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Changing Breed

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The Changing Breeds is a term that broadly refers to shapeshifting beings in the World of Darkness. The most widespread of the Changing Breeds are the Garou, the principal actors in the Werewolf: The Apocalypse role-playing game. Other therianthropes (also called Fera by the Garou) are less common or more regionally/demographically restricted, and as such are not as visible in the World of Darkness.


[edit] The Changing Breeds

[edit] Ajaba

A long time ago, Gaia saw that no wolves decided to live in Africa, so she created the Ajaba to be the warriors of the earth. These "were-hyenas" could do the same job as the Garou, but were more cat-like so that they could work with the Bastet. However, it did not work out. The Garou, upon discovering the Ajaba (as well as other Fera), slaughtered the other shapechangers quite liberally. In the mid-1980s, the Simba attempted to completely exterminate the hyenas.

The widely misunderstood Ajaba are often considered extinct or nearing extinction because of these wars, but the hyena people are very much alive and kicking. More recently published White Wolf books mention that the Ajaba have increased in population and have a promising future. Once thought to be cruel and tainted by the Wyrm, the Ajaba have proven their worth to the other Fera and are now accepted as true warriors of Gaia. This is all due to an Ajaba woman named Kisasi, who returned to the hyena homelands of Africa and rallied other shapechangers (along with the Ajaba) to defeat the tyrannical Simba, Blacktooth. This African group of shapechangers came to be known as the Ahadi, and consists of many different shapechangers including the Swara, Mokole, and even the Silent Strider werewolves. Though the Ajaba still hold a grudge against the Garou and the Simba for the needless near-extinction of their kind, the formation of the Ahadi has created a renewed sense of hope for all of the shapechangers of Africa.

These social Fera live in large clans; their society is strictly matriarchal, so Ajaba women are typically more aggressive and outgoing than Ajaba men. Their five forms are similar to the other mammalian shapechangers: homid (human), anthros (near-human), crinos (were-hyena), crocas (dire hyena), and hyaenid (hyena).

Hyenas are more closely related to cats than to wolves, so they are considered a Bastet breed and can be found in the "Bastet Breed Book" as well as the "Guide to the Changing Breeds."

[edit] Ananasi

The Ananasi are "were-spiders." Their name is drawn from the West African trickster/god Anansi (or possibly the other way around). Grandchildren to the Weaver and the children of Ananasa, this race of shapeshifters was corrupted and coerced (through the imprisonment of their Queen, Ananasa) by the Wyrm into service for a considerable time. Though Ananasa was eventually freed and many Ananasi renounced the Wyrm, the Weaver did not forgive their lapse in loyalty. The Ananasi call themselves in their collective language the Dahman. All other changing breeds are known to them as the Ovids. The Ananasi of the West have adopted a Triumvirate system within their race, each Ananasi has their Triumvirate aspect chosen for them. Therefore, an Ananasi is ether Tenere (followers of the Weaver), Hatar (followers of the Wyrm), or Kumoti (followers of the Wyld). Additionally, each Triumvirate party has an Aspect in which they follow - Myrmidon (Warrior), Viskr (Wizard), or Wyrsta (Questioner). The Ananasi differ from the other Changing Breeds in that they do not have Rage, but instead use blood to fuel many of their gifts. The Ananasi are capable of acquiring a number of spider-like abilities such as multiple eyes, multiple limbs, venom, webs, as well as certain psychic abilities. Furthermore, they are the only Changing Breed whose animal form is not a single animal; Ananasi instead have "Crawlerling" form, which is a swarm of spiders. Their other two forms are Lilian and Pithus, a man-spider and a giant spider, respectively. The Ananasi are further broken down by the Kumoti those that have falled to the wild. Much like the Kumo. The Ananasi, save for the Kumo and Kumati serve no faction of the Triat. Instead all follow Queen Ananasa. They strive to bring balance back into the great web.

