he ended up causing the floor to cave in by transforming into his full giraffe form instead of his half-giraffe form. The two fell into the room where Sogeking and Jyabura were fighting, and were involved in that fight as well. The individual fights went on, until Kaku was defeated by Zoro. Kaku showed great sportsmanship after his defeat where he laughed at Zoro's comment of working in a zoo, and handing over his key without Zoro having to say a word, leading one to believe that he is not as cold-hearted or evil as he appears. Kaku has a tendency to talk like an old man, Luffy even asked him if he was an old man, which Kaku replied by saying "I'm 23."

Kaku's expertise seems to be in rankyaku, due to his many variations of it. He is also the most proficient swordsman of CP9, being a user of the Yontou-Ryuu Attacks (四刀流, Four Swords Style) by the use of two swords and both legs (with rankyaku).

Attack List

  • Kama Kirin (鎌麒麟 Kama Kirin?, "Scythe Giraffe"): Used in half-giraffe form. Kaku strikes an airbone enemy with his somewhat rectangular, and possibly hardened neck. He appears to use Soru to increase the speed of the attack. Possibly a pun with kamakiri (praying mantis).
  • Kirin Houdai (キリン砲台 Kirin Hōdai?, "Giraffe Cannon Stand"): Used in half-giraffe form. Kaku stands like a normal giraffe, but pulls his neck into his body, making his neck smaller.
  • Pasta Machine (パスタマシン Pasuta Mashin?): Used in half giraffe form, this is Kaku's most ridiculous technique. After pulling his neck in too much from Kirin Houdai, his neck is completely gone, but his arms and legs become very long, like putting dough through a pasta machine. After saying this, he immediately named this attack and got yelled at by Zoro to not name his attacks on the spot. In this mode, he uses his 4-sword technique to the greatest effect, because of his added reach.
  • Henchikirin (鞭竹林 Henchikirin?, "Bamboo Whip Forest"): Used in half-giraffe form. With his neck, Kaku whips his neck, hitting the opponent repeatedly with his head. Written with emphasis on kirin (giraffe) and can also mean "weird".
  • Mouchikirin (猛竹林 Mōchikirin?, "Fierce Bamboo Forest"): Used in half-giraffe form. In this attack, Kaku thrusts his head at his opponent with even more ferocity, probabley using soru to increase the speed. Has the same emphasis on kirin as in henchikirin.
  • Gekirin (逆鱗 Gekirin?, "Imperial Wrath"): After using Pasta Machine, Kaku uses his yontouryuu technique this way. He uses his arms and legs to fire multiple slashes at the opponent. Has an emphasis on kirin.


  • He has a giraffe theme, due to his devil fruit.
  • Kaku's birthday was revealed in a Volume 43 SBS to be August 7. This is because in Japanese, 8 can be pronounced as ha, and 7 can be pronounced as na. Put together, these make hana, the Japanese word for nose.[2]
  • He is 23 years old, although he speaks as if he were much older.
  • Kaku ranked 9th place in the most recent popularity contest, making him the most popular CP9 member, as well as the most popular villain in general and the second most popular character outside the Straw Hat crew (However, in the last fan poll, Mr. 2 Bon Clay had the same spot as Kaku does now).

[edit] Jyabura

Jyabura of CP9
Jyabura of CP9

Seiyū: Masaya Takatsuka

Key: 1

2180 Douriki

Jyabura (ジャブラ, Jabura) is the supposed leader of his team. His devil fruit is the Inu Inu no Mi Model: Wolf (イヌイヌの実 モデル狼(ウルフ) Dog Dog Fruit, Model: Wolf), which gives him the power to change into a full wolf and a human-wolf hybrid that resembles a werewolf. He seems to keep animals that act strange around him; for example, he has a chicken that chirps.

Jyabura seems to believe that he has a fierce rivalry with Lucci, although Lucci seems fairly uninterested; this may be due to their large difference in strength, although it is also likely that Lucci simply doesn't care. Jyabura however is extremely competitive, and was outraged that both Lucci and Kaku were deemed stronger than him. Apparently to one-up Lucci's pet pigeon Hattori, Jyabura has a pet rooster he uses as an alarm. Before Lucci's group had left for Water 7, Kaku had been weaker than Jyabura, and Lucci most likely was closer to Jyabura's level.

Jyabura is very short tempered, and combined with his superstitiousness (he believes devil fruits are inhabited by devils) and feeble attempts at preventing Kaku from getting stronger (by eating a devil fruit), he often comes across as a comedic character. It is therefore surprising that he's actually the most rational member of CP9. Lucci, who's always calm and in control, is also sadistic and lusts for battle, whereas Jyabura insists that he's "a nice guy", and proposes a quick, painless death to his victims. However, in battle a more predatory side of Jyabura apparently takes over, and he howls, licks his lips, and mocks and laughs at his prey.

When Luffy appeared alone before the CP9 headquarters, Jyabura suggested that the CP9 team up and take him down quickly - in order to instantly crush the uprising. His competitiveness and rivalry with the others overshadows his rationality, and could be part of his wolf nature to establish himself as the "alpha male" or leader. As a wolf (or dog) he would find it especially aggravating that Lucci the leopard (or cat) would be stronger than him, given the natural rivalry between cats and dogs.

In Enies Lobby, it was initially seen that Jyabura would fight Sogeking, but their fight was interrupted by Sanji. Sanji and Jyabura fought evenly, until Sanji gained the upper hand and defeated him.

His fighting style is based around Tekkai Kenpo, a technique which allows him to move while using tekkai. He claims to be the only rokushiki user capable of doing so.

Attack List

  • Tekkai Kenpo (鉄塊拳法 Tekkai Kenpō?, "Tekkai Kenpo"): Jyabura's fighting style based entirely around his ability to move while using tekkai. Tekkai Kenpo has at least two forms and many different attacks.
  • Tekkai Kenpo "Ookami Hajiki" (鉄塊拳法 "狼弾" Tekkai Kenpō "Ōkami Hajiki"?, "Tekkai Kenpo "Wolf Bullet""): After hardening his hands with tekkai, Jyabura punches his opponent.
  • Tekkai Kenpo "Rouga no Kamae" (鉄塊拳法 "狼牙の構え" Tekkai Kenpō "Rōga no Kamae"?, "Tekkai Kenpo "Wolf-Fang Stance"") - Simply called rouga for short. Rouga is one of Jyabura's forms of tekkai kenpo. The way that rouga is called is a pun in Japanese; oftentimes sentences end with darou, approximately meaning "probably". Sometimes, however, the particle ga would be added onto the end of a sentence to make it seem more direct. This is the way Jyabura normally speaks, so he simply replaces where he would normally say darou ga (だろうが) with da rouga (だ狼牙).
  • Tekkai Kenpo "Rouba no Kamae" (鉄塊拳法 "狼芭の構え" Tekkai Kenpō "Rōba no Kamae"?, "Tekkai Kenpo "Wolf-Banana Stance""): A form of tekkai kenpo in which Jyabura seems to combine tekkai with soru in order to move at extreme speeds.
    • Roukaru Area Network (狼狩エリア・ネットワーク Rōkaru Eria Nettowāku?, "Wolf-Hunt Area Network"): While moving at high speed, Jyabura slashes at his opponent with both hands. Because of his high speed, it appears as if he was attacking with multiple hands. Japanese homonym of local area network.
  • Tekkai Kenpo "Don Pou Rou" (重歩狼 Tekkai Kenpō "Don Pō Rō"?, "Tekkai Kenpo Important Wolf Step"): A punch to the opponent's stomach.
  • Tekkai Kenpo "Maten Rou" (魔天狼 Tekkai Kenpō "Maten Rō"?, "Tekkai Kenpo Devil-Heaven Wolf"): Jyabura flips onto his hands, then kicks his opponent up into the air. Japanese homonym of matenrou (摩天楼), skyscraper.


  • Jyabura's name has many spelling variations. Some English-speaking fans spell it "Jabura", although the spelling of "Jyabura" is far more common. Japanese fans, on the other hand, seem to prefer spell it "Jabra". Eiichiro Oda himself has spelled it "Jabra", although as other spellings given at the same time were inaccurate it is unknown if this should be considered the correct spelling.
  • He has a wolf theme due to his devil fruit, and he tends to trick people like wolves do in folklore.
  • Jyabura ranked at 17th in the most recent popularity contest with 461 votes.
  • In the version of chapter 413 published in Shonen Jump, Jyabura's mustache was missing in more than half the panels he appeared in. However, this was fixed in the tankoubon, and only three panels remained with the mustache missing.
  • Jyabura has a tattoo on the front of his shoulder that is the kanji for "wolf" (狼, ookami). However, his shirt entirely covers his tattoo when he is in human form.
  • Despite the fact that at least Lucci, Kaku, and Kalifa have rooms that are listed as their own, Jyabura instead has a Japanese-style garden that is simply listed as the "wolf's den" (狼の間, ookami no ma).
  • Many villains in One Piece were given distinct laughs. Jyabura follows in this tradition with a long "gya" at the beginning of his laugh (i.e. "Gyaaaa ha ha ha ha!)

[edit] Blueno

Blueno of CP9
Blueno of CP9

Seiyū: Seiji Sasaki

820 Douriki

Blueno (ブルーノ, Burūno) is first seen as a bartender in Water 7 and seems to be the most friendly with Franky and Paulie. However, he soon shows his true nature when he, along with the rest of CP9, attacks Paulie and Iceburg for the Pluton blueprints. He is the agent that Robin ran into on the streets in Water 7 while she was with Chopper, as well as the agent whose devil fruit powers were used in both attempted assassinations of Iceburg.

While the entire Water 7 CP9 unit gives the first expression of emotionless justice-devoted killing machines, Blueno is the only one to maintain such a façade. While the others -Kaku, Lucci, Kalifa and Jyabura- are shown taking pleasure in fighting, toying with their opponents and so on, Blueno remains calm and collected nearly all the time; perhaps this is due to him (presumably) being the eldest member. As a result, Blueno comes to symbolize the cynical, evil actions of the world government - namely using Nico Robin, blackmailing her through traumas inflicted by the World Government in the first place.

Blueno ate the Doa Doa no Mi (ドアドアの実 Door Door Fruit) which allows him to create doors on any surface. He has even created "air doors", doors in the air itself, which lead to what seems to be another dimension. Blueno is also able to create doors on people, and did so to Luffy's face, causing it to spin like a revolving door. In battle, Blueno also uses his door to move freely through the entire environment, setting himself up for sneak attacks, and even creating small doors wherein he traps his opponents' feet.

Blueno's tekkai seems to be the one of the more powerful ones of the group, and he was the first to reveal any variations of the move. However, despite this advantage, Luffy was able to use his new Gear 2 abilities to defeat him when they fought in Enies Lobby. Lucci stated that Blueno's bartending job has dulled his senses, but it might just be another show of the arrogance of most of the CP9 unit.


  • Air Door (空気開扉(エアドア)): A useful skill which allows Blueno to create doors in the air itself. Using this he is able to go to what seems to be a room in another dimension, so that he can take a quick chance to recover.
  • Kaiten Doa (回転ドア, Revolving Door) : An attack in which Blueno opens up a revolving door in the opponent's face, causing that part of their face to rotate uncontrollably. Needless to say, this distraction gives him a great opportunity to attack.