[edit] Apis

The last known Apis was the Minotaur of Knossos. They were so called after Apis of Egyptian mythology. The Apis' totem was the auroch, or the wild ox. They were daytime Fera and were in charge of cultivation and agriculture. They were also known as "The Matchmakers of Gaia." They were driven to extinction by the Garou.

[edit] Bastet

The Bastet (named for the Egyptian deity of the same name) are "were-cats". Servants of Gaia, their society is divided into tribes in much the same way as the Garou Nation, but these divisions exist solely along lines of heritage, and are not influenced by auspice. Loners by nature, as a rule they don't form packs. On the rare, and dire, occasions when two or more work together, each member’s individuality is respected within the group. Being very secretive many Bastet are not proud fighters, but mere protectors of their territory. The Nine Tribes of the Bastet now number only eight, with one of their tribes apparently extinct. Another has gone into extended hiding and is believed to be extinct. They are:

  • Bagheera: Panthers, this tribe is wise and even-tempered, protecting India and North Africa.
  • Balam: Jaguars, this tribe is savagely violent, protecting Central and South America.
  • Bubasti: Holy Cats of Ancient Egypt, this tribe is the most secretive and most magically powerful. They exist in a self-imposed exile, though it is unclear what (if anything) they are hiding from.
  • Ceilican: White Lions of the Fae, this tribe is belived by the Bastet to be extinct, however, among the Bastet, some belive they are rumoured still to exist, breeding with normal house-cats.
  • Khan: Tigers, this tribe is the most physically powerful and protects India and parts of Asia. Many Bastet prefer to think of the Khan as their leaders, rather than the Simba.
  • Khara: Saber-toothed tigers, this tribe has been extinct since ages long gone. The Khara was the orginators of the Entire Bastet line. Though they are long gone, they live on in the form of the Chatro form of the Bastet.
  • Pumonca: Cougars, this tribe is highly adaptable and protects the southern and southwestern United States.
  • Qualmi: Lynx, this tribe has a strong grasp on practical magic and riddle games, and protects the northern United States and Canada.
  • Simba: Lions, this tribe considers itself the royalty of the Nine Tribes, and protects western Africa. (Most Bastet would rather die than acknowledge the Simba as their kings.)
  • Swara: Cheetahs, this tribe is the fastest of the Bastet, and protects central Africa. They're in constant battle with the Simba.

[edit] Camazotz

Very little is known about the Camazotz, being one of the Changing Breeds that have been wiped out throughout the history of Gaia's shapeshifters. Called the "Voice of Gaia," they were "were-bats" based out of South America that were known to practice variations of South American native blood-rituals. The Shadow Lords accompanying Spanish Conquistadors into South America in the 1600's were greatly alarmed by the Camazotz, as their chiropteran shapes and blood rituals reminded them of the Tzimisce they historically struggle against. Believing the Camazotz to be servants of the Wyrm, the Shadow Lords systematically wiped them out. The last was killed by a Garou named Dark Claw of Vengeance. None outside the Shadow Lords know or suspect this, but it's believed that the spiritual/psychic death scream of the last Camazotz triggered a chain of events in the Umbra that led to the creation of the Storm Eater. After their destruction, the Camazotz' totem, Bat, fell to the Wyrm. In recent years, though, a young Shadow Lord descended from Dark Claw of Vengeance has begun to make amends for the slaughter of the Camazotz, and have even managed to redeem an aspect of the Bat totem.

It has been confirmed that they reproduced via a ritual not unlike one used by the Corax, but almost nothing is known about them besides that.

[edit] Corax

The Corax are "were-ravens," and are among the least physically powerful of the Changing breeds. Despite this, they make up for their lack of brute strength with experience, secrets, cunning, and trickery. The Corax have a strong tie to the Umbra, using it to travel quickly from place to place. Unlike many denizens of the World of Darkness, the Corax have shown remarkable resistance to the corruptions of the Wyrm, the machinations of the Weaver and the madness of the Wyld, and reliably work to protect Gaia. They have neither tribes nor auspices, though they do form loose groups tied by a common purpose. In Asia lives a group of Corax called Tengu.

[edit] Grondr

The Grondr were "wereboars." Among the changing breeds, they were appointed to be Gaia’s groomers. Their task was to root out the impurities from the land. Among their powers and abilities, the Grondr enjoyed an especially acute sense of smell and iron stomachs. Their abilities allowed them not only to seek out the taint that plagued the land, but also to consume and neutralize that taint. The Grondr’s supernatural powers were a balance between healing, harmony, and cleansing and gifts that focused on endurance, courage and ferocity. Most of their gifts reinforced their natural affinities for their appointed task. They were mystics in their own right, but they relied more heavily upon their inherent abilities rather than gifts and rites. Of all of the changing breeds, the Grondr were among the most social, though not quite so much as the Garou. They lived by a warrior code that dictated honor and valor above all else and they determined status by way of complex ritualistic challenges called jousts. Mighty warriors though they were, the Grondr could not stand against the fury of the Garou and were driven to extinction during the War of Rage. As such, they never expanded beyond their homelands in Europe.

[edit] Gurahl

The Gurahl are "were-bears," and are tied to Gaia to an extent experienced by none of the other Changing Breeds. Gurahl cannot easily pass into the Umbra, and must learn a special rite to do so. Also, while Gurahl possess auspices, theirs is based on age and maturity. As a Gurahl ages, its auspice advances in the following order: Ragabash, Ahroun, Galliard, Theurge, and finally Philodox. The four Gurahl tribes roughly conform to the ecosystem they have chosen to protect, and are the Forest Walkers, Ice Stalkers, Mountain Guardians, and River Keepers.

[edit] Kitsune

The Kitsune are "were-foxes," individualistic beings driven by insatiable curiosity. While the Bastet hoard ancient secrets and the Corax gather secrets of a more modern nature, the Kitsune are especially curious about magic in all its various forms. Their society is divided into four Paths, or schools, of thought aligned along elemental lines and correspond roughly to the auspices of other Changing Breeds in their functions. Unlike most elemental distinctions, Kitsune paths relate not to the four classic elements, but their combinations. They are:

  • Doshi: The path of Lightning (Air + Fire), these Kitsune focus most heavily on magic and the spirit world.
  • Eji: The path of Lava (Earth + Fire), these Kitsune are warriors and cavaliers.
  • Gukutsushi: The path of Fog (Air + Water), these Kitsune are masters of illusion, the mind, and dreams.
  • Kataribe: The path of Clay (Earth + Water), these Kitsune are storytellers and lorekeepers.

[edit] Mokolé

The Mokolé are, in principle, "were-alligators, crocodiles, and monitor lizards" though the broader classification of "were-lizards" may be more appropriate. They are the second oldest of the Changing Breeds, and are driven by an intense racial memory of their ancestors, the Dinosaur Kings. Through the practice of Mnesis, the Mokolé are able to tap into this ancestral memory directly, remembering events ranging from the recent past to millions of years ago. Their ancestral memory is also the source of an intense coming-of-age dream-quest that determines their "true shape". Metis children are not found with in the Mokolé,for they die before they are born, and become what is known as Innocents. The only Mokolé Stream that does not have a problem with the Ghost Children are the Gumagan. The reason that they do not have a problem with Innocents, is because the mother cooks and eats the dead child, thus reabsorbing its spirit back into herself.

The Mokolé are broken into four different tribes known as Streams. The first being the Mokolé-Mnembe of Africa and America. The Second being the Gumagan of Australia. The Third being the Makara of India, and the fourth and final one being the Zhong Lung of Asia.