  • He has a bull theme, due to his horn-like hair. He is also referred to as a cow by Luffy numerous times.
  • In a recent Weekly Shonen Jump, in a poll to determine the most popular One Piece characters, Blueno ranked at 81st.

[edit] Kumadori

Kumadori of CP9
Kumadori of CP9

Seiyū: Hiroaki Yoshida

Key: 3

810 Douriki

Kumadori (クマドリ, Kumadori) is one of the last members of CP9 to be revealed, and is recognizable by his large frame, huge mane of pinkish hair, and a right eye that never seems to be open. He seems to honor the samurai honor code very heavily as he comically attempts to take his own life after dishonoring himself. As he accepts the blame for nearly anything, even faults of others, this happens quite often in his appearances. Before he commits seppuku, however, he instinctively uses tekkai every time, unintentionally saving his own life in a rather comical way.

He seems to have strong feelings for his deceased mother, beginning to sob, even while fighting, at the very thought of her. He claims her "divine protection" is the reason for his failed suicide-attempts. Kumadori is a sennin (仙人, a type of hermit in Japanese mythology who can control even their body's autonomic functions, as well as live forever), which explains his sudden weight gain/loss as well as the ability to control his hair.

Kumadori is a very loud character, and utters very few sentences not written in bolded fonts and ending with exclamation marks. He has the strange habit of yelling something resembling "YOYOI!!" rather often. He tends to repeat or draw out syllables and words in the manner of kabuki actors. Kumadori's name most likely comes from the Japanese word kumadori (隈取り, a type of makeup used for kabuki), as his features look very similar to those of kabuki actors in their makeup. His body positions (especially his penchant for holding one hand out in front of him) are also reminiscent of mie poses, and his vocal inflection is similar to that of kabuki actors. His fighting abilities seem to revolve around controlling his hair, using it to grab his enemies and attacking them. He also has a staff that he occasionally uses in battle. He has a penchant for spouting off haiku when fighting.

Kumadori was originally fighting with Nami, who was at a severe disadvantage. However, Chopper appeared and helped Nami (after Nami had already stolen Kumadori's key) to escape, becoming Kumadori's opponent. Despite Kumadori's advantage of being a sennin, Chopper consumed a third Rumble Ball, and his subsequent "Monster Point" form severely injured Kumadori and threw him all the way back to the courthouse.

Attack List

  • Haru Gin Jou (春・吟・情 Haru Gin Jō?, "Emotional Song of the Spring") : One of Kumadori's attacks using his staff.
  • Yuna Gin Jou (柳・吟・情 Yuna Gin Jō?, "Emotional Song of the Willows"): Another attack using his staff. Used in combination with his hair-bind, Kumadori immobilizes his enemy, to set him/her up to be impaled by his staff.
  • Shishi Kababu (獅子樺蕪 Shishi Kababu?, "Lion Birch-Turnip") : Another one of Kumadori's staff attacks, where he somehow sets the two ends on his staff on fire, causing his strikes to deal even greater damage. Japanese homonym of shish kebab
  • Sei Mei Ki Kan (生・命・帰・還 Sei Mei Ki Kan?, "Life-Feedback"): Sei Mei Ki Kan is not an attack in itself; rather, it is the technique Kumadori uses to control all of his body. In battle, he uses sei mei ki kan to control his hair; however, out of battle he can do other things with it. For example, he used sei mei ki kan to make himself skinny after eating all of the food in the giant refrigerator he was stuck in, and then used it again to return himself to normal size. Sei mei ki kan is also how Kumadori uses shishi shigan.
  • Kami Shibari (髪縛り Kami Shibari?, "Hair Bind") : One of the attacks Kumadori uses with sei mei ki kan. In this, Kumadori uses his hair to trap his opponent by wrapping them up. This is the attack he uses the most often, and is typically used before his other attacks to ensure that his opponent can't get away.


  • He has a lion theme, due to his mane-like hair and several attacks containing "shishi", or lion. He also tends to compare himself to a lion and gets angry when compared to other animals, such as an octopus.
  • In a recent Weekly Shonen Jump, in a poll to determine the most popular One Piece characters, Kumadori ranked at 97th.

[edit] Fukurou

Fukurou of CP9
Fukurou of CP9

Seiyū: Kumiko Watanabe

Key: 4

800 Douriki

Fukurou (フクロウ, Fukurou) is a round, oddly-shaped man with a zipper across his mouth, which he must unzip if he needs to speak. Despite having the ability to "zip it", his biggest personality quirk is having a big mouth (both figuratively and literally); he also has the strange habit of saying "chapapa" after almost every sentence. He often blurts things out inconsiderately; in the mission they had before the Straw Hat Pirates invaded Enies Lobby, he announced his team's presence to the town and they were forced to kill 23 people instead of only the three they were supposed to. As the Straw Hat crew's assault on Enies Lobby began, Fukurou tactlessly mentions how weak Spandam is and Jyabura being dumped. Strangely, he calls himself "Fukurou the Silent", and not as strangely adds: "Lover of Rumors". Fukurou's special te-awase (手合わせ, contest) ability allows him to measure the douriki (道力, power level) of his fellow teammates. Being honest, he is the one who ranks CP9 by power.

Fukurou claims he is a master of the soru technique, and is the first CP9 member to have used any variations of the move. With his soru he can move so fast that he is unable to be seen. He says that in this way he is like an owl, unseen and unheard by its prey until it is too late. Coincidentally, fukurou (梟) is the Japanese word for owl, and this is likely where his name comes from. Another possible influence on his name is the word fukuro (袋, bag or sack), as with the zipper on his mouth and his round body he somewhat resembles a bag.

Fukurou's fighting style revolves mostly around a refined punch (the jugon technique), and his strange body frame seems to require him to perform some of the rokushiki slightly different than the other CP9 members do.

In the Enies Lobby battle, Franky ran into Fukurou and fought him. In a tumultuous fight between the two, Franky defeated Fukurou with his powerful Coup De Vent.


  • In the anime, Fukurou was given a female seiyuu, giving him a voice like a young child. Although this voice doesn't seem to match his appearance, it does somewhat fit his personality, as he often comes across as very playful and innocent.
  • He has an owl theme, due to his name meaning "owl" and how he compares his fighting style to it.
  • Fukurou ranked at 26th in the most recent popularity contest with 202 votes.

[edit] Kalifa

Kalifa of CP9
Kalifa of CP9

Seiyū: Naomi Shindō

Key: 2 (Opened Zoro's and Sogeking's handcuffs)

630 Douriki

First seen as Iceburg's secretary, Kalifa (カリファ, Karifa) seems to care the most about him, going so far as to attack anyone who insults him with very swift and powerful kicks (which Luffy finds out the hard way when he makes a somewhat rude remark toward Iceburg). When she reveals herself to be a member of CP9, she also shows that she is handy with using a thorn whip along with Rokushiki. On their arrival at Enies Lobby, Kalifa and Kaku were given devil fruits by Spandam, and they ate them under the encouragement of the other CP9 members (particularly Lucci). It is also known that before Kalifa ate the devil fruit, she was the weakest of all the fighting CP9 members. Now that she has eaten a fruit it is unknown if her power has surpassed the second weakest member.

She is also an outspoken feminist, and considers men's speech, actions, and existence (especially Spandam) sexual harassment. That being said, she never hesitated to use her femininity to her utmost advantage in her battle with Sanji, where she teased and pummeled him rather than demanding "equal treatment". Adding to this, the following Kalifa vs. Nami fight boasted arguably the greatest amount of fanservice in the history of the series.

Although it initially seemed that Kalifa would fight Sanji in Enies Lobby, he was temporaily defeated by her, as he believed that even death was preferable to harming a woman. She turned Sanji into a slippery mannequin, due to her Awa Awa no Mi (アワアワの実 Bubble Bubble Fruit), which turns her into a soap-woman. Her foam can not only clean off dirt, but can also "cleanse" a person's power, essentially draining one's energy and leaving them clean and shiny, which is what she had done to Sanji and Nami in her fights with them. It seems that her power's weakness is water. She was defeated by Nami with a new move of hers, Thunder Lance Tempo, which runs her through.

Attack List

  • Ibara Road (イバラロード Ibara Rōdo?, "Thorn Road"): An attack used with her whip. Kalifa simply lashes out with the whip very quickly in multiple directions, making it excellent against a group of people.
  • Bubble Master: Soap Sheep (泡使い(バブルマスター)"石鹸羊(ソープ・シープ Baburu Masutā "Sōpu Shīpu"?): One of Kalifa's devil fruit abilities. An attack in which Kalifa collects bubbles around her in a way that causes her to resemble a sheep.
  • Hitsuji Gumo Relax Awaa (羊雲リラックス泡(アワー) Hitsuji Gumo Rirakkusu Awā?, "Sheep-Cloud Relax Hour (Bubble)") - Another one of Kalifa's devil fruit abilities. An attack in which Kalifa shoots the bubbles (previously collected using soap sheep) towards her opponent, causing them to lose their power. Awaa here is a pun, using the kanji for awa (bubble) but the pronunciation awaa (hour).
  • Hitsuji Gumo Tidal Wave (羊雲大津波(タイダル・ウェイブ) Hitsuji Gumo Taidaru Weibu?, "Sheep-Cloud Tidal Wave"): Another of Kalifa's devil fruit abilities. In this attack, Kalifa collects bubbles around herself (using soap sheep), then sends them at her opponent as a huge wave, causing them to lose their power.
  • Golden Awaa (ゴルデン泡(アワー) Goruden Awā?, "Golden Hour"): Another of Kalifa's devil fruit abilities. Through contact, the opponent is sealed in a bubble that makes it hard for them to move. As with Hitsuji Gumo Relax Awaa, awaa is a pun.


  • She's the only Water 7 CP9 member to make a comedic angry face.
  • She has a sheep theme, as seen in one of her attacks involves her gathering up bubbles to resemble one.
  • Kalifa's birthday was revealed in a Volume 43 SBS to be April 23. This is because Secretary's Day is celebrated on this day.[2]
  • Kalifa ranked at 23rd in the most recent popularity contest with 346 votes.
  • Oda seems to enjoy naming girls after birds. Kalifa seems to relate the Kalij Pheasant (or in German, "Kalifasan").

[edit] Former CP9

[edit] Nero

Nero of CP9
Nero of CP9

Seiyū: Hidenobu Kiuchi

Unknown Douriki

Known as the "Nero the Sea Weasel" (海イタチのネロ, Umi Itachi no Nero), Nero was considered the newest member of CP9. He was first introduced on the Puffing Tom, where he was helping to escort Nico Robin to Enies Lobby. However, as Nero is still a new recruit, he is only a yonshiki-tsukai (四式使い, four-power user), instead of a rokushiki-tsukai (六式使い, six-power user). The rokushiki that Nero has mastered are soru, geppou, kami-e, and rankyaku. He is still unable to use tekkai and shigan. However, he compensates for his lack of shigan by carrying guns with him, and compensates for his lack of tekkai by being very careful to avoid taking blows.