The Mokolé-Mnembe and Gumagan revere the sun, and the moon. The Mokolé have not always warred with the Garou, it was not until the advent of the War of Rage, and the War of Sorrow that the Mokolé warred with the Garou. But it was the Silent Striders who formed a pact known as the River Accord with the Mokolé-Mnembe. In a manner similar to Garou auspice, the Mokolé recognize eight attitudes that the sun can adopt, imbuing those born during that attitude with their destiny in life. The attitudes are:

  • The Rising Sun: Called "Strikes," these Mokolé are fast-acting skirmishers.
  • The Noonday Sun: Called "The Shadowless," these Mokolé are warriors against the forces of the Wyrm and of darkness (such as Kindred).
  • The Setting Sun: Called "Wards," these Mokolé are stalwart defenders.
  • The Shrouded Sun: Called "The Concealed," these Mokolé are stealthy and cunning.
  • The Midnight Sun: Called "The Shining," these Mokolé are storytellers, judges, and keepers of ancestral memory.
  • The Decorated Sun: Called "The Followed," these Mokolé are matchmakers, responsible for directing the reproduction of their race.
  • The Solar Eclipse: Called "The Crowned," these very rare Mokolé are the unquestioned leaders of their people.
  • The Kinfolk: Known as the as the eighth sun.
  • Mokolé-Mnembe: The Right Talon of the Sun: This is the most war like of all the Mokolé streams. They are found in North America, Africa, Centeral and South America. They are also the stream that has one of the smallest of all Varnas, the Unktehi.
  • The Gumagan: The Stream of Fire: The dragons of Australia draw upon the Perenity and the Salt Water Crocodile as their saurian forms. They like the Mokolé-Mnembe recognize the Sun in its daily aspect. They draw thier Archid forms from the Dream Time, and other Creatures of Australia's ancient past.
  • The Makara, The Water Monsters of India: The Dragons of India draw upon the Ghavial, Mugger, Fresh Water, and Salt Water Crocodiles as their surian forms. They like the Zhong-Lung recognize the Sun in its seasonal aspect, not daily aspect.

Their four aspects are as follows

  • Spring: Vasanta, these are the warriors of the Mokolé of India
  • Summer: Grisma, these are the Judges and Police of the Makara
  • Fall: Zarad, these are the mystics and spiritualists of the Makara
  • Winter: Hemanta, these are the tricksters of the Makara similar to the Ragabash of the Garou.
  • The Zhong Lung, The Servants of Heaven: This is the Stream of Mokolé that is located in Asia. They draw their Archid traits from the Wani instead of the Dinosuar Kings. These beings, at some point, split off from the Mokolé line and became creatures of myth, attuned to the changing of the seasons rather than the phases of the sun. Rather than tracking the ancestral memory of lizards, the Zhong Lung have become the keepers of the mythical memory for the entirety of the Middle Kingdom (as the shen, or supernaturals, refer to Asia). Their four attitudes are:
  • Nam Hsia: Dragons of Summer, they fulfill a role similar to the Philodox auspice.
  • Pei Tung: Dragons of Winter, they fulfill a role similar to the Ragabash auspice.
  • Sai Chau: Dragons of Autumn, they fulfill a role similar to the Theurge auspice.
  • Tung Chun: Dragons of Spring, they fulfill a role similar to the Ahroun auspice.

Each Mokolé is broken down into seperate varanas, or species that they mate with. They are the following.

  • Mokolé-Mnembe Varnas
  • Halpatee: American Aligator
  • Piasa: American Crocodile
  • Unktehi: Gila Monster, the smallest of all the Mokolé
  • Karna: Salt Water Crocodile
  • Champsa: Nile Crocodile
  • Sytra: Caimans
  • Gumagan Varnas
  • Ora: The Monitor Lizards such as the Perenty Lizard
  • Karna
  • Makara Varnas
  • Makara: Mugger Crocodiles
  • Karna
  • Gharial
  • Zhong-Lung Varnas
  • Karna
  • Ora
  • Chinese Aligator