Nero attempted to stop Franky from rescuing Robin but was punched through the roof of Puffing Tom, into the room where the rest of CP9 was. Nero then continued to try to fight Franky and stated he would kill him, but Lucci wouldn't allow this, as they were simply supposed to be capturing him. Lucci then gave Nero three seconds to escape, at which point Lucci quickly took him out with five shigan attacks. Lucci then personally disbanded him from CP9. It is unknown whether or not Nero is dead or alive, as Lucci is a very skilled, shoot-to-kill sort of person, and Nero's limp body was thrown into the ocean during Aqua Laguna, one of the biggest storms in the world. However, since deaths are rare in the present time of One Piece, it's possible he may be alive.


  • He has a weasel theme, due to his nickname, whiskers, ear-like hair, and tendency to say "shao" (a weasel noise) when he speaks.
  • In a recent Weekly Shonen Jump, in a poll to determine the most popular One Piece characters, Nero ranked at 98th.

[edit] Spandine

 The former leader of CP9, Spandine
The former leader of CP9, Spandine

Seiyū: Masaya Onosaka

Spandine (スパンダイン, Supandain) was the director of CP9 twenty years ago, and is the father of Spandam. Like Spandam, he has none of the strength of his subordinates (who seem to possess some form of rokushiki). He is also an extremely cowardly and gloating character. In addition to the similarities between their names, he says at one point "If I die, give my position to my son!" (after having a hole shot in his jacket).

Spandine led the "investigation" of Ohara, which in truth was nothing but a formality before he initialized the Buster Call on the island, through the Golden Den Den Mushi. Spandine was the one who shot Robin's mentor, Professor Clover, before he could reveal the result of the Oharan scholars' work, and also briefly recaptured Robin's mother, Nico Olvia. It was through this he learned of Robin, and her knowledge of the Poneglyphs. It is because of him that a 79 million beli bounty was put on Robin. However, he indirectly saved her by having her denied access to the Oharan refugee ship, which was destroyed by Vice Admiral Sakazuki, who would later become Admiral Akainu (Red Dog).

As Spandine is Spandam's father, Spandam's efforts to capture Robin were partly out of revenge for his father's failed attempt to kill "the last devil of Ohara".

In a recent fan poll to determine the most popular One Piece characters, Spandine ranked at 96th.

[edit] Douriki

Fukurou's te-awase (手合わせ, contest) ability allows him to measure the douriki (道力, power level) of his fellow teammates. A common, armed soldier on average has around 10 douriki, and according to Spandam a douriki of 500 or higher is super-human. It is unknown exactly what douriki measures. According to Jyabura, it measures only physical power, and most likely does not take into account Devil Fruit powers. It appears douriki also reflects the power of one's rokushiki abilities, as Franky noted that Lucci's tekkai was much stronger than Fukurou's. Nero's douriki is never given; whether this is because Fukurou never measured it or because Nero was already defeated by the time douriki was mentioned is unknown. However, as he was the only agent of CP9 to not have mastered all six rokushiki techniques (besides Spandam), his was probably between Califa's & Spandam's.

[edit] Rokushiki

Rokushiki (六式, six powers) are special skills that are known only to the members of CP9 (and Soru learned by Koby) at the moment. These six abilities are:

[edit] Kami-e

Kami-e (紙絵) - Literally, paper drawing. A technique in which the user makes their body go limp in order to avoid any attacks, and float like a piece of paper.


  • Kami-e Bushin (紙絵武身) - Literally, kami-e fighting form. Used by Lucci. Using sei mei ki kan (life return, the same sennin technique as Kumadori), he makes his half-leopard form smaller and lighter, possibly to use kami-e better. At any rate, he is much more agile in this form, and harder to hit - as opposed to his hulking normal half-leopard form.
  • Kami-e "Slime" (紙絵 "軟泥") - Used by Fukurou. Instead of the body becoming limp like paper, it stretches and moves in ways slime or sludge would move in order to avoid attacks.

[edit] Geppou

Geppou (月歩) - Literally, moon step. A technique in which the user actually jumps off the air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. CP9 members can use this technique to cross great distances without ever touching the ground, or set themselves up for swift, aerial attacks. Despite the many advantages that Geppou gives, it has one major weakness: since its use revolves around the feet, the technique can be disrupted if the user's legs are restrained or pinned down. This is exactly what happened to Fukurou on his fight with Franky. No CP9 member has yet shown any variations of the technique, with the exception of Lucci's kamisori.

[edit] Rankyaku

Rankyaku (嵐脚) - Literally, storm leg. A projectile technique in which the user kicks out at very high speeds and strength, sending out a sharp "air blade" that can slice objects and greatly damage a human body.


  • Rankyaku "Hyoubi" (嵐脚 "豹尾") - Literally, rankyaku "leopard-tail". Used by Lucci in his half-leopard form. Lucci creates a large rankyaku in the shape of a swirl, which is launched at the enemy like a razor blade.
  • Rankyaku "Gaichou" (嵐脚 "凱鳥") - Literally, rankyaku "victorious bird" (homonym with rankyaku "injurious bird"). Used by Lucci. Lucci creates a large rankyaku in the shape of a bird, but instead of using his legs, he uses his claws in his half-leopard form. This rankyaku has a much wider range, and is able to cleave steel - something not witnessed with other variations. The cut also seems more focused, instead of flickering and jagged like a normal rankyaku.
  • Rankyaku "Sen" (嵐脚 "線") - Literally, rankyaku "line". Used by Kaku and Nero. The air is cut in a straight line towards the opponent, instead of in a curve, as witnessed in the normal version.
  • Rankyaku "Hakurai" (嵐脚 "白雷") - Literally, rankyaku "white thunder". Used by Kaku. A much more powerful form of rankyaku, it seems to cut the air in a larger area.
  • Rankyaku "Ran" (嵐脚 "乱") - Literally, rankyaku "chaos". Used by Kaku. After using geppou to launch himself into the air, Kaku cuts the air multiple times through swift kicks with both legs. Each cut is smaller than a normal rankyaku.
  • Rankyaku "Amane Dachi" (嵐脚 "周断") - Literally, rankyaku "circumference sectioning". Used by Kaku in his half-giraffe form. In this attack he spins around quickly in a circle while performing rankyaku. The attack was powerful enough to cut through the outer walls of the Tower of Justice in all directions. Kaku says that this is his most powerful rankyaku.
  • Rankyaku "Kiri Shigure" (嵐脚 "麒麟時雨") - Literally, rankyaku "giraffe autumn rain" (as well as a homonym with cutting autumn rain). Used by Kaku in his half-giraffe form. After turning himself into a cube with tekkai "mushikaku", Kaku uses rankyaku towards the ceiling with all four of his limbs. There, the mass of small rankyaku cuts bounce back, falling like rain on the enemy.
  • Rankyaku "Neji Hakujin" (嵐脚 "ネジ白刃) - Literally white screw blade. Used by Kaku in his half-giraffe form. He does a normal rankyaku after using his kyoku bigan, then twists his neck into a screw so the rankyaku spins in a drill motion.
  • Rankyaku "Roudan" (嵐脚 "龍断") - Literally, rankyaku "dragon tooth". Used by Kaku in his half-giraffe form. Kaku uses an upward rankyaku with both of his back legs, creating a large cut similar in appearance to a dragon's fang.
  • Rankyaku "Shuriken" (嵐脚 "手裏剣") - Used by Kaku. Kaku fires multiple rankyaku blades in the shape of shuriken.
  • Rankyaku "Korou" (嵐脚 "孤狼") - Literally, rankyaku "lonely wolf". Used by Jyabura in his half-wolf form. In this attack, the rankyaku-cut skips across the ground, bouncing in curves towards the opponent.
  • Rankyaku "Lupus Four" (嵐脚 "群狼連星") - Literally, rankyaku "four wolves" (kanji read group of wolf-stars). Used by Jyabura in his half-wolf form. In this attack, Jyabura shoots four rankyaku cuts, each in the shape of a wolf, straight at the opponent. Because of their strange shapes, these rankyaku seem to explode rather than cut. Jyabura has honed this technique so he is able to initiate it correspondingly with geppou.
  • Rankyaku "Renge" (嵐脚 "蓮華") - Literally, rankyaku "lotus blossom". Used by Kumadori. In this attack, rankyaku is performed with both legs, causing two cuts, one on either side of the opponent.

[edit] Shigan

Shigan (指銃) - Literally, finger gun. A technique in which the user pushes their finger into a certain target at very high speed, leaving a wound similar to a bullet wound, making guns unnecessary. A sharp point is added to this technique when Lucci and Jyabura morph into their half-beast forms, enabling the use of their claws. So far, it seems each CP9 member has their own version of shigan, aside from Blueno & Nero.


  • Shigan "Ouren" (指銃 "黄蓮") - Literally, shigan "yellow lotus". Used by Lucci. This attack is simply a rapid-fire version of the normal shigan technique.
  • Shigan "Bachi" (指銃 "撥") - Literally, shigan "plectrum". Used by Lucci. A projectile version of shigan that fires sharp air bullets from the fingers, similar to "rankyaku" - and are therefore able to pierce Luffy's rubber body.
  • Shigan "Madara" (指銃 "斑") - Literally, shigan "spots". Used by Lucci. Looks like ouren, but is performed with both hands and in half-leopard form (meaning that his fingers are clawed), this makes for the ultimate shigan barrage.
  • Bigan (鼻銃) - Literally, nose gun. Used by Kaku, in his half-giraffe form. In this attack, Kaku uses his nose instead of his finger to perform the attack. As his nose is much larger in diameter than a finger, the hole it creates is also much larger than that of a normal shigan, as well as being completely square.
    • Kyoku Bigan "Kilimanjaro" (極・鼻銃 ”麒麟マン射櫓") - Literally, extreme bigan "giraffe-man fire oar", but can also refer to Mount Kilimanjaro, the mountain of the same name. Used by Kaku in half-giraffe form. After using Kiriman Houdai, he can fire his neck out like a cannon, making his bigan stronger.
  • Jusshigan (十指銃) - Literally, ten shigan. Used by Jyabura in his half-wolf form. In this attack, Jyabura puts both of his hands together and performs shigan with all ten of his clawed fingers at once, greatly damaging the opponent.
    • Gekkou Jusshigan (月光十指銃) - Literally, moon light ten shigan. A combination of jusshigan and geppou. After using geppou to get himself into the air and subsequently avoid his foes attack, Jyabura finally uses it to launch himself towards his airborne target in a vertical drop. The added momentum and the vulnerable target makes the following jusshigan more effective, and harder to avoid.
  • Shigan Q (指銃 Q) - Used by Kumadori. In this attack, Kumadori uses his blunt staff in the same way a finger is normally used in shigan. The Q in the name is a reference to a pool cue, which is held in the same manner that Kumadori wields his staff.
  • Shishi Shigan (獅子指銃)- Literally, lion shigan. Used by Kumadori. Rather than using his own fingers, Kumadori shapes his hair into the form of hands and repeatedly uses the fingers of said hands to rapidly jab the opponent.
  • Jugon (獣厳) - Literally, stern beast. Used by Fukurou, this is a very strong punch which is done at the same speed as shigan, making it even more powerful.
    • Jugon Ougi "Fukurou Dataki" (獣厳奥義 "梟叩き") - Literally, jugon secret attack "owl strike". A rapid-fire version of jugon, in which Fukurou unleashes a flurry of punches at the enemy while using soru to move around him, in order to strike from all directions.
  • Shinaru Shigan "Whip" (しなる指銃 "鞭") - Literally, bending shigan "whip". Used by Kalifa. In this attack, Kalifa pulls back her arm as if to use a normal shigan attack, then whips her arm out at the opponent at high speed, causing her arm to appear as if it is bending like a whip would, and hits the enemy with her finger. The whip aspect of this variation results in the added effect of the target being thrown forcibly backwards.