[edit] Nagah

"Were-Snakes" that originated in India. Most of the other changing breeds believe them to be extinct, however the Mokole and Old Man Many Skins, and the Hengeyokai are aware of their existence. The Nagah serve as the Judges of Gaia, filling the roles of silent and hidden judges and executioners for the Changing Breeds. They judge the other changing breeds by the codes the other breeds establish for themselves. When in need to use force, they strike from the darkness using their supernaturally potent neurotoxic venom. The Nagah never hunt alone. For they where the ones that where responsible for the War of Rage, when Vinata was curropted by the worm. It was the Wani or Dragon princes that decreed that no Nagah shall ever hunt alone and set up the Sesha or Ruling Council of the Nagah. The Sesha is located in the Nandana the great Ananata of the Sesha

The Sesha is composed of nine Nagah. 3 Vasuki, 3 Balaram, and 3 Ahi Th Nagah are a unique breed in that their metis are fertile.

Nagah Forms

  • Balaram: The Human Form.
  • Silkaram: The near human form, similar to the Garou's glabro form. In this form, they area completely hairless, and resemble a reptile man.
  • Azhi Dahaka: The War Form, similar to the Garou's Crinos Form. In this form, they gain the ability to use a potent neurotoxin that works even aginst the Kindred.
  • Kali Dahaka: The Great Serpant form. This form is similar to the Garou's Hispo Form, they regain the use of venom in this form as well.
  • Vasuki: The Snake Form. This is the Nagahs serpent form. It resembles the parental breeding stock.

Nagah Breeds

  • Balaram: The Balaram is the name given to the human bred Nagah.
  • Ahi: The name of the Nagah Metis. What is interesting about the Ahi, is that they are brought up in the Jeweled Pools in the Umbra, and are brought into the Tellurain once a year. They are the only breed of Metis that is fertile. The Ahi claim that they are the perfect balance of both Serpent and Human. But they are also the ones that take the most damage from toxins such as wyrm taint and pollution, do to their being raised in the Umbra.
  • Vasuki: These Nagah are born of serpent kin.

Nagah Organization

The Nagah are broken down into three distinct classes. They are the Sesha which controls the entire population of Nagah, the Crowns which control a specific area, and last but not least the Nests. The Nests are comprised between two to five Nagah. Each Nest mate, is both lover, friend, companion, nurse, and spiritual guide to each other. They are closer than any mortal family in the World of Darkness.

  • Sesha: The Ruling body of the entire Nagah population, located in Nadana, the Sesha rule over the Nagah. They judge the Nagah, and compose the hit lists. They also act as the mouth of the Wani. Nadana is also the gate way to Xi Wang Chi or the realm of the Wani. It is here that the Nagah learn new gifts if the Sesha deside that they are worthy.

Crowns: The Crowns act as the Sesha in a specific given area. Infact the Crowns are one step under the Sesha. They are broken down into the following areas.

  • Vritra: Located in India, this is the oldest of all Crowns, this crown oversees India and most of Asia. It is here that that the Nagah of the Hengeyokai report to.
  • Yamilka: Located in the Middle East, this crown is rumored to have taken part in the downfall of Black Tooth. They are the ones that oversee all the Nagah located in the Middle East.
  • Sayidi: Located in Africa, this Crown oversees all Nagah activities in Africa. It is unclear if they had anything to take do in the downfall of Black Tooth or not.
  • Nemontana: Located in Europe, this Crown oversees all activities by the Nagah in Europe.
  • Zuzeka: Located in the Americas, this is actually the youngest of crowns. It was created when Nagah from India and Europe came to the Americas. There they met with the local Nagah population and formed this Crown. This Crown oversees the activities of all Nagah in North, Centeral, and South America.
  • Jurlungur: Located in Australia, this Crown oversees all Nagah activities in Australia and the Southern Pacific.

Nagah Spirituality

The Nagah, are creatures of three mothers. They Claim Gaia, Luna, and Aspa, the River as their three mothers. To them the Rivers are sacred places.