[edit] Soru

Soru (剃) - Literally, to shave. A technique in which the user moves at very high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds. It was revealed that the principle of this move was to kick off the ground at least 10 times in the blink of an eye.

Another thing that should be noted of this particulaur skill is that Kuro's "Shakushi" travels at the roughly the same speed as CP9's soru ability. The difference is that when Kuro uses that technique, he cannot see what he is attacking, whereas CP9 have mastered this ability and therefore can. [3]

Koby, a master chief petty officer, knows this technique. Luffy, after dicovering how soru was used, used it as the basis for his Gear 2nd moves, although he does not use soru itself. The fact that people outside CP9's membership are able to use soru suggests that it is the easiest to master and perhaps the most rudimentary of all six forms.


  • Kamisori (剃刀) - Literally, razor. Used by Lucci. A combination of geppou and soru, where Lucci uses soru in a zigzag motion in midair, allowing extremely fast movement in 3 dimensons.
  • Soru "Tekkai Dama" (剃 "鉄塊玉") - Literally, soru "tekkai ball". Used by Fukurou. In this attack, Fukurou spins his body at great speeds towards his opponent using soru, then uses tekkai to harden his spherical body. This attack can also be used with Geppou, as seen when Fukorou attempted to finish off Franky by smashing him into the tower of justice, during their mid-air fight.

[edit] Tekkai

Tekkai (鉄塊) - Literally, iron mass. A technique in which the user hardens his or her muscles to be as hard as iron in order to nullify damage taken from attacks. However, it can be broken by strong enough forces. The strength of tekkai can vary for users with different physical conditions, as a person with a higher level of muscular strength would be able to take stronger forces with his use of tekkai. However, despite the density that one gains by using this technique, one should remember that the user's body is still flesh and blood, making it as vulnerable as ever to non-solid attacks. An example of this is when Sanji used the burning force of friction to burn through Tekkai during his fight with Jyabura. Hence, even masters of Tekkai are far from indestructible


  • Tekkai "Utsugi" (鉄塊 "空木") - Literally, tekkai "empty tree". Used by Lucci. This form of tekkai is used entirely as a counter, where the purpose isn't to absorb damage from the attack, but to transfer the shock of the attack back to the attacker, which can lead to broken bones in a normal human body.
  • Tekkai "Mushikaku" (鉄塊 "無死角") - Literally, tekkai "no weak spots". Used by Kaku in his half-giraffe form. Kaku bends his neck and legs to shift himself into a cube. When tekkai is used in this form, he eliminates the weakpoints of his body, particularly his neck, and ensures that not a single spot is vulnerable to his following Kiri Shigure.
  • Tekkai Kenpou (鉄塊拳法) - Used by Jyabura. Using tekkai kenpo, Jyabura is able to move while using tekkai. Tekkai Kenpo is also an entire fighting style, with various techniques of its own.
    • Tekkai Kenpo techniques are listed in Jyabura's attack list.
  • Tekkai "Gou" (鉄塊 "剛") - Literally, tekkai "strength". Used by Blueno and Kumadori. Visually, the move differs from the ordinary tekkai in that the user visually tenses his body even further while standing still; the ordinary tekkai could be activated seamlessly. According to Blueno, it is his most powerful form of tekkai.
  • Tekkai "Rin" (鉄塊 "輪") - Literally, tekkai "wheel". Used by Blueno. Blueno uses tekkai and kicks one leg into the ground and starts rotating his legs at a fast speed, causing his legs to simultaneously slam into the ground on a set path toward his opponent.
  • Tekkai "Sai" (鉄塊 "砕") - Literally, tekkai "smash". Used by Blueno. After launching himself into the air with geppou, Blueno kicks back towards the ground, and hardens his fist with tekkai, which he drives into the ground for massive area damage.

[edit] Other

  • Rokushiki Ougi: Rokuougan (六式奥義 六王銃) - Literally, rokushiki ultimate attack: six king gun. Used by Lucci. This is an ultimate rokushiki technique that can damage an opponent internally, similar to the Impact Dial, but the technique is considered much more powerful, and can be performed without the side effect of great pain to the user. This technique and the way it is performed resembles Bruce Lee's One Inch technique.
  • Sai Dai Rin: Rokuougan (最大輪 六王銃) - Literally, the largest ring: six king gun. Used by Lucci in his hybrid form, this technique is used the same as Rokuougan, except now with a larger attack radius - it seems Lucci doesn't even have to touch his opponent.

[edit] CP6

[edit] Jerry

Jerry of CP6
Jerry of CP6

Seiyū: Kusumi Naomi

Jerry (ジェリー, Jerī) is the leader of CP6 as well as the first agent Sanji comes across when he invades the Puffing Tom. Jerry is an extremely tall man, so much so that he covers the whole ceiling of the car he's in. He comes from the Karate Island in South Blue, and claims to be a boxing champion. But the small space doesn't give him much room to attack properly. Trying to make up for this, he folds his body over in what he claims is a yoga style, only to find that he no longer has a long enough reach to hit Sanji. So, he simply charges at Sanji with a jumping kick move, only to be taken down in one hit.