[edit] Nuwisha

Of all the Changing Breeds, it is the Nuwisha, or "were-coyotes," who have the strongest tie to the Umbra. They are tricksters, troublemakers, and jesters. Though once loyal to the moon in the same way as the Garou, they apparently perpetuated some prank against Luna so reprehensible that she turned her back on them entirely. As such, Nuwisha all represent the epitome of the Ragabash auspice, having no Rage at all. Perhaps because of this, Delirium works differently with the Nuwisha. Rather than becoming terrified, mundane humans simply refuse to accept that a Nuwisha in "Manabozho" form (the equivalent of Crinos) exists, giving them a sort of invisibility. This is known as "The Trick." Their mastery of the Umbra and the weakness of their ties to instinct have caused many Nuwisha to largely abandon Earth and fight for Gaia (in their own perverse way) entirely in the Umbra.

[edit] Ratkin

The Ratkin (or "were-rats") were once charged with shepherding humanity's urban masses, culling them quietly by eating their grain and spreading disease. Their role was supplanted during the Impergium, a blow they never fully recovered from. With the onset of urban sprawl's explosive growth, however, Ratkin are once again in ascendance. The most brutal and ruthless of Gaia's warriors, Ratkin are pragmatists (a side effect of living almost entirely within and beneath cities), though they have made peace with the Garou, they still largely distrust them and by-and-large work in isolation from other shapechangers. Four traditional aspects and four freak aspects dictate a Ratkin's place in society. They are

  • Traditional Aspects
    • Knife Skulkers: The ritualists, mediators, and assassins of the Ratkin.
    • Shadow Seers: The totemic shamans and spiritualists of the Ratkin.
    • Tunnel Runners: The scouts, messengers, and spies of the Ratkin.
    • Warriors: The defenders and guerilla fighters of the Ratkin.
  • Freak Aspects
    • Engineers: The tinkerers, builders, and monkeywrenchers of the Ratkin.
    • Munchmausen: The storytellers, swashbucklers, and madmen of the Ratkin.
    • Plague Lords: The masters and tamer of disease among the Ratkin.
    • Twitchers: The demolitionists, firebugs, and arsonists of the Ratkin.

In addition, the Ratkin have nine plagues, the Ratkin version of tribes, which divide their race along territorial lines. They are:

  • The Borrachon Wererats: Based in South America
  • De La Poer's Disciples: Based in Antarctica
  • The Gamine: Based in Europe
  • The Horde: Based in Eurasia
  • The Nezumi: Based in Japan
  • The Ratkin Ronin: Not based in any terrestrial region, instead associated with seafaring and the oceans.
  • The Rat Race: Based in North America
  • Rattus Typhus: Based in Africa
  • Thuggees: Based in East Asia

[edit] Rokea

The Rokea or "were-sharks" are the unquestioned rulers under the waves. They have only a few Kinfolk among humans, and exist mostly among their bestial relations (a reverse of the Hakken situation). Homid Rokea (those born by a Kudago (kinfolk) and a Rokea) are rare and those who decide to "Swim the Unsea" are hunted without mercy by their kind, which has become a rite of passage among the shark-born Rokea. As a result, theirs is the simplest and most brutal of societies among the Changing Breeds. Rokea see everything in relation to Sea, their Gaia equivalent, who commands them only to survive, and have had little to no contact with Unsea (i.e. dry land) until very recently. Rokea have three auspices (though only Homids use the term), based on their complex interpretation of the sun and lunar cycle in Oversea (the sky). These are:

  • Brightwater (born during full moon, or during the day): fairly common; fierce warriors.
  • Dimwater (born while the moon is changing, during twilight or when the sun is obscured): the majority of Rokea; without a clear role, though they aren't territorial like other auspices and often enjoy travelling the world's oceans.
  • Darkwater (born during the new moon or an eclipse): the rarest of all Rokea; innovators and mystics.