The only agents with him aboard the sea train were generic soldiers.

Attack List

  • Jerry Aurora Flicker Jab (ジェリーオーロラフリッカージャブ): Jerry creates the illusion of having several flailing arms, and pounds away at his opponent. In this case, it missed Sanji entirely - but demolished his subordinates.
  • Yoga Style (ヨガスタイル): In cramped spaces Jerry folds himself up, with his legs behind his head. He claims this gives him an advantage, but in reality it reduces his reach.
  • Screw Drop Kick (スクリュードロップキック): Jerry launches himself feet first at the opponent, while spinning.

[edit] CP7

[edit] Wanze

Wanze of CP7
Wanze of CP7

Seiyū: Yasuhiro Takato

Wanze (ワンゼ, Wanze) is CP7's melee fighting expert, and is also a chef like Sanji. He looks like a slug/snail (his name is the German word for a bug of the family heteroptera) who has a hot temper and doesn't like to get bothered. He has an almost permanent smile on his face even when he's afraid or mad, which hides his incredible reflexes. He can make ramen by eating flour and using his nose hairs to cut it. He is quite analytical, as he was able to figure out Sanji's weakness (in that immobilizing his legs makes him powerless) after fighting with him for only a few minutes. He fights Sanji with ramen kenpo, shooting ramen out of his nose. At one point he uses this ramen to make a battle suit. After receiving multiple kicks to his face from Sanji, Wanze's face is revealed to resemble that of a bishōnen (ironically, he finds this form ugly). His face changes back to its former appearance after a kick from Sanji. He becomes dizzy when he sees spirals, such as Sanji's eyebrow.

Like some of the other characters of One Piece, Wanze had a unique laugh, he started it with a "Sa" (i.e. sa sa sa sa sa!)

He had no agents with him on the sea train.

Attack List

  • Ramen Beam (ラーメンビーム Rāmen Bīmu?): Wanze's trademark attack, where he shoots a machine-gun like volley of ramen strings at his opponent. These are so hard that they can embed themselves in the wall- or tear up the opponents skin.
  • Men-Kiri Fire Skate (麺切り ファイアスケート Men-Kiri Faia Sukēto?, "Noodle Cutting Fire Skate"): Wanze charges up kinetic energy in his bladed roller skates, and performs a flaming, sweeping kick.
  • Ramen Kenpo Ougi: Men's Formal Suit (ラーメン拳法「奥義」麺ズフォーマルスーツ Rāmen Kenpō Ōgi: Menzu Fōmaru Sūtsu?, "Ramen Kenpou Secret Attack: Noodle Formal Suit"): This is when Wanze amasses vast amounts of ramen, and forms his battlesuit. Men in this case means "noodle", but is written so that it is a pun with the English word "men".
  • Tonkotsu Spank (豚骨スパンク Tonkotsu Supanku?): A straight, but weak punch using the battlesuit. The idea is to have the opponent get stuck, trying to bat the punch away. Once stuck, Wanze smashes his opponent into any nearby surface. Tonkotsu is a pork topping for ramen
  • Men Soul Press (麺魂(ソール)プレス Men Sōru Puresu?, "Noodle Soul Press"): Also performed with a trapped foe, Wanze brings the entire suit down for a massive body slam.
  • Ramen Gyoza Set Clapping (ラーメンギョーザセット クラッピング Rāmen Gyōza Setto Kurappingu?): Wanze swings both ramen-arms from the suit at his enemy, having them constantly clap together, with whip-like power.
  • Fukumen Spank (複麺スパンク Fukumen Supanku?, "Double-Noodle Spank"): Wanze turns his arms into several smaller ones protruding in all directions, and brings them all in for a synchronized curved swipe at a single target.
  • Senmen Muchi (千麺ムチ Senmen Muchi?, "Thousand-Noodle Whip"): Wanze swings his arms like whips, the arms now merely being long strings of noodle, without "fists".
  • Menkui Knocker (麺杭ノッカー Menkui Nokkā?, "Noodle-Stake Knocker") - Wanze sends both his suit's massive legs flying towards the opponent, with the ramen forming a sharp point at the end.
  • Houchou Nage (包丁投げ Hōchō Nage?, "Kitchen-Knife Throw"): A move where Wanze throws kitchen knives at the enemy. A last resort move, which shows Wanze doesn't have the same "kitchen tools aren't for killing" policy as Sanji.
  • Men-Kiri Doku Bouchou (麺切り毒包丁 Men-Kiri Doku Bōchō?, "Noodle-Cutting Poisonous Kitchen-Knife"): Wanze's final secret technique, where he brings out a gigantic kitchen knife, covered in extremely deadly poison.


  • According to Oda in an SBS column in Vol. 42, Wanze was originally going to be a sexy female chef, but was changed to a male "surfer dude" with goggles. His 3rd design resembled a stereotypical French chef, his 4th design was very close to Wanze's bishōnen look, and his 5th design had apelike features and goggles.
  • In a recent poll in Shonen Jump to determine the most popular One Piece characters, Wanze ranked at 75th.

[edit] References

  1. ^ SBS questions: One Piece Manga - Vol.42 Chapter 406, Rob Lucci's name explained?
  2. ^ a b c SBS questions: One Piece Manga - Vol.43 Chapter 415, Water 7 and CP9 Birthdays
  3. ^ SBS questions: One Piece Manga - Vol.42 Chapter 401, Fan question: Which is faster, Kuro's Shakushi or CP9's Soru?

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