Rokea don't have tribes, but come from many different species of shark. Some of the most common species, with their Rokea names, are:

A separate branch of the Rokea has broken away from this bestial tradition, under the guidance of the Zhong Lung (see Moloké above) and a Darkwater named Mizuchi. These Same-Bito have successfully developed a population of human Kinfolk and have different auspices: the Karui (warriors), the Koshuku (travellers), and the Irono (tricksters). They are also the only Rokea to breed with goblin sharks. Same-Bito are seen as traitors by most traditional Rokea.

[edit] The Beast Courts of the Emerald Mother

Among shapeshifters, cross-species alliances are rare. The most notable exception is the Beast Courts, sworn to defend the Emerald Mother (another term for Gaia). Each of the courts is divided along regional (rather than species) lines. A majority of Hakken (Garou), Khan (Bastet), Nezumi (Ratkin), Same-Bito (Rokea), Tengu (Corax) and Zhong Lung (Moloké) belong to the courts, as do many Kitsune. The Stargazers (formerly of the Garou Nation) have also recently joined the courts. Still, the Hengeyokai don't have much business with "Sunset people", almost never showing themselves, unless necessary. The Boli Zhouisze ("Asian Glass Walkers") are generally considered their allies, but not official members of the Courts.

Within the Courts is a society similar to the imperial cultures of mythic Asia, complete with regents, courtiers, and common folk. Any hengeyokai (shapeshifter) is free to joint the Beast Courts, provided they swear to follow a communal system of honor and renown known as the Way of Emerald Virtue. Its First Mandate and Final Mandate are considered the most important. The mandates of this path are:

  • Shirk not the tasks which have given you.
  • Guard the wheel that it may turn in fullness.
  • Presume not to instruct your cousin in his task.
  • Honor your territory in all things.
  • Let mercy guide you in our August Mother's court.
  • Honor your ancestors and your elders.
  • Honor the pacts with the spirit world.
  • War not upon human or beast.
  • Let no one violate the sacred places.

Their methods usually differ greatly from the western ways of battle and pride. They are more based on discussion and silent threads.


aa - ab - af - ak - als - am - an - ang - ar - arc - as - ast - av - ay - az - ba - bar - bat_smg - be - bg - bh - bi - bm - bn - bo - bpy - br - bs - bug - bxr - ca - cbk_zam - cdo - ce - ceb - ch - cho - chr - chy - closed_zh_tw - co - cr - cs - csb - cu - cv - cy - da - de - diq - dv - dz - ee - el - eml - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - ff - fi - fiu_vro - fj - fo - fr - frp - fur - fy - ga - gd - gl - glk - gn - got - gu - gv - ha - haw - he - hi - ho - hr - hsb - ht - hu - hy - hz - ia - id - ie - ig - ii - ik - ilo - io - is - it - iu - ja - jbo - jv - ka - kg - ki - kj - kk - kl - km - kn - ko - kr - ks - ksh - ku - kv - kw - ky - la - lad - lb - lbe - lg - li - lij - lmo - ln - lo - lt - lv - map_bms - mg - mh - mi - mk - ml - mn - mo - mr - ms - mt - mus - my - mzn - na - nah - nap - nds - nds_nl - ne - new - ng - nl - nn - no - nov - nrm - nv - ny - oc - om - or - os - pa - pag - pam - pap - pdc - pi - pih - pl - pms - ps - pt - qu - rm - rmy - rn - ro - roa_rup - roa_tara - ru - ru_sib - rw - sa - sc - scn - sco - sd - se - searchcom - sg - sh - si - simple - sk - sl - sm - sn - so - sq - sr - ss - st - su - sv - sw - ta - te - test - tet - tg - th - ti - tk - tl - tlh - tn - to - tokipona - tpi - tr - ts - tt - tum - tw - ty - udm - ug - uk - ur - uz - ve - vec - vi - vls - vo - wa - war - wo - wuu - xal - xh - yi - yo - za - zea - zh - zh_classical - zh_min_nan - zh_yue - zu

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Static Wikipedia 2007:

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Static Wikipedia 2006:

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